Use of word lurk

скрываться, таиться, прятаться, обман


- скрываться, прятаться; притаиться; скрываться в засаде

there is smb. lurking in the shadows — там кто-то прячется в тени

- таиться; оставаться

some suspicion still lurked in his mind — какие-то смутные подозрения всё ещё не покидали его
strange beauty lurked in the autumn woodland — странная красота таилась в осеннем лесе

- редк. красться (тж. lurk along, lurk out)
- тайно угрожать (чему-л., кому-л.)

dangers are lurking around every bend — опасности подстерегают за каждым поворотом


- слежка

on the lurk — подглядывая, тайно высматривая, подстерегая

- разг. трюк; обман

Мои примеры


lurk about — скрываться в засаде  
lurk along — красться  
lurk around — скрываться в засаде  
lurk in ambush — находиться в засаде  
lurk out — красться  

Примеры с переводом

She didn’t see the figure lurking behind the bushes.

Она не увидела фигуру, скрывающуюся за кустами.

We caught a glimpse of someone lurking around the corner.

Мы мельком увидели, что кто-то прячется за углом.

There are two men lurking about my gate, making me nervous.

У ограды моего сада притаились два каких-то типа, они меня раздражают.

She could tell there was someone out there lurking in the shadows.

Она почувствовала, что там, в полумраке, кто-то прячется.

Be careful in the swamp, because alligators sometimes lurk there.

Поосторожнее на болоте: там иногда прячутся аллигаторы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I think it’s sort of creepy how people lurk in chat rooms.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lurk
he/she/it: lurks
ing ф. (present participle): lurking
2-я ф. (past tense): lurked
3-я ф. (past participle): lurked

intransitive verb



: to lie in wait in a place of concealment especially for an evil purpose

someone out there lurking in the shadows


: to move furtively or inconspicuously

shall I lurk about this country like a thief?Henry Fielding


: to persist in staying

the excitement of the first act still lurking in the airRichard Fletcher

Something about the smile lurking on Malfoy’s face during the next week made Harry, Ron, and Hermione very nervous.J. K. Rowling



: to be concealed but capable of being discovered


: to constitute a latent threat

What evil lurks in the hearts of men?


: to lie hidden

Malaria lurked in the marshes.


: to read messages without contributing on an Internet discussion forum (see forum sense 1c) (such as a newsgroup or chat room) or social media platform (such as Facebook or Twitter)

You can tweet as much as you want or lurk without comment, though consistent tweeting and audience engagement are key to attracting and keeping followers.Charlotte Abbott


Choose the Right Synonym for lurk

lurk, skulk, slink, sneak mean to behave so as to escape attention.

lurk implies a lying in wait in a place of concealment and often suggests an evil intent.

suspicious men lurking in alleyways

skulk suggests more strongly cowardice or fear or sinister intent.

something skulking in the shadows

slink implies moving stealthily often merely to escape attention.

sneak may add an implication of entering or leaving a place or evading a difficulty by furtive or underhanded methods.

Example Sentences

She could tell there was someone out there lurking in the shadows.

we caught a glimpse of someone lurking around the corner

Recent Examples on the Web

Still others own ranches where rare species might lurk, or know people who do.

Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker, 13 Mar. 2023

In traditional rotaries and traffic circles, which still lurk in many East Coast cities, traffic moves faster and vehicles already in the roundabout often must yield to newcomers.

Andrew Van Dam, Washington Post, 25 Nov. 2022

The observations could reveal new details about the early formation of large galaxies like our own Milky Way, as well as the supermassive black holes that lurk at their centers.

Meghan Bartels, Scientific American, 3 Mar. 2023

The visitors, including Japan’s leader, are making the trek in search of a valuable secret that may lurk here: how to make more babies.

Miho Inada, WSJ, 3 Mar. 2023

Among his particular skills: finding the scams and cons that lurk behind the sunburns and the melting frozen custard of the boardwalk.

Dan Barry, New York Times, 18 Feb. 2023

Shyamalan, to be fair, has lost none of his compositional devilry; notice his bisecting of the screen with clean vertical lines—the trunk of a tree, or the edge of a shower curtain, behind which somebody may or may not lurk.

