Use of the word count

View the word count and other information in your document. Learn how to insert and update the word count in to the body of your document.

Show the word count

  • To see the number of words in your document, look at the status bar at the lower left bottom of the Word window.

Find word count statistics

Click on the word count in the status bar to see the number of characters, lines, and paragraphs in your document.

Insert the word count in your document

  1. Click in your document where you want the word count to appear.

  2. Click Insert > Quick Parts > Field.

  3. In the Field nameslist, click NumWords, and then click OK.

  4. To update the word count, right-click the number, and then choose Update Field.

Want more?

Show word count

I am working on a Word document for a school assignment, and I don’t need to write more than 1,000 words.

Luckily, Word 2013 provides a few handy word counting features that will help me keep below my word limit.

As I work on my document, I can keep an eye on my word count on the status bar, down in the lower left corner of the Word window.

If you don’t see the word count in your document, right-click anywhere on the status bar to bring up this menu, and then click Word Count.

As I type, or remove text in my document, the Word Count updates automatically.

And if I click the Word Count in the status bar, a box appears giving me even more detail, including the number of characters and the number of lines that my document contains.

I don’t want to include my document’s footnotes in my total word count, so I’ll uncheck this box.

This section of my document can’t be more than a third of the total document length. To check the length, I select the paragraphs in this section, and the status bar shows the number of words in my selected text.

It looks like I have 205 words in my selected text, out of a total of 968 words, so I am still below my target.

I want to insert the word count in my document, so my teacher can see it when I hand-in my paper.

I click in my document where I want the word count to appear.

In the ribbon, on the INSERT tab, I click Quick Parts, and then click Field.

I select NumWords in the list of Field names, and then click OK.

If I make changes to the document, the word count won’t update automatically. To update it, I’ll right-click the Word Count, and choose Update Field.

To make sure that the latest word count appears when I print my document, I click FILE and then Options.

In the left panel, I click Display, and then under Printing options, I select Update fields before printing.

For more information about word counts, see the course summary.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

количество слов

по количеству слов

количества слов

подсчет слов

подсчета слов

число слов

The unit for price estimates is the word count in the source language.

Единица расчета стоимости — количество слов в тексте языка источника.

If I include titles, the word count of just the references makes up more than 30 of the stated word limit.

Если я включать заголовки, количество слов всего ссылок составляет более 30% от заявленных слово лимит.

Accordingly, and taking into account required reformatting adjustments, the Department has, for planning purposes, calculated that the word count equivalent of 16 pages is 8,500 words and the equivalent of 20 pages is 10,700 words.

Таким образом, с учетом требуемых поправок на переформатирование Департамент подсчитал для целей планирования, что по количеству слов 16 страниц эквивалентны 8500 словам, а 20 страниц — 10700 словам.

The word count is similar to that of the BPoA, but the actions are fewer by almost one quarter.

По количеству слов она сходна с БПД, но содержит почти на четверть меньше действий.

The word count may have diminished, but you can attribute that to the authorial confidence that comes with the passing of time.

Количество слов может уменьшиться, но вы можете приписать это авторской уверенности, которая приходит с течением времени.

This is particularly useful in German translation whereby the word count increases by approximately 20% when translated.

Это особенно полезно при немецком переводе, когда количество слов увеличивается примерно на 20%.

For example, a typical translation from English to Russian will increase the word count by roughly 30%.

При письменном переводе с английского на русский количество слов может увеличиться примерно на 30%.

You’ll notice that the Screaming Frog tool will fetch the word count for all of the pages on your website.

Вы заметите, что инструмент «Кричащая лягушка» извлекает количество слов для всех страниц вашего сайта.

Test your descriptions and figure out which ones will work the best; this means checking up on things like the word count (as too much content in the description could have a negative effect on things).

Проверьте свои описания и выясните, какие из них будут работать лучше всего; это означает проверку таких вещей, как количество слов (так как слишком много содержания в описании может оказать негативное влияние на вещи).

It is difficult to put an exact limit on the word count as it depends on the content and the level of information required to gain a full understanding of what is being written about.

Трудно установить точное ограничение на количество слов, так как оно зависит от содержания и уровня информации, необходимой для полного понимания того, о чем пишется.

