Use of the word chairman

председатель, председательствовать


- председатель

Chairman of the Council of Ministers — председатель совета министров
Mr. [Madame] Chairman — господин [госпожа] председатель

- ист. носильщик портшеза


- председательствовать

he chairmanned an important committee — он возглавлял важную комиссию

- быть председателем (какой-л. организации)

Мои примеры


the chairman of the airline company — президент авиакомпании  
the longtime chairman of the committee — многолетний председатель этого комитета  
chairman of the board — председатель совета директоров компании  
programme chairman — руководитель программы  
vice chairman — вице-председатель  
project chairman — председатель проекта  
chairman of board — председатель правления (банка)  
in his capacity as a chairman — в качестве председателя, будучи председателем  
chairman of committee — председатель комитета  
chairman of meeting — председатель собрания  
bow to the chairman’s decision — подчиниться решению председателя  
address the chairman — обратиться к председателю собрания; обращаться к председателю  

Примеры с переводом

He was nominated as vice chairman.

Он был назначен на должность вице-председателя.

Our chairman always goes by the rules.

Наш председатель всегда действует по правилам.

Do you always go with the chairman?

Ты всегда заодно с председателем?

Mr Howard was chairman [acted as a chairman]

Мистер Говард был председателем.

He was confirmed in his position as chairman.

Его утвердили на пост председателя.

He was ousted as chairman.

Его сместили с поста председателя.

The chairman ended the meeting at ten o’clock.

Председатель завершил собрание в 10 часов.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

A new chairman was voted in.

The chairman then took the floor.

Barrett serves as vice chairman.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): chairman
мн. ч.(plural): chairmen

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I think Chairman Kim was hopeful that we would.

Я думаю, председатель Ким надеялся, что мы это сделаем.

The Chairman recalled the background to the process since 1991.

Председатель кратко остановился на истории процесса, который начался в 1991 году.

You know what I mean, Mr Chairman.

Вы знаете, господин Президент, что я имею в виду.

1993 Chairman of several arbitration tribunals.

С 1993 года по Председатель нескольких арбитражных коллегий.

The Chairman made a substantive statement on disarmament issues.

Председатель выступил с основным заявлением по пунктам повестки дня, касающимся разоружения.

The Chairman said that procedure would delay the discussion unnecessarily.

Председатель выразил мнение, что эта просьба приведет к ненужной задержке в обсуждениях.

The Chairman noted that there was broad consensus on the principles underlying those articles.

Председатель отметил, что по принципам, лежащим в основе этих статей, было достигнуто широкое согласие.

The Chairman of CCAQ noted that the simulation tests raised some very important questions.

Председатель ККАВ отметил, что в результате проведения проверок при помощи иммитационного моделирования были затронуты некоторые очень важные вопросы.

Chairman Mao is the red sun in our hearts.

«Председатель Мао — это красное солнце в наших сердцах».

The Chairman visited Baghdad from 19 to 22 June 1996.

Председатель находился в Багдаде с визитом с 19 по 22 июня 1996 года.

I even went to China to meet Chairman Mao.

Я даже поехал в Китай, чтобы встретиться с председателем Мао.

Chairman of the Subcommittee on good-neighbourliness, 1987.

Председатель Подкомитета по вопросу о добрососедских отношениях, 1987 год.

Chairman of an investigating board under the Consultants Common Contract.

Председатель совета по проведению расследований в рамках Общего соглашения об оказании консультативной помощи.

The Chairman then called for nominations for Vice-Chairmen and Rapporteur.

З. Затем Председатель предложил перейти к выдвижению кандидатов на должности заместителей Председателя и Докладчика.

Chairman Risto Siilasmaa explains why-and how.

Председатель Ристо Сииласмаа (Risto Siilasmaa) объясняет, почему и как.

Mugo Kibati is Chairman of M-KOPA Solar.

Муго Кибати (Mugo Kibati) — является председателем кенийской компании M-Kopa Solar.

1980, Chairman, African Group, United Nations.

1980 год — Председатель Группы африканских государств в Организации Объединенных Наций.

The Chairman said that he would soon be introducing a Chairman‘s working paper and welcomed suggestions in that regard.

Председатель заявляет, что вскоре представит рабочий документ Председателя и предлагает вносить предложения в этой связи.

The Chairman welcomed the participants and thanked the previous Chairman and Bureau for their achievements.

Председатель приветствовал участников и выразил признательность предыдущему Председателю и Бюро за успешные результаты работы.

In closing the session, the Chairman noted that this was his last meeting as Chairman of the SBSTA.

При закрытии сессии Председатель отметил, что на этом совещании он исполнял функции Председателя ВОКНТА в последний раз.

