Use of the word basically

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


All toothpastes basically contain the same ingredients.

На самом деле, все зубные пасты состоят в основном из одинаковых ингредиентов.

He basically harassed me (laugh).

Но в основном он надо мной уссывался (смеется).

Shame is basically the fear of being unlovable.

Стыд — это, по сути, страх быть пренебреженным.

What was planned was basically a new build.

То, что сделано сейчас, — это, по сути, новое строительство.

It is basically anything that we cannot do.

Это то, что мы в принципе не можем делать.

And then there is everybody else, basically.

А так все остальные там, в принципе, есть.

We were basically homeless and broke.

По сути, мы оказались без дома, и были разорены.

I basically collected two kinds of data.

В основном, я обращала внимание на 2 типа данных.

They were basically palaces on wheels.

Их вагоны были, по сути, дворцами на колесах.

Caps and plugs perform basically the same function but in different ways.

Крышки и заглушки выполняют в основном одну и ту же функцию, но по-разному.

The mantrical spell method basically employs acoustic sigils.

Метод мантрической формулы, в основном, использует акустические символы.

Believe that people are basically good.

Они считают, что люди в основном хорошие.

It happens, basically, every year.

И так получается, по сути, каждый год .

Integral psychology basically includes anything that could help your personal growth.

Интегральная психология в основном включает в себя все, что может помочь вашему личному росту.

Regret is basically our emotional system doing the same thing for non-physical mistakes.

Сожаление — это в основном наша эмоциональная система, делающая то же самое для нефизических ошибок.

Most of them died because they were basically a shield.

Большинство из них погибли, потому что были, по сути, щитом.

So each family could basically make such decisions without major consequences.

Таким образом, каждая семья может в основном принимать такие решения без серьезных последствий.

Make a video that basically promotes everything you want.

Сделайте видео, которое в основном продвигает все, что вы хотите.

Loans basically differ in terms of different factors.

В основном кредиты можно отличить, исходя из разных точек зрения.

In 1922-1927 the formation of both theoretical and clinical departments was basically finished.

В 1922-27 гг. формирование как теоретических, так и клинических кафедр было в основном завершено.

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Some words in English appear much more often than others, and “basically” is one of those very common words in English. “Basically” is a legitimate word and not slang, but we can use “basically” both formally and informally.

It is correct to say “basically,” and we can use “basically” to mean “essentially,” “simply,” or “in a basic manner.” We can use it as part of a larger sentence or as a mild interjection of affirmation. However, many use “basically” just before summarizing a complex idea or before clarifying something.

This article will discuss how to use “basically” properly and avoid incorrect usage. We will also learn how to choose substitutes for “basically” when another expression is more appropriate.

What Does “Basically” Mean?

“Basically” means “fundamentally” or “essentially” (source). The word primarily prepares listeners to receive a simplified explanation of a potentially complicated topic. We use “basically” to capture the core essence of something or its fundamental attributes.

However, sometimes, we use it as a verbal pause for something obviously complicated. A verbal pause is a word that people use to fill empty space in a conversation to gather their thoughts and think of the right way to express their ideas to others.

Try to avoid using “basically” before describing something overly complicated because there are many other words that you can use as a verbal pause. Sometimes “about” or “around” can be good choices for verbal pauses as well.

How Do You Use “Basically”?

“Basically” prepares the listener to cue in on the fact that the speaker is about to explain an idea or a belief. It can also help indicate that the speaker will simplify a complex concept for his audience (source).

Here are a few short examples of using “basically” to simplify a complex idea or at least something that someone else does not understand.

Q: Hey professor, why is Quantum Physics so complicated?

A: Basically, the matter studied in Quantum Physics changes its behavior depending on whether or not someone is watching it.

P1: The GPS said to “turn completely to the right,” but I have no idea what that means.

P2: That basically means that you are going to turn almost all the way around.

Sometimes, people also use “basically” to clarify an important detail in the conversation that their listener may have misunderstood. This usage is pretty similar to the last one. Most would say that they are basically the same!

