Use of word like in english

like в английском языкеСлово like — это не только «лайк» в социальных сетях. Сегодня мы рассмотрим шесть способов употребления like в самых обыкновенных разговорных ситуациях.

Простейшее значение like — это «испытывать симпатию» к чему-то, «любить», «нравится».

I like ice-cream. — Мне нравится мороженое.

I don’t like horror movies. — Мне не нравятся фильмы ужасов.

2. Like в сравнениях

Like используется в роли предлога «как» при сравнении:

You speak like your father. — Ты говоришь, как твой отец.

It smells like coffee. (Это) пахнет, как кофе.

Также like используется в значении «как если бы», «как будто». Более формальный вариант — as if:

He is speaking so fast like/as if he’s just drunk ten cups of coffee. — Он говорит так быстро, как будто он только что выпил десять чашек кофе.

She asked me the question smiling like/as if she knew the right answer. — Она задала мне вопрос, улыбаясь, как если бы знала правильный ответ.

Не совсем сравнение, но like еще используется как «такие, как». Более формальный вариант — such as:

Some languages, like/such as Spanish and Portuguese, are quite similar. — Некоторые языки, такие как испанский и португальский, довольно похожи.

Some birds, like/such as sparrows, can live in colder climates. — Некоторые птицы, такие как воробьи, могут жить в более холодном климате.

Следующие случаи использования like относятся к неформальной речи.

3. Like как вводное слово

Об этой функции like я узнал от преподавателя из Калифорнии, который рассказывал, что в его родном Лос-Анджелесе у подростков есть ужасная привычка вставлять like через слово, при этом like никак не влияет на смысл речи. Это просто filler word, слово, заполняющее паузы, как well или um. Похоже на «как бы» в русском языке.

She… like… didn’t tell me where she was going. — Она как бы не сказала мне, куда пошла.

I have… like… let me see, well… only two dollars. — У меня есть как бы… дай-ка посмотрю, нуу… всего два доллара.

В самом факте употребления filler words в речи ничего преступного нет, они существуют не просто так, подробнее об этом вы можете прочитать в этой статье. Однако чрезмерное употребление вводного слова like превращает его в слово-паразит, уродующее речь и затрудняющее понимание.

4. Like как «примерно»

Like может значить «примерно», «приблизительно», «где-то» (в значении «примерно»). Это менее формальный синоним about и approximately.

Hurry up, we only have like ten minutes. — Торопись, у нас всего где-то минут десять.

He was like five feet tall. — Он был ростом где-то футов пять.

Со словом about эти предложения будут звучать чуть более формально:

We have about ten minutes. — У нас есть около десяти минут.

Со словом approximately — чуть ли не научно:

We have approximately ten minutes. — У нас есть приблизительно десять минут.

5. To be like для передачи речи: «а он такой, а она такая»

В русском языке мы часто используем в повседневном общении оборот с «кто-то + такой» для передачи речи, своих или чужих слов, например:

Я опоздал на работу, а мой начальник такой: «Ну, это уже перебор!»

Ну и вот, приносит она мне чай, а я такой: «Я же заказывал кофе, а не чай».

Речь, причем, часто передается недословно, преувеличенно (особенно, чужая). В английском языке оборот to be like используется для точно такой же передачи речи, когда вы рассказываете какой-нибудь случай из жизни:

So, I’m late for work and my boss is like, «Oh, that’s too much!» — Так вот, я опоздал на работу, и мой начальник такой: «Ну, это уже перебор!»

Well, she brings me a tea and I’m like, «But I ordered coffee, not tea». — Ну и вот, приносит она мне чай, а я такой: «Я же заказывал кофе, а не чай».

Как и в русском языке, этот оборот может передавать не слова, а мысли — это понятно из контекста.

My mom told me I was grounded, I was like, «Is she serious?» — Мама сказала, что я наказан, а я такой, это она всерьез?

They made me an employee of the month and I was like, «Finally». — Они сделали меня работником месяца, а я такой, ну наконец-то.

Примечание: to ground — наказать ребенка, запретив на какое-то время гулять, дословно «заземлить».

6. To feel like — «как будто», «хотеть»

Оборот to feel like используется двумя разными способами.

1. To feel like + герундий = хочется

С этим оборотом я познакомился, читая «The Catcher in The Rye», там он встречается часто, начиная с первого предложения:

…but I don’t feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth. — Но, по правде говоря, мне неохота в этом копаться.

Оборот значит «хотеть», «хотелось бы», «не прочь бы», «быть в настроении делать что-то». Он характерен для разговорной речи и нисколько не устарел, активно используется в современном английском языке.

Другие примеры:

I don’t feel like watching a movie. — Мне не хочется смотреть фильм.

I feel like singing. — Мне хочется попеть.

What do you feel like doing now? — Чем бы тебе хотелось сейчас заняться?

Важно: после to feel like обязательно используется герундий (watching, singing), а не инфинитив (to watch, to sing).

2. To feel like + придаточное предложение

В разговорной речи часто используются сложные предложения, начинающиеся на «I felt like…» — «У меня было ощущение, что», «Мне казалось, что». Придаточные в примерах подчеркнуты:

I felt like I was going to die. — Мне казалось, что я умру.

I felt like I was the happiest man in the world! — Мне казалось, что я самый счастливый человек в мире!


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

“Like” is one of the most commonly used words in English – and when you’re new to learning the language, it can be a bit of a confusing one, as it has so many different meanings!

In fact – did you know that there are actually five different ways to use the word “like”? Phew! Sounds like hard work.

You might hear it a lot in everyday spoken English – especially as it has become very popular to use colloquially. But if you’re not sure on how to use this word correctly, then read on to find out.

Like – to enjoy

One of the most common ways that you’ll hear the word “like” is as a verb – “to like”.

This is a verb used to express the fact that you enjoy something, and it can be used just like many other verbs in English.

For example: “I like walking to work, but she liked to drive instead.”

Nice and simple!

