Use of the word comprising

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Introduction Southeast Asia is an imagined region comprising eleven independent countries.

Юго-Восточная Азия — географический регион включающий 11 поразительно не схожих меж собою стран.

All congresses held to date formed a network comprising more than two thousand scientists.

Все конгрессы, проведенные до сегодняшнего дня, сформировали сеть, объединяющую в себе более двух тысяч ученых.

They mentioned 14 musical genres comprising 545 artists.

Они упомянули 14 музыкальных жанров, состоящих из 545 артистов.

That official should be supported by a unit comprising staff currently responsible for operational activities.

Для оказания ему поддержки следует создать подразделение, состоящее из тех сотрудников, которые в настоящее время отвечают за оперативную деятельность.

The three sources comprising agency expenditure grew at different rates.

Наблюдались различия в темпах роста расходов из трех источников по линии учреждений.

Methods of making and compositions comprising antibodies are particularly contemplated.

В частности, рассматриваются способ изготовления и композиции, включающие в себя антитела.

Our class size is normally between 10-20 comprising a combination of full and part-time students.

Наш размер класса, как правило, в диапазоне 10-20, содержащая комбинацию полных и частичных времени студенты.

We found 24 studies comprising 9,997 participants.

Мы нашли 24 исследования, в которых приняли участие 9997 человек.

This foundation degree has two stages, each comprising 120 credits.

Эта квалификация состоит из трех этапов, каждая из которых включает 120 кредитов.

Hungary described the evaluation of comments as comprising factual, professional and legal analyses.

Венгрия описала процесс оценки замечаний, которые включал в себя проведение анализа фактов, анализа технических и правовых вопросов.

Childhood is seen as a continuum comprising different stages, each to be addressed differently.

Детство можно рассматривать как постоянный процесс, состоящий из нескольких этапов, к каждому из которых необходимо подходить по-разному.

Myanmar is a multi-ethnic nation comprising over 100 races.

Each programme targets a broad group comprising both occupationally handicapped persons and ordinary job-seekers.

Каждая программа нацелена на широкую группу, включающую как лиц с профессиональными заболеваниями, так и обычных желающих найти работу.

The aggregate would then refer to a sector comprising complete real businesses.

Таким образом, агрегированный показатель будет относиться к сектору, состоящему из цельных реальных предприятий.

The latter are larger territorial units comprising one or more municipalities.

Округа представляют собой более крупные территориальные образования, в состав которых входит один или несколько муниципалитетов.

Renewable energy dominates the 2006 portfolio, comprising two thirds of allocations.

Доминирующую часть портфеля 2006 года составляют возобновляемые источники энергии, на долю которых приходится две трети ассигнований.

They are exercised and tested by emergency response teams comprising operators and authorities.

Они осуществляются и опробываются группами по безотлагательным мерам в случае чрезвычайной ситуации, в состав которых входят операторы и представители государственных органов.

Regional data sets comprising thousands of sites were routinely modelled.

Согласно стандартной методологии, в модели включаются наборы региональных данных, охватывающих тысячи участков.

It has 20 members, including academic institutions and networks comprising over 200 institutions.

В настоящее время в нее входят 20 членов, включая образовательные учреждения и сети, объединяющие свыше 200 учреждений.

The present invention provides a clock comprising a clock mechanism 10.

Кроме того, изобретение относится к часам 100, содержащим один такой часовой механизм 10.

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Proper Usage of Comprise

Comprise, in its simplest form, means “to contain.” For example, you could correctly say, «The farm comprises ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs.» This is just like saying, «The farm contains ten cows, three horses, five sheep, and four pigs.»

How do you use the word comprising?

verb (used with object), com·prised, com·pris·ing.

  1. to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised several socialist republics.
  2. to consist of; be composed of: The advisory board comprises six members.
  3. to form or constitute: Seminars and lectures comprised the day’s activities.

Is comprising of grammatically correct?

The correct version put forward by grammar guides is to use «composed of» or «comprises» such as «the cake is composed of flour and eggs» or «comprises flour and eggs.» Beginning in the early 20th century, a number of usage guides decided that there was something wrong with the way that some writers used comprise.

Is comprising followed by of?

