Use someone in a sentence for each word

What will I learn from the English lesson — something anything someone anyone (or somebody, anybody)

During this English lesson you will learn how to use the words “something, anything, someone, anyone or somebody, anybody” in sentences. There are two exercises for you to complete using the four words.

Positive: — In a statement, use something or someone

There’s someone knocking on the window.

I’ve got something that will make you happy.

Mr Bean talked to someone after is college class.

Sarah bought something at the market.

Negative: — In a negative sentence, use anything or anyone.

I didn’t know anyone at the party.

Sarah didn’t buy anything at the market.

We didn’t have anything to eat while working.

Mr Bean didn’t talk to anyone after is college class.

Question: — In a question, use either / something / someone or anything / anyone.

Did you meet anyone at the school disco?

Do you know anything about the area you are going to move to?

Did Mr Bean buy something at the supermarket?

Did Sarah talk to someone after is class?

** Hint ** Can I have…? Would you like…? + Something, someone.


  1. Would you like something to drink?
  2. Would you like someone to get you a beer?
  3. Can I have something to drink with my meal?
  4. Can someone get me a drink with my meal?

Choose the correct word in each sentence exercise.

This exercise you will practice using the correct word (something, anything, someone, and anyone) for each of the four sentences.

Copy and write the list on a piece of paper and fill in with the correct word.

Choose the correct word in each sentence

1 Is there (something, anything) to eat to eat at the party?

2 There’s (something/anything) about your friend Sarah in the paper.

3 I met (someone/anyone) from your college while at the football match.

4 We went round to your flat but there wasn’t (someone/anyone) in.

5 Do you know (someone/anyone) in the street that you are moving to?

Easy Pace Forum

If you are struggling with the exercises post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare with what you have.

Choose the correct word in each sentence exercise.

This is another exercise where you will practice using the correct word (something, anything, someone, and anyone) for each of the thirteen sentences. Someone and somebody have the same meaning. Anyone and anybody also have the same meaning. Try and practise and see where you can use both.

Copy and write the list on a piece of paper and fill in with the correct word.

1. I have something in my pocket.

2. Do you have ________ in your bag?

3. Mr Bean doesn’t have ______ in his pocket.

4. I bought ______ when I went to the supermarket yesterday.

5. Paul didn’t buy ________ when he went to the shop.

6. Did you buy _______ when you went to KFC?

7. My best friend is speaking _______ to her boyfriend on the phone.

8. Sarah didn’t tell _______ her little secret.

9. I talked to __________ at the counter about my food bill.

10. Did you talk to ________ about your problem?

11. Mrs Bean gave me ________ for my birthday.

12. Paul didn’t give me ________ for my birthday.

13. Did John give you ________ for your birthday?

14. My husband is sitting at his desk. He’s writing a letter to ________

15. The stadium is empty. I don’t see ___________

Easy Pace Forum

If you are struggling with the exercises post a question we will try and help you or post your answers and let others compare with what you have.

You’ve probably already tried to work out the differences between someone vs anyone, and that’s a good place to start. We’re here to help you truly learn what the differences are and when you should use them. We’ll also show you the positive ideas behind “someone” and the negative ideas behind “anyone.”

What Is The Difference Between “Someone” And “Anyone”?

Someone should be used when you’re asking for or wanting an unspecified person. This person usually comes with a few select qualities related to the situation. Anyone should be used when you’re asking for or wanting an unspecified person but do not care which person you end up getting. In both cases, you can use them as part of a question or as a sentence.

The Positive Meaning Of “Someone”

We’ll start by looking a little closer at “someone.” There is a positive meaning that’s closely associated with the use of “someone,” and most people will use it in this sense. When using “someone,” we’re asking for somebody unspecific that we don’t know (or do in some cases) to come out for us. These people will often be closely related to the task at hand, whether they’ve got specific qualifications to help out or something else.

When we say the positive meaning in this subtitle, we use “someone” in positive sentences or questions. We’re asking for help from somebody. Though the person is unknown in the context, the idea is that we really need their help and would appreciate them doing it. Let’s see what we mean.

  • I need someone to help me out here.

This is a positive sentence, where somebody is in trouble and asks anyone to help them out with whatever has gone wrong.

  • Could you find someone to give me a hand?

This is a positive question where someone is specifically asking for help. Typically, they’d be helped by the person with the most experience. However, the person they’re expecting to help them is unspecified, which usually means that anybody could come along to help them.

The Negative Meaning Of “Anyone”

Now we get to the negative meaning of “anyone.” It means much the same thing as “someone,” but when we use it, we’re referring to any specific person. The idea is that we truly don’t care who comes to help us out. This lack of care gives “anyone” the negative connotations that we’re about to share with you.

