Use the correct form of the word a lot of people

60 месяцев назад

Use the correct form of the word. 1. A lot people … about ecological problems in China. KNOWLEDGE 2. … organisations

deal with the problems that can’t be solved by one country. GLOBE 3. This book wil be … next week. Come and check on Monday. AVAILABILITY 4. The … for the best garden in the viillage was won by Alicia Robertson. COMPETE 5. Scientists are talking about the … of a new communications system. DEVELOP 6. The … between me and you is that I know the news and you don’t. DIFFER


Будь первым, кто ответит на вопрос

Choose the correct item.
1. A lot of people love to _ costumes at carnivals.

A. wear

B. make

C. have

2. Children like to _ party horns at their parties. They make a lot of noise.

A. blow

B. do

C. take

3. People usually _ drums at parades.

A. make

B. play

C. dance

4. My grandparents always _ cakes when they visit us.

A. do

B. cook

C. bring

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5a Festive time. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Многие люди любят _ костюмы на карнавалах.



2. Дети любят _ праздничные горны на своих вечеринках. Они очень шумят.



3. Люди обычно _ барабаны на парадах.



4. Мои бабушка и дедушка всегда _ торты, когда они приезжают к нам в гости.




1 – A, 2 – A, 3 – B, 4 – C.
1. A lot of people love to wear costumes at carnivals.
2. Children like to blow party horns at their parties. They make a lot of noise.
3. People usually play drums at parades.
4. My grandparents always bring cakes when they visit us.

Перевод ответа
1. Многие люди любят носить костюмы на карнавалах.
2. Дети любят трубить в рог на своих вечеринках. Они очень шумят.
3. Обычно на парадах играют на барабанах.
4. Мои бабушка и дедушка всегда приносят к нам пирожные.


  • #1


I’ve been wondering if I have to say There is a lot of people or There are a lot of people in the classroom.


    • #2

    I think «There are a lot of people» is the correct one, but you’d hear «There is a lot of people» quite frequently, which must be why I had to think about this question for a bit!

    Nevertheless, I think I’d write, based on that sentence only, «Many people are in the classroom,» or perhaps another verb besides «to be» if context allows it.

    • #3

    Hola a todos!! Tengo una duda en la siguiente expresión, porque creo haberla visto de las dos formas. ¿ Me podéis ayudar y decirme cuál es la forma correcta o si ambas lo son?

    There is a lot of people who think… o There are a lot of people who think…

    • #4

    There are a lot of people who think…

    «A lot of people» are countable, and therefore plural.


    • #5

    That would be «there are a lot people.»

    • #7

    What’s grammatically correct? there is a lot of people or there are a lot of people?


    • #8

    There are.
    «People» is plural, unlike «gente.»

    • #9

    There are.
    «People» is plural, unlike «gente.»

    Agreed. Don’t be misled by the apparent singular collective noun «a lot,» which is treated like «many» when followed by a plural noun. There are a lot of people = there are many people.

    • #10

    thanks! I have to keep working on this concept!


    • #11

    «People is» :cross: is a very common mistake among Spanish speakers. Don’t you make it!

    • #12

    Agreed. Don’t be misled by the apparent singular collective noun «a lot,» which is treated like «many» when followed by a plural noun. There are a lot of people = there are many people.

    Hmmm…this got me thinking. Why would you use there are a lot of people? Shouldn’t the verb agree with «a lot?»

    You wouldn’t say «There are a group of people.» Rather, «There is a group of people.»

    What changes about «a lot» that we need to make the verb plural?….hmmm….

    • #13

    Hmmm…this got me thinking. Why would you use there are a lot of people? Shouldn’t the verb agree with «a lot?»

    You wouldn’t say «There are a group of people.» Rather, «There is a group of people.»

    What changes about «a lot» that we need to make the verb plural?….hmmm….

    In some circumstances you might say «there are a group of people,» though that’s really another story, to distinguish between:

    «There are a group of people interested in the job (that is, there are several separate individuals, acting separately).»
    «There is a group that deals with that sort of issue (that is, several people who work together).»

    Of course you might argue in the former the individuals don’t actually constitute «a group» at all.

    «A lot of» is a special case, because it only rarely functions as a collective noun (mostly in auctions, as in «a lot of rare editions is being auctioned tomorrow»). Instead, it’s treated as if it were a quantifier (there are two books, there are a lot of books). Some people say «there are lots of books» — but also «there’s lots of cheese,» even though «cheese» in this case is not countable. In any case, «a lot / lots» is ignored when determining whether to apply a plural or singular verb to what follows it.



    • #15

    What’s grammatically correct? there is a lot of people or there are a lot of people?

    Although I agree with my colleagues, I want to point out that «There is a lot of people» is VERY common among native speakers. I believe the reason for this is that in the form of a contraction, the correct form is difficult for us to pronounce.

    There’re a lot of people. (correct, but hard to say)
    There’s a lot of people. (incorrect, but easy to say, and therefore far more common than the correct form)

    This is true even with clearly plural nouns.