Yes, «composed of» is the correct form. The phrase «comprised of» is never correct to usage purists despite its regular appearance in writing. If you want to be correct in the eyes of discriminating readers, use «composed of.» If you like the look and sound of comprise, you can still use it correctly.

What does comprising mean?

: to be made up of (something) : to include or consist of (something) : to make up or form (something) See the full definition for comprise in the English Language Learners Dictionary. comprise. verb.

29 related questions found

What does it mean if something is compromised?

What does «compromised» mean? «Compromised» is a nice way of saying that someone or something has maliciously broken into your computer without your knowledge or permission. It means that you can’t trust the integrity of any file (program, document, spreadsheet, image, etc.) on your computer.

What is a good sentence for compromise?

Compromise sentence example. Even where a warrant for possession is issued, the parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction. The plan would compromise the operational effectiveness of the armed forces. With these compromise agreements we have a choice.

Is comprised of example?

For example, you might say, “A full pack comprises 52 cards.” The pack is the whole shebang, so it comes first in the sentence. It would be wrong to say, “Fifty-two cards comprise a full pack.” Likewise, America comprises 50 states, not fifty states comprise America.

What is difference between comprise and compose?

Let’s take a closer look at the definitions to put this in context: comprise is a verb that means “to include or contain” or “to consist of” as in The pie comprises 8 slices. Compose means “to be or constitute a part of element of” or “to make up or form the basis of,” as in Eight slices compose the pie.

What is difference between comprise and consist?

As verbs the difference between comprise and consist

is that comprise is to be made up of; to consist of (especially a comprehensive list of parts) while consist is (obsolete|intransitive) to exist, to be.

Why is comprised wrong?

The authors of The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation state that comprised of is never correct because the word comprise by itself already means «composed of». CliffsNotes says «don’t use the phrase ‘is comprised of'» and does not include an explanation.

What does appeasing someone mean?

transitive verb. 1 : pacify, conciliate especially : to make concessions to (someone, such as an aggressor or a critic) often at the sacrifice of principles appeased the dictator by accepting his demands Placaters, who try hard to appease others so as to keep the peace, fear getting hurt in some way. —

Is consisting of correct?

Almost always used with the preposition «of,» the verb consist means to be made up of, or composed of something. A heated conversation might consist of only two words: «yes» and «no.» If you’re talking about something that is made up of other things, consist is your word. A molecule consists of atoms and their bonds.

Is it composed or comprised of?

Comprise means “to include” or “to be composed of.” A basketball team comprises five players. … It’s common for speakers to say that a basketball team “is comprised of five players” instead of “is composed of five players.” If you want to be completely safe from criticism, you should use composed of and not comprised of.

Is it effect or affect?

Here is a basic guideline for affect or effect that can help clarify how to use the two words correctly: Generally, we use affect as a verb (an action word) and effect as a noun (an object word).

What comprises a sentence?

A complete sentence must: begin with a capital letter, end with a punctuation mark (period, question mark, or exclamation point), and contain at least one main clause. A main clause includes an independent subject and verb to express a complete thought.

What are examples of compromise?

The definition of a compromise is when two sides give up some demands to meet somewhere in the middle. An example of compromise is a teenager wanting to come home at midnight, while their parent wants them to come home at 10pm, they end up agreeing upon 11pm.

Which sentence is distraught used correctly?

His family were too distraught to speak yesterday. Most of them were absolutely distraught. The mother was distraught — she was being sick. The cousin’s distraught mum arrived just as her comatose son was discovered.

How do you use three fifths compromise in a sentence?

Even though slavery was eventually outlawed and the three-fifths compromise overturned, the spirit of the law lived on. The three-fifths compromise ensured Southern states enough votes in the House to stave off attempts to regulate or abolish slavery.

What is the difference between sacrifice and compromise?

Key Difference: Sacrifice is about giving up something. It is mostly not driven by any form of selfishness. On the other hand, compromise is a kind of settlement where a person reduces or lowers his demand. Unlike compromise, sacrifice is not done in order to achieve something beneficial.

What are two types of compromise?

The fairness relating to compromise can be of two types: procedural or end-state.

Why you should never compromise your values?

To never compromise your values means: You maintain your integrity at all times, no matter what the consequences are. You respect yourself as much as those who are important to you. You speak your truth, even if it affects your relationships.