Anthony Lane, The New Yorker, 3 Feb. 2023

The odds that the data from both experiments are only a coincidence are roughly 1 in 40,000, which hints that undiscovered particles and forces may still lurk in the universe.

Matthew Twombly, National Geographic, 8 Dec. 2021

Like the unchartered territories that medieval mapmakers filled with fantastic beasts, the frontiers of physics have been filled with a wealth of hypotheses for what may lurk in the darkness.

Yuen Yiu, Discover Magazine, 15 Oct. 2019

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘lurk.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English; akin to Middle High German lūren to lie in wait — more at lower

First Known Use

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of lurk was
in the 14th century

Dictionary Entries Near lurk

Cite this Entry

“Lurk.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
30 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

lurk — перевод на русский


Who’s lurking?

Кто прячется?

It seems there’s a man lurking behind that flaccid facade after all.

Кажется, там человек прячется за этим безвольным фасадом, в конце-концов.

Papa, she doesn’t go away, she is only lurking.

Папа, она не убегает, она всегда только прячется

It’s out there lurking somewhere, so once we’ve located it, we can then finish it off with depth charges.

Оно где-то прячется, но как только мы определим его местонахождение, мы покончим с ним с помощью глубинных бомб.

I’m sure that little ninja’s lurking around here somewhere.

Уверен, эта маленькая ниндзя прячется где-то тут.

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Don’t tell me under that rude exterior lurks the soul of a gentleman.

Не говори, что под этой грубой внешностью скрывается душа джентльмена.

That’s not all that lurks there.

Это не все, что там скрывается.

I feel as if something evil is lurking down here.

Я чувствую, что что-то злое скрывается здесь.

There’s another infinite regress lurking here.

Здесь скрывается еще одна бесконечная последовательность.

— It’s lurking around everywhere.

— Он скрывается повсюду.

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I saw you, black vermin, lurking there.

Гляжу, вроде как гад черный таится.

He lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce.

Он таится в тени, готовясь наброситься.

In the shadow of the eccentric, the charming and the zany terror lurks.

В тени эксцентричности и обаятельности таится безумный ужас.

Forget not that danger lurks everywhere..,.. .., this life of ours.

Не забывай, в нашей жизни опасность таится всюду

The danger lurks everywhere.

Везде таится опасность.

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Even now, humans lurk in our playgrounds, breezeways…

Даже сейчас люди затаились на наших детских площадках, в наших переулках…

Is that you I see lurking in the background?

Гиббс, это вы затаились на заднем плане?

Could they be lurking at the center of some of those clouds of gas and dust thrown off in a supernova?

Возможно ли, что они затаились в каких-то из этих газопылевых облаков, выброшенных взрывами сверхновых?

On the fringes of the Imperium, alien races lurk and plot, and Chaos daemons leak into our reality from the torment of the Warp.

На границе Империума, затаились и плетут интриги инопланетные расы. Демоны Хаоса просачиваются в нашу реальность из безжалостного Варпа.

They can lurk around the borders.

Они затаились на границе.

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Fear lurked in every corner of town.

Страх притаился во всех уголках города.

I know it’s lurking here somewhere to get me.

Я знаю, он где-то притаился, чтобы потом достать меня.

I knew you’d be lurking around here somewhere.

Я знал, что ты где-то рядом притаился.

Singer: What’s lurking behind that wall?

Кто это притаился там, за стеной?

Lurking in my labyrinth are the loquacious Jack Whitehall… APPLAUSE ..the logomaniac, Lloyd Langford…

В моём лабиринте притаился болтливый Джек Уайтхолл одержимый словами Ллойд Лэнгфорд эрудированная Виктория Корэн Митчелл и многострадальный Алан Дейвис.

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And have you an army of farmers equipped with pitchforks lurking in the garden?

А в саду шныряет армия фермеров с вилами?

But what makes the situation worse… is everybody knows this dirty fucking rat is still lurking somewhere among us.