This site obviously has a lot of loyal visitors that find the content valuable and the word count is not as big of a factor due to the nature of the content.

Этот сайт, очевидно, имеет много лояльных посетителей, которые находят контент ценным, и количество слов не так уж важно из-за характера контента.

Once I finish writing an article, during the editing process I try to reduce the word count as much as possible while adding value at the same time.

Как только я заканчиваю писать статью и начинаю её редактировать, стараюсь максимально уменьшить количество слов, в то же время добавляя значимости.

However, the word count does have a relationship with page RPM, visitor engagement, bounce rates, scroll percentages, and a whole host of other factors.

Тем не менее, количество слов имеет отношение к RPM страниц, вовлеченности посетителей, показателям отказов, процентам прокрутки и множеству других факторов.

There are other major aspects like linking other sites, structuring your website in a way people can understand and find it easy to use and also the word count in each page.

Существуют и другие важные аспекты, такие как ссылки на другие сайты, структурирование вашего сайта таким образом, чтобы люди могли понять и находить его простым в использовании, а также количество слов на каждой странице.

Take a look at any of the job posting on the Internet and you will notice that the word count under the ‘Job description’ section is bigger than the essay you wrote in high school.

Будучи помешана на работу SkillsTake посмотреть на любой из вакансии в Интернете и Вы заметите, что количество слов в разделе ‘описание работы’ больше, чем сочинение Вы писали в школе.

Page Word Count (you have to be careful with this because it does take the word count from the WHOLE page — not just the content of your post or page so this number may seem a bit high.)

Количество слов страницы (вы должны быть осторожны с этим, потому что он берет количество слов со всей страницы, а не только содержание вашего поста или страницы, поэтому это число может показаться немного большим.)

The word count is a mathematical term.

The word count should be up to 1500.

The word count is 850 words.

Язык состоит из 850 слов.

You can add your own words and make the word count growing.

Вы можете добавить свои собственные слова и увеличить число слов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 75. Точных совпадений: 75. Затраченное время: 88 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word count is the number of words in a document or passage of text. Word counting may be needed when a text is required to stay within certain numbers of words. This may particularly be the case in academia, legal proceedings, journalism and advertising. Word count is commonly used by translators to determine the price of a translation job. Word counts may also be used to calculate measures of readability and to measure typing and reading speeds (usually in words per minute). When converting character counts to words, a measure of 5 or 6 characters to a word is generally used for English.[1]

Details and variations of definition[edit]

Variations in the operational definitions of how to count the words can occur (namely, what «counts as» a word, and which words «don’t count» toward the total). However, especially since the advent of widespread word processing, there is a broad consensus on these operational definitions (and hence the bottom-line integer result). The consensus is to accept the text segmentation rules generally found in most word processing software (including how word boundaries are determined, which depends on how word dividers are defined). The first trait of that definition is that a space (any of various whitespace characters, such as a «regular» word space, an em space, or a tab character) is a word divider. Usually a hyphen or a slash is, too. Different word counting programs may give varying results, depending on the text segmentation rule details, and on whether words outside the main text (such as footnotes, endnotes, or hidden text) are counted. But the behavior of most major word processing applications is broadly similar.

However, during the era when school assignments were done in handwriting or with typewriters, the rules for these definitions often differed from today’s consensus. Most importantly, many students were drilled on the rule that «certain words don’t count», usually articles (namely, «a», «an», «the»), but sometimes also others, such as conjunctions (for example, «and», «or», «but») and some prepositions (usually «to», «of»). Hyphenated permanent compounds such as «follow-up» (noun) or «long-term» (adjective) were counted as one word. To save the time and effort of counting word-by-word, often a rule of thumb for the average number of words per line was used, such as 10 words per line. These «rules» have fallen by the wayside in the word processing era; the «word count» feature of such software (which follows the text segmentation rules mentioned earlier) is now the standard arbiter, because it is largely consistent (across documents and applications) and because it is fast, effortless, and costless (already included with the application).

As for which sections of a document «count» toward the total (such as footnotes, endnotes, abstracts, reference lists and bibliographies, tables, figure captions, hidden text), the person in charge (teacher, client) can define their choice, and users (students, workers) can simply select (or exclude) the elements accordingly, and watch the word count automatically update.


