Use take on in a sentence for each word

Synonym: accept, acquire, admit, adopt, assume, encounter, meet, play, tackle, take, take over, undertake. Similar words: take out, take off, take over, make out, shake off, make over, for the sake of, take. Meaning: v. 1. take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect 2. take on titles, offices, duties, responsibilities 3. accept as a challenge 4. admit into a group or community 5. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle. 

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1. Don’t take on more than you can handle.

2. He is always ready to take on heavy responsibilities.

3. Don’t take on more than you can.

4. She refused to take on the traditional woman’s role.

5. I don’t feel ready to take on new responsibilities.

6. No other organisation was able or willing to take on the job.

7. Why did you take on this assignment if you’re so busy?

8. The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.

9. Nobody was keen to take on such a thankless task.

10. It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues.

11. I only take on work that excites me, even if it means turning down lots of money.

12. Empty houses quickly take on a forlorn look.

13. I don’t want to take on any more commitments.

14. We stopped to take on fuel.

15. The high style didn’t take on for some time.

16. He wants to take on that boxing champion.

17. When did she take on with that man?

18. What’s your take on this issue?

19. The problem was beginning to take on gigantic proportions.

20. The bus stopped to take on more passengers.

21. What’s his take on the plan?

22. Why don’t you take on sb. your own size?

23. Don’t take on more than you can cope with.

24. The school bus stopped to take on pupils.

25. Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.

26. We can’t take on any more work-we’re fully stretched as it is.

27. He now felt ready to take on the role of director.

28. Democrats were reluctant to take on a president whose popularity ratings were historically high.

29. Life comes with many challenges.The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.

30. Maturity does not lie in how old you are,[sentence dictionary] but how strong you are to take on responsibilities.

More similar words: take out, take off, take over, make out, shake off, make over, for the sake of, take, stake, take to, take for, take up, take care, take down, take away, take time, take the road, take apart, take after, take place, take turns, take note of, undertake, take care of, by mistake, take the lead, take it easy, take part in, take charge, take effect. 

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for take on.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is assume
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is take
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is acquire
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is adopt
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is take over
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is tackle
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is undertake
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is admit
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is accept
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is meet
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is play
  • • Relevant word or phrase for take on is encounter
  • The general difference between «taking» and «taking on» responsibilities in these three cases is:

    when you take responsibility for something, it generally means that you accept responsibility and act in an appropriate way by, for example, doing your job (as a parent or a student or a teacher or a banker) as well as you can and don’t rely on others to do your work for you.


    when you take on responsibility for something, it generally means that you assume new responsibility for something you aren’t or weren’t expected to be responsible for.

    There are other ways to use these terms, but all these sentences are about personal and familial responsibilities, not about social or political responsibilities.

    «DINK couples refuse to play the role of parents and (take / take on) the responsibilities to cultivate offspring.»

    DINK couple: «a couple with two incomes and no children». They don’t have children, so I’d use take on the responsibilities (because they don’t want to have them).

    «Mother is getting old, but I haven’t (taken/taken on) the responsibility for supporting her.»

    This is complicated because it’s a Chinese cultural problem. If you’re the eldest son, then your mother is your responsibility and you must take it (accept it) or violate cultural norms. If you’re not the eldest, then you’re talking about not assuming (taking on) someone else’s responsibilities for your mother. In my wife’s family, all six daughters (no sons) contribute equally to the support of their parents, so each has taken on a certain amount of responsibility even though she doesn’t necessarily have to, and the eldest daughter cannot afford to support them on her own.

    «She is ready to (take/take on) the responsibility of a wife bravely. (Note: Her husband is seriously ill in the hospital.)»

    This depends on whether she’s a new wife or a veteran wife of this husband. If the marriage is new and the illness is new, then I’d use take on because those kinds of responsibilities are unexpected for new marriages. If, as in my case when my late wife needed someone to be her daily caregiver during the last nine months of her life (she had cancer), after eleven years of marriage, I would use take the responsibility of a dutiful and loving husband. It’s part of the marriage vows, but even though almost no one is prepared for such a thing, it seemed to me the only thing to do even though I could have afforded to pay someone else to do it. Had I paid someone else, I would have been shirking my responsibilities, but by accepting them, I wasn’t adding anything unexpected to my responsibilities.

    What is the A in the ABCs of Success? Action! They yell it when they do anything in Hollywood, action! Take action!

    Take the actions to have what you want in your life then you can have it

    Advertising can take place on or off the Internet using newsletters, e-mail automation techniques, or by following leads that are provided by your existing customers

    What action are you going to take and how

    Don’t take it personally but that’s the problem with all the Yingolian crystals

    Sometimes parents take this advice and start praising their child

    On the day that I die I’m going to take with me what’s in my head

    When you check off the steps on your list, by taking the specific actions you need to take, that will continue to motivate you

    that they have not learned to trust God to take care of

    So anyway, what was the take up rate I hear you enquire? How would

    exact job that you want you can take the time to learn what you need to

    It’s not selfish to take your time for yourself if you’re using it to better your life

    If you have a goal that is specific and you have specific action steps that you know you need to take, have a to do list of those action items

    Take decisive actions, rather than detaching completely from problems and stresses and wishing they would just go away

    While help and advice of others is always welcome, it is best to initiate actions ourselves to take care of our daily routine

    We have to study them and take timely remedial actions to avoid ill effects

    I take a slow step back, my hands in the air

    He couldn’t take it now

    “I need to take the car

    This was a week to let the garden take care of itself and it was going to be at least another hour before the snow melted anyway

    You take two hours each day for one year and you focus on your goal instead of whatever else you are using the same 2 hours for each day

    on your intuition, you can make the choice on what you are going to do and then you take action

    Take your medicine in the exact way you are told to

    Ask questions if you’re not sure you understand how to take our medicine

    It’s easy to get confused about what to do, especially if you take more than one medicine

    aware of your intuition and take the small actions necessary to honor those intuitions

    “Will this take me closer to or further away from what I want?”

