Use of word anyway

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Выражение Anyway употребляется, чтобы, завершая обсуждение того или иного вопроса, показать, что все, что было сказано ранее, не является важным, а важным является лишь то, что будет сказано сейчас.


На русский язык Anyway обычно переводится как: в любом случае и т.д.


I’m not sure what time she will arrive, maybe four or five. Anyway, I’ll certainly be at the airport to meet her before four thirty.
Я точно не знаю, когда она приезжает, возможно, в 4 или 5. В любом случае, я точно буду в аэропорту, чтобы встретить ее, до 4:30.

I don’t have time to go Paris, and anyway it’s too expensive for me.
У меня нет времени, чтобы ехать в Париж. Да и в любом случае, это слишком дорого для меня.


Обратите внимание, что Anyway и in any way имеют разные значения, и употребляются по-разному. In any way имеет значение “любым способом” и переводится на русский язык обычно как как-нибудь.

Can I help you in any way?
Я могу вам как-нибудь помочь?

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The English language can be somewhat confusing and can leave us feeling like we don’t know if we’re coming or going. It is further complicated when we hear the same words used in English for different reasons and in different ways.

One such word is ‘Anyway’.

Anyway — the different uses

In today’s blog post we will talk about the 4 uses of the word anyway.

They are:

  1. In spite of (contrast)
  2. To give a second reason for something
  3. To change the subject
  4. To return to a subject

The 4 uses of ‘Anyway’

We use the word anyway for four different reasons.

  1. In spite of
  2. To give a second reason for something
  3. To change the subject
  4. To return to a subject that was being talked about previously

Anyway — In spite of

In English we have many words for contrast, to express different opinions etc. the most common of which is ‘but’. Some more words like this are (In spite of, despite, although, however, even though etc.)

For example: In spite of the good weather, he didn’t go outside.”

We can use ‘anyway’ in exactly the same way:

“The weather was good, but he didn’t go outside anyway.”

These two sentences mean exactly the same thing.

Look at some more examples below:

He wasn’t hungry but he ate the food anyway.

She couldn’t afford the shoes. She bought them anyway.

I have seen that film several times before. I will watch it again anyway.

Test Yourself

Change the following sentences using the word ‘anyway’.

Example: In spite of not having any money, he went out with his friends.

Answer: He didn’t have any money but he went out with his friends anyway.

  1. I don’t like this movie. What are you doing this week?
  2. I want to buy a new phone because this one is not working. It is also a bad brand.
  3. So that’s why I didn’t go to her party. Oh yeah, as I was saying, I need to go shopping.
  4. The weather is great. However, I think I will stay inside and read a book.

To give a second reason for something

Secondly, we can use anyway to give a second reason for something.

It is important to note that we need to firstly give one reason for something and then give a second reason.
For example: He started an English course because he wanted to get a good job and he likes to talk to people from other countries anyway.

The first reason is to get a job, and the second reason is to talk to people from other countries.

Take a look at some more examples:

We went to the beach as it was a nice day, and we love swimming anyway.

I didn’t go to the cinema as I didn’t have any money but there were no films I liked showing anyway.

She decided not to date him as he was rude to her. She wasn’t attracted to him anyway.

Anyway — To change the subject

Furthermore, we can use the word anyway to talk about changing a subject.

Have you ever had an awkward silence?
You are with a friend or on a date and suddenly you run out of words to say, there is silence until somebody knows what to say or you think of another topic?

It is very common to use anyway here.

“So…anyway! What is your favourite colour?”

Imagine you had been having a conversation with a friend you haven’t seen in a long time and you are talking about work. Then you want to ask him about his family. You can say:

Anyway, how’s your family? It’s been ages since I’ve seen them.”

Anyway — To return to a subject

Last but not least, we can use the word anyway to return to a subject talked about previously.

Sometimes, when talking to somebody we can get carried away and go off topic.
If we are having a ball with someone and chatting, sometimes we go off in a tangent and the conversation changes but then we want to return to what we were originally talking about.

