Use of the word unless in a sentence

Использование unless в условных предложениях в английском языке

Когда надо сказать о чем-то, что может произойти/не произойти в будущем в зависимости от определенных условий, в английском мы используем слово unless. Оно переводится как «если не». 

Это слово можно встретить как в разговорном английском, так и в официальной речи и документах:

«Мы расторгнем договор, если вы не выполните условия. Ее не возьмут на эту должность, если она не выучит английский. Мы опоздаем на поезд, если мы не выйдем прямо сейчас».

Часто unless вызывает трудности в использовании из-за своего отрицательного значения. Поэтому очень важно разобраться с его использованием, чтобы не допускать ошибок.

В статье я расскажу вам:

  • Когда мы используем unless в английском
  • Разницу между unless и if
  • Как правильно строить предложения с unless
  • Отрицательные предложения с unless
  • Вопросительные предложения с unless

Правило употребления unless в английском языке

Unless переводится как «если не». Мы используем это слово в условных предложениях первого типа.

Сейчас я поясню, что это такое.

Условные предложения первого типа используются, когда мы говорим событиях будущего времени, которые могут произойти.

То есть мы используем unless, когда говорим, что:

  • Если какое-то условие не выполнится, что-то произойдет
    Например: Если она не будет работать (условие), ее уволят.
  • Если какое-то условие не выполнится, что-то не произойдет
    Например: Если она не будет учиться (условие), она не поступит в университет.

Часто unless путают с if.

Давайте для начала посмотрим, чем же они отличаются друг от друга.

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Разница между if и unless

Мы привыкли, что в условных предложениях мы используем слово if, поэтому иногда возникает путаница между if и unless. Это не одно и то же!

If и unless – два противоположных слова.

  • If переводится как «если»

If she comes, I will leave.
Если она придет, я уйду.

  • Unless переводится «если не»

Unless she comes, I will leave.
Если она не придет, я уйду.

Однако, если мы используем if с отрицанием (if + not), то значения этих слов становятся одинаковыми.

Запомните: If + not = unless


If they don’t hurry, they will be late.
Если они не поторопятся, они опоздают.

Unless they hurry, they will be late.
Если они не поторопятся, они опоздают.

А теперь давайте подробно рассмотрим, как построить предложения с unless.

Как построить предложения с unless в английском языке?

Условные предложения состоят из двух частей:

1. Основной части

Основная часть содержит действие, которое может произойти или не произойти в будущем. Поэтому в этой части мы используем время Future Simple (простое будущее), которое образуется с помощью глагола will.

При построении предложения этот глагол мы ставим после действующего лица, совершающего действие.


I will buy the dress…
Я куплю это платье…

2. Части с условием

Эта часть предложения содержит определенное условие, при наступлении или не наступлении которого произойдет действие из основной части.

В этой части мы используем время Present Simple (простое настоящее), несмотря на то, что на русский язык переводим ее в будущем времени.

В этом времени мы никак не изменяем глагол, если действия совершают: I (я), you (ты), they (они), we(мы).

Если действия совершают: he (он), she (она), it (оно), то к глаголу добавляем окончание -s/-es.

Условная часть как раз и будет начинаться с unless.


Unless I spend all money…
Если я не потрачу все деньги…

Итак, полное предложение с unless будет выглядеть так:


She will come unless she works.
Она придет, если не будет работать.

They will go to the gym unless they get tired.
Они пойдут в спортзал, если не устанут.

Также мы можем поменять основную и условную части местами, тогда предложение будет выглядеть так:


Unless they buy a car, they will go abroad.
Если они не купят машину, они поедут за границу.

Unless he hurries, he will be late.
Если он не поторопится, он опоздает.

Отрицательные предложения с unless в английском языке

Самая распространенная ошибка при использовании unless, это использование двух отрицаний в части с условием.


Unless they dont come…
Если они не не придут….


Unless they come…
Если они не придут…

Нужно запомнить, что unless само по себе несет отрицательный смысл, поэтому после него не надо ставить еще одно отрицание.

Мы можем использовать отрицание в основной части. Для этого нужно поставить not после will.

Мы можем использовать сокращение:

will + not = wont

Такое предложение будет выглядеть:



They won’t come unless you invite them.
Они не придут, если ты не пригласишь их.

Unless she studies hard, she won’t pass an exam.
Если она не будет учиться, она не сдаст экзамен.