    Take consistent actions that are in line with what you want

    However, these studies don’t always take into account the efficacy of the treatments and may be based more on actual availability of the treatments and personal preferences

    Some aren’t so bad, but some take you places well beyond anywhere her starship ever took her, even virtually

    It was bad enough that he couldn’t take out the Fourth Wall, but it was worse that he might be rescued by a girl

    Even so, she told Hermann that she still loved her mother and they should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

    Sometimes, late at night, he prayed for God to take her

    Here are some of the steps they can take

    David says here God test the heart, and take pleasure in

    This in turn, will ensure that his long-term finances will not take a hit in case of major medical expenses in his latter years

    This cover will also take care of pre as well as post-hospitalisation expenses like money spent on buying medicines and conducting medical tests

    I told her she was right, of course, and we both agreed that we should take a step back and be friends

    «You need to take this out to the lake,» she said

    Personal knowledge about the patient can help in key diagnostic findings; but that does not take away the other aspects of the process of consultation

    There is a story of how the miners would take a bird in a cage down with them into the mines

    They take a very long view

    Take it slow

    direction He would take with our lives

    · Take regular exercise

    · Take the back road instead of the main crowded road

    · Don’t brood about losses or failures, take corrective actions for the future

    Ants take bait back to colony where it is distributed through out colony and kills entire colony within 3 months

    He recommends that she get out of the house, maybe volunteer or take dance lessons

    Instead, Janet decides she’s going to take up the hobby of ironing more

    will take charge of your affairs and institute your

    book will take you back into the core of the

    «We might even take it out tomorrow

    · The retirement period could be further subdivided into phases such as (i) when you are still as active as earlier say till 65-68, (ii) you need to slow down and take-up less strenuous activities say till around 70-72 and (iii) the traditional retirement when your health concerns take over fully

    Inspector Ditton gives his sidekick instructions and suggests that I might like to take my jacket off – commenting that it is quite warm in here

    Mom told me that she had a terrible childhood growing up with Grandma, though she said she loved her mother all the same and we should all love her and take care of her because she’s family

    “We are working with the Super Chip to convince the bank’s computers to take ten dollars from five million different accounts and place it in our own, anonymous offshore account

    He was trying to project an aura of mild disappointment, like he was strong enough to take this, but Ava could see each piece of paper shaking as he put it back in its folder

    “Normally this kind of procedure would take hours of time and then even more hours to make the hack harder to trace,” The Operator explained

    I sit there trying to take all this in … Joanna hated gardening … where did that thought come from?

    Instinctively, I reach out as though to take it … drawing my hand back swiftly as I realise what I am doing, and clasping it with my other hand as though it had been burned

    «I’ll admit, I would have been tempted to take an expedition out there if I knew there was four tons of aluminum to be found

    You do not have to take control of the conversation; let your grandson steer it in a direction that interests him

    Violet doesn’t take ballet seriously and he knows it

    “I think it’s going to take all four of them,” he said to himself as he pointed the device at Red while walking quickly toward Johnny and the Chip

    «That’s very noble, but the natives can take care of themselves

    «You can take us from this star or that star, this age or that age and we’re still just humans doing our silly human things

    Take care of my friend here

    Human nature is such that he always tries to benefit at the cost of others and in the process if palms have to be greased, it is accepted and in some cases even encouraged to take undue advantage of the loopholes

    Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

    We can prevail upon our own family members, neighbours and authorities to take concrete steps to remove the common causes of flooding i

    On the contrary if you feel that you have all the time in the world to improve the standard of your life (as different from living standard!) or to help the needy and have all the money and possessions to take care of your essential bodily needs, then you will be happy all the time

    The people asked that Haques to take a break, but he laughed at them

    One must know the quantum of return required as well as the amount of risk one is willing to take to achieve that return

    ‘But why?’ I gasped, unable to take this in

    For each mosquito he killed, his blood sprang forth from its body and three would take its place

    Was she going to try and take the Chip from his house while he was at school? Johnny couldn’t believe that

    Begone and take your blasphemy elsewhere

    He could reach over and take it but he didn’t

    Of course it was, but Ackers couldn’t take it for granted

    Even with considerable research the managers of Mutual Funds are not always able to take correct decisions about entering or exiting a particular script as the share price movements usually defy all logics at least in the short run

    These things could not keep up this pace for the fifteen hours it would take to get back to that faint approximation of civilization

    But only if your fund consistently under-performs should you take a decision

    Take note of their body language

    Where did that explosion come from? What was going on? Who had authorized all of this? With no answers to any of his questions, Ackers was forced to take some kind of action or wait under the desk to be caught by someone

    · And, what happens if you fail to draw up a will? Then the religious law will take over

    · The false belief of men to have all the power to take advantage of women’s weaknesses is the root cause of them feeling oppressed and getting angry

    How do you think Dan will take the news?’