For Example:

Marina: “The future is going to be great. I can’t wait to see what advances in medicine the future brings. Oh, Did you see Elon Musk’s new invention?”

Brain: “Yes. It looks really cool.”

Marina: “So anyway, do you think technology will be better in the future?”

Test Yourself

Choose the correct form of ‘anyway’ to make similar sentences.


Awkward silence: when two or more people are together and nobody is talking so people feel awkward

Somewhat: a bit(used with adjectives)


Don’t know if I’m coming or going: to be confused. Example: I don’t know where to go for my holidays. It’s so hard to decide. I don’t know if I’m coming or going.

Have a ball: To enjoy yourself a lot. Example: My birthday was amazing. I had a ball.

To get carried away: to enjoy something so much that you forget to stop. Example: My friend got carried away on his birthday and started telling everyone he loved them.

To go off in a tangent: to get distracted by something mentioned in conversation and start talking about that instead of the original subject. Example: The present was badly wrapped. Oh I remember one time when I bought the wrong wrapping paper and had to return it, the staff are very polite in that shop.

To go off topic: similar to ‘go off in a tangent’/changing the subject. 


This is Everyday Grammar. I’m Kaveh.

Это «Грамматика на каждый день». Я Каве.


And I’m Lucija. Kaveh, you look tired. Did you get enough sleep last night?

А я Лусия. Каве, ты выглядишь усталым. Ты выспался этой ночью?


The fire alarm in my building went off at 5 a.m., but I had to get up early anyway.

Пожарная сигнализация в моем доме сработала в 5 часов утра, но, в любом случае, мне надо было встать рано.


I’m sorry to hear that. Anyway let’s talk about today’s lesson.

Мне жаль это слышать. Тем не менее, давай поговорим о сегодняшнем уроке.



ANYWAY as one word is a common adverb in everyday speech. It is used to show disagreement or contrast, and appears either at the beginning or the end of the sentence.

Anyway, как одно слово, — распространенное наречие в повседневной речи. Оно используется, чтобы продемонстрировать разницу мнений или противопоставление, и располагается или в начале, или в конце предложения.


There are two main ways that ANYWAY is used in conversation. One is to show contrast with another speaker’s point.

Есть два основных случая использования anyway в разговоре. Один из них — противопоставление точке зрения собеседника.


And the other is to signal change in conversation; to show that you will talk about something different.

А другой — это сигнал к тому, чтобы сменить тему разговора, чтобы показать, что вы собираетесь говорить о чем-то другом.


ANYWAY at the end of the sentence generally shows contrast. It does not always mean the speaker disagrees, but signals a comparison.

Anyway в конце предложения обычно демонстрирует противопоставление. Это не всегда означает несогласие говорящего, но является знаком того, что имеет место сопоставление [двух мнений].

  • I can’t find my bus pass.
  • Я не могу найти свой проездной на автобус.
  • That’s OK. I’ll let you ride anyway.
  • Все нормально. Я позволю вам проехать и так.


ANYWAY at the beginning of a sentence shows that the speaker wants to talk about a different, and usually more important, subject. Consider this conversation of two people at work:

Anyway в начале предложения показывает, что говорящий хочет поговорить о другой, и, как правило, более важной теме. Послушаем разговор двух людей на работе:

  • Hey, it’s almost lunch time! Where are you going to go eat?
  • Слушай, пора обедать! Где собираешься есть?
  • I’m not sure. I was thinking of going to the deli.
  • Я не знаю. Думала пойти в закусочную.
  • Yeah, that sounds good.
  • Да, это отличная мысль.
  • Anyway, can you send me those numbers so I can finish the report?
  • Тем не менее, можешь ли ты прислать мне те данные, чтобы я могла закончить отчет?


And that’s Everyday Grammar.

И это была «Грамматика на каждый день».