Modern web browsers support word counting via extensions, via a JavaScript bookmarklet, or a script that is hosted in a website. Most word processors can also count words. Unix-like systems include a program, wc, specifically for word counting. There are a wide variety of word counting tools available online.
Different word counting programs may give varying results, depending on the text segmentation rule details. The exact number of words often is not a strict requirement, thus the variation is acceptable.

In fiction[edit]

Novelist Jane Smiley suggests that length is an important quality of the novel.[2] However, novels can vary tremendously in length; Smiley lists novels as typically being between 100,000 and 175,000 words,[3] while National Novel Writing Month requires its novels to be at least 50,000 words. There are no firm rules: for example, the boundary between a novella and a novel is arbitrary and a literary work may be difficult to categorise.[4] But while the length of a novel is to a large extent up to its writer,[5] lengths may also vary by subgenre; many chapter books for children start at a length of about 16,000 words,[6] and a typical mystery novel might be in the 60,000 to 80,000 word range while a thriller could be well over 100,000 words.[7]

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America specifies word lengths for each category of its Nebula Award categories:[8]

Classification Word count
Novel 40,000 words or over
Novella 17,500 to 39,999 words
Novelette 7,500 to 17,499 words
Short story up to 7,500 words

In non-fiction[edit]

The acceptable length of an academic dissertation varies greatly, dependent predominantly on the subject. Numerous American universities limit Ph.D. dissertations to 100,000 words, barring special permission for exceeding this limit.[9]

See also[edit]

  • Flash fiction
  • Twitterature
  • Word lists by frequency


  1. ^ The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America suggest 6 chars to a word
  2. ^ Smiley, Jane. 2005. Thirteen Ways of Looking at the Novel. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, p. 14.
  3. ^ Smiley, 2005, p. 15.
  4. ^ Edge, Tom, «Does Size Matter?» The Guardian (UK), Booksblog, Nov. 2, 2006.
  5. ^ Quindlen, Anna (September 23, 2002), «Writers on Writing: The Eye of the Reporter, the Heart of the Novelist», New York Times, A novelist doesn’t write to space, of course; 80,000 words, 100,000, it is up to the writer to say when the story is done..
  6. ^ Lamb, Nancy, Crafting Stories for Children. Cincinnati: Writer’s Digest Books, p. 24
  7. ^ Thurston, Carol (August 3, 1997), «Agents give writers the book on what’s hot and what’s not», Austin American-Statesman, no one wants more than 60-80,000 words in a mystery, 110,000 for a thriller.
  8. ^ SFWA Awards FAQ, Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America as follows:
  9. ^ Dunleavy, Patrick (2003), Authoring a PhD, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 46, ISBN 978-1-4039-1191-9.


  • DeRocher, James E.; Miron, Murray S.; Patten, Sam M.; Pratt, Charles C. (1973), The Counting of Words: A Review of the History, Techniques and Theory of Word Counts with Annotated Bibliography (PDF), Syracuse University Research Corporation, p. 302, ED098814.
  • Rothman, Chuck (2005), Word Counts: What Is a Word?, Science Fiction Writers of America. An article on various word count methods in fiction publishing.
  • Michaels, Melisa (2005), Focusing on the Wrong Things, Science Fiction Writers of America, archived from the original on April 17, 2009 An article on the relative importance of various word count methods in fiction publishing.

Updated: 04/30/2020 by

word count

A word count is a numerical count of the number of words in a document, file, or string of text. Below are different methods on how to get a word count on a computer.

Word count example

Below is an example of a sentence containing several words. If you had this sentence in a program capable of counting words, it would return «9» as the word count.

In this example sentence, the word count is nine.

Keep in mind that most programs count words by looking for any text separated by spaces in the line. If you had the following example of text, it would also return «9» as the word count.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Getting a word count in a program

There are many programs you may already have installed or can install on your computer to get a word count.

  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Word Perfect
  • Notepad++
  • TextPad

Getting a word count in Microsoft Word

In Microsoft Word, the word count feature is found in the Tools menu or on the Review tab.

Word Count feature in Microsoft Word


The word count feature in Microsoft Word also displays the number of pages, characters (with and without spaces), paragraphs, and lines in the document.


