Use of the word fear

страх, опасение, боязнь, вероятность, опасаться, бояться, страшиться, ожидать


- страх, боязнь

- опасение

there is not the slightest fear of rain today — нет никаких опасений, что сегодня будет дождь
I had a fear that you had missed the train — я опасался, что вы опоздали на поезд
shut the window for fear of rain — закройте окошко, как бы не пошёл дождь /на случай дождя/
they are in daily fear of dismissal — им каждый день грозит увольнение
no fear — разг. конечно, нет; ни в коем случае; опасаться не приходится
you will not fail me. — No fear

- благоговейный страх, трепет

to put the fear of God into smb. — нагнать страх на кого-л., расправиться с кем-л.; ≅ держать в страхе божьем
without fear or favour — справедливо, беспристрастно


- бояться; пугаться

she feared for the boy when she saw him at the top of the tree — она испугалась за мальчика, увидев, что он влез на дерево
never fear — не беспокойтесь, будьте уверены

- опасаться, ожидать (чего-л. нежелательного)

to fear the worst — ожидать наихудшего
you shall know, never fear — вам сообщат, не беспокойтесь
I fear the guests are late — боюсь, что гости опоздают
two are feared drowned — есть основания опасаться, что двое утонули

- разг. сожалеть

I fear — ≅ к сожалению
is there enough money? — I fear not
it is raining I fear — кажется, идёт дождь

- почитать; относиться с благоговейным страхом

to fear God — бояться бога

Мои примеры


from fear of a whaling by his active parent — из страха быть выпоротым своим энергичным родителем  
a primal fear of the unknown — первобытный страх неизвестного  
to chase all fear — отбросить всякий страх  
to conquer fear — преодолеть страх  
devoid of fear — бесстрашный  
to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе  
to expose one’s fear — показывать свой страх  
to fear greatly / very much — очень бояться  
to fear for — бояться за  
more than half dead with fear — чуть живой от страха  
to inspire smb. with fear — наполнить кого-л. чувством страха  
insusceptible to fear — лишённый страха, не знающий страха  

Примеры с переводом

It fears me.

Это меня пугает.

Dismiss your fear.

Забудь о страхе.

She fought her fear.

Она боролась со своим страхом.

I fear the results of the final exams.

Я опасаюсь за результаты выпускных экзаменов.

Women feared to go out at night.

Женщины боялись выходить на улицу ночью.

He is a stranger to fear.

Он не знает страха.

His wife seemed depressed, and he feared for his children.

Его жена казалась подавленной, и он опасался за своих детей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks.

She was desperate with fear.

His knees trembled with fear.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fearful  — страшный, ужасный, испуганный, пугливый, напуганный, пугающий, робкий, полный страха
fearless  — бесстрашный, неустрашимый, безбоязненный, мужественный
feared  — опасаться, бояться, страшиться, ожидать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fear
he/she/it: fears
ing ф. (present participle): fearing
2-я ф. (past tense): feared
3-я ф. (past participle): feared

ед. ч.(singular): fear
мн. ч.(plural): fears



  • (General Australian, Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /fɪə/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /fɪɚ/, /fɪɹ/
  • Rhymes: -ɪə(ɹ)

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English feer, fere, fer, from Old English fǣr, ġefǣr (calamity, sudden danger, peril, sudden attack, terrible sight), from Proto-Germanic *fērō, *fērą (danger), from Proto-Indo-European *per- (to attempt, try, research, risk). Cognate with Dutch gevaar (danger, risk, peril), German Gefahr (danger, risk, hazard), Swedish fara (danger, risk, peril), Latin perīculum (danger, risk, trial), Albanian frikë (fear, danger), Romanian frică. Doublet of peril.

The verb is from Middle English feren, from Old English fǣran (to frighten, raven), from the noun. Cognate with the archaic Dutch verb varen (to fear; to cause fear).


fear (countable and uncountable, plural fears)

  1. (uncountable) A strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.

    He was struck by fear on seeing the snake.

    • 1897 December (indicated as 1898), Winston Churchill, chapter VIII, in The Celebrity: An Episode, New York, N.Y.: The Macmillan Company; London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., →OCLC:

      I corralled the judge, and we started off across the fields, in no very mild state of fear of that gentleman’s wife, whose vigilance was seldom relaxed.

    • Turning back, then, toward the basement staircase, she began to grope her way through blinding darkness, but had taken only a few uncertain steps when, of a sudden, she stopped short and for a little stood like a stricken thing, quite motionless save that she quaked to her very marrow in the grasp of a great and enervating fear.
    • 1963, Margery Allingham, chapter 18, in The China Governess[1]:

      ‘Then the father has a great fight with his terrible conscience,’ said Munday with granite seriousness. ‘Should he make a row with the police []? Or should he say nothing about it and condone brutality for fear of appearing in the newspapers?’

  2. (countable) A phobia, a sense of fear induced by something or someone.

    Not everybody has the same fears.  I have a fear of ants.

    • 1910, Emerson Hough, chapter I, in The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      Serene, smiling, enigmatic, she faced him with no fear whatever showing in her dark eyes. The clear light of the bright autumn morning had no terrors for youth and health like hers.

  3. (uncountable) Terrified veneration or reverence, particularly towards God, gods, or sovereigns.
  • (an emotion caused by actual or perceived danger; a sense of fear induced by something or someone): See Thesaurus:fear
  • (terrified veneration): dread
Derived terms[edit]
  • affear
  • fear campaign
  • fear monger
  • fear of heights
  • fear of missing out
  • fearful
  • fearless
  • fearmonger
  • fearnaught
  • fearsome
  • for fear of
  • for fear that
  • geometry of fear
  • germ fear
  • germ-fear
  • height fear
  • height-fear
  • night fear
  • night-fear
  • nightfear
  • no fear
  • put the fear of God into
  • rub the fear of God into
  • snake fear
  • spider fear
  • spider-fear
  • spider-fear
  • stage fear
  • water fear
  • water-fear
  • without fear or favour

uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat

  • Afrikaans: vrees (af)
  • Albanian: frikë (sq) f, druaj (sq)
  • Amharic: ፍርሃት f (fərhat)
  • Arabic: خَوْف (ar) m (ḵawf), وَهَل‎ m (wahal)
    Egyptian Arabic: خوف‎ m (ḵōf)
    Moroccan Arabic: خوف‎ m (ḵəwf), خْلعة‎ f (ḵləʿa)
  • Aragonese: please add this translation if you can
  • Armenian: վախ (hy) (vax), երկյուղ (hy) (erkyuł), ահ (hy) (ah)
  • Assamese: ভয় (bhoy)
  • Asturian: mieu (ast) m
  • Aymara: asxaraña
  • Azerbaijani: qorxu (az)
  • Bashkir: ҡурҡыу (qurqıw)
  • Basque: herstura
  • Bats: ჴერლʻომ (qerlˢom)
  • Belarusian: страх m (strax), бая́знь f (bajáznʹ), бо́язнь f (bójaznʹ), бо́язь f (bójazʹ)
  • Bengali: ভয় (bn) (bhoẏ), ডর (bn) (ḍor), ত্রাস (bn) (traś)
  • Breton: aon (br)
  • Bulgarian: страх (bg) m (strah), боя́зън (bg) f (bojázǎn), опасе́ние (bg) n (opasénie)
  • Burmese: ဘယာ (my) (bha.ya)
  • Catalan: por (ca) f, paüra (ca) f, basarda (ca) f, temor (ca) m or f
  • Cebuano: hadlok
  • Cherokee: ᎤᎾᏰᎯᏍᏗ (unayehisdi)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 恐怖 (zh) (kǒngbù)
    Cantonese: 恐懼恐惧 (hung2 geoi6)
    Classical Chinese: ()
  • Cimbrian: dabòrte
  • Czech: strach (cs) m, bázeň (cs) f (literary), obava (cs) f
  • Danish: angst (da), frygt (da) c
  • Dutch: angst (nl), vrees (nl) f
  • Egyptian: (snḏ m), (snḏw m)
  • Esperanto: timo (eo)
  • Estonian: hirm (et), kartus
  • Even: ҥэл- (ŋəl-)
  • Evenki: ӈэлэтчэми (ŋələtçəmi)
  • Extremaduran: mieu
  • Faroese: ótti m, ræðsla f, angist f, bangilsi n
  • Finnish: pelko (fi), kammo (fi)
  • French: peur (fr) f, crainte (fr) f
  • Friulian: pôre f, timôr
  • Galician: medo (gl) m, receo m, temor (gl) m
  • Georgian: ზარი (zari), შიში (šiši)
  • German: Angst (de) f, Bange (de) f, Schreck (de) m, Furcht (de) f
    Alemannic German: Angscht f, Engschti f
  • Gothic: 𐌰𐌲𐌹𐍃 n (agis), 𐍆𐌰𐌿𐍂𐌷𐍄𐌴𐌹 f (faurhtei)
  • Greek: φόβος (el) m (fóvos)
    Ancient: φόβος m (phóbos)
  • Gujarati: please add this translation if you can
  • Hausa: please add this translation if you can
  • Hawaiian: makaʻu
  • Hebrew: פָּחַד (he) m (pákhad)
  • Higaonon: haduk
  • Hiligaynon: hadlok
  • Hindi: डर (hi) m (ḍar), भय (hi) m (bhay), ख़ौफ़ m (xauf), खौफ (hi) m (khauph), सहम (hi) m (saham)
  • Hungarian: félelem (hu)
  • Icelandic: hræðsla (is) f, beygur (is) m, ótti (is) m
  • Ido: please add this translation if you can
  • Indonesian: takut (id)
  • Interlingua: timor, pavor
  • Irish: eagla (ga) f, scéin f
  • Istriot: tamur, pagura f
  • Italian: paura (it) f, timore (it) m
  • Japanese: 恐れ (ja) (おそれ, osore), 恐怖 (ja) (きょうふ, kyōfu)
  • Javanese: wedi (jv)
  • Kannada: ಭಯ (kn) (bhaya), ಹೆದರಿಕೆ (kn) (hedarike)
  • Kashubian: strach m
  • Kazakh: қорқыныш (qorqynyş), үрей (ürei)
  • Khmer: សេចក្ដីខ្លាច (səchkdəy klaach)
  • Korean: 공포(恐怖) (ko) (gongpo),  (ko) (geop)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ترس (ckb) (tirs)
    Northern Kurdish: tirs (ku) f
  • Kyrgyz: коркунуч (ky) (korkunuç), коркуу (ky) (korkuu)
  • Ladino: espanto, ispantu (Monastir), temor
  • Lao: ຫວາດ (wāt), ຄວາມຢ້ານ (lo) (khuām yān), ຄວາມກົວ (khuām kūa)
  • Latgalian: baime f, baile f
  • Latin: timor m, metus m, pavor m
  • Latvian: bailes pl, bažas pl
  • Ligurian: poîa f, póia f
  • Lithuanian: baimė (lt) f, bijojimas m
  • Lombard: pora (lmo) f, pavura f
  • Low German: Furcht
  • Luxembourgish: Angscht f, Fuercht f
  • Macedonian: страв m (strav)
  • Malay: ketakutan (ms), takut (ms)
  • Malayalam: ഭയം (ml) (bhayaṃ), പേടി (ml) (pēṭi)
  • Maltese: biża f
  • Manx: aggle m
  • Maore Comorian: fazaa class 9, trisidzo
  • Maori: please add this translation if you can
  • Marathi: भीती n (bhītī)
  • Middle English: fer, ferd
  • Mirandese: miedo m
  • Mongolian: аймшиг (mn) (ajmšig)
  • Nanai: нгэлэ-
  • Nepali: डर (ḍar), भय (bhaya), त्रास (trās)
  • Ngazidja Comorian: uhara
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: frykt (no) f, redsel (no) m, redsel (no) m
  • Occitan: paur (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: страхъ m (straxŭ), боꙗзнь f (bojaznĭ)
    Glagolitic: ⱄⱅⱃⰰⱈⱏ m (straxŭ)
  • Old East Slavic: страхъ m (straxŭ)
  • Old English: eġe m
  • Old French: peor f
  • Old Javanese: wĕdi
  • Old Norse: ótti m, hræðsla f, uggr m
  • Old Occitan: paor f
  • Oriya: ଡର (or) (ḍôrô)
  • Oromo: sodaa
  • Ossetian: тас (tas)
  • Papiamentu: miedu
  • Pashto: ډار (ps) m
  • Persian: ترس (fa) (tars), بیم (fa) (bim), هراس (fa) (harâs), خوف (fa) (xowf)
  • Plautdietsch: Forcht f
  • Polabian: stroch m
  • Polish: strach (pl) m, niepokój (pl) m, bojaźń (pl) f
  • Portuguese: medo (pt) m, temor (pt) m, receio (pt) m (apprehensive fear)
  • Punjabi: please add this translation if you can
  • Romanian: frică (ro) f, teamă (ro) f
  • Romansch: tema f
  • Russian: страх (ru) m (strax), боя́знь (ru) f (bojáznʹ), опасе́ние (ru) n (opasénije)
  • Rusyn: страх m (strax)
  • Sanskrit: भय (sa) n (bhaya)
  • Sardinian: timoria f
  • Scots: please add this translation if you can
  • Scottish Gaelic: eagal m, uabhas m, oillt f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: стра̑х m, бо̏ја̄зан f
    Roman: strȃh (sh) m, bȍjāzan (sh) f
  • Sicilian: paura (scn) f, pagura (scn) f
  • Sinhalese: බය (baya)
  • Slovak: strach m, obava f
  • Slovene: strah (sl) m, bojazen f
  • Somali: please add this translation if you can
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: tšach m
    Upper Sorbian: trach m
  • Spanish: miedo (es) m, temor (es) m, pavor (es) m, pavura f
  • Svan: მაყალ (maq̇al)
  • Swahili: woga (sw), hofu (sw)
  • Swedish: skräck (sv), rädsla (sv) c
  • Sylheti: ꠒꠞ (ḍor)
  • Tagalog: takot
  • Tajik: тарс (tg) (tars), ҳарос (tg) (haros), ваҳм (vahm), хавф (tg) (xavf)
  • Tamil: பயம் (ta) (payam)
  • Tatar: курку (qurku)
  • Telugu: భయము (te) (bhayamu)
  • Tetum: ta’uk
  • Divehi: ބިރުވެރިކަމަކީ(biruverikamakī)
  • Thai: ความกลัว (th) (kwaam-gluua)
  • Tibetan: ཞེད་སྣང (zhed snang)
  • Tocharian B: īwate, parskalñe
  • Turkish: korku (tr)
  • Turkmen: gorky, heder
  • Ukrainian: страх (uk) m (strax), боя́знь (uk) f (bojáznʹ), ляк m (ljak)
  • Urdu: ڈر‎ m (ḍar), خوف(xauf), بھی‎ m (bhay)
  • Uyghur: قورقۇش(qorqush)
  • Uzbek: qoʻrquv (uz), doʻq (uz)
  • Vietnamese: sự khiếp đảm, sự sợ hãi
  • Volapük: dred (vo)
  • Walloon: paw (wa) f, peu (wa) f
  • Welsh: ofn (cy)
  • White Hmong: ntshai
  • Yiddish: שרעק‎ m or f (shrek), מורא‎ f (moyre)
  • Yoruba: ẹ̀rù
  • Zhuang: please add this translation if you can

