Use light in a sentence for each word

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word light, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use light in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «light».

Light in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word light in a sentence.

  1. At first light, three U.S.

  2. The legs become light orange.

  3. Damage was light in Maryland.

  4. It lies 235 light years away.

  5. A coherent beam of light (e.g.

  6. Shine, for thy light has come.

  7. It will tolerate light pruning.

  8. The hindwings are light fuscous.

  9. Eliezer’s father makes light of it:.

  10. May light perpetual shine upon them.

  11. The fire gives out light and the water reflects it.

  12. The trunk has light grey bark with brown lenticels.

  13. In back-scattered light the situation is different.

  14. It lies 135 light years away from the Solar System.

  15. The eyes are dark, with light skin surrounding them.

  16. In neither case does any matter, energy, or information travel faster than light.

  17. In light of this service, Linden was elected president of the NHLPA in June 1998.

  18. The light scattering in this model is dominated by particles with r around 15 μm.

  19. Recognized colors include light, medium and dark cream, with amber or hazel eyes.

  20. The head of Gallimimus was very small and light compared to the vertebral column.

  21. One fifteen-inch shell hit a gun shield of the light cruiser SMS Pillau but did not affect her speed.

  22. Initially, the structure was akin to that of a subtropical cyclone, with light winds near the center.

  23. Before June 1944, a Type 13 air-search radar was installed on the light tripod mast abaft the island.

  24. It has a well-developed tuft at its tail tip, consisting of whitish and occasional light brown hairs.

  25. Most marine teleosts have pelagic eggs, which are light, transparent and buoyant with thin envelopes.

  26. They used it in 1972 to measure the speed of light in vacuum with a fractional uncertainty of 3.5×10.

  27. The ivory to light grey-brown cap is up to 20 cm (7.9 in) across with a margin that is rolled inward.

  28. In 1938, car 525 was replaced by car number 500, a 40-seat buffet/lounge car, to provide light meals.

  29. The book is written specifically to offer a second look at familiar concepts in a contemporary light.

  30. The gills are the most luminescent part of the fungus, emitting a greenish light that fades with age.

  31. At great depths, no light penetrates through the water layers from above and the pressure is extreme.

  32. White springbok, as the name suggests, are predominantly white with a light tan stripe on the flanks.

  33. Edison demonstrated some electric light bulbs, and Kalākaua showed interest in the technical details.

  34. As the storm’s remnants tracked inland, parts of the Mississippi Valley received light precipitation.

  35. Tabart and Arthur batted until the end of the day, when the umpires called off play due to bad light.

  36. From the distant area of the rescue ship, a bright light shines, providing illumination to an otherwise dull brown scene.

  37. The star’s low temperature means it will no longer emit significant heat or light, and it will become a cold black dwarf.

  38. Interaction of visible light with the ice crystals in them produces, below, optical phenomena such as sun dogs and halos.

  39. Sterling had a light and a heavy attack, which could be combined to create combos that increased the damage he inflicted.

  40. Shortly afterwards, the electromagnetic nature of light was demonstrated by the experiments of Heinrich Hertz in Germany.

  41. Such jaws likely evolved for grabbing prey in aquatic environments with low light, and may have helped in prey detection.

  42. His army proceeded north through South Carolina against light resistance from the troops of Confederate general Johnston.

  43. Other Australian warships, including the light cruiser Hobart and several corvettes successfully escaped from NEI waters.

  44. With light rain falling throughout the evening, the game was called after seven innings when the field become unplayable.

  45. Early in its life, the system had a broad circulation with primarily light winds, similar to that of a subtropical storm.

  46. They have very nearly equal brightness in the visible light spectrum, with the hotter secondary component generally being found to be a few tenths of a magnitude brighter.

  47. Evenings from 20 June onwards played host to Illuminanza—a sound and light show featuring Batman and Catwoman—followed by screenings of Batman Returns at the Roxy Theatre.

  48. In November 1941, the Netherlands Legion and Flemish Legion had completed light infantry training and were sent to join the 2nd SS Infantry Brigade on the Leningrad Front.

  49. In light of evolving understanding of gamma-ray bursts and their progenitors, the scientific literature records a growing number of local, past, and future GRB candidates.

  50. Dental wear analysis has shed some light on this dietary mystery, suggesting that monkey lemurs had a more eclectic diet, while using tough seeds as a fall-back food item.

Synonyms for light

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word light has the following synonyms: ablaze, inflamed, reddened, autofluorescent, bioluminescent, bright, candescent, floodlit, floodlighted, fluorescent, illuminated, lighted, lit, well-lighted, illuminating, incandescent, candent, lamplit, lighting-up, livid, luminescent, phosphorescent, sunlit, sunstruck, white, abstemious, temperate, airy, buoyant, floaty, lighter-than-air, low-density, clean, clear, unclouded, pure, digestible, easy, loose, promiscuous, sluttish, wanton, unchaste, gentle, soft, faint, swooning, light-headed, lightheaded, ill, sick, flimsy, thin, fooling, casual, friable, sandy, frivolous, idle, insignificant, unimportant, light-armed, lightly-armed, light-colored, pale, palish, pastel, powdery, light-duty, lightsome, tripping, light-footed, lite, low-cal, calorie-free, nonfat, fat-free, fatless, scant, short, insufficient, deficient, unaccented, weak, unstressed, undemanding, wakeful, shallow, lightly, illumination, Inner Light, Light, Light Within, Christ Within, light source, lighter, igniter, ignitor, lighting, lightness, luminosity, brightness, brightness level, luminance, luminousnes, sparkle, twinkle, spark, visible light, visible radiation, alight, perch, fall, ignite, illume, illumine, light up, illuminate, fire up, unhorse, dismount, get off and get down.

General information about «light» example sentences

The example sentences for the word light that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «light» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «light».

