Use speak in a sentence for each word

He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, «But you wore those sandals, I couldn’t have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don’t think I’ve ever carried an aluminum on my person,» Ava said

actions speak louder than words

I knew it was empty when I got here, so to speak

Over the years, my parents found that they could speak freely about this previously obscured time of my life

Sarah and her husband, Travis, still go by the names “Jesse” and “Lucinda” but they refuse to speak with me after I took care of the remains of their child

Exod: 33:11: And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speak unto his friend

righteousness, and speak the truth in his heart

He didn’t have it yet, but sitting in the office waiting to speak to the principal, he knew he was going to get it

to speak with him face to face as a man speak with his

«But his home does speak of more than our royalties on photovoltaics

Isa: 50:4: The Lord GOD hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season

Some of the things that God will speak to you might

· Speak up about things you do not agree, but without anger

«You speak with authority on the natives

She knew how well that was going, there were few in their third generation, though they were pure bred, that could speak enough Portuguese to get by

Ava was barely awake enough to speak, but told Herndon, «You better check those maps

«So where do you figure he’s taken the shuttlecraft?» she asked, fishing for a subject he would speak on

Therefore, whosoever speaks the truth is said to speak Dharma, and whosoever speaks Dharma is said to speak the truth

Herndon used the device to speak directly to her sister, «We need you to keep an eye on them

Bush? Did he learn to speak the

‘No idea, she told him she wouldn’t speak to him and hung up

He’s of the opinion that your Mother will never speak to him again, at least that is the impression he is giving me … though to be honest I could just shake him!’

I’ll get it in the neck next time I speak to Emma, I can see that

‘He’s convinced that you’ll never speak to him again

speak this word until our faith starts working

Speak, speak, speak, speak the healing words into your life

I thought he wanted to speak about the disappearance of his mysterious older friend but this was new, unexpected

enough, He will speak to you from within

Billie was the first to speak after Johnny had cleared away the plates and the

«Now, now Travis, that ain’t no way to speak to your old mate Sammy, is it?»

He could call all he wanted but I wasn’t going to speak to him yet

I told him what had happened and he said not to worry about it, they would speak to the boss and see if they could organize a loan for me

He was reluctant to speak

In fact, although even then he already had the easy confidence with women that made them fall for him today, still this girl had made him feel so vulnerable, so stripped bare of pretence that he had never been able to speak to her

And then it begins to speak to us

Search for the verses that speak about healing in the Scripture

If you speak a negative word, that word will proceed

If instead you speak words of life

His words and speak by faith

You might want to speak to your wife mate

She can speak directly to this guy

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with

And they began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit

«I go in to speak with him

You should not be afraid to speak in this incomprehensible language,

speak tongues as you, Holy Spirit, enable me

cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

I was asked to speak with you

to speak to your mind

He calls us to speak to Him

Commandant Bin-Martis Gulmonish asked to speak, «We must remember that there is still a vessel of the Brazilian fleet in this system

integrity and high moral character, inflexible principles, and the ability to speak out boldly with the truth

I stopped trying to speak with him

I tried to speak in my best and most recently learned English accent

“You can speak to me,” he replied

I want to speak as the author of this paper, not an inspired

I dare not speak its name, not even in my thoughts

And a strange coincidence: In the very next lesson at Janus, Alexander will speak about the awareness of time and space! Does he really have exceptional psychic powers?

When all were assembled and the hubbub died down, Moamar spoke, «Do I speak for us all?» he asked the council

your women keep silence in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are Ch

their husbands at home: for it is shameful for women to speak in church

I usually spend my time in jeans and jumpers or t-shirts, depending on the weather – or smart trousers when I’m on official duty, so to speak

They speak with Aphrodite too, and when she hangs up she comes to me with a box of cupcakes in her hands

As he stood up I tried to speak

’ She said quietly, ‘And I speak for everyone here when I say that we want to do all we can to help you

If it’s a secret, then why don’t you just speak to my mind?» Antonia again ignores his attempt and turns around, heading back to her station

Menachem was the first to speak

Aban ignored his cell-mate and continued to speak as though Beniamin was not really there

The Man was the first to speak

The Man started to speak to the camera, gesturing to his four captives and their executioners

1 Corinthians 2:6 starts, “We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing

No, we speak of God’s secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began

‘You speak of Joris in the past tense

terror that continues to spread even as we speak

He told her that he needed to speak with the king

explained that the only way to speak to the king was to win a fighting

When our motives and our ministries and our dreams and aspirations are counter to what the Lord will speak, then we won’t hear from Him

while the old woman entered to speak with Son

“I know not of what you speak

What other deities are wise as our God is wise? What other deities have given and continue to give wisdom that affects time and eternity? Rocks do not speak

Jesus put it this way: If I speak to you of earthly things and you do not believe me, how will you believe me when I speak of heavenly things? The Spirit is certainly not understood by many

This only seems to speak all the more of the way our hearts feel apart from God

The best that might happen is that in the moment, the pastor might decide to speak a little more on this point than he had previously thought to

You may have to speak up, speak out, and speak out loud

I wish that I could speak such of

Speak to you soon

He started to speak, but found words hard to form having spent so many days alone

MacKenzie scuttled back against the wall when he heard Danton speak, feeling the chill of stone on his skin through his rags

But alas, my people have been made to African-American adult could rebuke any African-American believe we are simply a race of black men; no longer African; child because we were one community—a village, if you no ethnicities to speak of; no sufficient argument for our will—of displaced Africans; a people still emerging from the humanity

As he was manhandled out of the cell MacKenzie turned to look at Danton and opened his mouth to speak, but Danton looked right through him, cold and unmoved

rattling in her head with the chorus, Don’t Speak

The thing could speak?!? How could that be? Alan had been the first to run from it and Alan was the one it was after

It is upon our waiting, our silence, and our going down that we do more, speak more, and are exalted higher

Those that are silent until called upon are those that speak more – even with using fewer words

she pondered as she hurried towards the kitchen to speak

She nodded, not trusting her voice sufficiently to speak

we never heard him speak of the missing time, the bad lands

because the woman had the courage to speak first,

The villages quieten as he began to speak

God early in the morning, speaking in tongues more than

«Uu woopah puh,» Jorma thought he must have been speaking Yingolian, but looked and saw that he was finishing his teeth

There is so much proof that speaking positively, thinking positively, and being an optimist helps you to achieve so much more in

«When you’re probably speaking to someone who is older than the nation of your ancestors, that can happen

As Dave finishes speaking, one of the moons and many of the stars fade from the sky

this, by speaking it out loud, we in turn, bring this word into our physi-

ning, was baptized by the Holy Spirit, began speaking in tongues

Except for the school uniform you would think you were speaking to an adult

Teekra watches it leave, gets out of the car suddenly, approaches the police officer with whom John and Russ were speaking

While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the syna-

Intimidating crime victims into speaking up for themselves and for others

While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the

Teekra is speaking in Arabic — URGENTLY — into a mobile phone as she paces back and forth

He’s hardly stopped speaking when the phone starts ringing

Ali ben Ali, who was in the next room, runs in with a cellphone against his ear, speaking loudly in Arabic

Most of the time they had been best friends, the two Ava’s she was speaking with were one

while they are still speaking, I will hear

in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues), you do not have the power

Speaking amongst themselves was forbidden on a formal occasion like this for the ranks of most of the crew

«Of course, Most Learned,» Diam said, speaking to the Haadij and not Moamar

I recognize there are some qualifications (married-children-apt to teach) that set some men apart as not being qualified but generally speaking the qualifications set forth by Paul are a wonderful description of God’s man

It took me a few seconds to recover from the effort of speaking

However, the principle upon which Paul forbad their speaking in

must take in consideration who is speaking, to whom it was spoken to and the time it was

I feel someone removing the bandages from my face and the next thing I hear is Apollo speaking out as if he’s speaking to a room full of people, «Okay ARIES, start the program

She gets about half way to the desk before turning back with her eyes locked on him, speaking loudly this time,

«I’m awake!» Apollo yells and he realizes its Antonia who’s speaking to him

He had to get past this, fending it off would spoil the moment even more than speaking of her

From here the volume was loud enough that it was possible to enjoy the song, but it wouldn’t prevent them speaking to each other

This are the most frequent questions and opposition that I hear – especially when speaking with nonbelievers

This is speaking to Nebuchadnezzar

Yet, God starts speaking about Satan in that he desired to exalt himself above the most high

Ngoli is an 8 year old Igbo speaking girl

Is that a statement of human depravity, or does he really mean that this whole world is infected? I know the obvious context is speaking of mankind

he carried on speaking

Or Paul was only speaking out of the flesh in that moment

Or Paul was speaking in the sense of being sexually pure

Is it possible that Onesimus heard the stories of Paul, heard messages of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and heard his master speaking so highly of this Jesus, but didn’t see the reality in his life? Is it possible that Philemon was a phenomenal example of what Christianity is supposed to be, but when it came to his slaves he somehow treated them with contempt? Was Onesimus believing the words spoken, but having difficultly finding the reality of them?

