Use of the word principal

основной, главный, ведущий, принципал, директор школы, глава


- главный, основной

- ведущий

principal boy — театр. травести, актриса, исполняющая ведущую роль мальчика или юноши (в детском спектакле)
principal dancer — прима-балерина

- грам. главный

principal clause — главное предложение
principal parts of the verb — основные формы глагола


- глава, начальник; патрон, принципал

the principal of a firm — глава фирмы

- ректор университета
- директор колледжа
- директор школы
- «звезда», ведущий актёр или ведущая актриса

ещё 10 вариантов

Мои примеры


a mosquito that is the principal vector of yellow fever — комар, который является основным переносчиком жёлтой лихорадки  
a quarrelsome student who was always being sent to the principal’s office for starting fights in the halls — задиристый ученик, которого постоянно отправляли в кабинет директора школы за драки в коридорах  
principal cornice — венчающий карниз здания  
basic / principal ingredients — основные составляющие  
principal activity — основная деятельность  
principal officer — ведущий сотрудник  
main / principal staircase — парадная лестница  
principal place of business — основное место работы  
principal block — основной блок  
principal genus — главный род  
germ of principal analytic set — росток главного аналитического множества  
principal invariant — главный инвариант  

Примеры с переводом

Our document contains six principal divisions.

Наш документ содержит шесть основных разделов.

Vegetables are the principal ingredients in this soup.

Овощи являются основными ингредиентами в этом супе.

The principal had overruled the lecturers’ proposals.

Ректор отклонил предложения преподавателей университета.

He was the principal contact man and fixer.

Он был главным посредником и координатором.

The blushing boy was brought before the Principal.

Красного от стыда / от смущения мальчика привели к директору.

The dollar is the principal unit of American currency.

Доллар является основной единицей американской валюты.

Marcie was called up to the principal’s office.

Марси вызвали в кабинет директора.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The school’s principal is a strict disciplinarian.

She later became a principal with the Royal Ballet.

Pearl Harbor was the principal American bastion in the Pacific.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): principal
мн. ч.(plural): principals

Using words adequately is as important when we speak as it is when we write. It is known that there are several words that are the same but used in variations of the English language. They change a letter or they are different in meaning but similar in their writing and could easily confuse us. This is the case of «principle» and «principal», and here we will go over their differences, origin and use.

The word «principle» is only a noun, and it means to rule. It can also mean law or guideline. Now, «principal» is the director or head person from a school or business. The word «principal» is not only a noun, it can also be used as an adjective. 

Knowing the differences between these is important, while one refers to a guideline and the other one to the person that upholds them in a given institution. If you were to make a mistake while speaking, it is easy to correct but if it happens on a text that has been written and shared, one word could alter the entire intention or meaning of our writing. That is why here we will go over each in detail and offer examples for more clarity.

Origin And Definition Of The Word «Principle»

The word «principle» is connected to the Late Middle English from Old French and Latin word «principium», which means «source» or «beginning». Also, «principia» in the plural form which means «foundations», which is also rooted in the word «princeps» which is translated to «first chief».

principle word in dictionary

«Principle» can be defined as a fundamental assumption or a guiding belief. It can also be a set rule to help decide or function as a guide in times when a decision is needed. And it can also be interpreted as a moral rule, the compass by which people of certain honor or upbringing guide themselves to act in the world.

The word «principle» is also applied in nature and physics, in this instance, it refers to those basic ideas and fundamentals on how everything works. Nature, space, time, life, death.

Synonyms Of The Word «Principle»

Depending on where the word is being used there are several synonyms that could be taken into consideration as a replacement for «principle» in a sentence. Here are some of them:

  1. Tenet
  2. Essence
  3. Fundamental
  4. Philosophy
  5. Postulate
  6. Concept
  7. Theory
  8. Idea
  9. Basis
  10. Morals
  11. Integrity
  12. Credo
  13. Honor
  14. Conscience
  15. Standards

Origin And Definition Of The Word «Principal»

The root of the word «principal» is from Latin, from the word «principalis» which means «first in importance». It is also connected to the meaning of «prince», this is through the Latin «genitive principis» which means «first man»,» chief leader», «rule» or «sovereign».

