Use of the word account


the difference between the debit and credit sides of an account

We always keep very good accounts.

We opened new accounts at a bank last week.

I took out my money and closed my account.

You can withdraw up to $1,000 a day from your account.

Every week, she puts a part of her paycheck into a separate account.

setting up a bank account


account themselves lucky to be alive

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Recent Examples on the Web

Deposit into your account.

Ian Firstenberg, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Ford, who has worked on the prosecution of Logwood for years, said there is evidence to corroborate the co-defendant’s account, including a statement from a former girlfriend of Logwood’s.

Joshua Sharpe, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Apr. 2023

The nearly 3-minute video was posted by TikTok account @NetflixUkie, which has amassed a following of more than 164.3K followers for posting previews of different titles on the streaming platform.

Samantha Olson, Seventeen, 8 Apr. 2023

Still, sudden account closures are intensely disruptive.

Ron Lieber, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

There are a lot of things to take into account when picking the right flip flop for you.

Olivia Avitt, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

His sentencing guidelines called for 25-50 years in prison, though U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts took into account his violent childhood and gave him the minimum punishment.

Tresa Baldas, Detroit Free Press, 7 Apr. 2023

Her Senate campaign has not yet filed fundraising paperwork, but Porter’s House campaign had $7.4 million in its account as of Dec. 31, which could be transferred to her Senate campaign.

Bridget Bowman, NBC News, 7 Apr. 2023

But those are nominal values that don’t take inflation into account.

Quentin Webb, WSJ, 6 Apr. 2023

India’s tiger numbers, meanwhile, are thriving: the country’s 3,167 tigers account for more than 75% of the world’s wild tiger population.

Sibi Arasu, ajc, 9 Apr. 2023

Still, Matthew Dyment, office managing principal at accounting giant BDO’s Boston office, said his phone was ringing off the hook after the vote in November.

Jon Chesto,, 8 Apr. 2023

That would represent a quantum leap for the United States — where just 5.8 percent of vehicles sold last year were all-electric — and would exceed President Biden’s earlier ambitions to have all-electric cars account for half of those sold in the country by 2030.

Coral Davenport, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

George, in the note to his flock, did not say how many of the 600 victims accounted for in the report were past or current parishioners.

Corky Siemaszko, NBC News, 8 Apr. 2023

After Mark Shoen at $4.7 billion, Los Angeles Angels owner Arturo Moreno, who made his fortune in billboard advertising, was in second place at $4.1 billion, of which the baseball club accounted for about half.

Russ Wiles, The Arizona Republic, 7 Apr. 2023

Previous data shows three countries account for the lion’s share of global carbon dioxide emissions.

Doyle Rice, USA TODAY, 7 Apr. 2023

The 500 home runs linked to climate change only account for approximately one percent of total home runs, so other factors including skill and strategy still play a significant role, the Post continues.

Devika Rao, The Week, 7 Apr. 2023

Shindell said methane emissions caused by humans account for about 26% of the warming caused by human activities.

Isabella O’malley, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘account.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

The word “account” can mean a variety of things, depending on the context in which it is used. It also has many idiomatic uses. As a result, if not used with great care, the word can cause ambiguity and make sentences difficult to understand.

Consider the following sentence (it’s an exaggeration, but I have often seen similar):

On account of a payment made on account of the service charges on the Lessor’s account, no further payments on this account are necessary.

The word “account” appears four times, and has three different meanings. This makes the sentence thoroughly confusing for a reader, and so some serious editing is necessary.

First of all let’s look at each phrase in turn:

(1) On account of a payment made (2) on account of the service charges (3) on the Lessor’s account, no further payments (4) on this account are necessary.

(1) The first phrase, On account of means literally “by reason of”. The writer could also use “due to”, “as a result of”, or “because of”.

(2) The second use of on account of is ambiguous because it does not mean “by reason of”. Rather it means “on the service charge account”, i.e. the record of credits related to the service charges.

(3) The phrase on the Lessor’s account contains an error that I frequently see. It is a serious mistake because it changes the meaning of the sentence. What the writer means is “into the Lessor’s (bank) account”.
However, the phrase “on someone’s account” is idiomatic and means “on someone’s behalf”. But this payment was not made on the Lessor’s behalf, rather it was made into his bank account!

Remember that in English payments are made “into or to a bank account” and NOT “on a bank account”.

(4) The last phrase – on this account – has three possible meanings. It contains the same ambiguity as the second use of on account of: Does the writer mean “for this reason”, or is he referring to the record of credits related to the services charges? The third possible meaning is “into a bank account”. Although this phrase is very ambiguous, it does not actually cause a problem here because the sentence ultimately means the same thing whichever way you understand this phrase. But I think you’ll agree that it is not very satisfactory to write something that can be interpreted in three different ways.

Here’s my suggestion for the edited version:

Due to a payment for service charges made into the Lessor’s bank account, no further service charge payments are necessary.