Using “Basically” in a Full Sentence

It is important to note that “basically” is an adverb. Therefore, it can describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. 

In contrast, its root word, “basic,” is an adjective, and adjectives primarily describe nouns. Here are further examples of how to use “basically.”

Explaining something:

The book’s fourth edition is basically the same as the third, with some added references and charts in the back.

NFTs are basically digital pieces of art that people create and sell. Sometimes, NFTs rise in value because they provide access to talk with artists or simply because of celebrity endorsements.

Agreeing with someone or confirming something:

P1: What are you talking about? Do they think that people will not shoot fireworks simply because they were told not to?

P2: Yeah, basically.

P1: You’ve been asked to work a lot of overtime this week, and I heard your boss just asked you to stay late again. I would be pretty angry if I were you.

P2: If he asks me to stay late next week, I’m basically going to walk out.

During a misunderstanding:

P1: So the coach thinks he can leave five players in for the whole game and not expect to tire them out? This is outrageous! There are over 10 players on the bench.

P2: I think he basically just wants to win. The coach probably feels like the players on the bench just aren’t as good.

P1: I don’t get it. Before, you said that you would create white if you combined all the colors. Now you’re confusing me.

P2: If you combine all the colors of light, the wavelengths will appear as white, but it’s basically the opposite when you combine paint colors. If you combine all the colors of paint, you get black.

Is It Grammatically Correct to Say “Basically?

Using “basically” is, by and large, grammatically correct and easy to use. Still, certain circumstances exist where the word “basically” can obscure the speaker’s intentions.

The mistakes that most often occur when using “basically” are typically stylistic rather than grammatical. As long as the speaker understands that “basically” is an adverb and behaves like one, they will have no issues misusing “basically” in a grammatical sense.

When Can You Use “Basically”?

English speakers use the adverb “basically” very often and in many different circumstances. For instance, it is common to use “basically” when preparing for an explanation or clarification, but you can also use it as a verbal pause.

We use “basically” widely in formal and informal English. Informal English describes how one speaks to equals or subordinates in a non-professional manner. People typically only use colloquial English when addressing others with whom they are very familiar.

On the other hand, formal English describes how professionals speak to one another or how one speaks to others in formal settings. It is more cautious and polite, like when talking to a boss at work.

Be careful when using “basically” as an interjection! If you express yourself incorrectly, your audience may think you are disrespectful or too informal.

For example, if you were explaining something to your boss, you would want to use “basically” in a way that simplifies your message without making them feel slighted.

As a Verbal Pause

Here is a short example of using “basically” as a verbal pause.

Q: What do you think? Are you going to be able to travel much this year?

A: Basically… no. The company has not been able to find suitable replacements for the positions it laid off. So we have had to pick up extra work. Everyone’s schedule is too overbooked for me to travel much this year.

Observe how the speaker uses “basically” to gather their thoughts before providing a full explanation to the person that asked the question. It is sometimes helpful to think of this as a simplification because the speaker condenses all of their many ideas into a few short sentences.

To Summarize

Here is another acceptable example of using “basically” fully integrated into a sentence and not as a verbal pause.

P1: What do you think? Is the company calendar going to undergo another change?

P2: We have taken on too much work to cut anything else out of the schedule. We’re undermanned. Any further changes to the calendar are basically off the table.

In this example, P2 uses “basically” to summarize a set of ideas that P1 is not aware of. They spend a few sentences explaining a brief answer to their question and then summarize it using “basically.”

Now, if the explanation is too long and detailed, “basically” becomes a suboptimal choice compared to many other options — verbal pauses or otherwise. As we’ve demonstrated, your choice of words in English depends upon the context in which you find yourself.

In What Context Can You Use “Basically”?

It is most common to use “basically” in informal circumstances between peers, but many folks can also use “basically” for formal situations. There are just a few situations where you should exercise caution.

Informally, you can use “basically” to accomplish a short variety of different tasks —  simplifying something complicated, agreeing with someone, clarifying something, or even as a means of softly agreeing with something said. Close friends also use it as a verbal pause.