    For best results take 1 cup dried tobacco (use only organically grown tobacco if possible), ••• cup garlic powder and mix into this 1 cup compost

    There eventually came a time when the pirates refused to take Tiny Robot Archimedes into colder waters, mostly due to it being winter and their having an unwillingness to die

    Family members can take turns visiting with a relative, taking them out to eat, going shopping, or doing other activities they enjoy

    She wondered how many tries it was going to take before she learned her lesson regarding testosterone guys

    She should stop trying to blame Tdeshi’s hormones and take control of the body Tdeshi left her

    «We need Yarbeem and the coach to take miss Ava to dock 281,» Herndon called to her

    «Well, what about her? I’ll take care of her

    Take 1 cup of this mixture and place into a panty hose

    We should try and take initiative for the establishment of such centers

    If we do have a center within a reasonable distance then we should take part in all its programmes and contribute for its proper management

    Other passengers take their seats around him, some stowing luggage in the overhead areas before sitting

    Jorma was somewhat taken aback to find that Venna and Herndon were former lovers

    commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken

    He would try keeping quiet until she had at least taken him to a political event, he thought

    After the obligatory studio photographs they had to individually sit for on the way in, presumably for record keeping purposes, they were frisked and taken to seats at long heavily loaded tables

    «Was she taken after all; for the price of aluminum?»

    The rest of the evening was taken up watching the rest of the room become merry on vintage wines and brandy

    She probably would have been afraid of him on Earth, he could have thrown her to the mattress and taken her and there would have been little she could have done about it

    sons, and their daughters, were taken captives

    She had taken an air trip only once, to see Alan, back when she broke up with Tahlmute and Gordon’s Lamp got back to Earth

    In case of hospitalisation, the expenses that are incurred will be taken care of by this policy subject to the limit of the cover

    Johnny had taken her to a garbage dump

    Nancy was a little taken aback upon seeing all the pimples all over his face, but she did her best to hide her reaction

    » He might not have taken the winding nature of the interconnects into account because he had never been there

    He was taken aback, «Who informed

    Again I see my father-in-law, who has been dead for a good ten years, showing me the thing and telling me how he was given it by a German soldier he had taken into custody during the war

    Many have marginalized their elders, taken their powers and responsibilities away

    She knew the Mongols had taken over most of China because they had ponies

    ‘But …’ he collapses onto the bench all the wind taken out of his sails

    She had promised Kulai she would be back by the end of next week but if she was taken down to Gengee it would be several more weeks, especially if she had to book passage on a commercial ship to get home

    The Operator turned around to find that Johnny had taken the Super Chip right out of his hand

    Alan’s body had been conceived of Earth, from sperm of Paul Larkin and ovum of Grace Larkin, taken before their death and donated to the expedition in the afterlife

    Periodical programmes can be taken up to spread the awareness to the dangers of environment by misuse and wastage

    Tree plantation can be taken up on sides of roads, within residential complexes, parks and office complexes

    Therefore it is important for the home owner to learn the proper measures that can be taken to prevent termites from entering your home

    Ackers had turned over every moveable item that he could lift and dumped its contents all over the floor, he had tossed all Johnny’s clothes from the closet, he had even taken apart Johnny’s old computer and made sure that the Chip wasn’t hidden anywhere in that prehistoric machine

    No one ever knew what had come from the moon base Talstan had taken over from China

    «So where do you figure he’s taken the shuttlecraft?» she asked, fishing for a subject he would speak on

    Thus, the sun being well and truly over the yardarm, and with myself in a state of cleanliness to match the house, I had taken a tumbler out of the cupboard and reached for the bottle of gin … two generous gins and tonic later, I felt less stressed, the alcohol casting a welcome numbness over my violin-strung emotions

    ’ I said, taken with the idea of seducing this man

    Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

    ‘Yes, he’d very kindly taken me home once the police had finished with me

    But once these have been taken and mastered, the work becomes easier

    ’ I assured him, taken aback that he should doubt my ability to keep my mouth shut

    Of course if he’d known he was going to Taktor’s he’d have taken his usual route

    He wished he had known where they were going before they left so he could have taken the back way

    Care should be taken whenever handling any formulas, chemicals or organic fertilizers, etc

    It must have taken several days at the very least to prepare everything, possibly longer

    he’s lifted evidence from the station, init? Taken home some confiscated drug money

    1) The dog was taken ill

    It would have taken a lot longer without the adjustable lift pulleys he had hanging in his shop

    primeval urge did rise it was taken care of on expenses

    ’ I said, much taken with this young woman who talks my language

    to know that Jesus has taken our weaknesses and diseases and “by His

    It will not be taken from us

    An event so important that it was worth a permanent mark on the skin, first to assure success, second to commemorate once it had taken place

    had been taken and Cat knew instinctively that he was about to play the line

    Russ is not perturbed by the commotion, but John seems a bit taken aback

    She’s pretty taken with him too … though she hides it very effectively

    By the time they decided these girls might really have reasons for being hermits out here and taken their leave, Tahlmute noticed that Estwig was out of their sight and he was nervous

    But you looked your friend up and she’d been taken over by Ava, the ghost?» doostEr wanted to ask a lot more than that, but knew he had already figured out more of the truth than Tahlmute would tell him

    I hope you appreciate that I have just taken you fully into my confidence

    When he’d been in the wilds before, someone else had taken care of that

    Great care was taken to remove the organs neatly

    «He’s a Megnor,» Estwig said, «he’s taken some color but his chest is small and his belly’s big

    «It’s the starship,» he yelled, I saw pictures of it in a schoolbook taken back at the turn of the century

    having taken (Can four years of cancer-free life, without doctors and

    Like she had been on an old sleepership like the one they were docked with that had taken her on a whole new voyage into a future she could scarcely comprehend

    We hadn’t got back here until nearly eight; it had taken a while to pack all the stuff into the cars and close the house up

    Glenelle had not yet heard of the warlord’s lab in Scranton where Ava’s body was soon to be taken when this starship left Earth in 2148

    may have been taken captive by a

    They’ve taken him down to the station now but it looks as though there’s a pretty good chance he’ll be declared insane

    only after we heard that Jesus has taken our diseases and carried our

    Ajarn’s tattoo had taken he himself out of the picture and replaced him with someone else