a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone

  • Armenian: վախ (hy) (vax)
  • Albanian: drojë (sq) f
  • Asturian: mieu (ast) m
  • Bulgarian: фобия (bg) f (fobija)
  • Catalan: por (ca) f, paüra (ca) f, basarda (ca) f, temor (ca) m or f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 恐怖 (zh) (kǒngbù)
  • Czech: strach (cs) m
  • Danish: angst (da), frygt (da) c
  • Dutch: angst (nl) f, schrik (nl) f
  • Esperanto: timo (eo), fobio
  • Estonian: hirm (et), kartus
  • Finnish: pelko (fi)
  • French: crainte (fr) f, peur (fr) f
  • Galician: medo (gl) m
  • Georgian: შიში (šiši)
  • German: Angst (de) f, Furcht (de) f, Phobie (de) f
  • Greek: φοβία (el) f (fovía)
  • Hawaiian: makaʻu
  • Hindi: घबराहट (hi) f (ghabrāhaṭ)
  • Irish: eagla (ga) f
  • Italian: paura (it) f
  • Japanese: 恐怖症 (kyōfushō)
  • Khmer: សេចក្ដីខ្លាច (səchkdəy klaach)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ترس (ckb) (tirs), ترس و لەرز(tirs û lerz)
    Northern Kurdish: tirs (ku) f
  • Latin: pavor
  • Ligurian: poîa f, póia f
  • Malay: ketakutan (ms)
  • Malayalam: ഭയം (ml) (bhayaṃ)
  • Marathi: घाबरने m or f (ghābarne)
  • Occitan: paur (oc) f
  • Old English: eġe m
  • Old French: peor f
  • Polish: lęk (pl) m
  • Portuguese: fobia (pt) f, medo (pt) m, pavor (pt) m
  • Romanian: fobie (ro)
  • Romansch: tema f
  • Russian: страх (ru) m (strax), боя́знь (ru) f (bojáznʹ), фо́бия (ru) f (fóbija)
  • Sardinian: timoria f
  • Scots: please add this translation if you can
  • Scottish Gaelic: eagal m, uabhas m, oillt f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: стра̑х m
    Roman: strȃh (sh) m
  • Slovene: strah (sl) m
  • Spanish: miedo (es) m, pavor (es) m
  • Swahili: kicho (sw) class 7/8
  • Swedish: fruktan (sv), rädsla (sv)
  • Tagalog: takot
  • Zazaki: ters (diq)

extreme veneration or awe

  • Armenian: երկյուղ (hy) (erkyuł)
  • Bulgarian: боязън (bg) f (bojazǎn)
  • Catalan: temor (ca) m, respecte (ca) m
  • Czech: strach (cs) m
  • Danish: frygt (da) c
  • Finnish: pelko (fi)
  • French: crainte (fr) f
  • German: Ehrfurcht (de) f
  • Greek: δέος (el) n (déos)
  • Hindi: परवाह (hi) f (parvāh)
  • Irish: eagla (ga) f
  • Japanese: 畏れ (osore)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ترس (ckb) (tirs)
    Northern Kurdish: tirs (ku) f
  • Malay: ketakutan (ms)
  • Old English: eġe m
  • Persian: پروا (fa) (parvâ)
  • Portuguese: temor (pt) m
  • Romanian: frică (ro) f, spaimă (ro) f
  • Russian: страх (ru) m (strax)
  • Scottish Gaelic: eagal m, uabhas m, oillt f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: стра̑х m
    Roman: strȃh (sh) m
  • Slovene: strahospoštovanje n
  • Spanish: temor (es) m, respeto (es) m
  • Swedish: fruktan (sv)

Translations to be checked

  • Albanian: (please verify) frikë (sq) f
  • Breton: (please verify) aon (br) m
  • Esperanto: (please verify) timo (eo)
  • Guaraní: (please verify) kyhyje
  • Hebrew: (please verify) פחד (he) m (pákhad)
  • Indonesian: (please verify) takut (id)
  • Interlingua: (please verify) timor, (please verify) pavor
  • Latin: (please verify) timor, (please verify) pavor, (please verify) metus
  • Maori: (please verify) mataku (mi)
  • Northern Sami: (please verify) ballu
  • Old English: (please verify) eġe
  • Romanian: (please verify) frică (ro) f, (please verify) teamă (ro) f
  • Spanish: (please verify) miedo (es) m, (please verify) temor (es) m
  • Telugu: (please verify) భయం (te) (bhayaṁ)
  • Tupinambá: (please verify) sykyîé
  • Turkish: (please verify) korku (tr)


fear (third-person singular simple present fears, present participle fearing, simple past and past participle feared)

  1. (transitive) To be afraid of (something or someone); to consider or expect (something or someone) with alarm.