Would like – to request something

“Like” can also be used as an alternative to the verb, “to want”, in a form that is considered less aggressive and demanding, and more polite. You would use the word with the modal verb, “would”, and you always need to use the full phrase “would like”.

For example: “She would like to place her order now.”

Be like – to describe the characteristics of something

This is when the uses of “like” start to get a bit more complex. In this use, the word is used to describe the personality, character or particular traits of something.

In this case it is used with the verb “to be”. If you are using it in the past tense, only the main part of the verb “to be” is changed, and the word “like” stays the same.

For example: “What was he really like?”

Like – as a simile

Developing from the previous use of the word, “like” is often used as a simile – or a comparison with something else, in order to describe something.

Sounds confusing? Let’s take a look at an example!

“The bedroom was like a disaster zone.”

In a simile, you still need to use the verb “to be” with the word “like”, but instead of describing the actual characteristics, you can use something else – which might be drastically different.

For example: “She was nervous and shaky, like a mouse.”

This is a great way of adding a bit more personality into your spoken English, but you would not use similes very often in written English, unless you are writing creatively.

Look like – describing appearances

The last common use of the word “like” is to describe experiences. This is done through the verb “to look like”. You can use this just as in the previous examples when you used the form “to be like”. In this case, the part of the phrase that changes according to tense and subject is “look”, while the word “like” stays the same.

For example: “I look like a really messy person, while she looks like a celebrity!”

Your turn

Understanding how the word “like” is used in different contexts and forms is a really helpful way to build on your English skills – make sure you practice each of the five uses as much as you can!

Сегодня слово «Like» является чуть ли не самым популярным среди молодежи и не только. И вызван этот тренд как популяризацией социальных сетей, так и многоликостью самого слова. Ведь оно, как настоящий актер, меняет различные маски, примеряя на себе роль различных частей речи и значений.

Сегодня мы рассмотрим все функции слова «like» и детально разберем их на примерах.

В качестве глагола слово «like» означает «нравится» и используется, когда мы хотим выразить приятные чувства в отношении человека или вещей.

Like + существительное

Как глагол слово «like» может употребляться в паре с существительным.


Kate likes dogs but she doesn’t like cats much.  — Кейт любит собак, но не очень любит кошек.

Do you like Italian food? — Тебе нравится итальянская еда?

John really likes the sounds of the nature. — Джону действительно нравятся звуки природы.

Like + герундий

Если после слова «like» идет глагол, и вы описываете действие, которым любите заниматься в принципе, тогда после этого слова следует употреблять герундию (глагол с окончанием — ing).


Daniel likes singing. — Даниэль любит петь.

Kate likes swimming. — Кейт нравится плавать.

John likes going to the cinema. — Джону нравятся походы в кино.

Like + инфинитив

Если же вы говорите об увлечении не просто в целом, но и уточняете, что сами занимается этим на регулярной основе, тогда после слова «like» следует употреблять инфинитив.


Olga likes to meet with her friends at the weekend. — Ольге нравится встречаться с друзьями на выходных.

John doesn’t like to walk in the dark. — Джон не любит прогуливаться в темноте.

Svetlana likes to go to the cinema every Thursday. — Светлана любит ходить в кино каждый четверг.

Jason likes to have breakfast in the cafe. — Джейсон любит завтракать в кафе.

Like + придаточные предложения

После глагола «like» также может идти придаточная часть предложения (как правило, определительное придаточное).


Monica didn’t like what her brother did for her. — Монике не понравилось, что для нее сделал брат.

Everyone likes how I cook the meat. — Всем нравится, как я готовлю мясо.

2. Like в составе фразы «would like» при обращении или просьбе. 

Мы используем фразу «would like» в ситуациях, когда вежливо предлагаем что-то собеседнику, просим его о чем-то или говорим, чего хотим. В таких случаях за словом «like» следует употреблять инфинитив


Would you like a cup of tea? — Не хотели бы вы чашечку чая?

Would you like to listen to the music? — Не хотели бы вы послушать музыку?

I would like a chicken with smashed potato. — Я буду курицу с картофелем пюре (заказ в ресторане).

… I would like to enquire about the Project Manager position… — Я бы хотел отправить свое резюме на позицию Менеджера проектов (при отсылке резюме).

3. Like в качестве предлога в значении «подобный», «как». 

Слово «like» также может выполнять функции предлога. В таких случаях оно переводится как «такой, как», «как», «похожий». Обычно «like» следует за глаголами: look, sound, feel, taste, seem. Мы также можем использовать такие слова, как a bit, just, very, so и more, если хотим указать на степень схожести.


My brother is like my father. — Мой брат похож на отца.

Kate thinks this ice cream tastes like milk shake. — Кейт кажется что это мороженое по вкусу, как молочный коктейль.

That looks like my sister’s bike. — Это похоже на велосипед моей сестры.

That smells very like onion. — Это очень пахнет луком (как лук).

Daniel seems like a good guy. — Даниэль кажется неплохим парнем.

That suit is more like a deep blue than a black color. — Этот костюм больше темно-синего, чем черного цвета.

4. Like в качестве союза.

Вы также можете использовать слово «like» в качестве союза, вместо «as». Однако следует иметь в виду, что такое употребление не относится к числу классического английского.


Like any good friend will tell you, don’t do it just fo fun. — Как любой хороший друг сказал бы тебе, не делай это просто ради веселья (As any good friend.

5. Like в качестве суффикса.

«Like» также возможно приставлять к концу существительного, тогда слово будет выполнять функции суффикса и переводиться как «подобный».


There is something child-like about this guys. — В этих ребятах есть что-то детское.

6. Like в разговорном английском.

Слово «like» также часто используется и в неформальном английском. И в этом случае оно также несет на себе несколько значений:

1. Для связи слов в предложении, когда нам нужно время, чтобы подумать о том, что сказать.


I would like to … like … I would like to say that we should think carefully about this. — Я бы хотел… что-то вроде… я бы хотел сказать, что мы должны очень внимательно подумать на этот счет.

2. Для того, чтобы сфокусировать внимание на фразе, которую хотим произнести следующей.