Но ситуация лишь хуже от того, что все знают, что та грязная крыса все еще шныряет где-то среди нас.

It’s lurking outside, like a big hairy rapist at a coach station.

И теперь шныряет, как особо опасный насильник по автовокзалу.

She is lurking in the halls in the dead of night.

Она шныряет по коридорам посреди ночи.

On account of the folks been lurking round at night, digging holes in my land over there.

Потому что эти люди шныряют здесь по ночам, копают дырки в моей земле.

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Yet all the while, lurking behind that mask of servile correctness…

И всё же скрывающийся за маской раболепства…

You know, if I wanted some ball of evil lurking over my shoulder all the time, I’d have stayed home with my mother-in-law.

Знаешь, если бы я захотел какой-нибудь шар зла, скрывающийся за моим плечом всё время, я бы остался дома со своей мамой.

Then I came back here and I found you lurking in the hydrangeas.

Потом я вернулась сюда и нашла тебя, скрывающейся в гартензии.

The rage lurking behind that little boy grin.

Ярости, скрывающейся за этой юношеской ухмылкой.

There’s a mystery man with a hatchet lurking in the woods and we’re just gonna camp?

Есть таинственный мужчина с топором скрывающиеся в лесах и мы просто разобьем лагерь?

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Her fleet may be lurking nearby.

Ее флот может быть в засаде — поблизости.

So, you know, we’re lurking.

Так что, видишь, мы сидим в засаде.

When danger is lurking.

Когда угроза в засаде.

Wow. You’re lurking.

Вау, сидишь в засаде.

Well, you know, if something was to go down, there is a CIA presence lurking about in the form of John Casey.

Ну, а если что-то пойдет не так тут всегда ЦРУ сидит в засаде…в виде Джона Кейси

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Danger lurks in the darkness waiting to pounce and it’s my duty to face that danger and stare it in its godless eyes.

Опасность поджидает в темноте, и моя обязанность встретить эту опасность и посмотреть ей в глаза.

As soon as we make sure no one’s lurking in the closets.

Как только убедимся, что тут никто тебя не поджидает.

Down below the press is lurking.

Там, внизу, поджидает пресса.

Danger lurks behind every stalactite.

Опасность поджидает за каждым сталактитом.

Halloween… the most terrifying time of the year, where frightening horrors lurk around every corner.

Хэллоуин — самое страшное время в году, когда ужасы поджидают за каждым углом.

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Hey, shall we take a peek in the steam room and see what’s lurking in the mist?

Может, заглянем в парилку, посмотрим, что там бродит в тумане?

No, but we’ve seen him lurking around here.

Нет, но мы видели, как он здесь бродит.

What if Ivan isn’t the killer and the real killer is still lurking around out there somewhere?

Что если Иван никого не убивал, а настоящий убийца сейчас бродит на свободе?

My bet is he’s lurking around the chambers of Lincoln’s Inn trying to find a bar after hours.

Наверное, бродит вокруг Линкольнс-Инн, пытается найти открытый бар.

Lurking in the dark like a zombie?

Бродил в темноте, как зомби?

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verb (used without object)

to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.

to go furtively; slink; steal.

to exist unperceived or unsuspected.

Chiefly Computers. to read or observe an ongoing discussion without participating in it, as on a message board.

noun Australian Informal.

an underhand scheme; dodge.

an easy, somewhat lazy or unethical way of earning a living, performing a task, etc.



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Origin of lurk

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English lurken, frequentative of lower2; compare Norwegian lurka “to sneak away”

synonym study for lurk

1. Lurk, skulk, sneak, prowl suggest avoiding observation, often because of a sinister purpose. To lurk is to lie in wait for someone or to hide about a place, often without motion, for periods of time. Skulk suggests cowardliness and stealth of movement. Sneak emphasizes the attempt to avoid being seen. It has connotations of slinking and of an abject meanness of manner, whether there exists a sinister intent or the desire to avoid punishment for some misdeed. Prowl implies the definite purpose of seeking for prey; it suggests continuous action in roaming or wandering, slowly and quietly but watchfully, as a cat that is hunting mice.


lurker, nounlurking, nounlurk·ing·ly, adverb

Words nearby lurk

lurgy, Luria, lurid, Lurie, Luristan, lurk, lurking, Lusaka, Lusatia, Lusatian, luscious Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to lurk

creep, crouch, prowl, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, sneak, snoop, steal, wait, gumshoe, lie in wait

How to use lurk in a sentence

  • How many times have your stories kept me awake at night wondering, like a child in the dark, what monsters lurk nearby?

