Use job in a sentence for each word

Use of English:
Part 1

Warm-up Exercises

Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

Task 1. Choose the best word for each gap.

1. I have no money left! I really really need a __________ as soon as possible.

a – work
b – job
c – career

2. Ahead of her lay college and a possible _________ in journalism.
a – work
b – job
c – career

3. I have a lot of __________ to do today.
a – work
b – job
c – career

  1. Сочетания с неопределенным артиклем ‘a work’ не существует в английском, а ‘a career’ означает всю твою профессиональную жизнь от начала и до конца. Правильный ответ: B.
  2. С
  3. A

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Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

Task 1. Choose the most suitable word for each gap.

Once upon a time, people left school or university, joined a company and stayed with it until they retired. The concept of a job for life is now long (1)_______, and nowadays many employees find it hard to stay loyal to their companies for even a relatively short period of time. According to a recent survey, this is particularly (2)_______ in London, where more than half of those asked said that they constantly (3)_______ one eye on other job opportunities, (4)_______ they are fairly happy in their existing job. A high number of London workers say that they are always on the (5)_______ , although they are content and motivated in their current position.

Job seekers find that the internet (6)_______ them with a quick and easy way to find out what’s available, and 53 percent said that they had applied for a job or registered with an employment agency in the past 12 months. This proactive (7)_______ means that people can look for a perfect job match with the (8)_______ of effort. But while this is good for job hunters, the growing lack of company loyalty could (9)_______ up being a big problem for employers. Perhaps surprisingly, the (10)_______ factors attracting job seekers was not more money, but challenging and interesting work.

1. A.finished        B.done         C.over         D.gone
2. A.true         B.real         C.right         D.actual
3. A.put         B.keep         C.hold
4. A.just as         B.even if well that
5.         B.pursuit         C.lookout
6. A.delivers         B.serves         C.fulfils         D.provides
7. A.manner         B.custom         C.approach
8. A.minimum         B.lowest         C.smallest         D.least
9.         B.come         C.end         D.lead

  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. A

Use of English: Part 2

Alberto Granado

Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

(0) In January 1952, 23-year-old medical student Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado, a 29-year-old biochemist, set _____ (1)  from Buenos Aires, Argentina on a sputtering single cylinder motorbike. They wanted to discover _____ (2)  South America they had read about in books. By the end of the journey, they had travelled over 8,000 kilometres across such inhospitable places _____ (3) the Andes, the Atacama Desert and the Amazon Basin.

The journey had a significant impact on Guevara, _____ (4) , after witnessing extreme poverty and social injustice, vowed to do something about it. The _____ (5)  significant moment for Guevara was his visit to a leper colony. It was here that Guevara decided _____ (6)  to continue his career in institutional medicine. Instead, he _____ (7)  become a ‘doctor of the people’ – tending _____ (8) who could not afford the treatment.

  1. off
  2. the
  3. By
  4. as
  5. who
  6. most
  7. it
  8. not
  9. would
  10. those

For questions 13 – 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the numbered spaces.

young enterprise

How prepared are you for (0) ____ future? You are studying to obtain qualifications for your chosen career, but what (13) ____ getting the business skills necessary to make your career a success? How do you gain the advantage (14) ____ will get you your dream job? Perhaps you even have an ambition to set (15) ____ a business yourself?

(16) ____ year since 2007, when the Young Enterprise Programme began, hundreds of thousands of young people have gained a head start while they are still at school by taking part (17) ____ the programme. There, they have gained key business skills and knowledge, either through a series of workshops (18) ____ through starting and running their own real company. At Young Enterprise we believe that it is important for learning to (19) ____ exciting, fun and hands-on, which is (20) ____ our programmes are run on the principle of learning by doing.

(21) ____ participate in a programme, your first step is to consult your school. Your school will need to become a centre if it has (22) ____ yet done so. It can register as (23) ____ of these by contacting the nearest Young Enterprise office. Once it (24) ____ registered as a centre, you can get started!



15 UP


17 IN

18 OR

19 BE

20 WHY

21 TO

22 NOT 

23 ONE

24 HAS / IS

Use of English:
Part 3

Father fires son for 10 years of laziness. A businessman sacked his son because he was lazy, incompetent and (1) ________________.

Stuart Bidwell, 26, was handed dozens of (2) ________________ letters about his work during his ten years with the firm.

