Use of the word eventually

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Frank became depressed and he eventually committed suicide.

Фрэнк впал в депрессию, и, в конце концов, покончил жизнь самоубийством.

But apparently man gets used to everything eventually.

Но, как говорится, человек, в конце концов, привыкает ко всему.

I think people will eventually give up privacy.

Я думаю, что люди в итоге пожертвуют своей независимостью.

A trial was delayed on numerous occasions and eventually scheduled for August.

Суд по делу несколько раз переносился и в итоге был намечен на август этого года.

His instruments were stored and eventually lost.

Его инструменты сохранили, но, в конечном счете, они оказались утеряны.

Prayer that leads eventually to recognition.

Это общий принцип, приводящий, в конечном счете, к распознаванию.

It eventually only plays songs you like.

В конце концов, он играет только те песни, что вам нравятся.

We all eventually lose that battle.

В конце концов, все мы так или иначе проигрываем это сражение.

Electric cars eventually vanished by 1935.

В конце концов, электрические транспортные средства почти исчезли к 1935 году.

All we women have them eventually.

It eventually equates to greater respect.

Это, в конечном счете, подразумевает и более высокий уровень уважения.

Hopefully, it will rain eventually.

Paradoxically, the war eventually brought about Polish independence.

Как это ни парадоксально, но война, в конечном счете, привела к польской независимости.

They eventually recruited enough by visiting local Chinese restaurants.

В конце концов они набрали достаточное количество человек, но лишь после того, как посетили местные китайские рестораны.

George eventually returned in January 1737.

What happens is Europe will eventually happen here.

Она заключается в том, что происходящее в Европе может в конечном счете случиться и здесь.

The daughter is reluctant, but eventually agrees.

I hope the author eventually understood it herself.

But she eventually agreed to testify.

I just know what eventually worked.

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Have you ever had a friend who wasn’t really a friend? Someone who was there in the good times but never there in the bad times? Someone you thought you could rely on but in reality you couldn’t trust?
We call a person like this a fair-weather friend. Of course, it’s best to keep people like this at arms length.

Words can also be our friends! When learning a language we sometimes come across a word that sounds similar to a word in our own language. Very often these words have the same meaning – great! But sometimes the meaning of the two words can be quite different. We call these words false friends.

The word eventually is a false friend between the English language and several other European languages including French, German and Italian. So, what does the word eventually mean in English?  This blog post looks at the word eventually and how to use it correctly in English.

What does eventually mean?

Many European languages have a word that is similar to the English word eventually. This comes as no surprise as the English language was heavily influenced by the German, French and Latin languages for over a thousand years. In the other European languages the word that looks and sounds similar to eventually has the meaning of probably.
However, in English the important thing to remember is:

Eventually does not mean probably.

So what does eventually mean in English? It means in the end or after some time. We use eventually to speak about the past or the future. Let’s look at some examples of both.


  • Eventually means in the end or after some time.
  • Eventually does not mean probably or maybe.

Eventually — speaking about the future

When we use the word eventually to speak about the future, we are speaking about something that we know is going to happen. However, we do not know when it will happen.

For example, someone might say:

I will eventually learn to drive.

In this sentence, the speaker uses the word eventually because she is sure that one day she will learn to drive. However, she is not sure when she will learn to drive.

The word eventually is an adverb that follows the rule ‘after the first auxiliary verb’ when used in a sentence.
When we use eventually to speak about the future, we generally place it after the modal auxiliary verb will.

Here are some examples of sentences using eventually to speak about the future:

I will eventually go on holiday – I am not sure when.
Jane will eventually be promoted at work.
Marco will eventually speak fluent English.
The earth will eventually run out of oil.
I will eventually return to live in my home country.

In these sentences we use eventually because we want to communicate that we are sure that the action will happen but we are not sure when it will happen.

Eventually — speaking about the past

When we are speaking about the past, the word eventually means in the end or after all that. We often use eventually to talk about a situation in which we had to wait for a long time or to explain that something took a long time to happen.

For example:

Yesterday, Mark walked for 2 hours and he eventually arrived home at 11pm.

When we use the word eventually to speak about the past we generally put it before the main verb.

Here are some examples of eventually to speak about the past:

After 3 hours in the oven, the bread was eventually cooked.

Jane worked for 10 years before she eventually got a promotion.

Luke saved for 5 years and eventually bought a car.

The delivery man drove to seven different houses before he eventually found the right address.

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Phrasal Verbs

To rely on:(1)To depend on: Example:Nowadays, we rely on technology to communicate.
(2)To put trust in: Example: I can always rely on my mum to make me feel better when I’m having a bad day.


Fair-weather friend: Someone who is a friend during good times but not during difficult times.
Example: After I got divorced I realized that some of the people I knew were just fair-weather friends.

