Use only one word to fill in each of the numbered blanks

Question 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. It is crucial that Dido (stop) using Quang Ha.

2. I will ring the bell one more. if he (not answer),I think he must(go) out

3. I am sorry about the noise last night. We (have) a party.

4. The man who (rescue) had been in the sea for ten hours.

5. A great deal of time (be) spent for his exercise.

6. We want (pay) better wages.

7. People always (blame) their circumstances for what they are.

8. You (stop) by a policeman if you (try) to cross the road now.

Question 2: Use the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following passage.

The families in our streets are slowly being driven mad by the ………….. (1- refuse) of the inhabitants of No.13 to have any form of ………… (2-communiate) with them. The trouble started over what is known as noise ………….. (3 — pollute). Every evening, the ……….. (4- think) neighbours used to turn up the volume on the TV so loud that no one in the (5 — neighbour) was able to hear anything else. Not knowing what ………… (6 — act) to take, local residents held a meeting to see if anyone had any ………… (7 — suggest) as to how to deal with the problem. A decision was made to send a number of people to talk to the family in No. 13 and ask them …….

…………. (8- polite) to turn their music down after six in the evening. Unfortunately, the visit did not turn out to be ………… (9 — succeed), as the inhabitants of No.13 refused to talk to them. So on the ………….. (10 — advise) of local police, the matter is now in the hands of the court.

Question 3: Fill in each numbered blank with a suitable word

When you hear the word «bank», what do you think of ? A ……… (1) to put money? The land on the edge of a river? To depend on something or someone ? If you choose any of …..

………… (2) things, you’re right. Why ? because words often have …………. (3) than one meaning. The tricky part is figuring out ……….. (4) meaning is appropriate.

Choosing the correct meaning of a word depends on …………. (5) things. First, it depends on the words and ………… (6) surrounding your particular word. The other words and sentences give you context clues. …………….. (7), the meaning depends on how the word is ………… (8) in the sentence. Is it a noun, a verb, ……………. (9) adjective or part of a phrase? Knowing the word’s part of speech will ………….. (10) you discover the word’s precise meaning.

Question 4: Read the text then choose the correct answer

Computing is now at the same stage as printing was when the first printing presses were used. Before printing presses were invented, only rich people like kings and dukes could afford to buy books. Often these people were unable to read and hadn’t enough time to learn. In any case, the books were so big that it was difficult for anyone to relax with a book as we do today. They wanted books because they were expensive and there was something magical about them. Only a few people were able to write, and it took an extremely long time to write a book. Monks and other people who could write said ordinary people could not learn to read.

The position with computers in very similar today. A few years ago, computers were very large and expensive. Business managers and rich people ordered them but they didn’t know how to use them. In many countries, however, the situation has now completely changed. Lots of people not only own microcomputers but also know how to use them.

1. What happened before printing presses were invented ?

a. Books were so big that people didn’t want to buy them.

b. Only intelligent and rich people could read books.

c. Only kings and dukes had enough money to buy books.

d. All rich people bought books.

2. Why were books wanted before printing presses were invented ?

a. to show that the people who owned the books were rich and intelligent.

b. to show that the people who owned the books could write.

c. Because books were dear and magical.

d. Because books showed that the person who owned them were magical people.

3. What is the common feature of a book and a computer?

a. They were only for intelligent people.

b. They were too expensive to buy.

c. They were large and expensive at first.

d. Only people who could use them buy them.

4. What situation has throughly changed nowadays?

a. A lot of people are eager to buy computers

b. A lot of computers are sold

c. Even children can use a computer

d. A person who buys a computer knows how to use it.

Question 5: a/ Each line in the following passage has a spare word; Underline that word and write it in the blanks given.


The bicycle is a cheap and clean way to for travel . The first  0/ …….for………..
bicycle was made in about one hundred and fifty years ago. At  1/ …………………..
first, bicycles were much expensive. Only rich people could  2/ …………………..
buy one. These early time bicycles looked very different from  3/ …………………..
the ones we have them today. Later, when bicycles became  4/…………………..
cheaper, many lot people bought one. People started riding  5/ …………………..
bicycles to work and in their with free time. Today, people use  6/ …………………..
cars more than bicycles; cars are much more faster and you  7/ …………………..
don’t get wet when it start rains! But some people still prefer to  8/ …………………..
cycle to work . They say that there have are too many cars in  9/ …………………..
town centers and you can’t able find anywhere to park!  10/ …………………

b/ Fill in the blanks with a suitable prepositions.

