Use of the word whether in a sentence

How often do you add new words to your vocabulary list? Most people don’t bother about new words because they think that figuring out how to use some words in their writing is a lot of work. However, learning about «whether definition, meaning, and usage» is the easiest thing you can do.

The word «whether» means «a choice between some alternatives.» It is a conjunction meaning that it will connect or link other words, phrases, or clauses together. It makes it easier to create complex sentences that would otherwise be two separate sentences. 

Since the word in focus today is a conjunction, this article will be detailed and technical. Don’t worry; we promise it won’t be anything near quantum physics. We will discuss all there is to know about the word «whether»; its definitions, uses, similar words and sentences that incorporate the word. Here we go!

focus woman readingWhat Is the Definition of Whether?

The word «whether» is defined as «alternatives to indirect questions.» Whenever you see this word in a sentence, you’ll realize there is a choice, option, or possibility to the indirect question.

You’ll also note that the word applies when changing a question from direct to indirect. For instance, the question «Is the museum open today?» is direct since the question is directed to someone. If you were to change it to an indirect question, it would become «Joel asked whether the museum is open today.»

Here are some more indirect questions that incorporate the word whether:

  • Tracy asked me whether I wanted to go with her to the new Spiderman movie private screening.
  • My mum wanted to know whether the Tesla SUV was safe to drive in all weather conditions.

Whether as an Introductory Word

The word «weather» is also defined as a conjunction used to introduce two possible outcomes or possibilities that may happen. You can link any two outcomes, provided you know how to use the word. The word isn’t discriminative based on the situation.

For example, in the sentence «May gets to keep the money whether she wins or loses.» The two possibilities are introduced by the word «whether.» In this case, the outcomes are a win and lose.

Here are more example sentences:

  • Whether they confess or deny it, the case will continue as planned.
  • Whether he wins or loses, this is Nadal’s last tournament this season.

What Is the Meaning of Whether?

The word «whether» also means «a conjunction that describes two situations.» Use the word in sentences with two reasons why something happened.

For instance, when someone says you passed an exam, whether by studying or cheating, they give the possible reasons you passed your exam. When used in this context, it’s evident that the person communicating is in doubt. They are not sure how you managed to pass a particular exam. You should be careful when using this word to describe two situations because it might sound negative sometimes.

Here are some more examples explaining the same:

  • Michael made it back to the base, whether by skill or luck.
  • Whether he cleans up his act or gives up the position, I don’t believe he’s the right person for the job.

Whether as a Functional and List Word

«Whether» is also used as a function word. In such cases, it shows a direct question with two possibilities. When used in this format, the word is commonly used with the correlative or.

Here are example sentences:

  • Angie can’t decide whether to leave Derrick or leave him after she catches him cheating with another woman.
  • After he read the statement, we couldn’t decide whether to agree with the conditions or raise concerns.

When used as a list word, it gives options about things or people. You can have a list of as many things as you want. The advantage of using the word in this form is that you communicate a clear message despite the choices. You can also show that the options are okay for those involved.

Here are example sentences:

  • Whether it’s a desert tour or a charity event, Weston, Timothy, and Antonee, have no issue with your choice.
  • Whether the Mathematics, Chemistry, History, or Literature class will follow next or not, Gregg and Clint will not attend.

How to Use Whether in a Sentence

«Whether» is a conjunction without a noun, adverb, or adjective version. In addition to using this word to show alternatives and two situations, you can also use it as an adverbial clause and when not sure of two situations.

Whether When Used to Introduce a Clause

The word «whether» is also used as a conjunction that introduces disjunctive adverbial clauses. However, the clause must qualify as the primary clause of the sentence. The word applies where the outcome will remain constant regardless of the two possibilities.

Other alternatives used in place of «whether» are regardless of whether, regardless of if, or notwithstanding if.

Here are example sentences:

  • I won’t leave my son in this dysfunctional household whether you allow it or not.
  • I believe the word on the street is that Amber will leave Luke, whether he likes it.

The phrase «whether» is also used in indirect questions where the person asking is unsure which of the alternatives is correct. The word is commonly used alongside or as a double conjunction.

Here are example sentences:

  • Due to the recent shooting at the mall, Sally doesn’t know whether her daughter is dead or alive.
  • Tracy looked at my hand and then proceeded to ask me whether I was still married or not.

10 Examples of Whether Usage in a Sentence

The above sections let you know the various meanings and uses of the conjunction «whether.» Let us now help you understand how to use the word correctly. The ten sentences below have incorporated the conjunction in different scenarios.

Once you’re done reading these sentences, make a few more, and keep reading. You’ll be surprised how fast your comprehension is, especially with practice.