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the chairman of the airline company

the chairman called the meeting to order

Recent Examples on the Web

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Andrea Estes,, 6 Apr. 2023

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect that the letter was from the Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Jim Jordan, and did not include chairs of other committees.

Graham Kates, CBS News, 6 Apr. 2023

By 2022, problems with CARIAD’s development and buggy software for the launch of the ID.3 and ID.4 EVs saw VW Group fire its chairman, Herbert Diess, along with multiple reports of delays to future group vehicles, including the electric Porsche Macan.

Jonathan M. Gitlin, Ars Technica, 6 Apr. 2023

In 2017, insurance giant Anbang warned shareholders that its chairman, Wu Xiaohui, wouldn’t be able to carry out his duties after he was reportedly detained by authorities as part of a government investigation.

Laura He, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

With the collapse of Credit Suisse—sparked in part by a blunt television answer from Saudi National Bank’s chairman—the value of that stake has plunged by $1.2 billion.

Nicholas Gordon, Fortune, 4 Apr. 2023

American Media’s former chairman, David Pecker, testified to the grand jury that indicted Trump.

Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle, 4 Apr. 2023

Netflix’s film chairman, Scott Stuber, said the marketing department under Ms. Lee was more in tune with the content side of the company.

Nicole Sperling, New York Times, 3 Apr. 2023

At the same time, the speaker has called on conservative committee chairmen — including close Trump ally Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who heads the Judiciary panel — to investigate whether Bragg used federal funds in his investigation.

Arit John, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

Emmerich was promoted to chairman the following year.

Ryan Faughnder, Los Angeles Times, 1 June 2022

The tax code gives the Ways and Means chairman the ability to request any tax returns from the Treasury Department and says that the Treasury secretary shall provide those returns.

Richard Rubin, WSJ, 15 Dec. 2021

With board of trustees chairman J. David Grissom preferring to wield his influence off-camera, U of L fans are looking to you for leadership.

Tim Sullivan, The Courier-Journal, 7 Apr. 2018

The new procedure appears to reflect the desire of board of trustees chairman J. David Grissom and interim President Greg Postel to consolidate power.

Tim Sullivan, The Courier-Journal, 27 Mar. 2018

Interim university President Postel is handling the interviewing process, with input from board of trustees chairman J. David Grissom.

Jeff Greer, The Courier-Journal, 3 Oct. 2017

Board of trustees chairman J. David Grissom said the board was unanimous in its support of Postel suspending Jurich and Pitino, though it was later revealed Grissom’s one-on-one polling may have violated state law.

Jeff Greer, The Courier-Journal, 5 Oct. 2017

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘chairman.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

chairman — перевод на русский


Mr. Chairman,

√осподин председатель,

— So Danell is chairman?

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Так ты — председатель, Данелл?

Mr. Chairman!

-Г-н Председатель!

— Sorry, Mr. Chairman.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Извините, г-н председатель.

Who’s a busy man, me? I’m chairman of the board.

Председатель Совета занятой человек?

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That’s the chairman of the bank, the elder Mr. Dawes.

Это президент банка, мистер Доус-старший.

A point of order, Mr. Chairman.

Процедурный вопрос, г-н Президент.

Mr. Chairman will agree, will he not, that all delegates are entitled to share the EUROSEC information.

Г-н Президент согласится, я надеюсь, что все делегаты имеют право доступа к информацию ЕВРОСЕК-а.

Mr. Chairman, I am sure, I am speaking for the whole of the community, when I say, that such a sum is out of the question.

Г-н Президент, я убежден, что я говорю от имени всей Общности, говоря, что о такой же сумме не может быть и речи.

Was that the club chairman? Yeah.

Это был президент клуба?

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Chairman of a nationalized industry. I’d rather be a cabinet minister!

Директор государственной компании, лучше уж быть министром при правительстве!

Chairman, it’s time to welcome the guests.

Директор, пора встречать гостей.

It’s probably best to write that I’m the chairman of the team.

Лучше напишите, что я директор команды.

Chairman. That’s something…

Директор, сейчас не…

The chairman brought him himself.

Его прислал директор.

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You are all on our lists and on top of our lists Is your chairman, Senyor Manolo Cervantes.

Вы все в нашем списке, и в начале этого списка ваш глава, синьор Маноло Сервантес.

This is Pedro Quinn… chairman of the Andes Sugar Corporation.

Это Педро Куин — глава Андской Сахарной Корпорации.

Or the chairman of the board of XYZ decides it’s time to blow out XYZ?

Или если глава XYZ решает, что пора ликвидировать компанию?

The Commodore has gone out on duty to the Supreme Council Chairman’s office.

