Use of the word ever since

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Ever since, my greatest fear is dying young.

С тех пор, мой самый большой страх — умереть молодым.

Ever since my grandson was treated here…

С тех пор, как тут лечился мой внук…

Ever since its establishment, it has gained an enormous popularity.

С момента своего появления она смогла завоевать большую популярность.

Ever since the deal between Sony and Disney.

После заключения нового соглашения, заключенного между Sony и Disney.

Ever since what happened this morning.

С тех пор, как это произошло сегодня утром.

Ever since that reporter put me on tv.

С тех пор, как по телевизору показали мое интервью.

Ever since this rule breaking got started.

С тех пор, как начались эти нарушения правил.

Ever since, he has treated her like a queen.

С тех пор, он начинает относиться к ней как королевской особе.

Ever since 3677 international students received diplomas (September 2015).

С тех пор 3677 иностранных студентов получили дипломы в нашем вузе (на сентябрь 2015).

Ever since, I regularly use it, primarily as an everyday skin salvation.

С тех пор использую его периодически, в основном — для полива газона.

Ever since, the place has become very popular.

С тех пор место стало очень популярным.

Ever since this has been my life guide.

С тех пор — это мой ориентир в жизни.

Ever since I came to Kolomna.

Ever since he remembers his first love was music.

Напомним, когда-то он сказал, что его первой любовью была музыка.

Ever since I was old enough to think about it.

С того момента, как достаточно повзрослела, чтобы думать об этом.

Ever since I’ve lost imagination…

Ever since you left something inside of him died.

Смотри, с тех пор, как ты ушёл, у него внутри что-то оборвалось.

Ever since I became an official probationary agent.

С тех пор, как я стала официальным агентом на испытательном сроке.

Ever since they came to get me.

Ever since those boys attacked us…

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ever since — перевод на русский

/ˈɛvə sɪns/

And ever since then, Hamacher has been having a grand time.

И с тех пор, Хамахер великолепно проводит время.

But ever since I came here, I’ve seen…

Но с тех пор, как я здесь, я видела…

You’ve been butting’ into my affairs ever since you came here.

Ты постоянно лезешь в мои дела с тех пор, как приехал сюда.

Ever since I lost the spirit, looks like I’d just as soon go one way as the other.

С тех пор, как я во всем разочаровался, кажется, что не имеет значения, куда идти.

And Svensson is negative, has been ever since he started school…

И это потому, font color-«#e1e1e1″что я положительный… font color-«#e1e1e1″А Свенсон отрицательный, с тех пор, font color-«#e1e1e1″как поступил в школу… font color-«#e1e1e1»

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Ever since we were kids, there’s been no one but her.

С самого детства для меня не существует никого, кроме нее.

He said he loved me ever since I wasn’t any bigger than a fire hydrant or something.

Он сказал, что он любит меня с самого детства больше всего на свете.

It is because I have set free something within me… something that, ever since I can remember, has been like a rock… caught in my heart, in my brain… pushing at me, choking me.

Потому что я освободил нечто внутри себя,.. нечто, что с самого детства было подобно камню,.. жгущему мое сердце, мой мозг,..

Ever since he was a child… he thought rules weren’t made for him.

с самого детства он думал, что правила не для него.

I’ve loved her ever since I fixed her roller skates.

Я влюблен в нее с самого детства.

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Ever since that explosion, right?

С момента этого взрыва, так же?

He’s been unhappy ever since he lost the war.

Он расстроен с момента, когда японцы проиграли войну.

You’ve been talking about death ever since we met… but this is the first time I really felt it. Yeah?

Ты всегда говорил о смерти, с момента нашего знакомства… но сейчас впервые я это ощутила.

It’s been sealed in here ever since our arrival.

Оно хранится здесь опечатанным с момента вашего прибытия.

I wrote in my team evaluations that she’s been acting weird ever since this Puppet Master case fell into our laps.

Я отразил в отчёте, что с момента, как мы занялись… делом Кукольника, она начала вести себя странно.

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You know, ever since Adam, man’s been crying, «Where am I?»

Со времен Адама, мужчина вопрошает: где это я?

«Ever since the days of sailing ships, seafaring has drawn to it men of many different types.

«Со времён парусных судов мореплавание притягивало к себе людей разного типа,

Ever since the Battle of Sekigahara,

Со времен битвы при Секигахара

Well, you see, that word is poison around these parts ever since the days of the great flood.

В этих краях это слово считается синонимом яда со времен всемирного потопа.

Baseball too. Ever since Arnold Rothstein fixed the World Series in 1919.

Я любил бейсбол… со времён Арнольда Рутштейна во время Всемирных Игр 1919.

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Ever since he was younger, he said he was going to be one of our family.

Ещё в юности собирался стать членом нашей семьи.

And I’ve been thinking about it ever since.

Хочешь ещё кофе?