  • Can anyone help?

This is a negative question that’s asking if someone can help. However, using “anyone” in this scenario shows that the speaker doesn’t care who comes out. In fact, they’re usually insulting the person they’re asking the question to, implying they can’t already help them out.

  • I don’t want anyone. I want someone good.

This is another negative sentence where someone is saying they don’t want just any random person. They’re implying that the person they’re speaking to needs to find someone else to help, and it’s always used negatively.

Of course, in some scenarios, we can still use “anyone” in a positive light, though it’s not nearly as common in this sense. If we use the word “if” before “anyone,” we can typically write some positive sentences out of “anyone,” though the overall tone of the sentence is still seen as a negative one.

  • If anyone could help me out, that would be great.

See here how this is a positive sentence. Somebody is indeed asking for help and don’t mind which person comes to help them. However, using anyone in this way shows the negativity coming through. It almost seems sarcastic or careless when someone speaks in this manner, so you should be careful using it this way.

Examples Of How To Use “Someone” In A Sentence

Now that we’ve seen a few examples of sentence structures with positive and negative connotations, it’s time to look at some examples more closely. Examples are some of the best ways to learn new language rules and structures to help you get a grasp of the English language. We’ll show you a few sentences, and you can see how “someone” is used first of all.

  • I’d like to find someone who fits the criteria.
  • They’re looking for someone to help them out.
  • Can someone find me a suitable donor?
  • I need someone to order my food for me.
  • Could someone offer their seat for me?

Examples Of How To Use “Anyone” In A Sentence

We’ll also look at “anyone” in some examples. In these cases, you’ll see a slight hint of the negative meanings for each case. If you say them out loud, you’ll often be able to hear the underlying mocking tone that most people use when saying “anyone.” Of course, you shouldn’t use “anyone” in this regard if you’re talking to somebody you like, as it can be insulting.

  • Is anyone out there?
  • Is anyone going to help me with this?
  • They are looking for just about anyone to work there.
  • We’d like anyone who knows what they’re doing.
  • If anyone keeps talking, I’ll give you all detention.

Does Someone/Somebody And Anyone/Anybody Have The Same Meaning?

What about “somebody” and “anybody?” When we use these words, do they mean the same thing? Well, yes. In fact, they are completely identical to “someone” and “anyone.” “Somebody” means that you’re looking for an unspecified person, though typically has the required criteria or qualities you’re looking for. It is used only in positive senses, just like we talked about above with “someone.”

“Anybody” is the same word as “anyone.” We use it when referring to an unspecified person, though we don’t care who comes when we ask for them. It’s mostly used in a negative sense and is synonymous entirely with the word “anyone.” You can easily replace both words with these counterparts and get the same meaning.

There isn’t a rule you need to follow in choosing which one either. “If anyone can help” is the same grammatically as “if anybody can help.” Don’t worry about getting them confused. Just work with whichever word you find sounds and looks best for you.

You might also like: Me And Someone” Or “Someone And I”: Which Is Correct? (12 Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

A. Choose the correct word or phrase.

1   The prime minister was / has criticised for his recent actions.

2   When I walked past the Wilsons’ house, their new sofa was / has being delivered.

3   Our teacher was / has told us to take our favourite book to school tomorrow.

4   I think my mobile was / has been stolen!

5   Jonathan was / has chosen to play the lead role in the school play.

6   I’m sleeping downstairs because my bedroom is being painted / has been painting.

7   This picture was / has probably taken during the winter.

8   Your essays must be / have handed in on Friday morning.

9   Someone was / has left their wallet on the floor.

10   Did you hear about the bank being / having robbed?

11   Treasure Island was / has written by Robert Louis Stevenson.

12   It was a real shock when my dad was / has fired from his job.

13   The Vikings had visited America before it was / has discovered by Columbus.

14   When we got to the airport, we learned that our flight was / had been delayed.

15   Was / Has your ticket for the concert tomorrow paid for by you or your parents?


1 was   2 was   3 has   4 has   5 was

6 is being painted   7 was   8 be

9 has   10 being   11 was   12 was

13 was   14 had   15 Was

B. Complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.

1   The Earth ………………………… (hold) by the gravity of the Sun and orbits around it.

2   The first feature-length comedy film ………………………… (create) by Charlie Chaplin.

3   The award for best video ………………………… (present) later this evening.

4   By the time you read this, I ………………………… (arrest) for murder.

5   I don’t know whether our tests ………………………… (mark) yet or not.

6   Radio waves ………………………… (discover) by Marconi.

7   You wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but Jack ………………………… (bully) when he was at school.

8   Your application ………………………… (consider) and we will let you know was soon as we’ve made a decision.

 The roof of the car can ………………………… (lower) by pressing this button here.