  • Discounting the occasional outbreak among bushmeat hunters, Ebola seems content to lurk.

  • Finally, and most importantly, F. Murray Abraham will continue to lurk in the shadows, looking mysterious and bald.

  • Post-war Iraq is unfortunately a fitting example for the reality that might lurk behind one-state visions.

  • Fascist snipers lurk in the hills, and merely sitting in a café could be fatal.

  • We got off our horses and stooped over the man, forgetting for the moment that danger might lurk in the surrounding thicket.

  • Holding the violin aloft, he cried exultingly: Henceforth thou art mine, though death and oblivion lurk ever near thee!

  • Scouts bring in that a squad of the emir of Emessa’s cavalry lurk around the port.

  • Perhaps he would even have to lurk in the woods, awaiting his opportunity to smuggle his liquor to the men.

  • In the caves would lurk such coolness as was going; but the lack of water must have been a sore trial in summer.

British Dictionary definitions for lurk

verb (intr)

to move stealthily or be concealed, esp for evil purposes

to be present in an unobtrusive way; go unnoticed

to read messages posted on an electronic network without contributing messages oneself


Australian and NZ slang a scheme or stratagem for success

Derived forms of lurk

lurker, noun

Word Origin for lurk

C13: probably frequentative of lour; compare Middle Dutch loeren to lie in wait

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

  • 1

    lurk [lɜ:k]

    1) остава́ться незаме́ченным; таи́ться

    2) скрыва́ться в заса́де; пря́таться


    on the lurk та́йно высма́тривая, подстерега́я

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > lurk

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > lurk

  • 3


    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > lurk

  • 4

    1. гл.
    1) скрываться в засаде;
    перен. оставаться незамеченным;
    таиться lurk about lurk around Syn: creep, prowl, skulk, slink, sneak, steal
    2) редк. красться
    2. сущ.
    1) слежка on the lurk ≈ тайно высматривая, подстерегая
    2) разг. обман;
    уловка, хитрость
    3) австрал., новозел. сл. работа
    4) сл. потаенное место, убежище
    5) диал. бездельник
    слежка — on the * подглядывая, тайно высматривая, подстерегая (разговорное) трюк;
    обман скрываться, прятаться притаиться;
    скрываться в засаде — there is smb. *ing in the shadows там кто- то прячется в тени таиться;
    оставаться — some suspicion still *ed in his mind какие-то смутные подозрения все еще не покидали его — strange beauty *ed in the autumn woodland странная красота таилась в осеннем лесе (редкое) красться (тж. * along, * out) тайно угрожать( чему-л., кому-л.) — dangers are *ing around every bend опасности подстерегают за каждым поворотом
    lurk редк. красться ~ разг. обман ~ скрываться в засаде;
    перен. оставаться незамеченным;
    on the ~ тайно высматривая, подстерегая

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > lurk

  • 5


    lurk редк. красться lurk разг. обман lurk скрываться в засаде; прятаться; перен. оставаться незамеченным; таиться on the lurk тайно высматривая, подстерегая

    English-Russian short dictionary > lurk

  • 6

    1. [lɜ:k]

    1. слежка

    on the lurk — подглядывая, тайно высматривая, подстерегая

    2. [lɜ:k]

    1. скрываться, прятаться; притаиться; скрываться в засаде

    there is smb. lurking in the shadows — там кто-то прячется в тени

    2. таиться; оставаться

    some suspicion still lurked in his mind — какие-то смутные подозрения всё ещё не покидали его

    strange beauty lurked in the autumn woodland — странная красота таилась в осеннем лесе


    красться (

    lurk along, lurk out)

    4. тайно угрожать ()

    dangers are lurking around every bend — опасности подстерегают за каждым поворотом

    НБАРС > lurk

  • 7



    1) скрываться в засаде; прятаться; оставаться незамеченным; притаиться прям. и перен.