He’s been sittin’ in county ever since.

— Его взяли через неделю, ещё держат.

You’ve been walking ever since?

И ты все еще идешь?

You’ve been telling on me ever since we were at school!

Ты доносила на меня еще в школе.

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Ever since the day I lost Caroline why, I haven’t been able to write a line.

С того дня, как я потерял Кэролин я не могу написать ни строчки.

Ever since the day when Professor Filippi published his eminent passage, everyone in the world has looked to our dear city.

С того дня, когда профессор Филлипи опубликовал свою выдающуюся книгу, каждый человек во всем мире увидит наш любимый город.

You’ve changed, ever since the day they stopped you from killing Barsac.

Ты сильно изменился с того дня, когда я не дал тебе убить Барсака.

Ever since, the Nawabs of Oudh have maintained this friendship. When British campaigns needed money, the Nawabs opened their coffers.

И с того дня по сию пору Навабы Авада поддерживают дружбу с англичанами и каждый раз, когда англичанам нужны деньги для какой-либо войны, казна Авада открывает свои сундуки.

Ever since that day, Ling never appears again I hold no resentment towards her—— Since I saw and experienced the same pain that she did.

С того дня, Лин больше не приходила я не обижаюсь на нее за ту боль, которую он передала мне.

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He had played in nearly all of Ozu’s films ever since the days of the silents, often in the roles of men much older than himself.

Он играл почти во всех фильмах Одзу, начиная с немых картин. Зачастую людей, гораздо старше себя.

Before Cybermen, ever since Iceworld, where you first met the girl.

Перед Киберменами, начиная с Ледяного мира, где вы встретились в первый раз с девочкой.

I mean, he’s been moping around here ever since the divorce.

Мне кажется он хандрил, начиная с развода.

Ever since my great-grandfather, Huck Griffin, rafted down the mighty Mississippi.

Начиная с моего прадеда Гека Гриффина, который сплавлялся вниз по великой Миссисипи.

Ever since 2063, we simply drop a giant ice cube… Into the ocean every now and then.

Начиная с 2063 года, мы просто сбрасываемгигантский кубик льда… в океан.

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Ever since I can remember you’ve been kind.

Сколько помню, ты всегда был добрым.

That’s what I’ve been doing ever since I can remember.

Это то, что я делаю, сколько себя помню.

Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve been happy.

Сколько я вас знаю, вы всегда были счастливы.

Ever since I can remember, I never saw her laugh…

Сколько себя помню, никогда не видела маму смеющейся…

Ever since I’ve known him, he’s been getting old.

Сколько его знаю, он стареет.

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I’ve been worried about you ever since that night on Deneb IV.

Я всегда волнуюсь за тебя с той ночи на Денеб-IV.

I’m always sick in storms, ever since I was a boy.

Меня, например, всегда укачивает во время шторма, с детских лет.

I’ve been having visions ever since I can remember, but I’ve never shared one before.

Сколько я себя помню у меня всегда были видения, но никогда у меня не было ни с кем совместных видений.

I’ve wanted to leave ever since I got here.

А я всегда хотела отсюда уехать.

Yeah, ever since I got here something in the air affects my allergies.

У меня здесь всегда начинается аллергия.

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One might even argue that her entire behavior ever since we met, including her affair with Daniel, had been the surest way to arouse my interest in her.

Если оценить все её поступки и её поведение с самого начала, в том числе то, что она переспала с Даниелем, то это самый легкий способ вызвать моё любопытство.

«Ever since the days when Ogawa showed his films,

С самого начала, когда оператором был ещё Огава,

Ever since New Year’s, we’ve been hearing about some other major race on the prowl.

С самого начала года мы слышим, что к нам приближается могущественная раса.

damn thing’s been stuck ever since i bought it.

Она не работает с самого начала

Look, i’ve been stuck in lois’ shadow ever since i landed at the planet, And i’m pretty sure the same is true for you.

Я с самого начала карьеры был в тени Лоис, и с тобой получается так же.

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The preposition since is used to refer back to a previous point in time:

It’s been years since I rode a bike.

Since joining the company, I’ve been promoted twice.

Since also has meanings with no reference to time:

Since you ask, I’ll say yes.

Since he didn’t study, he didn’t pass the exam.

Ever since is used when you want to emphasize that something has been true from «from that time to this».The «ever» can suggest a continous thing and suggest against the possibily that something has happened only intermittently since:

Ever since we met, we have been been good friends.

His grandmother doesn’t go for walks on her own ever since she fell at
the bus stop.

My father has not smiled ever since my mother died.

To see the difference, here are two more examlpes:

My back has been aching since I fell off the ladder.

Ever since I fell off the ladder, my back aches.

To make a long story short,»ever» is just an intensifier. There’s no principal difference in meaning when you add it or remove it.