Вопросительные предложения с unless в английском языке

Чтобы построить вопрос, нам нужно изменить только основную часть. Для этого переносим will на первое место в предложении.

Часть с unless (с условием) нам менять не надо.

Схема такого предложения:


Will you go to the cinema unless you study?
Ты пойдешь в кино, если не будешь учиться?

Will she eat the cake unless she eats the candies?
Она съест этот торт, если не съест конфеты?

Итак, мы разобрали теорию, а теперь давайте перейдем к практике.

Задание на закрепление

1. Если она не пойдет домой, она закончит работу.
2. Они не начнут заниматься, они не смогут сделать это.
3. Если они не пригласят меня на вечеринку, я не пойду.
4. Если ты не будешь работать, то не купишь эту машину. 
5. Если она не приготовит ужин, мы пойдем в ресторан?

Сегодня в теме мы разберем правило употребления союза unless. Иногда он может вызывать сложности у изучающих, так как имеет отрицательное значение, при этом в предложении второе отрицание не употребляется.  Но обо всем по-порядку.

Для начала рассмотрим пример.

Unless правило употребления

  • You won’t pass the exam unless you study harder. (Ты не пройдёшь экзамен, если не будешь усерднее заниматься)

Unless, правило употребления

Мы используем союз unless в значении «если нет, пока нет».


  • I won’t speak to him unless he apologizes.(Я с ним не буду разговаривать, пока он не извинится);
  • Unless you have a pass you can’t come in. (Если у тебя нет пропуска ты не можешь войти);
  • I won’t go to work unless I get better. (Я не пойду на работу, если мне не станет лучше).

Как вы могли заметить из примеров выше, союз unless употребляется в условных предложениях первого типа. Подробнее о них читайте в теме If и when clauses, правило употребления.

Главное правило условных предложений первого типа:

В условной части мы всегда употребляем настоящее время, хотя на русский язык переводим, как будущее.

  • Unless you hurry you’ll be late. (Если ты не поторопишься, ты опоздаешь). Неверно — Unless you will hurry…
  • Don’t tell her anything unless she asks you. (Ничего ей не говори, если она не спросит);
  • Unless you listen carefully you won’t know what to do. (Если не будешь внимательно слушать, то не узнаешь, что нужно делать).

В начале темы мы упомянули, что unless передаёт отрицательное значение. И вы, наверняка, заметили форму глагола в условной части.

С союзом unless мы не используем сказуемое в отрицательной форме, так как unless уже передаёт отрицательный смысл.

  • We won’t come to their wedding unless they invite us. (Мы не пойдём на их свадьбу, если они нас не пригласят).Неверно — Unless they don’t invite us.
  • We’ll go for a walk unless it rains. (Мы пойдём прогуляться, если не будет дождя). Неверно — Unless it doesn’t rain.

Unless и if

У изучающих английский часто возникает путаница между союзами unless и if.

Мы уже разобрали, что unless носит отрицательное значение.

  • Unless = если не;
  • If = если.
  • We will go out unless it rains. (Мы пойдём гулять, если не будет дождя);
  • We won’t go out if it rains. (Мы не пойдём гулять, если будет дождь).

С союзом if мы можем использовать отрицание. В данном случае мы получаем то же значение, что и unless.

  • We will go out if it doesn’t rain / We will go out unless it rains. (Мы пойдём гулять, если не будет дождя). 

Unless, правило употребления — тест на закрепление

Asked by: Ms. Alana Medhurst

Score: 4.2/5
(47 votes)

We use the conjunction unless to mean ‘except if’. The clause which follows unless is a subordinate clause (sc): it needs a main clause (mc) to make a complete sentence. When unless comes before the main clause, we use a comma: Unless [SC]it rains, [MC]we’ll go for a picnic by the river tomorrow.

How do you explain unless?

The easiest way to explain “unless” is to say it is the equivalent of a negative if-clause. If I do NOT win the lottery, I will not be able to buy a car. Unless I win the lottery, I will not be able to buy a car. This explanation is a good introduction to unless-clauses, but it is not the whole story.

What is an example of Unless?

Unless is defined as except something else happens. An example of unless is saying you’re going skiing this weekend, except if it doesn’t snow — «I’ll go skiing unless it doesn’t snow.»

Where is unless used?

