Use of the word follow up

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Again, only follow-up interviews can reveal which scenario is true.

Опять же, только последующие интервью могут показать, какой сценарий является истинным.

Their key findings and recommendations led to valuable follow-up actions relevant in the new programming process.

На основе сделанных в результате их проведения главных выводов и рекомендаций были предприняты важные последующие действия, связанные с новым процессом программирования.

A follow-up to a story we mentioned yesterday.

Это — продолжение истории, о которой мы рассказали вчера.

The most important national level follow-up actions have also been listed.

Кроме того, в нем перечислены наиболее значительные последующие мероприятия на национальном уровне.

Governments appeared slow in approving revised agreements, despite vigorous follow-up action by the Department.

Правительства, как представляется, проявляли медлительность при утверждении пересмотренных соглашений, несмотря на активные последующие действия со стороны Департамента.

But it was pointed out that effective follow-up action and provision of follow-up financing were crucial for expanded use of TCDC.

Однако при этом было отмечено, что эффективные последующие мероприятия и обеспечение последующего финансирования имеют решающее значение для более широкого использования ТСРС.

All patients after interventions for echinococcosis due to a relatively high risk of relapse (10-30%) recommend treatment with albendazole and follow-up follow-up.

Всем больным после вмешательств по поводу эхинококкоза в связи с достаточно высоким риском рецидива (10-30%) рекомендуют проведение курса лечения альбендазолом и последующее диспансерное наблюдение.

Technical meetings on Summit follow-up have involved numerous regional institutions.

В работе технических совещаний, посвященных последующей деятельности по результатам Встречи на высшем уровне, участвовали многочисленные региональные учреждения.

The other 90% is follow-up.

Before you leave the hospital, ask about your follow-up care.

Перед тем как вы приедете в клинику, запишите интересующие вас вопросы касательно послеоперационного ухода.

He requested information on the kind of complaints and follow-up action.

Оратор хотел бы получить информацию о характере этих жалоб и принятым по ним мерам.

That could be an extremely useful follow-up measure.

Further regional follow-up meetings were planned during 1995.

A suitable data follow-up system is currently being developed.

Effective follow-up to conferences requires the urgent mobilization of resources for implementation.

Для эффективной последующей деятельности по итогам конференций требуется безотлагательная мобилизация соответствующих ресурсов для ее осуществления.

It also adopted a mechanism for follow-up action.

Кроме того, на нем был утвержден механизм принятия последующих мер.

Proper monitoring and follow-up would be required.

Project implementation and follow-up remain a major problem.

Одной из основных проблем по-прежнему остаются реализация проектов и контроль за их осуществлением.

Attempts to categorize follow-up replies are necessarily imprecise.

Several publications and follow-up activities are planned.

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развивать, доводить до конца, преследовать упорно, вытекать, завершать


- упорно (пре)следовать
- доводить до конца

to follow up an advantage — воен. развивать успех

- сопровождать

to follow up one’s convictions with actions — действовать в соответствии со своими убеждениями; ≅ его убеждения подкрепляются соответствующими поступками

- проводить диспансерное лечение выписавшихся из больницы; наблюдать за больными, прошедшими курс лечения
- расследовать (что-л.) для принятия мер

to follow up complaints and customers’ suggestions — разбирать жалобы и предложения покупателей

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The director will follow up the committee’s suggestions.

Директор реализует предложения комитета.

I’d like to follow up on an antecedent question from another reporter.

Мне бы хотелось продолжить предыдущий вопрос, заданный другим журналистом.

follow up — перевод на русский

/ˈfɒləʊ ʌp/

I got to follow up on it.

Я должен это проверить.

You’re gon want to follow up on these.

Вам будет нужно их проверить.

We’re following up some leads.

Надо проверить все.

Better yet, how’d you convince Detective Barber — to follow up on it?

А вернее, как ты убедила детектива Барбера ее проверить?

I’ve been sent out to follow up…

Меня послали проверить…

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I have some leads that I would like To follow up, but I have to-

У меня были некоторые зацепки которые я бы хотела проследить, но мне нужно было…

The police failed to follow up other leads.

Полиции не удалось проследить другие версии.

I asked Tracy to follow up with the think tank, but they don’t exist.

Я попросил Трэйси проследить этот институт, но их не существует.

The report says Miami Shore PD tried to follow up, but there wasn’t enough to go on.

В рапорте говорится, что Береговое подразделение Полиции Майами пытались проследить дальше, но данных было недостаточно.

I wouldn’t mind following up on the bribery charges — Nigeria filed against Cheney.

Я был бы не прочь проследить, как Нигерия заводит дело по взяточничеству в Чини.

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Yeah, me too. We have to follow up on this thing.

Да, я тоже. мы должны следить за этой вещью.

