Use of word dad

папа, папочка


- разг., детск. см. daddy

dad and mom have gone — папа и мама ушли


- проветривать выработку

Мои примеры


deadbeat dad / mom — неплательщик / неплательщица алиментов  
dad-blasted — проклятый  
dad-blamed — проклятый  
grand-dad — дедушка  
ho dad — скучный тип; хвастун; зануда  
ho-dad — скучный тип; хвастун; зануда  
mom and dad — родители; предки  
dad-fuel interface — поверхность раздела между оболочкой тепловыделяющего элемента и ядерным топливом  
deadbeat dad — неплательщик алиментов; алиментщик  

Примеры с переводом

Her mom and dad both said she can’t go.

Её мама и папа оба сказали, что она не сможет пойти.

My dad did most of the cooking for dinner because he usually got home earlier than my mom.

Большую часть еды для ужина готовил папа, потому что он обычно возвращался домой раньше мамы.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): dad
мн. ч.(plural): dads

dad — перевод на русский


Your dad’s dead.

Твой папа — покойник.

— Your dad into cars then?

— А твой папа, значит, любит машины?

Dad, listen to me, OK?

Папа, послушай.

Yeah, so I got into school, and then my dad got sick, so now I’m working my way through school here.

Да, значит, я поступил, а потом мой папа заболел, поэтому теперь я прокладываю путь к обучению здесь.

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Her aunt’s died, her mom was murdered, her dad was lying to her, her grandfather was manipulating her.

Ее тетя мертва, маму убили, отец ей врет, а дедушка манипулировал ею.

Her dad passed away 3 years ago.

Ее отец умер три года назад.

But your dad wanted you to have your wedding at the best place we could get.

Твой отец мечтал устроить свадьбу в самом лучшем месте.

Dad was? As a small token of gratitude, I would like to help with your wedding.

Отец? я бы хотел помочь с вашей свадьбой.

My dad is sick.

Мой отец болен.

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Your dad’s comin’ home today, love, safe and sound.

Дорогая, твой папочка сегодня уж будет дома, жив и невредим.

Tell me, dad…

— Скажи-ка, папочка… — Да?

Dear dad.

Милый папочка…

We know dad. He’s met a journalist. Or he’s with some cab drivers, sitting in a bar discussing the big questions in life.

Ведь это папочка: наверное, он встретил журналиста или беседует о жизни с таксистами в пивной.

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It’s Dad’s ambassador friend.

Это папин друг из посольства.

But I was so terribly lonely all I could think of was Dad toward the last.

Но я была так одинока что все, о чем я могла думать — это папин уход.

I shouldn’t have voted ’cause I was under 21 but I used my dad’s vote ’cause he was in bedridden.

Мне вообще-то нельзя было голосовать. Мне меньше 21-го было. Так я папин бюллетень взял.

Got into Dad’s old jeep. And off we went.

Сели в старый папин джип и поехали.

Hey, Uncle Bill, let me get Dad’s valise.

Эй, дядя Билл, дай мне взять папин чемодан.

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— You talk about your dad not wanting kids.

Ты вот говоришь, твой папаша детей не хотел.

— No, Dad.

— Нет, папаша.

Here we go, Dad.

Ну что, папаша…

— You gonna stay there, Dad? — Yep.

— Жить хочешь, папаша?

Just because your dad was a boss, you don’t have to be.

Лишь потому, что твой папаша был большим боссом, ты им быть не обязан.

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What time are your mom and dad bringing Gracie home?

Когда твои родители приводили Грейс домой?

There’s a lot more in life than mum and dad have got.

Я хочу от жизни большего, чем мои родители, Берт.

Your grandpa, like your mom and dad, has already sold off everything of value.

Твой дедушка и твои родители уже давно продали все свои драгоценности.

Mother and Dad are still trapped out there, and the comet’s getting closer.

У люка. Мои родители всё ещё снаружи, а комета приближается.

Your mom and dad are here.

Твои родители приехали.

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Now, listen, Dads.

Послушай, папаня.

Sure we will, dad.

Ясное дело, папаня.

Dad, where are you?


— Alyokha! — Dad!


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You can give your old dad a smile.

Одари-ка улыбкой своего старого папку.

Come and have a look at your old dad.

Иди сюда и погляди на старого папку.

She knows her old dad.

Она узает своего старого папку.

She knows her old dad.

Она узнает своего старого папку.

Yeah. Come on. Give your old dad a kiss.

