Use of the word appendix

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I also have another appendix with 50 pages.

У меня также есть еще одно приложение с 50 страниц.

The sensitivity analysis calculations are included in appendix 2.

Исчисления, производимые в рамках анализа изменения затрат, включены в приложение 2.

19 British Overseas Territories, White Paper, appendix 1.

19 «Белая книга» на тему: «Великобритания и заморские территории», добавление 1.

The appendix concerned only stability in the intact state.

К тому же в этом добавлении рассматривается лишь остойчивость неповрежденного судна.

That injure will tell on your appendix.

Я знаю только одно, что этот ушиб спровоцирует твой аппендикс.

Doctors often opt for a so-called interval appendectomy if a patient has a ruptured appendix.

Врачи часто выбирают так называемую интервальную аппендэктомию, если у пациента разорванный аппендикс.

Details are provided in appendix 6.

Подробная информация об этом содержится в приложении 6.

More detailed information about public health aspects is given in appendix I.

Более подробная информация об аспектах, связанных со здоровьем населения, приведена в приложении I.

But my appendix was full of cancer cells.

Вы же сказали, что в аппендиксе была куча раковых клеток.

Table 3 in appendix I below summarizes the responses received.

В таблице З в добавлении I ниже приводится краткий обзор полученных ответов.

Living without an appendix causes no known health problems.

Жизнь человека без аппендикса не вызывает никаких известных проблем со здоровьем.

Or possibly you could make it an appendix or some such.

Или, возможно, вы могли бы сделать это приложение или что-то подобное.

Some statistical tables and a methodological appendix close the document.

В заключение в документе приводится несколько статистических таблиц и приложение, посвященное вопросам методологии.

B1 The examples in this appendix portray hypothetical situations.

B1 Примеры, представленные в настоящем приложении, описывают гипотетические ситуации.

The full text of this document is included in the appendix of this book.

Полный текст этого документа приведен в приложении к книге.

If there is more than one appendix, they should be numbered consecutively.

Если будет представлено более одного приложения, то их нумеруют последовательно.

Chronic appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that lasts for weeks, months, or even years.

Хронический аппендицит представляет собой воспаление аппендикса, которое длится в течение недель, месяцев или даже лет.

The urinalysis also may be abnormal with appendicitis because the appendix lies near the ureter and bladder.

Анализ мочи также может быть ненормальным с аппендицитом, потому что приложение находится вблизи мочеточника и мочевого пузыря.

I provide these in the appendix to this article.

In our remote ancestors, the cecum and appendix were of great magnitude and actively participated in the digestion of plant materials.

У наших отдаленных предков слепая кишка и аппендикс имели большую величину и активно участвовали в переваривании растительных материалов.

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There comes a moment when we have to face a dilemma while writing some specific words. We think we know how to use them, but in reality, we are not so sure.

They are both nouns that describe something different. An appendix is a text attached to an article or book that includes further information as well as a human body part. «Appendices» are the plural tense.

Origin Of Both Words

The word «appendix» comes from the Latin word «appendere,» which means «hang upon.»

There is a part of the human body that has the name we are talking about. But that word means something else in an entirely different context. Let me tell you a little more about both definitions so you can be clear.

The plural endings of foreign-derived words, like «appendix,» tend to become Anglicized. Across time. Multiple dictionaries now list words in their natural root state. Words like «gymnasiums»/»gymnasia,» «memorandums»/»memoranda,» and cactuses»/»cacti,» and more further.

More than a hundred years ago, the dictionary would have recommended, for the plural of the word «appendix,» «appendices» (in both senses). These days «appendixes» are preferred for both. Several dictionaries give the two options.

The word «appendix» is a homograph. That means it is spelled the same, but the meaning is different.

Do not mistake «Homographs» with «homophones» or «homonyms.»

Homophones are different in spelling or meaning but sound the same, and «homonyms» can be either or both.


Definition 1: Human Body Part

It is a thin, finger-shaped tube that extends out from the colon and rests where the small intestine meets the large intestine.

The appendix used to be viewed as a vestigial organ (organs that have lost their original function through evolution). This theory has changed over the past years. In modern humans, the appendix is a vestige of an organ that in old species had digestive duties. But recent studies imply that the appendix may serve an important mission. Notably, it may serve as a repository for helpful gut bacteria and may safeguard against the loss of symbiotic bacteria supporting digestion.

Scientists assume that the appendix can protect healthy bacteria located in the gut. And, when the gut is affected by an illness that cleans out the intestines, the beneficial bacteria in the appendix can repopulate the digestive system and keep us well.

One of the first investigators to work on the appendix’s function was Charles Darwin, which in his time had been recognized only in humans and other apes. He said that the far ancestors of these animals lived on a diet of leaves. So they required a large pouch, a portion of the gut that holds bacteria that can break down complex plant tissue. Later, he considered, these ancestors shifted to a more significant fruit-based diet that was simpler to digest. A large cecum or pouch was unnecessary, and it started to shrink; today, our cecum is tiny. So, he thought it carried no function.