    I fear the worst will happen.

    • c. 1594 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Comedie of Errors”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene ii]:

      I greatly fear my money is not safe.

    • At twilight in the summer there is never anybody to fear—man, woman, or cat—in the chambers and at that hour the mice come out. They do not eat parchment or foolscap or red tape, but they eat the luncheon crumbs.
    • 2013 July 19, Mark Tran, “Denied an education by war”, in The Guardian Weekly, volume 189, number 6, page 1:

      One particularly damaging, but often ignored, effect of conflict on education is the proliferation of attacks on schools [] as children, teachers or school buildings become the targets of attacks. Parents fear sending their children to school. Girls are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence.

  2. (intransitive) To feel fear.

    Never fear; help is always near.

  3. (intransitive, used with for) To worry about, to feel concern for, to be afraid for.

    She fears for her son’s safety.

  4. (transitive) To venerate; to feel awe towards.

    People who fear God can be found in Christian churches.

  5. (transitive) To regret.

    I fear I have bad news for you: your husband has died.

  6. (obsolete, transitive) To cause fear to; to frighten.
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, chapter X, in Le Morte Darthur, book V:

      Thenne the knyghte sayd to syre Gawayn / bynde thy wounde or thy blee chaunge / for thou bybledest al thy hors and thy fayre armes / [] / For who someuer is hurte with this blade he shalle neuer be staunched of bledynge / Thenne ansuerd gawayn hit greueth me but lytyl / thy grete wordes shalle not feare me ne lasse my courage

      (please add an English translation of this quote)
    • c. 1590–1592 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Taming of the Shrew”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene ii]:

      Tush, tush! fear boys with bugs.

    • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act II, scene i]:

      We must not make a scarecrow of the law,
      Setting it up to fear the birds of prey,
      And let it keep one shape, till custom make it
      Their perch and not their terror.

  7. (obsolete, transitive) To be anxious or solicitous for.
    • c. 1596–1598 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Merchant of Venice”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act III, scene v]:

      The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children: therefore, I promise ye, I fear you.

  8. (obsolete, transitive) To suspect; to doubt.
    • 1591 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, []”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act I, scene iv]:

      Fear you not her courage?

  • (feel fear about (something)): be afraid of, be frightened of, be scared of, be terrorised/terrorized
  • (venerate; to feel awe towards): be in awe of, revere, venerate
  • (venerate; to feel awe towards): belittle, contemn
Derived terms[edit]
  • Allah-fearing
  • fear not
  • fools rush in where angels fear to tread
  • God-fearing
  • gods-fearing
  • never fear

feel fear about (something)

  • Albanian: ka frikë
  • Alviri-Vidari: بترسستن(betersesten)
  • Arabic: خَافَ(ḵāfa), خَشِيَ(ḵašiya), هَابَ(hāba), رَهِبَ(rahiba)
    Egyptian Arabic: خاف(ḵāf)
    Moroccan Arabic: خاف(ḵæf), تْخْلع(tḵlæʿ)
  • Aramaic:
    Classical Syriac: ܕܚܠ(dħel)
  • Armenian: վախենալ (hy) (vaxenal), երկյուղել (hy) (erkyułel), երկնչել (hy) (erknčʿel)
  • Asturian: temer, atarrecer (ast)
  • Azerbaijani: qorxmaq (az)
  • Belarusian: бая́цца impf (bajácca), пужа́цца impf (pužácca), пало́хацца impf (palóxacca), страшы́цца impf (strašýcca), ляка́цца impf (ljakácca)
  • Bengali: ভয় করা (bhoẏ kora)
  • Bulgarian: боя́ се impf (bojá se), страху́вам се impf (strahúvam se), пла́ша се (bg) impf (pláša se)
  • Burmese: ကြောက် (my) (krauk)
  • Catalan: témer (ca), tenir por de
  • Cherokee: ᎠᏍᎦᎢᎭ (asgaiha)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 害怕 (zh) (hàipà),  (zh) ()
  • Czech: bát se impf
  • Danish: frygte (da), være bange for
  • Dutch: vrezen (nl)
  • Egyptian: (snḏ)
  • Esperanto: timi (eo)
  • Estonian: kartma
  • Faroese: stúra fyri, ræðast (fo)
  • Finnish: pelätä (fi)
  • French: craindre (fr), avoir peur (fr) (de)
  • Friulian: temê
  • Galician: temer (gl), recear (gl)
  • Georgian: ეშინია (ešinia)
  • German: fürchten (de), Angst haben
  • Gothic: 𐍉𐌲𐌰𐌽 (ōgan)
  • Greek: φοβάμαι (el) (fovámai)
    Ancient: φοβέομαι (phobéomai), δείδω (deídō), ὀκνέω (oknéō) (fear of doing something)
  • Guaraní: (please verify) …rehe kyhyje
  • Haitian Creole:
  • Hebrew: פָּחַד (he) (pakhád), יָרֵא (he) (yaré)
  • Hindi: डरना (hi) (ḍarnā)
  • Hungarian: fél (hu)
  • Icelandic: óttast (is), hræðast
  • Ido: timar (io)
  • Indonesian: takut (id)
  • Interlingua: timer, haber timor
  • Irish: eagla a bheith ort roimh
    Old Irish: ad·ágathar
  • Italian: temere (it), aver paura di
  • Japanese: 恐れる (ja) (おそれる, osoreru), 怖る (おそる, osoru), 怖がる (ja) (こわがる, kowagaru)
  • Kashubian: bòjec
  • Kazakh: қорқу (kk) (qorqu), жасқану (jasqanu)
  • Khmer: ខ្លាច (km) (khlaac)
  • Korean: 두려워하다 (ko) (duryeowohada), 무섭다 (ko) (museopda)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ترسین (ckb) (tirsîn)
    Northern Kurdish: tirsîn (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: коркуу (ky) (korkuu)
  • Lao: ຢ້ານກົວ (yān kūa), ກົວ (kūa), ຂຍາດ (kha nyāt), ຂາມ (khām)
  • Latin: timeō, paveō, veror, vereor (la), formidō, metuō
  • Latvian: baidīties, bīties, bažīties, baiļoties
  • Lithuanian: bijoti, baimintis, būgštauti, nuogąstauti
  • Macedonian: се стравува impf (se stravuva), се плаши impf (se plaši)
  • Malay: takut (ms)
  • Malayalam: ഭയക്കുക (ml) (bhayakkuka), പേടിക്കുക (ml) (pēṭikkuka)
  • Manchu: ᡤᡝᠯᡝᠮᠪᡳ (gelembi), ᠰᡝᠰᡠᠯᠠᠮᠪᡳ (sesulambi), ᠰᡝᠩᡤᡠᠸᡝᠮᠪᡳ (sengguwembi), ᡤᠣᠯᠣᠮᠪᡳ (golombi)
  • Maori: uruwehi
  • Mbyá Guaraní: kyje
  • Middle English: anoyen
  • Mon: ဖေက် (mnw)
  • Mongolian: айх (mn) (ajx)
  • Nepali: डराउनु (ḍarāunu), तर्सिनु (tarsinu), तर्सिनु (tarsinu)
  • Norman: croindre (Guernsey)
  • Northern Sami: ballat
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: frykte
  • Occitan: témer (oc), crénher (oc), crentar (oc)
  • Old English: ondrǣdan
  • Old Norse: hræðask, ugga
  • Persian: ترسیدن (fa) (tarsidan)
  • Polish: bać się (pl) impf, lękać się impf
  • Portuguese: temer (pt), ter medo de, recear (pt)
  • Quechua: manchay, mancai, manzai
  • Rapa Nui: mataku
  • Romanian: teme (ro)
  • Romansch: temair, temer, tmair
  • Russian: боя́ться (ru) impf (bojátʹsja) (+ genitive), страши́ться (ru) impf (strašítʹsja) (+ genitive), опаса́ться (ru) impf (opasátʹsja) (+ genitive), пуга́ться (ru) impf (pugátʹsja)
  • Sanskrit: बिभेति (sa) (bibheti), त्रसति (sa) (trasati)
  • Santali: ᱵᱳᱨᱳ (boro)
  • Sardinian: tímere, timi
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: бо̀јати се impf, пла̏шити се impf
    Roman: bòjati se (sh) impf, plȁšiti se (sh) impf
  • Slovak: báť sa impf
  • Slovene: báti se impf
  • Sorbian:
    Lower Sorbian: bójaś impf
  • Spanish: temer (es), tener miedo de
  • Sundanese: sebér
  • Swahili: -ogopa, -hofu (sw)
  • Swedish: frukta (sv), rädas (sv), (of something being the case or coming to pass) befara (sv)
  • Tagalog: pagtakot
  • Tajik: тарсидан (tarsidan)
  • Tatar: курку (qurku)
  • Thai: กลัว (th) (gluua), หวั่น (th) (wàn), เกรง (th) (greeng), ขาม (th) (kǎam), คร้าม (th) (kráam), ประหวั่น (th) (bprà-wàn), ปอด (th) (bpɔ̀ɔt)
  • Tocharian B: pärsk-
  • Tupinambá: (please verify) …resé sykyîé
  • Turkish: korkmak (tr), ürkmek (tr)
  • Turkmen: gorkmak
  • Ugaritic: 𐎄𐎈𐎍 (dḥl)
  • Ukrainian: боя́тися (uk) impf (bojátysja), ляка́тися impf (ljakátysja), поло́хатися impf (polóxatysja), страши́тися impf (strašýtysja), страха́тися impf (straxátysja)
  • Urdu: ڈرنا(ḍarnā)
  • Uzbek: qoʻrqmoq (uz), hayiqmoq (uz)
  • Venetian: temer
  • Vietnamese: sợ (vi), hãi (vi), sợ hãi (vi)
  • Walloon: awè peu (wa), aveur paw, crinde (wa), ricrinde (wa)
  • Yakut: куттан (kuttan)
  • Yiddish: מוירע האָבן(moyre hobn)