It says in Acts 1:3 that, “He shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God

Little wonder, then, why it says in verse 6, “When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” After speaking with His disciples for 40 days on the Kingdom of God, they ask Him if this is when He will restore the Kingdom to Israel

After speaking about the Scriptures for 40 days, don’t you think the disciples would at least have understood that much?

«I don’t mean to go that far, not out of speaking distance, much less out of sight

the speaking in tongues that comes by degree

He showed no fear of Rah; he seemed to be in a trance-like state; as if he were speaking for someone else

Berndt struggles to keep the tears back for a moment before speaking

You have done very well my furry friend, Rah was speaking to her, calming her again

As they stood there speaking with Jake, John protectively put his arm around Alex

After everyone was in the Hall, Daniel stepped forward and began speaking, “We welcome you all here to Dragons Hill

I told him that I would be speaking with the real big wigs and an underground audit was coming his way

They realized that he understood they were the ones speaking, and he was fine with it

‘At any rate, by the time I left, the mother was crying with her husband – when I arrived they were hardly speaking to each other

A steady flow of wagons is moving through the gate, the soldiers speaking to each of the drivers in turn, though I get the feeling that they know most of them …

You and I have not seen a soul since we left Ritterston this morning … if this were Earth, we would have gone through a dozen or so villages, and probably got stuck in a couple of traffic jams – everywhere on Earth you find signs of man and his works – and generally speaking not good signs

Turning to face us both, drawing us into a circle with him, he gazes earnestly at both of us without speaking for some minutes

Jake was speaking to him

‘Yes, but generally speaking there is some form of work which is agreeable

Statistically speaking, most women spend their twenties focusing on their lives and living for the moment, and it is not until they reach their thirties that they begin to consider marriage and

They walked slowly and made sure all had left the room before speaking

She took up sygma-space math with Darryl and Thom would have understood more if they were speaking Mandarin

Delos Alvarez addressed Thom, speaking loudly enough so everyone could hear

They alone saw the danger in speaking out, so they began to confer only with each other

This year I saw you speaking to each other once and it looked a little tense

“It has been observed several times, a young maid of this floor speaking with Lord Boras’

They heard a man’s voice in the background speaking the language from Alan’s universe

speaking, this match is so over

and for the first time in his life, he was speaking in

The man stopped after several minutes and seemed to be speaking to someone in the shadows

that you will be speaking directly to the animal, or

A small door opened near the base of the pillars and a man came out and began speaking with Yellelle about the luggage

The potato is good and filling but not at all controversial, gastronomically speaking

Generally speaking, successful applicants fall into two categories – the qualified ones who merely need somewhere to be for a short period and those who will use the shelter of the Foundation as a spring board

forward over the table and speaking in a low voice to avoid being

Strictly speaking she is under age

Jock is speaking

overhear very much, but it seemed to him that they were speaking

staring back out the cave opening without speaking

Then she realises that strictly speaking they are underage themselves

While she was speaking, Tom found himself looking

Reaching the stranger, Billy takes a moment to catch his breath before speaking

He supposed that, since they had been speaking only

immediately,” Bram said, speaking with an astonishing authority that

Ken has a way of speaking, a way of making his intentions clear to people that leaves nothing to the imagination

that he did not, strictly speaking, need to – as well as the fact that the

“Perhaps it wasn’t the place per se,” Tom interrupted, speaking

It also had a speaking tube

Making a show of speaking to the constable sitting by the door, Jarvis affected not to be concerned that the other man was ignoring his arrival

speaking to a small child

‘Do you know who you’re speaking to?’ stammered the

by placing the onus of silence on those he was speaking to

He called at the speaking tube and was greeted by a woman’s voice that was oddly familiar, but definitely not Ava’s

A few minutes later I hear her speaking to someone on the phone

Quite anti-social, objectively speaking

They mused together without speaking of the immense weight with which Harry must surely have been burdened as he awaited some sign, some hint of preparation and contrite surrender from one and the other of the seekers

Speaking of drugs,” it could be he’d NEVER had this warning, “there are many you can get addicted to, to the point where they are required

” She saw on his face that she might as well have been been speaking Mythra

How did he know of the Power, she wondered, or was he speaking of something else

It was almost like the Heseans were speaking some strange

If nothing else you had to give this girl credit for speaking whatever was on her mind

The bible says out of the abundance of our heart our mouth speaks

the matter is that, nearly most of the time when God speaks

Therefore, whosoever speaks the truth is said to speak Dharma, and whosoever speaks Dharma is said to speak the truth

He turns to get back in his car, but stops as Enoch speaks

Trooper 2 speaks into his shoulder-held microphone

To practice Satya, one must think before he speaks and consider the consequence of his action

The man pulls his head out, looks at them both with his scary blind eyes, then speaks in a gravelly voice

speaks volumes about this!

It speaks, init

Khalid then translates simultaneously for the pilot, who speaks at length

Moving quickly, he goes round and speaks into the intercom on his desk

This verse speaks about fasting, which means giving up food and

He speaks so much about

one who is winning the battle always has the power: he prays and speaks

He teaches the truth to others (1 Timothy 3:1-2), exhorts in sound doctrine (Titus 1:7-9), convicts the gain-sayers and even preaches (1 Timothy 5:17-18) , better to have full time elders for some real pastoral work than assistant men in ‘ministerial’ work), and he speaks the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)

the rope from his grave, he speaks to his heart saying

The result? Naught! All men seem to be enchanted by Mandy, especially Themis! As about me, at a moment someone speaks up and says he remembers me from elementary school — so, my age is revealed before everybody! Later on, Themis suggests our going on an excursion on May Day and all the married hens (who, as usual, have formed a ring around him) hasten to enter themselves for it

He speaks English and one of his disciples translates his words into Greek

» He finally speaks,

What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, «Well, are you excited about the ceremony?» I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, «What ceremony?»

Then he speaks, «I thought what you said about forces beyond our walls that I had yet to understand

As soon as she speaks, he hears the soft voice again in his mind, find me

He looks to Misery for any sign that she was the source but she seems oblivious to it, as she speaks to him again, «You never told me why you are here

They all have huge smiles on their faces but Apollo instantly inquires, «Where’s Grace?» As soon as he speaks two arms embrace him from behind and she spins around him, a planting her lips to his

And how will this be so? It will be in the same manner in which the next verse speaks of Jesus’ prosperity

He speaks out, «Can I have a cup?» And in an instant, a short grey cylindrical vessel materializes on the table

However, in Daniel 12, the last verse of the book of Daniel speaks of Daniel’s resurrection

Captain Obvious of the Religious Troop then speaks up with, “This Temple took 46 years to build… You are going to build it in three days?”

If in the moment of need the most recent of members to the Body of Christ speaks up with full authority of the Holy Spirit, then he or she has the spiritual authority

Paul speaks about a mystery here

What is this mystery of iniquity that Paul speaks of? It is the mystery that we have explored already: Satan manipulating humanity

I’m sure I can find the kingdom she speaks of in a history book somewhere

You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel

The boy speaks of simple things,

Jesus speaks of some ruling over ten cities, and some ruling over five

The interesting thing is that when God speaks, He is so precise in His words that He acts as though there is no other opinion

” This passage in Isaiah speaks of an escape

In Isaiah chapter 24, it speaks in the last few verses about a time when the kings and rulers of this world will be tied up and thrown into a pit for an extended period of time

Maybe this is why when Isaiah speaks of a New Heaven and New Earth at the end of his book that he speaks of life continuing as it has on this present earth

He speaks of her as though he knows her … that would tie in with her reaction when I mentioned his name … I wonder what it is all about

A member of the High Guild speaks of Joris’ faithful and invaluable service to the Guild over the years, travelling into danger with little thought of his own safety

As he speaks, a man appears from inside the barn at one end of the yard

As he speaks, he gouges out a little ointment and smoothes it over my arm

He glowered at the meek little man who had dared to interrupt him, before breaking into a fatherly smile and saying, «There speaks the voice of innocence…»

‘His reaction and behaviour ever since speaks volumes for his generosity … and our friendship generally — he was incredibly kind and has continued to be so

When you’ve been doing your best to communicate and neither of you speaks much of the other’s language you resort to the universal language of mime, grunts and nodding just like we did in the beginning, and suddenly you make a breakthrough, well the gratitude you feel is huge

oh shit … before I can move Jake speaks

As I hesitate, he speaks, ‘One of those days, is it? Good job you rang me then

Nobody speaks Greek

He speaks to the receptionist in an irritated tone

If the Earthman speaks the truth, and I believe he does, I will complete our mission

What is also reassuring is that everyone, but everyone, speaks English

There’s a warmth in his voice when he speaks of her

«There speaks the voice of innocence…»

10And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speaks thou unto them in parables?