10   Our tent ………………………… (blow) over in the night by the wind.

11   Chess ………………………… (play) for around two thousand years now.

12   Two men ………………………… (question) at this moment by police in connection with the burglary.


1 is held   2 was created

3 is going to/will be presented

4 will have been arrested

5 have been marked

6 were discovered

7 was bullied

8 is being considered

9 be lowered   10 was blown

11 has been played

12 are being questioned

C. Write sentences in the passive.

1   Our car / service / a mechanic / at the moment.


2   A man / shoot / an air gun / outside the petrol station last night.


3   Gunpowder / invent / the Chinese.


4   At the surgery yesterday, I / examine / Dr Peterson / and I / give / a prescription.


5   I went to see it because I / tell / it was a good film / all my friends.


6   This photograph / take / my grandfather.


 It looked like the window / break / a hammer / some time before.


 Our dog / give / an injection / a special syringe / the vet.


 The winning goal in last night’s match / score / Donatello / a brilliant free kick.


10   Your cheque / send / last Friday and / should / deliver / to you tomorrow.



 Our car is being serviced by a mechanic at the moment.

2   A man was shot with an air gun outside the petrol station last night.

3   Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese.

4   At the surgery yesterday, I was examined by Dr Peterson and I was given a prescription.

5   I went to see it because I had been told it was a good film by all my friends.

6   This photograph was taken by my grandfather.

7   It looked like the window had been broken with a hammer some time before.

8   Our dog was given an injection with a special syringe by the vet.

9   The winning goal in last night’s match was scored by Donatello with a brilliant free kick.

10   Your check was sent last Friday and should be delivered to you tomorrow.

D. Rewrite using the phrase given.

1   They have been building the new road for a long time now. (under construction)


2   They had been training the horse for the race for over a year. (in training)


3   They have been discussing the issue in Parliament. (under discussion)


4   They had been observing the criminal for the past two weeks. (under observation)


5   They have been using this plane for over 25 years now. (in use)


6   They have been developing the Cyborg D423 robot for over ten years. (in development)



1   The new road has been under construction for a long time now.

2   The horse had been in training for the race for over a year.

3   The issue has been under discussion in Parliament.

4   The criminal had been under observation for the past two weeks.

5   This plane has been in use for over 25 years now.

6   The Cyborg D423 robot has been in development for over ten years.

E. Rewrite in the passive starting with the words given.

1   People say that Bali is a beautiful island.

     It ………………………………………………

2   People generally think that life won’t be found on Mars.

     It ………………………………………………

3   It is generally said that Christmas is too commercialised.

     Christmas ………………………………………………

4   People often argue that prison doesn’t work.

     It ………………………………………………

5   People have suggested that the school should start to produce a magazine.

     It ………………………………………………

6   People say that crocodile tastes like squid.

     Crocodile ………………………………………………

7   It is said that the Vikings discovered America before Columbus.

     The Vikings ………………………………………………

8   People think that heart disease is caused by eating the wrong things.

     Heart disease ………………………………………………


1   is said that Bali is a beautiful island.

2   is generally thought that life won’t be found on Mars.

3   is generally said to be too commercialised.

4   is often argued that prison doesn’t work.

5   has been suggested that the school start to produce a magazine.

6   is said to taste like squid.

7   are said to have discovered America before Columbus.

8   is thought to be caused by eating the wrong things.

F. Choose the correct answer.

 We …………… a swimming pool put in this week.

      A   get      are having

      C   have     D   have got

 Why don’t you get a doctor …………… at your arm?

      A   to look      looked

      C   look     D   be looking

 My teeth were a little yellow so I …………… by the dentist.

      A   had cleaned them

      B   have them cleaned

      C   was cleaned them

      D   had them cleaned

 Stuart’s thinking of having ……………!

      A   shaved his head

      B   his head shaving

      C   his head shaved

      D   shaved to his head

 My sister …………… her ear pierced last weekend.

      A   made      got

      C   did     D   took

 Mum and Dad didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza …………… .

      A   be delivered

      B   to be delivered

      C   delivered

      D   deliver

 You should …………… a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.

      A   have      make

      C   take     D   get

 Kelly wanted to have a live band …………… at her wedding.

      A   to be played      play

      C   played     D   been playing

 Can we …………… this summer?