We use the conjunction unless to mean ‘except if’. The clause which follows unless is a subordinate clause (sc): it needs a main clause (mc) to make a complete sentence. When unless comes before the main clause, we use a comma: Unless [SC]it rains, [MC]we’ll go for a picnic by the river tomorrow.

Can a sentence start with unless?

Expert Answers

Starting a sentence with «unless» is much the same as starting a sentence with «because.» Although our 4th grade teachers told us NEVER TO DO IT (because in 4th grade it often resulted in a fragment) we can write a complete sentence starting with «unless» or «because.»

41 related questions found

How do you use until and unless?

The words unless and until are often used together but their meanings are different, and often confused. Unless refers to a condition not being met while until refers to a time threshold not being crossed.

What is difference between if and unless?

As you probably already know, “if” is conditional. It is used to describe a possible situation, and what would happen under the conditions of that situation. “Unless” is also conditional, but it is effectively “if” with an extra exclusion or negative qualifier added. Unless basically means “except if” or “if… not”.

What kind of word is unless?

The word ‘unless’ is a conjunction. A conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect two clauses or sentences, or to show relationships among…

How do you use unless in a sentence?

Use unless with present tenses when talking about the future.

  1. Present. You will damage your health unless you stop smoking. = you will damage your health if you do not stop smoking.
  2. Past. Unless she was working late, she would be here. …
  3. Past Perfect. I wouldn’t have taken Paul unless his car hadn’t broken down.

What does unless mean in logic?

No one knows what a proposition symbol represents. That’s why in propositional logic, «unless» means «if not» instead of «if not and only if not».

Is not unless correct?

«Not unless» is a little more situational. You would probably only use it if asked a yes/no question, to which the answer is «no» with an exception. For example, «are you going tomorrow?» «Not unless there’s food.» In this case, the person is saying he will only go if there is food.

How do you use unless in a negative sentence?

You cannot have a negative sentence after unless because that would make the sentence a double negative and senseless. Example: Unless you don’t study, you will fail . (????) We don’t use unless when we mean if.

Can we use not with unless?

Often when we are talking about present situations, we use unless instead of if…not. Unless means except if or simply it means if…not. Both of these examples have the same meaning and refer to the present time. «You can’t go on vacation unless you save some money.»

Where do we use till?

Until, Till, or ‘Til

  1. Until indicates when something will happen, begin, or end.
  2. Till means the same thing as until.
  3. Till is not an abbreviation of until—it’s actually older than until—and it should not be written with an apostrophe.

What is the Hindi meaning of until or unless?

/ʌnˈles अनˈलेस्/ conjunction. You use unless to introduce the only circumstances in which an event you are mentioning will not take place or in which a statement you are making is not true. यदि… नहींतब तक नहीं…….जबतक कि

What is if not and unless?

If Clauses Quizzes. Unless means except if. We use unless to make an exception to something we say. Unless is often used in warnings, instead of unless it is possible to say if …. not.

Can we use unless and not unless in the same grammatical situation?

Unless is used to describe something that will happen if something else doesn’t happen. For example, «I will walk to school unless it rains,» which means that I will walk to school if it does not rain. «Not unless» is a little more situational.

What Does not until mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English not untilused to emphasize that something does not happen before a certain point in time or before something else has happened ‘Can I go out and play now? ‘ ‘Not until you’ve done your homework.

What does not unless you want to mean?

Not unless you want to is often heard as a response to a direct question about doing something one wouldn’t typically do. Do you want to go to the get-together at work this weekend. Not unless you want to. I would respond this way saying I’ll go only if it’s very important to you to go.

What does unless otherwise mean?

Unless means «if not«. Otherwise means «in another way, differently». So unless otherwise posted will mean «if nothing else is posted», «if nothing else is indicated», «if there are no other signs».

Does unless mean if and only if?

In addition to ‘only if’, another conditional term in English that causes problems of translation is ‘unless’. This differs from ‘only if’ in that embeds a negation, and so it is akin to the complex ‘neither … nor’ connective we encountered in earlier chapters.

What does P unless Q mean?

2y. ‘Unless’ can be parsed as ‘if not’. So, ‘p unless q’ comes out as ‘if not q then p. ‘ If Q is true, then you have a conditional with a false antecedent, making the conditional true, no matter what p is.

What is an unless statement?