I came across an essay instruction written by a grammar school teacher writing ‘Write an essay in which you account for the opinions …’ Shouldn’t it be ‘… in which you MAKE AN ACCOUNT for the opinions …’


asked May 14, 2016 at 17:31

Søren Lund's user avatar


Considering the definition of account as a verb is literally «to provide or present an account of,» yes I think it’s fine. Your alternative does sound awkward, maybe you meant «give an account of ?» That wouldn’t sound so terrible.

answered May 14, 2016 at 21:30

Duars's user avatar


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I might find it awkward and assume the speaker’s first language is not English if they said «Write an essay in which you make an account for the opinions…»

Either the first way or «Write an essay in which you take into account the opinions…» are fine. You should consider and address «the opinions…» when writing the essay.

answered May 14, 2016 at 18:39

Kolibrie's user avatar

счет, расчет, отчет, приходиться, отчитываться, бухгалтерский


- счёт

- расчёт; подсчёт

money of account — ком. расчётная денежная единица
for the account — бирж. с ликвидацией расчётов в течение ближайшего ликвидационного периода
to keep account of smth. — вести счёт чему-л.
to take an account of smth. — подсчитать что-л.; составить список чего-л.; произвести инвентаризацию чего-л.

- обыкн. pl расчёты, отчётность; сводка

activity accounts — эк. хозяйственные счета
to adjust accounts — бухг. приводить книги в порядок
to cast accounts — производить расчёт
to keep accounts — бухг. вести счета /бухгалтерские книги/
to learn accounts — изучать счетоводство

- кредит по открытому счёту (в магазине и т. п.; тж. charge account)

account card — кредитная карточка (выдаётся магазином клиенту, имеющему открытый счёт)
charge this coat to my account — запишите это пальто на мой счёт

- отчёт; доклад, сообщение

an accurate /detailed, itemized/ account of smth. — подробный доклад /отчёт/ о чём-л.
newspaper account — газетный отчёт; газетное сообщение (о чём-л.)
to call /to bring/ to account — потребовать отчёта /объяснения/; призвать к ответу
to give /to render, to send in/ an account — давать /представлять/ отчёт, отчитываться
to give an account of smth. — делать отчёт о чём-л.; описывать что-л.; давать сведения о чём-л.; объяснять что-л.
to give an account of one’s absence — объяснять причину своего отсутствия

ещё 8 вариантов


- считать, признавать

to account smth. a merit — считать что-л. достоинством
I account him a hero — я считаю его героем
to account oneself lucky — полагать, что ты счастливчик /что тебе везёт/
he was accounted (to be) guilty — его признали виновным
he was much [little] accounted of — его высоко [невысоко] ценили

- (to, for) отчитываться (перед кем-л. в чём-л.); давать отчёт (кому-л. в чём-л.)

you’ll have to account to me if anything happens to her — если с ней что-нибудь случится, ты мне ответишь
he accounted for the money — он отчитался за полученную сумму

- отвечать, нести ответственность

he will account for his crime — он ответит за своё преступление

- разг. убить, уничтожить; обезвредить; поймать

I accounted for three of the attackers — я разделался с тремя из нападающих
he accounted for five of the enemy planes — он сбил пять вражеских самолётов

- приписывать, вменять

many virtues were accounted to him — ему приписывали множество добродетелей

- (for) объяснять

to account for one’s absence [for being late] — давать объяснения по поводу своего отсутствия [опоздания]
I cannot account for his behaviour — я не могу объяснить его поведения
he could not account for his foolish mistake — он не находил объяснения своей нелепой ошибке

- (for) вызывать (что-л.), приводить (к чему-л.), служить причиной (чего-л.)

the humidity accounts for the discomfort — повышенная влажность является причиной дискомфорта
That accounts for it! — Так вот, оказывается, в чём дело!
one cannot account for tastes — о вкусах не спорят

Мои примеры


setting up a bank account — открытие банковского счёта  
a summary account of the accident — краткий отчет об аварии (отчёт с основными выводами)  
a lyrical account of frontier life — лирическое повествование о приграничной жизни  
a balanced account of what happened — трезвый отчёт о произошедшем  
a biased account of the trial — предвзятый отчёт о судебном процессе  
blow-by-blow account — детальнейший отчёт  
cash account — счёт денежных средств в кассе  
to clear an account — рассчитаться  
deposit account — депозитный счёт  
to pay into an account — вносить деньги на счёт  
outstanding account — неоплаченный счёт  
to give account of smth. — давать отчёт в чём-л.  

Примеры с переводом

That accounts for it!

Так вот, оказывается, в чём дело!

I account myself happy.

Я считаю себя счастливым.

This accounts for his behaviour.

Так вот чем объясняется его поведение.

I drew $ 100 out of my account.

Я снял со своего счёта сто долларов.

He will account for his crime.

Он ответит за своё преступление.

He was accounted (to be) guilty.

Его признали виновным.

Is everyone accounted for?