Приведем несколько примеров перевода наречия anyway:

  • в любом случае
  • во всяком случае
  • тем не менее
  • так или иначе
  • как бы то ни было
  • как бы там ни было


Указатель изучаемых английских слов и словосочетаний:

A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J
K, L
M, N
O, P
Q, R
S, T
U, V
W, X
Y, Z

There are countless English words with multiple variations.

Some of these words, like toward and towards, are really no different. They are used in the exact same way, just by different audiences. Other words, however, are used in different ways or one variant is universally considered incorrect.

Therefore, in order for your writing to excel, it’s important to know which variations of words are considered standard and which variations are considered nonstandard.

What is the Difference Between Anyway and Anyways?

Today, I want to talk about the differences between anyway vs. anyways, how to use them in a sentence, and which is the correct choice.

After reading this post you shouldn’t ever wonder again, is it anyway or anyways?

When to Use Anyway: Is Anyway a Word?

any way or anyway grammar rulesAnyway is an adverb with a few different meanings.

  1. In any case; at least.

I’m not sure if we have any wood for a fire; It’s raining outside anyway.

  1. Nevertheless; Regardless.

It was snowing and the temperature was below freezing, but the game went on anyway.

Anyway is the more common of the two words and educated writers and speakers use it almost exclusively.

When to Use Anyways: Is Anyways a Word?

Anyways is a nonstandard dialect and informal variation of the word anyway. When used, it also functions as an adverb.

  • You wouldn’t understand anyways.
  • Anyways, it’s time for a new focus.
  • Whatever you say. That was a dumb idea anyways.

Anyways is almost universally regarded as being incorrect and not fit for print or publication. And the usage of anyways vs. anyway actually bears this out.

The below chart shows just how widespread the distaste for the nonstandard anyways is.

any way vs anyway meaning

Anyways is used with such little frequency when compared to anyway that you can barely even see the line leave the zero percent mark.

Anyway vs. Any way: Is Anyway One Word?

With all of this talk of picking anyways or anyway, what about any way (two words)? How do I know when to use anyway or any way?

As discussed above, anyway is an adverb. If we define anyway, it usually means regardless or in any case.

  • I told you that that was my fault, and we fixed the problem anyway.
  • I’m not sure if I lost it or it was stolen. Anyway, it’s gone now.

anyway anyways definition in a worksheetAny way (two separate words) is simply the word way modified by the adjective any.

When the words are next to each other, they form a paired adjective and noun with the meaning any particular course, direction, or manner.

  • Are you able to help in any way at all?
  • Is there any way that you can be on time tonight?
  • Some people are willing to win any way necessary.

Some dictionaries will point to an overlap between anyway and any way, stating that both can be used to mean in any way or manner; whatever, but I personally like to keep both uses separate.

Remember the Difference

If you ever forget which word is the correct choice, just remember that the “S” in anyways can stand for “slang.” And if you are writing for a professional audience or for publication, slang words are not appropriate.


so anywaysThe two words anyway and anyways are both adverbs and are used in the same way, but anyways is widely considered incorrect and is not standard English usage.

Anyway is the correct word choice.

Anyways is a colloquial variant of the word anyway. It is almost universally considered incorrect.

Any way (two words) means any particular course, direction, or manner.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Anyway and Anyways?
  • 2 When to Use Anyway: Is Anyway a Word?
  • 3 When to Use Anyways: Is Anyways a Word?
  • 4 Anyway vs. Any way: Is Anyway One Word?
  • 5 Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

- во всяком случае; как бы то ни было

I’ll go anyway, no matter what you say — я всё равно пойду, что бы вы ни говорили

- как придётся, как попало (часто just anyway)

don’t do the job just anyway — эту работу нельзя делать кое-как
he damped the tools in the box just anyway — он как попало побросал инструменты в ящик

you won’t be late anyway — во всяком случае; вы не опоздаете  
anyway that’s something — это уже что-то; это уже хорошо  
do one’s work anyway — работать кое-как  
feel anyway — чувствовать себя расстроенным; чувствовать себя больным  

Anyway, it’s gone.