After supper come the speeches, Lizzie Goulden speaks very well and amusingly about the Society and where it has been since its inception, saying that she hopes it will continue thriving for many years to come – you can see that she is used to being on a stage

He that speaks flattery to his friends, even the eyes of his children shall fail

The girl speaks softly

There is something utterly compelling about this ingénue, something naïve and spellbinding in the way that he speaks and moves

He has to bend forward to hear Ted, who speaks in whispers

His name sounds foreign as she rolls it around her tongue, although he speaks without any accent

The second officer speaks for the first time

As he speaks he raises his hands, palms facing outward in a gesture of conciliation

He speaks in a whisper, one finger up against his lips

Helen pulls on a pair of trainers as he speaks

The doctor steps forward as soon as he speaks, making Ken reach round the back of the girl with his gun

‘He speaks well of you

angels, he speaks through the Bible, but mostly he speaks through the H

angels, he speaks through the Bible, but m

ostly he speaks through the H

God speaks however he wants to

God often speaks in symbols and mysteries

Audible voice- when God speaks and people hear an audible voice

But every one who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort

 Wait as the Father speaks to you

Bronze speaks of purity, the offering on the altar speaks of sacrifice and righteousness, and the fire represents purification

God speaks to me differently now than he did years ago

 As you read stop at a passage that speaks to you

If a word speaks to your heart then it is for you

prophesy… for he that prophesies speaks to men for edification, God’s heart in the prophetic

She speaks, yet she says nothing

She speaks, but she says nothing

What is the error of Balaam? Jude speaks of those who follow

will later pour out in his holy sermons; he must grow hot within before he speaks words that are cold in themselves

Once again, spend time receiving from God as He speaks to you from the word

For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to

speaks in tongues as she walks down the aisles, believing God

learned to have faith in how God speaks by stepping out and

one in whom I believe – and he speaks only to me!’ Just

I believe it also speaks of a day when

The fact that Doyle’s work continues to experience such success more than 80 years after his death speaks of the man, his work and is its own tribute

I try to take care of her and I’m a pimp? But the mage does so and suddenly she speaks his name as though he were a god?

But speaks a language that the Traveller’s do not know,

Dan didn’t realize until he was video taped that, when he speaks, hr

Each articulation passes into history, is cast in stone: It is the prophet who turns their voice to the future And speaks the free voice of the origin to those Who may recognize it—the life of a whole comprised in its Entirety as one huge genie veil embroidered

The physics Ava spoke of never explained the connections of what should be random odds in strange ways that favor one person over another

Abimelech and Phichol the chief captain of his host spoke

Luke: 7:39: Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it, he spoke within himself, saying, This man, if he

Now the refined sugar that we spoke about can sneak up on you

Exod: 33:11: And the LORD spoke unto Moses face to face, as a man speak unto his friend

As he spoke, the large image on the wall of the elevator continued to broadcast his image even though he was standing right in front of them

I’m the guy from the monitor,” Ackers pointed unnecessarily at the view screen where they had been looking at him as the elevator traveled down, and which was still showing a large image of his face as he spoke

“In a moment,” Ackers didn’t even bother to look at him as he spoke

As Ackers spoke, a three dimensional representation of the building came up on the screen

He spoke to his dear the angel Kerubiel who reflected His light through the leaves

A voice spoke to her from the other end of the line, it said only one word, “Yes?”

‘It appears that one of Dan’s employees at the garage rang the house just after seven thirty and spoke to Joanna

He spoke with her about love and truth and timeless bliss, imagining her voice

slightly, their teeth inexplicably on edge, the old man spoke once more in a soft voice

waited a moment before she spoke

minutes of pregnant silence he reached for a pen and then spoke as he signed his

‘I spoke to Emma this morning … she’d got it into her head that I was in some sort of danger

‘You made quite an impression her when you spoke to her on the phone, you know

He spoke into the air as much as into the back of the girl’s head that was sprawled over the patio table in front of him

She didn’t bother turning her head around as she spoke and Sammy seemed only to notice her for the first time

There was always a seductive laugh in her voice, even if she spoke only a single word

She rarely spoke of it and he appreciated this

She spoke in a whisper

Mike Biggs may have been a bit obnoxious to me the last time we spoke but at least he was professional and adhered to police procedure

from his eyes she wiped a bead of sweat away from his forehead and spoke softly to

It’s fishy enough that the guy who swears he spoke to Joanna after Sadler had left for the rehearsal works in Sadler’s garage … then there’s the matter of the paraffin

He spoke the words and

manifestation of the Spirit in them – they spoke with other tongues (see

them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied

“They spoke with tongues…” The tongues which are different from

‘Yes … Emma rang – Mum spoke to her for ages but convinced her that you were okay in the end

towards him and spoke with that soft, serrated, killing voice

The wolf spoke again, smothering the moment with his reek and the furnace

It was long gone before Elissa was born and his sister and he never spoke about their impoverished childhood

and they spoke the word of God with boldness

It was a few seconds before the hand was lifted, but no one spoke

» A small, wiry man with sleeve tattoos and a vest didn’t turn around as he spoke

I not only knew and read, but also spoke out loud about the fact that

Neither of them spoke

MacKenzie straightened his shoulders, breathing hard as he spoke

» As Burn spoke, she kept her eyes on the sparkles of reflected light from the debris

After only a few seconds of silent flight with the debris field passing below, Burn’s voice spoke in his ear

Khalid Al-Hassim, one of the Spiritual Council, spoke up

The guard spoke with a slight burr, as though he had been chain-smoking all night

I pointed to the foot of the bed and spoke with a weak and pleading voice

As he did this he spoke quietly

When all were assembled and the hubbub died down, Moamar spoke, «Do I speak for us all?» he asked the council

The Kid and the others, Matthew and Mark as I have come to call them as the misting of memory reduces them in my mind’s eye, the ones who spoke about their God and their belief, they all tried to impress on me the truth of love and vengeance

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (2 Peter

The man sat quietly for a moment, flicking the safety on and off, before he spoke again

There was a crack, and with the voice of thunder Moamar spoke, «We have uncovered some who oppose the will of God,» he said

He took us in turns to the bathroom, still saying not a word, until, with us both sitting on our bed-rolls wearing our hoods, he knelt down beside me and spoke softly in my ear

Then The Man turned to Menachem and spoke menaces softly as he caught his breath

As the youngest in the group I tended to listen more than I spoke, and I enjoyed a vicarious and voyeuristic expansion of my hinterland through the far more interesting stories from other people’s lives

He put a hand on my shoulder and spoke softly

Hints of perfumed unguents applied so thoughtlessly in the dawn light spoke in foreign tongues to insect senses

But he would not look into her eyes as he spoke

But He then identifies Himself with it: “But He spoke of the temple of his body,” John 2:21

He beckoned her towards him and spoke with that soft, serrated, killing voice

The wolf spoke again, smothering the moment with his reek and the furnace heat of his breath

He spoke to me about it when I was at the offices the other week

Also as we spoke about earlier, you’ve realized that as the

«Have you any interest in Alan?» Desa asked Luray when she finally spoke

Danton spoke slowly and clearly, “You tried and failed

During these times she spoke to her husband as though

If that is not true at the moment of Him becoming curse, then it wasn’t true at the moment He spoke it

arranged for the refreshments, they spoke about the

All of the prophets spoke against Jerusalem and the Temple – an act that was unlawful and almost resulted in Jeremiah’s death

“Sometime after the war I spoke to the wireless operator of boat U-48

I spoke with his mother at length and she told me that it is only little Rissa (named for your Joris and a darling child) who gives him a reason to keep going

The only two references in the New Testament to the day of the Lord are both quoting Jesus when He spoke of His return in the clouds

” Isn’t it remarkable that of all the subjects that could have been spoken of, only one is mentioned? Jesus spoke with His disciples about the Kingdom of God

It almost leads us to wonder how much can really be said on the Kingdom of God? Yet it is the only subject mentioned that Jesus spoke of for 40 days

They knew that Isaiah spoke of 90% of Israel being empty

He spoke of one who should not die and see corruption, yet David’s tomb was known

When Peter spoke of His resurrection, no one dared challenge it

“Daniel, please!” When she spoke again he could hear her agony reflected in her voice

The more they spoke, the more they saw how alike they were, which at times both found kind of spooky

Kate spoke with great humility what was in her heart

He spoke at length about the sort of terrain we would encounter on our journey from Ciutedella to the Naveta

The man squirmed and eventually spoke, ‘OK

A little silence, then after some thought, the priest spoke again, ‘Aahh, this is good

«This one can stay with me,» Yarin spoke up and put his hand on her shoulder

A smouldering cigarette bobbed between his swollen lips when he spoke, ‘Hi

It was Jason who spoke first

He spoke to her as she walked toward the bridge door

” As he spoke, the Riders and their Dragons came into the huge hall

” Daniel walked around them as he spoke

It was Sally who stepped forward and spoke, “that is my cat, Oreo

“Look, they have cokes!” It was Andrew who spoke first

Alex leaned over and spoke to Kate, “we have not had such good food in a very long time

Susie and Darla spoke together, “and what’s with that cat?”