If the Microsoft Word status bar is shown at the bottom, it also shows the document’s word count. If the status bar is shown but does not show the word count, right-click the status bar, and make sure that the Word count option has a checkmark.

Count the words in Google Docs

In Google Docs, you can find the word count feature by clicking Tools in the menu bar and select Word count. You can also press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C.

Word Count feature in Google Docs

Count the words in WordPerfect

In Corel WordPerfect for Windows, the word count feature is found under Document information in the File menu.

Viewing the word count in Notepad++

In Notepad++, you can find the word count feature by clicking View in the menu bar and selecting Summary.

Viewing word count in TextPad

In TextPad, you can find the word count feature by clicking View in the menu bar and selecting Document Properties. You can also press the keyboard shortcut Alt+Enter.

Word Count feature in Textpad

An example of getting a word count in programming

In computer programming, there are several ways to get a word count of a variable or other text. Below is one example of how you could get a word count of a variable using Perl.


Some programming languages may have a function that calculates and shows a word count.

use strict;
my $example = "Hello, this is an example";
my @example = split(/ /, $example);
my $countwords = $#example + 1; print "There are $countwords words in '$example'.n";

In the example above, we first define the «$example» variable with some generic text as an example. Next, we split that variable by spaces and add each word in to an array. Once the words are loaded to an array, we can count the elements and add one because the count starts as «0» and not «1».

There are five words in 'Hello, this is an example'.

As mentioned earlier, this is one of several ways you could count the words in a file, variable, or other text. The example above, or any other method, could also be made into a subroutine, allowing you to call it throughout the script.

How to View the word count of any text with online tools

There are many online tools to count the number of words in your document. To use an online service, copy any text, and then paste the text into the online tool.

  • How to copy and paste text to a document or another program.

Online services

  • Use our free online text tool to get a word count of any text.
  • Wordcounter

How to get a word count in Linux

In Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems such as macOS, BSD, or WSL, use the wc command to count words.

You can pipe any text to wc (with no options) to view a count of lines, words, and characters in the text:

echo -e "One two three fourn five"
One two three four
echo -e "One two three fourn five" | wc
       2       5      25

Use the -w option to count words only:

echo -e "One two three fourn five" | wc -w

Provide one or more file names to wc to get a count for each file, and display a grand total:

wc -w words.txt words2.txt
       5 words.txt
       5 words2.txt
      10 total
  • For more information, see Linux wc command help and examples.

How to do a word count in HTML

Counting the words in HTML can be difficult because of the HTML tags and their contained attributes. For example, counting the words on this page with HTML gives us 3,112 words. However, if we were to remove the HTML, it would reduce the word count to 1,212. Unfortunately, removing HTML tags can also still include text you may not want to be counted.

To count HTML words, open the web page in a browser, highlight and copy the text, and then paste it into a program or online service capable of counting words. With the same text we used above, using this method gave us a word count of 1,082 on this page.

  • Getting a word count in a program.
  • Viewing the word count of any text with online tools.
  • How to copy and paste text to a document or another program.

If you need to get the word count of a web page or text on a web page frequently, you can also install a browser add-on designed to get the word count.

  • How to add extensions or add-ons to your browser.

Why would someone need to do a word count?

A word count is often needed because a writing project or assignment has a minimum length. For example, when writing a report for school or an article for a web page, it may have a minimum word count of 1,000. Using the word count helps verify you’re meeting or exceeding the requirement.

Software terms, Tally, Word

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Are you looking for an easy way to check the word count in your Microsoft Word document? Word has an easy-to-use, built-in tool that keeps track of your word count in each of its versions, including desktop, mobile or online. This wikiHow article will teach you how to view the word count for a section of text or your entire document in Microsoft Word.