There are like 1000 visitors at the festival. — На фестивале около тысячи посетителей.

3. Для уточнения в составе фразы «like what». Такая конструкция часто используется для уточнения только что услышанной фразы. 


— There were a lot of flowers on the market. — На рынке было много цветов.

— Like what? — Например.

Конечно, слово «like» несет на себе много функций, которые запомнить с первого раза будет достаточно сложно. Но возможно, особенно, если воспользоваться подсказками, как прокачать свой мозг для изучения английского языка и новых слов.

In English, the word like has a very flexible range of uses, ranging from conventional to non-standard. It can be used as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, preposition, particle, conjunction, hedge, filler, quotative, semi-suffix.



Like is one of the words in the English language that can introduce a simile (a stylistic device comparing two dissimilar ideas). It can be used as a preposition, as in «He runs like a cheetah»; it can also be used as a suffix, as in «She acts very child-like«. It can also be used in non-simile comparisons such as, «She has a dog like ours».[1]

As a conjunctionEdit

Like is often used in place of the subordinating conjunction as, or as if.[2] Examples:

  • They look like they have been having fun.
  • They look as if they have been having fun.

Many people became aware of the two options in 1954, when a famous ad campaign for Winston cigarettes introduced the slogan «Winston tastes good—like a cigarette should.» The slogan was criticized for its usage by prescriptivists, the «as» construction being considered more proper. Winston countered with another ad, featuring a woman with greying hair in a bun who insists that ought to be «Winston tastes good as a cigarette should» and is shouted down by happy cigarette smokers asking «What do you want—good grammar or good taste?»

The appropriateness of its usage as a conjunction is still disputed, however. In some circles, it is considered a faux pas to use like instead of as or as if, whereas in other circles as sounds stilted.

As a nounEdit

Like can be used as a noun meaning «preference» or «kind». Examples:

  • She had many likes and dislikes.
  • We’ll never see the like again.

When used specifically on social media, it can refer to interactions with content posted by a user, commonly referred to as «likes» on websites such as Twitter or Instagram.

  • That picture you posted got a lot of likes!

As a verbEdit

As a verb, like generally refers to a fondness for something or someone.[1]

  • I like riding my bicycle.

Like can be used to express a feeling of attraction between two people that is weaker than love. It does not necessarily imply a romantic attraction.[3][4] Example:

  • Marc likes Denise.
  • I’ve taken a liking to our new neighbors.

Like can also be used to indicate a wish for something in a polite manner.[1] Example:

  • Would you like a cup of coffee?

As a colloquial adverbEdit

In some regional dialects of English, like may be used as an adverbial colloquialism in the construction be + like + to infinitive, meaning «be likely to, be ready to, be on the verge of.» Examples:

  • He was like to go back next time.
  • He was like to go mad.

As the following attest, this construction has a long history in the English language.

  • But Clarence had slumped to his knees before I had half-finished, and he was like to go out of his mind with fright. (Mark Twain, 1669, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court)
  • He saw he was like to leave such an heir. (Cotton Mather, 1853, Magnalia Christi Americana)
  • He was like to lose his life in the one [battle] and his liberty in the other [capture], but there was none of his money at stake in either. (Charles MacFarlane and Thomas Napier Thomson, 1792, Comprehensive History of England)
  • He was in some fear that if he could not bring about the King’s desires, he was like to lose his favor. (Gilbert Burnet, 1679, History of the Reformation of the Church of England)

As a colloquial quotativeEdit

Like is sometimes used colloquially as a quotative to introduce a quotation or impersonation. This is also known as «quotation through simile». The word is often used to express that what follows is not an exact quotation but instead gives a general feel for what was said. In this usage, like functions in conjunction with a verb, generally be (but also say, think, etc.), as in the following examples:[5]

  • He was like, «I’ll be there in five minutes.»
  • She was like, «You need to leave the room right now!»

Like can also be used to paraphrase an implicitly unspoken idea or sentiment:

  • I was like, «Who do they think they are?»

The marking of past tense is often omitted (compare historical present):

  • They told me all sorts of terrible things, and I’m like «Forget it then.»[6]

It is also sometimes used to introduce non-verbal mimetic performances, e.g., facial expressions, hand gestures, body movement, as well as sounds and noises:[7]

  • I was like [speaker rolls eyes].
  • The car was like, «vroom!»

The use of like as a quotative is known to have been around since at least the 1980s.[8]

As a discourse particle, filler or hedgeEdit


The word like has developed several non-traditional uses in informal speech. Especially since the late 20th century onward, it has appeared, in addition to its traditional uses, as a colloquialism across all dialects of spoken English, serving as a discourse particle, filler, hedge, speech disfluency, or other metalinguistic unit.[9] Although these particular colloquial uses of like appear to have become widespread rather recently, its use as a filler is a fairly old regional practice in Welsh English and in Scotland, it was used similarly at least as early as the 19th century. It is traditionally, though not quite every time, used to finish a sentence in the Northern English dialect Geordie.[10] It may also be used in a systemic format to allow individuals to introduce what they say, how they say and think.[11]

Despite such prevalence in modern-day spoken English, these colloquial usages of like rarely appear in writing (unless the writer is deliberately trying to replicate colloquial dialogue) and they have long been stigmatized in formal speech or in high cultural or high social settings. Furthermore, this use of like seems to appear most commonly, in particular, among natively English-speaking children and adolescents, while less so, or not at all, among middle-aged or elderly adults. One suggested explanation for this phenomenon is the argument that younger English speakers are still developing their linguistic competence, and, metalinguistically wishing to express ideas without sounding too confident, certain, or assertive, use like to fulfill this purpose.[9]

In pop culture, such colloquial applications of like (especially in verbal excess) are commonly and often comedically associated with Valley girls, as made famous through the song «Valley Girl» by Frank Zappa, released in 1982, and the film of the same name, released in the following year. The stereotyped «valley girl» language is an exaggeration of the variants of California English spoken by younger generations.