Эй, постой, поцелуй своего старого папку.

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How do you feel, Dad?

Как ты, па?

Hell, I… don’t want to go to college, Dad!

Черт, я не хочу в колледж, па!

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Five years Dad beat me.

Лет пять меня били батя.

That’s it, dad.

Все, батя.

Me dad was a regular soldier.

Батя мой был заправским солдатом.

Who is he, your dad?

А это кто, батя твой?

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


You’ll never guess, but my dad is the dad of everyone.

Вы никогда не поверите, но это папа.

But your dad is your dad.

I loved where my dad lived.

По понравилось место, где жил его отец.

He needed to know who his real dad was.

На этот раз ему предстоит узнать о том, кто же был его настоящий отец.

I loved my dad but also hated him.

Я любил своего отца, но одновременно я его ненавидел.

Mom and dad haven’t noticed.

При этом мнение мам и пап никто не учитывает».

You might ask about that for your dad.

Возможно, тебе стоит спросить об этом у своего отца.

Additionally wealthy dad poor dad has seminaries all around the nation.

Также богатый папа бедный отец имеет семинары по всей стране.

Also rich dad poor dad has seminars all over the country.

Также богатый папа бедный отец имеет семинары по всей стране.

Today, my dad is the best dad I could ask for.

Сегодня мой папа — самый лучший отец, о котором можно мечтать.

My poor dad looked down on rich dad, who had never finished high school.

Мой бедный папа смотрел свысока на богатого папу, который никогда не закончил среднюю школу.

If dad and dad live together, both are registered here, then there are no questions.

Если папа с папой живут вместе, здесь же оба и зарегистрированы, то вопросов нет.

It’s just seeing your dad reminded me of my dad.

Просто твой папа напомнил мне моего папу.

I thought your dad was the girl version of your dad.

А я думала, что твой папа — женский вариант твоего отца

Either you’re the dad, or she cheated on you with your dad.

Либо ты папа, либо она изменила тебе с твоим отцом.

His dad and my dad are real cousins.

Мой отец и его на самом деле были кузенами.

His dad fought my dad at school.

Его отец в школе дрался с моим.

You know I moved in downstairs because my dad did that deal with your dad.

Знаешь, я переехала на нижний этаж, потому что мой отец заключил сделку с твоим отцом.

Your dad will still be your dad.

Mike stood to inherit a fortune from his dad, the man I call my rich dad.

Майку предстояло унаследовать огромное состояние от своего отца, которого я называю моим богатым папой.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Other forms: dads

Dad is an informal word for father. It’s a word like «pop» or «daddy.» Some families have two dads, others have none. Sometimes a dad gets a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug on Father’s Day. Well done, sir.

If you’re talking about any ol’ dad, don’t capitalize it. There are dads all over the place. If you’re addressing your own father, basically using Dad as his name, do capitalize the “d.” The word dates from at least 1500, and it’s believed to come from childish speech, or baby talk, since a very common first sound made by babies is «da.»

Definitions of dad

  1. noun

    an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘dad’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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noun существительное

множественное число (plural):






  1. папа

    own dad
    собственный папа

    dear old dad
    дорогой папочка

    rich dad
    богатый отец

  2. ДАД


Слова, состоящие из тех же букв, что и dad:


Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений dad на 1 миллион слов: 2.

Примеры предложений

The girls were bewildered when they discovered their dad in his underwear sitting on the roof of the house.
Девочки были смущены, обнаружив своего отца сидящим в исподнем на крыше дома.

I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.
Я своему папе бубен подарил.

Last year, my dad passed away.
В прошлом году у меня умер папа.

My dad died when I was thirteen.
Мой отец умер, когда мне было тринадцать.

My dad gave up alcohol.
Мой папа завязал с алкоголем.

My dad is busy.
Отец занят.

Do your mum and dad have the same surname?
У твоих мамы и папы одинаковая фамилия?

And that’s how my dad met my mom.
Вот так мой папа и познакомился с моей мамой.

My dad speaks English well.
Мой отец хорошо говорит по-английски.

I don’t know what else my dad wants from me?! I’ve tried explaining it to him over and over and he just doesn’t get it.
Не знаю, чего ещё нужно отцу от меня?! Сколько раз я пыталась ему объяснить, но он просто не понимает.

My mom married my dad in the nineties.
Папа с мамой поженились в девяностых.

You’re the best dad ever.
Ты самый лучший папа!