: continually or often from a past time until now

We both liked the idea and have been working on it ever since.

I went to the festival its first year and have been returning ever since.


: continually from the time in the past when : since

She’s wanted to be a firefighter ever since she was a young girl.

Dictionary Entries Near ever since

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“Ever since.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Merriam-Webster unabridged

“Since” and “ever since” are very similar phrases idiomatically. However, there are some differences that we need to go through. This article will explain all you need to know about how to use both of them.

What Is The Difference Between “Since” And “Ever Since”?

“Since” and “ever since” are very similar in meaning. “Since” refers to something that has happened in the past but continues happening in the present. It can be used to refer back to this previous point. “Ever since” means the same thing, but “ever” allows you to intensify the meaning.

since vs ever since

“Ever since” implies that something has been true from the moment it occurred, while “since” is more basic. “Since” only demonstrates that something has been intermittently true since something might have occurred.

  • We have been friends since we were little.
  • Ever since we were little, we have been friends.

Here, “since” shows that you have been friends with someone, but there’s no clue as to how close you are. Also, you might not have spoken to them for great lengths at a time.

The “ever since” example allows you to express that you have a close bond with your friend. It’s a better way of showing that you have been friends with them for years and you always stay in touch.

At the end of the day, the two phrases are interchangeable, but “ever since” is a bit more intense.

What Does “Since” Mean?

“Since” means that something has happened at a point in the past, and you are able to refer back to it in the present. It allows you to recount how certain things might have taken place in your past and how you act on them today.

The definition of “since,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “from a particular time in the past until a later time, or until now.”

  1. It’s been three years since that happened, but I still let it affect me to this day. It has not been a fun time.
  2. Since I was a kid, I have always had a hard time letting go! I feel like I’ve never learned how to do that properly.
  3. Oh, since then, there has only been a few guys in here. We haven’t been as popular as we were back in the day.
  4. I think he has been coming here since he was five. He really likes the atmosphere, and I don’t think that ever left him.
  5. Since you’re not the only person around here that’s struggling, maybe you can help the others out before moaning about your life?

What Does “Ever Since” Mean?

“Ever since” is a more intense way of saying “since.” It allows you to show that something has happened at one point in your past, but it has been true ever since that event took place.

“Since” is more sporadic with when you might be able to refer back to an event. “Ever since” implies that something has continuously happened in your life since one defining moment took place.

  1. Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a racing driver. Now, I finally get to live out my dream and become one.
  2. Ever since the beginning of time, there have been plenty of people that disagree with our practices. We’re finally going to change that.
  3. Ever since then, I have never been the same. I’ve always had a hard time connecting with people, and that only made it worse.
  4. I have been different ever since, and I’m not sure I’ll ever come back from this. I’ve had a hard time since my mom passed.
  5. Ever since you made it big, you’ve forgotten about all the people in your life that helped you to get there!

Can I Start A Sentence With “Ever Since”?

“Ever since” can start a sentence. It’s probably the most common place to put it since it’s a great way to introduce a new idea that’s taken place in your past. You’ll often find it placed at the start as an introductory clause (where more of a sentence will follow it).

Should I Place A Comma Before or After “Ever Since”?

You should place a comma after “ever since” in every case. A comma will follow if it’s at the end of a clause. A comma will be at the end of the clause it introduces when it starts a sentence. Commas do not come before “ever since.”

If you’re going to place a comma after “ever since,” there are two distinct ways to do it:

  • Ever since then, I’ve had a hard time learning to love people.
  • I haven’t been the same ever since, and I don’t think I’ll be the same going forward.

Here, we place commas either directly after “ever since” or at the end of the clause that it introduces. It’s the best practice to get into when learning how comma rules work.

Should I Place A Comma Before or After “Since”?

“Since” requires a comma if it is placed at the start of a sentence and introduces a new clause. “Since” is more common in the middle of a sentence, meaning you won’t often need a comma on either side because it’s a preposition or conjunction that introduces an event.

Here, you can see that “then” has a comma after it where “since” introduces a new clause:

  • Since then, I have changed my life.

While it’s much better to avoid using commas entirely here:

  • I have not spoken to him since he did that.

Are “Since” And “Ever Since” Conjunctions?

“Since” and “ever since” are prepositions and conjunctions. They can be used as conjunctions when they are found in the middle of a sentence that might be broken up into two. It helps to create a smoother flow in the sentence.

Here is how you might be able to use them both as conjunctions in the middle of your sentence:

  • I’ve felt good since I arrived here.
  • I have known it ever since I met you.

“Since” and “Ever Since” – Synonyms

Finally, let’s go over some of the best synonyms you can use to replace both phrases.

  • From
  • From that point
  • From then
  • After that
  • Thereafter
  • Subsequently
  • Consequently
  • After

You may also like: “From Then On” vs. “Since Then” – Difference Explained (Helpful Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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