The other women riders, hearing what had occurred, came over and spoke to her relating their own experiences

‘ He chose his words with care and spoke with the slight smile and nods of one who knows

She kept to herself, and only spoke to the man

They were surprised at this newfound ability, and at Rah’s urging they spoke to Jake and Master Jeffery about it

He tried to sound as light and as jovial as he could but his eyes spoke a different language, revealing a mix of concern and tiredness in the face of so many disappointments

His shoulders were little larger than hers, he was soft spoken and self deprecating

Ava had spoken with Kulai about Herndon and quite a few others, it would not be a total surprise, he would expect no less

Apart from situations of repeated non-compliance or serious misconduct of the patient and when essential but unpleasant activity is required to be performed, rest of the time consultants should be soft spoken as talking is the main ingredient of patient-doctor relationship

shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not

simple flourish of the hand and a softly spoken word

He’d never spoken with the observer on the times when one showed up

I’ve never met her, though we have spoken on the phone … and I thought it might help if I could go round and perhaps talk to her

‘I’m Molly Merrett, we’ve spoken on the phone

to be true? Because the Holy Spirit is present every time Jesus is spoken

Now I’ve spoken to Peter again and he has a message for you, but I’ll give it to you myself

It could be Mike Biggs, but I had just spoken to him

He’d never spoken to me with such passion and force before

father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your

The power of the Spirit is displayed in the power of the word that is spoken

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was

They hadn’t spoken to him since the initial investigation was closed

words of victory and faith are spoken

(7) “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of

That easily translates to complete hungry-cat anarchy in any language spoken in any part of the war-torn hills of Central Asia

He could have spoken in defense

He has spoken at youth rallies and done some radio work

In spite of that he was a conciliator and usually soft spoken

Peter said, “Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the

which should have told me that Andy was spoken for … if not married

Has God spoken on woman’s

must take in consideration who is speaking, to whom it was spoken to and the time it was

It is for this reason that Jesus rebuked those on the road to Emmaus, “Foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?” Is it not the pattern of God to bring darkness and suffering before there is a glory?

Despite the fact that everyone she’d spoken to played down the seriousness of the attack, Kara had worked out, by dint of garnering minute details from every staff member in the hospital she had come in contact with … as well as picking Angie’s brains and prising information out of the policeman … that she’d been extremely lucky to survive

God has spoken and revealed Himself, but the people of Israel have been hardened to it

How many of us have read this passage and had no idea what was being spoken of? For years I didn’t understand it

It wasn’t until the context of Israel came that I could finally see what was being spoken of

Peter has even said in Acts 3:21 that Jesus is contained in the heavens until the restoration of all things as spoken of in the prophets

The problem with this is that we now must decipher which verses of the Bible are spoken from the Spirit and which verses did the author speak out of the flesh?

Is it possible that Onesimus heard the stories of Paul, heard messages of God’s grace, mercy, and love, and heard his master speaking so highly of this Jesus, but didn’t see the reality in his life? Is it possible that Philemon was a phenomenal example of what Christianity is supposed to be, but when it came to his slaves he somehow treated them with contempt? Was Onesimus believing the words spoken, but having difficultly finding the reality of them?

It is spoken of again and again: in Genesis 9:25-27, 12:2-3, 15:1-21, 22:18, 25:23, 26:4, 28:14, 35:11, and 48:19

” Isn’t it remarkable that of all the subjects that could have been spoken of, only one is mentioned? Jesus spoke with His disciples about the Kingdom of God

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: and I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved

Those who have spoken, but we wouldn’t listen will stand up and tell Jesus, “Well, they did know, because I told them…”

that I should have spoken to you in the bower

Sally and I have spoken about her dreams and compared them to mine

Sam had seen some resentment building and had spoken at length with Jake about it

That last word, isolated, spoken on its own,

» The smaller of the loungers replied, «But if you’re selling, this deck is spoken for, there’s a load on it’s way and a company man with it

They had both spoken at the same time

She and her dragon had spoken at length about what would take place and how she would change

She was different from any woman he had ever spoken to

In fact, under the strains of the moment and the inevitable riot of questions and counselling in the immediate aftermath of the alleged attack, they had never even spoken with one another

‘Things which are better not spoken in so busy a place, lady

From this Alan assumed that Ava had spoken to Elmore and Elmore had spoken to the captain

With the last word spoken quite loudly, and in clear Greek, I turned from the group with as much control as I could muster and wandered steadily and slowly toward the kitchen, expecting a blow to the head at every trembling step

‘Jo, I shall tell Alastair that I have spoken to you

” The last was spoken with great pride

Duncan took everything in quickly and saw the landing Tarak had spoken of; he made his way down to it and stood still

liked Hasmukh-ji before he had spoken a word

Weis had hardly spoken to her in the two hundred years this expedition had been in flight, but pursued her anyway

Her constant eye movement and protective manner indicated to Alexei that she had to be the Queens’ personal guard, Altera; Duncan had spoken of her at length

“Well spoken Rytal,” cheered Lytru, “that is why it will clearly be you

had never even spoken with one another

number of times that angry words were spoken could

whom it is meant to be spoken to then stick to a strict question-answer

I have spoken to

Her last letter had spoken of a night of untold horror

necessarily as it is spoken but as it is asked

they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken

15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the

She had spoken little of her love affairs, they sounded pretty tepid and convenient to him, at least what he had heard so far

11God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongs unto God

A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how

heed to all words that are spoken, lest you hear your servant curse you; 22 for often your

Petr turned to see who had spoken

So, you may have heard the language spoken as

“I’ve already spoken with his office

She knew Bethai had spoken with Athnu, he reported it when Kulai returned from the Kassikan last evening

But hadn’t he spoken with Kemberra about Ava decades ago? He was surprised Kemberra remembered

She had spoken of Jorma only as a sex partner hadn’t she? Kulai was just trying to make up for the collateral damage he caused

spoken Sergeant that had previously guided Tom and Alistair on their

spoken Sergeant actually an agent of the Watchers, he thought?

The words, spoken too loudly, would change their fate

” Harry spoke evenly to the tough who had first spoken, as he casually glanced in turn at each of the others

“Many a true word spoken in jest, as they say,” he muttered, “But

of magical gestures than there is in the written or spoken languages,”

There wasn’t a word spoken

There was no record of them ever having spoken or having even met

There wasn’t a word spoken for five

However, the readers of this are probably more interested in hearing the actual story, so the author promised that this meta-fictional gag would not continue for very much longer and would never appear again or be spoken of ever again, in fact it would stop at the very end of this sentence

” George promptly began to relate to White Feathers all that had been spoken and so did not hear what next was said next, but Belle heard every word

It felt like years since she’d spoken to him on the phone, and she could hear the rest of the family in the background

In her teens she started to research the people he’d spoken of, and sure enough he could’ve done all he said, and that thought frightened her even more

Justice his eyes and turned to Monica with a murderous glint in his eyes, and Monica wished she’d never spoken

He’d only spoken of his son Jimmy, who was away at college, some place in California

Isn’t it?» he shook his head in acknowledgement «Any way, this place was never spoken of

She’d spoken to him on the phone every evening

And nice! The kindest, most considerate, well spoken, big hearted fellow you couldn’t even imagine

‘You’ve spoken to him about this proposal before

understood without a word spoken

What he has spoken come to pass

were spoken that came to pass

He’s coherent, logical, well spoken

5You will fall in the open field, for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign

This is the day I have spoken of

  • Аудио 1
  • Аудио 2

Valeriy, who lives in Russia, has sent me an e-mail. He asks whether I can make a podcast about these words – «say», «tell», «speak» and «talk».