I lost the watch dad gave me.
Я потерял часы, которые мне подарил папа.

The mischievous little boy loved his dad very much.
Озорной мальчуган очень любил своего отца.

My dad gives me an allowance of $10 a week.
Мой отец дает мне десять долларов в неделю на карманные расходы.

Mom and Dad gave me a bicycle.
Папа и мама подарили мне велосипед.

Tom is a dad himself.
Том сам отец.

His dad calls him Tom.
Его отец называет его Томом.

I can’t tell Dad about this.
Я не могу сказать об этом отцу.

It has been a week since dad passed away.
Прошла неделя с тех пор, как папа умер.

I told Dad about it.
Я рассказал об этом папе.

How did you and Dad meet?
Как вы с папой познакомились?

When my dad left the room, my little sister gave me the finger!
Когда папа вышел из комнаты, сестрёнка показала мне средний палец!

My dad cheated on my mom.
Мой папа изменял моей маме.

My dad bought a model plane for me for Christmas.
На Рождество папа купил мне модель самолета.

I became acquainted with your dad yesterday.
Я вчера познакомился с твоим папой.

Do you know where your dad went?
Ты знаешь, куда пошёл твой папа?

My dad goes out for a walk every morning.
Папа каждое утро выходит на прогулку.

Mom and dad came home.
Мама и папа пришли домой.

Mom and dad came back home.
Мама и папа вернулись домой.

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My dad named me after Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who attacked Rome. But nobody knows about him.

Hannibal Buress



Childish word; compare Greek tata, Sanskrit tatas.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Dad is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.



A father is a male parent who has raised a child, supplied the sperm through sexual intercourse or sperm donation which grew into a child, and/or donated a body cell which resulted in a clone. The adjective «paternal» refers to a father and comparatively to «maternal» for a mother. The verb «to father» means to procreate or to sire a child from which also derives the noun «fathering». Fathers determine the sex of their child through a sperm cell which either contains an X chromosome, or Y chromosome. Related terms of endearment are dad, daddy, pa, papa, poppa, pop, and pops. A male role-model that children can look up to is sometimes referred to as a father-figure.

Synonyms and antonyms of dad in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «dad» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «dad» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of dad to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of dad from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «dad» in English.

Translator English — Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese


80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of dad


The term «dad» is very widely used and occupies the 3.334 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «dad» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of dad

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «dad».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «dad» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «dad» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about dad


Famous quotes and sentences with the word dad.

Growing up in Ohio and just being kind of an average guy from flyover country — my dad was a factory guy — I try to put things on a screen that reflect reality. I don’t mind if people want to argue with that, or think that’s crazy.

You know when everyone’s watching, your mom and dad, your friends in high school who thought they were better than you. You get your chance to get in the spotlight and shine.

My dad took me to John Kennedy’s inauguration when I was 8. We come every time, Republican and Democrat, because of this great country.

My dad was a great movie companion. He wouldn’t diminish ‘The Jerk.’ If I liked it, he liked it. He could see it through my eyes.

I knew from the time I was 6 or 7 that music was something I had to do. Growing up, my parents did everything they knew how to do to support me. My dad was always kinda my roadie; he drove me from gig to gig. But I got my own gigs. I was this 12-year-old kid, shuffling business cards, calling people, telling them I wanted to play.

We all feel really blessed to have been with my dad for these 85 years.

My dad named me after Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who attacked Rome. But nobody knows about him.

My parents had a difficult divorce. My dad had to take a backseat for a few years, and my grandfather came in. He was also my inspiration for becoming an actor. I really respected him.

When my dad died a lot of songs came, and they’re still coming.

My dad said to me growing up: ‘When all is said and done, if you can count all your true friends on one hand, you’re a lucky man.’


Discover the use of dad in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to dad and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About …

Personal finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences — his two fathers. This text lays out Kiyosaki’s philosophy and his relationship with money.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter, 2001


The Geek Dad Book for Aspiring Mad Scientists: The Coolest …

This book will help scientists-in-the- making discover how our world works with creative project ideas, including how to: Grow crystals to power your Stargate and set your room aglow Extract your own DNA and decode your genes Build a …

In Dad is Fat, stand-up comedian Jim Gaffigan, who’s best known for his legendary riffs on Hot Pockets, bacon, manatees, and McDonald’s, expresses all the joys and horrors of life with five young children—everything from cousins ( …


Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad!: How to Get (Both of You) …

There are approximately 3,712 ways for a guy to look stupid during pregnancy — this book’s here to help you avoid all most of them.