Как бы там ни было, всё позади.

Anyway, I must be going now.

Так или иначе, мне сейчас нужно уйти.

Anyway, how are you?

Ладно, а ты-то как?

Get it done anyway you can.

Сделайте это уж как умеете.

Whether you like it or not, I’m going anyway.

Нравится тебе это или нет, а я всё равно ухожу.

Anyway, why didn’t you call the police?

Всё-таки, почему вы не вызвали полицию?

The road got worse, but they kept going anyway.

Дорога стала хуже, но они всё равно продолжали идти.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

anyway — перевод на русский


But anyway I have the perfect slippy-slidey socks.

В любом случае, у меня есть отличные носки для скольжения.

Anyway, where is Rebecca?

В любом случае, где Ребекка?

Anyway, nothing means much to me now.

В любом случае, сейчас для меня ничто ничего не значит.

Anyway, what’s the good of talking?

В любом случае, что проку от болтовни?

Anyway, what difference does it make?

В любом случае, что это изменит?

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— Where are we anyway? I don’t know.

— Где мы вообще?

Say, what is this, anyway, an inquisition?

Так, что это вообще за допрос?

What’s the idea, anyway?

В чем дело, вообще?

How do you want to get there anyway?

Как же ты хочешь вообще туда попасть?

— What kind of a name is that, anyway? C.K. Dexter Haven.

— И вообще, что за имя — Си Кей Декстер Хейвен?

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So, anyway, you know, he’s finally ready, and he’s got, you know, his tray of cheese, you know, it’s just right.

Ну, в общем, он наконец готов, и у него эта тарелка сыра, все как надо.

Well, um…anyway… suppose we, um…play the hands?

Ну, в общем, поиграем в карты?

Anyway, I’m going to get married, and don’t interrupt.

В общем, я женюсь. И не перебивайте меня.

Anyway, the iridium turned out to be stolen.

В общем, выяснилось, что иридий был ворованный.

Anyway, this officer and the woman he truly loved… spent three nights together… and all they did was weep.

В общем, этот офицер провел с женщиной, которую очень сильно любил, три ночи и они все время только плакали.

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Anyway, report to the office.

Ладно, если что, сообщай в отделение.

Well, anyways, I gotta be going.

Ладно, мне пора.

Well, anyway it was nice to stay awake and hold the baby.

Ладно, приятно было подержать ребёнка.

Anyway, present it for the first time, quote:

Ладно, заголовок может быть таким: «Свадьба в светском обществе.

Well, anyway, here it is:

Ладно, вот это тебе.

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Oh, well, maybe I’m a chump. Well, the smart boys never have any fun— Anyway, not this kind of fun.

Может быть, я глуп, но толковые парни еще не имели возможности… по крайней мере, такой приятной возможности.

Well, part of the time anyway.

И ты, Джеральд, по крайней мере, иногда.

Almost none, anyway.

Почти нет, по крайней мере.

Well, anyway, do you suppose it was not getting the train you were really mad about?

По крайней мере, ты разозлился не из за того что не получил поезд?

Not on his part, anyway.

По крайней мере, не для него.

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Especially the one you told about the pajama tops and open windows. And anyway, you might catch a cold.

особенно когда они говорят о пижаме и открытых окнах в конце концов ты можешь простудиться

Anyway, if he’d really loved me, he would’ve come to me.

В конце концов, если бы он действительно любил меня, он бы приехал ко мне.

Anyway, there are letters and letters.

Как это? В конце концов, письмо — это письмо.

Anyway, our soldiers at the front were worse off

В конце концов, нашим солдатам на фронте было ещё хуже.

Anyway, it’s here that I’ve ended up.

В конце концов, здесь всё и закончилось.

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— How old are you anyway, Clarence?

Кстати, Клэренс, сколько тебе лет?

What about our pay anyway, and when do we get it?

Кстати, о зарплате. Когда мы ее получим?

Anyway, there was no difficulty about the death certificate.