This non-traditional usage of the word has been around at least since the 1950s, introduced through beat (or beatnik) and jazz culture. The beatnik character Maynard G. Krebs (Bob Denver) in the popular Dobie Gillis TV series of 1959-1963 brought the expression to prominence; this was reinforced in later decades by the character of Shaggy on Scooby-Doo (who was based on Krebs).

Very early use of this locution[citation needed] can be seen in a New Yorker cartoon of 15 September 1928, in which two young ladies are discussing a man’s workplace: «What’s he got – an awfice?» «No, he’s got like a loft.»

It is also used in the 1962 novel A Clockwork Orange by the narrator as part of his teenage slang and in the Top Cat cartoon series from 1961 to 1962 by the jazz beatnik type characters.

A common eye dialect spelling is lyk.


Like can be used in much the same way as «um…» or «er…» as a discourse particle. It has become common especially among North American teenagers to use the word «like» in this way, as in Valspeak. For example:

  • I, like, don’t know what to do.

It is also becoming more often used (East Coast Scottish English, Northern England English, Hiberno-English and Welsh English in particular) at the end of a sentence, as an alternative to you know. This usage is sometimes considered to be a colloquial interjection and it implies a desire to remain calm and defuse tension:

  • I didn’t say anything, like.
  • Just be cool, like.

Use of like as a filler has a long history in Scots English, as in Robert Louis Stevenson’s 1886 novel Kidnapped:

«What’ll like be your business, mannie?»
«What’s like wrong with him?» said she at last.

Like can be used as hedge to indicate that the following phrase will be an approximation or exaggeration, or that the following words may not be quite right, but are close enough. It may indicate that the phrase in which it appears is to be taken metaphorically or as a hyperbole. This use of like is sometimes regarded as adverbial, as like is often synonymous here with adverbial phrases of approximation, such as «almost» or «more or less». Examples:

  • I have, like, no money left.
  • The restaurant is only, like, five miles from here.
  • I, like, almost died!

Conversely, like may also be used to indicate a counterexpectation to the speaker, or to indicate certainty regarding the following phrase.[5] Examples:

  • There was, like, a living kitten in the box!
  • This is, like, the only way to solve the problem.
  • I, like, know what I’m doing, okay?

In the UK reality television series Love Island the word ‘like’ has been used an average of 300 times per episode, much to the annoyance of viewers.[12]

See alsoEdit

  • Like button


  • Andersen, Gisle. (1998). The pragmatic marker like from a relevance-theoretic perspective. In A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv (Eds.) Discourse markers: Descriptions and Theory (pp. 147–70). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Andersen, Gisle. (2000). The role of the pragmatic marker like in utterance interpretation. In G. Andersen & T. Fretheim (Ed.), Pragmatic markers and propositional attitude: Pragmatics and beyond (pp. 79). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Barbieri, Federica. (2005). Quotative use in American English. A corpus-based, cross-register comparison. Journal of English Linguistics, 33, (3), 225-256.
  • Barbieri, Federica. (2007). ‘Older men and younger women’: A corpus-based study of quotative use in American English. English World-Wide, 28, (1), 23-45.
  • Blyth, Carl, Jr.; Recktenwald, Sigrid; & Wang, Jenny. (1990). I’m like, ‘Say what?!’: A new quotative in American oral narrative. American Speech, 65, 215-227.
  • Cruse, A. (2000). Meaning in language. An introduction to semantics and pragmatics.
  • Cukor-Avila, Patricia; (2002). She says, she goes, she is like: Verbs of quotation over time in African American Vernacular English. American Speech, 77 (1), 3-31.
  • Dailey-O’Cain, Jennifer. (2000). The sociolinguistic distribution of and attitudes toward focuser like and quotative like. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 4, 60–80.
  • D’Arcy, Alexandra. (2017). Discourse-pragmatic variation in context: Eight hundred years of LIKE. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Ferrara, Kathleen; & Bell, Barbara. (1995). Sociolinguistic variation and discourse function of constructed dialogue introducers: The case of be+like. American Speech, 70, 265-289.
  • Fleischman, Suzanne. (1998). Des jumeaux du discours. La Linguistique, 34 (2), 31-47.
  • Golato, Andrea; (2000). An innovative German quotative for reporting on embodied actions: Und ich so/und er so ‘and I’m like/and he’s like’. Journal of Pragmatics, 32, 29–54.
  • Jones, Graham M. & Schieffelin, Bambi B. (2009). Enquoting Voices, Accomplishing Talk: Uses of Be+Like in Instant Messaging. Language & Communication, 29(1), 77-113.
  • Jucker, Andreas H.; & Smith, Sara W. (1998). And people just you know like ‘wow’: Discourse markers as negotiating strategies. In A. H. Jucker & Y. Ziv (Eds.), Discourse markers: Descriptions and theory (pp. 171–201). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & Leap, W. (2009). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Miller, Jim; Weinert, Regina. (1995). The function of like in dialogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 23, 365-93.
  • Romaine, Suzanne; Lange, Deborah. (1991). The use of like as a marker of reported speech and thought: A case of grammaticalization in progress. American Speech, 66, 227-279.
  • Ross, John R.; & Cooper, William E. (1979). Like syntax. In W. E. Cooper & E. C. T. Walker (Eds.), Sentence processing: Psycholinguistic studies presented to Merrill Garrett (pp. 343–418). New York: Erlbaum Associates.
  • Schourup, L. (1985). Common discourse particles: «Like», «well», «y’know». New York: Garland.
  • Siegel, Muffy E. A. (2002). Like: The discourse particle and semantics. Journal of Semantics, 19 (1), 35-71.
  • Taglimonte, Sali; & Hudson, Rachel. (1999). Be like et al. beyond America: The quotative system in British and Canadian youth. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 3 (2), 147-172.
  • Tagliamonte, Sali, and Alexandra D’Arcy. (2004). He’s like, she’s like: The quotative system in Canadian youth. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 8 (4), 493-514.
  • Underhill, Robert; (1988). Like is like, focus. American Speech, 63, 234-246.