venerate; to feel awe towards

  • Arabic: خَافَ(ḵāfa), خَشِيَ(ḵašiya), رَهِبَ(rahiba), اِتَّقَى(ittaqā)
  • Armenian: վախենալ (hy) (vaxenal)
  • Catalan: témer (ca), respectar (ca)
  • Czech: bát se
  • French: craindre (fr)
  • Galician: temer (gl)
  • German: fürchten (de)
  • Haitian Creole:
  • Hungarian: fél (hu)
  • Japanese: 畏れる (ja) (おそれる, osoreru)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: ترسین (ckb) (tirsîn)
    Northern Kurdish: tirsîn (ku)
  • Malay: takut (ms)
  • Portuguese: temer (pt)
  • Swahili: kucha (sw)
  • Swedish: frukta (sv), vörda (sv)
  • Walloon: crinde (wa)

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English fere, feore, from Old English fēre (able to go, fit for service), from Proto-Germanic *fōriz (passable), from Proto-Indo-European *per- (to put across, ferry). Cognate with Scots fere, feir (well, active, sound), Middle High German gevüere (able, capable, fit, serviceable), Swedish för (capable, able, stout), Icelandic færr (able). Related to fare.


fear (comparative more fear, superlative most fear)

  1. (dialectal) Able; capable; stout; strong; sound.

    hale and fear

Alternative forms[edit]
  • feer


  • FERA, Fera, Rafe, fare, reaf



  • IPA(key): /fʲaɾˠ/
  • (Cois Fharraige) IPA(key): /fʲæɾˠ/

Etymology 1[edit]

Inherited from Old Irish fer, from Proto-Celtic *wiros, from Proto-Indo-European *wiHrós.

Cognate with Welsh gŵr, Breton gour, Cornish gour, Gaulish viros, Latin vir, Sanskrit वीर (vīra), Lithuanian výras, Avestan 𐬬𐬍𐬭𐬀(vīra), and Old English wer.


fear m (genitive singular fir, nominative plural fir)

  1. man (adult male)

    Tá an fear ag ól uisce.

    The man is drinking water.

    Sláinte chuig na fir agus go marfuire na mná go deo!

    Health to the men and may the women live forever!
  2. husband, male spouse
Derived terms[edit]
  • ardfhear (excellent man)
  • baintreach fir (widower)
  • banaltra fir (male nurse)
  • bunfhear
  • calmfhear
  • ceartfhear
  • cnámhfhear (bones)
  • crannfhear (aging man)
  • dea-fhear
  • dréimire fir (tall thin man)
  • fear adaic
  • fear ascaille (second oarsman)
  • fear banna
  • fear bréige (scarecrow)
  • fear cathaoireach (chairman)
  • fear céile (husband)
  • fear dóiteáin
  • fear falsa (scarecrow)
  • fear fichille (chess piece, chessman)
  • fear ionaid (deputy; vicar)
  • fear margaidh (marketeer; bargain-maker)
  • fear na gcrúb (the Devil; joker)
  • fear siúil
  • fear sneachta (snowman)
  • fear sorcais (circus clown)
  • fear- (man-, male; manly, he-)
  • fearchumhacht
  • fearúil (manly, masculine;, adjective)
  • firín (little man, manikin, diminutive)
  • fuathaitheoir fear (misandrist)
  • murúch fir (merman)
  • ógfhear (young man)
  • saorfhear
  • seanfhear (old man)
  • slatfhear
  • tréanfhear