Appendix disorders

  • Appendicitis: It occurs when your appendix gets inflamed. Males have in their lifetime an 8.6 percent risk of appendicitis, according to the World Journal of Gastroenterology.

Females have in their lifetime a 6.7 percent risk of appendicitis.

To handle appendicitis, specialists would conduct an appendectomy to remove it. For unknown reasons, the appendix frequently becomes infected, inflamed, and can rupture. This causes hard pain in the right lower part of the belly, along with vomiting and nausea.

Numerous appendectomies are practiced to prevent disease rather than treat it. The rate of appendectomies is higher.

Appendicitis can pose dangers to your health, but surgery too. Some people question if preventive surgery is the best way.

  • Tumors of the appendix: Cancer tumors secrete chemicals that generate frequent diarrhea, flushing, and wheezing. Tumors are lumps in the appendix that can be benign or cancerous. Appendix tumors are not common.

Definition 2: Part Of An Article Or A Book


An appendix includes material that is not a fundamental part of the text. Still, it may be useful in giving a complete understanding of the topic, or it is information that is too large to be incorporated into the body of the writing. A different appendix should be used for each different topic and always have a descriptive title of its contents.

An Appendix may cover some of the following:

  • Specialized data
  • Sample calculations
  • Evidence.
  • Technical figures, graphs, statistics
  • A detailed description of research instruments
  • Letters, emails, and other copies of correspondence
  • Survey instruments/Questionnaire, with the results appearing in the text.
  • Tables, Maps, charts, drawings, photographs
  • Complete transcripts of interviews
  • Specification or data sheets
  • Full-field notes from observations

If you consider including content in an appendix, keep this in mind:

  1. Normally, it is best practice to include raw data.
  2. Tables and figures included should be numbered as a separate continuity from the main writing.
  3. If you have more than three, list them on a separate page at the start of your paper.
  4. The appendix can be a good spot to put non-textual elements, maps, diagrams, and photographs.
  5. An appendix should not be loaded with a lot of information.

How to format appendices

  • If you add a Table of contents, then you must include the appendix
  • Appendices may follow or precede your references list.
  • Each appendix begins on a new page.
  • «Appendix» should be the heading, followed by a number or letter [«Appendix A» or «Appendix 1»], centered and in bold.
  • The content must have the order of a research paper.
  • The page number(s) must continue with the numbering from the last page of the text.

It’s important to include appendices for these reasons:

  • Data is too detailed to be easily compiled in the body of the article;
  • Including this material in the body of the article would interrupt the narrative flow.
  • The audience may get distracted from the main content of the paper as a result of the inclusion of helpful, supporting, or valuable material.
  • If you have a limit regarding the length of the article.
  • Provide information that is easily understood in a contained section.
  • Provides a place to demonstrate your point of view of the problem by giving additional details about a new method, specialized information, or design protocols.

How People Use The Phrase


There are not many situations where you can use the word Appendix and its plural form «Appendices.» When you refer to that part of the body, which is one, and when you are talking about that extra part of an article or a book, you include information that complements all you have written, like an evidence section.

In both cases, you can use them in the plural.

Examples Of The Phrase In A Sentence

Here are some examples sentences using both words:

  • Depending on the version, it is just under 3000 pages, not including appendices.
  • Depending on the version, it is just under 150 pages, not including the appendix.
  • The author includes four letters in the appendices that will soften your heart.
  • The author includes one letter in the appendix that will soften your heart.
  • He published three appendices, all considerably longer than the original article.
  • He published all the raw information in the appendix.
  • It has two appendices, with the source of information and public numbers.
  • It has an appendix, with all the formulas and excel sheets.
  • His appendix won’t resist much longer. He needs surgery now.
  • The amount of appendices removed in this hospital has broken records in the past year.
  • Darwin thought appendices were useless. But, if he were alive in this time, he may think otherwise.
  • The appendix can cause a lot of trouble if it gets compromised.


We have covered all the possible uses of the word «appendix» and its plural form. All the examples provided cover both of the meanings of the word. One definition regards an internal part of the body. The other refers to a part of a book or an article used to include information to support the entire writing. There is no possible confusion here, but if somehow you find yourself with doubt, think that one is the plural of the other. If you are referring to something singular, then use «appendix.» That means one. If you use «appendices,» that means two or more.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

приложение, добавление, аппендикс, придаток, червеобразный отросток

plural appendixes(US) or appendices(UK)


- приложение, добавление (к книге, документу и т. п.)

- анат. аппендикс, придаток, отросток

dendrite appendix — придаток дендрита
removal of the appendix — удаление аппендикса

- ав. аппендикс (аэростата)


- редк. давать в приложении

the book is profusely appendixed — в книге масса приложений

Мои примеры

В выражениях, идиомах и прочем

auricular appendix — ушко предсердия  
vermicular appendix — червеобразный отросток  
vesicular appendix — киста маточной трубы  

Примеры с переводом

The book has several appendixes .

Книга имеет несколько приложений . 

See Appendix 2.6.

См. приложение 2.6. 

Christine had to go into hospital to have her appendix out (=have it removed).

Кристин пришлось лечь в больницу, чтобы ей удалили аппендикс. 