Глава 24 «Чья победа?» Для многих это была великая битва.

«The Chairman of the Company»-— you know who I’m talking about.

Глава компании. Вы знаете, о ком я.

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And I’m the chairman of the New York Council on Medical Ethics.

И я — председатель комитета по медицинской этике в Нью-Йорке.

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs is waiting for your 0900 briefing.

Председатель комитета начальников штабов ждет вас для совещания в 9:00.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is waiting for you in your office.

Председатель комитета начальников штабов ждет Вас в вашем офисе.

As chairman of the World Criminal Court… I have entrusted my good friend Ambassador Han to lead the fight… against the largest criminal organization in the world.

Как председатель Комитета по Борьбе с Преступностью я поручил своему хорошему другу, послу Хану, вести борьбу с крупнейшей преступной организацией в мире.

There’s much to be learned still, but House Ethics Chairman Zeb Weil reportedly spent more than $82,000 on a single escort over a matter of months.

Осталось еще много вопросов, но, как сообщают, председатель комитета по этике Зэб Вейл потратил более 82,000 долларов на одну и ту же проститутку за несколько месяцев.

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As chairman, I would like to say at the outset…

Как председатель совета я хотела бы начать с того, что…

As Chairman of the Rules Committee… I suggest you spare yourself the embarrassment of an open hearing… and submit your resignation at once.

Как председатель совета, я надеюсь, что вы смиритесь с публичной оглаской и примете ваше немедленное отчисление из клуба.

I am also chairman of the Parents’ Association of the secondary school in Horn.

Я председатель совета родителей старшиклассников.

He was a swell fella but when the president, chairman and owner of 87% of the stock drops 44 floors… 45.

Он был отличным парнем. Но когда президент, председатель совета и владелец контрольного пакета акций, прыгает с 44 этажа… — С 45-го…

I mean, one day you’re the chairman of the miami water resources board, And the next day they won’t even let you in the front door.

Один день вы председатель совета водных ресурсов Майами, а на другой вас даже не пустят в здание через парадную дверь.

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OK, you’re the chairman.

— Ок, ты — Председатель правления!

I am the chairman of this company, Kenzan Kageno.

Я председатель правления этой компании, Кэндзан Кагэно.

JAY: This guy’s the chairman of the board, and he only comes to town and goes to his office one day out of the month.

Он председатель правления, приезжает в город в свой офис только раз в месяц.

The chairman of Selfridge’s wishes to invoke his right to a two-week postponement.

Председатель правления желает использовать право на двухнедельную отсрочку.

The Chairman of Selfridge’s wishes to invoke his right to a two-week postponement, according to Clause 18, Part 2, in the Articles of Association.

Председатель правления желает использовать право на двухнедельную отсрочку, согласно пункту 18, части 2 Устава.

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Mr. Chairman, as a first order of business, let’s fast-track the refunding of drug trials for veterans.

Мистер Чермен, первым делом, давайте ускорим возобновление финансирования на испытания лекарств для ветеранов.

— Mr. Chairman, point of information.

— Мистер Чермен, Суть предложения.

But not everyone does, and therein lies the confusion, Mr. Chairman.

Но далеко не все ее знают, и в этому-то и заключается путаница, мистер Чермен.

Mr. Chairman, this kiosk, where I have enjoyed a coffee and a pastry many times,

Мистер Чермен, этот киоск, где я много раз пил кофе и ел печенье,

— Mr. Chairman,

— Мистер Чермен,

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That was the chairman, Mr. Prentice.

Это был руководитель, мистер Прентайс.

Second, make sure your campaign chairman is also the vote-count woman and that her state hires a company to knock voters off the rolls who aren’t likely to vote for you.

Во-вторых, убедись, что руководитель твоей предвыборной кампании отвечает за подсчет голосов. И в ее штате наняли компанию, вычеркивающую из списков тех избирателей, которые вряд ли за тебя проголосуют.

I’m Jack Rudolph,I’m the Chairman of NBS,I believe the governor’s office mentioned I was coming.

Я — Джек Рудольф, руководитель NBS, вам наверняка звонили из приемной губернатора по нашему поводу.

William bell, founder and chairman of massive dynamic.

Уйилья Белл, основатель и руководитель Мейсив Дайнемикс

Mr. Chairman, would you like to say a few words?

Мистер руководитель, не хотите сказать пару слов?

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You’re the Chairman?


The Chairman comes in a different form to everyone so people rarely realize when it happens.

Верховный является каждому из нас в разных обличьях, но люди редко замечают его приход.

So, the Chairman rewrote it.

Так что Верховный его переписал!