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle Irish feraid, from Old Irish feraid.


fear (present analytic fearann, future analytic fearfaidh, verbal noun fearadh, past participle feartha)

  1. (transitive) grant, provide
  2. (transitive) pour out, give forth, shed
  3. (transitive) wage
  4. (transitive) perform, execute; hold, observe
  5. (transitive) affect; benefit
  6. (transitive) excrete
singular plural relative autonomous
first second third first second third
indicative present fearaim fearann tú;
fearann sé, sí fearaimid fearann sibh fearann siad;
a fhearann; a fhearas /
a bhfearann*; a bhfearas*
past d’fhear mé; d’fhearas /
fhear mé‡; fhearas
d’fhear tú; d’fhearais /
fhear tú; fhearais
d’fhear sé, sí /
fhear sé, sí‡
d’fhearamar; d’fhear muid /
fhearamar; fhear muid‡
d’fhear sibh; d’fhearabhair /
fhear sibh;
d’fhear siad; d’fhearadar /
fhear siad; fhearadar
a d’fhear /
ar fhear*
past habitual d’fhearainn /
fhearainn‡; bhfearainn‡‡
d’fheartá /
fheartá‡; bhfeartᇇ
d’fhearadh sé, sí /
fhearadh sé, sí‡; bhfearadh sé, s퇇
d’fhearaimis; d’fhearadh muid /
fhearaimis; fhearadh muid‡; bhfearaimis‡‡; bhfearadh muid‡‡
d’fhearadh sibh /
fhearadh sibh‡; bhfearadh sibh‡‡
d’fhearaidís; d’fhearadh siad /
fhearaidís; fhearadh siad‡; bhfearaidís‡‡; bhfearadh siad‡‡
a d’fhearadh /
a bhfearadh*
d’fheartaí /
fheartaí‡; bhfearta퇇
future fearfaidh mé;
fearfaidh tú;
fearfaidh sé, sí fearfaimid;
fearfaidh muid
fearfaidh sibh fearfaidh siad;
a fhearfaidh; a fhearfas /
a bhfearfaidh*; a bhfearfas*
conditional d’fhearfainn / fhearfainn‡; bhfearfainn‡‡ d’fhearfá / fhearfá‡; bhfearfᇇ d’fhearfadh sé, sí / fhearfadh sé, sí‡; bhfearfadh sé, s퇇 d’fhearfaimis; d’fhearfadh muid / fhearfaimis‡; fhearfadh muid‡; bhfearfaimis‡‡; bhfearfadh muid‡‡ d’fhearfadh sibh / fhearfadh sibh‡; bhfearfadh sibh‡‡ d’fhearfaidís; d’fhearfadh siad / fhearfaidís‡; fhearfadh siad‡; bhfearfaidís‡‡; bhfearfadh siad‡‡ a d’fhearfadh /
a bhfearfadh*
d’fhearfaí / fhearfaí‡; bhfearfa퇇
subjunctive present go bhfeara mé;
go bhfearad
go bhfeara tú;
go bhfearair
go bhfeara sé, sí go bhfearaimid;
go bhfeara muid
go bhfeara sibh go bhfeara siad;
go bhfearaid
go bhfeartar
past bhfearainn bhfeartá bhfearadh sé, sí bhfearaimis;
bhfearadh muid
bhfearadh sibh bhfearaidís;
bhfearadh siad
imperative fearaim fear fearadh sé, sí fearaimis fearaigí;
fearaidís feartar
verbal noun fearadh
past participle feartha

* Indirect relative
† Archaic or dialect form
‡ Dependent form
‡‡ Dependent form used with particles that trigger eclipsis


Irish mutation
Radical Lenition Eclipsis
fear fhear bhfear
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

Further reading[edit]

  • Ó Dónaill, Niall (1977), “fear”, in Foclóir Gaeilge–Béarla, Dublin: An Gúm, →ISBN
  • G. Toner, M. Ní Mhaonaigh, S. Arbuthnot, D. Wodtko, M.-L. Theuerkauf, editors (2019), “1 fer”, in eDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language
  • de Bhaldraithe, Tomás (1977) Gaeilge Chois Fhairrge: An Deilbhíocht (in Irish), 2nd edition, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, § 5 and p. 339
  • Entries containing “fear” in English-Irish Dictionary, An Gúm, 1959, by Tomás de Bhaldraithe.
  • Entries containing “fear” in New English-Irish Dictionary by Foras na Gaeilge.
  • Sjoestedt, M. L. (1931) Phonétique d’un parler irlandais de Kerry (in French), Paris: Librairie Ernest Leroux, page 30



fear (plural fears)

  1. fear


fear (third-person singular simple present fears, present participle fearin, simple past feart, past participle feart)

  1. to fear
  2. to frighten, scare

Scottish Gaelic[edit]


Inherited from Old Irish fer, from Proto-Celtic *wiros, from Proto-Indo-European *wiHrós.


  • IPA(key): /fɛɾ/


fear m (genitive singular fir, plural fir)

  1. man
  2. husband, male spouse


Derived terms[edit]

  • fear an taighe
  • fear-
  • fear-taighe
  • fireann
  • fireannach
  • fireannta


fear (genitive fir)

  1. somebody, something, one

Usage notes[edit]

  • Used when referring to a singular masculine subject.
  • For feminine subjects is used. Alternatively, neach can be used for either gender.
  • In the plural feadhainn is used for both genders.

Derived terms[edit]

  • feareigin
  • fear mu seach


Scottish Gaelic mutation
Radical Lenition
fear fhear
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

See also[edit]

  • bean

Further reading[edit]

  • G. Toner, M. Ní Mhaonaigh, S. Arbuthnot, D. Wodtko, M.-L. Theuerkauf, editors (2019), “1 fer”, in eDIL: Electronic Dictionary of the Irish Language

West Frisian[edit]

Etymology 1[edit]

From Old Frisian fethere, from Proto-West Germanic *feþru, from Proto-Germanic *feþrō, from Proto-Indo-European *péth₂r̥.

Cognate with English feather, Greek φτερό (fteró, wing, feather), Latin penna (wing, feather) and Irish éan (bird).


fear c (plural fearren, diminutive fearke)

  1. feather
  2. spring (mechanical device)
Further reading[edit]
  • “fear (I)”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011

Etymology 2[edit]

From Proto-Germanic *farjǭ. Cognate with Dutch veer, English ferry.


fear n (plural fearen)

  1. ferry
Further reading[edit]
  • “fear (II)”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011

Etymology 3[edit]

From Old Frisian *farn, from Proto-West Germanic *farn.


fear c (plural fearen)

  1. fern
Further reading[edit]
  • “fear (III)”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011

Etymology 4[edit]

From Old Frisian *farch, from Proto-West Germanic *farh. Cognate with English farrow.



