Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same army

Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Описание задания и ответ[править | править код]

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same.

army, audience, bunch, bundle, class, committee, crew, crowd, family, flock, government, herd(2), pack, pride, swarm, school, team

  1. A number of cows or bulls is a herd
  2. A large number of people is a crowd
  3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a crew
  4. A number of sticks is a bundle
  5. A number of sheep is a flock
  6. A group of people who play, act or work together is a team
  7. A number of flies or other insects is a swarm
  8. A group of people chosen to direct some work is a committee
  9. A group of relatives is a family
  10. People listening to or watching a performance are an audience
  11. A number of flowers is a bunch
  12. A big number of soldiers is an army
  13. A group of elephants is a herd
  14. A group of lions is a pride
  15. A number of dogs or wolves is a pack
  16. A group of states- men or rulers of a country is a government
  17. A group of pupils is a class
  18. A group of whales is a school

Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]

  1. Количество коров или быков — это стадо
  2. Большое количество людей — это толпа
  3. Все люди, работающие на корабле или самолете, — это команда
  4. Количество палочек — это связка
  5. Ряд овец — стадо
  6. Группа людей, которые играют, действуют или работают вместе, — это команда.
  7. Ряд мух или других насекомых — это рой
  8. Группа людей, выбранных для руководства работой, называется комитетом.
  9. Группа родственников — это семья
  10. Люди, слушающие или смотрящие представление, — это публика
  11. Количество цветов — это букет
  12. Большое количество солдат — это армия
  13. Группа слонов — это стадо
  14. Группа львов — прайд
  15. Количество собак или волков — стая
  16. Группа государственных деятелей или правителей страны — это правительство.
  17. Группа учеников — это класс
  18. Группа китов — это косяк

Ответы на другие задания учебника[править | править код]

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the
use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same:

» an army, an audience, a bunch, a bundle, a class, a committee, a
school, a crew, a crowd, a family, a flock, a government, a herd, a
pack, a pride, a swarm, a school, a team»

сам текст:

1. A number of cows or bulls is a… . 2. A large number of people is a
… . 3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a … . 4. A
number of sticks is a… . 5. A number of sheep is a … . 6. A group of
people who play, act or work together is a … . 7. A number of flies
or other insects is a … . 8. A group of people chosen to direct some
work is a … . 9. A group of relatives is a … . 10. People listening
to or watching a performance are an … . 11. A number of flowers is a
… . 12. A big number of soldiers is an … . 13. A group of elephants
is a … . 14. A group of lions is a … . 15. A number of dogs or
wolves is a … . 16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a
… . 17. A group of pupils is a… . 18. A group of whales is a … .

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the

use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same:

» an army, an audience, a bunch, a bundle, a class, a committee, a

school, a crew, a crowd, a family, a flock, a government, a herd, a

pack, a pride, a swarm, a school, a team»

сам текст:

1. A number of cows or bulls is a… . 2. A large number of people is a

… . 3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a … . 4. A

number of sticks is a… . 5. A number of sheep is a … . 6. A group of

people who play, act or work together is a … . 7. A number of flies

or other insects is a … . 8. A group of people chosen to direct some

work is a … . 9. A group of relatives is a … . 10. People listening

to or watching a performance are an … . 11. A number of flowers is a

… . 12. A big number of soldiers is an … . 13. A group of elephants

is a … . 14. A group of lions is a … . 15. A number of dogs or

wolves is a … . 16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a

… . 17. A group of pupils is a… . 18. A group of whales is a … .

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the

use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same:

» an army, an audience, a bunch, a bundle, a class, a committee, a

school, a crew, a crowd, a family, a flock, a government, a herd, a

pack, a pride, a swarm, a school, a team»

сам текст:

1. A number of cows or bulls is a… . 2. A large number of people is a

… . 3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a … . 4. A

number of sticks is a… . 5. A number of sheep is a … . 6. A group of

people who play, act or work together is a … . 7. A number of flies

or other insects is a … . 8. A group of people chosen to direct some

work is a … . 9. A group of relatives is a … . 10. People listening

to or watching a performance are an … . 11. A number of flowers is a

… . 12. A big number of soldiers is an … . 13. A group of elephants

is a … . 14. A group of lions is a … . 15. A number of dogs or

wolves is a … . 16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a

… . 17. A group of pupils is a… . 18. A group of whales is a … .

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the

use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same:

» an army, an audience, a bunch, a bundle, a class, a committee, a

school, a crew, a crowd, a family, a flock, a government, a herd, a

pack, a pride, a swarm, a school, a team»

сам текст:

1. A number of cows or bulls is a… . 2. A large number of people is a

… . 3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a … . 4. A

number of sticks is a… . 5. A number of sheep is a … . 6. A group of

people who play, act or work together is a … . 7. A number of flies

or other insects is a … . 8. A group of people chosen to direct some

work is a … . 9. A group of relatives is a … . 10. People listening

to or watching a performance are an … . 11. A number of flowers is a

… . 12. A big number of soldiers is an … . 13. A group of elephants

is a … . 14. A group of lions is a … . 15. A number of dogs or

wolves is a … . 16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a

… . 17. A group of pupils is a… . 18. A group of whales is a … .

Use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the

use one of the collective nouns from the word box to express the same:

» an army, an audience, a bunch, a bundle, a class, a committee, a

school, a crew, a crowd, a family, a flock, a government, a herd, a

pack, a pride, a swarm, a school, a team»

сам текст:

1. A number of cows or bulls is a… . 2. A large number of people is a

… . 3. All the people working on a ship or plane are a … . 4. A

number of sticks is a… . 5. A number of sheep is a … . 6. A group of

people who play, act or work together is a … . 7. A number of flies

or other insects is a … . 8. A group of people chosen to direct some

work is a … . 9. A group of relatives is a … . 10. People listening

to or watching a performance are an … . 11. A number of flowers is a

… . 12. A big number of soldiers is an … . 13. A group of elephants

is a … . 14. A group of lions is a … . 15. A number of dogs or

wolves is a … . 16. A group of statesmen or rulers of a country is a

… . 17. A group of pupils is a… . 18. A group of whales is a … .

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