    There are two men lurking about my gate, making me nervous. — У ограды моего сада притаились два каких-то типа, они меня раздражают.


    2) красться, подкрадываться





    обман; уловка, хитрость









    потаённое место, убежище

    Англо-русский современный словарь > lurk

  • 8

    1) скрываться в засаде; прятаться; fig. оставаться незамеченным; таиться

    2) rare красться


    creep, prowl, skulk, slink, sneak, steal

    1) on the lurk тайно высматривая, подстерегая

    * * *

    1 (n) обман; слежка; трюк

    2 (v) притаиться; прятаться; скрываться; скрываться в засаде; скрыться; спрятаться; таиться

    * * *

    скрываться в засаде; прятаться

    * * *

    [lɜrk /lɜːk]
    скрываться, прятаться

    * * *










    * * *

    1. гл.
    1) скрываться в засаде; прятаться; перен. оставаться незамеченным
    2) редк. красться
    2. сущ.
    1) слежка
    2) разг. обман
    3) австрал., новозел. сленг работа

    Новый англо-русский словарь > lurk

  • 9

    1. n слежка

    on the lurk — подглядывая, тайно высматривая, подстерегая

    2. n разг. трюк; обман

    3. v скрываться, прятаться; притаиться; скрываться в засаде

    4. v таиться; оставаться

    5. v редк. красться

    6. v тайно угрожать

    Синонимический ряд:

    skulk (verb) creep; glide; gumshoe; hide; lie concealed; lie hidden; lie in ambush; lie in wait; prowl; pussyfoot; shirk; skulk; slide; slink; slip; sly; snake; sneak; steal

    English-Russian base dictionary > lurk

  • 10


    1) Общая лексика: красться, обман, оставаться, оставаться незамеченным, подстерегая, притаиться, прятаться, скрывать в засаде, скрываться , скрываться в засаде, слежка, таиться, тайно угрожать , следить из-за укрытия

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > lurk

  • 11


    скрываться в засаде; прятаться; оставаться незамеченным; таиться



    обман; уловка, хитрость


    потаенное место, убежище


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > lurk

  • 12

    1) оставаться незамеченным; скрываться

    2) скрытно наблюдать; вчт принимать пассивное участие в электронных форумах, дискуссиях или телеконференциях

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > lurk

  • 13

    1) оставаться незамеченным; скрываться

    2) скрытно наблюдать; вчт. принимать пассивное участие в электронных форумах, дискуссиях или телеконференциях

    The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > lurk

  • 14

    1. прибежище, укрытие;

    2. увертка, уклонение, уловка, хитрость;
    3. заработок со стороны (часто нелегальный)

    * * *

    Australian slang > Lurk

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > lurk

  • 16

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > lurk

  • 17










    English-Russian smart dictionary > lurk

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    1. прибежище, укрытие;

    2. увертка, уклонение, уловка, хитрость;
    3. заработок со стороны (часто нелегальный)

    English-Russian australian expression > lurk

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    прятаться; находиться в засаде; подкрадываться

    English-Russian diving dictionary > lurk

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    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > lurk


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См. также в других словарях:

  • lurk — vb Lurk, skulk, slink, sneak do not share a common denotation, but they are comparable because the major implication of each word is furtive action intended to escape the attention of others. To lurk is to lie in wait (as in an ambush); the term… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • lurk´er — lurk «lurk», intransitive verb. 1. to stay about without arousing attention; wait out of sight: »A tiger was lurking in the jule outside the village. The spy lurked in the shadows. 2. Figurative. to be hidden; be unsuspected or latent: »A cunning …   Useful english dictionary