Кстати, насколько мне известно, врач выдал разрешение на погребение.

Anyway, Mrs. Hildreth’s husband was talking to someone the other day… who said it isn’t coming here after all.

Кстати, муж миссис Хилдрет разговаривал с кем-то недавно, и тот сказал, что это может сюда и не дойти.

You were brilliant. Anyway, it’s only fair to give you back the thing you most desire.

Кстати, поздравляю с блестящим выступлением.

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Well, 10, anyway.

Ну, через десять.

Well, anyway, we can’t fall down.

Ну, за то мы не упадём.

Most of us, anyway… most of the time.

Ну, почти все мы. Почти всегда.

— In his own mind, anyway.

Ну, сам он в этом убеждён…

Anyway, what do you want from me?

Зачем? Ну ответь мне.

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I don’t want to go out anymore anyway.

Я уже не хочу гулять.

That’s okay, sweetheart, I got it anyway.

Не волнуйся, дорогуша, я их уже получил.

Anyway, before I left town I dropped in at the Canton Cafe.

И уже перед отъездом я зашел в то самое кафе.

That’s something, anyway.

-Это уже что-то

We’re already in jail anyway.

В тюрьму не могут, потому что мы уже!

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Thanks anyway But I’ve had enough.

Спасибо, конечно, но мне уже хватит.

Thank you anyway, and goodbye.

Спасибо вам и до свидания.

Thanks anyway, but I prefer going it by myself.

Спасибо, но я предпочитаю одиночество.

No, thanks anyway, but I’m planning to break the…

Нет, спасибо конечно, но я должен сам разобраться…

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Alternative forms[edit]

  • (chiefly Canada, US) anyways


any +‎ way


  • IPA(key): /ˈɛniweɪ/


anyway (not comparable)

  1. (conjunctive) Regardless; anyhow. [from 19th c.]

    He didn’t enjoy washing his car, but it was so dirty that he did it anyway.

    • 2016, JoAnneh Nagler, How to be an artist without losing your mind, your shirt, or your creative compass, →ISBN, page 85:

      Raymond Carver had only moments late at night to write after grueling day jobs, tense relationships, putting kids to bed, and dealing with his own alcoholism. And he wrote anyway.

  2. Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement. See anyhow and at least. [from 19th c.]

    I don’t think that’s true. I haven’t found any evidence, anyway.

  3. Used to indicate a change of subject.
    • 2005, Jan Karon, These High, Green Hills:

      «I’ll be ninety my next birthday, but Louella doesn’t tell her age. Anyway, we’re going to have you and Cynthia up for supper.»

  4. Used at the end of a question for emphasis, or to direct the conversation to something of more broad importance (compare with more to the point).
    • 1899, Jack London, “To the Man on the Trail”, The Overland Monthly, page 36:
      “But I say, Kid, isn’t that going it a little too strong? Whisky and alcohol’s bad enough; but when it comes to brandy and pepper-sauce and—” ¶ “Dump it in. Who’s making this punch, anyway?”
    • 1990, Nightline:

      The name, Barry Frank, the name of the game when it comes to money these days, in every sport, is television revenue. How do they get enough money- let me back up a minute. How did the United States get the World Cup anyway? Of all the countries in the world, you’d think we’d be the last one to get it.

    • 1992, Timothy Zahn, Heir to the Empire, Spectra, →ISBN, page 154:

      “We should probably wait until Luke gets here to talk about it,” Leia suggested quietly before Han could answer. Lando glanced past Han, as if only just noticing Luke’s absence. “Where is he, anyway?”

  5. (obsolete) In any way. [16th–19th c.]
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition II, section 2, member 5:

      He that sleeps in the day-time, or is in suspense, fear, anyway troubled in mind, or goes to bed upon a full stomach, may never hope for quiet rest in the night […].


