Use progress in a sentence for each word

(1) The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.

(2) We must innovate in order to make progress.

(3) We perceive him wish to make progress.

(4) They can make progress in no other way.

(5) As a leader in the Senate, you make progress by making promises others can count on.

(6) It is difficult to make progress in your career if you leave a trail of damaged relationships behind you.

(7) I feel that we’re just beginning to make progress, and that it would be wrong to stop now.

(8) Then he started to make progress with simple objects in the room, rewarding each correct identification.

(9) Both leaders have promised to make progress on matters of substance.

(10) I found I was expected to make progress, entailing fast driving within the speed limits on all roads.

(11) These renters would offer an opportunity to make progress in science and engineering research.

(12) If the alliance were not seen to make progress, it might go into reverse.

(13) You make progress on the goals, and your supervisor stays involved to monitor and reward your progress.

(14) I feel I’m going to make progress with her.

(15) So you make progress with Miss Barkley?

(16) This was a refusal to change, to make progress.

(17) Furthermore, it will make progress of nativization study on instructional design.

(18) But for such contacts and consultations to make progress, I think what’s important for Dalai Lama is to have sincerity, otherwise no substantiative results can be made.

(19) Harmonious education can have them feel make progress with times, the same fate with reform and profound development with motherland.

(20) The International Criminal Court will fail to make progress with its most high — profile prosecutions.

(21) As conceit makes one lag behind, so modesty helps one make progress.

(22) This threatens to become a sterile debate, but there are ways to make progress.

(23) But now he has to pin his faith on the emerging talent and pray they continue to make progress.

(24) I hope that we shall be able to ensure that both these important measures make progress.

(25) If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress. Barack Obama 

(26) He switched this ability to concentrate to his own recovery and eventually began to make progress.

(27) They will harness those qualities to ensure that we continue to make progress.

(28) I earnestly hope that this kind Carex heart, deep feelings with absolute sincerity that you share a common fate with the development, to make progress.

(29) The law-and-order construction in the education area has improved quickly in recently years, the right to be protected for the university students which make progress very better.

(30) The world is developing , the times is improving, person also wants to make progress with the times step.

Task 5 (20 points).

Write a sentence for each situation using Present Perfect Continuous and for or since.

Example: 0. She started reading this book 2 weeks ago and she is still doing it. — She has been reading this book for 2 weeks.

1. It started snowing at 1 o’clock and it is still snowing.

2. He started playing this video game last week and he is still playing it.

3. I started doing my homework at 6 o’clock and I’m still doing it.

4. They came to the restaurant 3 hours ago and they are still waiting for a table.

5. Jessica started looking for a new flat a month ago and she’s still looking.


Task 6 (20 points).
Complete the sentences with tags.
The police found some fingerprints on the wall, _______?
Canterbury was a roman town once, _______?
It has been a lot of rain this spring, _______?
That wasn’t a very important book, _______?
Jenny and Tom haven’t arrived yet, _______?
Nothing interesting happens this week, _______?
I’m not disturbing you with my presence, _______?
Your mum has been working in this factory for a long time, _______?
Hens can fly for short distances, _______?
Don’t turn on the TV, _______?

Task 7 (10 points)
Complete the sentences with have to / don’t have to / has to / doesn’t have to.

You _______ wear a helmet on the building site.
The students _____ go to school on Sunday.
The deadline of my project is Tuesday. I _______ finish it on Tuesday.
I _____ finish this exercise, otherwise my mum will punish me.
John _______ be at work at ten. It is the time when his work starts.

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Слово, написанное заглавными буквами над каждым предложением, может быть использовано, для того чтобы составить слово, подходящее для заполнения пробелов. Заполните каждый пробел указанным способом.

It was а … tour. — It was a dangerous tour.

 2.      CARE — ЗАБОТА.
Be…! Don’t break the mirror! — Be careful! Don’t break the mirror!

 3.      NOISE — ШУМ
The hall was full. It was very… there. — The hall was full. It was very noisy there.

 4.      LOVE — ЛЮБОВЬ
It’s a … day, isn’t it? — Yes, wonderful. — It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? — Yes. wonderful.

 5.       SCIENCE — НАУКА
They have already discussed this important… problem. — They have already discussed this important scientific problem.

 6.       RUSSIA — РОССИЯ
They study… and French at school. — They study Russian and French at school.

He is a … scientist. His ideas are new and original. — He is a creative scientist. His ideas are new and original.


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