Manager and father Stephen Bidwell said: ‘He got (3) ________________ warnings and was just no good.
He didn’t really have the right (4) ________________ for the job anyway.

We only gave him the job because he was family and we didn’t want him to be (5) ________________.
The final straw came when Stuart was caught making long-distance phone calls to his girl-friend in Australia during office hours. Apparently Stuart was finally asked to hand in his (6) ________________ but he refused, so he was sacked.

Stuart Bidwell told the court that he had been (7) ________________ dismissed. Stuart said he had worked for his father’s company since leaving school at 16 and that he had only ever had two warning letters.
Stuart’s father has already put an (8) ________________ in the local paper for a replacement and says that they have already had over 100 (9) ________________ through the post.

  7. FAIR
  9. APPLY

Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

  1. dishonest
  2. disciplinary
  3. numerous
  4. qualifications
  5. unemployed
  6. resignation
  7. unfairly
  8. advertisement
  9. applications

Use of English:
Part 4

Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word given.

1 Someone broke into their flat the other day.

They …………………………………….. into the other day.

2 Did the hairdresser dye her hair blonde?

Did she …………………………………….. blonde?

3 ‘Not only is she pretty, but also clever,’ he said.


‘She ……………………………………..,’ he said.

Cambridge Exams: Use of English (Work & Job)

4 The plumber is fixing our tap at the moment.


We …………………………………….. at the moment.

5 I haven’t been for an eye test for over six years.

I have …………………………………….. for over six years.

6 We were sent home as soon as we arrived.

We …………………………………….. we were sent home.

7 They are going to hire someone to paint their house this summer.

They are going …………………………………. this summer

  1. had their flat broken into
  2. get her hair dyed
  3. is both pretty and clever
  4. are getting/having our tap fixed
  5. not had my eyes tested
  6. arrived no sooner than
  7. to have their house painted

1 receptionist; varied, tiring

2 architect; creative, well-paid

3 cleaner; repetitive, badly-paid

4 programmer; challenging, rewarding



I work as a receptionist in a hotel. The job is OK. There are lots of different things I have to do, like deal with the public, check guests in and out, answer the phone, use a computer, and so on. So every day is different. The problem is, I have to work long hours, sometimes at night, so I’m absolutely exhausted when I go home.


I’m an architect. I finished college last year and this is my first job. I love designing houses, creating something beautiful for people. I love working in a team and the other people in the office are great. But we all work very long hours. Luckily, I get quite a lot of money so it’s worth it!


I’m from Senegal and I work as a cleaner. I’m on my feet all day, but I don’t mind because I’m fit and strong and the work isn’t too hard. But I have to clean the same offices every day, six days a week. The same offices! That’s very boring. And I only get about £7 an hour, which isn’t much at all. Britain is expensive and it’s difficult to live on so little money.


I’m a programmer. I work for a software company in London. I love my job. I often have to solve quite difficult problems, which is difficult, and takes a lot of time, but I really enjoy it. I love the feeling at the end of the day when I have solved a really difficult problem.

A. Circle the correct word.

1   The charity / union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike next week.

2   It’s company / firm / business policy not to allow the use of phones for personal calls during working hours.

3   The recent raise / rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small businesses round here.

4   In some professions, you have to retire / resign when you’re 60 or 65 years old.

5   My grandfather gets a pension / promotion from the company he used to work for.

6   Not only did we all have to work overtime / promotion this weekend, but we didn’t get paid for it!

7   Have you had any news about that work / job / career you applied for yet?

8   The starting salary / wage is €20000 per year.

9   You’ll get a weekly pay / wage of about €300 before deductions.

10   She became a full-time member of employees / staff / employers last year.


1 union   2 company   3 rise   4 retire

5 pension   6 overtime   7 job   8 salary

9 wage   10 staff

B. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

commute • deliver • earn • gain • make • sack • win

1   No sooner had Denzil …………………… the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2   How long does it take you to …………………… to work every day?