  1. farrow
Inflection of fear
uninflected fear
inflected feare
predicative/adverbial fear
indefinite c. sing. feare
n. sing. fear
plural feare
definite feare
partitive fears
Further reading[edit]
  • “fear (V)”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


They say dogs can sense your fear.

Ваши родители, вероятно, говорили вам, что собаки могут чувствовать ваш страх.

It inspires fear, and fear causes weakness.

Гнев имеет своим источником страх, а вот страх возникает от слабости.

Some examples include the fear of child abduction, fear of violent crime, fear of vaccinations, and fear of science-based medicine.

Примерами могут служить боязнь похищения детей, боязнь жестоких преступлений, боязнь вакцинаций и боязнь научно обоснованной медицины.

Embarrassment is a kind of fear, fear of social condemnation.

Стеснительность — это боязнь общественного осуждения.

They’re based on fear, and fear breeds war.

Они основаны на страхе, а страх порождает ненаависть… и войну.

The result is fear and fear leads to bad decisions.

В этом есть элемент страха, а страх приводит нас к плохим решениям.

Stability based on fear simply increases fear and compromises trusting relationships among nations.

Стабильность, основанная на страхе, лишь усиливает страх и подрывает доверие в отношениях между государствами.

The fear of failure is another very common fear.

Боязнь новизны — это еще один страх, который весьма распространён.

Human beings have two types of fear: innate fear and learned fear.

Человеческие существа имеют два типа страха: врожденный страх и выученный страх.

They all share the fear, fear, fear and a secret waiting for disaster.

There are two types of fear, rational fear and irrational fear.

Страх делится на две категории: рациональный страх и иррациональный страх.

Fear of change; fear of daring; fear of initiative and fear of hope.

This technique helps you manage the second fear or the fear of fear itself.

Anxiety and fear are also generated by the fear of being insolvent in a given situation, the fear of sanctions and punishments.

Тревожность и страх порождаются также боязнью оказаться несостоятельным в той или иной ситуации, боязнью санкций и наказаний.

Examples are fear of heights, fear of flights, or fear of spiders.

Примерами могут служить страх высоты, страх полетов, боязнь пауков.

Among the main fears there are fear of being cought, fear of not satisfying a woman and being ridiculed or fear of prolonged serious relationships.

Среди основных страхов выделяют страх быть замеченным, страх не удовлетворить женщину и быть осмеянным или боязнь длительных серьезных отношений.

There are two kinds of fear: authentic fear, and imaginary fear.

In life, we experience two kinds of fear: real fear and psychological fear.

It’s fearfear of failure, fear of being discovered, fear of liking the wrong person.

My biggest attachment was fearfear of pain, fear of getting hurt, and fear of getting tired.

Моей самой большой привязанностью был страх: страх боли, страх получить травму и страх устать.

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a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights.

concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone’s safety.

reverential awe, especially toward God: the fear of God.

something that causes feelings of dread or apprehension; something a person is afraid of: Cancer is a common fear.

anticipation of the possibility that something unpleasant will occur: Having grown up during the Great Depression, he had a constant fear of running out of money.

verb (used with object)

to regard with fear; be afraid of.

to have reverential awe of.

to consider or anticipate (something unpleasant) with a feeling of dread or alarm: It’s about to snow again, I fear.

Archaic. to experience fear in (oneself): I fear me he will ne’er forgive us.

verb (used without object)

to have fear; be afraid: I’ll go with you, so do not fear!

to feel apprehensive or uneasy (usually followed by for): In this time of economic instability, I fear for my children’s future.


1 foreboding, apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, trepidation, qualm.

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Idioms about fear

    for fear of / that, in order to prevent or avoid the risk of: She is afraid to say anything for fear of the consequences.

    put the fear of God in / into, to cause to be greatly afraid.

Origin of fear

First recorded before 900; Middle English fere, Old English fær “sudden attack or danger”; cognate with Old Saxon fār “ambush,” Dutch gevaar, German Gefahr “danger,” Old Norse fār “disaster”

synonym study for fear

Fear, alarm, dread all imply a painful emotion experienced when one is confronted by threatening danger or evil. Alarm implies an agitation of the feelings caused by awakening to imminent danger; it names a feeling of fright or panic: He started up in alarm. Fear and dread usually refer more to a condition or state than to an event. Fear is often applied to an attitude toward something, which, when experienced, will cause the sensation of fright: fear of falling. Dread suggests anticipation of something, usually a particular event, which, when experienced, will be disagreeable rather than frightening: She lives in dread of losing her money. The same is often true of fear, when used in a negative statement: She has no fear of losing her money.

popular references for fear

Fear and Trembling: A philosophical exploration of faith and ethics by Sören Kierkegaard. Published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de Silentio.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream: A roman à clef by gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, illustrated by Ralph Steadman. First printed in 1971 as a two-part series in Rolling Stone magazine, and as a novel in 1972.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A film adaptation of the Hunter S. Thompson book, directed by Terry Gilliam. Released in 1998.
The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things: 1999 book by sociologist Barry Glassner, examining why Americans’ fears are misplaced and exaggerated. Revised and updated in 2010.
Fear Factor: An American reality game show (2001–2006) in which contestants had to complete a series of dangerous, disgusting, or otherwise fear-inducing stunts.
—No FEAR Act: The Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002 (Public Law 107–174). The act, signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002, increases Federal agency accountability for acts of discrimination or reprisal against employees.


self-fearing, adjectiveun·fear·ing, adjective

Words nearby fear

FDP, FDR, Fe, feal, fealty, fear, feared, fearful, fearfully, fearless, fearnought

Other definitions for fear (2 of 2)


a river in SE North Carolina. 202 miles (325 km) long.

Cape, a cape at its mouth. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to fear

alarm, angst, anxiety, apprehension, awe, concern, despair, dismay, doubt, dread, horror, jitters, panic, scare, suspicion, terror, unease, uneasiness, worry, anticipate

How to use fear in a sentence

  • Others voice fear that their taxes would be raised under Biden.

  • There’s a palpable fear among Democrats that voters will blame them on Election Day should they appear to be putting their own re-elections ahead of what’s good for Americans.

  • She was asked by senior Pence aides, she said, to help on an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that minimized the fears of a second coronavirus wave and touted the administration’s work on the virus as a success story.

  • Cleopatra and Toliver conquer obstacles and fears under Bell’s tutelage and draw connections between the trail and life.