    Melinda was momentarily taken aback and before she could answer the girl was gone

    She had not been on the yacht for three days when her backup was taken, but she didn’t think he had either since they were both busy with departure at that time

    ‘They’ve taken her to A&E

    They’ve taken her to A&E … Emma is to get there as soon as she can

    I am almost taken aback when Stephen calls some time after that to say that Liz is in theatre

    ‘She’s been lucky … got away with a broken arm, though her head has taken a bashing

    creative types has taken the odd short cut or two

    Okay, so during that time I also had to deal with getting out of bed (when did my legs turn to cotton wool?) and being taken along to the toilet (amazing how quickly one can get out of the habit of the most commonplace activities)

    ‘Only, I’m missing that argumentative, independent woman who’s taken up residence at the other end of my house

    ‘So, having taken all that into consideration, this is the final cast list

    She has taken to coming along now and we’ve had one or two weird conversations about both of us being Dave’s wife! The baby is a sweet little thing but not keen on sleeping nights … I reckon I would go off any baby, however sweet it might be, under those circumstances, but it’s probably different if it’s yours

    voice becoming the direction that is taken

    An eldership will be wise to have meetings with the men of the congregation and sometimes the ladies to get some input on certain issues but even then care must be taken to keep the meeting above

    Everyone on that junk had just taken taken at least twenty gees when she did that

    It was taken out of the way and nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14)

    steps which should be taken by such congregations to see that a scriptural eldership is in place within a reasonable time frame

    I pretended not to have taken the hint

    But great care should be taken

    Surely they were too close as the journey had taken about two hours

    Bahkmar began to understand what a risk Enrico had taken by outing himself to Bahkmar

    Betty is sweet and offers me all sorts of remedies for my headache, but I put her off by telling her I have taken something already

    care should be taken NOT to select elders based upon the domestic qualifications (husband

    During the beating that I had taken that previous night, the words of Robbie’s boss stuck firmly in my head, words about Crusades and vengeance

    The ceremony is finally set to begin and I have taken my place at the seat in the center of the square, with Nathan standing by my side

    I spent hours trying to recall the faces and names of the taken, wondering which of the select band might be behind those other doors

    So, from now on I will be Yvonne and I have taken refuge in the world of the living, hoping to avoid a dreadful danger which awaits me in the astral plains

    I remembered the telephone conversation with my mother just after he was taken hostage

    As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer

    To me they were just names, but Menachem had spent two years reporting on events in England prior to being taken hostage and he visited many of the cities and towns in this part of the country during that time

    Before we moved he had taken to climbing up onto a window ledge in spite of his chained wrist

    That was an obvious barb toward him, having taken a native wife that he had to share multiple times per native year

    «Because we believe there may be a hostile ship in the system and it may have already taken action against us

    «It was never executed, instead the fusion containment bricks were taken down and stacked, then all its mounting framework and hardware, all four tons of it, was removed and stored away in a shuffle of paperwork under the heading ‘spare parts’ in a warehouse in Gengee

    She pressed comfortably on him, he didn’t remember her being this well turned and wondered if she’d taken something to enhance her figure a bit

    He phrased his observation in what he hoped would be taken as proper scientific reserve

    «I think he is, don’t forget, he’s probably taken lots of other drugs by now

    It had taken them some time to pick all the bits of gravel out of her skin … thankfully, there was no damage to her skull, though that was probably more luck than anything else

    Schulz takes a stone out of his pocket and places it on the stack

    Whatever it takes to keep these two fed and safe

    Micah takes a look at the body

    Psalms: 15:3: He that backbites not with his tongue or doeth evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against

    You already admitted your way of life takes too much fuel

    Just as she takes care of her body, she takes even better care of her long, flaxen hair, combing it every morning and every night

    Half throwing me away from himself, so that I stagger as he takes his hands off me, he turns and paces back to the door

    In the case of dealing with patients in the medical profession the counseling takes a much wider and long-term meaning between the doctor or counselor and the patient

    It takes a moment before Seamus peers over the upstairs balcony

    We should see that equitable distribution takes place between our children, as far as possible well before we leave this world

    ’ I said as he takes his coat off

    The gardener takes a tip from nature and uses this simple method to build the soil’s fertility

    · It is said that a wise woman puts a grain of sugar in everything she says to a man but takes everything he says with a pinch of salt

    He watches John, who unconsciously takes a step back

    He walks over slowly and closes the window, comes over to John, takes his pulse, makes a notation

    Zitteraal takes out his penlight, opens one of John’s eyes, watches as the pupil contracts immediately when he shines the light into John’s eye

    Hair also takes too long to compost within 60 days and therefore should be used in the sheet method described later

    Bush takes his finger out of his nose, wipes his finger on the arm of the chair, but otherwise doesn’t move

    He watches while Bush racks the balls, takes up a stick and chalks the end of it

    Bush strips off his jacket, tosses it in the corner, walks over to a refrigerator against the wall, opens it up, takes out a can of beer, pops the top and begins to chug-a-lug

    He takes one of the pool

    He takes a deep toke, holds it

    The trooper waits, takes another toke

    ‘Oh Mum … I can …’ she starts, but I press the money on her and with a sheepishly grateful smile, she takes it

    He opens the door of the state trooper’s car, takes out the shotgun, pumps a round into the chamber and fires it in the air

    She takes him by the hand, leads him to the bed

    She reaches up and takes his hand

    She takes his hand, puts it against her breast

    still-upset Clarisse close to him, gently takes the knife away from her, drops it onto the balcony