  1. I’m not sure whether Diana will make it to Vermont this Christmas after the snowstorm alert was issued on TV yesterday.
  2. Whether you love or hate them, fourth-graders, namely Kyle, Stan, Eric, and Kenny, make South Park fun to watch.
  3. Jenny told me that her father had already booked a flight for her and that she was leaving whether she liked it or not.
  4. Whether we go by rail or road, the journey ahead will be challenging for us due to the weather conditions.
  5. Whether you love him or hate him, Derrick Rose was one of the best point guards in the NBA.
  6. Once I made my way past the front door, the first question I asked her was whether or not Henry had gone out.
  7. Whether you believe it or not, car makers make money off mid-level sedans and not supercars.
  8. I fear that the engine in this car might fail at any time, whether it overheats or not.
  9. LeBron James will leave the Lakers this season, whether you like it.
  10. I honestly don’t know whether the answer was correct since I wasn’t paying any attention.

How Do You Spell Whether?

The conjunction «whether» is spelled as w.h.e.t.h.e.r.

The word has seven characters. Like a few English words, it’s easy to confuse «whether and weather.» Be keen not to make a spelling mistake. However, it’s hard to confuse the word whether with its other rhyming words like leather, feather, and all together.

How Do You Pronounce Whether?

Pronounce the conjunction» whether» as [weh.thuh].

The term «whether» is easy to pronounce; however, it should not be confused with its homophones. The best way to differentiate closely related words is to check which word you’re pronouncing. To learn how to pronounce the word correctly, listen to podcasts and English tutors, then practice pronouncing the word. Make sure their accent matches what you want.

Whether Synonyms

  • downfall
  • precipitation
  • thunderstorm

Whether Antonyms

  • sprinkle
  • mist
  • scud

How Many Syllables Are In Whether?

The word «whether» has two syllables; Always stress the first syllable -wheth to pronounce the word correctly.

History & Etymology of Whether

The conjunction «whether» comes from the Old French word hwæðer, which means «which of two.» This dates back to the 17th century.

The word also traces its roots from the Germanic *gihwatharaz, the Old Saxon hwedar, which means «which of the two.» The word is also made up of khwa and theraz, with the former meaning who and the latter meaning «either of the two.» The meanings these root words had are still in use today.

library student booksWhen Was Whether First Used?

The 12th century is the first known use of «whether.» However, the word was first recorded as an English word in the 1650s.


Learning new words is the new normal; nevertheless, knowing about conjunctions such as «whether» is just as vital. These conjunctions are responsible for connecting other words or phrases. We believe that you won’t have any challenges using «whether» in your sentences in the future. Do not forget to always go back to this «whether definition meaning and usage» article if you have any challenges using the word.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

whether if

На этом уроке мы рассмотрим предложения с союзами whether, whether… or, whether… or not, а также предложения с союзом if, но не в значении «если». В русском языке этим конструкциям соответствуют предложения с частицей «ли».


  • Союз whether или if: I’m not sure whether (if) she likes roses.
  • Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lilies.
  • Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not.

Союз whether используется как частица «ли» в русских предложениях вроде этого: «Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы».

I don’t know whether she likes roses. — Я не знаю, нравятся ли ей розы

Предложения такого типа называют косвенными вопросами. Само предложение является утвердительным, но в нем в косвенной форме передается вопрос: «Нравятся ли ей розы?» Обратите внимание, что в обеих частях предложения порядок слов — как в утвердительном предложении, поскольку по форме предложение и есть утвердительное.

  • Правильно: I’m not sure whether she likes roses.
  • Неправильно: I’m not sure whether does she like roses?

Приведу несколько примеров:

They asked me whether I wanted to take a tour. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я отправиться на экскурсию.

I didn’t know whether she would like roses. — Я не знал, понравятся ли ей розы.

He didn’t tell me whether he was bored. — Он не сказал мне, было ли ему скучно.

I couldn’t understand whether he was lying. — Я не мог понять, лгал ли он.

Как видите, предложения этого типа в английском языке и в русском строятся совершенно по-разному. В русском языке мы добавляем частицу «ли» к глаголу, а в английском союз whether между частями предложения.

Времена в предложении согласуются так же, как в предложениях типа «I know that you like jazz». Напомню основные правила:

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, придаточная тоже в прошедшем (в русском языке придаточная часть может быть в настоящем):

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to go home. — Я не был уверен, хочу ли я пойти домой.

Действие в придаточной части выражено в Present Simple, если речь идет о действии, которое происходит всегда или регулярно:

They asked me whether I work on Mondays. — Они спросили меня, работаю ли я по понедельникам.

I don’t remember whether Australia is the largest continent. — Я не помню, является ли Австралия самым большим континентом.