I’m gonna follow up with Hughes. Ow.

Я буду следить за Хьюзом.

I gotta follow up with my patient, make sure she’s in her right free of mind.

Нужно следить за пациенткой, убедиться, что она в здравом уме.

They’re gonna follow up with some questions.

Они будут следить за с некоторыми вопросами.

You should be following up on Saxon right now.

Сейчас тебе надо следить за Саксоном.

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I want you to know I did follow up with the NSA.

Я только хотел вам сообщить. что связался с агентством по поводу суперкомпьютера.

I followed up with his parole officer.

Я связался с его инспектором по досрочному освобождению.

So I followed up with my buddy at the license division.

Я связался с приятелем из отдела лицензий.

So I followed up with child services.

Я связался с отделом усыновления.

Well, I followed up with Sid’s son, and he said that she hadn’t returned any of his phone calls, so I spoke with her doorman.

Связался с сыном Сида, он сказал, что на звонки она не отвечает, поэтому я поговорил с ее швейцаром.

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Uh, I was just following up to make sure everything’s okay.

Просто проверяю… …что телефоны работают.

Following up on evidence.

Проверяю улики.

I’m just following up on a tip.

Я просто проверяю наводку.

I’m following up on a report from your OB/GYN, Dr. Marsh.

Я проверяю отчёт твоего гинеколога доктора Марш.

I’m just following up.

Просто проверяю.

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I’m following up a lead from dale’s hard drive— A tip on the location for hobbes.

Я следую за ключом с винчестера Дейла— подсказке о местонахождении Гоббса.

And before you ask, yes, I did follow up with the police on Stone’s murder.

И прежде чем вы спросите, да, я действительно следую за полицией в деле убийства Стоуна.

Following up on a lead.

Следую за подозреваемым.

Following up on a lead.

Следую за зацепками.

Follow up on an assignment?

Следовать предназначению?

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You were gonna follow up.

Ты собиралась им заняться.

Okay, well, I think that we should follow up on all of them, please, and in the meantime, I think we should focus our efforts on trying to find a car with a newly-broken oil pan.

Думаю, нам стоит заняться всем этим, пожалуйста. А пока сосредоточимся на поисках машины с недавно сломанной защитой картера.

Yes. But before we do, considering there’s $500,000 still unaccounted for, I think it’s time we finally followed up on the missing-persons report.

Да, но перед этим, учитывая так и не обнаруженные 500 000$, думаю, нам пора наконец-то заняться заявлением о пропавшем без вести.

I can follow up on the diamonds.

Я могу заняться камушками.

Happy to do so, but I think I should follow up with this first.

С радостью, но по-моему, мне стоит сперва заняться этим.

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Follow up on our theories.

Разобраться с нашими версиями.

I believe them. I want to follow up on it.

Я верю им и хочу разобраться в этом.

jake volunteered to follow up with the m.e.

Джейк сам захотел разобраться с медэкспертом.

I’ll… I’ll have the team follow up tomorrow.

Я завтра поручу команде во всём разобраться.

My guess is she’s mad you didn’t send flowers, but she did go to the emergency room, so my boss and I, we need to follow up.

Полагаю, она злится, что ты не послал цветы, но она поехала в скорую, так что нам с моим боссом надо разобраться.

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We’re following up on the disappearance of one of your soldiers.

Мы расследуем исчезновение одного из ваших военнослужащих.

We’re following up on a missing persons investigation.

Мы расследуем исчезновения людей.

The hospital’s informed us of your injury and we’re following up.

Больница проинформировала нас о вашей травме, и мы расследуем.

We’re following up on a story that the paper’s doing on your son.

Мы расследуем то, о чём написано про вашего сына.

We usually don’t follow up on vandalism.

Мы обычно не расследуем случаи вандализма.

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You have to follow up on Colin Morton.

Ты должен продолжить разработку Колина Мортона.

Just wanted to follow up on our thing last night.

Я хотел продолжить наши вчерашний вечер.

That’s wonderful that You would follow up.

Так хорошо, что кто-то хочет продолжить.

Yeah, but then wouldn’t have had the opportunity to follow up on that coffee idea.

Да, но тогда не было бы возможности продолжить эту идею с кофе.

Follow up with comedy.

Продолжить комедией.

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Has a medical professional ever recommended that you come back in for a follow-up? Has a supervisor or other authority figure at your job ever asked you to follow up with someone to ensure that progress is being made on a certain task or project?

Follow-up and follow up are pronounced identically, but they are used as different parts of speech. Since they are the same, give or take a hyphen, many writers get these terms confused. This post will be an explanation of the proper contexts for each version of this word, so that you will know whether follow-up or follow up is more appropriate for your own writing.

What is the Difference Between Follow-Up and Follow Up?