    John takes her in his arms

    John takes her hand, tries to hold on, but she is gone in another second

    John takes his tray and finds a seat beside an elderly man, who is staring off into space, drooling

    The nurse takes the watch from the waste can

    Finally, he opens the travel bag, takes out his Rolex, looks at it

    John takes a deep breath, enters the Pin number and pushes the pound sign

    John takes the bottle, takes a swig

    He takes the bottle back, takes a big swig

    He takes out his wallet, opens it, passes a photo to John

    He takes off his hat, sticks his head inside the car abruptly as if to look around

    In 2, the transitive ‘stopped’ means ‘quitted’ and takes the noun (gerund) ‘smoking’ as its object

    Dave finishes cleaning a fish he has just caught, takes a strip of the flesh and re-baits the hook, tosses it over the side

    Bush takes out a handkerchief, wipes his brow

    It takes time

    He walks up on the wooden steps, takes off his shoes and passes inside

    dilapidated structures, takes John to an equally decrepit home

    Russ reaches over and takes a newspaper John has tucked under his arm, begins to leaf through it

    it takes on the characteristics that are known to its creator

    The SNACK BAR ATTENDANT — a middle-aged man from the Subcontinent in a stained white uniform — languidly shoves a plate toward one customer, takes a drag off his cigarette, points slowly to another student in the gaggle of customers crushing around the counter waiting to be served

    He stops and takes a picture of the clutter

    It takes some doing to keep them apart, but John manages by hanging onto their collars and spreading his arms wide

    It takes a considerable amount of restraint on my part not to go with the two of them as they head off to the annexe, but I manage it

    It takes me a moment to realise what she means

    Teekra takes his face in her hands and gives him a

    am sharing the message of healing the Holy Spirit takes it up and puts into

    He grins, takes a big shot of whiskey

    He never takes His blessings from

    He shudders, takes a cushion from his seat, hugs it close and lays his head on the table

    He staggers a bit, takes a pillow from a chair, goes over, sits on the floor

    Well, I did have Vic around for awhile because this station was named in her honor and she takes up so much less veron space, but she couldn’t take it in here so I had to back her out again

    Russ reaches back, takes a bottle from one of the boxes, opens it and pours himself a drink

    it takes courage to cross the boundary of this

    It takes us several journeys between the back of the shop and the car before we have loaded all the boxes into the vehicle and I have to say I am winded by the time we have finished

    ‘That takes some doing these days

    She takes his hand

    He takes a deep breath

    Teekra takes his free hand, kisses it

    Stephen takes advantage of a moment when Liz is not with us to ask how she’d been

    He takes off his specs and carefully cleans the lenses on his dressing gown

    One of the young men fires up the hooka, takes a deep drag and lets out the smoke in a tremendous cloud

    Bolt rattles his head in assent, grins, takes the hose emanating from the hooka, closes his eyes, puts the mouthpiece between his lips and takes a huge drag

    It takes a second but the effects aren’t good

    Russ shrugs, takes out his Redman, pulls out a chaw, sticks it in his jaw and calmly begins to chew

    John looks over his shoulder in the direction of the firing, takes off his wedding ring slowly, studies it sadly for a moment, digs out a small hole in the ground with his hand, buries it, puts a rock on top

    Then I realized that God takes responsibility for His every word

    They start to leave, but Teekra takes Mohammed by the arm as he is going out the door

    ’ She said, her voice cracking; she takes a deep breath, visibly steadying herself, before going on

    He shakes his head in frustration, sighs, takes a deep breath

    Ricci composes himself, takes Ahmed firmly by the shoulders and looks him directly in the eyes

    He paces some more, stops in front of John, takes his chin between the index finger and thumb of his right hand

    The interrogator takes his foot away, his attention still focused on John

    He takes out his pistol slowly, puts the barrel against Khalid’s temple, pushes the hair out of Khalid’s eyes

    It takes a moment for him to spot the bird but it is with deep satisfaction that he finally tells me that he can see it

    John stands up, takes a deep breath, waits

    He reaches out his hands to steady himself and someone takes his arm

    Mohammed takes a step back from Ricci, turns to the crowd

    He grins broadly, takes a sip from his beer

    Prince Omar offers his hand to help him descend, sidles over to Ahmed and takes his arm

    Then — FLASH! — he takes another

    Omar takes Ahmed’s hand in his own, caresses it gently

    ‘Heavens, that takes me back!’

    It takes a second to realise that they are not working … the back of the van growing ever closer, I pump frantically at the brake pedal and swing the car onto the hard shoulder

    Oliver takes a big hit with the sharp machete handle on the

    The young man in tears of sadness takes the knife firmly,

    Zechariah 11:17) — He takes heed, he is steadfast, keeps qualified, and corrects his own faults, as David did his (Psalms 51)

    faith; the soul of Dante takes control of the body where

    Dante takes the

    Michael Keogh takes that chance

    It takes time to build the confidence of others and whether a congregation has elders or not it behooves the preacher to take time

    In this case, absorption of energy takes place in deeper levels, since religious leaders are obeyed and worshiped by entire populations, while they systematically rouse guilt and terror

    «Let me run up and see what’s taking her so long

    I want to congratulate you for taking action in your life

    By reading this book you are taking action

    you don’t ever spark the match can you create fire? Yes, I get it, you can rub sticks together, but you’re still taking action when you’re rubbing the sticks together

    «Nice,» she said, but went up the path toward the house, taking her cup and toothbrush with her

    «Learning Kulai’s business, taking over his math, and for the first time in my life, actually being an asset on the social scene

    When you check off the steps on your list, by taking the specific actions you need to take, that will continue to motivate you

    No use taking chances

    Changes in family and social environment are taking place at a fast rate within the lifetime of individuals