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Terms for the office and its holder include chair, chairperson, chairman, chairwoman, convenor, facilitator, moderator, president, and presiding officer. … The Telegraph style guide bans the use of chair and chairperson; the newspaper’s position, as of 2018, is that «chairman is correct English».

Should I say chair or chairman?

The person in charge of a meeting or organization is referred to as the chair, or sometimes the chairperson. These words can be used to refer to either a man or a woman. … A chairman is a man who is in charge of a meeting or debate. The vicar, full of apologies, took his seat as chairman.

Can a female be called chairman?

A chairman is the leader of a business meeting or group. … The noun chairman can refer to this person, whether male or female, though sometimes a woman is called a chairwoman. These days, it’s more common still to simply call her (or him) a chair.

Is chairman one word or two?

noun, plural chair·men. the presiding officer of a meeting, committee, board, etc.

What kind of word is chairman?

verb (used with object), chair·maned or chair·manned, chair·man·ing or chair·man·ning. to act as or be chairman of (a meeting, committee, etc.).

35 related questions found

Is the chairman the owner?

In basic terms, the Chairman is the head of a board of directors and is in this position because they are elected by the shareholders. The over-arching responsibility of the Chairman is to protect shareholders’ interests and ensure the company is run profitably and in a stable fashion.

How do you address a female chairman?

Use «Madam Chair» or «Madam Chairman» to address a female chair. The term «chairwoman» can be used if there is a particular reason to make the clear distinction that a female is fulfilling the role.

What does a chairperson mean?

a person who presides over a meeting, committee, board, etc. the administrative head of a department in a high school, college, or university.

What are the responsibilities of chairman?

Role of the Chairman

The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board and focusing it on strategic matters, overseeing the Group’s business and setting high governance standards. He plays a pivotal role in fostering the effectiveness of the Board and individual Directors, both inside and outside the board room.

What is the plural of chairman?

noun. chair·​man | ˈcher-mən plural chairmen.

Is chairman higher than CEO?

Who is higher, CEO or chairman? A chairman is technically “higher” than a CEO. A chairman can appoint, evaluate, and fire the CEO. The CEO still holds the highest position in the operational structure of the company, and all other executives answer to the CEO.

What is the salary of a chairman?

Chairman salary in India ranges between ₹ 0.3 Lakhs to ₹ 102.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 23.0 Lakhs. Salary estimates are based on 37 salaries received from Chairmans.

Is chairman higher than President?

The president, commonly also referred to as the chief executive officer, is the top executive in a company responsible for managing a company’s operations and performance. … The chairman presides over the board meetings, but may or may not have actual executive authority.

What is difference between chairman and chairperson?

There is basically no difference between the words chairman and chairperson and they only refer to the fact that the person occupying the chair is a man or a woman. It is better to use the word chairperson, if you are not aware of the gender of the person occupying the chair.

Can you still say chairman?

The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style (2000) suggested that the gender-neutral forms were gaining ground; it advocated chair for both men and women. The Telegraph style guide bans the use of chair and chairperson; the newspaper’s position, as of 2018, is that «chairman is correct English».

How do you address a chairman?

When writing to the Chair of a committee or the Speaker of the House, whether in an email or a physical letter, it is proper to address them as: «Dear Mr. Chairman/Madam Chairwoman,» or «Dear Mr. Speaker.»

How do you greet a chairman?

They are formally addressed as ‘Mr./Ms./Dr./etc. (Name)‘ and are identified as member/chairman of the board of (whatever). ‘Governor’, ‘regent’, ‘director’ might be used orally & informally as an honorific – e.g., ‘Governor (Name) will here in a few minutes.

Who has more power CEO or chairman?

A chairman technically has higher powers than a CEO. Although a CEO is called the “ultimate boss” of a company, they still have to answer to the board of directors, which is headed by the chairman.

Can a chairman be a CEO?

In companies with boards of directors, leadership may include both a chief executive officer (CEO) and a chairman of the board—also called chair, chairperson or COB. CEOs and chairmen may be totally distinct or share some duties and responsibilities. In some instances, one individual holds both titles.

Who gets paid more CEO or chairman?

Glassdoor reports 24 people who have reported their salary in the role of an executive chairman, with the average of all reports being $36,000 per year. … According to, the average CEO salary is much higher, at $758,000 per year, with a top average range close to $1 million.

Who appoints the chairman?

A Chairman is Usually Appointed by Election. Every organisation, while electing the office-bearers, decides at a meeting who will hold what post. The Chairman of a Board of Directors of a company is elected at the first meeting of the Board.

How do you use chairman in a sentence?

1 The chairman has designated her as his successor. 2 The committee voted to re-elect him chairman. 3 The chairman made a few conventional remarks. 4 The dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.

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