Валерий, живущий в России, прислал мне электронное письмо. Он спрашивает, могу ли я сделать подкаст о таких словах – «say«, «tell«, «speak» и «talk» (прим. переводчика — все эти слова являются синонимами, которые среди разных вариантов перевода имеют один общий — «говорить»).

Well, that is easy, I thought. So I sat down to write a podcast about when we use «say» and when we use «tell» and so on. And after an hour, I realised that I could not do it. English is too complicated. There are far too many words in English and there are so many different ways of using them. So I thought, I will not try to explain everything. I shall just explain a few things – the most important things. I will write a few rules, and if my listeners learn these rules, they will be right most of the time. Please remember that «say», «tell» and «speak» are irregular verbs. They go like this:

I say, I said, I have said;

I tell, I told, I have told;

and I speak, I spoke, I have spoken.

«Talk» is regular – I talk, I talked, I have talked. Everybody clear? Then let’s begin!

Ну, это просто, подумал я. И сел писать подкаст про то, когда надо употреблять «say», когда «tell» и так далее. А спустя час понял, что не могу этого сделать. Английский язык слишком сложный. В нём слишком много слов и множество различных способов их употребления. Поэтому, подумал я, не стоит пытаться объяснить всё. Я просто объясню некоторые особенности – самые важные особенности. Я сформулирую несколько правил, и если мои слушатели изучат эти правила, то они будут правы в большинстве случаев. Пожалуйста, запомните, что «say«, «tell» и «speak» — это неправильные глаголы. Они изменяются по временам следующим образом:

I say, I said, I have said;

I tell, I told, I have told;

и I speak, I spoke, I have spoken.

Глагол «talk» – правильный: I talk, I talked, I have talked. Всё ясно? Тогда начнём!

фразовый глагол английского языка: to carry onI want you to imagine that you are reading a comic book, about Batman perhaps. In many of the pictures there is a bubble coming from the mouth of one of the characters. It contains the words which the character is saying. We often call this a «speech bubble».

Я хочу, чтобы вы представили, что читаете комикс, например, о Бэтмэне. На многих картинках есть пузырь, «выдувающийся» изо рта одного из персонажей. В нём содержатся слова, которые произносит персонаж. Мы часто называем это «речевым пузырём».

Here is my RULE NUMBER 1. If you can imagine a speech bubble, with words in it, then you can always use the word «say»; like this:

Вот моё ПРАВИЛО НОМЕР 1. Если вы можете вообразить «речевой пузырь» со словами в нём, то вы всегда можете использовать слово «say«, например как здесь:

  • Kevin says, «I am going to the football match on Saturday».
  • Кевин говорит: «Я собираюсь на футбольный матч в субботу».
  • Batman says, «I have only five minutes to save the entire planet».
  • Бэтмэн произносит: «У меня есть только пять минут, чтобы спасти планету».
  • Joanna says that she will go to the supermarket tomorrow.
  • Джоанна говорит, что пойдёт в супермаркет завтра.
  • Kevin says to Joanne, «Is it OK if I go to the football match on Saturday?»
  • Кевин спрашивает у Джоанн: «Не возражаешь, если я пойду на футбольный матч в субботу?»

When we want to explain who we say something to, we always use the word «to» – I said to him that I would be late. We NEVER say «I said him that I would be late».

Когда мы хотим конкретизировать, кому мы что-то говорим, мы всегда используем предлог «to»: I said to him that I would be late – Я сказал ему, что опоздаю. Мы НИКОГДА не говорим: «I said him that I would be late».

And here is RULE NUMBER 2. If there is no speech bubble with words in it, then you can use «talk» or «speak».

И вот ПРАВИЛО НОМЕР 2. Если нельзя представить никакого «речевого пузыря» со словами в нём, то вы можете использовать «talk» или «speak«.

  • I will speak to my boss tomorrow about whether I can take a day off work.
  • Я буду разговаривать со своим боссом завтра о том, могу ли я взять выходной.
  • Kevin talks to George about the football match.
  • Кевин беседует с Джорджем о футбольном матче.
  • Today, our teacher is going to talk about irregular verbs in English.
  • Сегодня наш учитель будет рассказывать о неправильных глаголах в английском языке.

So you see, «speak» and «talk» can tell us who is speaking or talking; who the speaker is talking to; and what sort of thing the speaker is talking about. But they do not tell us about the exact words which the speaker uses. There is no speech bubble with words in it. Very often, «speak» and «talk» mean exactly the same, and we can use them interchangeably (that is, we can replace one of them with the other). I think that we use «talk» more often than we use «speak».

Таким образом, вы видите, что «speak» и «talk» могут сказать нам о том, кто с кем и о чём говорит. Но они не говорят нам о точных словах, которые использует говорящий. Нет никакого «речевого пузыря» со словами в нём. Очень часто слова «speak» и «talk» означают одно и то же, и мы можем использовать их попеременно (то есть, заменять одно на другое). Думаю, что «talk» используется чаще, чем «speak».

And how about the last word which Valeriy wants me to explain – the word «tell»? Here comes RULE NUMBER 3. «Tell» means «give information». And we can use «tell» when there is a speech bubble, and also when there is no speech bubble, provided that we mean «give information». Nearly always, when we use «tell», we also say who the speaker is talking to. Like this:

А как насчёт последнего слова, которое Валерий хочет, чтобы я объяснил – слова «tell«? Здесь нам поможет ПРАВИЛО НОМЕР 3. «Tell» означает «давать информацию». И мы можем использовать «tell», когда есть «речевой пузырь», а также когда нет никакого «речевого пузыря» при условии, что мы подразумеваем «выдачу информации». Почти всегда, когда мы используем, «tell», мы также говорим, к кому обращается говорящий. Примеры:

  • Joanne tells her boss, «I have nearly finished the report that you asked for».
  • Джоанн сообщает своему боссу: «Я почти закончила отчёт, о котором вы спрашивали».
  • Kevin tells Joanne that he wants to go to the football match on Saturday.
  • Кевин говорит Джоанн, что хочет пойти на футбольный матч в субботу.
  • David told me about his holiday.
  • Дэвид рассказал мне о своём отпуске.
  • He told me that he went to Spain, and that he had a great time there.
  • Он рассказал мне, что ездил в Испанию, и что прекрасно провёл там время.
  • John told me how to find his house.
  • Джон объяснил мне, как найти его дом.
  • You asked me a question; now I will tell you the answer.
  • Вы задали мне вопрос; теперь я отвечу вам.
  • I looked at my watch and told him the time.
  • Я посмотрел на свои часы и сообщил ему время.
  • At the end of the school day, the teacher told the children a story.
  • В конце школьного дня учитель рассказал детям историю.

Peter Carter

  • Вопрос

У меня такой вопрос: чем отличаются слова «tell«, «say» и «speak«? Как правильно их употреблять?

Dmitrij, Latvia

  • Ответ

Hello Dmitrij. It’s not surprising that you find these confusing because as far as meaning goes these three words mean more or less the same thing. It’s more a question of how we use them, of patterns of use. So let me try to tell you about those.

Здравствуйте Дмитрий. Не удивительно, что вы запутались в этих словах, поскольку смысл этих трёх слова приблизительно одинаков. Вопрос больше в том, как мы используем их, существуют ли шаблоны употребления этих слов. Я постараюсь рассказать вам об этом.

With ‘tell’ we usually say who is told. You could say there is a personal object, so: ‘Can you tell me what’s happened?’ We say, ‘me’.

Употребляя слово «tell (сказать, говорить, рассказывать)» мы обычно указываем, кому говорят. Можно сказать, что есть персональный объект для обращения, например: «Can you tell me what’s happened? — Можете ли вы сказать мне, что случилось?». Мы уточняем — «мне (me)».

With ‘say’ we don’t usually say who is told. So you might say ‘please say each word clearly and distinctly’. And if we do say who is told, we use the word ‘to’, so: ‘He said goodbye to me as if we would never see one another again’.

Со словом «say (сказать, говорить)» мы обычно не указываем, к кому обращаются. Так что, вы можете сказать: «Please say each word clearly and distinctly — Пожалуйста, говорите каждое слово ясно и отчётливо». А если мы реально указываем, к кому обращаются, то используем предлог «to», например: «He said goodbye to me as if we would never see one another again — Он попрощался со мной так, как будто мы никогда не увидимся снова».