1. George fell ………….the bladder while he was painting the ceiling.

2. We stopped everyone ……………..leaving the building.

3. Admision …………… depends …………………examination results.

4. Don`t use that dictionary. It is ………….date. Find one that is ……………….date.

Question 6: Do as directed

1. My friend had excellent ideas. He did a good job,too.

(join into one sentence, using not only…..but…as well)

2. His explanation is not clear. The examples he gives are not clear.

(join into one sentence, using : neither……………nor)

3. People say that the price of gold is going up. (change into passive voice.)

4. He asked me: «When will you give this book back to me?» (change into Reported speech)

5. Seldom did people travel far from home years ago. (Use the ordinary word order)

6. He was given a gift. So were you. (Join into one sentence, using «as well»)

7. You may be intelligent, but you should be careful about this (start with «No matter……..»

8. He made a great discovery. He was very proud of it. (Combine into one sentence)

9. Lan found it difficult to accept the situation. (rewrite with: difficulty)

10.The farmers had applied new technology in their fields. The output of rice was raised.

(Combine with: Thanks to ………..which…………)

1. You are probably familiar with the traditional branches of
science, e.g. chemistry, physics, botany and zoology. But what about these
newer fields? Match the names on the left with the definitions on the right.

1.  astrophysics  

                             a. the study of the artificial
manipulation of the  make- up of living things

2. bioclimatology    b. the study of the structure and function of
the organic molecules

associated with living organisms

3.  cryogenics   c. the study of the way information is moved and
controlled by the brain or by  machinery

4.  cybernetics    d. the study of technology related to the
transfer of information

5.  ecology         e. the study of climate as it affects humans

6.  genetic engineering      f. the study of the way geographical
factors help to explain the ba­sis of the power of nation states

7.  geopolitics       g. the study of the way nuclear power can be
made useful

8.  information technology    h. the study of
physical systems at temperatures less than 183

9.  molecular biology   i. the application of physical laws and 
theories to stars and galaxies

10. nuclear engineering     j. the study of the relation of
plants    and living creatures to each

other and their environment

2. Fill in the blanks using a suitable derivative of the words given in
the box.

(1) recent    (3) interest       (5) agree           (7)
noise       (9) entertain

(2) invent    (4) transform   (6) advantage   (8) pollute (10)

A magazine _____(1) asked people what they thought the most
useful_____(2) of the last century was. It is a very_____(3) question, since
technology has_____(4) our lives today. Lots of people said cars, but
I_____(5). Although cars have made life easier in some ways, I believe they
have serious_____(6). The worst thing about cars is that they are so_____(7).
They also cause a lot of_____(8). Other people said TV. Of course, _____(9)
will never be the same again and it can be_____(10) to watch  TV after a long
day. However, I don’t think we should forget the educational value of reading a
good book. And what’s your opinion?

3. Put each of the following words in its place in the pas­sage

software     computers       peripherals         calculator     
ports monitor      keyboard         configuration     hardware       printer

So you only have  a pocket ______(1) to  do addition,
multiplication and so on, and you want to know about real _____(2)? Right.
Well, the machines themselves are called the_____(3) and

the programs that you feed into them are called the _____(4). If
you want to see the results of

what you are doing, you’ll need a _____(5) or you’ll have to plug
into a television set. You’ll operate your machine like a typewriter by press­ing
keys on the _____(6). If you want a record

on  paper  of what  you’re  doing,  you’ll  need  a _____(7).  
On  the  rear  panel  of  the  computer there are several _____(8) into which
you can plug a wide range of _____(9) — modems, fax machines and scanners. The
main physical units of a computer system are generally known as the _____(10).

4. Put each of the following words in its place in the pas­sage

heat        treatment      distance        melt       identify

beams      vaporize         displays        light      

Nowadays,  lasers are used to _____(1) tar­gets in military uses.
In engineering, powerful

laser _____(2) can be focused on a small area. They can_____(3),
_____(4), or_____(5) mate­rial in a very precise way. Lasers are ideal
for_____(6) in space.  Laser light can travel long

____(7) without losing signal strength. In med­icine, laser beams
can be used for the _____(8)

of damaged tissue in a fraction of a second with­out causing harm
to healthy tissue. In the arts,

lasers can provide fantastic displays of_____(9).Pop  concerts 
are  often  accompanied  by  laser _____(10).

