Use one word to complete the three different sentences


  • #1

Hello friends,

I need your help with the following problem.
There are three sentences, with a gap in each of them.
I need to find the one single word (and only one) which can fill all the three gaps and fit properly.

1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as she’ll be unpacked.

2. How do you think Frizt will …….. each month, with his new job ?

3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will ……. him sales manager next year.

I couldn’t find anything better than «head», but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.
A guy who was at the exam with me tried «drive», which is also wrong.
Any suggestions ?


  • la grive solitaire

    • #2

    Hi Claudio,

    Is there a word missing from the second sentence?

    • #3

    Cloudy-aw said:

    Hello friends,

    1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as she’ll be unpacked.

    Can future tense be after as soon as?
    If my memories serve me right, my teacher said never.

    la grive solitaire

    • #4

    You’re right, Erik.:) It should read:

    1. I’m sure Maria will …….. for the beach as soon as she’s [she has] unpacked.


    • #5

    Hi Claudio,

    I can’t find a word that does all three, but I have to say, sentences 1 and 2 sound wrong regardless. «as soon as she’ll be unpacked» is ungrammatical, like you said, and «each month, with his new job ?» seems to have a misplaced comma, and at first glance «with» is incorrect too. «In» would work better, as long as the missing word doesn’t change the structure. Mind you, my observation still doesn’t help much! Sorry!

    la grive solitaire

    • #6

    I think the missing word for all three is «make»:

    …she’ll make for the beach

    How much will Fritz make each month

    …management will make him sales manager…

    • #7

    Cloudy-aw said:

    Hello friends,

    I need your help with the following problem.
    There are three sentences, with a gap in each of them.
    I need to find the one single word (and only one) which can fill all the three gaps and fit properly.

    1. I’m sure Maria will ………. for the beach as soon as

    she’ll be

    she has unpacked.

    2. How do you think Frizt will …….. each month, with his new job ?

    3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will ……. him sales manager next year.

    I couldn’t find anything better than «head», but I’m pretty sure it’s wrong.
    A guy who was at the exam with me tried «drive», which is also wrong.
    Any suggestions ?


    Hello Claudio,

    The obvious answer, to me, is «make». But, as La Grive says, there seems to be something missing in the second sentence. That would need the addition of «out» — «How do you think Fritz will make out each month . . . ?»



    • #8

    Cloudy-aw said:

    1. I’m sure Maria will MAKE for the beach as soon as she HAS unpacked.

    2. How MUCH do you think Frizt will MAKE each month, with his new job ?

    3. He’s achieving great results, I’m sure the management will MAKE him sales manager next year.


    Omitted words and other errors MAKE this difficult to correct!


    • #9

    Thank you for your kind and prompt replies.

    At the exam I couldn’t take note of the sentences, therefore I obviously stuffed them with errors when I tried (with the only help of my memory) to type them in the first post of this thread.

    Anyway you all agree that the word is «make».
    I have another question : is «make for the beach» a bit colloquial ? I ask because I have never seen such a form. Is it BE ? Or AE ?

    Ciao and thank you again

    • #10

    In BE I say «head for the beach».


    • #11

    I agree with Joelline. Even without the mistakes, it is very difficult. I´d guess that «make for» is both BE and AE, though I´ll let the Americams speak for themselves. It´s certainly BE, though a bit unusual, perhaps more written than spoken?

    • #12

    In AE I have heard and understand «make for the beach,» although its not the primary way of saying it. We usually say «head to the beach» or «go to the beach.» I am sure there are other but thats all I can think of at the moment.


    • #13

    Let me offer sincere sympathy and suggest that you reserve the right to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. This is cruel and unusual punishment, not a legitimate examination in the use of English.

    I’ll accept that it is possible to use make in each of these sentences. But I stress possible and assert that it is unnatural.

    • #14

    These are questions that come out in FCE, CAE and CPE.

    Here are my attempts:

    1. head

    2. fare

    3. name


    • #15

    Ooops, Cracker Jack,

    Go back and read the nasty directions again. That was our problem: you had to use the 1 word (the same word) in all 3 sentences!

    It is for this reason that the Europeans here will be appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, and the Americans will be appealing to the Supreme Court! This was, indeed, cruel and unusual punishment!



    • #16

    If the second sentence is «How much do you think he will make each month, with his new job?», is «make» the correct word then?


    • #17

    Hi coconut palm,

    Yes, and that’s what I changed it to in post #8.



    • #18

    Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t notice the quote!
    I promise I will pay more attention next time!
    Thank you, Joelline, for confirming my assumption!

    • #19

    Joelline said:

    Ooops, Cracker Jack,

    Go back and read the nasty directions again. That was our problem: you had to use the 1 word (the same word) in all 3 sentences!

    It is for this reason that the Europeans here will be appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, and the Americans will be appealing to the Supreme Court! This was, indeed, cruel and unusual punishment!


    Oh gee!!! Thanks for reminding me Joelline. That was very careless of me. Well, you have all the right to deplore those bastard-examiners. Not just cruel and usual. It is stupid. Go ahead.


    • #20

    «Make for» meaning to go to, or head in the direction of, is not
    used with any frequency in AE. It’s found quite a bit in 19th and early 20th century writing, but has fallen out of favor in recent decades.


    • #21

    cuchuflete said:

    «Make for» meaning to go to, or head in the direction of, is not
    used with any frequency in AE. It’s found quite a bit in 19th and early 20th century writing, but has fallen out of favor in recent decades.

    Except for occasional appearances, one of them being the written part of the CPE exam I tried last week…
    I agree with Cracker Jack’s opinion, although my view is not so mild.


    • #22

    My understanding is that Cambridge questions are tested and a sufficient number of ‘guinea pigs’ must have answered the question for it to have been shown to help in grading candidates’ English ability.

    I don’t feel «make for the beach» is so unusual.


    • #23

    It’s not unusual if you’re reciting dialogue in a WW II movie about the beaches at Normandy! Otherwise, when is the last time you said it or heard someone say it?

    Complete the sentence. Use one word only each time.

    1) are you ready yet? Everybody is waiting for you.

    2) the house is empty. Everyone has gone out.

    3) Gary is very popular. Everybody likes him.

    4) This town is completely different now. Everything has changed.

    5)A: Is everything clear? Does everybody know what to do?

    B: Yes, we all understand.​


    1) Are you ready yet? Everybody is waiting for you.

    2) The house is empty. Everyone has gone out.

    3) Gary is very popular. Everybody knows [на ваше усмотрение, здесь нет какого-то правильного ответа] him.

    4) This town is completely different now. Everything has changed.

    5) A: Is verything clear? Does everybody know what to do?

       B: Yes, we all understand.​

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    2. Grandfather asked Mary what mark she got at school.
    3. He said he had a good camera.
    4. They said they could help me at all.
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    9. He said  he would bring and show us the photographs he had  taken during his stayed in the Caucasus.
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    3) deep
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    Скачай программу которая с помощью фото переводит 

    now- then

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    2. You should drink something
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    5. You should take tablets
    6. You should call the police

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