DO YOU USE OF After comprise?

A quick look in a decent online dictionary is advisable: comprise Usage: The use of of after comprise should be avoided: the library comprises (not comprises of) 500 000 books and manuscripts Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged Collins.

  • 1

    English-Russian short dictionary > comprising

  • 2

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > comprising

  • 3

    comprising охват

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > comprising

  • 4

    4) Деловая лексика: охват

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > comprising

  • 5

    содержащий; включающий ; состоящий из

    * * *

    включающий в себя; содержащий

    Patent terms dictionary > comprising

  • 6


    включающий в себя; содержащий

    New terms dictionary > comprising

  • 7





    Новый англо-русский словарь > comprising

  • 8





    English-Russian smart dictionary > comprising

  • 9

    English-Russian mining dictionary > comprising

  • 10

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > comprising

  • 11
    comprising :

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > comprising :

  • 12
    ready-made panel (comprising all necessary components)

    1. панель комплексная

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > ready-made panel (comprising all necessary components)

  • 13
    Ave Maria (A principal prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, comprising three parts addressed to the Virgin Mary)


    молитва «Аве Мария»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Ave Maria (A principal prayer of the Roman Catholic Church, comprising three parts addressed to the Virgin Mary)

  • 14
    Bible (The sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Bible (The sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament)

  • 15
    Book of the Prophet Isaiah (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament comprising 66 chapters)


    «Книга Пророка Исайи»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Book of the Prophet Isaiah (One of the major prophetical writings of the Old Testament comprising 66 chapters)

  • 16
    Church of Pakistan (Denomination inaugurated in Pakistan in 1970 and comprising former Anglican, Methodist, Scottish Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches and mission bodies)


    Церковь Пакистана

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Church of Pakistan (Denomination inaugurated in Pakistan in 1970 and comprising former Anglican, Methodist, Scottish Presbyterian, and Lutheran churches and mission bodies)

  • 17
    Former Prophets (One of the two sections of Nevi’im comprising Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings)


    «Ранние Пророки»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Former Prophets (One of the two sections of Nevi’im comprising Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings)

  • 18
    Great Kanon (A cycle by Andrew of Crete comprising 250 troparions that narrate the entire Old Testament and New Testament)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Great Kanon (A cycle by Andrew of Crete comprising 250 troparions that narrate the entire Old Testament and New Testament)

  • 19
    Italo-Albanian Church (An Eastern-rite member of the Roman Catholic communion, comprising the descendants of ancient Greek colonists in southern Italy and Sicily and 15th-century Albanian refugees from Ottoman rule)


    Итало-албанская церковь

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Italo-Albanian Church (An Eastern-rite member of the Roman Catholic communion, comprising the descendants of ancient Greek colonists in southern Italy and Sicily and 15th-century Albanian refugees from Ottoman rule)

  • 20
    Latter Prophets (One of the two sections of Nevi’im comprising the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets)


    «Поздние Пророки»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Latter Prophets (One of the two sections of Nevi’im comprising the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Prophets)


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • comprising — index comprehensive, inclusive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Comprising — Comprise Com*prise , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Comprised}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Comprising}.] [From F. compris, comprise, p. p. of comprendre, L. comprehendere. See {Comprehend}.] To comprehend; to include. [1913 Webster] Comprise much matter in few words …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • comprising — com·prise || kÉ™m praɪz v. include; be composed of …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Fort Greene Park — comprising 30.2 acres (122,000 m sup2;).The park includes the high ground where the Continental Army built Fort Putnam during the American Revolutionary War. The site was chosen and the construction supervised by General Nathanael Greene. During… …   Wikipedia

  • List of rulers of the Mossi state of Wogodogo — Comprising part of Burkina Faso, Wogodogo is the imperial premier Mossi State.Moogo naaba = Ruler Sources * See also *Burkina Faso **Mossi states ***Rulers of the Mossi state of Gurunsi ***Rulers of the Mossi… …   Wikipedia

  • Yale Babylonian Collection — Comprising some 45,000 items, the Yale Babylonian Collection is an independent branch of the Yale University Library housed on the Yale University campus in Sterling Memorial Library at New Haven, Connecticut, United States.Established by the… …   Wikipedia