  • lurk — [lə:k US lə:rk] v [I ] [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Probably from Low German or a Scandinavian language] 1.) to wait somewhere quietly and secretly, usually because you are going to do something wrong lurk in/behind/beneath/around etc ▪ She didn t… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Lurk — (l[^u]rk), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Lurked} (l[^u]rkt); p. pr. & vb. n. {Lurking}.] [OE. lurken, lorken, prob. a dim. from the source of E. lower to frown. See {Lower}, and cf. {Lurch}, a sudden roll, {Lurch} to lurk.] 1. To lie hidden; to lie in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lurk — lurk·ing; lurk; lurk·er; lurk·ing·ly; …   English syllables

  • Lurk — may refer to:* A Lurker * Lurk (Dungeons Dragons) * Lurk, a deliberate misspelling of look. * A Myrddraal * Another name for vampires in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin off comic Fray …   Wikipedia

  • lurk — [ lɜrk ] verb intransitive 1. ) to wait, sometimes hiding, in order to frighten, annoy, or attack someone: Why is that woman lurking around? I saw someone lurking in the bushes and ran. 2. ) if something lurks, it is likely to threaten, harm, or… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • lurk — (v.) c.1300, lurken to hide, lie hidden, probably from Scandinavian (Cf. dial. Norw. lurka to sneak away, dialectal Swed. lurka to be slow in one s work ), perhaps ultimately related to M.E. luren to frown, lurk (see LOWER (Cf. lower) (v.2)).… …   Etymology dictionary

  • lurk — I verb ambuscade, be stealthy, be unseen, conceal oneself, crouch, delitescere, ensconce oneself, escape detection, escape notice, escape observation, escape recognition, hide, keep out of sight, latere, latitare, lie concealed, lie hidden, lie… …   Law dictionary

  • lurk — [v] hide; move stealthily conceal oneself, creep, crouch, go furtively, gumshoe, lie in wait, prowl, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, sneak, snoop, stay hidden, steal, wait; concepts 151,188 Ant. come out …   New thesaurus

  • lurk — ► VERB 1) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush. 2) be present in a latent or barely discernible state. ► NOUN Austral./NZ informal ▪ a dodge or scheme. DERIVATIVES lurker noun. ORIGIN perhaps from LO …   English terms dictionary



From Middle English lurken, perhaps of North Germanic origin, related to Norwegian Nynorsk lurka (to sneak away, go slowly) and Swedish lurka (to dawdle, be slow in one’s work); probably ultimately allied to Middle English luren, louren (to frown, lower, lurk), equivalent to lower +‎ -k (frequentative suffix).


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /lɜːk/
  • (General American) enPR: lûrk, IPA(key): /lɝk/
  • Rhymes: -ɜː(ɹ)k


lurk (third-person singular simple present lurks, present participle lurking, simple past and past participle lurked)

  1. To remain concealed in order to ambush.
    • 2013 June 29, “Travels and travails”, in The Economist[1], volume 407, number 8842, page 55:

      Even without hovering drones, a lurking assassin, a thumping score and a denouement, the real-life story of Edward Snowden, a rogue spy on the run, could be straight out of the cinema. But, as with Hollywood, the subplots and exotic locations may distract from the real message: America’s discomfort and its foes’ glee.

  2. To remain unobserved.
    • 1898, J. Meade Falkner, chapter 4, in Moonfleet, London; Toronto, Ont.: Jonathan Cape, published 1934:

      Thus my plight was evil indeed, for I had nothing now to burn to give me light, and knew that ’twas no use setting to grout till I could see to go about it. Moreover, the darkness was of that black kind that is never found beneath the open sky, no, not even on the darkest night, but lurks in close and covered places and strains the eyes in trying to see into it.

  3. To hang out or wait around a location, preferably without drawing attention to oneself.
    • 2005, Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. 235c.
      if we find the sophist lurking, we must round him up by royal command of the argument
  4. (Internet slang) To read an Internet forum without posting comments or making one’s presence apparent.
  5. (UK, naval slang, transitive) To saddle (a person) with an undesirable task or duty.
    • 2015, Andrew Gordon, The Rules of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command
      As junior dogsbody, he was lurked with this mission.