    Levels of digestive enzymes may be lowered as a result of taking various medication, poor eating habits or ageing

    They can be boosted naturally by consuming enzyme-rich foods, such as papaya or pineapple, or by taking a digestive enzyme supplement before each meal

    And many thanks for taking care of the place

    Never stop taking the medicine without talking with your doctor first

    Make a list of any problems you’re having taking the medicines as prescribed

    He started taking his breaks earlier in the day before he even got hungry so he could go and talk to her without a big line

    Micah ignored his little brother, taking the bin to the fire escape and dumping its contents into a dumpster below

    “Sure,” he said, taking the flask from Jerm’s shaky hand

    “Bingo!” Jerm laughed, taking the flask back

    Are you becoming confused about all those bottles in the medicine cabinet? If you’re taking multiple medications, it’s very important to keep track because you may be seeing more than one doctor for different reasons

    If He is taking you

    Thousands of generations ago, fleeing or fighting in stressful situations was not a good option for a female who was pregnant or taking care of offspring, and women who developed and maintained social alliances were better able to care for offspring in stressful times

    After that, Mom started taking her to therapy

    But while the Blacktooths had been largely ambivalent toward humanity in the past, they were certainly in the habit of taking slaves to work in their mountains

    We have become selfish individuals, taking all decisions based on materialistic considerations and adopted a culture marketed by others

    Herndon was taking a second pass thru it, but they’d already made sure they’d examined every piece of paper in that box, a second time

    Red stepped into the basement, still clutching her four square grenades, and scanned the room, taking stock of everything that was going on

    ‘A friend, eh?’ He said brutally, striding across the room and taking me by the shoulders

    ’ He said wearily, taking off his glasses and rubbing a hand over his eyes

    ‘Okay …’ Stephen said, taking his plate over to the sink, his thoughts obviously elsewhere

    As senior citizens this is an area that can be tackled by reporting all cases of injustice, corruption (both giving and taking), flouting of rules and so on

    Of course the Government should have a framework for taking action on such reports without discouraging those reporting such cases

    Unfortunately we are least concerned about the deterioration that is taking place in these three pillars of environment

    “Has she been taking good care of you? Has she?” he purrs, rubbing his hands around the base of the drumset

    Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

    This means taking lower risks, even if it means returns are less

    They need regular and steady income, without taking on much risk

    ’ I said, taking the hint

    He started taking a few steps back off the porch

    He snapped it into pieces without taking his eyes off the fire

    I’d started in the kitchen, washing up the breakfast things and then taking the cooker to pieces, scouring the chrome rings and going wild with the oven cleaner

    My will power in firm control, I had debated whether a long bath or a stimulating shower would be the best course of action so, my priority being to use up time, I opted for the former; taking a book with me, I had spent an hour in the bath up to my ears in hot water and soap bubbles

    How much have you had?’ he said, placing the bottle out of my reach before taking the kettle over to the sink and filling it with water

    They start immediate argument if the other is taking a side different from him

    I doubt very much there would be any point in me taking you up on that offer

    Family members can take turns visiting with a relative, taking them out to eat, going shopping, or doing other activities they enjoy

    Cut to John’s POV: Fuzzy and out-of-focus, Zitteraal stands by his bed in the hospital, taking his pulse

    Besides taking a vacation the addition of compost rich in trace minerals and bacteria is the best thing you can do to help raise the tree’s energy levels

    «You’re taking the rockasaur out?»

    ‘No, but there is no denying that a lot of employers dislike taking on staff who are older and more experienced than they are

    However, simply by taking care of one’s yard and garden through natural means, the accumulative effects will yield significant results on a global scale

    ‘Is that Liz?’ I asked, taking the bit between my teeth

    They dressed slowly that evening, with Jen taking as long as she could over

    ’ he said sounding truly concerned … I suppose in a way my losing my job is a direct result of him taking me in for questioning … but the man was only doing his job

    some confusion is inevitable: Could he be a playful, elf-like man who comes down from the canyon at dawn to sprinkle dew over the ground before others awaken? Or simply a wonderfully unobtrusive groundskeeper who literally fades into the landscape while dutifully taking care of the foliage? Actually

    waking, which, at seventy-four years of age, is finally taking its toll

    «He knows where you’re taking it

    the stationery, books, CDs and housewares just to escape the murderous melee taking

    Molly gives me a quick tour the ground floor, saying that she’d rather wait until Stephen got home to show me the annexe and then taking me though to the kitchen

    “Heaven in Tesco? I know the buggers are taking over the world but that’s just a little

    ’ Stephen said conversationally, taking a seat at the table

    ’ He said, taking one and biting into it

    Bolt stands to one side, ignoring the laboring men, taking seemingly random shots of something on the other side of the highway that only he can see: click, whir, click, whir

    round and taking in the lustre and the opulence of the ballroom

    ‘Believe me, I love my mother very much but given the choice between taking her and taking you, I know which I would prefer

    ‘Where is it taking place?’ I asked, duly chastised and slightly pink

    She could scarcely imagine the Angels of Talstan taking on the only remaining mortal superpower

    stopped her circling and drew close to Johnny, taking both his hands in her own soft

    New Dallas started taking Chinese souls in 2191 and had a fifteen percent share of Chinese souls since then, and a twenty three percent share of Brazilian

    She learned to control her lusts so that she could meet with the mortals, taking advice

    her, taking in the rise of her breasts and measuring the beauty of her long and supple

    ’ He said standing up and taking a step into the room

    Taking her arm, I lead her into the lounge and settle her on the sofa

    ’ He invited, taking my hand and gently pressing it

    Skin work was taking place in the middle of the shop while the other clients watched and waited