You can use “basically” for formal circumstances as well, but there are certainly more elegant and discreet choices to use instead of “basically.” Since “basically” sees such wide use, it will be more useful to describe the instances where one should avoid its usage.

When Not to Use “Basically”?

Avoid using “basically” when what you are going to explain is quite complicated. “Basically” prepares the listener for a simple explanation, not a lecture. Also, avoid using “basically” in particularly formal circumstances and opt for better alternatives.

Suppose a speaker uses “basically” and follows with a lengthy explanation. In that case, they can come off as passive-aggressive or frustrated, like the listener should have already known why that question would produce such frustration.


If the speaker still wants to use “basically” before their explanation, they can dispel any potential misunderstandings by asking a question before using it.

Here is a short example.

P1: Hey! Make sure you get that task done before lunch!

P2: What are you talking about?

P1: Have you had a chance to check your email?

P2: No, I’m sorry about that.

P1: Oh. It’s no big deal. Basically, the team leader wants a list of who will RSVP for the company outing, so he elected you to create the spreadsheet.

Notice how the speaker uses a question to qualify the listener’s confusion before using “basically” to summarize the overlooked project. In this way, the speaker identifies his interest in where the miscommunication happened and shows that he does not intend to insult the listener.

If he had chosen to omit the question, he would have risked coming across as passive-aggressive. Here is an exaggerated example where the speaker may have been trying to sound genuine but appears annoyed instead.

Speaker: Hey! Make sure you get that task done before lunch!

Listener: What are you talking about?

Speaker: You should basically check your email.

Even if the speaker genuinely meant what they said, their use of “basically” could also mean “at a base level” or “simply,” implying that the listener was not doing their job.

The other circumstance where you should avoid using “basically” is in formal circumstances or with unfamiliar acquaintances. Again, plenty of alternatives will convey a willingness to be warm and cordial instead of “basically.”

Check out our article “Most Definitely: Meaning and Proper Usage” for an example of a common adverbial expression.

What Can You Use Instead of “Basically”?

There are many options to use instead of “basically” in English. 

Some of the more classy alternatives to “basically” include:

  • Fundamentally speaking
  • Essentially
  • Principally
  • Chiefly
  • At heart
  • In a sense
  • What counts is that
  • In the important ways

Some alternative ways that speakers prepare their listeners for a more complicated explanation of something are as follows:

  • If only it were that simple
  • About that, it’s a little more complicated.
  • Around that subject.

Notice how we can use all of these words just like “basically” but produce different effects based on the context of the conversation (source). We effectively communicate when we use direct and assertive language, whatever the case may be.

Adverbs of Degree, Manner, Frequency, Place, or Time

“Basically” serves as an adverb of manner or degree. It can describe how something happens, the level at which it happens, or its intensity. It does not describe when, with what frequency, or in what places something happens.

We use other words to describe situations in a temporal sense. For example, a manager could say that something is “basically a fundamental skill,” meaning everyone in the organization knows how to perform it, but it does not tell the time or place they did it. This article was written for 

“Basically” is a fundamental word in the English lexicon, but it receives a fair bit of overuse. Try to avoid “basically” too often, especially when another word better fits your situation.

Final Thoughts

“Basically” is a word that is easy to overuse, and it sees widespread usage in various settings. For the most part, people use “basically” to summarize complicated or lengthy explanations or as a verbal pause, but it can stand alone as an affirmation.

Still, you must be careful of using filler words in your writing. For example, try to avoid using ‘basically” as an interrupter for academic writing.

basically — перевод на русский


We are basically horsemen.

Мы — в основном всадники.

They’re basically decent people. We got on fine for 1 30 years.

Здесь в основном достойные люди. 130 лет ладили.

Your Excellency, I am basically a scientist.

Ваше превосходительство, в основном, я ученый.

Yes, well basically… with a few things added.

Да, ну в основном… кое-что добавил.

Basically, for what purpose did you come?

В основном, С какой целью вы пришли?

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It’s synch… it’s synchronized leaning, basically.

Это синх… Синхронные наклоны, по сути.