Handy Dad: 25 Awesome Projects for Dads and Kids

Skate ramps, zip lines, go-carts, and more! In this super-fun book, Todd Davis—extreme sports athlete and host of HGTV’s Over Your Head—presents 25 awesome projects for dads to build with their kids.


The Night Dad Went to Jail: What to Expect When Someone You …

«When someone you love goes to jail, you might feel lost, scared, and even mad. What do you do? No matter who your loved one is, this story can help you through the tough times.»—from cover, p. [4]


So You’re Going To Be a Dad

For the first-time dad, useful and practical information about pregnancy, childbirth, and baby care, including: what to say—and what not to say—when you hear the news; taking care of moms-to-be; what childbirth feels like; crying, diapers …

Nazi one, liar two.» More than a million people now follow Mr. Halpern’s philosophical musings on Twitter, and in this book, his son weaves a brilliantly funny, touching coming-of-age memoir around the best of his quotes.

Tim waits with excitement for a train to bring his father, who lives in another town, then spends an entire day with him, doing all of their favorite things, until it is time for Dad to catch the train home.

«When your parents divorce, it can feel like the world turns upside down. What do you do? Whether you live mostly at your mom’s or dad’s, this story can help you through the tough times.»—from cover, p. [4]


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term dad is used in the context of the following news items.

Heartbreaking moment son finds out man he called dad for 22 …

Andrew’s father had died six years previously and the possibility that the person he had been calling dad had been eating away at him. «, Jul 15»

Body of 7-month-old infant found in Connecticut River after dad in …

The body of a 7-month-old boy was found in the Connecticut River on Tuesday, two days after his despondent dad tossed the infant off a bridge … «New York Daily News, Jul 15»

Pennsylvania dad charged in toddler’s morphine overdose

BRADFORD, Pa. (AP) — A northwestern Pennsylvania man is charged with endangering his 13-month-old daughter, who swallowed a … «LancasterOnline, Jul 15»

Prince George Matches His Dad: Why Parents Dress Their Kids Like …

In 1984, Prince William, left, wore an outfit almost identical to that worn by future son Prince George on Sunday for Princess Charlotte’s … «Yahoo Parenting, Jul 15»

Dad dies in bloodbath as samurai sword-wielding thugs burst into …

A pair of samurai sword-wielding thugs burst into the home of a father-of-one and killed him in a brutal attack. The duo burst into Jason … «, Jul 15»

X Factor star Ella Henderson’s dad will appear in court today on …

Ella’s mother — Michelle, 51 – was arrested at the same time as her dad back in April 2013. She was later released with no further action. «, Jul 15»

Adorably rebellious flower girl’s duties taken over … by dad!

She appears at the entrance to the church but quickly freezes in her spot. Thankfully, there’s dad right behind her to help lead the way. «, Jul 15»

Dad fatally shot while holding his baby on Bronx street

A Bronx dad was shot in the head while carrying his 1-year-old daughter in his arms on Tuesday — and his killer walked away laughing, … «New York Post, Jul 15»

Kanye West Takes Over Scott Disick’s Dad Duties After Split With …

Though her little ones might know what’s going on, we can only imagine Kourtney didn’t want to upset Mason as she prepared to kick his dad … «, Jul 15»

Big people think petty: Dead child’s dad hits back at Hema Malini

Big people think petty: Dead child’s dad hits back at Hema Malini. P Srinivasan, Hindustan Times, Jaipur; |; Updated: Jul 08, 2015 21:13 IST … «Hindustan Times, Jul 15»


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  • 1

    DAD, Бр deputy assistant director


    DAD, design approval data


    DAD, Бр Directorate of Armament Development


    DAD, divisional ammunition dump


    DAD, dockyard armament depot

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > DAD

  • 2

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > dad

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > dad

  • 4

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > dad

  • 5

    Hey, Dad, can I use the car tonight? — Привет, отец! Можно я сегодня возьму машину?

    Well, dad, how’s it going? — Привет, папаша, как оно ничего?