It is also connected to the noun form or adjective of the root «primus» which means «first».

The most common meaning and use of the word «principal» is to refer to the most important or most senior person in an organization. The direct meaning of the word, taking the root into consideration is «the first in order of importance».

The way we probably hear it most these days is in reference to education institutions, either schools, institutes, or universities, since «the principal» or director is the go-to person for all affairs, regardless of how big or small in these institutions.

Synonyms Of The Word «Principal»

Just as «principle», the word «principal» can be used in many contexts and also had many synonyms that could take its place in a sentence depending on this. Here are some of them:

  1. Main
  2. Chief
  3. Primary
  4. President
  5. Director
  6. Chairman
  7. Chairwoman
  8. First
  9. Dominant
  10. Foremost
  11. Manager
  12. Leader
  13. Key Person
  14. Boss
  15. Ruler

principal flourescent sign in brick wall

At this point, you have grasped both the meaning and use for each of these words, but for the sake of clarity the difference between «principle» and «principal» is that usually a «principle» is a quality or an object, we would never refer to a person as a «principle». However, «principal» is both an adjective and a noun. We can refer to people and use the word «principal» to describe their role in an organization or chain of command.

So, «principle» is a rule, a guideline, and «principal» the person that makes sure others abide by those rules due to their role as key-person of an organization.

Examples Of «Principle» Used In A Sentence:

  1. He died for his principles, because of that his death will not be in vain.
  2. The principle of equality is starting to be a core value in most companies that are committed to offering equal opportunities for their employees regardless of their sex.
  3. It goes against my principles to cheat, kill, or steal. I was raised to respect and treat others as I want to be treated and respected.
  4. The principle of physics that governed the phenomena we observed are yet to be documented. It was something unprecedented that we witnessed here tonight.
  5. Tolerance should be a principle that guides everyone, so many accidents, family separation, and heartbreak could be avoided if we all practiced it more.
  6. In my opinion, the duty of every parent is to pass on to their children the best of their principles, and leave behind what others generation did that only caused pain for those around them.
  7. My principle is my faith. It is my moral compass and what tells me if I am walking the right path day in and day out.
  8. Their hypothesis took the principle of life as the basis to prove the accuracy of their findings.
  9. The laws and principles that rule our existence are right in front of us all the time. It is a lot like magic and how we only see the end game but the small details that make the illusion possible completely scape us.
  10. Do not ever question my principles and morals, it is the very core of who I am today.

Examples Of «Principal» Used In A Sentence:

  1. The principal suspect in this investigation was actually a judge of The Supreme Court.
  2. I had to come to my daughter’s school today because she was sent to the principal’s office for skipping classes for the past week.
  3. The principal reason behind the need for a vaccine is creating what is called «herd immunity», this way those who are immuno-compromised or do not qualify due to underlying conditions can be protected from infection.
  4. If you watched him speak long enough, you would notice that the frown he made every time he stopped to think was the principal reason behind those wrinkles he has now.
  5. The principal person in my household is my mother, she is the oldest and the most fragile. We all revolve around making her comfortable and looking after her.
  6. I would have never guessed in my wildest dreams that I would be the principal of a department in a prestigious university. This promotion has completely taken me by surprise.
  7. The busiest city in the country is our capital city, the principal city. It is where everything happens, where the president lives, where the tourists go to experience a true colonial city in our time.
  8. Lacking time is just an excuse, the principal thing here is to acknowledge when you are making up excuses because deep down you know you no longer want to be with that person. It is painful to admit but the faster you realize this, the less hurt you will cause.
  9. The principal called me to her office to tell me I had been chosen as the designated class speaker for my graduation ceremony next week.
  10. Sugar, rum, and plantains are the principal source of exports for many of the countries in Panamerica and the Caribbean.