Все ли на своих местах? / Известно ли местонахождение каждого?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam

…the author deliberately disjoints his narrative in favor of a more impressionistic account of the war…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accountable  — подотчетный, ответственный, объяснимый
accountancy  — бухгалтерское дело, счетоводство
accountant  — бухгалтер, счетовод, ответчик
accounting  — учет, отчетность, расчет, бухгалтерское дело, балансирование
accounts  — счет, расчет, отчет, сообщение, подсчет, приходиться, отчитываться, считать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: account
he/she/it: accounts
ing ф. (present participle): accounting
2-я ф. (past tense): accounted
3-я ф. (past participle): accounted

ед. ч.(singular): account
мн. ч.(plural): accounts

Other forms: accounts; accounted; accounting

An account can be many things — such as a story, like if you give a friend an account of what happened at the party she missed. It can also be a business arrangement, like a bank account or an email account.

Account is one of those seemingly simple words that have a mass of different meanings. An account can be a narrative or story — a biography, for example, is an account of someone’s life. Account can also mean an explanation of something, as in the phrase, «How do you account for that?» An account is also a handy arrangement whereby a store agrees to provide you goods on credit, but then you might have to account for all that debt.

Definitions of account

  1. noun

    a record or narrative description of past events

  2. noun

    a short account of the news

    account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious”


    news report, report, story, write up

  3. noun

    the act of informing by verbal report

    “by all
    accounts they were a happy couple”



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    summarisation, summarization

    the act of preparing a summary (or an instance thereof); stating briefly and succinctly

    indirect discourse

    a report of a discourse in which deictic terms are modified appropriately (e.g., «he said `I am a fool’ would be modified to `he said he is a fool'»)

    direct discourse, direct quotation

    a report of the exact words used in a discourse (e.g., «he said `I am a fool'»)


    (Yiddish) a long boring tediously detailed account


    report of a mission or task


    short account of an incident (especially a biographical one)

    narration, recital, yarn

    the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events

    comment, gossip, scuttlebutt

    a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people

    recounting, relation, telling

    an act of narration


    an outpouring of gossip

    hearsay, rumor, rumour

    gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth

    grapevine, pipeline, word of mouth

    gossip spread by spoken communication

    dirt, malicious gossip, scandal

    disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people

    talk, talk of the town

    idle gossip or rumor

    type of:

    informing, making known

    a speech act that conveys information

  4. noun

    a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.

    “I expected a brief



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    an explanation that omits superfluous details and reduces complexity


    a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes


    an explanation of the cause of some phenomenon


    a statement in explanation of some action or belief


    an account that sets forth the meaning or intent of a writing or discourse


    a detailed explanation of the meaning of something

    gloss, rubric

    an explanation or definition of an obscure word in a text

    derivation, deriving, etymologizing

    (historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase


    a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol


    an explanation that results from interpreting something


    a thorough explanation (usually accompanied by a demonstration) of each step in a procedure or process

    oversimplification, simplism

    a simplification that goes too far (to the point of misrepresentation)

    cause, grounds, reason

    a justification for something existing or happening

    defence, defense, vindication

    the justification for some act or belief

    exposition, expounding

    a systematic interpretation or explanation (usually written) of a specific topic


    an interpretation of the meaning of something; the act of construing

    contextual definition

    a definition in which the term is used by embedding it in a larger expression containing its explanation

    dictionary definition

    a definition that reports the standard uses of a word or phrase or symbol

    explicit definition

    a definition that gives an exact equivalent of the term defined

    ostensive definition

    a definition that points out or exhibits instances of the term defined

    recursive definition

    (mathematics) a definition of a function from which values of the function can be calculated in a finite number of steps


    the act of giving a new definition

    stipulative definition

    a definition that is stipulated by someone and that is not a standard usage

    clarification, elucidation, illumination

    an interpretation that removes obstacles to understanding


    personal interpretation of a text (especially of the Bible) using your own ideas


    an explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible)


    the endeavor of a Moslem scholar to derive a rule of divine law from the Koran and Hadith without relying on the views of other scholars; by the end of the 10th century theologians decided that debate on such matters would be closed and Muslim theology and law were frozen

    literal interpretation

    an interpretation based on the exact wording


    an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint


    a particular interpretation or performance

    construction, twist

    an interpretation of a text or action


    an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence

    popularisation, popularization

    an interpretation that easily understandable and acceptable

    misinterpretation, mistaking, misunderstanding

    putting the wrong interpretation on

    type of:


    a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc

  5. verb

    give an account or representation of in words

  6. verb

    be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something

    “Passing grades
    account for half of the grades given in this exam”

    see moresee less

    type of:


    have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun)

  7. verb

    furnish a justifying analysis or explanation

    “I can’t
    account for the missing money”


    answer for

  8. noun

    a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services

    “he asked to see the executive who handled his


    business relationship

  9. noun

    a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance

    “they send me an
    accounting every month”


    account statement, accounting

  10. noun

    an itemized statement of money owed for goods or services

    “send me an
    account of what I owe”


    bill, invoice

  11. “don’t do it on my

    “the paper was rejected on
    account of its length”



  12. “a person of considerable

    “he predicted that although it is of small
    account now it will rapidly increase in importance”

  13. noun

    the quality of taking advantage

    “she turned her writing skills to good

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘account’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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