Definition of Light

to set something on fire

Examples of Light in a sentence

Using just a stick and some flint, the camper was able to light a fire next to the campsite.


Because the electricity was out, the homeowner had to light candles all around so that she could see.


Nurmi was selected to light the Olympic cauldron this year while another participant sparked the flame in the previous ceremony.




Other words in the Light, Darkness category:





















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Synonym: airy, bright, clear, delicate, lucid, open, weightless. Antonym: dark, darkness, dim, heavy. Similar words: highlight, slight, flight, light up, lightly, delight, slightly, lighting. Meaning: [laɪt]  n. 1. (physics) electromagnetic radiation that can produce a visual sensation 2. any device serving as a source of illumination 3. a particular perspective or aspect of a situation 4. the quality of being luminous; emitting or reflecting light 5. an illuminated area 6. a condition of spiritual awareness; divine illumination 7. the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures 8. a person regarded very fondly 9. mental understanding as an enlightening experience 10. having abundant light or illumination 11. public awareness 12. merriment expressed by a brightness or gleam or animation of countenance 13. a divine presence believed by Quakers to enlighten and guide the soul 14. a visual warning signal 15. a device for lighting or igniting fuel or charges or fires. v. 1. make lighter or brighter 2. begin to smoke 3. to come to rest, settle 4. cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat 5. fall to somebody by assignment or lot 6. get off (a horse). adj. 1. of comparatively little physical weight or density 2. (used of color) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent 3. of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment 4. not great in degree or quantity or number 5. psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles 6. characterized by or emitting light 7. used of vowels or syllables; pronounced with little or no stress 8. easily assimilated in the alimentary canal; not rich or heavily seasoned 9. (used of soil) loose and large-grained in consistency 10. (of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims 11. moving easily and quickly; nimble 12. demanding little effort; not burdensome 13. of little intensity or power or force 14. (physics, chemistry) not having atomic weight greater than average 15. weak and likely to lose consciousness 16. very thin and insubstantial 17. marked by temperance in indulgence 18. less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so 19. having little importance 20. intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound 21. silly or trivial 22. designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight 23. having relatively few calories 24. (of sleep) easily disturbed 25. casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior. adv. with few burdens. 

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1, Zeal without knowledge is fire without light. Thomas Fuller 

2, Cheerfulness and goodwill make labour light

3, Little chips light great fires.

4, Many hands make light work.

5, Labour is light where love doth pay. 

6, Where your will is ready, your feet are light

7, A light heart lives long.

8, A good book is a light to the soul. 

9, A light purse is a heavy curse. 

10, Sooner or later, the truth comes to light

11, Many hands make light (or quick) work. 

12, A heavy purse makes a light heart. 

13, Light troubles speak; great troubles keep silent. 

14, A light heart can bear everything. 

15, Light troubles speak; great troubles are silent. 

16, A light purse makes a heavy heart. 

17, Littel chips light great fires.

18, Reason is the guide and light of life. 

19, He whose face gives no light,( shall never become a star. 

20, Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 

21, Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. 

22, It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness. 

23, Light come, light go.

24, Put out the light.

25, To most men, experience is like the stern light of a ship which il-luminates only the track it has passed. 

26, We finally made him see the light.

27, The face of light, shadow just behind us.

28, A light rain began to fall.

29, The office was light and airy.

30, By the hands of many a great work made light

More similar words: highlight, slight, flight, light up, lightly, delight, slightly, lighting, lightning, night, right, might, eighth, height, tighten, fighter, at night, insight, by night, in sight, all right, tightly, nightmare, right away, midnight, out of sight, overnight, night and day, at midnight, straighten. 

Her side of the headboard was picked over, the light stuff was gone, a picture of a home in the inner canals remained, a feathered set of hair rings was gone

Protective glasses should be worn while working in situations of heat, light, dust, smoke, etc

He thought he could see the reflections of the light of a hooded candle moving about

So thanks for the light

She had a light knit-wrap with her, but she hung that on the rail, leaving only her thin jersey covering her long and elegant body

Kulai might ply her with two evenings of romance and culture in exchange for one union by the light of Narrulla on the cushion of their bedroom balcony

Without the buzz of the light, the whooshing of the vents, or the babble of other passengers, he basked in the pure silence of the plane

· Use natural lighting where possible, and position light sources in ways that don’t produce shadows

“Super sensitive, digital interference probes shoot out of the light

There are many Light Traps, pheromone traps and sticky traps available for many different types of insects

Recent studies have shed light on this phenomenon

The moon was full, casting some light onto the deserted city street

A towel fluttered from a peg on the open post of the kitchen roof in the light breeze

Also temp and amount of day light are important

It was half a week later, she was in the cabin again on a late Afternoonday, their shifts had stretched thru the light

The grenades all landed on the floor, gave out a harsh, high-pitched sound, and then a white light shot out in all directions

What can you do? How can you make yourself heard when no one will listen? How can you be redeemed when you feel like your role in life is to be discarded and forgotten? You light the kerosene stove for dinner

Ava was right about the fuel, it didn’t reach to the tunnel, and they weren’t there yet as the light of the next week came to an end

She felt some responsibility for things of YingolNeerie, being one of the few people on this planet born under its light

They were already turning into the Ungor arm and the majestic mountains splashed with snow were visible in the companion’s ruddy light

This tiny primordial light burned across the Universe, lighting the heavens, unhindered by shadow

To keep its light burning, to keep existence from being extinguished, a god would have the honor of watching the light

Then, a new guardian of the light was chosen

The room was draped in shadows, the only light coming from an entire wall of regular monitors

One morning while Serpent was praying to God in the morning light with folded wings and head bowed, Adam came to him

He spoke to his dear the angel Kerubiel who reflected His light through the leaves

It started with a glint of light, a dot on the darkening horizon might be moving

There was barely enough light to run it, but the plains were devoid of signal anyway