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > dad

  • 6

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > dad

  • 7


    , детск. см. daddy



    НБАРС > dad

  • 8



    (colloq.) папа, отец

    My Dad doesn’t like to go there. — Мой отец туда ходить не любит

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > dad

  • 9


    dad, daddy разг. папа, папочка

    English-Russian short dictionary > dad

  • 10

    1. цифровой диск для звукозаписи

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > DAD

  • 11

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > DAD

  • 12

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > DAD

  • 13

    5) Сокращение: Deep Air Defence, Draft ADdendum, double-acting door, Da Nang, Vietnam — Da Nang ( Airport Code), Data Access Descriptor, Data Access Diagram, Data Acquisition Division, Data Acquisition and Data Processing, Data Administrator, Database Access Descriptor, Database Action Diagram, Database Assisted Design, Days After Draining, Death and Decay (game), Decide, Announce, and Defend, Decimal Adjust, Dedicated and Devoted, Defenders Against Drugs, Defense Acquisition Decision, Defense Acquisition Deskbook, Defense Appellate Division, Delaware Association of the Deaf, Delayed After Depolarization, Delivery Address Data, Demolay Advisor Development (International Order of DeMolay), Dependability of Architecture Design, Deployment Assistance Device, Desiccant Air Dryer (compressed air system components), Design Appraisal Declaration, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect for Windows), Desktop Application Driver, Detailed Aircraft Decontamination, Development Activity Description, Die Another Day (James Bond movie), Diffuse Alveolar Damage, Digi Artists Domain (forum), Digiartist’s Domain (forum), Digital Audio Disc, Digital/Analog/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Direct Access Democracy (Canada), Director of Admissions (USMA), Discharge Abstract Database, Disneyland After Dark (band), Distributed Application Development, Distributed Application Division, Distributed Applications Division (Microsoft), Distributed Architecture Decoy, Distributed Attack Detection, Distributional Analysis/Analyse Distributive, Divide and Delegate, Document Access Definition, Dogs Against Drugs, Double Add, Dressage At Devon (horse show), Drinking and Driving, Drive Against Diabetes, Dryer, Compressed Air, Desiccant, Dual Air Density, Dungeons And Dragons, Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DAD

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DAD(P)E

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > DAD(P)S

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    5) Сокращение: Deep Air Defence, Draft ADdendum, double-acting door, Da Nang, Vietnam — Da Nang ( Airport Code), Data Access Descriptor, Data Access Diagram, Data Acquisition Division, Data Acquisition and Data Processing, Data Administrator, Database Access Descriptor, Database Action Diagram, Database Assisted Design, Days After Draining, Death and Decay (game), Decide, Announce, and Defend, Decimal Adjust, Dedicated and Devoted, Defenders Against Drugs, Defense Acquisition Decision, Defense Acquisition Deskbook, Defense Appellate Division, Delaware Association of the Deaf, Delayed After Depolarization, Delivery Address Data, Demolay Advisor Development (International Order of DeMolay), Dependability of Architecture Design, Deployment Assistance Device, Desiccant Air Dryer (compressed air system components), Design Appraisal Declaration, Desktop Application Director (WordPerfect for Windows), Desktop Application Driver, Detailed Aircraft Decontamination, Development Activity Description, Die Another Day (James Bond movie), Diffuse Alveolar Damage, Digi Artists Domain (forum), Digiartist’s Domain (forum), Digital Audio Disc, Digital/Analog/Digital (audio CD format, recording/mixing/mastering), Direct Access Democracy (Canada), Director of Admissions (USMA), Discharge Abstract Database, Disneyland After Dark (band), Distributed Application Development, Distributed Application Division, Distributed Applications Division (Microsoft), Distributed Architecture Decoy, Distributed Attack Detection, Distributional Analysis/Analyse Distributive, Divide and Delegate, Document Access Definition, Dogs Against Drugs, Double Add, Dressage At Devon (horse show), Drinking and Driving, Drive Against Diabetes, Dryer, Compressed Air, Desiccant, Dual Air Density, Dungeons And Dragons, Duplicate Address Detection (IPv6 address configuration)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > dad

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    /vi/ проветривать выработку

    Англо русский политехнический словарь > dad

  • 18

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > DAD

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    (существовавшее до 1981 года в Швейцарии специальное право на покупку иностранной валюты на льготных условиях в целях содействия экспорту)