5. Put each of the following words in its place in the sen­tences

insert                  reacted           rotate                 

analysing            concluded       pressed                pulled

patent                 invented         switching on       

experimented      compile          combined             dissected

1.  He_____with a number of different materials

before finding the right one.

2.  The technician______a button and lights start­ed______.

3.  When she_____a lever, the wheel began to_____.

4.  The zoologist_____the animal.

5.  When they were_____, the two chemicals______

violently with each other.

6.  After______ the problem, the physicist ______

that there was a flaw in his initial hypothesis.

7.  James Watt_____the steam engine and Alex­ander Fleming,
another Scot,             penicillin.

8.  After_____the computer, ____a floppy disc into the disc

9.  You must _____ your invention as quickly as possible.

10. Programmers usually_____their programs to cre­ate an object
program and diagnose possible errors.

6. Put each of the following words or phrases in its place in the
passage below.

checkout    charge       till receipt      stock      cash
register change        loose         bar code         scan       

cashier       scanner     benefit           per         display

With the introduction of Scanning, the______(1)will no longer ring
up the price on a______(2). From now on, nearly all the items will be passed
over an electronic _____(3) that «reads» the product de­scription,
size and price from the information in­cluded in the_____(4). All this
information is then accurately displayed for both you and the cashier to see on
the _____(5) and also printed on your_____(6). For any product which does not
carry a bar code, it will be priced and rung up as before.

All prices will continue to be shown on the shelf edge of all
displays in the usual way. When an item is reduced in price, the cashier will
ring up the low­er price and then_____(7) the item. The scanning system will
then_____(8) the lower price. For fresh produce such as _____(9) fruit and vegetables,
there will no longer be a produce_____(10)point. From now on, these items will
be weighed and priced using the scales at each_____(11)- All fresh produce sold
in this way will be described fully on your till receipt with the weight, price
_____(12) pound and total price.

After paying for your goods, you will be given a till receipt
which itemises each product bought, the price, the method of payment, any
coupons used,the amount paid, your_____(13), the checkout number, time of day
and date. While Scanning is a useful method of_____(14)

control for us, the greatest_____(15) by far is that it is a fast,
accurate system which makes paying for your goods at the checkout much easier.

7. Choose the most suitable word or phrase given for each blank.

Modern technology has brought about enormous improvements in
communications and yet many people are still very worried_____(1) using the latest
computer technology. I am often_____(2) to meet colleagues who still don’t know
what the «e» in e-mail stands for and they are too_____(3) to ask.
They assume you have to be skilled_____(4)computers to send a message via
e-mail but in fact it is_____(5) thing in the world. It is also_____(6)

to send an e-mail message_____(7) to send an or­dinary letter or a
«snail» message which also takes _____(8) longer. An e-mail message
is only_____(9) more expensive than a local telephone call to send; on top of
the call itself you also have to pay a fee to your «server». If you
send a letter by_____(10) mail, it will take a couple of days to get there
whereas an

e-mail will not take_____(11) than a few seconds. Once you
become_____(12) to using the system you will be_____(13) at how much
more_____(14) it is than other means of communication. Of course, be­fore you
have access to e-mail, you will need a fairly _____(15) computer, which can be
quite expensive.

(1)  a) for                 b) about                 c)
at                d) with as

(2)  a) surprising      b) irritating           c) surprised    
d) irritated

(3)  a) embarrassing b) embarrassed       c) tired            d)

(4)  a) about             b) into                   c)
to                d) in

(5)  a) simplest         b) the more simple c) simpler        d)
the simplest

(6)  a) cheaper          b) more cheaper     c) cheapest       d)
the cheaper

(7)  a) as                  b) than                  c)
that             d) from

(8)  a) much             b) more                  c) as                d)

(9)  a) little              b) slightly              c)
less              d) least

(10)  a) second-hand   b) low-paid             c) part-time     d)

(11)  a) more long      fa) longest               c) as
long         d) longer

(12)  a) capable          b) accustomed        c) clever         
d) good

(13)  a) amazed          b) puzzled              c) experienced d)