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 1


    Launch Microsoft Word. This can be done by double clicking on the Word icon on your desktop, in your Taskbar (Windows) or Dock (Mac). If you don’t see an icon, click on the ‘Start» menu in the lower left of your PC’s screen. Click on the ‘All Programs» drop down and select Microsoft Word.[1]

    • On Mac, click on the Launchpad (a gray rocketship) icon in your dock. Type ‘Word’ in the search bar at the top of the screen.
  2. Image titled Convert a Microsoft Word Document to PDF Format Step 16


    Navigate to an existing document. To open a document, go to the File menu, and then click on Open. A dialog box will appear with a list of available documents.[2]


  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 3


    Select a document. In the dialog box, navigate to the document you wish to open. Select the document, and once it’s highlighted, click on Open in the lower right of the dialog box.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 4


    Select Tools. Once your document is open, select the Tools menu at the top center of the window.[3]

    • This step only applies to a MAC OS.
  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 5


    Scroll to Word Count. In the Tools menu dropdown, click on «Word Count.»

    • If you’re not using a Mac, you won’t see any Tools heading at the top. In this case, go to the Review tab at the top of your document. Once there, you’ll see «Word Count» on the left-hand side of the section.
  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 6


    Review your word count. A box will open displaying the number of words, as well as the number of characters, paragraphs, lines and pages, contained in your document.

    • In many documents, the word count is displayed live on the left side of the bottom bar of the document window. Click on this word count to get additional information, such as the number of pages and characters.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 7


    Place your cursor at the beginning of the text you wish to count. Click on the beginning of the sentence, paragraph or section of text for which you want a word count.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 8


    Highlight the section of text. Drag your cursor to the end of the text section, which should now be highlighted in blue.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 9


    Click on the Tools menu. Select the Tools menu at the top center of the document window.

  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 10


    Click on Word Count. Select Word Count from the Tools menu dropdown. A box displaying the number of words, characters, lines, pages and paragraphs will appear on the screen.

    • The word count for a selected portion of text will usually be displayed in the bottom bar of your document.
  5. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 11


    Launch the Microsoft Word mobile app. On your smartphone or tablet, tap on the Word app to launch it.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 12


    Open a document. The app will usually open the last document you were working on. If not, you will see a list of recently-opened files. Tap on the file you wish to work on.

  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 13


    Tap the Edit menu. Once your document is open, tap on the Edit menu (a capital «A» with a pencil icon) on top center of your screen. The Edit menu will open in the bottom half of your screen.

    • In Word for iPad, simply tap on the «Review» menu at the top center of the tablet’s screen.
  4. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 14


    Tap on «Home.» Home is located on the left side of the Edit menu bar. This will open a pop-up menu.

  5. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 15


    Tap on «Review.» The Review menu is near the bottom of the Edit menu pop-up.

  6. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 16


    Tap on «Word Count.» Word Count is near the bottom of the Review menu. When you tap it, the number of words, characters and pages in your document will be displayed.

    • In Word for iPad, word count is an icon, several lines with the numbers «123» displayed in the upper left, in the main menu bar under the Review menu.
    • Highlight a section of text by tapping on it with your fingers, then tap on Word Count to display the number of words in the highlighted portion of your document.
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 17


    Launch Word online. Navigate to and log in with your Microsoft ID and password or choose to use the free version.

  2. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 18


    Open a document. On the left side of your screen, select a recent document.

    • If you don’t see the document you want to edit, select Open from One Drive or Open from Dropbox in the lower left corner of the window.
  3. Image titled Check a Word Count in Microsoft Word Step 19


    Review the word count. Once you have an open document, check the bottom left, side of the document. The word count automatically appears in the lower scroll bar.

  4. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I select the area to word count in Word 2016?

    Community Answer

    Highlight the passage; it should show the word count.

  • Question

    When I am in the header area, Word will not show me a word count. What can I do?

    Community Answer

    Select all of the words in the header and the word count for the words you highlighted will be displayed in the word count box on the status bar.

  • Question

    I don’t see Word Count in the lower left corner. Why not?

    Community Answer

    Right click on the status bar and click on «Word Count» so that it has a tick next to it.

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  • On Word for PC/Mac, make sure the Microsoft Word window is fully maximized. Otherwise, the window can be moved within your viewable area, and the Word Count in the lower portion of the document could be hidden.

  • To ensure the word count is always visible in your documents, select View from the Preferences menu in the upper left corner of your Mac or PC. The check the box to the left of «Live Word Count.»

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

1. Open the document.
2. Find the word count at the bottom-left corner.
3. Click the word count for more info.
4. Highlight a section to see the word count for that section.

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