The strategy for an “unless” statement is simple. The part of the sentence that follows the “unless” is the necessary condition. The other part of the sentence constitutes the sufficient condition, but you must make sure to negate it! For example: A unless B. Necessary condition: B.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word unless, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use unless in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «unless».

Unless in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word unless in a sentence.

  1. Pores are left unless old and soft.

  2. It is an electrical insulator unless ionized.

  3. None can be prosperous unless all are prospering.

  4. Scott avoided using green screens unless necessary.

  5. You don’t get to dance unless you put up the chairs.

  6. Data from Bridgman (Jane’s) unless otherwise noted:.

  7. These two conclusions are inconsistent unless rN−1 = g.

  8. Failure to notify was a criminal offence unless exempt.

  9. Mission rules forbade entering lunar orbit unless all fuel cells were operational.

  10. McCain refused repatriation unless every man taken in before him was also released.

  11. Bradman threatened to withdraw from the team unless the Board allowed him to write.

  12. They have interesting behaviors, but unless handled regularly they may be defensive.

  13. Ibn al-Zubayr, on the other hand, was to be treated harshly, unless he came to terms.

  14. Seeber then threatened to close the Edgemoor Bridge unless Anderson County was similarly compensated.

  15. A player is defeated if all his or her bases are destroyed, unless a new base is quickly established.

  16. These glaciers will eventually disappear unless temperatures fall and frozen precipitation increases.

  17. For the sake of consistency, this article uses Canadian Inuktitut terminology, unless otherwise noted.

  18. Alarmed by these acts, the Pope announced he would excommunicate Henry unless he changed his policies.

  19. Elizabeth was receptive, but, like Edward, unready to agree to anything unless permitted by the council.

  20. Social media content, like most content on the web, will continue to persist unless the user deletes it.

  21. The 0° longitude directly faces Jupiter, and unless stated otherwise longitude increases toward the west.

  22. The owls usually mate for life unless one of the pair is killed, whereupon a new pair bond may be formed.

  23. It advised against any attempt to forcibly prevent the 9 August meeting unless there was an actual riot:.

  24. McHenry put forth his opinion that Washington would not serve unless permitted to choose his own officers.

  25. Webber refused to buy any car unless the seller could prove the car’s endurance by driving it to his home.

  26. In general, investigations are not repeated for a subsequent episode unless there is a medical indication.

  27. The National Council refused to assist unless the Austro-Hungarian Navy was first placed under its command.

  28. By the end of the season, Ruth hinted that he would retire unless Ruppert named him manager of the Yankees.

  29. They must be performed in specific ways, as described in published communications by the ISU, unless otherwise specified.

  30. Threatened with torture unless she names her accomplices, Drusilla decides to protect Ottone by confessing her own guilt.

  31. Gens’ reaction to this was to spread word that unless Wittenberg turned himself in, the Germans would destroy the ghetto.

  32. Like the Directive Principles, they are not enforceable by courts unless otherwise made enforceable by parliamentary law.

  33. The remaining glaciers are expected to stabilize, unless the climate continues to warm, but will be much reduced in size.

  34. A very accurate bowler, he was difficult to score against unless a batsman was prepared to hit him in the air over mid on.

  35. They are able to swim when necessary, although they rarely do so unless the area is flooded or they need to cross a river.

  36. These must be performed in specific ways, as described in published communications by the ISU, unless otherwise specified.

  37. Players can freely navigate around the world map unless restricted by obstacles such as bodies of water or mountain ranges.

  38. He praises Kratos’ victory over the Furies, but reveals that Kratos will not be free from Ares’ bond unless he kills Orkos.

  39. Stunt coordinator Lauro Chartrand attempts to make sure the actors are used as much as possible when performing fight scenes, unless the scenes are particularly dangerous.

  40. Before they left Santo Domingo, local sailors warned that strong Gulf currents flowed east and would tug the ships toward the Florida straits unless they corrected for it.

  41. The UBP said that they would hold a referendum if they won the election and said that Bermuda should not become independent unless there was clear support in a referendum.

  42. Meanwhile, Robert had besieged Stirling Castle, a key fortification in Scotland; its English commander had stated that unless Edward arrived by 24 June, he would surrender.

  43. Females often fiercely defend their cubs from a usurping male but are rarely successful unless a group of three or four mothers within a pride join forces against the male.