Derived terms[edit]

  • lurker
  • lurkingly


to remain concealed in order to ambush

  • Bulgarian: де́бна (bg) (débna)
  • Catalan: aguaitar
  • Czech: číhat (cs) impf
  • Finnish: väijyä (fi), vaania (fi)
  • French: se cacher (fr), s’embusquer (fr)
  • Galician: asexar (gl), aseitar (gl), alucar (gl), espreitar (gl), guichar (gl), atrelar (gl), agaitar (gl), viscar
  • German: lauern (de)
  • Greek: παραμονεύω (el) (paramonévo), ελλοχεύω (el) (ellochévo), ενεδρεύω (el) (enedrévo), καραδοκώ (el) (karadokó)
  • Italian: appostarsi, acquattarsi (it), celarsi (it)
  • Latin: dēlitescō
  • Portuguese: espreitar (pt)
  • Russian: таи́ться (ru) impf (taítʹsja), пря́таться (ru) impf (prjátatʹsja), скрыва́ться (ru) impf (skryvátʹsja)
  • Spanish: acechar (es), agazaparse (es)

to hang out or wait around a location

  • Catalan: aguaitar (ca)
  • Czech: potloukat se impf, poflakovat se impf
  • Dutch: schuilen (nl)
  • Finnish: piileksiä (fi), piilotella (fi), hiippailla (fi)
  • French: traîner (fr)
  • Galician: espreitar (gl), guichar (gl), atrelar (gl), agaitar (gl), viscar, agoitar, esculcar (gl), britar (gl)
  • German: lauern (de)
  • Maori: taiwhanga, tauwhanga
  • Portuguese: espreitar (pt)
  • Russian: таи́ться (ru) impf (taítʹsja), поджида́ть (ru) impf (podžidátʹ)
  • Spanish: merodear (es), vigilar (es), urguetear


lurk (plural lurks)

  1. The act of lurking.
    • 1873, Charles Reade, chapter XXVIII, in A Simpleton: A Story of the Day [], volume III, London: Chapman and Hall, [], →OCLC, page 261:

      At two p.m. a man had called on him, and had produced one of his advertisements, and had asked him if that was all square—no bobbies on the lurk.

    • 1921: George Colby Borley, The Lost Horizon
      There were enemies on the lurk and time was against him.
    • 1955: John Maxwell Edmonds Longus, Daphnis et Chloe
      [] barked furiously and made at him as at a wolf, and before he could wholly rise from the lurk because of the sudden consternation, []
  2. (obsolete) A swindle.


act of lurking

  • Catalan: aguait m
  • Portuguese: latente (pt) (something that is kept hidden but can surfaces at any moment)
  • Spanish: acecho (es) m (ambush), ocultamiento m (hide), merodeo (es) m (hang out), mironeo (es) m (Internet)


  • (a swindle): 1873, John Camden Hotten, The Slang Dictionary




  1. first-person singular present indicative of lurken
  2. singular imperative of lurken

Other forms: lurking; lurked; lurks

To lurk is to creep around, hide out, and wait to attack. Your team’s strategy for winning capture the flag might be to lurk in the bushes for an hour until the opposing side thinks you gave up and went home.

The verb lurk means to move furtively or sneak around, usually while you wait to pounce. Tigers lurk through the jungle, stalking their prey, and creepy characters are always lurking in the shadows in horror movies. Perhaps that’s why you’ll often hear people describe not-so-safe places by saying that danger lurks at every turn. Other words for lurk include creep, prowl, and snoop.

Definitions of lurk

  1. verb

    lie in wait, lie in ambush, behave in a sneaky and secretive manner

  2. verb

    wait in hiding to attack

  3. synonyms:

    footle, hang around, lallygag, linger, loaf, loiter, lollygag, lounge, mess about, mill about, mill around, tarry

    see moresee less


    lurch, prowl

    loiter about, with no apparent aim

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘lurk’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Asked by: Hillard Blanda

Score: 4.4/5
(60 votes)

lurk, skulk, slink, sneak mean to behave so as to escape attention. lurk implies a lying in wait in a place of concealment and often suggests an evil intent. suspicious men lurking in alleyways skulk suggests more strongly cowardice or fear or sinister intent.