  1. ^ a b c «Like». Cambridge Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  2. ^ «As or like?». Cambridge Dictionary. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  3. ^ Seltzer, Leon F (March 7, 2017). «‘I Have Feelings for You,’ Its Eight Different Meanings». Psychology Today. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  4. ^ Tigar, Lindsay (January 19, 2016). «How to Say ‘I Like You’ When You’re Not Ready for ‘I Love You’«. Bustle. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
  5. ^ a b McWhorter, John (November 25, 2016). «The Evolution of ‘Like’«. The Atlantic. Retrieved 5 May 2020.
  6. ^ Quoted from: Daniel P. Cullen, «I’m Learning as I Go, and I Don’t Like That»: Urban Community College Students’ College Literacy, ProQuest, 2008, p. 210.
  7. ^ «Linguists are like, ‘Get used to it!’«. The Boston Globe.
  8. ^ Blyth, Carl; Recktenwald, Sigrid; Wang, Jenny (1990). «I’m like, «Say What?!»: A New Quotative in American Oral Narrative». American Speech. 65 (3): 215–227. doi:10.2307/455910. JSTOR 455910.
  9. ^ a b Andersen, Gisle; Thorstein Fretheim, eds. (2000). Pragmatic Markers and Propositional Attitude. John Benjamins Publishing. pp. 31–3. ISBN 9027250987.
  10. ^ Wolfson, Sam (15 May 2022). «Why do people, like, say, ‘like’ so much?». The Guardian. Retrieved 20 May 2022. But there are more uses than that, for example the Geordie tradition of finishing sentences with a like.
  11. ^ Mesthrie, R., Swann, J., Deumert, A., & Leap, W. (2009). Introducing sociolinguistics. Edinburgh University Press.
  12. ^ Griffiths, Sian; Julie Henry (June 16, 2019). «Like it or not, they can’t stop saying it on Love Island». The Times. London.

External linksEdit

Look up like in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

  • See Fleischman (1998) (JSTOR 30249153) for a parallel discussion of like and the similar discourse particle genre in French.

В английском языке одно слово может выполнять функции нескольких частей речи. Например, like может быть английским глаголом, междометием или существительным. В этой статье мы рассказываем, как переводить и употреблять like в разных контекстах английского языка.

Like as a verb (глагол like)

Like — правильный глагол, поэтому достаточно добавить окончание -ed, чтобы использовать его в прошедшем времени (Past Tense): like — liked — liked.

Глагол like переводится как нравится, любить, наслаждаться.

She likes painting.
Она любит рисовать.

He likes to be just in all questions.
Он предпочитает быть справедливым во всех вопросах.

NB! После like можно использовать infinitive (глагол с частицей to) и gerund (герундий — глагол с окончанием — ing).

Используя like с инфинитивом, мы выражаем то, что нам необязательно нравится, но мы считаем это правильным или полезным.

I like to visit my dentist twice a year.
Я предпочитаю ходить к стоматологу дважды в год.

Используя like с формой герундия, мы выражаем любовь к тому, что делаем.

I like reading novels.
Мне нравится читать романы.

В устойчивом выражении английского языка “would like” («хотел бы») только форма инфинитива последует за глаголом like.

Would you like to have a cup of tea?
Хочешь чашечку чая?

I’d (would) like to speak to your manager.
Мне бы хотелось поговорить с вашим управляющим.

Like as a prepositon (предлог like)

В качестве предлога like выражает сравнение:

He speaks like an Englishman.
Он говорит как англичанин.

He is just like his parents.
Он такой же, как его родители.

Like as a noun (существительное like)

Существительное like переводится как человек, вещь или группа кого-то / чего-то, похожие на упомянутые ранее в предложении.

No one has met her like in a long time. She is a great opera singer!
Никто не встречал таких, как она, уже много лет. Она прекрасная оперная певица!

Существительное like можно использовать в значении увлечений, вещей, которые мы любим.

Painting is one of my likes.
Рисование — это одно из многих увлечений.

Like as a conjuction (союз like)

В разговорном английском словом like заменяет подчинительный союз as / as if.

She feels like she is a superstar. She did really well in the school perfomance!
Она чувствует себя суперзвездой. Она действительно хорошо справилась со школьным выступлением!

I don’t feel like going to the gym today. Let’s stay in and watch something.
Мне сегодня не хочется идти в спортзал. Давай останемся дома и посмотрим что-нибудь.

NB! Конструкция feel like используется как сленг английского языка. Таким образом вы выражаете желание или нежелание что-то делать.

Not feel like myself — это английская идиома, которая описывает непривычное физическое или душевное состояние.

She hasn’t felt like herself since her dog died.
Она сама не своя с тех пор, как умерла ее собака.

Like as an adverb (наречие like)

Like считается наречием в английском языке, если употребляется в конструкции be + like + to infinitive. В таком случае like выражает вероятность события или действия.

Mary tried bungee jumping last year. She is like to do it again.
Мэри прыгнула с тарзанки в прошлом году. Она хотела бы сделать это снова.

Наречие like часто встречается в значении приблизительно, около.

My car is more like 20 than 10 years old.
Моей машине больше 20, чем 10 лет.

Like as a quotative (like для цитирования)

Еще одна популярная функция like в разговорном английском — это замена слов для цитирования.

He was like, «I’ll be there in 2 minutes».
Он такой: «Я буду там через 2 минуты».
She was like, «I’ve been waiting for you for ages!»
Она такая: «Я жду тебя целую вечность!»

Узнайте, в чем различие между like и as, перейдя по ссылке.

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Do you think the word like is used too much by young people?
Learn some different ways we use the word like in English conversation and informal spoken English and see the word like in action in a conversation with Super Agent Awesome.
One use that’s common with young speakers is the quotative like. That’s when they use ‘like’ instead of says or thinks to report someone’s words or thoughts.
Some people complain that the word like is used too much by young people and it’s sloppy English. But it isn’t just youthful slang and there are useful functions that like performs.
We’ll show you how like can signal approximation or exaggeration, how we use like as a discourse marker and also how like can be combined with a dramatic face to describe someone’s feelings.