General information about «unless» example sentences

The example sentences for the word unless that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «unless» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «unless».

How do you use unless in a sentence?

Unless sentence example

  1. I don’t want you to give that number to anyone unless it’s an emergency, you understand?
  2. They wouldn’t all be there unless something terrible had happened.
  3. Unless we know where to look, we won’t find where his base is.
  4. Not unless he’s willing to make a deal with me.

Which tense is used with unless?

Unless can be used with present, past and past perfect tenses. Use unless with present tenses when talking about the future.

How do you use unless in a negative sentence?

Note that the sentence after unless is always a positive sentence. You cannot have a negative sentence after unless because that would make the sentence a double negative and senseless. Example: Unless you don’t study, you will fail .

When should commas be used?

To better understand the use of the comma, begin by learning the following eight basic uses:


Why is the reason is because wrong?

There are two reasons why many grammar experts disapprove of the reason is because: Because is redundant because it means ‘for the reason that’ (The reason is for the reason that…) Is is a linking verb and should not be followed by an adverbial clause introduced by the conjunction because.

Is reason why a tautology?

Yes. Tautology is saying of the same thing twice. The phrase “The reason why this is the case…” contains repetition/redundancy & is thus tautological.

What can I say instead of because?


  • ’cause,
  • as,
  • as long as,
  • being (as or as how or that)
  • [chiefly dialect],
  • considering,
  • for,
  • inasmuch as,

What is a better way to say because?

In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for because, like: since, due-to, for the reason that, by reason of, as a result of, as, on-account-of, therefore, for, in-behalf-of and as things go. 5 Awesome Ways to Say Thanks.

What can I say instead of I think?

Ways to Say I THINK

In my opinion… I believe…
To my mind… It is my view…
As far as I’m concerned… It’s my belief that…
The way I see things is that… I honestly believe that…
As I see it… To my way of thinking…

What is another way to say by the way?

What is another word for by the way?

incidentally as an aside
by the by by the bye
another thing while on the subject
it might also be noted one could also note
parenthetically apropos

Is BTW rude?

acronym for “by the way”. BTW, I’m 43 years old. BTW, you’re very rude. See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of).

Is it polite to say by the way?

The phrase by the way is not especially informal, and you may freely use it in formal situations. However, if you wish to use a variant which is more formal, then you could use a substitute such as: Speaking of which, This brings to mind.

Which is formal speaking?

Considering that “Speaking of which” is a transitional expression, it comes across in both formal and informal settings. It basically translates to “regarding abc” or “as for abc”. For instance, “I heard that the new ice cream place makes the best milkshakes.

Is it speaking of or speaking off?

It’s speaking off message. The verb is not important. Off message (or off-message) means deviating from a prescribed message. But there too, it’s not the verb “speaking” that is important.)

Can we use speaking of in writing?

Yes, you can. Even though you’re not technically “speaking” since you’re writing an email, you can still use that phrase.

Is it talking of or speaking of?

You wouldn’t really say “talking of…” You generally “talk about” things, and “speak of” things, (saying “speaking about” would sound strange). Sometimes talk and speak can be used interchangeably, but it depends which word follows. So I could “speak to” OR “talk to” you, both would be correct.

What difference between say and speak?

“Say” is a verb, but it can also be used as a noun while “speak” is used only as a verb. 2. “Say” means “to express thoughts through words” while “speak” means “the act of talking or uttering something.” “Say” is used in direct and indirect speech while “speak” is used in formal situations.

What is the difference between say tell speak and talk?

Just like “say” and “tell”, “speak” is an irregular verb. So in the past tense the form is “spoke”. But “talk” is a regular verb, so all you need to do to change the verb to the past tense is add -ed-. The pronunciation of that -ed- is the just a /t/ sound added to the end of the verb: talk/t/.

Did you speak with or to?

“Did you speak to him?” is correct. Speak is the present tense of the verb, while spoke is the past tense. So when you ask someone if they ‘did’ something, you’re asking if they did something in the past. (‘Did’ is the simple past tense of ‘do’).

Can I talk to you or can I talk with you?

A lot of students ask me about the difference between talk to and talk with. The answer is that there’s essentially NO difference when two people are having a conversation, and both of them are speaking. You can say “Sue is talking to John” or “Sue is talking with John” – they’re the same!

When to use speak to and speak with?