I basically paid for a cloud.

По сути я заплатил за облако.

Basically it’s only one container inverted inside another.

По сути это один контейнер, помещенный в другой дном вверх.

We all basically know there is.

Мы все, по сути, это знаем.

It’s a bit difficult to explain to a woman, Jill, but timing is basically the magic ingredient that Paul Eddington’s got.

Ну, это… это сложно объяснить женщине, Джил. Но по сути чувство времени — это… та волшебная черта, которой обладает Пол Эддингтон.

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— So basically I’m, like, the best slot player in the entire world.

В общем, я лучший игрок в автоматы во всей вселенной.

Did you know you have to be very careful when cooking, because after just one minute their tougher than al dente. and just seconds later, well, then they’re basically capot.

Знаешь, что надо быть очень осторожной при приготовлении пищи, потому что всего через минуту она может стать твёрже, чем аль денте, а ещё через пару секунд ей, в общем то, капут.

Basically, we are cheerful. So the Lord is also happy.

В общем, мы веселимся, чему и Господь радуется.

Basically, I’m fucked.

В общем, я в дерьме.

I still am, basically.

Да, в общем, до сих пор осуждаю.

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Are he and I basically the same?

Да, практически одно и тоже, хотя есть небольшая разница — она в том, что ты женщина, а он мужчина.

The rooms are all basically the same, however.

Но все номера практически одинаковые.

Basically you can not open.

— Это практически невозможно.

She also says she’s basically a happy person.

Ага. А ещё она говорит, что практически счастлива.

Papa and Mama aren’t together, so basically it’s the same.

Папа и мама не вместе, это практически тоже самое.

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basically none.

По существу — разницы нет.

Basically, what you’re telling me is that the ship is out of control! ‘

По существу, все что Вы мне говорите — это то, что корабль неуправляем!

But basically I sold my soul long time ago, before I started to work for them… as one of those imprudent heroes, who write the fabulous adventures of the Blue Panther.

Но по существу я продал свою душу давным-давно, до того как стал на них работать… как один из тех неосторожных героев, которые описывали сказочные приключения Синей Пантеры.

The molecular realignment of two basically incompatible life forms.

Молекулярное перестроение двух по существу несовместимых жизненных форм.

Basically, what I’m looking for is somebody in the States… who can share the risk with me, somebody who can guarantee… to buy from me, say, 150 kilos a month.

По существу, я разыскиваю партнёра в Штатах, который был бы готов разделить со мной риск, и закупать у меня, скажем, по 150 кило ежемесячно.

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Basically everywhere.

Фактически везде.

A dance is basically foreplay.

Фактически, танец — это прелюдия.

You basically argued that a little prostitution, «What’s the big deal?»

Фактически ты привел довод: «Небольшая проституция, ну и что в этом страшного»?

He says it’s basically over, but—

Он сказал, что фактически все кончено, но…

It’s basically when one woman gets a man sexually revved up so he’s able to perform with another woman.

Это фактически когда одна женщина сексуально заводит мужчину, чтобы он мог отличиться с другой женщиной.

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But basically I meant what I said

Но в принципе я сказал именно то, что думал.

Basically, I couldn’t stand Barry Champlain.

В принципе, ничто не останавливало Барри Чамплейна.

— Well, basically, Lenny,

— Ну, в принципе, Ленни,

I’m basically done here.

Я в принципе закончила.

My father was-was basically a drone, like I’ve said.

ћой папа в принципе был… был трутнем, как € уже говорил.

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He basically raped me. He put a fuckin’ wine bottle up my butt, right?

Он просто изнасиловал меня, трахнул винной бутылкой.

Some bands get onstage, and they’re basically… entertainers.

Некоторые группы театральны, но они просто… развлекатели.

I thought he was, basically, a talented little pissant from the day I met him.

С самой первой нашей встречи я думал, что он просто самоуверенный выскочка. МЭК УИЛКИНС Партнер по университетской сборной

Basically, the rule of thumb here is-

Все очень просто, как два пальца обоссать. Что ты сказал?