(14)  a) confident       b) certain               c)
efficient       d) skilful

(15)  a) strong            b) great                 c)
powerful      d) large

8. Choose the most suitable word or phrase given for each blank.

When faced with some new and possibly bewilder­ing technological
change, most people react in one of two_____(1). They either recoil from anything
new, claiming that it is unnecessary, or too_____(2) or that it somehow makes
life less than_____(3 .Or they learn to_____(4) to the new invention, and
eventual­ly _____(5) how they could possibly have existed without it. _____(6)
computers as an example. For many of us, they still represent a_____(7) to our

freedom, and give us a frightening sense of a future in which
all_____(8) will be taken by machines. This may be because they seem
mysterious, and difficult to understand. Ask most people what you can_____(9) a
home computer for, and you usually get_____(
about how «they give you information». In fact, even those of us who
are familiar with com­puters and use them in our daily work, have very lit­tle
idea of how they _____(11). But it does not take long to learn how to operate a
business programme, even if things occasionally go wrong for no apparent
reason. Presumably much the same happened when the telephone and the television
became_____(12). What seems to alarm most people is the speed of

_____(13) change, rather than change itself. And the_____(14) that
are made to new technology may well have a point to them, since change is not
always an improvement. As we discover during power cuts, there is a lot to be
said for the oil lamp, the coal fire, and forms of entertainment, such as books
or board games, that don’t have to be_____(15) in to work.

(1)    a) moments      b) kinds           c) ways          d)

(2)    a) complicated   b) much           c) obscure      d)

(3)    a) formerly      b) lively           c) personal     d)

(4)    a) adapt           b) react           c) conform     d) use

(5)    a) decide          b) wonder        c) suppose     d) admit

(6)    a) discuss        b) propose        c) take           d)

(7)    a) hazard         b) risk             c) control       d)

(8)    a) measures     b) decisions      c) chances      d)

(9)    a) run              b) apply           c) learn         d)

(10)    a) vague          b) such            c) up with      d)

(11)    a) are              b) work            c) manage      d)

(12)    a) in existence b) widespread   c) through     d)

(13)    a) future         b) machinery    c) physical     d)

(14)    a) objections    b) appliances    c) criticisms   d) fears

(15)    a) wired           b) batteries      c) plugged     d)

9. Choose the most suitable word given for each blank.


One of the most exciting predictions I have heard_____(1) the
twenty-first century is that we

will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have_____(2) up
with a cure for a lot of the most_____(3) diseases that people die of at the mo­ment.
They say that_____(4) the year 2020, the average person’s life-span will have
_____(5) to one hundred years. They also_____(6) that work will take _____{7)
less of our lives and we will have more_____(8) time to spend. Robots, which  will
look more and more_____(9) human beings, will have taken_____(10) a lot of the
boring ev­eryday _____(11) we do today. In the next five years, the Japanese
will have _____(12) a robot that understands human speech. This will_____(13) about
a big change in the way we live, and some people see robots as a_____(14) to
human free­dom. They are afraid that we will not be_____(15) to control them
and that in the end, they will control us.

(1)    a) to                b) about        c) across            
d) up

(2)    a) turned         b) made        c) come               d)

(3)    a) common       b) usual        c) everyday         d)

(4)    a) until            b) by            c) up to               d)

(5)    a) gone            b) come        c) turned            d)

(6)    a) predict        b) tell           c) wait               
d) advise

(7)    a) on               b) over         c) up                 
d) away

(8)    a) break           b) enjoy        c) fun                
d) free

(9)    a) as                b) like          c) similar           
d) how

(10)    a) up               b) off           c)
over                d) in

(11)    a) jobs             b) works       c) employment     d)

(12)    a) discovered   b) found       c) done               d)

(13)    a) bring           b) turn         c) take               
d) come

(14)    a) damage        b) dream       c) threat             d)

(15)    a) reaching      b) able          c) manage           d)

10. Read the text and think of the word which best fits each
blank. Use only one word in each blank.


Once upon a time, according to a much-told story, a computer was
set the task of translat­ing «traffic jam» into French and back into
En­glish. The machine buzzed, clicked, blinked its lights and eventually came
up with «car-fla­voured marmalade». Machine translation has come a
long way_____(1) then. Computer trans­lation systems are now in_____(2) in many

of the world.