» He flew into the air and could feel Kerubiel’s light beating hot on his scales

That morning, when the light arose, God came upon Adam like a father to a crying child

Light soils need more water because they drain so rapidly

He was sound asleep and stayed that way as light grew across the land

It was pretty transparent in this dim light, but she could get something on it

He should be awake by now, it was fully light and Kortrax would coagulate out of the orange shimmer on the horizon any minute

The sharp glint of light reflecting off a school bus stabbed at his eyes

clearly we see Zitteraal with a pen light in his hand, looking down at John

He switches off the pen light

Zitteraal takes out his penlight, opens one of John’s eyes, watches as the pupil contracts immediately when he shines the light into John’s eye

The golden cloth shimmered in the fire light

Zitteraal switches off the light, a look of

The light in the room is bright, sterile and

voice remaining solid but light

hair, starts to light a cigarette with a

He turns off his light

their firm young bodies gleamed in the candle light, they adopted poses and positions

pantaloons shone crimson in the candle light

Betsy entered the tattoo room and squinted in the dim light

And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light

The light was good

anything been kept secret but that it should come to light

By a mixture of lamp and torch light Aunt Billie then conducted him around the seven

green and black, reflecting the sparkling light of the chandeliers, and if Johnny turned

the shape of the ceiling light in his bedroom while the vivid colours and sensations of

Omar tastes his wine, smiles, holds it up to the light and studies it

He had a light breakfast, reviewed his plan for the day and then checked his voice mails There were three from unknown caller which he assumed were from his creditors

everything burn, quivering with fear, tears streaming down his cheeks, his face a mask of terror in the flickering light

’ I replied, not at all certain where this is going and anxious, in the light of the events of the last few days, to keep things civil

Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

nothing to be seen, nothing that signified light and life and hope

The bedroom door bursts open and, by the light spilling in from the sitting room, Stephen rushes in, his hair all awry, wearing his dressing gown

light fleece top that she had ultimately decided to bring along sat snugly over her

turn and run back towards the light, anywhere other than here

She stopped beneath the squalid light

brief reflection from within the hood, a pale white howling light cast back at her from

His arm was covered in tattoos which showed up as dark shadows under the black light, but one mark fluoresced more brightly than the others

legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

forests as each of these immortal beasts sang with joy in the bright light of full moons

picked up this morning when leaving his hut at first light

light in their eyes, these daughters of his with their busy lives and their boisterous

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship

It is a commonly held belief that where there is light there must be darkness,

The terminator reached his home on the ground, Ava waited until she was sure there was enough light for his station to pick up a station in Gengee City before she tried him again

were light years ahead with un-detectable methods and didn’t even concern themselves with being discovered

They watched the light of dawn creep across his land thru the little telescope on the geosynchronous

Smith loved the Universal Light Programme that fizzed

squinted in the bursting light, rubbed the black holes at the heart of his consciousness

light that shone almost below the visible spectrum, Smith heard a plaintive howling

This complete absence of light was the hardest thing to bear

He watched the light break above his head and

wrought iron runners, closed against the light of real wax candles guttering on stone

series of barely audible imprecations and stumbled forward into the flickering light

As Stephen had warned me the light is dim; because of the concussion, they have gauzes over the window

The angel eyes light look man without faith and asks his

broad chest and powerful frame in the light that spilled into the cell from the

This advanced technology had allowed it to make the fastest crossing ever to Satan’s Star, covering the eleven light years in under fifty years

Then, in 2348, the Kassikan launched a missile traveling at the speed of light aimed at the heart of all faith

He could see, even in the dim light of the cell, how tired and faded

» As Burn spoke, she kept her eyes on the sparkles of reflected light from the debris

In the middle of the wall opposite the mattress I traced at head height the outline of a caged light fitting

I tried to pick at the frame of the grill so that I could steal a stray beam of light from the bulb in the corridor, but all that I did was aggravate the pin prick wound in my finger from the bullet hole in the trunk of the car that had brought me here

What he saw looked like a knot of malevolent hoses slowly flying through shafts of light and shadow

At this unfathomable depth of day and night, where darkness and light merged into one long, monotonous passage of time, my blood thinned and cooled

I scrabbled frantically around the mattress feeling for the rough weave of hessian, expecting the light on the wall to flare into life and singe to black my eyeballs

After all, they speared us with a missile that flew at the speed of light

That same dull light trickled into my cell, opening up a chequered world of dusk and shadow through the fibres of my hood

The light dimmed and before I could react again I felt Smiler’s breath against the rough cloth covering my face

I hung on grimly, watching in the darkness through dimmed cow-eyes, waiting for that proverbial light at the end of this very real tunnel

All he saw in the second after that was light and dark

He closed the door leaving just enough light so that I could see to strip off my old clothes and put on the new

‘Whoever it was, poured some paraffin through the letter box and then chucked a lighted match on top of it

Just after he was done Narrulla’s Tear passed into eclipse where they are unable to reach a lighted tower on the native data system and thus unable to continue a connection thru it

Holding the lighted candle in your hand very

The strap from my bag drooped out of the boat and trailed across the sandy soil on the other side of the lighted doorway from where I crouched

They were spacious, well-ventilated and lighted well enough

again lighted with neon

Through a hitherto unnoticed doorway off the Long Gallery, Harry descended a little lighted flight of steps down into the Clive House undercroft

The cursor was about one eighth of the way into the lighted side of the planet

Those were the few hours when both their towers, and all those in between, were lighted

feasibility of such dinners with lighted candles in this par of the

Were the streets of London to be lighted and paved at the expense of the treasury, is there any probability that they would be so well lighted and paved as they are at present, or even at so small an expense ? The expense, besides, instead of being raised by a local tax upon the inhabitants of each particular street, parish, or district in London, would, in this case, be defrayed out of the general revenue of the state, and would consequently be raised by a tax upon all the inhabitants of the kingdom, of whom the greater part derive no sort of benefit from the lighting and paving of the streets of London