At arm’s length: At a distance to avoid being too close.
Example: I like my colleagues but I keep them at arm’s length. I try to keep my work life and my personal life separate.

 Hi there! I’m your English coach Christina, welcome to Speak English with Christina, where you’ll learn American culture and business know-how to become confident in English.

Some English words sound the same as in your own language.
Most of the time, they also have the same meaning… but not always!

So you might think you’re using a word correctly, but then your English-speaking colleagues give you a weird look.

You think they understood what you mean, they think they understood what you mean, but actually you can both be wrong !

It’s alright! It can happen to everybody. And I want to help you get better than that!

That’s why I’m creating a practical, 100% useful ebook, “What was that?”: How to correct 50 common mistakes and avoid confusion in American English”. You’ll find in there conversation scripts, grammar tips, and many common mistakes you won’t have to make anymore!

For instance, let’s take the word “eventually.”

How not to use “Eventually”

I often hear a common mistake, that I find in sentences such as “Eventually, we might have lunch together, what do you think?” Here, the speaker makes a mistake with “eventually.”

Indeed, many students use “eventually” to express the idea of “something that might be a possibility,” or for something that might happen depending on how the situation evolves.

But that’s a mistake! These ideas are better expressed with “Maybe”, “Potentially” or “Possibly,” or even “If you want”

A correct version of the example would be “Maybe we’ll have lunch together, what do you think?”, or “We might have lunch together, possibly. What do you think?”
“Eventually” means something else!

The real meaning of “eventually”

In the English language, “eventually” means “finally”, “sometime in the future”, “sooner or later.”

Examples of “eventually” in sentences:
“I’m looking for a new job. It’s tough but I’m sure I’ll find one eventually.”
“Julie is late to our meeting, but she’ll get here eventually.”
“Eventually, you are going to get rid of all these mistakes in your English. I’m sure of it, don’t worry!”

The difficulty in this word is that it’s very easy to miss that you even made a mistake: your sentence will probably still mean something, but not what you intended to say!

For instance if you say “I’ll eventually call you!”, instead of “I’ll call you maybe! which is what you mean, they’ll understand “Sooner or later, I will call you”, which is a little vague, like “One day, I’ll call you. But the exact day is a mystery…

Eventually the truth came out.

В конце концов, правда вышла наружу.

The pain eventually passed off

В конце концов, боль прошла.

Eventually, she got a job and moved to London.

В конце концов, она получила работу и переехала в Лондон.

He eventually died of drink.

В конце концов он умер от пьянства.

Eventually, I did get better and returned to work.

В конце концов, мне и впрямь стало лучше, и я вернулся к работе.

She eventually fell into an uneasy sleep.

В конце концов она заснула беспокойным сном.

Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms.

В конце концов, я сдался и согласился работать на их условиях.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Italy’s championship hopes eventually bit the dust.

The chemical eventually leaches away from the soil.

Indiscipline among the troops eventually led to a riot.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

And eventually, you saturate the population.
В конце концов вы достигнете точки насыщения.

Will the New Economy eventually reinvent American education?
Создаст ли с течением времени Новая Экономика систему образования в Америке?

As time passes, a concept without real commitment in the field may eventually raise suspicions about its relevance.
С течением времени концепция, не применяемая на практике, может в конечном итоге вызвать подозрения относительно ее уместности.

He eventually won a seat in Congress.
В конце концов, он был избран в Конгресс.

All right, well, anyway, darwin observed that when two groups Of finches competed over the same food source, Eventually one of them would evolve a different beak shape.
Что ж, в любом случае, Дарвин выяснил, что когда две группы вьюрков соперничали за один и тот же источник пищи, одна из них с течением времени была способна к изменению формы клюва, таким образом, эта группа птиц могла питаться чем-нибудь еще.

The main characters eventually find deliverance.
Главные герои в конечном счёте находят избавление.

Of course, all countries eventually overcome crises.
Конечно же, в конце концов, все страны преодолевают кризис.

He was able to strategize effectively on foreign policy, but was less able to control the personal insecurities that eventually led to his downfall – a shortcoming that emerged only over time.
Он был в состоянии выработать стратегию эффективной внешней политики, но был в меньшей степени способен контролировать свое чувство небезопасности, что в конечном итоге привело к его падению – и это недостаток, который проявился только с течением времени.

It eventually only plays songs you like.
В конце концов, он играет только те песни, что вам нравятся.

And, eventually, we became interested in emotions.
И, в конце концов, мы заинтересовались эмоциями.

That is what eventually did him in.
Именно это, в конечном счете, и прикончило его.

Eventually hired myself out as a designer.
В конце концов, я устроился работать дизайнером.

So, who will pay the bill eventually?
Итак, кто же, в конечном счете, будет платить по счетам?

But eventually, every source of water’s gonna.
Но в конце концов, каждый источник воды.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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