Click here to learn the difference between ‘Do you like…?’ and ‘What’s it like?’
Click here to learn how to use ‘be like’, ‘look like’ and ‘be alike’.

‘Like’. This is such a common word in English, but do you know how it’s used in colloquial English? And do you know what it means in teenage slang?

Today we’re very lucky to have some help. Super Agent Awesome is here.
Thank you Vicki.

I’m Jay and I’m American.
And I’m Vicki and I’m British.
The word ‘like’ has several meanings in English.
It can be a verb. For example, ‘I like you’.
I like you too!
And it can also be a preposition.
So we could say ‘What’s it like? or ‘It looks like …’
I’ll put a link here to other videos we’ve made about that.
But today we’re looking at some colloquial uses of ‘like’ – in other words how we use it when we’re speaking informally.
And in slang. It’s a word that young people use a lot.
Luckily we have Super Agent Awesome to help us.
Let’s see an example.

The quotative like

Is there anything you complain about doing?
I will be like Mom, ‘I want to play Fortnite again. Please, please, please!’
So you complain about not playing Fortnite.
Yeah, I feel like everyone should play Fortnite!

Did you catch it?
He said ‘I feel like everyone should play Fortnite.’
Well he loves that game, but he also said this.
So he used ‘like’ to report what he’ll say to his Mom.
This use of ‘like’ is particularly common with young people.
We call this the quotative ‘like’ because it’s about quoting what people say and also what they’re thinking. So it has a more general meaning than just ‘say’. It can mean ‘think’ too because you can use it to describe inner feelings and thoughts.
Notice we always use the verb ‘be’ here. You can change the tense, so you can use the future ‘I will be like …’ Or the past, ‘I was like …’ but we always use the verb ‘be’.
Is this use of like just an American thing?
No. Though they think it started in California in the 1980s. But it’s used by English speakers all over the world these days.

Do you think like is used too much?

Some people complain that young people use the word ‘like’ too much. They think it’s sloppy English.
Sloppy. Sloppy means without care or effort.
Do you think it’s sloppy and lazy?
No. I think it’s very interesting because languages change over time and if you look carefully, you find ‘like’ has new and useful functions in English. It can signal what we say and think and it can signal other things too.
Then let’s look at another example.

More functions that like performs

Do you ever complain about having to go to bed at a certain time?
Yeah. So one time, I was watching a movie, um, it was like Hotel Transylvania III. And then there was this really dramatic action scene, and like the villain is about to beat the hero, or the hero is about to beat the villain, but then Dad stopped me and I had to go to bed.

Why did he say ‘like’ here?
Well he was remembering, but he wasn’t totally sure. Perhaps that was the movie, or perhaps it was a different one.
So ‘like’ signaled he wasn’t sure?
Yes and he said it again later.
Now the hero is the good guy and the villain is the bad guy.
And he couldn’t remember who was winning, so he signaled that by saying ‘like’
‘Like’ signaled he wasn’t sure.
Yes. This isn’t just a feature of young people’s speech. We use ‘like’ in the same way.
It signals uncertainty or that something is approximate.
For example, it’s like this big. And it could be this big or it could be this big.
‘Like’ signals an approximation.
It means what I’m saying might not be perfectly accurate. And it can also signal exaggeration. It’s like this big!
That sounds like a useful function!
And another way we use ‘like’ is as a discourse marker
What do you mean?
It’s a word we use to organize our speech. For example … Like … Well … So … We put like it at the start of a sentence when we’re thinking of what to say.
So it’s a filler. Like Errr … and Umm …..
Yes, it’s a word that fills a space and helps us speak more smoothly.
OK. Let’s hear another story.

Can you name something that you’ve had to apologize for doing?
Oh I know, I know, I know, I know. The time where I buried my Dad’s ring. I had to apologize for burying my Dad’s wedding ring.

Before we carry on, do you know the word ‘bury’.
It means to put something in the ground.
When people die we bury them. It’s a regular verb. Bury, buried, buried.
A dog could bury a bone in the ground.
We can bury treasure too.

I had to apologize for burying my Dad’s wedding ring. The reason why I did it was because I wanted to use the metal detector. Then I told my Dad and said ‘Dad, where’s the metal detector?’ Then my Dad was like your brother took it apart a couple of months ago, and then I’m like … Dad was like ‘Yo, what’s wrong?’ And then I was like Argh! I buried your wedding ring. And then my Dad was like … Oh! So that’s why you wanted to use the metal detector.

Did you understand everything?
He buried his Dad’s wedding ring in the yard.
Or in British English, the garden.
He buried it in the yard so he could try to find it with the metal detector.
But their metal detector was broken because his brother had taken it apart.
Did they ever find the ring?
No. I think it’s still lost. Let’s hear what his Dad said again.

And then my Dad was like … Oh! So that’s why you wanted to use the metal detector.

He’s lucky because his Dad is really nice.
He was very understanding.
OK, there was one more use of ‘like’ there that’s common and pretty funny.

Your brother took it apart a couple of months ago and then I’m like ….

So you can say ‘like’ and then make a funny face.
It’s very common.
And easy too. No words, just a dramatic face.
I want to say a big thank you to Super Agent Awesome for helping us make this video.
He was like … !
If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.
See you next week everyone. Bye.

Click here to learn the difference between ‘Do you like…?’ and ‘What’s it like?’
Click here to learn how to use ‘be like’, ‘look like’ and ‘be alike’.

The following conversation occurred between two girls from Southern California.

“So, like uhh, what do you want to like, do today?”
“I don’t know, like, its such a beautiful day out, we should, like, go to the beach.”
“That sounds like a good idea, but like, how are we going to get there?”
Like, uh, let’s call Mike and see if he’ll like give us a ride.”
“Are you sure that’s like, a good idea? Like didn’t you two just like break up?”
“Well, I mean, like, the last time we talked he was like, “I think we should see other people,” and then I was like, “But Mike, I like really like you.”
Like oh my god, and then like what did he say next?”
“He was like, “I like you too, but I just can’t be with someone who says ‘like’ so much.”