“To speak with” someone has the connotation that there is a conversation, that two people are talking together. “To speak to” someone connotes the possibility of one person talking at another, as in in a reprimand, senior to junior or authority figure to subordinate. “To speak with” is the friendlier version.

Is it talk to me or talk with me?

“Talk to me, Talk with me” Both are invitations to talk, but here’s how I see the difference: Talk to me = you have something to tell me. Talk with me = lets discuss something, I want to hear you talk and I also have things to say. There is not much difference, but just a little difference in emphasis.

How can I talk with you Google?

Talk to Google

  1. Say “OK Google” or select the microphone .
  2. Wait until you hear the beep.
  3. Say what you’d like to do.

Is it bad to talk to yourself?

Talking to yourself is normal, even if you do it often. If you’d like to be more mindful around talking to yourself so you can avoid doing it in specific situations, we have some tips that can help.

How do you use unless conjunction in a sentence?

More examples with unless

  1. I’m not going to the party unless you come too. I don’t want to go alone.
  2. We won’t get a table at the restaurant unless we get there early.
  3. Unless I’m mistaken, John’s house is the second on the left.
  4. We can go in the car – unless you’d prefer to walk.

How do you use unless instead of if?

Often when we are talking about present situations, we use unless instead of if…not. Unless means except if or simply it means if…not. Both of these examples have the same meaning and refer to the present time. “You can’t go on vacation unless you save some money.”

What is the meaning of unless?

except on the condition

What is difference between until and unless?

Key Differences Between Unless and Until Unless is just a conjunction, which joins two sentences. Unless is used in the sentences to introduce a precondition, in which the given event is possible. Conversely, until is used to emphasize the time that occurs before the happening of the event.

What does unless mean in logic?

if not

Does unless introduce necessary or sufficient?

The strategy for an “unless” statement is simple. The part of the sentence that follows the “unless” is the necessary condition. The other part of the sentence constitutes the sufficient condition, but you must make sure to negate it!

What is the truth value of P ∨ Q?

The disjunction of p and q, denoted by p ∨ q, is the proposition “p or q.” The truth value of p ∨ q is false if both p and q are false. Otherwise, it is true.

What does P and Q mean in logic?

Suppose we have two propositions, p and q. The propositions are equal or logically equivalent if they always have the same truth value. That is, p and q are logically equivalent if p is true whenever q is true, and vice versa, and if p is false whenever q is false, and vice versa.

Which is the inverse of P → Q?

The inverse of p → q is ∼ p →∼ q. A conditional statement and its converse are NOT logically equivalent.

What is Contrapositive example?

And our contrapositive statement would be: “If the grass is NOT wet, then it is NOT raining.” For example, consider the statement, “If it is raining, then the grass is wet” to be TRUE. Then you can assume that the contrapositive statement, “If the grass is NOT wet, then it is NOT raining” is also TRUE.

Which of the following is Contrapositive law?

. The law of contraposition says that a conditional statement is true if, and only if, its contrapositive is true. “If it is not raining, then I don’t wear my coat.” Unlike the contrapositive, the inverse’s truth value is not at all dependent on whether or not the original proposition was true, as evidenced here.

What’s Contrapositive mean in math?

: a proposition or theorem formed by contradicting both the subject and predicate or both the hypothesis and conclusion of a given proposition or theorem and interchanging them “if not-B then not-A ” is the contrapositive of “if A then B “

What is the converse of the original statement?

The converse of a statement is formed by switching the hypothesis and the conclusion. The converse of “If two lines don’t intersect, then they are parallel” is “If two lines are parallel, then they don’t intersect.” The converse of “if p, then q” is “if q, then p.”

What is equivalent to Pvq?

PVQ is equivalent to QVP.

Which Biconditional statement is true?

Definition: A biconditional statement is defined to be true whenever both parts have the same truth value. The biconditional operator is denoted by a double-headed arrow . The biconditional p q represents “p if and only if q,” where p is a hypothesis and q is a conclusion.

How do you prove logically equivalent?

Two logical statements are logically equivalent if they always produce the same truth value. Consequently, p≡q is same as saying p⇔q is a tautology. Beside distributive and De Morgan’s laws, remember these two equivalences as well; they are very helpful when dealing with implications. p⇒q≡¯q⇒¯pandp⇒q≡¯p∨q.

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