  • Если главная часть в прошедшем времени, а в придаточной речь о будущем, используется форма «будущее в прошедшем», то есть would + verb:

I didn’t know whether I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

She asked me whether I would work as a teacher. — Она спросила меня, буду ли я работать учителем.

Союз whether в примерах выше можно заменить на if, смысл не изменится:

I’m not sure whether/if she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

I didn’t know whether/if I would pass the exam. — Я не знал, сдам ли я экзамен.

Союз whether… or: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies.

Косвенный вопрос с союзом whether подразумевает ответ «да» или «нет». Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

Здесь два варианта: либо розы нравятся, либо нет.

Союз whether… or позволяет построить альтернативный вопрос в косвенной форме:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or lillies. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или лилии.

Здесь варианта ответа тоже два, но не «да» или «нет», а «розы» или «лилии».

Другие примеры:

I don’t remember whether he lived in Moscow or Saint-Petersburg. — Я не помню, жил ли он в Москве или Санкт-Петербурге.

They asked me whether I wanted tea or coffee. — Они спросили меня, хочу ли я чай или кофе.

Союз whether… or not: I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not

Союз whether… or часто используется в форме whether… or not, когда подразумевается положительный или отрицательный ответ. Например:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses or not. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы или нет.

They asked me whether I needed help or not. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь или нет.

По смыслу эти предложения практически не отличаются от предложений без «or not»:

I’m not sure whether she likes roses. — Я не уверен, нравятся ли ей розы.

They asked me whether I needed help. — Они спросили меня, нужна ли мне помощь.

Разница лишь в том, что в варианте с «or not» подчеркивается, что речь идет именно о выборе между противоположными вещами: нравятся розы или не нравятся розы, а не о выборе между вариантами: нравятся розы или лилии.

Союз whether… or not также может использоваться в значении «независимо от того, будет ли (было ли, есть ли) А или нет». Приведу примеры:

He always tells the truth whether it is polite or not. — Он всегда говорит правду, независимо от того, вежливо ли это или нет.

Whether you support my decision or not, I will move to another city. — Неважно, поддержите вы мое решение или нет, я перееду в другой город.

Особенно часто в этом значении используется оборот «Whether you like it or not — Нравится тебе или нет».

I will marry Billy whether you like it or not! — Я выйду замуж за Билли, нравится вам это или нет!

You have to make a hard choice whether you like it or not. — Ты должен сделать трудный выбор, нравится тебе это или нет.

Союз whether or… not также может использоваться слитно как whether or not:

I don’t know whether or not they have children. — Я не знаю, есть ли у них дети.

Whether or not you have time, you have to come to the meeting. — Неважно, есть у тебя время или нет, ты должен прийти на встречу.


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Whether is used when someone does not know which of the two possibilities is true.

  • She asked me whether I was married.
  • I don’t know whether she will come.
  • I asked whether she had received the letter.

Whether … or… is often used as a double conjunction.

  • She doesn’t know whether her son is dead or alive.
  • I don’t know whether the answer is right or wrong.

Whether is also used to suggest that it doesn’t matter which of the two possibilities is true because the situation will remain the same.

  • Whether we go by road or rail, the journey will take at least four hours.

Whether… or not

  • Jenny is going abroad whether she likes it or not.
  • Jenny is going abroad whether or not she likes it.

Whether and if

Both whether and if can be used to introduce indirect Yes/No questions.

  • She asked if I liked English films. OR She asked whether I liked English films.

Before an infinitive, we use whether. If is not possible in this case.

  • I can’t decide whether to accept that job. (NOT I can’t decide if to accept that job.)

After a preposition, use whether.

  • There are doubts about whether the judgment was fair.

Whether can be followed by ‘or not’. If is not possible in this case.

  • The question is whether or not we have the right to interfere. (NOT The question is if or not…)

Both whether and if are possible when ‘or’ appears later in the sentence; however, whether is considered more correct.

  • It is not clear whether the source of information is reliable or not. (Formal)
  • It is not clear if the source of information is reliable or not. (Very informal)

1. ( subordinating) used to introduce an indirect question or a clause after a verb expressing or implying doubt or choice in order to indicate two or more alternatives, the second or last of which is introduced by or or or whether. he doesn’t know whether she’s in Britain or whether she’s gone to France.