How do you use the word lurk?

Lurk in a Sentence ?

  1. Hungry lions lurk in the tall grass and wait for unsuspecting gazelles to cross their path.
  2. Soldiers lurk in the darkness, waiting for any sign of moment from enemy forces.
  3. Dangers lurk in the shadows, biding their time before ambushing the unsuspecting victim.

What is a lurking danger?

of dangers, temptations, or difficulties) to trouble or harass constantly.

What is the opposite of lurking?

lurk. Antonyms: rise, spring, show, emerge, flash. Synonyms: hide, lie, skulk, abscond, lie hid, lie in wait.

What does Urking mean?

(tr) to irritate, vex, or annoy.

15 related questions found

What does irk stand for in slang?

The definition of irk is to annoy.

What does LRK mean in text?

Looney Ricks Kiss Architecture. Business » Companies & Firms. Rate it: LRK. Little Retarded Kid.

Is lurking a bad word?

Lurking has increasingly taken on a negative tone, implying one is being nosy or spying, like a digital form of eavesdropping.

What does skulking mean in English?

skulk SKULK verb. 1 : to move in a stealthy or furtive manner. 2 : to hide or conceal something (such as oneself) often out of cowardice or fear or with sinister intent. Examples: The cat often skulks around the foyer, waiting for someone to open the front door.

Is hiding a synonym of lurking?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for lurking, like: hiding, tarrying, slipping, hidden, skulking, lingering, loafing, lounging, loitering, waylaying and bushwhacking.

What does lurking mean in Valorant?

Lurkers are all about map and game knowledge, using both to slowly move around the map and provide information on the enemy team. Lurkers live in their own lane, taking a different path or direction from the team.

What is a rebel person?

a person who refuses allegiance to, resists, or rises in arms against the government or ruler of his or her country. a person who resists any authority, control, or tradition. adjective. rebellious; defiant. of or relating to rebels.

What does lurking mean on twitch?

In a Tweet on October 16, 2019, Twitch defined lurking as “viewers who are watching, but may not be chatting, have the stream or browser tab muted, or may be watching a handful of streams at one time.” This type of lurking on Twitch is acceptable according to Twitch’s terms and services and won’t get you into any …

How do you set up lurk?

In the “Command “ section type in ! lurk and then type in what you want the response to be. Make any other changes you need such as who can use the command and how often. Now click “Confirm” and it will save and will be ready to use by those in your chat.

Why does the tiger lurk in shadow?

Ans: If the tiger were in its natural habitat he would have been lurking in shadow in order to hunt plump deer and terrorising the villagers at the jungle edge.

What kind of verb is lurking?

1[intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to wait somewhere secretly, especially because you are going to do something bad or illegal synonym skulk Why are you lurking around outside my house? A crocodile was lurking just below the surface. 2[intransitive] (+ adv./prep.)

What is meant by improvident?

: not provident : not foreseeing and providing for the future.

What does Beatificially mean?

Meaning of beatifically in English

in a way that appears happy and calm, especially in a holy way: She smiled beatifically.

What does the term lying in wait mean?

Legal Definition of lying in wait

: holding oneself in a concealed position to watch and wait for a victim for the purpose of making an unexpected attack and murdering or inflicting bodily injury on the victim.

What does lurking mean on Kik?

Lurking is the reading or viewing of an online community without posting or engaging with the community.

What is a lurker ban?

The ban lurker is an often overlooked feature of Varnish. It can help you keep a clean cache, by scaring seldom-accessed objects with long TTLs out into the open. Here they can be executed humanly by Varnish’s flexible ban-purging mechanism. … The object would be removed from the cache immediately.

What does Privily mean?

adverb. in a privy manner; secretly.

What does I mean in text slang?

ILY — I love you. IM — Instant message. IMHO — In my humble opinion. IMO — In my opinion. IMS — I am sorry.

What does Ikr mean on Snapchat?

Ikr stands for I know, right. Use ikr to agree with something someone said.

What does IRL mean in texting?

IRL — In real life.

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