Now… There’s another limit on the usage of ‘tell’. We only use ‘tell’ to mean instruct or inform. ‘I told him to wait for me on the platform’… that’s an instruction. «My father used to tell me wonderful stories» — informing me.

Теперь… Есть другое ограничение на использование слова «tell«. Для того, чтобы проинструктировать, распорядиться или сообщить кому-то что-то мы используем только слово «tell». «I told him to wait for me on the platform — Я велел ему ждать меня на платформе», — это инструкция, распоряжение. «My father used to tell me wonderful stories — Мой отец рассказывал мне удивительные истории» — вы информируете меня, сообщаете мне.

‘Say’ can be used for any kind of talking. So here are three sentences where you could not use ‘tell’:

Слово «say» может использоваться для обозначения разговора любого вида. Вот три предложения, где невозможно использовать слово «tell»:

She said ‘Where have you been?’

Она спросила: «Где ты был?»

So I said what a good idea.

Поэтому я сказал, что это хорошая идея.

Maureen said ‘What’s the matter?’

Морин спросила: «Что случилось?»

We use ‘tell’ without a personal object in a few expressions, that are kind of fixed expressions like tell the truth, tell the time and tell the difference.

Мы используем слово «tell» без указания объекта обращения в некоторых речевых оборотах типа «tell the truth (честно говоря)», «tell the time (показать время, сказать, который час)» и «tell the difference (различать)».

And we use ‘say’ before words like a word, a name, or a sentence. An example would be: ‘Don’t say a word.’

И мы употребляем слово «say» перед такими словами, как «a word (слово)», «a name (имя, название)» или «a sentence (предложение)». Примером может быть такая фраза: «Don’t say a word — Не говори ни слова».

That’s ‘tell’ and ‘say’. You also asked about ‘speak’. We use ‘speak’ to mean ‘talk formally’, and when we do use ‘speak’, we use the word ‘to’ if there’s a personal object. So you could say, ‘I spoke to him severely’ or ‘She spoke to our teachers’ association last year’.

Это то, что касается слов «tell» и «say». Вы также спросили о слове «speak (говорить, разговаривать)». Мы используем «speak» для того, чтобы обозначить, что разговор носит формальный, серьёзный, официальный характер. И со словом «speak» мы употребляем предлог «to», если указан объект, к которому обращаются. Таким образом, можно сказать: «I spoke to him severely — Я говорил с ним серьёзно» или «She spoke to our teachers’ association last year — Она выступала перед нашей учительской ассоциацией в прошлом году».

And of course we use it when we’re talking about people’s language ability: ‘Do you speak English?’ And you do, and I hope this will help you be happier with the way you speak it.

И, конечно же, мы используем это слово, когда спрашиваем людей, владеют ли они языком: «Do you speak English? — Вы говорите по-английски?» Вы владеете языком, и я надеюсь, что мои объяснения помогут вам успешно продвинуться по пути дальнейшего совершенствования ваших языковых навыков.

Catherine Walter

  • Примечание

В английском языке существуют идиоматические выражения, касающиеся разговоров. Это выражения «chew the fat, shoot the breeze», «talk in circles». Означают они «говорить ни о чём, вести дружескую, неформальную беседу, чуть-чуть сплетничать».


Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J
K, L
M, N
O, P
Q, R
S, T
U, V
W, X
Y, Z

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Write a sentence for each word/phrase.
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2. (on Sundays)
3. (in the summer)
4. (always)
5. (right now)
6. (in the winter)
7. (never)

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7 Grammar Practice. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Напишите предложение для каждого слова / фразы.
1. (на данный момент)
2. (по воскресеньям)
3. (летом)
4. (всегда)
5. (прямо сейчас)
6. (зимой)
7. (никогда)

1. (at the moment) I am doing my homework at the moment.
2. (on Sundays) We go swimming in the swimming pool on Sundays.
3. (in the summer) We go camping in the summer.
4. (always) I always help my mother in the kitchen.
5. (right now) My sister is having a picnic right now.
6. (in the winter) My dad goes skiing in the winter.
7. (never) My sister never walks our dog.

Перевод ответа
1. (в данный момент) Я сейчас делаю домашнее задание.
2. (по воскресеньям) По воскресеньям купаемся в бассейне.
3. (летом) Летом ходим в походы.
4. (всегда) Я всегда помогаю маме на кухне.
5. (прямо сейчас) Моя сестра сейчас на пикнике.
6. (зимой) Папа зимой катается на лыжах.
7. (никогда) Моя сестра никогда не выгуливает нашу собаку.

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• Differences between say/tell/speak/talk
• Common expressions
• Idioms with say, tell, speak or talk
• Practice exercises

Say, tell, speak or talk – what’s the difference?

Say, tell, speak and talk are four very similar words that can be difficult to use correctly in English! Mistakes are common when there are no exact equivalents in your native language, or when rules on usage differ. Let’s look at the differences between say, tell, speak and talk by explaining how each word is used separately.

How to use SAY

I say – He/She/It says – We/They say
I will say – I am saying – I said – I have said

When we use ‘say’, we do not use an object (e.g. me/them/you) immediately after the verb. The verb ‘say’ is used when we quote people directly and also when we give instructions. For example:

  • ‘Amelia said she would be back soon.’
  • ‘The weatherman said it would rain today.’
  • ‘I won’t say this again!  – Will you please get ready for school now?’

Say can also be used to express an opinion or thought, as in: ‘I say we should give each person twenty tickets each to sell.’

How to use TELL

I tell – She/He/It tells – They/We tell
I will tell – I am telling – I told – I have told

When we use ‘tell’, we also include the object (e.g. you/her/us) immediately after the verb. The verb ‘tell’ is used when we say something to someone, and is commonly used when giving an order or instruction. For example:

  • ‘I told my son to brush his teeth.’
  • ‘The teacher told the class to do their homework.’
  • ‘You forgot to tell me to bring my swimming costume!’

Sometimes ‘say’ and ‘tell’ can be used interchangeably to express the same meaning when information is being passed from one person to another.  In this case, the construction would be: ‘tell’ + object or ‘say’ + ‘to’ + object. For example:

  • ‘Laura told me that she would be late for work.’
  • ‘Laura said to me that she would be late for work.’

Learners of English often make mistakes like ‘He said me…’ or ‘She said me that…’. This is incorrect. Remember to include ‘to’ between ‘said’ and the object! Just as you would ‘send a letter TO someone’, you would also ‘say something TO someone’. The preposition ‘to’ shows the direction in which the information is going.

How to use SPEAK

I speak – She/He/It speaks – They/We speak
I will speak – I am speaking – I spoke – I have spoken

We use the verb ‘speak’ (instead of ‘talk’) when we are in a more formal situation and wish to emphasise that something is important. When ‘speak’ is used as a noun (speech) it also takes on a more formal tone that when we use ‘talk’ – i.e. ‘Give a speech’ is more formal than ‘give a talk’. For example:

  • ‘We need to speak about your attendance this term!’ (stricter than ‘talk about’)
  • ‘John will be speaking at an international conference next month.’ (more prestigious than ‘give a talk on…’)

We can also use ‘speak’ to describe verbal fluency or knowledge of languages, as in: ‘He speaks three languages fluently – German, French and Spanish.’. In this context, ‘speak’ simply means that the person knows the languages. It doesn’t only refer to spoken ability.

How to use TALK

I talk – She/He/It talks – They/We talk
I will talk – I am talking – I talked – I have talked

We use the verb ‘talk’ when we are in a more relaxed setting or when we are among friends in a conversational situation. You can think of ‘talk’ as a slightly more formal word for ‘chat’. For example:

  • ‘Sorry, who were you talking to before I interrupted?’
  • ‘I was talking with my mum the other day and we decided that…’
  • ‘I love chatting with my mates (friends) over a cuppa (cup of tea)!’ (very informal)

Often ‘speak’ and ‘talk’ can be used interchangeably to give the same meaning and there is no need to change the grammar of the sentence. For example:

  • ‘I will speak/talk with you about this more on Monday.’
  • ‘We can speak/talk about the new project next week.’
Say Tell Speak Talk
To speak about something , often reporting on what has been said. To deliver information to someone. To exchange information about something. (formal) To exchange information about something. (informal)
We do not include an object e.g. Rosie said she was free this afternoon. We include an object e.g. Rosie told me she was free this afternoon. Can be used to cover languages. E.g Georgie speaks three language fluently. Cannot be used to cover languages. E.g. Georgie talks three languages fluently.
Does not require a second person to engage with. Does not require a second person to engage with. Requires a second person to engage with. Requires a second person to engage with.
E.g. I said I wasn’t going swimming tonight. E.g. I told you before that I am not interested in you in that way. E.g. Let’s speak about the class rules again before we continue. E.g. We can talk about it more when you feel less angry.
Mostly interchangeable with tell.  The grammatical structure must be altered. Mostly interchangeable with say.  The grammatical structure must be altered. Mostly interchangeable with talk.  The grammatical structure needn’t be altered. Mostly interchangeable with speak.  The grammatical structure needn’t be altered.
E.g. Richard said (that) he would be late home tonight. E.g. Richard told me (that) he would be late home tonight. E.g. We will speak about the plans for our summer holiday when I next see you. E.g. We will talk about the plans for our summer holiday when I next see you.