Sebastian knew better than to touch the lighted walls of the circle

see a tall and stately Christmas tree already lighted

church as this was ever seen before, especially when it was lighted up

It was pleasant in the church which was brilliant with lighted candles;

That evening all the candles were lighted on the Christmas-tree, and

four o’clock, and that the candles on his tree would be lighted as soon

when the parlour door was thrown open, and the tree, with lighted

There was another pause while the cigar was lighted

Bear rolled one, lighted it, took a deep breath, and passed it around

George lighted the sock, grabbed the knife from his teeth, and slashed the ocky straps that held the Golden Fleece onto the roof racks

Bear lighted a smoke, took one puff, and flicked it back as he rode off

The Lord’s anger against them was lighted

Police suspected that the fires were deliberately lighted by arsonists

He lighted the rock rolled in toot paper, and did the same to the one Red was holding

It was only then that she could enjoy the huge expanse of the starry sky that only faintly lighted a moonless night

Walking round the temple with lighted candles (Wikipedia)

As I drove north on 5 on the nicely lighted highway, I began thinking of Henrietta and Alexander

23 And when Abigail saw David, she hasted, and lighted off the ass, and fell before David on her face, and bowed herself to the

15 And when he was departed then, he lighted on Jehonadab the son of Rechab coming to meet him, and he saluted him, and said to

Then he lighted his lamp and took up a bulky new book which was setting the theological world by the ears

There was a faint chill in the air of the early September evening, so Anne had lighted her ever ready fire of driftwood in the big living room, and she and Miss Cornelia basked in its fairy flicker

Manually lighted lanterns, with designs carved in medieval style, like the guard, just beginning to execute his night duty

He approached the rental counter by following the lighted sign, with a man smiling too broadly in the photo promising fast service, pointing the way

that are lighted in amber

And so three of them stopped their flying, and lighted in the tree where Rinco waited to talk with them

seed of Jacob, and lighted a lamp for the nation of Israel?’

1 And I answered and said: ‘he who lighted has taken from the light, and there are but few that have imitated him; but those many

But her eyes lighted on the axe in the empty, gloved hand, and she wrested it free and charged at the door

were on the candlestick they lighted, that they might give light in the temple

For in those days the Elect One shall arise; And he shall choose the righteous and holy from among them; For the day has drawn near that they should be saved; And the Elect One shall in those days sit on My throne; And his mouth shall pour out all the secrets of wisdom and counsel: For the Lord of Spirits has given them to him and has glorified him; And in those days shall the mountains leap like rams, and the hills also shall skip like lambs satisfied with milk; And the faces of all the angels in Heaven shall be lighted up with joy

“We could have sired amazingly” his eyes lighted up with the mischievous thought

And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a son; And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful; And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house was very bright; And thereon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness; And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled, and came to his father Methuselah; And he said to him: ‘I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of Heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his countenance is glorious; And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the Earth; And now, my father, I am here to petition you and implore you that you may go to Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling-place is among the angels

‘ And when Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me to the ends of the Earth; for he had heard that I was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him; And I said to him: ‘note, here am I, my son, therefore have you come to me?’ And he answered and said: ‘Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to you, and because of a disturbing vision have I approached; And now, my father, hear me: to Lamech my son there has been born a son, the like of whom there is none, and his nature is not like man’s nature, and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun, and he opened his eyes and thereon lighted up the whole house; And he arose in the hands of the midwife, and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of Heaven; And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me, and did not believe that he was sprung from him, but that he was in the likeness of the angels of Heaven; and note I have come to you that you may make known to me the truth

Once the candle is lighted, the flame will consume

40 And Esau concealed his hatred against Jacob, because he was afraid of his life on account of his brother Jacob, and because he imagined that the four camps that he had lighted on were Jacob’s servants

48 And all the sons of Jacob returned and walked about the city, searching if they could find any men, and they found about twenty young men in a cave in the city, and Gad and Asher struck them all, and Dan and Naphtali lighted on the rest of the men who had fled and escaped from the second tower, and they struck them all

Unhappily, it is housed in a very old, dilapidated and extremely poorly lighted building

64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel

11 And he lighted on a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep

25 And he lighted the lamps before the Lord; as the Lord commanded Moses

3 And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof over against the candlestick, as the Lord commanded Moses

Pushing the x-rays on to the lighted screen

18 And it came to pass, as she came to him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field, and she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said to her, What would you?

14 And it came to pass, when she came to him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field, and she lighted from off her ass; and Caleb said to her, What will you?

25 And he lighted the lamps before the LORD; as the LORD commanded

The Big Dipper circled overhead during the dark season and its individual stars seemed as close as the sixty-watt bulb that lighted the entrance of the last barracks in the row

64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off

11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because

For in those days the Elect One shall arise; And he shall choose the righteous and holy from among them; For the day has drawn near that they should be saved; And the Elect One shall in those days sit on My throne; And his mouth shall pour out all the secrets of wisdom and counsel: For the Lord of Spirits has given them to him and has glorified him; And in those days shall the mountains leap like rams and the hills also shall skip like lambs satisfied with milk; And the faces of all the angels in Heaven shall be lighted up with joy

And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech and she became pregnant by him and bore a son; And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool and his eyes beautiful; And when he opened his eyes he lighted up the whole house like the sun and the whole house was very bright; And thereon he arose in the hands of the midwife opened his mouth and conversed with the Lord of righteousness; And his father Lamech was afraid of him and fled and came to his father Methuselah; And he said to him: ‘I have begotten a strange son diverse from and unlike man and resembling the sons of the God of Heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us and his eyes are as the rays of the sun and his countenance is glorious; And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels and I fear that in his days a wonder may be wrought on the Earth; And now my father I am here to petition you and implore you that you may go to Enoch our father and learn from him the truth for his dwelling-place is among the angels