Not surprisingly, the EEC is very _ _(3). With so many official
languages, translating and

interpreting take up_____(4) than fifty per cent of the
Community’s administrative budget. But although the efficiency of machine
translation is _____(5) rapidly, there is no question of_____(6) translators
being made redundant. On the con­trary, people and machines work together in
har­mony. Today’s computers_____(7) of little value in translating literary
works, where subtlety is vital, or the spoken word, which tends to be
un-grammatical, or important texts, where absolute _____(8) is essential. But
for routine technical reports, working papers and the like, which take up_____(9)
much of the translation workload of international organisations, computers are
likely to play an increasing_____(10). The method of

operation will probably be for the machine ton _____(11) a rough
version, which the translator

will then edit, correcting obvious_____(12), and where necessary
referring_____(13) to the orig­inal. If machines can translate languages, could
they_____(14) teach languages? Yes, say enthusiasts, although they doubt that
the teacher could ever be totally_____(15) by a machine in the classroom. Good
old teachers know best!

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.


Computers and microchips (l)(become) part of our everyday
lives: we visit shops and offices which (2)(design) with the help of
computers, we read magazines which (3)(produce) on computer, we pay
bills (4)(prepare) by computers. Just (5)(pick up) a telephone
and (6)(dial) a number involves the use of a sophisticated computer sys­tem,
as does (7)(make) a flight reservation or bank transaction.

We encounter daily many computers that spring to life the instant
they (8)(switch on) (e.g. calcula­tors, the car’s electronic ignition,
the timer in the microwave, or the programmer inside the TV set), all of which
use chip technology.

What makes your computer such a miracu­lous
device? Each time you (9)(turn) it on it is capable of (10)(do) anything
you ask. It is a (11)(calculate) machine that (12)(speed up) fi­nancial
calculations. It is a magical typewriter that (13)(allow) you to type
and print any kind of document — letters, memos or legal docu­ments. It is a
personal communicator that (14)(enable) you to interact with other
comput­ers and with people around the world. If you like gadgets and electronic
entertainment, you can even use your PC (15)(relax) with computer games.


Science and Technology

Test 1

1. i; 2. e; 3. h; 4. c; 5. j; 6. a; 7. f; 8. d; 9. b; 10. g

Test 2

1. recently; 2. invention; 3. interesting; 4. transformed; 5. dis­agree;
6. disadvantages; 7, noisy; 8. pollution; 9. entertain­ment; 10. relaxing

Test 3

1. calculator; 2. computers; 3. hardware; 4. software; 5. monitor;
6. keyboard; 7. printer; 8. ports; 9. peripherals; 10. configuration

Test 4

1. identify; 2. beams; 3. heat; 4. melt; 5. vaporize; 6. commu­nication;
7. distance; 8. treatment; 9. light; 10. displays

Test 5

1. experimented; 2. pressed, flashing; 3. pulled, rotate; 4. dis­sected;
5. combined, reacted; 6. analysing, concluded; 7. invent­ed, discovered; 8.
switching on, insert; 9. patent; 10. compile

Test 6

1. cashier; 2. cash register; 3. scanner; 4. bar code; 5. display
panel; 6. till receipt; 7. scan; 8. charge; 9. loose; 10. weigh-and-price; 11.
checkout; 12. per; 13. change; 14. stock; 15. benefit

Test 7

1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. d; 5. d; 6. a; 7. b; 8. a; 9. b; 10. d; 11.
d; 12. b; 13. a; 14. c; 15.

Test 8

1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. c; 7. d; 8. b; 9. d; 10. a; 11.
b; 12. b; 13. d; 14. a; 15.

Test 9

1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a; 7. c; 8. d; 9. b; 10. c; 11.
a; 12. d;

13. a; 14. c; 15. b

Test 10 (Sample answers)

I. since; 2. use/operation; 3. involved; 4. more; 5. improving/
increasing; 6. human; 7. are; 8. accuracy; 9. so; 10. role/part;

II.  make; 12. mistakes/errors; 13. back; 14. ever/possibly/ also;
15. replaced/substituted

Test 11

1. have become; 2. have been designed; 3. have been produced; 4.
prepared; 5. picking; 6. dialling; 7. making; 8. are switched; 9. turn; 10.
doing; 11. calculating; 12. speeds; 13. allows;