  • heterogeneous — Comprising elements with various and dissimilar properties. * * * het·ero·ge·neous .het ə rə jē nē əs, .he trə , nyəs adj not uniform in structure or composition <tumors which have a heterogeneous composition by reason of structure and… …   Medical dictionary

  • hepatopancreas — Comprising a number of caeca lying alongside the hindgut which are involved in producing digestive enzymes and in absorbing the products of digestion [Holdich and Jones, 1983]. considerable proportion of the space within the body cavity (Fig. 7)… …   Crustacea glossary

  • Pôle Nord-Palais d’Été —    Comprising the north wing of covered markets built on rue Grétry in 1873 1874, which was used for commercial purposes until 1890, the Pôle Nord was inaugurated on 25 December 1893 as a skating rink and used as such from December to March each… …   Historical Dictionary of Brussels

  • Wales —    Comprising the western peninsula of the island of Britain, Wales was officially part of England since 1536. The last independent Welsh prince, Llywelyn ap Gruffydd, died in 1283, after which Wales was administered directly by England and in… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

  • Karenni States —    Comprising what is now Kayah (Karenni) State, they were five principalities under the authority of Karenni (Kayah) rulers who entered into a subordinate alliance with the British government outside of the sovereignty of British India in 1875.… …   Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)


participle причастие

















  1. содержащий

  2. входящий

  3. объединяющий

  4. включающий в себя

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений comprising на 1 миллион слов: 22.

Примеры предложений

He wrote an appendix comprising more than half the length of the total document.
Он написал приложение, занимающее более половины объема всего документа.

The Kalmar Union, comprising Sweden, Denmark and Norway, broke apart in 1523.
Кальмарский союз, в который входили Швеция, Дания и Норвегия, распался в 1523 году.


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Текст на английском (обязательно):

Перевод на русский:


to include all; contain: Fifty states comprise the Union.

Not to be confused with:

compose – create or put together; constitute; to calm one’s mind or body: After the accident, it took me a long time to compose myself.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree



tr.v. com·prised, com·pris·ing, com·pris·es

1. To be composed of or contain: The staff comprises eight physicians, two dozen nurses, and various administrative people. See Synonyms at include.

2. Usage Problem To compose; make up; constitute: the countries and territories that comprised the British Empire.

[Middle English comprisen, from Old French compris, past participle of comprendre, to include, from Latin comprehendere, comprēndere; see comprehend.]

com·pris′a·ble adj.

Usage Note: The traditional rule states that the whole comprises the parts and the parts compose the whole. In strict usage: The Union comprises 50 states. Fifty states compose (or make up) the Union. Even though many writers maintain this distinction, comprise is often used in place of compose, especially in the passive: The Union is comprised of 50 states. Our surveys show that opposition to this usage has abated but has not disappeared. In the 1960s, 53 percent of the Usage Panel found this usage unacceptable; by 1996, the proportion objecting had declined to 35 percent; and by 2011, it had fallen a bit more, to 32 percent. See Usage Note at include.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



vb (tr)

1. to include; contain

2. to constitute the whole of; consist of: her singing comprised the entertainment.

[C15: from French compris included, understood, from comprendre to comprehend]

comˈprisable adj

comˈprisal n

Usage: The use of of after comprise should be avoided: the library comprises (not comprises of) 500 000 books and manuscripts

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -prised, -pris•ing.

1. to include or contain: The Soviet Union comprised several republics.

2. to consist of; be composed of: The advisory board comprises six members.

3. to form or constitute: Seminars and lectures comprised the day’s activities.


be comprised of, to consist of; be composed of: The sales network is comprised of independent outlets and chain stores.

[1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French compris, past participle of comprendre < Latin comprehēndere; see comprehend]

com•pris′a•ble, adj.

com•pris′al, n.

usage: comprise has had an interesting history of sense development. In addition to its original senses, dating from the 15th century, “to include” and “to consist of” (The United States of America comprises 50 states), comprise has had since the late 18th century the meaning “to form or constitute” (Fifty states comprise the United States of America). Since the late 19th century it has also been used in passive constructions with a sense synonymous with one of its original meanings, “to consist of, be composed of”: The United States of America is comprised of 50 states. These later uses are often criticized, but they occur with increasing frequency even in formal speech and edited writing.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. ‘comprise’

You say that something comprises particular things when you are mentioning all its parts.