The word like has become increasingly popular in spoken English in recent years, and has quickly become one of the most used words in conversation. Its uses are many, and it can be used to: stall for time; report speech; soften what you say; approximate; complain; and reinforce. Like is an important word to study because of how often you will hear it used in conversation. Learning how to use it properly will go a long way towards making you sounds more like a native speaker.

Before we go further, I need to put up a disclaimer around the usage of the word like. When used in moderation the word like can be a powerful linguistic tool; use it too much and you risk sounding like a teenage girl. People who over use the word like are perceived as less intelligent and articulate than people who avoid using it. My advice to you is to only incorporate usage of the word like in 1 or 2 of the following ways, but not all of them.

What you already know

You are already familiar with two definitions of the word like. You know that ‘to like’ means ‘to enjoy.” For example:

“I like to eat pão de queijo.”
“Peter likes making pizza.”

If something is like something else, it is similar to it. For example:

“Written Spanish is kind of like Portuguese.”
“Australian English is not like New Zealand English.”

“I’m thinking about what to say”

When you are thinking about what to say and want to fill the air with something, like is the word that you use. In this case, like is very similar to tipo in Portuguese. If you stay silent for too long someone may interrupt you; to avoid this keep saying “like…uhh….like…uhh” until you remember what you were going to say. Here are some examples:

“Do you think you and Janet are going to get married?”
“I don’t know… like… I want to, but then again, I’m kind of scared, you know?”

“What did you do last week?”
“I like… don’t remember!”

From the conversation at the beginning:
“So, like uhh, what do you want to like, do today?”

To report speech or thought

When telling a story to your friends, saying “he said” and “I said” can get pretty repetitive, so sometimes you can change things up by using like. “I was like” can be used in the place of “I said”; “he was like” in the place of “he said. Some teenage girls have completely lost the ability to say “I/you/he/she said” and only use like. To be clear, it’s acceptable to use “he was like” without seeming like a teenage girl, but just don’t let it entirely replace your use of the word “said.”

When “I was like” is used it doesn’t necessarily mean that you said something; it can also be used to designate that you thought something. So in this case “I was like” takes the place of “I thought to myself.” This is also commonly used during story telling.

“You broke up with her? Wow. How did she take it?”
“She was like “What! After all I’ve done for you?”

“And then the teacher was like ‘We have a surprise test today,’ and I was like ‘Shit, I didn’t study at all.’”

In the example from the beginning:
“Well, I mean, like, the last time we talked he was like, “I think we should see other people,” and then I was like, “But Mike, I like really like you.”

To reduce conviction, certainty or force

Like can be used if you aren’t entirely sure about what you are saying and you want to convey your uncertainty. When used like this, like should be before a number, time or quantity.

“Do you exercise a lot?”
“I, like, enjoy working out, but not, like, all the time or anything.”

“What time will you be at the party?”
“I’ll be there at like, 5 or 6.”

In the above conversation it was used like this:

“…we should, like, go to the beach.”

Like can also be used to lessen the force of what you are demanding or requesting of someone.

“Could you do it, like, tomorrow?”
“Oh sure. No problem.”

“Can you like, shut up?”

Like meaning “approximately”

Do you have a hard time pronouncing the word “approximately?” Just start using like instead. Like can be used to show that you are uncertain of a quantity that you are giving to someone. For example:

“Entrance to that bar should be like, ten bucks.”

“He’s like, ten or eleven years old, I think.”

Like Meaning “for example”

In almost all cases the word like can be used to replace ‘for example’. When used this way it should be before a noun or noun phrase. So like:

Have you been to any Asian countries, like Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos or North Korea?”

“Do you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or photography?”

To reinforce

The last use of like is to add reinforcement to something that you are saying. I don’t recommend using like in this way, but I feel like I should add it in here for the sake of completeness.

“Did you see that girl?”
“Yeah, she’s like, so hot.”

“How was Hawaii?”
“Oh, it was like, perfect!”

In the conversation from the beginning it was used like this:
“…like, its such a beautiful day out…”

So like, that’s it. I hope you’ve learned a few new uses for the word like today. If you have any questions about their usage please leave a comment below.

Have you ever heard someone use like in one of the ways described here? Leave your answer in the comments below.

Ну что такого можно рассказывать про этот «like»? Всем это слово хорошо известно, даже тем, кто английский совсем не знает и никогда не изучал, а для многих это слово ассоциируется с пальчиком вверх или сердечками в социальных сетях. Мы даже по-русски уже говорим «ставить лайки».


  • 1 Основные значения
    • 1.1 В значении «нравиться»
    • 1.2 В значении «иметь привычку»
    • 1.3 В конструкции «я бы хотел»
    • 1.4 В качестве предлога или союза
    • 1.5 В связке с глаголом «be»
    • 1.6 Как слово-паразит
    • 1.7 В качестве прилагательного

Основные значения

Носители английского языка очень часто используют слово LIKE, давайте разберёмся во всех значениях и как то или иное значение переводится на русский язык.

В значении «нравиться»

Первое и, наверное, самое распространённое значение — это употребление глагола в значении «нравиться», «получать удовольствие от какого-то действия». = Enjoy.

I like your hairstyle. — Мне нравится твоя причёска.

Когда после глагола like следует ещё один глагол, он часто приобретает форму герундия (окончание -ing).

He likes playing football.

Кстати, вариант He likes to play football тоже возможен, особенно в американском английском.

В значении «иметь привычку»

Следующее значение — «считать что-то хорошей идеей», «иметь привычку что-то делать». То есть здесь мы не обязательно получаем удовольствие от какого-то действия, мы стараемся так поступать, потому что это правильно на наш взгляд или мы часто так поступаем, это наша привычка. В таком значении после глагола like последующий глагол всегда используется только в форме инфинитива с частицей to.


like to do exercises every morning. — Мне нравится делать упражнения каждое утро (может, я и не наслаждаюсь самим процессом, но мне нравится сама идея, я считаю, что это хорошо для меня и постоянно так делаю).

like doing exercises. — Мне нравится делать упражнения (я наслаждаюсь процессом).

like to go to the doctor twice a year. — Мне нравится ходить к врачу дважды в год (не то, чтобы я наслаждаюсь этим, но это хорошая идея, я это постоянно делаю).