The appendix is an offshoot of the cecum.

Аппендикс представляет собой придаток слепой кишки. 

In your textbooks, turn to Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms.

Откройте учебники и перейдите к приложению 3, «Словарь терминов». 

He’s a great surgeon. He can take out an appendix standing on his head.

Он великолепный хирург. Он сможет вырезать аппендикс с закрытыми глазами. 

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): appendix
мн. ч.(plural): appendixes or append



: supplementary material usually attached at the end of a piece of writing

The book’s appendix includes a bibliography.


: a bodily outgrowth or process


Example Sentences

In your textbooks, turn to Appendix 3: Glossary of Terms.

The book has several appendixes .

Recent Examples on the Web

There’s certainly appendices.

Yvonne Villarreal, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

The volume contains all but eight of the playwright’s 154 sonnets, in addition to shorter compositions and an appendix of poems by Milton, Ben Johnson, Francis Beaumont, and Robert Herrick.

Abby Montanez, Robb Report, 29 Mar. 2023

Expecting them to discard them can be like asking someone to remove their own appendix.

Kyle Whitmire, al, 3 Nov. 2022

Houdini’s appendix had already ruptured.

Kerry J. Byrne, Fox News, 31 Oct. 2022

An examination of the Malden application showed the city did include an extensive appendix that included public comments against the turf field and addressed citizens’ concerns, among them: The city acknowledged the synthetic turf surface will be hotter than grass.

Linda Greenstein,, 4 Aug. 2022

Better perhaps to have included the analysis in footnotes or an appendix.

Martha Bayles, WSJ, 24 June 2022

There’s a pancreas AND appendix in the human body.

The Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Mar. 2021

That’s made clear by an odd disparity in her data: Those who lived in rural environments saw much greater protective effects from having their appendix removed than those living in large cities.

Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 31 Oct. 2018

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘appendix.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Latin appendic-, appendix, from appendere — see append

First Known Use

1542, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of appendix was
in 1542

Dictionary Entries Near appendix

Cite this Entry

“Appendix.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on appendix

Last Updated:
14 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged


1) добавление, дополнение


the numerous appendices to his article — многочисленные приложения к его статье



червеобразный отросток, аппендикс

removal of the appendix — удаление аппендикса

4) аппендикс

Англо-русский современный словарь.

Смотреть что такое «appendix» в других словарях:

  • Appendix — Appendix, from the Latin word of the same name, may refer to an Index / Bibliography. * In book design , an appendix is a reference section at the end of a book (see Addendum#Books) * In anatomy, a section at the end of an organ; in particular… …   Wikipedia

  • Appendix — Appendix, Plural: Appendizes, Appendices oder Appendixe ist das lateinische Wort für „Anhang“. Während es im lateinischen feminin ist (die Appendix), wird es im Deutschen oft als maskulin (der Appendix) angesehen. Verschiedene Wissenschaften… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • appendix — ap‧pen‧dix [əˈpendɪks] noun appendixes PLURALFORM or appendices PLURALFORM [ dɪsiːz] [countable] a part at the end of a book, document, or report, containing additional or useful information: • Further details of the 60 films used in this study… …   Financial and business terms

  • Appendix — Ap*pen dix, n.; pl. E. {Appendixes}, L. {Appendices}. [L. appendix, dicis, fr. appendere. See {Append}.] 1. Something appended or added; an appendage, adjunct, or concomitant. [1913 Webster] Normandy became an appendix to England. Sir M. Hale.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • appendix — (n.) 1540s, subjoined addition to a document or book, from L. appendix an addition, continuation, something attached, from appendere (see APPEND (Cf. append)). Used for small outgrowth of an internal organ from 1610s, especially in reference to… …   Etymology dictionary

  • appendix — I (accession) noun accessory, additament, adiungere, annexation, appendage, attachment, complement, extension, inclusion, insertion, pendant II (supplement) noun accessio, addendum, addere …   Law dictionary

  • appendix — appendix, addendum, supplement designate additional matter subjoined to a book. Appendix is used of appended material which contributes (as by way of illustration, amplification, or citation of documents) to the effectiveness of a treatment that… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • appendix — [ə pen′diks] n. pl. appendixes or appendices [ə pen′də sēz΄] [L, appendage < appendere, APPEND] 1. additional or supplementary material at the end of a book or other writing 2. Anat. an outgrowth of an organ; esp., the VERMIFORM APPENDIX: see… …   English World dictionary

  • Appendix — (lat.), 1) Anhang, s.d. bes. 1) u. 2); 2) (Appendicula, Anat.), kleinere End od. Seitenstücke größerer Theile; 3) so v.w. Fortsatz; so A. vermicularis od. vermiformis intestīni coei, so v.w. Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms, nur dem Menschen u.… …   Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon

  • Appéndix — Appéndix, die (lat.), Anhang oder Zusatz zu einem Buch etc.; der Wurmfortsatz des Blinddarms; Appendicula, Anhängsel; appendizieren, als Anhang nachträglich beifügen …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Appendix — Appendix, der Füllansatz des Luftballons, s. Ballon …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

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