‘ And when Methuselah heard the words of his son he came to me to the ends of the Earth; for he had heard that I was there and he cried aloud and I heard his voice and I came to him; And I said to him: ‘note here am I my son therefore have you come to me?’ And he answered and said: ‘Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to you and because of a disturbing vision have I approached; And now my father hear me: to Lamech my son there has been born a son the like of whom there is none and his nature is not like man’s nature and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool and his eyes are like the rays of the sun and he opened his eyes and thereon lighted up the whole house; And he arose in the hands of the midwife and opened his mouth and blessed the Lord of Heaven; And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me and did not believe that he was sprung from him but that he was in the likeness of the angels of Heaven; and note I have come to you that you may make known to me the truth

40 And Esau concealed his hatred against Jacob because he was afraid of his life on account of his brother Jacob and because he imagined that the four camps that he had lighted on were Jacob’s servants

48 And all the sons of Jacob returned and walked about the city searching if they could find any men and they found about twenty young men in a cave in the city and Gad and Asher struck them all and Dan and Naphtali lighted on the rest of the men who had fled and escaped from the second tower and they struck them all

He quietly got out of bed, trying not to waken Sarah, and he lighted a kerosene lantern

in which did Moses suffer loss in that he lived only one hundred and twenty years and in as much he was subject to Him who formed him brought the law to the seed of Jacob and lighted a lamp for the nation of Israel?’

1 And I answered and said: ‘he who lighted has taken from the light and there are but few that have imitated him; but those many whom he has lighted have taken from the darkness of Adam and have not rejoiced in the light of the lamp

50 And on the altar they burned incense and the lamps that were on the candlestick they lighted that they might give light in the temple

Then he lighted a candle in front of Adele’s photograph on top of his cabinet

7 What time as Demetrius reigned in the hundred threescore and ninth year we the Jews wrote to you in the extremity of trouble that came on us in those years from the time that Jason and his company revolted from the holy land and kingdom 8 And burned the porch and shed innocent blood; then we prayed to the Lord and were heard; we offered also sacrifices and fine flour and lighted the lamps and set out the loaves

sure the house is well aired and lighted by opening windows

” The ingredients lighted on the first try

No man who when he has lighted a candle covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed; but sets it on a candlestick that those who approach may see the light because nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest; neither is any thing hidden which shall not be known and go around the world; therefore be diligent how you hear because whoever has to him he shall be given; and whoever is lacking from him shall it be taken away even that which he seems to hold

In January of 1983 the 180-foot Sundew was cutting through one-foot-thick ice, picking up the last two lighted buoys in the harbor of Duluth-Superior

The lighted buoys were among the total of 358 ATN in the harbor and on Lake Superior

The sun shone on it and lighted it up

able to toss a lighted match at the cross

Now, waving TJ to a chair, Uncle Harry offered him a cigar and, after both men had lighted them, the

Raein asked if the candles should be lighted before pulling out a matchbook, stating the specials, which spread pork in a fruit salsa

After sitting with him for a few moments, I went to the brightly lighted lobby

When his cell phone rang a moment later, Dave looked quickly to the lighted face

the lighted building with the distinctive blue roof and then down into Sharon’s eyes

It was lighted by a few candles, and the bed had

The first time I heard Terry’s rendering of Macbeth’s misery, cynicism and poignant insight into the folly of life… and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty deaths…life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing! it moved me to tears

I parked and deadlocked my precious wagon on a lighted street several blocks from the old house, then, as there was no moon, walked ahead to guide Jon as he backed the hundred metres without lights up to the house

The Holy Spirit came and lighted on Him

She emerged into the street, lighted by cressets placed at regular intervals

Among those dark or dimly lighted upper chambers he quickly lost all sense of direction, and it was not strange that he eventually blundered into a chamber into which his foes were just pouring

The girl whom the world knew as queen of Khauran stood in a dungeon, lighted only by a flickering torch which played on her features, etching the diabolical cruelty of her beautiful countenance

Every inch he looked a king as he continued to speak to this breathless multitude: «You would make me king, not because your souls have been lighted with a great truth, but because your stomachs have been filled with bread

The maid waited, veiled like her mistress, outside the door, and the group traversed a wide, winding corridor, lighted by smoky torches, and reached the quarters reserved for visiting notables—generals and viceroys, mostly; none of the royal family had ever honored the fortress before

Torches lighted a narrow space between the outer wall and a lower inner one, in which were arched doors at regular intervals

Instantly a flare of green fire lighted the enclosure

Bronze lanterns, carved with leering dragons, had been lighted in the streets before Conan reached the house of Aram Baksh

Conan followed Aram down a corridor lighted by copper lamps, and it did not please him to note his host’s noiseless tread

Aram had lighted a bronze lamp, and he now called Conan’s attention to the two doors

Groping in the darkness he found the lamp and lighted it

He got a glimpse of a grim stone altar, faintly lighted by the glow outside; five human heads grinned on that altar, and there was a grisly familiarity about the features of the freshest; it was the head of the merchant Tiberias

They saw the fort, lighted with torches thrust over the parapets on long poles

These Conan and Valeria avoided, keeping always to the lighted chambers

That’s one reason fall prevention programs aimed at seniors point out the need for appropriate lighting throughout the home to clearly define changes in floor surfaces or levels and to eliminate both shadows and glare

· Use natural lighting where possible, and position light sources in ways that don’t produce shadows

This tiny primordial light burned across the Universe, lighting the heavens, unhindered by shadow

They got down there to find that dolphins had quite a bar down here set up on the shelf corals with schools of glowing fish lighting the party and a school of drumfish providing the rhythm that the dolphin’s girlfriends squealed to

The play is being performed in the Village Hall – the stage is well equipped with proper lighting and although we don’t actually need microphones for so small a hall, there’s a pretty complicated looking, sound system as well