In this article, I will compare follow-up vs. follow up. I will use each spelling in at least one example sentence to demonstrate its proper context.

I will also outline a simple memory tool that will make it easy to remember which word to use in which situation.

When to Use Follow-up

followup versus follow upWhat does follow-up mean? Follow-up is sometimes used as a noun, and sometimes as an adjective.

As a noun, follow-up means an appointment after the first.

As an adjective, follow-up describes such an engagement.

For example,

  • The executive scheduled a follow-up meeting to monitor the progress of the new initiative.
  • At the follow-up, the finance officer reported profit margins that were below projections.
  • Tina decided that a follow-up appointment with her client would be necessary to determine the efficacy of the treatment.
  • The chances for a follow-up increase in March stood at 13.1%, compared with 12.8% a day ago. –The Wall Street Journal

Sometimes, writers omit the hyphen, to form followup. Followup is not yet an accepted spelling, though it has become more common since roughly the 1970s. For now, avoid this spelling in academic and professional writing.

When to Use Follow Up

Define follow up define followup defineWhat does follow up mean? When this phrase is divided into two separate words, it is a verb. To follow up on something means to revisit it or to review it.

For example,

  • “Angie, follow up with Dr. Hawkins to make sure he knows about his 3:30 appointment,” Donna said.
  • The site coordinator will follow up with affected staff members to ensure that they understand their new duties.
  • Teachers should follow up with their students to gauge fluency levels.
  • They would follow up with legislation similar to a bill vetoed in January, which would have repealed the tax penalties for people who go without insurance and the penalties for larger employers who fail to offer coverage. –The New York Times

Without a hyphen, follow up functions strictly as a verb.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Definition of follow up definition of followup definitionHere is a helpful trick to remember follow up vs. follow-up in their various functions in the English sentence.

Follow-up means an appointment after the initial one as a noun; as an adjective, it describes such an appointment. The verb phrase follow up means to revisit or to review. The compound word followup is considered a spelling error.

To remember that follow up is a verb, you can look at the meanings of the individual words. Since follow is itself a verb, meaning to come after, you can remember that the phrase follow up functions as a verb in sentences.


Is it follow-up or follow up? While all of these spelling variations sound the same when spoken, they have different functions within the sentence.

  • In its hyphenated form, follow-up is a noun or an adjective.
  • When the hyphen is replaced with a space, follow up becomes a verb.
  • This term should not be spelled as one word; To do so would be a spelling error.

Since follow forms part of the phrase follow up and is itself a verb, you can remember to reserve follow up for situations when you are using this term as a verb.

If you need additional guidance, or aren’t sure whether to choose follow up or follow-up, you can always check this article for a quick refresher.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Follow-Up and Follow Up?
  • 2 When to Use Follow-up
  • 3 When to Use Follow Up
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

follow up

1. verb To contact someone an additional time to get more information about something. Please follow up with Ingrid to be sure that the project is still on schedule. The doctor’s office never called me back, so I’m going to follow up with them tomorrow.

2. verb To follow an action or event with another action or event. We followed up the doctor’s appointment with a trip to the ice cream parlor, as promised.

3. verb To check that something was done properly. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «follow» and «up.» Ben never follows the instructions I give him, so can you please follow up to make sure he does?

4. noun A subsequent appointment, usually with a doctor for the purpose of monitoring something. In this usage, the phrase is often hyphenated. Apparently, my cholesterol levels were a little high, so I have to go back for a follow-up next month.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

follow someone up

 and follow up (on someone)

to check on the work that someone has done. I have to follow Sally up and make sure she did everything right. I follow up Sally, checking on her work. I’ll follow up on her.

follow something up

 and follow up (on something)

1. to check something out; to find out more about something. Would you please follow this lead up? It might be important. Please follow up this lead. I’ll follow up on it. Yes, please follow up.

2. to make sure that something was done the way it was intended. Please follow this up. I want it done right. Please follow up this business. I’ll follow up on it.

follow up

(on someone or something) to find out more about someone or something. Please follow up on Mr. Brown and his activities. Bill, Mr. Smith has a complaint. Would you please follow up on it?

follow up

(on someone) Go to follow someone up.

follow up

(on something) Go to follow something up.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

follow up

1. Carry to completion. For example, I’m following up their suggestions with concrete proposals. Also see follow through.

2. Increase the effectiveness or enhance the success of something by further action. For example, She followed up her interview with a phone call. [Late 1700s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

follow up


1. To finish something by means of some final action: They followed the performance up with a stunning encore. The writer followed up his first book with a great sequel.

2. follow up on To enhance the effectiveness of something by means of further action: I followed up on the job interview with an email. Did you follow up on their request?

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • dog
  • dog it
  • dogg
  • dogg.
  • dogs
  • fix on
  • fix on (someone or something)
  • going to
  • go on
  • going on

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