Antonyms Of «Principle» And «Principal»

Now that we have seen the examples of both of these words in sentences, it is useful to also see their opposites. Here are some antonyms for «principle»:

  1. Development
  2. Issue
  3. Action
  4. Operation
  5. Formation

Here are some examples of the antonyms for «principle»:

  • It was just an issue, nothing to be concerned about.
  • The action taken by the general was not a part of the military code.

Here are some antonyms for «principal»:

  1. Subordinate
  2. Minor
  3. Antagonist
  4. Back up
  5. Secondary

Here are some examples of the antonyms for «principal»:

  • He was nothing more than a backup, replaceable.
  • The subordinate must always follow the guidelines set by their leader.

right or wrong sign


In the examples above I am sure you noticed that when using the word «principle» in a sentence because it refers to a set of rules, guidelines or beliefs, it is common to use the plural form of the word by adding an «S» when using it in a sentence. Unless there is one single principle that is being referred to in the sentence.

In that same way, when we use the word «principal» in a sentence, because of its use as an adjective and a noun at the same time it is common to see it preceded by «the».

That is all for now. With these «principles» we have shared with you and the examples for proper use of these words, you are certain to be the «principal» in the proper use of these words going forward.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

principal — перевод на русский


Principal Boisse, this maniac is constantly provoking me.

Господин директор, этот ненормальный без конца пристает ко мне.


-Господин директор!

— Maybe the principal came back.

Может, господин директор уже вернулся?

The principal.


The principal opened the door and told me to go to bed right away… without picking up the dead leaves.

Директор открыл дверь и сказал мне прекратить собирать листья и немедленно идти в кровать. Это не мог быть он.

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Take it to the principal’s office, come on.

Отнеси это в кабинет директора.

OK, Gaudinier. Go to the principal’s office with a pink slip.

Годинье, в кабинет директора: предупреждение.

Toji Suzuhara, report to the Principal’s Office.

Судзухара Тодзи, зайдите в кабинет директора.

All right, that’s it. You just bought yourself a ticket to the principal’s office.

Ну все, ты только что заработал билет в кабинет директора.

All right, come on. Let’s go to the principal’s office. I’m

Ну, все, идем в кабинет директора.

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This man is to be questioned by the Sheriff Principal. — We have orders to take him there.

3адержанного допросит главный шериф.

Principal chief at the gangbuster unit. Stuck behind a phone waiting for a loonie’s call…

Главный комиссар криминального отдела прикован к телефону в ожидании звонка какого-то идиота.

Principal Skinner… one of my fellow children is vandalizing school property.

Главный разгильдяй… один из моих детей портит школьную собственность.

D’Ghor has manipulated your family’s holdings devalued the lands you hold and he is the principal creditor on Kozak’s outstanding gambling debts.

Д’Гор манипулировал вашими семейными фондами, обесценил ваши земли, и он — главный кредитор выдающихся игорных долгов Козака.

— Who are your principals?

— Кто у вас главный ?

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Father’s the principal.

Его отец — директор школы.

You wouldn’t want your mother or principal to see these pictures.

Ты же не хочешь, чтобы эти фотографии увидела твоя мать или директор школы.

If an old schoolteacher has to attend a church far from home… so that her principal doesn’t find out…

Но если старая учительница ездит на другой конец Гданьска в церковь, поскольку боится, что директор школы узнает об этом, то это очень нездоровая ситуация…

Principal John Wiggins.

Директор школы Джон Виггинс.

Homer, Principal Skinner is here.

Гомер, пришел директор школы.

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Vice Principal Matthews comes in here. He picks up the women’s fitness magazine and he snaps one off!

Каждый день после восьмого урока здесь запирается завуч и пялится на фотки телок в журнале по фитнессу и дрочит.

Ah, wonderful! Vice Principal Matthews!

А, замечательно завуч Метьюс.

Vice Principal!

А вот и завуч!

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The principal occupation of the Hon’ami clan is to appraise and to sharpen swords.

Основной род занятий клана Хонъами — оценивать и затачивать мечи.

-The principal city.

Основной город.