As he leaned back, his chair disappeared and he was dumped onto his ass on the cold, hard stone of the stage of the amphitheater at Susa, deep in evening with a terrible lighting storm approaching from right behind Moamar’s wide turban

The driver beamed like a supernova going critical, lighting up the cabin with his wide, wild eyes and his deep bellow

«We heaved and threw, pounded and battered from all directions, never knowing where the next blow was coming from except when lighting flashed

have turned the wheel and the valve, lighting a fuse

of the storm, coppers and tin, lighting coals

This is real swamp layout and lighting

speed of lighting everyday and are flourishing too because of the interest and enthusiasm of

My aunt stood her ground and levelled with one of them as he was lighting a cigarette, ‘Excuse me

He allowed himself to imagine one of those elaborate shorting-out scenes like in ancient movies where the robot becomes encased in blue plasma with arcs of lighting all around them until their parts clatter to the floor, smoking

I consider what I recall … in the middle of the night, by the light of the lightstones dimly lighting the room, I had seen Berndt sitting on the edge of the bed … concerned, I had sat up and reached over to see what the problem was … at my touch he had turned, his eyes dark and troubled

He had to admit that thinking of her as being sewed up out of Tdeshi’s body parts and jolted to life with lighting wasn’t conducive to erotic thoughts

and greeted him, her face lighting up at his arrival

’ He protested, amusement lighting up his features

A beam of sunlight broke through the cloud, lighting the colours on the feathers for a brief moment before disappearing again

It was smooth in detail, rough in bulk, but the floor was smooth and polished, the walls were deeply carved with heroic scenes from Elven history and the ceiling was fitted with good bioluminescent lighting, bright enough to keep Gnome’s hoods up

“The sun won’t reach us for over an hour,” he said as he sat up from lighting the foot-warmer

’ The man went on to explain, a hint of a smile lighting up his eyes

And now, the sun is shining brightly, lighting up the room

Servers, anonymous in their cassocks and surplices, are quietly moving around lighting candles

Alex’s blue green eyes twinkled at the mention of the hot water springs and how they were used in the heating and lighting of the homes

pulled into port and a young boy was busy lighting torches

He knew that in Dempalan times there was a method of lighting the towers without Kortrax, but most of the time today they functioned in only their most basic relay capacity, something that had been called Passive Diagnostic Mode when they were new

There was no electrical lighting; only the pale blue light of the moon shone in

The sun was waking and stretching its sunbeams lighting clouds slightly below them in the east

The lighting must have struck her eyes at just the right moment, creating a blue twinkle within the glass tube

But the glow vanished, and he dismissed it as a trick of his mind; the hammer most likely catching the light of mage-fire or a distant lighting strike

It was a late Morningday gig on a nice plaza about twenty four stories above the plots, plots that you could just about see from the lighting bridge

There would be no lighting with this show of course, they only went up there to get out of the way of the only act before them

Despite the dull lighting Nathaniel recognized them instantly as Tom and Louise

It is more like Earth in that there are more mechanical devices and lighting, but it is still much more like Kassidor than Earth

Hogan smiled and followed the priest, lighting another candle as he descended the steps

» He never knew that she had that source unlocked before Gordon’s Lamp passed Neptune only months from lighting the motor when the voyage began

Thunder rolled through the sky accompanied by bursts of lighting and flame

The lighting could be adjusted for flow, color and swirl as well as brightness

second thought when lighting struck

«Sure,» Arkaneh replied in a cold manner, handing him a cigarette and lighting it for him

The moon was lighting up the water’s surface with a soft light that was easy on the eyes, with the tips of the waves catching hold of that light

It was difficult lighting on the pad

“I’ve reconnected battery power to the lighting and door circuits, sir,” reported Fletcher as they re-entered the shuttle bay, “One battery was still charged, the others were either smashed beyond use or flat

“At least we’ll have some proper lighting for searching the ship

Were the streets of London to be lighted and paved at the expense of the treasury, is there any probability that they would be so well lighted and paved as they are at present, or even at so small an expense ? The expense, besides, instead of being raised by a local tax upon the inhabitants of each particular street, parish, or district in London, would, in this case, be defrayed out of the general revenue of the state, and would consequently be raised by a tax upon all the inhabitants of the kingdom, of whom the greater part derive no sort of benefit from the lighting and paving of the streets of London

” Matthew invited, a smile lighting up his thin face

Power for the heaters, life-support systems, lighting and everything else was provided by two compact fusion reactors

The lighting was dim and the whole effect was of a disused barn or old warehouse

Whale oil was used as a lamp fuel and for making candles, as there was no electricity, natural gas, or kerosene for lighting in those days

Sitting down in opposite chairs I took out my cigarette case and offered her a smoke she smiled tenderly when she saw the case we both took a cigarette and I lit hers first before lighting mine she blew smoke out saying

“You have saved my life Billy Boy I don’t know what Mabel would have said if she found out but you really are a good friend”, and a grin broke out on his lighting up his face

The blanket used to cover the opening was pushed aside as Bet and Frank came in drawing it closed behind them and lighting a couple of stubs of candle

On the second night, a night of a near full waxing moon with bright stars lighting up the dark sky, Adem and his friends visited the Chestnut Quarter of the city, a section of streets and laneways mostly made up of two- or three-story inns and taverns sometimes built right up next to one another without a laneway between

We watched as they exploded lighting up the night with flashes and the noise of them echoed in our ears

” The artillery had been concentrating on the German rear areas but now some of it concentrated on the front line again and we could see the muzzle flashes of the guns behind us lighting up the sky

It was fucking chaos as explosions went off near us and then the rifles and machine guns fired in our direction flares whooshed up lighting up the sky and ground below them

Fluorescent lighting above gave the room a clinical feel

When it came to managing the house, she was a master — with the exception of lighting the stove