3   How much does a state school teacher …………………… each year?

4   Over a hundred workers were …………………… redundant when the factory closed.

5   Our next-door neighbour was …………………… for stealing company property.

6   Does your local supermarket ……………………?

7   Rarely have I …………………… so much valuable experience in such a short space of time.


1 won   2 commute   3 earn/make   4 made

5 sacked   6 deliver   7 gained

C. Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing (1) ……………… for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was taken (2) ……………… by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company (3) ……………… the hard times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed (4) ……………… of their agreement. Our company closed (5) ……………… . We were all made redundant – it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I (6) ……………… down several offers of work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: ‘I’m going to set (7) ……………… my own business!’ At first it was tough. I had to (8) ……………… to everything myself – I was the only employee! – but I set (9) ……………… it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken (10) ……………… more and more staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set (11) ……………… to be successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest, luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I don’t feel satisfied yet, though. We’re bringing (12) ……………… new products all the time, and I want to continue doing that. I also want to speed (13) ……………… our production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow (14) ……………… any time soon!


1 in   2 over   3 through   4 out   5 down

6 turned   7 up   8 see   9 to   10 on

11 out   12 out   13 up    14 down

D. Match to make sentences.

 I put a lot of effort

 They’ve made their decision

 It’s not in your interest to

 The secretary’s kept me

 I don’t know why you didn’t apply

 I think we’re all in agreement

 Dean’s been out

 The shop hasn’t been in

 I’m glad you’re finally taking an interest

10   Jason lives fairly near his place of

A   on hold for ages.

 about who’s going to get promoted.

 of work for over two months now.

D   into writing this report.

 business long.

 in your work.

G   for that position.

H   accept a pay cut.

I    work, doesn’t he?

J   on this, aren’t we?


1 D   2 B   3 H   4 A   5 G   6 J

7 C   8 E   9 F   10 I

E. Write one word in each gap.

 Maybe you should write a letter ……………… complaint to the manager.

 When was the last time you had a ……………… off?

 Hardly had the police officer come ……………… duty when he had to respond to an emergency.

 My dad’s ……………… work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

 I am available to ……………… an interview at your convenience.

 He’s been ……………… this job for over thirty years.

 Our company ……………… a lot of business with Altech Industries.

 Sol’s made an arrangement ……………… the wholesalers to deliver more frequently in future.

 June’s got several years’ experience ……………… dealing with young children.


1 of   2 day   3 on   4 at   5 attend

6 doing/in   7 does   8 with/for   9 of/in

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   Who is responsible ………… dealing with complaints?

      A with             B for

      C in                  D at

2   We began ………… looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

      A to                 B with

      C by                 D at

3   The covering letter wasn’t attached ………… the CV.

      A to                 B with

      C from            D by

4   Don’t you think you should apply for the job ………… writing?

      A with             B for

      C at                 D in

5   I was only absent ………… the office for a few minutes!

      A for               B from

      C in                  D about

6   Success in this industry depends a lot ………… luck!

      A with             B from

      C at                 D on


1 B   2 C   3 A   4 D   5 B   6 D

G. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

 Sadie’s quite good in typing. …………….

 Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. …………….

 You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. …………….

 It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. …………….

 You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor. …………….

 We specialise for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. …………….

 After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. …………….

 I’d love to work as advertising. …………….

 Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! …………….


1 in/at   2 at/as   3 in/as   4 that/for

5 from/in/with/at   6 for/in   7 as/in

8 as/in   9 for/to

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   All the heavy ………………… (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.

2   Al is a manager at the local water ………………… (WORK).

3   An ………………… (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.

4   We work under close ………………… (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.

5   Farm ………………… (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6   There’ll be an ………………… (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7   Supersonic planes have never been a ………………… (COMMERCE) success.

8   We couldn’t have built this new train without the ………………… (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire workforce.

 The plan is completely ………………… (WORK). Let’s just forget it!


1 machinery   2 works   3 industrial   4 supervision

5 workers   6 additional   7 commercial   8 dedication

9 unworkable

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Job fairs

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be (1) ………………… (employ) six months after leaving university, the majority will have found (2) ………………… (employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in (3) ………………… (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an (4) ………………… (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress (5) ………………… (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look (6) ………………… (responsible) when you have your first (7) ………………… (meet) with your potential (8) ………………… (employ). If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an (9) ………………… (apply) form, so it’s (10) ………………… (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your (11) ………………… (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.