  • anywise, anyroad, any road up, any old way; see also Thesaurus:regardless

Derived terms[edit]

  • the grapes are sour anyway



  • Arabic:
    Egyptian Arabic: عَلَى الْعُلُوم(ʿalā l-ʿolūm)
  • Azerbaijani: yenə də
  • Catalan: malgrat tot, tanmateix (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: (dou1),  (yue) (ziu3)
    Mandarin: 照樣照样 (zh) (zhàoyàng)
  • Dutch: toch (nl), desondanks (nl), trots dat (archaic)
  • Esperanto: ĉiuokaze
  • Finnish: kuitenkin (fi), siitä huolimatta
  • French: quand même (fr), de toute façon (fr)
  • German: trotzdem (de), ohnehin (de)
  • Greek: ούτως ή άλλως (el) (oútos í állos), όπως και να έχει (ópos kai na échei), εν πάση περιπτώσει (el) (en pási periptósei), έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós), πάντως (el) (pántos)
  • Hebrew: בכל מקרה(bekhól mikré), בכל זאת(bekhól zót), מכל מקום (he), בכל אופן‎, גם ככה (he)
  • Hungarian: azért (hu), attól még, mégis (hu), mégiscsak, ennek ellenére (hu), ettől függetlenül, mindenesetre (hu)
  • Italian: senza riguardo, comunque (it)
  • Malayalam: എന്നിട്ടും (ml) (enniṭṭuṃ)
  • Maori: me aha koa
  • Persian: در هر حال(dar har hâl)
  • Polish: i tak (pl)
  • Portuguese: mesmo assim, de qualquer forma, de qualquer maneira, de todo modo
  • Romanian: oricum (ro), chiar și-așa, și-așa
  • Russian: несмотря́ (на что-либо) (nesmotrjá (na što-libo)), всё равно́ (ru) (vsjó ravnó)
  • Scottish Gaelic: co-dhiù, co-dhiù no co-dheth
  • Spanish: aún así (es), a pesar de todo, igualmente (es), de todos modos, de todas formas, comoquiera
  • Swedish: ändå (sv), i alla fall (sv)
  • Turkish: yine de
  • Vietnamese: bất chấp (vi)

used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement

  • Arabic: عَلَى أَيُّ حَالٍ(ʕalā ʔayyu ḥālin)
  • Azerbaijani: onsuz da
  • Catalan: de qualsevol manera, en fi
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 橫𠶧横𠶧 (waang4 dim6)
    Mandarin: 反正 (zh) (fǎnzheng), 無論如何无论如何 (zh) (wúlùnrúhé)
  • Czech: v každém případě
  • Dutch: in elk geval, in ieder geval, hoe dan ook, tenminste (nl)
  • Esperanto: almenaŭ (eo)
  • Finnish: ainakaan (fi)
  • French: en tout cas (fr), de toute façon (fr), d’ailleurs (fr)
  • German: auf jeden Fall (de), jedenfalls (de)
  • Greek: εν πάση περιπτώσει (el) (en pási periptósei), τέλος πάντων (el) (télos pánton), πάντως (el) (pántos)
  • Hebrew: בכל מקרה(bekhól mikré), בכל זאת(bekhól zót)
  • Hungarian: amúgy is, amúgy sem, különben is, különben sem, egyébként is, egyébként sem, mindenesetre (hu)
  • Irish: ar aon chaoi
  • Italian: in ogni caso
  • Japanese: とにかく (ja) (tonikaku), どうせ (ja) (dōse), 何しろ (nanishiro), いずれにしても (ja) (izure ni shite mo)
  • Korean: 아무튼 (ko) (amuteun), 어쨌든 (ko) (eojjaetdeun)
  • Malayalam: എന്തായാലും (entāyāluṃ)
  • Norwegian: uansett (no)
  • Portuguese: mesmo (pt)
  • Romanian: oricum (ro), și-așa
  • Russian: в любо́м слу́чае (ru) (v ljubóm slúčaje), так и́ли и́на́че (ru) (tak íli ínáče), во вся́ком слу́чае (ru) (vo vsjákom slúčaje)
  • Scottish Gaelic: co-dhiù, co-dhiù no co-dheth
  • Spanish: de cualquier manera, de todos modos, igual (es)
  • Swedish: i alla fall (sv), ändå (sv), hur som helst (sv)
  • Turkish: zaten (tr)
  • Ukrainian: так чи іна́кше (tak čy inákše), в уся́кому ра́зі (v usjákomu rázi)