Still, marrying Josh while another man was so capable of lighting her fire didn’t seem fair — especially when Josh couldn’t

searchlights were lighting up the skies over Vancouver

I would rather hear a guy tell me that he did something cliché and overused like dimming the lights, lighting candles and putting on romantic music and then initiating sex, because at least he understands that her emotional state is a factor

The torchlight took up where the green light had been extinguished, lighting the cavern

Saldon and Flesh’ailer went one way and Halon the other, lighting whatever they could on their way

As lighting and thunder began to crack overhead and a torrential rain pelted them, Longleaf and Capt

lighting the steady eyes, and wondered dimly, as he stood with his hand

Smiling, Alex thought that maybe he should offer to put some outside lighting in the old man’s garden so that he could spend even more time digging

The other cat turned its head to stare at him and Ollie Harris saw that Mrs Kavanaugh’s throat had been torn out, the blood running down the front of her white blouse — a brick-red bib glistening under the fluorescent lighting

Shaking his wrist, he held the watch to his ear and gave a grunt, studying it again under the dim street lighting

She moved carefully down the stairs, settling the torch on the far wall, not lighting the others

In the meadow above, the sun rose, lighting the low grey clouds with a red glow

«There’s no lighting inside,» I pointed out

As he wiped the sweat from his balding head with a large, blue handkerchief, his eyes glinted in the overhead lighting

It was empty, stripes of light from the street lighting shining through the thin curtains, reaching far into the corners

It got dimmer, it got brighter, but with the sun and the moon lighting the outside world, it was never, ‘daylight

The moon was high, lighting the road as Fin rode out into the countryside

“Just have to empty the bloody thing later,” he grumbled as he stalked off into the night, his torch lighting up the grass in front of him

A fine restaurant, dim lighting, excellent Majorcan wine

The lighting went on forever

He had just stepped out through the hatch for a moment and was now lighting the way for them

The clouds had cleared, lighting the sand with a wash of pale yellow

Off to the east, a long line of cloud tops, flickering from time to time and lighting up as a late season thunderstorm washed the stench of death from the Western Front

The front companionway door opened and diffused lighting came on

It was not the lack of night or the invariably harsh conditions of continuous lighting, unbearable heat, and sticky moisture that prevented him from having some kind of much needed rest

Lighting conditions were about the same as before: a twilight of sorts that though eerie at times, did not put a strain on the eyes

Salmsoni’s bald pate gleamed dully in the soft strip lighting, the shine of his smoky orange pince-nez hiding his eyes, which were a piercing red with black vertical slits

Lighting was at a premium in these parts of the Disciplinarium with only a few torches spread thin, darkness and light exchanging places with one another at uneven intervals

There was only limited lighting, and certain “bad elements” were apt to be encountered

There was a rhythm to it as he leaned into a turn and shot out the gate, bleakly lit by overhead yellow lighting

There was no obvious source of lighting, nothing in the way of a lamp or a torch

While trees and shrubs were in the minority, in the hard white glare of the lighting system, they could see figures moving along the rows

She had nice breasts, thought Toby, cursing the bad lighting

When he climbed aboard, he had one last glimpse of Ethan lighting a cigarette and waving them goodbye

– Unless Laino manages to scare you to death, it can turn you on somewhat when his eyes flash with lighting and rage

Unfortunately it was of the very miniature pocket kind and with the establishment’s unsophisticated lighting system we needed the assistance of the built in torch on her cell phone

Seriously, you should have seen him; he made this big production out of lighting it too

I just had to do a retake when he said that, to check if his tongue was in his cheek or not, particularly as he was in the process of lighting up again

lighting in the club made it hard to determine whether they were hers or not, but

“Now gentlemen,” Paul began after cutting his cigar and lighting it with a sterling silver Zippo lighter

A relaxing, routine activity right before bedtime conducted away from bright lights helps separate your sleep time from activities that can cause excitement, stress or anxiety which can make it more difficult to fall asleep, get sound and deep sleep or remain asleep

A simple trip to the grocery store will be filled with episodes of bad drivers, poorly-timed traffic lights, crowded aisles, indifferent checkout clerks, and thin plastic grocery bags that rip too easily

He stomps it out lights another

I can watch for it as soon as it lights, but those probes won’t see the inert craft

· Have handrails and lights put in on all staircases

A long, drab corridor illuminated with fluorescent lights

The lights above his head seemed

The houses and tavernas and bright lights of the

With the lights out my

John pauses, touches some of the big Christmas lights hanging from the building, looks about before entering

The cavernous roof with its harsh strip lights folded into starry night

He reaches over on the nightstand, lights a cigarette, hands it to Ahmed

glowed under the lights in ambers and olives and whites, almost tabby in effect

She lights a cigarette, offers him one

from the lights and the chirpy clatter of bars and restaurants

«Turn off the lights there

She braked – he saw the brake lights come on, but it appears that her brakes failed for some reason

Drivers flashed their lights and drove through without a look in the old man’s direction

Naturally, there are still lights on in one or two of the houses – this lot never sleep from what I can see — and Henry waves across at us … he’s taking Buster out for a late night walk

The truck would idle for a moment, waiting for traffic to clear or for lights to change, and as the truck moved off I spat oaths of vengeance in my head, while I fought for breath through my clogged nose

Smile, it costs you nothing and it real y lights up a person»s face

With the night sky calling forth the hunter in her soul, she opened the curtains, stepped out onto the balcony and gazed down the dusty little lane that ran towards the local coastal strip, with its bright lights, its noise and its scurrying human possibilities

There seemed a deepening of the chill in the air as she climbed up and out of the town, as though the imminence of winter was more profoundly announced away from the lights and the chirpy clatter of bars and restaurants

So here she was, about to walk down the ramp and into the underpass, with the first dread impulse to run back to the lights and bars rising from the pit of her stomach