    » He said to Theo without taking his focus off the work

    ’ He assured me, taking a stick from my hand

    ‘I’m taking that pashmina

    They were interrupted by Herndon taking the phone and having Ava repeat the business about the instrumentation and watching for the shuttlecraft

    When the jam kicked off again VD got ahead of Melinda and stayed there, just out of reach, taking her to her furthest extreme of speed and anger but always outpacing her

    Taking a deep breath, she got up from the couch as silently as she could, tip-toed to the front door, slowly opened it with a sense of relief when it didn’t squeak, and then hurried outside and up the street

    Thank you for taking time to read Skin

    Taking away the €3000 already paid, this meant we were now only short €16000

    They were taking the carry-ons as you boarded, without warning, without time

    pages with those verses and read them over and over (I was taking that

    He has relaxed pretty well now – doubtless the whiskey taking effect

    “My God…” was all that Danton could say, taking a step back and nearly squashing

    It was now known that the Kassikan had been secretly influencing Earth for centuries, nearly taking over America in the 1970’s, Europe in the 1990’s, completely taking over Brazil by 2350

    Trained — Moses was actually trained for 80 years prior to taking the leadership role of the children of Israel

    ’ Stephen commented taking his seat beside the bed

    I suppose it was some kind of narcotic – taking into account that Zisis often provides Aphrodite with hashish, and who knows what else

    I willed myself into a state of pseudo-dysentery, but the stress of the previous twenty-four hours was taking its constipational toll

    They think they are leading the church closer to God, but are actually taking the church away from God because they have assumed a role that is

    Inspired writers of the New Testament have warned against adding to or taking away from God’s Word

    The simple fact of taking regular meals made such considerations difficult to maintain

    Organising the programme for Friday afternoons for the next three months is taking up an incredible amount of my time and a lot of effort

    «She’s taking the capacitors offline from the reactors,» Parker confirmed

    Naturally, there are still lights on in one or two of the houses – this lot never sleep from what I can see — and Henry waves across at us … he’s taking Buster out for a late night walk

    We all look ridiculous in our paper hats but who cares! Betty is happy because she has Fred to herself and, although I know Rose and Janet are watching us and more or less taking notes, I am very content to have Nick at my side

    She said, «I’m taking Tipperary over the top

    That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

    «Did I ever tell you that theory Venna has,» Jorma told her, «that Tdeshi’s soul jumped to her embryo as the shonggot took her

    » She dropped to a walk and took his hand

    Gen: 5:24: “And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him

    Herndon took the toothbrush out and said

    They were out of the boat now, Herndon took a quick look at the lake sprite

    Jorma took the cook pot she’d mixed the batter in to the lake to wash out

    Vera and Theo took off the British flag and painted over the sign, but they kept everything else

    It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

    In the end, my story took about 7000 words to relay, thanks for listening and would you shut the door behind you on your way out?

    I took over the empty body

    Since they were sleeping, he took a walk up

    «Good seeing you again, brief as it was,» Ava said, and took him in a hug

    ” He took her firmly by the wrist and gently pulled her out of the way of her giggling companions

    They had a boat that took a multiple coppers in fuel to get here, it has a motor-driven planing hull!»

    Other posts took up the call

    ” Aldous took this as a cue to vanish back into the inner office

    Sarah and her husband, Travis, still go by the names “Jesse” and “Lucinda” but they refuse to speak with me after I took care of the remains of their child

    Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

    Some aren’t so bad, but some take you places well beyond anywhere her starship ever took her, even virtually

    “I’m scared,” Bob said sarcastically, and he took another swing at Johnny

    «Venna?» he choked and took a long time recovering, nearly losing control of the boat

    Moses still took God for granted and

    Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

    His tow truck driver took him into town, and he ate some fairly average food at the diner

    She snapped herself out of this, took her eyes from Sol in the sky and paid some attention to the substitute for coffee we have here

    Brandon took out his phone to call a cab

    She dimly remembered how long the interconnects were, it took a whole additional week of driving almost nonstop

    They took on another load of fuel in the freezing air, stopped for a couple bowls of fish diddle from a cook with a nice warm fire that she huddled close to, clutching her nightcoat tightly

    It took all day to cross the tiny corner of North Lake between Zharvai and Sinbara

    Paul always did it himself: started his own company; was a self-made millionaire; took business trips on his own coin

    In the midst of all this destruction, Vald never took his eyes off Onidas

    «Yes!» with excitement, «A real one! At least he found a rich friend who took it!» She wasn’t a good enough judge of expressions to be sure that her excitement was genuine

    She didn’t dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

    They took to the bed for an hour, just in case Jorma or Venna decided to pop back in on them

    Herndon went to play with his portable terminal on the boat and Ava took a camp quilt to the beach

    Question: Last year we had moths growing in a cereal box in the pantry and they literally took over

    Marley’s music took over not just the ears but the soul

    They both cleaned up at a public bath, had a passable meal, took as much fuel as there was, and he charged off into Dawnsleep while she huddled in both quilts in the chilly cabin

    They took on two hundred bags of fuel, so many that one had to crawl over them to get to the one bed that was still open

    Of course Tdeshi never took this body pounding over the lake on two water park pumps in a fiberglass phallus; now that she thought of it

    “I don’t know,” he said at last as he took off his spy outfit and got changed into school clothes

    He would talk no more after that, but took the wheel and concentrated on the race to the tunnel, five hours away at the speed he was driving

    Johnny bounced down the stairs of his house two at a time, landing on the main floor with a loud thump that took him into a slide toward the kitchen

    The Widow Black stood up from her throne and took a step toward Scar and the frozen army of androids around him

    So God took Adam’s rib to create Woman

    God took mice from the Garden and put them in Adam’s arms so he would feel strong enough to protect his mate