Common English expressions with say, tell, speak or talk

Expressions with SAY

Say something (= Say something to someone)
‘You have to say something to Stuart about his poor work ethic!’

About to say (= to almost say something before you are stopped by something/someone)
‘I was about to say thank you, before you interrupted me.’

Nothing to say (= to not have anything to say about a topic or a person, can be used when there has been bad feeling around the topic.)
‘After Jane ignored my opinion, I have nothing to say to her about future events.’

Want to say (= to feel you would like to say something to someone, but perhaps are unsure about doing so)
‘I want to say something to Fiona about her bad temper, but I’m a little afraid of her!’

Need to say (= to have to say something to someone, can be used to ensure the person is listening properly, can be used to convey urgency or importance before saying what you have to say)
‘Please listen carefully! I need to say something very important.’

Hate to say (= to give over information when it isn’t something that the speaker wants to say or that the listener wants to hear.)
‘I hate to say it, but James isn’t very good at managing our committee funds. We may need to look at recruiting a new treasurer.’

Fair to say (= to say something that is reasonable and measured on a topic)
‘It is fair to say that we are all very pleased with your work this month.’

Going to say (= to be about to say something before being beaten to it by another speaker)
– ‘Shall we go to a pub for lunch today as the weather is so nice?
– ‘Great idea! I was just going to say that myself.’

Anything to say (= to enquire as to whether the person you are talking with has something to say on the topic)
‘Now we have covered the entire training guide, does anyone have anything to say on what we have learnt so far?’

Say no more (= used when the speaker no longer wishes to talk about a topic, often used to put an end to a difficult conversation and move forward)
‘I’m sure you know how disappointed I am that you have not completed your homework again this week.  Please finish your homework during break time and I will say no more about it.’

Say a few words (= a phrase used when you want to say something about someone/something, often used at the start of a short speech)
‘Before we sit down to enjoy the meal, I would like to say a few words about the bride and groom.’

Can say for sure/certain (= when the speaker is convinced that what they are saying is the truth)
‘I can say for sure that I saw Monica take money from the cash register and put it in her pocket’

Can’t say for sure/certain (= when the speaker is not convinced that what they are saying is the truth)
‘I can’t say for certain that Kieran helped Monica hide the money’

Might say (= when the speaker is not sure if they will say something or not in the future)
‘I might say something to my manager about the missing money, as I don’t want to be blamed for it.’

How can you say? (= when someone is in disbelief over something they have just heard)
How can you say such terrible things about your sister?’

People say (= to convey information about something which is commonly thought or said by a group of people, often used to spread rumours or untruths.)
People say if you break a mirror, you will get seven years of bad luck.’

say tell idioms

Dare say (= to say something is probable or likely)
‘I dare say Lianna will be at the party as she has had a lot to do with organising it.’

Daren’t say (= to hold back on saying something in case the listener is unhappy with what has been said)
‘I daren’t say anything to Kiara about her dress being too small in case she gets upset.’

Allowed to say (= to be permitted to say something)
‘The great thing about our work meetings is that even the junior members are allowed to say what they think.’

Begin by saying (= to say something to start off, often used when addressing a crowd)
‘I will begin by saying that I am very proud of the pupils’ progress over the last ten weeks.’

Ought to say (= to think you should say something)
‘I ought to say to my neighbour that I can hear his shouting through the walls.’

Never say (= to state something that you would never say, often in case of causing offense or upsetting someone)
‘I would never say this to Amelia as she is so enthusiastic, but she really is a terrible singer!’

Rather not say (= to say what you would prefer to say instead of something else, hide the truth)
‘I’d rather not say Amelia is a poor singer because I don’t want to hurt her feelings.’

Expressions with TELL

Tell on someone (= to say to someone – usually in authority – something about one of their peers that would displease them)
‘I’m telling on you to the teacher for tripping Callum up!’ (informal)

Tell off (= to express unhappiness at someone’s actions, punish verbally)
‘I told Charlotte off for throwing her rubbish on the ground’

Tell about (= to share information about something that has happened or something that will happen in the future)
‘I need to tell you about what happened to me at the gym last night…’

Tell a story (= to read or relay a book/tale to someone)
‘Lie down and get ready for bed, and I’ll tell you a story.’

Tell a lie (= to say something that is not true)
‘I told a lie when I said I was working. I just didn’t want to go for a run with you!’

Tell the truth (= to say something that is true)
‘Of course you can trust me – I always tell the truth!’

Tell the future (= to explain what will happen at a later date)
‘No one can tell the future because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.’

Tell the time (= to read the time on a clock/watch)
‘Could you tell me the time, please?’

Tell to do something (= to instruct someone to carry out an instruction)I told you to take the bins out.’

Tell how (= to instruct someone on the way they should carry out a task)
‘Nikki, please tell Cameron how to set up the cake display.’

I am telling you (= often used to capture the attention of the intended listener, can be used to reaffirm an instruction that has already been given)
I am telling you to make your bed before you start playing with your toys!’

Tell a secret (= to share something with someone that should be kept confidential)
‘Let me tell you a secret I heard about Ellie, but you mustn’t let anyone else know!’

Tell a joke (= to share a joke with someone)
‘I can tell you a joke if you want to hear one?’

Tell the difference (= to identify characteristics that differ between two or more things/people)
‘Can you tell the difference between the twins? Millie has blue eyes and Lilly has green eyes.’

Tell someone’s name (= to let someone know what a person is called)
‘Could you tell the class your name and where you are from?’

Tell someone’s fortune (= to predict what will happen in someone’s life, often using tarot cards of palm reading)
‘Show me the palm of your hand and I will tell you your fortune!’

Should tell (= to know it is best that you tell someone something)
‘You should tell the teacher that you struggled to understand the last lesson. Maybe she can go over the grammar rules again with you.’

Need to tell (= to have to say something to someone, can be used to ensure the person is listening properly, can be used to convey urgency or importance before stating what you have to say)
‘I need to tell you what happened last night and I need you to listen very carefully.’

Never tell (= to promise not to say anything about something that has happened)
‘I promise that I will never tell anyone your secret. It’s safe with me!’

About to tell (= to almost say something before you are stopped by something/someone)
‘I was about to tell you what happened, before you took that phone call.’

Tell tales (= to pass on information to get another person into trouble, not always true stories)
‘Stop telling tales on your little brother! I know it wasn’t him who broke the door.’

Expressions with SPEAK

Speak up (= to have to say something louder in order to be heard)
‘You need to speak up so your great grandma can hear you. She’s a bit deaf!’

Speak out (= to voice a fact or view even though it may cause trouble, raise issues)
‘We have to speak out about the unsafe conditions at work before someone gets hurt.’

Speak down to (= to say something to someone in a manner which is condescending)
‘I think she speaks down to me because I’m just a shop assistant and she’s a manager.’

Speak on (= to say something about a topic or subject, often in a formal setting)
‘I would like to speak on the topic of personal hygiene in class today.’

Speak about (= to say something on a topic or subject with someone, often in a more relaxed setting than ‘speak on’)
‘I’d like to speak about our fundraising efforts at the next committee meeting.’

Speak in (= can be used to define what language is being spoken)
‘Multilingual people can speak in many languages.’

Speak to (= to verbally communicate with someone, quite formal)
‘I’d like to speak to you about your plans to continue as company treasurer next year.’

Speak of (= an expression used when you don’t want to talk about an issue or topic again)
‘You’ve been punished enough for taking my car without asking. We won’t speak of it again.’

Speak for (= an expression used when someone is saying something on another’s behalf)
‘I speak for all of us when I say your performance must improve over the next term.’

Speak out of turn (= to offer your opinion when it is not needed, welcome, or deemed appropriate)
‘Forgive me for speaking out of turn, as I know I am only here to take notes on the meeting, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to run a larger focus group before taking the product to market?’

Speak with (= to talk to someone about a topic, consult or get advice)
‘I’ll need to speak with my senior advisor before I can authorise a payment for such a large sum.’