1 unemployed   2 employment   3 management

4 effective   5 professionally   6 irresponsible

7 meeting   8 employer(s)   9 application

10 helpful   11 qualifications

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Часть II


1. Use a word from the box to complete each sentence. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

  1. deal
  2. responsible
  3. work
  4. job
  5. manage
  6. under of
  7. responsibility

1. I ____________________ for Morgans the aircraft company.

2. I ____________________ the manufacturing plant in Cambridge.

3. I am in charge ____________________ the production team.

4. About 120 people work ____________________ me.

5. Coordination between production and design is my ____________________.

6. I ____________________ with a lot of people in the company and with our customers.

7. I’m ____________________ for a budget of over € 100 million.

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Write one word from the box below in each gap to complete the text. You may choose to use some words more than once.

  1. at b) for c) in d) of e) off f) on g) get to

“My name is Anne Scott and I work __________ (1) a public relations company in London. I leave __________ (2) work at 7 o’clock in the morning. I go __________ (3) work by train and I usually __________ (4) to work by 8.30. I’m always __________ (5) work till about 6 o’clock so I never get home before 7.30 pm. Last year I broke my leg and so I was __________ (6) work for over a month. I didn’t like being at home. I love my job. I would hate to be permanently out __________ (7) work.”

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


3. In each sentence, write the correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. I’m responsible for __________ the design team. (manage)

2. I’m in charge of __________ the work of the team. (coordinate)

3. One of my responsibilities is to __________ sure that we don’t spend too much money. (make)

4. My team is responsible for the __________of new models for production. (design)

5. I’m in charge of __________our work for the whole year. (plan)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. physically contact
2. human work
3. problem on
4. day demanding
5. team commute
6. clock shift
7. working solving

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I had a 9-to-5 __________when I left school but I hated it. (job/work)

2. We have a __________system, but everyone must be here between 10 and 2. (repetitive/flexitime)

3. I work from __________and simply send my work over the Internet. (house/home)

4. I just sit in front of a computer all day, but this work is mentally __________tiring/routine)

5. This is the most __________job I’ve ever had. There is never a boring minute. (stimulating/repetitive)

6. We all look forward to 5.30 because then we can __________off for the day. (shift/clock)

7. The 7.30 train to London is always full of __________ (commuters/telecommuters)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Draw a line from each word on the left to a word on the right to make a word pair. There is one extra word that you don’t have to use.

1. covering agency
2. employment references
3. application test
4. curriculum letter
5. psychometric form

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. We need to __________four new people for our office in Manchester. (join/recruit)

2. We are using a recruitment __________to find them for us. (agency/headhunter)

3. They advertised the __________in the local newspaper last week (positions/applications)

4. So far, over 60 people have applied for the __________ (works/posts)

5. We are going to look at all the letters of __________over the weekend. (applications/situation)

6. On Monday, we will draw up a __________of 10 or 11 people. (reference/shortlist)

7. Then we’ll invite them all to come for an __________ (interview/appointment)

8. We hope to __________the successful applicants by the end of the month. (apply/appoint)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Write one word from the box below in each gap to complete the text. You may choose to use some words more than once.

  1. with b) from c) in d) as e ) for f) at

“My name is Jean Wilson and I have just started working __________ (1) a bank. I graduated __________ (2) Edinburg University last year with a degree __________ (3) Business and Management. Now I am going to train __________ (4) an accountant. I think I will do well because I am good __________ (5) figures and I am skilled __________ (6) using computers. I think that training __________ (7) a specific job will be more interesting than the general education I got at university.”

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


2. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. Everyone should stay in full-time __________until they are at least 18. (school/education)

2. Of course __________qualifications are important, but they’re not everything. (printed/paper)

3. I look for people with lots of relevant __________experience. (job/work)

4. Our company runs some very good in-house __________courses. (training/skilled)

5. Last year we spent over ₤50,000 on management __________ (experience/development)

6. We value people who are highly __________and want to get on. (motivated/graduated)

7. Tom gets on well with everyone. He is a great team __________ (person/player)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:



1. Choose the best word from the brackets to fill the gap.

1. I work in a small hotel in Amsterdam. I __________€8 an hour. (earn/paid)

2. It’s not a lot, but it’s more than the __________wage. (maximum/minimum)

3. Some customers leave me __________and that is a great help. (perks/tips)

4. My sister works in a bank and her __________is €3,000 a month. (salary/wage)

5. The bank also provides her with a good __________ package. (bonus/benefits)

6. Next year she thinks she will get a __________ car. (company/business)

7. When she is 55 she will be able to give up work and live on her __________ (package/pension)

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


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