    Then, he took Serpent’s mate to create Woman’s birthing canal

    She took the first bite and dropped the fruit as if it were poison

    Odd, I can’t see him as a family man … but Stephen says he was desperate for children … so terribly sad about the baby … who could shoot a pregnant woman? The thought makes me shiver suddenly; there’s someone out there who took a gun, loaded it and shot Joanna Sadler in the back deliberately and then tried to make it look as though Liz Wynell had done it

    “Yes, thank you, I was looking for this,” Ackers said as he took the paper out of the paper boy’s hands and then dropped it to the ground

    The paper boy took a stumbling step back, and then another, and ended up almost tripping and tumbling down the stairs

    Sorry it took me so long to get these beasts under control

    It took us a few tries, but the bravest of us managed to rip the papers from his calloused hands

    Ackers took off the glasses and continued to stare at the Chip

    “When they ran out of corpses to catapult over the walls, records say that an old bearded man took two axes to the wall and attempted to scale it in the dead of night

    Frank took a moment to enjoy the view out of the break room window as he stored his lunch in the refrigerator

    She took his device

    Pity her job took her away, though I think that she might have been willing to tell them where they could put their job if Stephen had suggested that they get married

    She took the device away from her ear and slipped it back into her pocket

    She still had the memories of the work it took to achieve reincarnation in flesh

    His men took the kargirs and tended them, more of his staff served lunch on a patio

    ‘It took me back to my uni days … it was quite like old times

    Topher laughed and took the blunt

    My dad was always active in the village I grew up in and I spent a lot of my younger years shadowing him as he took tickets at various gates or rushed around using me as a ‘gofer’ … thank goodness I wasn’t a shy child, that would have been hell!

    Every time you notice that your mind has wandered off the breath, notice what it was that took you away and then gently bring your attention back to your belly and the feeling of the breath coming in and out

    «We really like to see the certificate we gave you when we took it in, especially if it’s secure,» the doorman said

    Once they got back on the main avenue Tahlmute asked that he drop him at the nearest eye-room and doostEr took the back way home without further incident

    She joined him, took the offered hand and planted a soft, ruby lipped kiss on

    and took a sip, feeling the smooth warmth of the liquid coating their throats and

    remember that you took all that

    That’s odd, they don’t say why they are leaving … I’m sure they said they were intending to be in the area for at least five years when they took the place

    He sat back, took a sip of his Martini, placed a new cigar in the cigar holder

    She ordered two large beers, took them back to where

    business and I took over four years

    She divorced me and took what

    She took a few minutes to compose herself, wiped the rain and tears away from her face

    about war came to me when my father took a strong dislike to my mother’s collection

    It took another hour before her battered old car finally struggled up the winding roads and steep hills that lead to his remote home in South-West County Wickford

    He had a big clotted goober stuck in his fuzz that doostEr finally took out with his knife

    They took a huge chunk of skin off his back, there’s no way he could have survived it

    It took us

    ’ Still, he took it home but was very happy because the egg was a lump of gold

    Theo took out his wallet and emptied it of bills

    They took up the front another few turns before they could finally slide it under

    He and Taktor let the huge crate down onto the dolly and took the rigging down

    i realized that Jesus took his pain

    She took a breath and

    what had happened! Jesus took the pain of my son and literally raised

    A cook came by with a push cart to Taktor’s yard every day of the week and that was where they took their lunch

    The taller one took out his wallet, opened it and handed it to Theo

    It took two removals and replacements of the tongue and a lot of irate travelers to get thru

    It took over an hour and a half altogether and traffic was backed up out of sight in all directions by the time they got going again

    They took turns in hammocks slung over the crate for Noonsleep as the rockasaur rumbled on into the sleeping countryside

    He spun her round, stepped towards her, took the lead, and off they sped,

    The Garda took the small laminated card and held it far away from his eyes, peering, as though at a mystery

    He took a deep breath

    I’ll never forget the time he decided to spray paint the kitchen walls … I’d left a basket of clean washing in there … fortunately there was a fairly substantial towel on the top of the basket which took the brunt of the paint but I could have killed him when I found out

    Stephen took one look at it and declared it a disaster zone going on to suggest he could get a decent bit of carpet to replace it

    «A girl erased her mind on Shonggot, Ava took over that body

    ‘I took it easy

    Write a sentence for each word/phrase.
    1. (at the moment)
    2. (on Sundays)
    3. (in the summer)
    4. (always)
    5. (right now)
    6. (in the winter)
    7. (never)

    Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7 Grammar Practice. Номер №3


    Перевод задания
    Напишите предложение для каждого слова / фразы.
    1. (на данный момент)
    2. (по воскресеньям)
    3. (летом)
    4. (всегда)
    5. (прямо сейчас)
    6. (зимой)
    7. (никогда)

    1. (at the moment) I am doing my homework at the moment.
    2. (on Sundays) We go swimming in the swimming pool on Sundays.
    3. (in the summer) We go camping in the summer.
    4. (always) I always help my mother in the kitchen.
    5. (right now) My sister is having a picnic right now.
    6. (in the winter) My dad goes skiing in the winter.
    7. (never) My sister never walks our dog.

    Перевод ответа
    1. (в данный момент) Я сейчас делаю домашнее задание.
    2. (по воскресеньям) По воскресеньям купаемся в бассейне.
    3. (летом) Летом ходим в походы.
    4. (всегда) Я всегда помогаю маме на кухне.
    5. (прямо сейчас) Моя сестра сейчас на пикнике.
    6. (зимой) Папа зимой катается на лыжах.
    7. (никогда) Моя сестра никогда не выгуливает нашу собаку.

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