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > DAD

  • 20

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > dad

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Dād — Dad in isolierter Form verbundene Formen ـض ـضـ ضـ von rechts beidseitig nach links …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • DAD — {{{image}}}   Sigles d une seule lettre   Sigles de deux lettres > Sigles de trois lettres AAA à DZZ EAA à HZZ IAA à LZZ MAA à PZZ QAA à TZZ UAA à XZZ …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Dad — steht für: Flughafen Da Nang in Vietnam als IATA Code Duplicate Address Detection, eine Komponente des IPv6 Protokolls D A D ist eine dänische Rockband. Diacetyldioxim, eine Chemikalie, die Chelatkomplexe bildet Diodenarraydetektor, ein Detektor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Dād — Ḍād ﺿﺎﺩ Ḍād Graphies Graphie {{{graphie}}} Capitale {{{capitale}}} Bas de casse …   Wikipédia en Français

    • Ḍād — ﺿﺎﺩ Ḍād Graphies Isolée ﺽ Initiale ﺿ Médiane ﻀ Finale ﺾ …   Wikipédia en Français

    • DAD-IS — is the acronym of the worldwide Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It is defined as a communication and information tool for the FAO s Management of Animal Genetic… …   Wikipedia

    • DAD — steht für: Flughafen Da Nang in Vietnam als IATA Code Duplicate Address Detection, eine Komponente des IPv6 Protokolls D A D ist eine dänische Rockband. Diacetyldioxim, eine Chemikalie, die Chelatkomplexe bildet Diodenarraydetektor, ein Detektor… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • -dad — (del lat. « tas, tātis») Sufijo que, solo o tomando delante una «e» o una «i», forma nombres abstractos de cualidad, derivados de adjetivos: ‘maldad, parquedad, agilidad’. * * * dad. (Del lat. tas, ātis). suf. Significa cualidad en sustantivos… …   Enciclopedia Universal

    • Dad — (d[a^]d), n. [Prob. of Celtic origin; cf. Ir. daid, Gael. daidein, W. tad, OL. tata, Gr. ta ta, te tta, Skr. t[=a]ta.] Father; a word sometimes used by children. [1913 Webster] I was never so bethumped with words, Since I first called my brother… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • dad — W2S1 [dæd] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: From a word used by very young children] father ▪ She lives with her mom and dad. ▪ Dad, will you help me? …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • dad — [ dæd ] noun count INFORMAL ** your father: His dad works in my office. Can I borrow some money, Dad? …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    Wondering if you should use father or dad? Objectively speaking there is no difference between the title Father and the title Dad. However, “father” is considered a more formal language. What you call your male parent or guardian can be linked to the following: your own personal preference, guidelines, and norms of your specific culture, or the way you were raised.

    It is generally accepted that it is easy to be or become a father, but that only a special person can become a Dad. This might be true but we cannot assume that a male parent who is addressed as Father, is not also a Dad in the true sense of the word.

    In some cultures, the word Dad is not accepted or in some cases not even known. For these people, the name Father encompasses all the good, positive and admirable qualities of a father. These qualities include the more informal and subjective qualities of being a good listener, being an inviting, protective, and caring parent.

    The above mentioned include abstract aspects such as personality, role models, parenting styles, nature of relationships, and interpersonal communication. These aspects will be dealt with further on.

    Father and son standing with arms shrugging wondering the difference between father and dad

    Related Reading: Grammar Lesson: “Where Do Your Father Work?”

    Father or Dad? What the Dictionary Tells Us…

    When we consult the dictionary to explain the difference between Father and Dad or Daddy, we find the following:

    The word Father is explained as:

    • a man in relation to his child or children
    • a male parent
    • the person who governs paternally
    • progenitor

    The term Father could also be used as a form of address for a priest or person with religious authority. Christians also speak of the Lord as their heavenly Father.

    The word father could also be used as a verb, referring to the action of performing the work or duties of a male parent, for example, He fathered seven children in his lifetime.

    The dictionary explanation for the term Dad or Daddy entails the following;

    • It is a synonym (same meaning) for Father
    • One’s father
    • A child’s word for father
    • It is the colloquial (everyday, informal) form of address for the male parent.

    Where the Word Dad Comes From

    The origin of the word Dad is generally accepted as coming from childish speech forms such as “dada” or “tata” meaning father. It was first recorded in the English language as baby talk, way back in the sixteenth century.