used to indicate change of subject

  • Azerbaijani: nəisə
  • Danish: hvorom alting er
  • Dutch: in elk geval, in ieder geval, maar goed
  • Esperanto: kiel ajn (estas), ĉiaokaze
  • Finnish: miten vain, joka tapauksessa (fi), se sikseen
  • French: bref (fr)
  • German: wie auch immer
  • Greek: τέλος πάντων (el) (télos pánton)
  • Hindi: ख़ैर (xair)
  • Hungarian: amúgy (hu), egyébként (hu), szóval, mindenesetre (hu)
  • Italian: comunque (it), ad ogni modo
  • Japanese: とにかく (ja) (tonikaku)
  • Korean: 그런데 (ko) (geureonde)
  • Persian: در هر حال(dar har hâl)
  • Portuguese: de qualquer modo
  • Romanian: oricum (ro)
  • Russian: кста́ти (ru) (kstáti), ла́дно (ru) (ládno)
  • Scottish Gaelic: co-dhiù, co-dhiù no co-dheth
  • Serbo-Croatian: uglavnom (sh)
  • Swedish: i alla fall (sv), hur som helst (sv)
  • Turkish: neyse (tr), her neyse
  • Urdu: خیر(xair)

in any way

  • Arabic: بِأَيَّةِ طَرِيقَة(biʔayyati ṭarīqa), عَلَى كُلِّ حَال(ʕalā kulli ḥāl)
  • Belarusian: у любым выпадку (u ljubym vypadku)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 點都要点都要 (dim2 dou1 jiu3), 係都要系都要 (hai6 dou1 jiu3)
    Mandarin: 無論如何无论如何 (zh) (wúlùnrúhé)
  • Dutch: hoe dan ook
  • Esperanto: iel ajn
  • Finnish: joka tapauksessa (fi)
  • French: quoi qu’il en soit (fr)
  • German: wie auch immer
  • Hebrew: בכל מקרה(bekhól mikré), בכל זאת(bekhól zót)
  • Hindi: वैसे भी (vaise bhī)
  • Hungarian: bárhogy (hu), bárhogyan (hu), akárhogy (hu), akárhogyan (hu), bármely/bármilyen módon/formában (is)
  • Italian: comunque (it), in ogni modo
  • Japanese: とにかく (ja) (tonikaku)
  • Korean: 아무튼 (ko) (amuteun)
  • Macedonian: секако (sekako)
  • Portuguese: de qualquer forma
  • Romanian: oricum (ro)
  • Russian: в любо́м слу́чае (ru) (v ljubóm slúčaje)
  • Scottish Gaelic: co-dhiù
  • Spanish: en fin, de todos modos, de cualquier modo, de todas formas
  • Swedish: hursomhelst (sv)
  • Turkish: neyse (tr)
  • Ukrainian: в будь-якому разі (v budʹ-jakomu razi), в будь-якому випадку (v budʹ-jakomu vypadku), в уся́кому ра́зі (v usjákomu rázi)



English anyway



  1. Used to indicate a change of topic.


  • hvorom alting er (slightly formal)


  • Canadian English
  • American English
  • English compound terms
  • English 3-syllable words
  • English terms with IPA pronunciation
  • English terms with audio links
  • English lemmas
  • English adverbs
  • English uncomparable adverbs
  • English terms with usage examples
  • English terms with quotations
  • English terms with obsolete senses
  • English conjunctive adverbs
  • English discourse markers
  • English manner adverbs
  • English speech-act adverbs
  • Danish terms borrowed from English
  • Danish terms derived from English
  • Danish lemmas
  • Danish adverbs

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