Speaking terms (= in communication, being amicable, communicating but in a minimal way due to dislike or following an argument)
‘They haven’t been on speaking terms since John went for dinner with his ex-wife.’

So to speak (= used when quoting a figure of speech or describing something in an abstract way)
‘In John’s relationship with his wife she wears the trousers, so to speak.’

Speak the same language (= used when talking about two or more people or countries speaking the same language, have a good understanding or rapport)
‘People speak the same language in Portugal and Brazil, but with slight differences.’
‘When it comes to shopping, Jane and I speak the same language!’

Speak openly (= to talk about something without fear of what others may think, can often be on sensitive topics)
‘Liz speaks openly about her experiences as a single parent in the hope that she can inspire others.’

Speak one’s mind (= to say what you are thinking about, even if others may not want to hear it)
‘I know something has been troubling you. If you speak your mind, maybe I can help.’

Be spoken for (= to describe something/someone that has already been claimed by someone else)
‘Unfortunately, most of the flats in the new building have already been spoken for.’

Speak well of (= to have pleasant things to say about someone or something)
‘Your new supervisor speaks well of you.’

Speak ill of (= to have unpleasant things to say about someone or something)
‘You always speak ill of your father. Why is that?’

Speak up for (= to say something on someone’s behalf who may not have the authority to speak themselves or may feel afraid or shy to do so)
‘Henry is such a kind boy; he always speaks up for his classmate John, who has trouble with bullies.’

Speak volumes (= used to emphasise the importance of ones actions/inactions or words/lack of words)
‘The fact that the boss refuses to address the smoking policy speaks volumes about his lack of leadership.’

Speak highly of someone/something (= used when someone says very good things about someone or something)
‘The head teacher speaks highly of the work you have done as a volunteer at the school.

Expressions with TALK

Talk up (= used when someone praises someone/something, perhaps to promote)
‘I can’t talk up this new course book enough! It’s really interesting and has lots of great examples.’

speak vs. talk

Talk down (= used when someone is diminishing something they or someone else has done in fear of looking like they are showing off)
‘Don’t talk down the efforts you put into your essay. You should be very proud of the hard work you have put it.’

Talk out of (= used when you are trying to convince someone to change their mind about a bad idea they have)
‘I have tried to talk him out of skydiving, but he insists he wants to do it!’

Talk back (= to reply in a rude manner, often to voice opposition or question an order)
‘Don’t talk back to your mother! She has already told you to clean your room.’

Talk over (= to interrupt or speak when someone else is talking)
‘Please don’t talk over me! You’ll get your chance to speak next.’

Talk about (= to say something about something/someone)
‘We can talk about that in person at the next meeting’

Talk down to (= to say something to someone in a manner which is condescending)
‘She talks down to me because she thinks I don’t understand English very well.’

Talk to (= to say something to someone)
‘I will talk to you after class, but just now I am listening to the teacher.’

Talk on (= to talk about a certain subject or topic)
‘After my speech about sustainability, Arthur will talk on the ways we can achieve this in our daily lives.’

Talk with (= to have a conversation with someone about something/someone)
‘I need to talk with you about our latest essay. Are you finding it as difficult as I am?’

Talk around (= to indirectly talk about an issue that may be sensitive without addressing it directly)
‘At the meeting they talked around the issue of missing finances, but nothing was resolved.’

Idioms with SAY 

Wouldn’t say boo to a goose (= used to describe someone who is very shy or timid)
‘Anne is very reserved and keeps to herself. She wouldn’t say boo to a goose!’

say tell speak talk difeeeece

Do as I say, not as I do (= when someone has inconsistencies with their words and actions pointed out, often said by someone in authority)
‘It doesn’t matter if I went backpacking when I was your age. You’re not going! You will do as I say, not as I do.’

Does what it says on the tin (= used to imply that the information given on a product or situation is exactly as it seems)
‘This radiator paint does exactly what it says on the tin.’

Can’t say fairer than that (= used when a solution to a disagreement has been found that should suit both parties)
‘If you are going to take three cigarette breaks a day, then I expect you to arrive at work fifteen minutes early. You can’t say fairer than that.’

Idioms with TELL 

Time will tell (= used when the outcome of an issue will not be known for a period of time)
‘Who knows if Sarah will be happier with Steve? Only time will tell!’

Tell someone where to get off (= angrily dismiss or rebuke someone)
‘If Rob cancels your next date, you should tell him where to get off!’

Tell it how it is (= to state something directly or bluntly)
‘Susan is very passionate about human rights issues. She always tells it how it is.’

Live to tell the tale (= used when recounting a dangerous story that all turned out well in the end)
‘My dad spent the war in a concentration camp, but lived to tell the tale.’

You can’t tell a book by its cover (= used to express the idea that it isn’t possible to judge someone or something just based on superficial features or initial impressions)
‘I was surprised that Edward was so laid back at the party because he always looks so formal. Just goes to show you can’t tell a book by its cover!’

Idioms with SPEAK

Speak of the devil (= the shorter, more commonly used form of the idiom ‘speak of the devil and he shall appear’, used when someone unexpectedly appears when or shortly after people have been talking about them)
‘Hi Kirsty! Speak of the devil! Mary and I were just talking about you.’

Actions speak louder than words (= used to when you don’t entirely believe what a person is saying and are waiting for further evidence through actions)
‘He’s promised not to be back late after work tonight, but he’s said that plenty of times before and hasn’t. I think actions speak louder than words!’

Don’t speak too soon (= used when someone promises something prematurely that may not then happen)
‘Our team have almost won the league with three games to go, but don’t speak too soon!’

Speak a mile a minute (= used to describe when someone speaks very fast, often so fast it is difficult to understand)
‘June was so excited to tell us her news that she was speaking a mile a minute.’

Idioms with TALK

Talk in riddles (= to speak in a confusing manner, sometimes intentionally so you don’t understand the meaning)
‘Cassie often talks in riddles and I walk away without really understanding what has been said.’

All talk and no trousers (= a phrase used to describe when someone talks a lot about doing something but doesn’t take any or as much action as they say they would)
‘Craig spoke for a long time about his plans to go backpacking, yet he is still here two years later! I get the impression he is all talk and no trousers.’

how to use say tell speak talk

Talk the hind legs off a donkey (= used to describe someone who talks a lot about a topic, can be about boring chatterbox or windbag)
‘Let’s cross the street before Betty sees us! We have to get to the train station on time and she’ll make us late. She really can talk the hind legs off a donkey!’

Money talks (= used to describe the influence money can have over someone’s decision-making process and achieve a desirable outcome for the person with the most money)
‘I know our business plan is better than theirs, but our budget is much smaller, and we all know money talks.’

Sweet talk (= describes a way of using flattery to convince someone to do something your way)
‘Melissa can usually sweet talk Mike into getting her own way. He finds it difficult to say no to someone he likes.’

Practice exercises: differences between say, tell, speak and talk

Exercise A

Insert the words say/tell/speak/talk into the blank spaces in the sentences below. Remember to use the correct form of the verb to match the context.

  1. Can you remember what I ________ to you about chewing gum in class?
  2. Let me ________ you again in case you didn’t hear the first time.
  3. John, I’d like to ______ with you tomorrow about the upcoming presentation.
  4. It’ll be very formal and you’ll be __________ in front of 2,000 people.
  5. Could you ______ Lisa that I need to see her in my office please?
  6. What did you ______ to Lisa? She seemed rather embarrassed.
  7. If you’re upset, you can _______ to me (about your problems) anytime.
  8. Paolo ________ to the group – first in English, then in Italian.
  9. We have both tried to ______ Derek out of quitting his job, but he insists he’s doing the right thing.
  10. Could you please _______ me the deadline for my visa application?
Exercise B

Use a suitable idiom with ‘tell’ in each of the blank spaces below.

  1. My neighbour got bitten by a shark while on holiday, but he __________.
  2. I don’t think their relationship will last, but I guess __________.
  3. You __________! Steve may look stupid, but he’d got a PhD in Astro Physics!
  4. You need to be honest with your boss about the problems at work. Just __________!
  5. John said I had ugly legs, so I __________!
Check your answers:

Exercise A: 1. Said, 2. Tell, 3. Speak/Talk, 4. Speaking, 5.Tell, 6. Say, 7. Talk, 8. Spoke, 9. Talk 10. Tell.

Exercise B: 1. lived to tell the tale, 2. time will tell, 3. can’t tell a book by its cover, 4. tell it how it is, 5. told him where to get off.

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Katie C.
— Staff Writer.

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