    There’s hundreds of ants on the counter.

    So, if you are writing or being careful of your grammar, use «are» in this phrase, but know that you will see and hear «is» many times.

    Darte Sidious

    • #16


    Do you say a lot of people is eating here or a lot of people are eating here? I’m hesitating between the two options.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Mister Draken

    • #17


    Do you say a lot of people is eating here or a lot of people are eating here? I’m hesitating between the two options.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    If you read the previous posts (first 4 or 5 from the top) you will find the answer.


    • #18

    Do you say a lot of people is eating here or a lot of people are eating here?

    Yes, your question has been answered above, but to reiterate:

    a lot of = many
    people: always a plural noun

    Note that both of the following are correct:
    A large group of people is eating here.
    A large group of people are eating here.

    The first one focuses on the group as a unit, and the second on the individual people.


    • #19

    Re: I’ve been wondering if I have to say There is a lot of people or There are a lot of people in the classroom.

    I agree with the others; “people” here is a collective noun—the verb will be plural—the reference is to each of the

    separate individuals

    In British English, the use of the plural like this in general is much more common.
    For example, “

    The team are

    coming onto the field now.” (kind of sticks right there in my ear drum).:confused:

    It is a little complicated because, in AmE, you will most always hear “The

    team is

    coming onto the field now”—however, you hear the plural steadily creeping into the language in a lot of similar cases all the time.

    The site below and others on the Internet go into things a bit more in detail (Google>group nouns plural or singular).
    Collective Nouns: Singular or Plural? | LEGIBLE

    ▶︎ Also, when people are


    alking, you will find that they slip into saying “there is” when it should be “there are.” Much easier is Spanish, German and other foreign languages…hay eliminates that problem altogether when pointing out things.

    • #20

    There’s is used as a contraction of there are by some educated speakers, but there is (not contracted) is wrong as a plural.


    • #21

    Although I agree with my colleagues, I want to point out that «There is a lot of people» is VERY common among native speakers. I believe the reason for this is that in the form of a contraction, the correct form is difficult for us to pronounce.

    There’re a lot of people. (correct, but hard to say)
    There’s a lot of people. (incorrect, but easy to say, and therefore far more common than the correct form)

    This is true even with clearly plural nouns.

    There’s hundreds of ants on the counter.

    So, if you are writing or being careful of your grammar, use «are» in this phrase, but know that you will see and hear «is» many times.

    So, all of these are correct?
    There are lots of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.
    There are a lot of sellers, they have lots of things to sell.
    There is a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.
    There’s lots of sellers, they’ve lots of things to sell.
    Thanks a lot!:)

    • #22

    There are lots of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.:tick:
    There are a lot of sellers, they have lots of things to sell.:tick:
    There is a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.:cross:
    There’s lots of sellers, they’ve lots of things to sell.
    OK in informal speech.

    (By the way, I would call these sentences examples of asyndeton, not examples of comma splices.)


    • #23

    There is a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.:cross:

    That one looks perfectly correct to me.


    • #24

    That one looks perfectly correct to me.

    Prescriptively speaking, “there is a lot of + plural” is incorrect.

    • #25

    Prescriptively speaking, “there is a lot of + plural” is incorrect.

    The operative word is «prescriptively.» In actuality, as far as syntax is concerned, «There is a lot of + plural» is fine, or at least syntax is completely neutral. What happens is simply this, you start with a noun phrase

    a lot of sellers

    if you want to turn that phrase into a sentence, with «a lot of sellers» as part of the predicate, you add «There:»

    There __ a lot of sellers

    This is known as «There-insertion.» Of course, this is not a sentence yet; we need a verb. The basic and main purpose of the verb that needs to be added is to signal «present tense;» «agreement» is secondary. And so you can say «are» to agree with the plural «sellers» (the informative word of the sentence), or you can say «is» to agree with the singular sense of «There» (a word that suggests «location» or «existence»). Either way is fine, because the point of the verb is to anchor this newly formed sentence in the proper «present tense.»

    There is a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell

    And «There is» usually gets contracted, particularly in speech

    There’s a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell

    That’s as far as «There-insertion» is concerned. If you make «a lot of sellers» the subject, agreement will necessarily be plural:

    A lot of sellers are here, they have a lot of things to sell

    No one would say «A lot of sellers is here,» but this is a different construction, without «There-insertion.»


    • #26

    Thanks a lot, guys! I appreciate every point of view! It’s awesome!:)

    • #27

    The operative word is «prescriptively.» In actuality, as far as syntax is concerned, «There is a lot of + plural» is fine, or at least syntax is completely neutral.

    Isn’t verbal number a syntactical element?

    What happens is simply this, you start with a noun phrase

    a lot of sellers

    if you want to turn that phrase into a sentence, with «a lot of sellers» as part of the predicate, you add «There:»

    There __ a lot of sellers

    This is known as «There-insertion.» Of course, this is not a sentence yet; we need a verb. The basic and main purpose of the verb that needs to be added is to signal «present tense;» «agreement» is secondary.