The village’s facilities comprised one public toilet and two telephones.

2. ‘be composed of’ and ‘consist of’

You can also say that something is composed of or consists of particular things. There is no difference in meaning.

The body is composed of many kinds of cells, such as muscle, bone, nerve, and fat.

The committee consists of scientists and engineers.

Be Careful!
Don’t use a passive form of consist of. Don’t say, for example, ‘The committee is consisted of scientists and engineers‘.

3. ‘constitute’

Constitute works in the opposite way to the verbs just mentioned. If a number of things or people constitute something, they are the parts or members that form it.

Volunteers constitute more than 95% of The Center’s work force.

4. ‘make up’

Make up can be used in either an active or passive form. In its active form, it has the same meaning as constitute.

Women made up two-fifths of the audience.

In its passive form, it is followed by of and has the same meaning as be composed of.

All substances are made up of molecules.

Nearly half the Congress is made up of lawyers.

Be Careful!
Don’t use a progressive form of any of these verbs. Don’t say, for example, ‘The committee is consisting of scientists and engineers‘.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: comprised
Gerund: comprising

I comprise
you comprise
he/she/it comprises
we comprise
you comprise
they comprise
I comprised
you comprised
he/she/it comprised
we comprised
you comprised
they comprised
Present Continuous
I am comprising
you are comprising
he/she/it is comprising
we are comprising
you are comprising
they are comprising
Present Perfect
I have comprised
you have comprised
he/she/it has comprised
we have comprised
you have comprised
they have comprised
Past Continuous
I was comprising
you were comprising
he/she/it was comprising
we were comprising
you were comprising
they were comprising
Past Perfect
I had comprised
you had comprised
he/she/it had comprised
we had comprised
you had comprised
they had comprised
I will comprise
you will comprise
he/she/it will comprise
we will comprise
you will comprise
they will comprise
Future Perfect
I will have comprised
you will have comprised
he/she/it will have comprised
we will have comprised
you will have comprised
they will have comprised
Future Continuous
I will be comprising
you will be comprising
he/she/it will be comprising
we will be comprising
you will be comprising
they will be comprising
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been comprising
you have been comprising
he/she/it has been comprising
we have been comprising
you have been comprising
they have been comprising
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been comprising
you will have been comprising
he/she/it will have been comprising
we will have been comprising
you will have been comprising
they will have been comprising
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been comprising
you had been comprising
he/she/it had been comprising
we had been comprising
you had been comprising
they had been comprising
I would comprise
you would comprise
he/she/it would comprise
we would comprise
you would comprise
they would comprise
Past Conditional
I would have comprised
you would have comprised
he/she/it would have comprised
we would have comprised
you would have comprised
they would have comprised

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Verb 1. comprise — be composed of; «The land he conquered comprised several provinces»; «What does this dish consist of?»

be — have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); «John is rich»; «This is not a good answer»

2. comprise — include or contain; have as a component; «A totally new idea is comprised in this paper»; «The record contains many old songs from the 1930’s»

include — have as a part, be made up out of; «The list includes the names of many famous writers»

3. comprise — form or compose; «This money is my only income»; «The stone wall was the backdrop for the performance»; «These constitute my entire belonging»; «The children made up the chorus»; «This sum represents my entire income for a year»; «These few men comprise his entire army»

make — constitute the essence of; «Clothes make the man»

compose — form the substance of; «Greed and ambition composed his personality»

form, constitute, make — to compose or represent:»This wall forms the background of the stage setting»; «The branches made a roof»; «This makes a fine introduction»

straddle, range — range or extend over; occupy a certain area; «The plants straddle the entire state»

fall into, fall under — be included in or classified as; «This falls under the rubric ‘various'»

pose, present — introduce; «This poses an interesting question»

supplement — serve as a supplement to; «Vitamins supplemented his meager diet»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. make up, form, constitute, compose Women comprise 44% of hospital medical staff.

Usage: The use of of after comprise should be avoided: the library comprises (not comprises of) 6500,000 books and manuscripts. Consist, however, should be followed by of when used in this way: Her crew consisted of children from Devon and Cornwall.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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