Of course it’s not a personal issue, but, the role of the commander is to solve any problem which could hinder the principal mission of the band when it’s, been broken off, of course,

Ёто не моЄ личное дело, разумеетс€. Ќо моЄ дело, как командира, Ц решить все проблемы, могущие нанести вред успеху Ќашей основной миссии, как ансамбл€.

If you don’t have it, I’ll tack it on to the principal.

В противном случае сумма просрочки добавится к основной.

The principal drawback to biomass is that it’s generally pretty inefficient.

Основной недостаток биомассы — это то, что она как правило, неэффективна.

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Well, go on, do as the principal says!

Делай, как говорит директриса.

— No, that’s the principal.

— Нет, это директриса.

The principal likes to snap a whip in here to see who’s hiding.

Директриса любит совать сюда кнут, проверить, кто здесь прячется.

The principal is insane.

Директриса сумасшедшая.

I got the call from the principal.

Мне звонила директриса.

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We fight for the principal of self-determination, that the people of South Vietnam should… be able to choose their own course.

Мы боремся за принцип самоопределения, чтобы южно-вьетнамцы могли сами выбирать для себя курс.

As Langevin and Wallon says, The first principal is justice

Как говорят Ланжевен и Валлон, первый принцип — справедливость

The second is the equality of all social occupations The third is… The third principal is to accept a well-rounded education

Второй — равенство всех социальных занятий третий… третий принцип — принять всестороннее образование

I’m using the principal of conservation of angular momentum to turn the container!

Я использую принцип сохранения момента импульса, чтобы развернуть контейнер!

The same principal applied to proximity fuses, and World War II arial bombs…

Подобный принцип применен в предохранителях и в бомбах времен Второй Мировой Войны.

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Yes, Principal… I mean… no.

Да, господин директор.

He was a widower, so the principal and I kept the kid.

Он был вдовцом. Господин директор решил оставить малыша при школе.

Their hostility, Principal, doesn’t bother me at all.

Их враждебность мне не мешает, господин директор.

I cannot tell you, Principal. I can’t.

Я не могу ответить, господин директор.

I’m sorry, Principal.

Извините, господин директор.

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I practically lived in that vice principal’s office.

Я чуть ли не жила в кабинете замдиректора.

Your vice principal.


— You’re the vice principal.

— Вы замдиректора?

I got pulled out of class and called to the vice principal’s office.

Меня вытащили из класса и вызвали в кабинет замдиректора.

Ex-Vice Principal of Queen Katherine College, University of London.

Бывшая замдиректора колледжа королевы Екатерины в Лондонском университете.

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If someone says that they are a principal, what does that mean? If they describe something as principal, does that mean something else? This article will clarify the difference between the adjective principal and the noun principal. Then, it will provide example sentences that contain the word principal to teach you how to use it in a sentence. 

Finally, this article will conclude with a list of translations, synonyms, and antonyms of the word principal. By reading this article, you will become an expert on the word principal!

What Does Principal Mean?

According to Dictionary, the definition of principal is an adjective meaning highest in rank or importance. Therefore, something principal is chief or foremost. Principal can also refer to the main amount of money in a loan, also known as the capital sum.  

The noun principal also refers to the headteacher or head of a school or educational institution. For example, the word principal can refer to the head of an elementary school, middle school, or high school. At the college and university level, people often use the word dean instead.

A principal is also a leading performer, such as in a play or other type of theatrical performance. The pronunciation of principal is ˈprɪn sə pəl, and principal is three syllables: prin-ci-pal.

How Can We Use Principal in a Sentence?

The word principal is both an adjective and a noun. Therefore, we can use the word principal in several ways in sentences. Take a look at the below example sentences containing this new word of the day and see if you can determine which part of speech principal is. 

After you feel comfortable and confident in your knowledge of the word principal, see if you can use this word as a noun and an adjective in your own daily life!

Example #1: The High School Principal

We hid in the closet from our high school principal as we ditched class. We knew that we would get an in-school suspension if we got caught, which was the worst type of punishment.

Question: What part of speech is the word principal in the above sentence?

Answer: Principal is a noun in the above sentence. 