I’m positive this whole nun thing… is basically a way of denying her true feelings.

Но я понял, что все эти разговоры о монашестве… просто способ скрыть настоящие чувства.

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You’re basically right, two million is a beautiful sum.

Вообще-то ты прав, 2 миллиона — хорошенькая сумма.

He’s basically a good cop.

Отлично. Вообще-то он хороший полицейский.

Well, basically it’s a form of ultra-sonic disintegrator.

Ну, вообще-то, это разновидность ультразвукового дезинтегратора.

Basically I’m a fair guy.

Вообще-то я честный парень.

Bands like Green River, basically.

Такие группы как Green River, вообще-то,

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When Lydia is hallucinating, she is basically exposed to the whole supernatural world of beacon hills.

Когда Лидия галлюцинировала, в сущности она подвергалась воздействию целого сверхъестественного мира Бикон Хилс.

Basically, I’m giving her a gift from God.

В сущности, я дарю ей подарок от Бога.

Mutation and natural selection are basically random processes.

Мутации и естественный отбор — это в сущности случайные процессы.

Basically the Snowcat operates very much like a car.

В сущности, он ездит почти, как обычная машина.

Look. This whole station is basically a big fusion reactor.

Видите ли, вся эта станция, в сущности, один большой термоядерный реактор.

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: at a basic level : in fundamental disposition or nature

basically, they are simple people


: for the most part

they basically play zone defense


Example Sentences

your answer is basically correct

Recent Examples on the Web

Thanks to injuries and their moves at the trade deadline, the Wings basically were down to having only two lines of NHL regulars.

Helene St. James, Detroit Free Press, 12 Apr. 2023

The company offers a 100-night trial with free shipping and returns, so there’s basically no reason not to give it a go.

Nicola Fumo, Peoplemag, 11 Apr. 2023

The 2022-23 Bulls basically have been the doppelgangers of the 2022 White Sox — a group whose overall talent never coalesced in a disappointing season.

Paul Sullivan, Chicago Tribune, 11 Apr. 2023

Which is, basically, an animatronic fortuneteller in a box.

The Foretold Team, Los Angeles Times, 11 Apr. 2023

There was some sort of treatment that was basically very true to what had been in the movie [and didn’t include several songs that had been cut from the film].

Thomas Floyd, Washington Post, 10 Apr. 2023

Jimbo Fisher brought in Bobby Petrino to be the offensive coordinator, but then said recently that all offenses are basically the same.

Joseph Goodman |, al, 9 Apr. 2023

Before then—basically, from the beginning of human sea-travel until about 150 years ago—the biggest threat to a mariner wasn’t pirates or sharks or sea-madness but scurvy, which claimed some 2 million sailors between the 16th and 18th centuries.

Jason O’bryan, Robb Report, 8 Apr. 2023

And becoming a bigger and better version of yourself is basically the type of path a twin flame is meant to lead you on.

Brittany Beringer, Women’s Health, 7 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘basically.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1863, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of basically was
in 1863

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“Basically.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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14 Apr 2023
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Collocations for «basically»

Common phrases and expressions where native English speakers use the word «basically» in context.

WordReference English Collocations © 2023


Most examples are given in US English. We have labeled exceptions as UK.


  1. which basically means that
  2. basically it means that
  3. and that’s basically all there is to it
  4. and that’s basically it!
  5. yes, basically
  6. yes, that’s basically the idea
  7. well, basically …
  8. basically, you just have to [go, do, say]
  9. basically, what [happens, they do] is
  10. are basically in agreement (with)
  11. is basically a good [kid, student]
  12. lives in what is basically a [hut, hovel]
  13. are basically the same
  14. is basically the [first, whole, only]
  15. is basically an extension of
  16. are basically [two] [types, ways, kinds, options, approaches]
  17. basically (just) said that
  18. am just basically saying that
  19. so, what you’re saying basically is that
  20. [did, said] it basically to [get, be, have, avoid]
  21. (it) basically says that
  22. basically anything that
  23. would do basically anything for

basically‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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