Сказав I like going to the doctor, вы подразумеваете, что вам это доставляет удовольствие. Я таких людей ещё не встречала 🙂

В конструкции «я бы хотел»

Очень часто носители английского вместо I want — «я хочу» используют I would like (I’d like) — «я бы хотел» — это звучит более вежливо и формально, то есть более уместно в качестве просьбы или предложения в ресторанах, кафе и всевозможных заведениях. После would like используется либо существительное, либо инфинитив с частицей to.

Также помните о том, что would является сильным глаголом, значит именно он будет участвовать в построении отрицаний и вопросов. (В предыдущих вариантах используется вспомогательный глагол: Do you like smth/doing smth? I don’t like smth/doing something).

I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

What would you like to order, sir?

В качестве предлога или союза

Like — необязательно глагол, он может быть предлогом или союзом «как» и часто используется после глаголов look, sound, feel, etc.

He looks like a doctor. — Он выглядит, как врач.

She looks like an actress. — Она выглядит, как актриса.

You just sounded like your mother. — Ты сейчас говорила (звучала) прям как твоя мама.

What does she look like? — Как она выглядит?

Обратите внимание, что после feel like используется герундий (-ing), и значение уже будет «я не прочь».

feel like dancing. — Я не прочь потанцевать.

В связке с глаголом «be»

Обратите внимание, like в значении «как» может использоваться просто с глаголом-связкой «be», который тоже сильный и участвует в построении вопросов и отрицаний:

What is she like? — Какая она? (опиши) (Не what does she like?)

What is it like living abroad? — Каково это — жить за границей?

What is the weather like? — Какова погода? (опиши)

It is just like her to tell everybody about it. — Это так на неё похоже — рассказать всем об этом.

Как слово-паразит

В разговорной речи американцы часто злоупотребляют этим словом, превращая его просто в паразита. Особенно часто используют его, пересказывая диалог, разговор:

He was like: «I don’t know». And I was like: «Neither do I». — Он такой (он говорит): «Я не знаю». А я такая (а я говорю): «Я тоже».

Важно: некоторые студенты часто спрашивают: «Что использовать: As or likeLike и as переводятся на русский язык «как» и их часто путают. Разница между ними в том, что like сравнивает два разных предмета, а as говорит про один и тот же.


I work as a teacher. (Я и учитель — это один и тот же человек).

Tom is like his father. (Том и его отец — два разных человека).

В качестве прилагательного

Слово «like» является представителем грамматических омонимов, это слово может быть глаголом (переводится как «нравиться»), предлогом (как), а также прилагательным (подобный). Например,

There is a chance to meet people of like mind. — Есть шанс встретить людей подобных взглядов.

Употребление like в качестве прилагательного очень часто можно встретить в сравнительных конструкциях as like as:

They are as like as two peas. — Они похожи, как две капли воды (дословно переводится как «горошины»)

As like as chalk and cheese — Похожи, как гвоздь на панихиду (т.е. ничего общего; дословно — как мел и сыр).

На этом, пожалуй, закончим, если понравилась статья, ставьте «лайки».

И обязательно пройдите тест.

С наилучшими пожеланиями, ваша Полина 4lang.

Пройти тест

В заключение, как всегда, видеоурок по теме:

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

The word like can be confusing for students since it has many different meanings in English. Here are five of its common uses:

Five ways to use ‘like’

Like = enjoy
I like coffee

To be + like = describe personality/characteristics
What is he like?

Like = the same as
This Coke tastes like Pepsi

Would like = want
I’d like a hamburger please

Look like = appearance
What does he look like?

‘Like’ Phrases

Before doing the exercise, can you guess what the correct ‘like’ sentence would be in these ten examples. Remember, you must use ‘like’!

1. A: What ___?
B: It’s beautiful in summer and there are a lot of famous beaches.

2. A: What ___?
B: I like English. It’s an amazing language.

3. A: ___?
B: Yes please.

4. A: What ___ tomorrow?
B: I think it’s going to be rainy and cold unfortunately.

5. A: What ___?
B: He’s tall and a little fat. I think he’s handsome.

6. A: What ___?
B: It’s very spicy and strong

7. A: I ___
B: Yes you do, you could be twins!

8. A: What ___?
B: She’s very friendly and sweet.

9. A: What ___?
B: It was amazing! I want to go back.

10. A: I ___
B: Yes me too. I also like them.

Use the ten sentences above Choose the correct answer for each sentence. Good luck!

  • 1 — A: What ___? B: It’s beautiful in summer and there are a lot of famous beaches.

    would Rio like
    is Rio like
    does Rio like

  • 2 — A: What ___? B: I like English. It’s an amazing language.

    language would you like
    does the language look like
    language do you like

  • 3 — A: ___? B: Yes please.

    Would you like some coffee
    What is coffee like
    Do you like coffee

  • 4. — A: What ___ tomorrow? B: I think it’s going to be rainy and cold unfortunately.

    will the weather be like
    will the weather look like
    will the weather like

  • 5. — A: What ___? B: He’s tall and a little fat. I think he’s handsome.

    does your husband look like
    would your husband like
    is your husband like

  • 6. A: What ___? B: It’s very spicy and strong

    would you like some curry
    is curry like
    do you like curry

  • 7. A: I ___. B: Yes you do, you could be twins!

    am like my sister
    like my sister
    look like my sister

  • 8. A: What ___? B: She’s very friendly and sweet.

    does she like
    does she look like
    is she like

  • 9. A: What ___? B: It was amazing! I want to go back.

    is your holiday like
    would you like a holiday
    was your holiday like

  • 10. A: I ___. B: Yes me too. I also like them.

    am like a Ferrari
    like Ferraris
    would like a Ferrari

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