Question #2: The Important Executive

Impressing the chief executive would be principal in increasing our budget for the year. If he didn’t think we were worthy of an increase, production would cease. We were very nervous about the meeting. 

Question: What part of speech is the word principal in the above sentence?

Answer: Principal is an adjective in the above sentence. 

Question #3: The Loan Payment

The borrower was paying more interest on the original amount than the principal amount in their monthly payment. However, they would begin to pay off more of the actual capital after the first year. 

Question: What part of speech is the word principal in the above sentence?

Answer: Principal is an adjective in the above sentence. 

Question #4: The Main Reason

The principal reason I chose to move to New York was to work as a ballerina. I had been in the company for four years when I was finally promoted to principal.

Question: What part of speech is the word principal in the above sentence?

Answer: Principal is an adjective and a noun in the above sentence. 

What Is the Etymology of Principal?

The word principal entered Middle English in the mid-1200s, from the Old French princeps and the Latin principalis.

What Are Translations of Principal?

Many languages other than American English and British English have their own translations of the word principal, listed below from Nice Translator.  

  • Norwegian: rektor
  • Hungarian: fő
  • Spanish: principal
  • Bengali: অধ্যক্ষ
  • Japanese: 主要な
  • German: Rektor, hauptsächlich
  • Estonian: peaosa
  • Italian: principale
  • Catalan: principal
  • Chinese (PRC): 主要的
  • Welsh: phrifathro
  • Vietnamese: hiệu trưởng, chính
  • Polish: główny
  • Dutch: voornaam
  • Arabic: المالك
  • Amharic: ርዕሰ መምህሩ
  • French: principal
  • Slovenian: glavna
  • Gujarati: આચાર્યશ્રી
  • Portuguese (Brazil): diretor
  • Bulgarian: главен
  • Lithuanian: pagrindinis
  • Hindi: प्रधान अध्यापक
  • Danish: rektor
  • Swahili: Mkuu
  • Icelandic: aðalmaður
  • Tamil: முதன்மை
  • Indonesian: Kepala Sekolah
  • Thai: อาจารย์ใหญ่
  • Ukrainian: директор
  • Malayalam: മുഖമായ
  • Portuguese (Portugal): diretor
  • Filipino: punong -guro
  • Finnish: pää-
  • Hebrew: קֶרֶן
  • Marathi: प्राचार्य
  • Basque: nagusi
  • Korean: 주요한
  • Swedish: rektor
  • Russian: главный
  • Urdu: پرنسپل
  • Czech: ředitel školy, hlavní
  • Turkish: müdür
  • Serbian: главни
  • Latvian: direktors
  • Malay: pengetua
  • Romanian: principal
  • Kannada: ಪ್ರಧಾನ
  • Telugu: ప్రిన్సిపాల్
  • Slovak: hlavný
  • Chinese (Taiwan): 主要的
  • Croatian: glavni
  • Greek: σχολειου

What Are Synonyms of Principal?

Power Thesaurus provides several words that you can use in place of the word principal. Some are synonyms of the noun, and others are synonyms of the adjective. 

  • administrator
  • basic
  • boss
  • capital
  • captain
  • cardinal
  • central
  • chairman
  • chairperson
  • chancellor
  • chief
  • commander
  • core
  • crucial
  • dean
  • director
  • dominant
  • essential
  • first
  • focal
  • foremost
  • fundamental
  • governor
  • greatest
  • head
  • headteacher
  • headmaster
  • headmistress
  • highest
  • important
  • key
  • lead
  • leader
  • leading
  • main
  • major
  • manager
  • master
  • most important
  • number one
  • number-one
  • overriding
  • paramount
  • pivotal
  • predominant
  • preeminent
  • premier
  • president
  • primary
  • prime
  • prominent
  • star
  • superintendent
  • superior
  • supervisor
  • supreme
  • uppermost
  • vital

What Are Antonyms of Principal?

You can also reference Power Thesaurus to find antonyms of the word principal.