     “Father” as Found in Different Languages

    Afrikaans Vader
    Chinese Ba (Baa)
    Cree (Canada) Papa
    Czech Tata, Otec
    Dakota (USA) Ate
    Dutch Vader, Papa or Pappie
    East African Baba
    English Father, Dad, Daddy, Pop, Poppa or Papa
    French Papa
    German Vater or Papa
    Hebrew Abba (h)
    Hindi Papa or Pita-ji
    Hungarian Apa, Apu, Papa or Edesapa
    Irish Athair or Daidí
    Italian Babbo
    Japanese Otosan or Papa
    Latin Pater, Papa or Atta
    Norwegian Pappa or Far
    Polish Tata or Ojciec
    Portuguese Pai
    Russian Papa
    Spanish Papa, Viejo or Tata
    Swedish Pappa
    Swiss German Vatter
    Turkish Baba
    Welsh Tad

    Qualities of a Good Father or Dad

    Whether you call your male parent Father or Dad, a caring father should have the following qualities:

    • show respect towards your mother and women in general
    • willing to spend quality time with his family
    • responsible
    • sensitive to emotions and mental issues
    • provide physical and financial security
    • show that he cares
    • be fun to be around
    • respect authority
    • proud of his family and show it
    • unselfish/willing to share
    • family should be his priority

    The Personality of the Father or Dad

    Like all human beings, Fathers come with different personalities.

    A quick overview of the different personality types is provided here.

    Personality Type Type A Type B Type C Type D
      Main quality   The Director The Socializer The Thinker The Supporter
        Goals -goal-oriented
    -good under stress

    Fathers with a Type A or C personality will probably reveal a bit more authority and command more respect from their children. These fathers could be described as more formal and will probably be stricter, set on discipline, time management, neatness, order, good manners, and respect for others.

    These Fathers might even seem harsh and cold but they could still be good, caring, and loyal fathers. This does not make them horrible Dads.

    Fathers with Type B and D personalities are more likely to have a more informal approach to the relationships with their children.

    Role Models You Grew up With

    A very important aspect in the way we address our fathers is the culture we grow up in. Different cultures have different norms and traditions when it comes to how a child should address his mother or father. These norms and traditions are usually learned by watching and learning from the role models in our family.

    In other words, the way your parents address their parents or other adults in the family will most likely become your model or pattern of addressing your parents.

    If everyone in the family calls their father’s Dad, you will probably do the same. Cultural rules and prescriptions are very important parts of our own education and consequently how we educate our children.

    The Effect of Different Parenting Styles

    The way a child is parented will determine the relationship and also the communication patterns in that family. The four common parenting styles include the following:

    1. Authoritarian

    For these parents rules should be obeyed without being questioned, children do not participate in the decision-making process and their ideas and opinions are ignored.

    2. Democratic / Authoritative

    These parents teach children responsibility by allowing them to make decisions and learn from the consequences of those decisions. Children are included in the decision-making process, although it is clear that the parent remains in charge. This parenting style employs positive discipline, praise, and rewards.

    3. Permissive Parenting / Laissez Faire

    This parenting style is characterised as being lenient and the parent is often more of a friend than a parent. Some rules exist but they are not enforced and the child can do what they want.

    4. Uninvolved Parenting

    This is not really a parenting style at all because the parent is uninvolved, absent, gives no guidance or attention, and often neglects the child – sometimes unintentionally.

    Nature of Relationships Within the Family Set-up

    The nature of the relationship between father and child depends largely on the aspects already discussed such as personality and parenting styles. However, external factors could also determine the type of relationship between parent and child.

    Factors like poverty, unemployment, divorce, past trauma, disease, health issues, psychological disorders, global events and natural disasters could impact negatively on a person but also on that person’s relationships.

    Interpersonal Communication Within the Family

    The way we talk to each other in the family becomes our own blueprint for our communication with others. Communication between fathers and children is very important but even more important is the way our fathers talk to our mothers.

    Father to son, father to daughter, and father to mother each have their own unique qualities and feelings. If your father communicates with respect and patience, his children will never see him as a harsh and authoritarian dominator or as an absent, uninterested member of the family.

    Whether you call your father Father or Dad is not necessarily an indicator of the quality of the relationship or the interpersonal communication between family members.


    There might be several different reasons why the male parent is either addressed as Father or as Daddy. One can however not assume that the person being called Father is less of a father figure than the person being called Daddy.

    As mentioned above the form Father might be a bit more formal or respectful but the word Dad carries exactly the same meaning if studied objectively.

    The term Dad might have connotations (added meanings) of tenderness, informality, and empathy but those added meanings will be linked to the person’s unique culture, personality, and the context in which he or she was brought up.

    The most important reason is quite simple: it is much easier to say Dad instead of Father and to say Mom instead of Mother.

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