      A   get installed air-conditioning

      B   get air-conditioning to install

      C   have installed air-conditioning

      D   have air-conditioning installed

10   We …………… while we were on holiday.

      A   were burgled our house

      B   had our house burgled

      C   had burgled our house

      D   got burgled our house


1 B   2 A   3 D   4 C   5 B

6 C   7 D   8 B   9 D   10 B

G. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.

1   Someone has scratched my car on the door!   been

     My car ……………………………… on the door!

2   Tommy is having an operation right now.   being

     Tommy ……………………………… right now.

3   Has Fiona invited you to her party?   been

     Have ……………………………… party?

4   Shakespeare probably wrote this play in 1587.   written

     This play ……………………………… Shakespeare in 1587.

5   The government is considering a new law to ban smoking following new research.   considered

     A new law to ban smoking ……………………………… following new research.

6   My mum told me to go to Megagrocers.   sent

     I ……………………………… my mum.

7   I didn’t understand a word so I asked my teacher and she explained it to me.   got

     I didn’t understand a word so I ……………………………… it to me.


1   has been scratched

2   is being operated on

3   you been invited to Fiona’s

4   was probably written by

5   is being considered

6   was sent to Megagrocer’s by

7   got my teacher to explain

H. Find the extra word.

Wedding disaster

(1) My wedding had been being arranged for months. I knew exactly what I (2) wanted for that special day. I had the caterers to give me a menu and (3) have got them to provide me with samples so that I could be sure we (4) would have the best food. I also wanted to have us a string quartet play (5) classical music and I arranged that, too. My dress was been being made (6) specially and I had told the dressmaker put silver thread in it. Finally, the (7) big day got arrived. My dress was being delivered in the morning, but by (8) ten it still hadn’t arrived. They called me and said it had been being (9) damaged! I was furious! I had my best friend quickly to pop out and get (10) a new dress. I had got my lawyer to call to get my money back.


1 being   2 to   3 have   4 us   5 been

6 told   7 got   8 being   9 to   10 had

I. Rewrite with the indirect object at the end of the sentence.

1   My dad got me a great computer game!


2   Dave sent Jill a really nice letter.


3   I threw Colin the ball.


4   The waiter offered us a menu.


5   The hotel provides its guests with satellite television.


6   My grandma taught me this song.



1   My dad got a great computer game for me.

2   Dave sent a really nice letter to Jill.

3   I threw the ball to Colin.

4   The waiter offered a menu to us.

5   The hotel provides satellite television to/for its guests.

6   My grandma taught this song to me.

J. Write one word in each gap.

The European Diet

It’s hard for us to imagine what (1) ………………… included in the European diet before America (2) ………………… discovered (3) ………………… Columbus in 1492. So many ingredients which today (4) ………………… grown all over the world (5) ………………… unknown to medieval Europeans. Potatoes, tomatoes, maize and chocolate (6) ………………… all originally imported from the New World. Until then, meals had (7) ………………… prepared using ingredients native to Europe, such as root vegetables. Of course, spices such as pepper (8) ………………… been traded and added to food for centuries. When the potato (9) ………………… first introduced, it was surprisingly unpopular. It (10) ………………… considered to be poisonous and it took a long time to become common. There is a story of Parmentier, a French army officer, who (11) ………………… potatoes planted in the royal garden and (12) ………………… Marie Antoinette to wear a potato flower to make them fashionable. The poor peasants were curious about the new plants and many of them (13) ………………… stolen to be planted in their own gardens. It was the start of French fries!


1 was   2 was   3 by   4 are   5 were   6 were   7 been

8 had   9 was   10 was   11 had/got   12 got   13 were

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I. Choose the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. There’s someone at the door. It can / must be the postman.
2. Don’t worry, you don’t have to / mustn’t pay now.
3. It was 5 o’clock an hour ago. Your watch can’t / mustn’t be right.
4. In my opinion, the government might / should do something about this.
5. I suppose that our team must / should win, but I’m not sure.

II. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains some of these modal verbs: can, could, must, have to or should (including negative forms):

1. I’m sure that Helen feels really lonely.
2. You’re not allowed to park here.
3. It would be a good idea if Harry took a holiday.
4. Do I need a different driving licence for a motorbike?
5. Mary knows how to stand on her head.

III. Complete each sentence so that it contains might, might not, must, mustn’t, can’t or can. More than one answer may be possible.
1. I   ______ forget to phone Julie tonight.
2. Sue says she’s stuck in traffic and she ________ be late.
3. Tell Peter he _____ stay the night here if he wants to.
4. Me learn to fly! You ______ be joking!
5. Don’t be silly. You ___________ expect me to believe you!
6. Tim ___________ have got your letter as he doesn’t know your address.

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