  • acolyte
  • agent
  • aide
  • ancillary
  • assistant
  • atrocious
  • attendant
  • auxiliary
  • awful
  • bad
  • base
  • bottom
  • bush-league
  • collateral
  • common
  • deficient
  • extra
  • frivolous
  • inconsiderable
  • inessential
  • inferior
  • insignificant
  • junior
  • last
  • less important
  • lesser
  • little
  • lousy
  • low
  • low-grade
  • lower
  • mediocre
  • minor
  • negligible
  • nonessential
  • paltry
  • peripheral
  • petty
  • poor
  • second
  • second-class
  • second-rate
  • secondary
  • slight
  • small
  • subordinate
  • subsidiary
  • supplementary
  • trifling
  • trivial
  • underdog
  • unimportant
  • worst


As an adjective, principal means the most important or the foremost. As a noun, the word principal can refer to any chief or head, such as the lead of a play or the head of a school.


Synonyms – 2 231 Words and Phrases for Principal | Power Thesaurus 

Antonyms – 810 Opposites of Principal | Power Thesaurus 

Principal Definition & Meaning | 

Principal | Nice Translator 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


1 principal motive behind this is because natural products deliver minimal side outcomes.

Одна из основных причин этого заключается в том, что натуральные продукты имеют минимальные побочные эффекты.

One of the principal difficulties faced by traders concerns payment-related problems.

Одна из основных трудностей, с которыми сталкиваются торговые организации, заключается в проблемах платежей.

The city of 318,000 also contains a principal port.

Город с населением в 318 тысяч также содержал главный порт».

Very likely these pyramids are the principal organ of taste.

Есть большая вероятность, что эти пирамидки и составляют главный орган вкуса.

The principal problem is ethnic division.

Но главная проблема, на мой взгляд, связана с этническим делением.

That means your monthly principal and interest payments stay the same.

Это значит, что ежемесячные процентные и основные выплаты на протяжении всего срока погашения должны оставаться одинаковыми.

The principal objectives of our cookies are to improve your navigation experience.

Основная цель наших файлов cookie заключается в том, чтобы улучшить ваши впечатления от навигации.

They also know and appreciate the fact their principal residence is exempt.

Они также знают и ценят тот факт, что их основное место жительства является исключением.

Our investigation suggests principal investors are from much closer to home.

Наше расследование дает основание предположить, что основные инвесторы находятся гораздо ближе к дому.

Moreover, the principal arguments contained in these objections remained unchanged throughout the proceedings.

К тому же главные аргументы, содержащиеся в этих возражениях, оставались неизменными на протяжении всего производства.

My principal objective is to demonstrate publicly my innocence.

Моя главная цель состоит в том, чтобы публично продемонстрировать свою невиновность.

I am still not convinced that we have overcome this principal difficulty.

Здесь у меня нет еще уверенности в том, что мы эту главную трудность преодолели.

Insufficient funding remains the principal constraint.

Главным препятствием в этом деле остается нехватка финансирования.

The principal findings emerging from the addendum are described briefly below.

Ниже кратко представлены главные выводы, сделанные на основе содержащейся в добавлении информации.

There are two principal political groupings and numerous small parties.

В территории имеются две основные политические группировки и большое число мелких партий.

Reporting requirements between subsidiary and principal organs within each organization were also relevant considerations.

Нельзя не учитывать в этом плане и требования отчетности между вспомогательными и главными органами в каждой организации.

The principal industries are tourism and offshore financial services.

Основными отраслями промышленности являются туризм и услуги в области оффшорного финансового бизнеса.

Increasing income is a principal factor underlying projections of increasing demand for forest products.

Одним из основных факторов, лежащих в основе прогнозируемого увеличения спроса на лесные товары, является повышение доходов.

These directly affect women’s role as principal homemakers.

Все это прямо затрагивает главную роль женщины в ведении домашнего хозяйства.

Police violence takes two principal forms: police raids and custodial abuse.

Существуют две основные формы насилия со стороны полиции: полицейские облавы и злоупотребления при задержании.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат principal

Результатов: 41751. Точных совпадений: 41751. Затраченное время: 155 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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