  • That might seem tangential to solving your back pain, but the truth is that a large part of overcoming that discomfort is about overcoming the fear of being in pain.

  • Before anti-vaxxers, there were anti-fluoriders: a group who spread fear about the anti-tooth decay agent added to drinking water.

  • The fear of violence should not determine what one does or does not say.

  • Stephanie Giorgio, a classical musician, credits The Class for helping her cope with anxiety, focus, fear, and self-doubt.

  • The choice between freedom and fear is not difficult when seen with perspective.

  • The decision not to run the cartoons is motivated by nothing more than fear: either fear of offending or fear of retaliation.

  • Truth is a torch, but one of enormous size; so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us.

  • To others the fierce desire for social justice obliterates all fear of a general catastrophe.

  • Her heart fluttered violently with fear as she saw that he stepped out after her, and walked by her side toward the house.

  • And for fear of being ill spoken of weep bitterly for a day, and then comfort thyself in thy sadness.

  • The water suggested the fear that he must be nearing the open sea, and he became supernaturally grave.

British Dictionary definitions for fear


a feeling of distress, apprehension, or alarm caused by impending danger, pain, etc

a cause of this feeling

awe; reverencefear of God

concern; anxiety

possibility; chancethere is no fear of that happening

for fear of, for fear that or for fear lest to forestall or avoid

no fear certainly not

put the fear of God into to frighten


to be afraid (to do something) or of (a person or thing); dread

(tr) to revere; respect

(tr; takes a clause as object) to be sorry: used to lessen the effect of an unpleasant statementI fear that you have not won

(intr foll by for) to feel anxiety about something

Derived forms of fear

fearer, nounfearless, adjectivefearlessly, adverbfearlessness, noun

Word Origin for fear

Old English fǣr; related to Old High German fāra, Old Norse fār hostility, Latin perīculum danger

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with fear

see fools rush in where angels fear to tread; for fear of; never fear; put the fear of god in.

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

fear — перевод на русский


Then I fear I forgot myself and let her kiss me.

И тогда, боюсь, я забылся и дал ей себя поцеловать.


Боюсь, это черта старой девы.


Боюсь, это было крайне недостойно леди.

I fear you have betrayed my friendship.

— А, Холгрейв! Боюсь, вы предали нашу дружбу…

─ I fear for you.

— Я боюсь за тебя!

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This is fear talking.

В тебе говорит страх.

But with our patients there was very often a great deal of fear, a great deal of crying, sobbing And then of course one would want to move in and try and get the patient to relate that to what they were actually experiencing in themselves.

ќднако наши пациенты ……очень часто… испытывали страх, кричали, рыдали … ¬ таких случа€х один из нас пыталс€ успокоить пациента и говорил, что мы испытали это на себе.

«I have not been able to live with this persistent fear during the war.

«Этот вечный страх, пока шла война, совсем доканал меня…

Fear lurked in every corner of town.

Страх притаился во всех уголках города.

The alarm spread…the jungle flared with fires lighted to drive off the natives black fear.

Вуду! Злой Дух! Тревога распространяется … джунгли светятся от огней костров, призванных отпугнуть страх черных африканцев.

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You must realize that women like me have much to fear from certain people.

Вы должны понимать, что женщины вроде меня должны очень опасаться определенных людей.

Nor will he, of course, have any reason to fear being caught.

К тому же он не будет опасаться возможного разоблачения.

Travellers of the Gobi Desert have good reason to fear the singing sands, Barbara.

Всем странникам пустыни Гоби есть все основания опасаться пения песков, Барбара.

I’m beginning to fear that he won’t be able to.

Я начинаю опасаться, что он не сможет этого сделать.

Innocence, that prime virtue, cannot and must not fear public scrutiny.

Ибо невиновность, главное достоинство, не должно и не может опасаться общественного надзора.

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Fear, Chris.

Мне страшно.

«I fear the Lord,» cries Jonah…

«Мне страшно, — воскликнул Иона.

Our fear and hers are the same.

Нам точно так же страшно, как и ей.

I fear to walk alone, without your care.

Мне страшно, когда я не чувствую твоей заботы

I nearly went mad with fear.

Мне было страшно.

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— I tell you I had no fear. — [Scoffs]

Говорю тебе, я не испугался.

If I show any fear… the strike will crumble.

Если увидят, что я испугался,… забастовка прекратится.

No, but this morning I saw a toad and feared some evil spell.

Нет, мадемуазель, но этим утром я видел жабу и испугался каких-нибудь злых чар.

Though what he did, was out of fear.

За память о нем! Хотя он и испугался.

The boy was very upset because he feared for his mother.

Мальчик был расстроен. Он очень испугался за свою маму.

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That awful fear of my hands.

Эта кошмарная боязнь своих рук.

And fear of indifference as well.

А также боязнь безразличия.

The fear of physical pain drove him to that grotesque act of self-abasement.

Боязнь физической боли… Вот что заставило его совершить этот чудовищный акт самоуничижения!

Fear of water… (MOANING)

Боязнь воды…

(SOBBING) Fear of water.

Боязнь воды.

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«I fear no spirits!»

«Я не страшусь демонов!»

— And did you know that I haven’t had a fear of fire since the early age?

— А ты знаешь, что я с малых лет не страшусь огня?

As worthy cause I have to fear I am.

Я сам того страшусь и вашу честь

I fear you.

Я страшусь тебя…

I start to fear.

Знаешь чего я страшусь?

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Why, you’re frantic with fear.

Ведь ты обезумел от ужаса.

— A darned violent fear.

— Весь трепещу от ужаса.

Already earlier in my life, I had been in great fear.

В моей жизни уже было состояние подобного ужаса.

But the same feelings of fear remain?

Но оставляет после себя ощущение ужаса.

Just let me be rid of … this deadly … sickening, animal fear!

Только избавь меня от этого смертельного, отвратительного, животного ужаса!

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You’ve nothing to fear there.

Вы не должны беспокоиться.

You need have no fear, Sir Wilfred.

Вам не о чем беспокоиться, сэр Уилфред!

Who knows the father, doesn’t fear for the daughter.

Увидев её отца в работе, за девушку можно не беспокоиться. Я её люблю.

— Don’t get lost, Doctor. — Never fear.

Не потеряйтесь Не смейте беспокоиться

Maria has nothing to fear.

Марии не о чем беспокоиться.

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It is feared that there may be no survivors of this strange incident.

Есть опасения, что при его крушении никто из людей не выжил.

Then your fears about that phaser were correct.

Ваши опасения насчет бластеров были верны.

-It seems our worst fears are confirmed.

— Кажется, наши худшие опасения подтвердились.

— Precisely. Our fears are justified. The thing seems serious.

Думаю, наши опасения оправдываются, дело серьезное.

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