    In terms of syntax, a finite verb always has tense and number, and which is most «needed» is a semantic matter.

    And so you can say «are» to agree with the plural «sellers» (the informative word of the sentence), or you can say «is» to agree with the singular sense of «There» (a word that suggests «location» or «existence»).

    In fact, verbal number is a clue to which «there» is meant.

    Are you saying that «There _ a lot of sellers» can mean «That place is a lot of sellers»?

    I don’t see much sense in that, but if you mean «


    that place _ a lot of sellers», only «are» fits in the English I am used to, not «is» (assuming that «a lot» is not intended to mean something like «a complete batch» or «a parcel»).

    I need «are» in this type of sentence:

    Is:cross: there many sellers with lots of things to sell?
    There is:cross: really not many sellers with a lot to sell.
    There is:cross: a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.


    • #28

    I need «are» in this type of sentence:

    There is:cross: a lot of sellers, they have a lot of things to sell.

    This is extremely common in colloquial speech, for the reason I gave in #18 above, although of course I’m talking about the contraction: there’s.

    And if we really want to be prescriptive (I don’t), «lot» is a singular noun that normally takes a singular verb. Only in its colloquial usage (there are a lot of Xs) does it take a plural verb. I have no issue with the plural form, and it is perfectly correct, but we need to tell non-native English speakers that «there’s a lot of {plural noun}» is standard, colloquial English.

    Here is an explanation I found that seems very reasonable to me.

    There are two different issues here:

    (1) The phrase a lot of, when applied to plural count nouns, requires the plural:
    A lot of people have come to my house — you can’t say *A lot of people has come to my house.

    This is called “plural override” and also applies to similar phrases like a number of and a load of.

    (2) In colloquial English, there’s is very often used for both singular and plural complements in this type of clause (called “existential clauses”):
    There’s hundreds of ants circling the picnic basket.
    Though there are is still a common way to introduce plural versions, there’s is nowadays common even in prestige broadcasts — though it’s still probably best avoided in formal writing.

    Note that last line.

    • #29

    This is extremely common in colloquial speech, for the reason I gave in #18 above, although of course I’m talking about the contraction: there’s.

    And I’ve been talking about the use of uncontracted «is».

    (2) In colloquial English, there’s is very often used for both singular and plural complements in this type of clause (called “existential clauses”):
    There’s hundreds of ants circling the picnic basket.
    Though there are is still a common way to introduce plural versions, there’s is nowadays common even in prestige broadcasts — though it’s still probably best avoided in formal writing.

    Note that last line.

    It seems that «there’s» is an alternative contraction (at least in speech) of «there are».

    I normally say «there’re» and write «there are», but lots of people say and write «there’s». I have gotten used to this, but not to uncontracted «is» where I expect «are».

    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020


    • #30

    And I I’ve been talking about the use of uncontracted «is». It seems that «there’s» is an alternative contraction (at least in speech) of «there are».

    I normally say «there’re» and write «there are», but lots of people say and write «there’s». I have gotten used to this, but not to uncontracted «is» where I expect «are».

    Then we are in agreement at last. :)

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    помогите!!! Test 8-5
    1. Fill in: pollution, global warming, poverty, endangered, famine, homeless.
    1. Because of ________ our planet gets hotter and hotter.
    2. The oil spill near Alaska in 1989 was the worst case of water _____ in history.
    3. Many people have been left ________
    4. There are a lot of ________ species on the planet.
    5. We say that people live in _______ when they don’t have enough money to pay for their food or housing.
    2. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.
    1. The ________ at the theatre last night was unforgettable! PERFORM
    2. Her sister made such a nice_________ for the party. INVITE
    3. What are your__________ in food? PREFER
    4. Thanks to the generous_________ new houses were built. DONATE
    5. The__________ of a very important letter was a shock for us. DISAPPEAR
    3. Put the verbs in brackets into –ing form or infinitive (with or without to)
    1. He avoids ___________ (travel) by plane because of his phobia.
    2. What you can ____________ (do) is just not to mind your business.
    3. Let’s spend our weekend ____________(shop) downtown.
    4. Mark has decided ____________ (become) a lawyer as his father.
    5. Don’t let him _________ (eat) ice cream or he will get a sore throat.
    4. Fill in: used to, be used to, get used to in the correct form.
    1. When I was a child I _______________ (ask) a lot of questions.
    2. Sue lives alone. It is not strange for her. She ____________________ (live) alone.
    3. She’s been in Britain for three months and she can’t ______________ (drive) on the left.
    4. Mike __________________ (do) his homework to music. It’s a usual way he does it.
    5. Paul grew in a house by the sea, so he __________ (go) swimming every day.
    5. Fill in the correct preposition.
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    2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.
    3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.
    4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.
    5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.
    6. Fill in the correct preposition.
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    2. How ________ earth did you get here?
    3. Only stupid people would keep lions as pets – they are wild _____ nature
    4. After the hurricane Katrina New Orleans was _______ruins.
    5. He was horrified to see his office ______ flames.

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