14. enables; 15. to relax

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

There was a king of Scotland. He had fought many battles with his enemies free his people. He was defeated four . Now he was hiding in a cave. He did not want the enemy to capture . He felt very lonely and sad. While he was thinking what to , he looked up at the top of the cave. He saw a spider trying to spin a . The spider cast its thread several times to the corner of the . Each time the thread missed wall. The king carefully. He decided that the spider help him. He and the spider had tried four to finish their tasks. If spider succeeded on the try, he too would try again. The spider cast the the fifth time. It held. The king stood up. He went out the cave, gathered his army and defeated the enemy at last.

did not want the enemy to capture 3 . He felt very lonely and sad. While he was thinking what to 4 , he looked up at the top of the cave. He saw a spider trying to spin a 5 . The spider cast its thread several times to the corner of the 6 . Each time the thread missed 7 wall. The king 8 carefully. He decided that the spider 9 help him. He and the spider had tried four 10 to finish their tasks. If 11 spider succeeded on the 12 try, he too would try again. The spider cast the 13 the fifth time. It held. The king stood up. He went out 14 the cave, gathered his army and defeated the enemy at last.

Test 7 (A-B) Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word in each space.

In the 18th and 19th 1 Europe silhouettes were 2 very popular way of making portraits. A silhouette is really a copy of someone’s shadow. Nowadays we usually 3 photographs, but silhouettes can make an interest- ing change, and they 4 easy to do. Everybody can make them 5 entertain their friends.

Prepare a sheet of 6 , a pencil, scissors and an unshaded electric light.

Sit your subject on a chair in a darkened room 7 close to the wall as possible, with a profile parallel to 8 walJL Pin the sheet of paper behind the sitter. Place the 9 in front of the sitter so that the shadow of the face falls sharply 10 the paper.

Trace the outline of the profile on the 11 .

If you work on black paper, life-size, the profile can now 12 cut out and mounted just as it is. If it is on white paper, you can cut it out and trace it on to black paper or colour it.


Срочно прошу помогите пожалуйста
Test №1. Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space.     part, world, chance, luck, have, in luck, win, million, lucky, round, worth, prize, competition, miss. Hello Den, I am in Canada. It’s wonderful. There is a lot of sunshine and lakes with warm water. You are surprised to get my message, aren’t you? As you know last summer I tried my … and took … in the World Teenagers’ Competition. It was a chance in a … . But it was … trying to … something for nothing. I was … luck and won the … . Now I and 47 other … winners will travel … the world. I enjoy visiting new places and finding new friends all over the … . I will send you postcards from the countries which we are going to visit. But you also … a chance to visit them. Take part in the same … next year. Don’t … your chance. Good … . Best wishes, Mike.                                                                                                                                  

Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space.
part, world, chance, luck, have, in, win, million, lucky, round, worth, prize, competition, miss

Hello, Mike!
I am in Australia. It’s great. A lot of sunshine and fresh air, parrots and other fantastic birds, warm water and beaches. You are surprised to get my message, aren’t you?
As you know last summer I tried my chance and took part in the World Teenagers’ Competition. It was a chance in a million. But it was worth trying to win something for nothing. I was luck and won the prize.
Now I and 49 other lucky winners will travel round the world. I enjoy visiting new places and finding new friends all over the world. I will send you postcards from the countries which we are going to visit.
But you also have a chance to visit them. Take part in the same competition next year. Don’t miss your chance.
Good luck.
Best wishes,

1.Fill in the blanks with the following words. Use only one word in each space.
part, world, chance, luck, have, out of luck, win, million, lucky, round, worth, prize, competition, miss.
Hello Nancy!
I am in the USA! It’s great. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and from Canada in the north to Mexico in the south. I hope everything is going well with you and your family. Everything is fine here.
As you know last spring I tried my … and took … in the Karate Competition. It was a chance in a … . But it was … trying to … . I was … luck and lost the … .
At the moment 57 … winners will travel … the world. I would like to visit new places and find new friends all over the … .
But I expect … a chance to visit them. Take part with me in the same … next season. Don’t … your chance! Good … .
Love, Alison Atkins.

2. Make all the changes and additions necessary to create sentences from the following sets of words and words combinations. Be careful with grammar tenses.
1. They / be going to / not / take part in the competition.
2. I / often / write / letters / to my friends.
3. Our students / take part / in the competition / the day after tomorrow.
4. It / be / my grandmother’s birthday yesterday.
5. The girl / already / phone / the hospital.

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  • Use one word to describe yourself
  • Use one word to describe love
  • Use one word to describe life
  • Use one word to complete the three different sentences
  • Use one word in each gap перевод