Alan expected the lights here in the hall would be turned up when the show ended

And now there weren’t just noises in the sky, there were lights

turns, lights another unfiltered Players,

catching reflections from the coloured lights

and stops at traffic lights, where a white Fiat van

reflecting the lights from the stage

Red lights in his face

In one there were several packs of Marlboro lights, and in the other Capri menthols

Fred turned on the Christmas lights

In the surround sound of cars beyond strip lights,

Jack had put on the Christmas tree lights

that there were no lights on

the street lights along the river reflected

Through the window, I could just make out some lights, orange, so still in what must have been sports arenas and motorways

Orange lights flickered across the surface in the late afternoon sun

Pin pricks of light glittered in the growing darkness, unusual clusters that had me confused until I twigged they were not stars at all but lights from mountain houses

On the road down to the harbour with its lights and the village life, the faint strains of bouzouki floated through the air from a shop nearby

Boy sleeps with the lights out,

From Homer I gathered a huge range of heroes and myths about monsters and magic that I’d tell to my dormitory mates after lights out

Behind the desperate couple, the house lights went up, but they were so engrossed in their respective miseries that neither of them noticed a shabby little old man shuffling down one of the aisles and taking a front row seat

The lights snapped off and there was another crack of thunder

As the lights came up again slowly, the tart with a heart was standing where the blonde spirit had appeared, and she was smiling her soft and gentle, gap toothed smile once again

It appeared that mother was winning and the bright lights of the Nevada desert would soon be graced by two new high rollers with money to burn

I don’t know if it was the reflections in the sea, or the lights from passing ships, or maybe the peaceful scattering of tables and chairs in the street, or even the girl, the mountains, the bells, or all of it all together, but that was the evening the spirit of the village of Sophia stood before me, showed me her face and stole me away

Along the road out of town, I climb for about half an hour to where the bulldozers have scraped out the old rock to make the new road, and from there look back at the lights of Sophia, a tender pattern of sparks with a few gaps where mountain homes once stood

A frail string of lights hanging in the darkness — and such dense darkness there would be without the tender sparks

They could see lights twinkle from all the little waterfronts, still burning as light slowly returned

They told him all about their great city, its lights and music, and especially about their jobs and their wonderful bonus payments

Behind me the music was mocking and brash and the dancing and clapping against the coloured lights grated on my nerves

There are lights at the business end of the barge but none here

She lowered the lights and lit a torch beside the table they were next to

Somebody put the lights on, everybody moaned, so someone turned them off again

They were especially keen to send their tomatoes to the restaurants run by their celebrity chef chums in the bustling centres of expensive consumer consumption that shined amid the phantom lights of the capital city

He even made a special series of videos to show on his body and as he slowly revolved under the hot studio lights, as he turned from judge to judge, each programme was revealed in all of its glory

The lights, the pictures, the coat stand, his sad old shoes, everything was OK until I saw a photo of me and him kissing and I was in shreds again

Scarily, I narrowly miss hitting the car in front of me when it stops at traffic lights … I make an effort to concentrate on my driving

In the lounge, Alastair has turned off the lights and is peeking out of the window

When he had been young, in the dog days of the Nigerian occupation, the stars had been lights in the sky

fly, killing the lights and every other electrical appliance in the

What I suggest is that we just perk up the colour with low lights to tone in those grey hairs and then for the big day, I think something simple

The ground drops away dramatically in front of us and, there laid out before us, are all the lights of Bath

The porch lights are on but the rest of the house is in darkness

comfort of the lights in the court building’s entrance hall and

Behind the desperate couple, the house lights went up, but they

We switched off the lights at 10

As the lights came up again slowly, the tart with a heart was

Peter only turns on the lights that we’ll need, leaving pools of shadows in the corners

While Peter turns off lights and locks up, we stroll out into the churchyard

making machines in a great hall lit by a thousand fairy lights»

While chewing my lip, as I wait for the traffic lights at the third set of road works to turn green, I allow my mind to go over the dream I had last night

The lights fade to nothing and the screen lights up

’ I said, as the lights come up

amid the phantom lights of the capital city

roaring fire in the snug of his local pub rather than the bright lights

I turned off the lights, and sat in silence

She needs a fix and there is something gnawing away at the back of her mind; this man, a strange taste in her mouth, lights, sounds and the smell of unwashed bodies

The lights went out; a gunshot shattered the silence; the taxi driver cursed and jammed the gas pedal to the floor, forcing her the rest of the way into the back seat

Strange lights in the skies

He lights the blue touch paper and steps away

She was uncertain of his promise and flipped the lights on to watch him better

“You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” he asked, inspecting her in the interior lights

The lights were out and when he looked in on Bex it was like she was eleven years old

As soon as she sees Bex opening the back door she puts them both in her mouth and lights them, handing one to Bex

Neon lights and LED wall panels flash incessantly

The club’s main lights go up

marvelled again at the curiously motionless lights in the stones of the

lights the dark, lifts the soul

In each ambulance, under bright fluorescent lights, the paramedic member of each crew tries to ensure that airways are clear and functioning

Both vehicles push hard through the traffic lights and up the hill towards the hospital where they swing round and reverse into the emergency bays by the entrance to Accident and Emergency

Plastic aprons shine under the strip lights

Hugging that thought to himself, he turned off the lights and made his way to bed

few steps he could see soft red lights, just ahead

As soon as they hit the four-twenty down to Swindon, Carol lights up

Kill the lights on your way out

Examples of how to use the word “light” in a sentence. How to connect “light” with other words to make correct English sentences.

light (n, adj, v): the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from electrical devices, and that allows things to be seen; not weighing a lot; to start to burn or to make something start to burn

Use “light” in a sentence

You need to wait until the light turns green to cross the street
I forgot to turn off the light.
I usually have a light breakfast.
Please light a candle.

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