  • 1 How do you use whether?
  • 2 Is there a word whether?
  • 3 What does the question as to whether mean?
  • 4 Why do we use Whether?
  • 5 What kind of word is whether?
  • 6 How do you use wether in a sentence?
  • 7 Is whether it be grammatically correct?
  • 8 What should I use instead of whether?
  • 9 Should I use rather or whether?
  • 10 Can a sentence start with whether?
  • 11 How do you remember weather and whether?
  • 12 What are the different weathers?
  • 13 Does subjunctive take Whether?
  • 14 How do you write whether or not?
  • 15 What is the difference between whether it be and whether it is?
  • 16 What does whether through mean?
  • 17 What is an antonym of whether?
  • 18 What’s the meaning of rather than?
  • 19 Are is conjunction?
  • 20 What is a Whether statement?

How do you use whether?

We use whether in indirect yes-no questions and questions with or. We can’t leave out whether (or if): They asked me whether (if) I was tired.

Is there a word whether?

Unlike the word weather, the term whether is not a noun or verb, but rather is a conjunction. A conjunction is a word that joins two words or phrases together.Consider a few examples of using whether in a sentence to see how the word works.

What does the question as to whether mean?

used when someone does not know which of two possibilities is true. They asked us whether we were married. There is some doubt as to whether the illness is infectious.

Why do we use Whether?

Whether is used when someone does not know which of the two possibilities is true. She asked me whether I was married. I don’t know whether she will come. I asked whether she had received the letter.

What kind of word is whether?

Whether is a conjunction.

How do you use wether in a sentence?

The climate is made up of “weather”; whether it is nice out depends on whether it is raining or not. A wether is just a castrated sheep. Such a sheep wearing a bell is a “bellwether,” and that’s the correct spelling for the same word when it means “an indicator of change.”

Is whether it be grammatically correct?

Although it may sound foreign to the ear, the phrase “whether it be” is grammatically correct. It often describes conditional or imaginary situations, which is why it can be confusing, especially to an English second language speaker. The correct use of the phrase “whether it be” would be in a formal context.

What should I use instead of whether?

Synonyms of whether or no

  • anyhow,
  • anyway,
  • anyways.
  • [chiefly dialect],
  • regardless,
  • whatever.

Should I use rather or whether?

You’re right. “Rather” is an adverb, meaning with preference for one of two things, or more willingly. “Whether” is a conjunction with several meanings, but the two words are not synonyms. We might say, “I’d rather not have the seafood platter,” meaning we’d prefer not to have it.

Can a sentence start with whether?

both whether and whether or not are fine, since they appear at the beginning of a noun clause used as the object of the verb asked.

How do you remember weather and whether?

Get a memory trick to remember the spelling of “weather” and “whether.” People often have trouble remembering which word is spelled “weather” and which word is spelled “whether.” Here’s my memory trick: Weather (such as a storm) affects the sea, and “sea” is spelled with an “ea” just like “weather.”

What are the different weathers?

Types of weather include sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, and snowy. One of the most significant factors that affects weather is air masses. Air masses cause warm, cold, stationary, and occluded fronts.

Does subjunctive take Whether?

In the case of “whether,” the subjunctive is most often used when there are two conditions about which the speaker is uncertain—or doesn’t care.

How do you write whether or not?

A: In the phrase “whether or not,” the “or not” is often optional. When the choice is up to you, you can generally use either “whether” or “if.” But you definitely need “or not” when you mean “regardless of whether,” as in, “I’m out of here whether you like it or not!”

What is the difference between whether it be and whether it is?

“Whether it is” means “whether or not it is” or “if it is”, but “whether it be” means “whichever it might be“.

What does whether through mean?

1 subordinating used to introduce an indirect question or a clause after a verb expressing or implying doubt or choice in order to indicate two or more alternatives, the second or last of which is introduced by or or or whether.

What is an antonym of whether?

albeit. however. for all that. despite the fact that. in spite of the fact that.

What’s the meaning of rather than?

phrase. You use rather than when you are contrasting two things or situations. Rather than introduces the thing or situation that is not true or that you do not want. The problem was psychological rather than physiological. See full dictionary entry for rather.

Are is conjunction?

What is a conjunction? Conjunctions are words that join together other words or groups of words. A coordinating conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance. The main coordinating conjunctions are and, or, and but.

What is a Whether statement?

In the “whether” style, you state the legal question in a single sentence beginning with the word “whether.” This approach is traditional—some might say archaic—but still common today. And it produces long, complicated sentences.

Examples of how to use the word “whether” in a sentence. How to connect “whether” with other words to make correct English sentences.

whether (conj): (used especially in reporting questions and expressing doubts) if, or not

Use “whether” in a sentence

We don’t know whether he’s alive or dead.
We have to play fair, whether we win or lose.
It doesn’t matter whether it rains or shines, we’ll be here.
I will come whether it snows or not.
I don’t know whether I can do it, but I’m going to try.
You’ll have to do it whether you like it or not.
I don’t know whether I can do it or not, but I’ll try.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

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