Use in a sentence the word knowledge

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«She has expert knowledge in forensics.«
(expert, vast, considerable, great, complete, in-depth, broad, extensive)

«He has first-hand knowledge of what happened.«
(first-hand, direct, current, factual, up-to-date)

«I have limited knowledge of European history.«
(limited, basic, general)

«It’s common knowledge that the company is struggling.«
(common, public)

«She has a good working knowledge of the subject.«
(working, useful, practical)

«His professional knowledge became very useful.«
(professional, medical, scientific, technical)

Used with verbs:

«I acquired more knowledge on the subject.«
(acquired, gained, have, found, discovered)

«Previous knowledge is not required for the job.«
(be + required, be + needed, be + expected)

«He demonstrated his knowledge of computers.«
(demonstrated, showed, displayed)

«The project gave him the opportunity to use his knowledge.«
(use, apply)

«We shared our knowledge of fine wines.«
(shared, exchanged)

«He read many books to increase his knowledge.«
(increase, improve, expand, enhance)

Used with prepositions:

«He did it without their knowledge.«
(without, with)

«She’s never lived out of state to my knowledge.«
(to, according to)

«He had a wide knowledge of classic cars.«

Sentences starting with knowledge

  • Knowledge was presented to us as a corpse, which bit by bit we painfully dissected. [9]
  • Knowledge had come to her; an apprehending soul was speaking in her face. [11]
  • Knowledge is the soil, and intuitions are the flowers which grow up out of it. [4]
  • Knowledge and timber shouldn’t be much used, till they are seasoned. [6]
  • Knowledge puts faith out of the question, for faith to me means a trusting on spiritual grounds. [9]
  • Knowledge that is not wanted dies out like the eyes of the fishes of the Mammoth Cave. [3]
  • Knowledge of that man’s crime wasn’t necessary before giving him belladonna or a hot bath. [11]
  • Knowledge of the kind is expensive. [11]
  • Knowledge of life had rationalised her emotions to a definite degree, had given her the pride of self-repression. [11]
  • Knowledge of the capitals was what he needed. [4]

Sentences ending with knowledge

  • Natasha set to work to effect a reconciliation, and so far succeeded that Nicholas received a promise from his mother that Sonya should not be troubled, while he on his side promised not to undertake anything without his parents’ knowledge. [2]
  • And then added with an oath and a nod and a vile remark: «Married three times to my knowledge. [9]
  • The knowledge in which Bacon excelled all men was a knowledge of the mutual relations of all departments of knowledge. [5]
  • Wilhelm’s milder features were really those of a poet, while Jakob’s sterner cast of countenance, and his piercing eyes, indicated more naturally a searcher after knowledge. [10]
  • What the general was saying was even more clever and to the point, but it was evident that Kutuzov despised knowledge and cleverness, and knew of something else that would decide the matter—something independent of cleverness and knowledge. [2]
  • But not one was her match in the facility of acquiring knowledge. [6]
  • Wait a bit, wait!—With a definite aim before my eyes I have never yet failed to find my way—in the realm of science, of course; but what is life—the life of the sage but applied knowledge? [10]
  • Her eyes were undimmed, and the light was still in them which revealed a soul of which he had had no previous knowledge. [9]
  • Not that we undervalue book knowledge. [4]
  • They come home tres biens chausses, as a Frenchman would say, mighty well shod with professional knowledge. [6]

Short sentences using knowledge

  • Krool’s hands had knowledge. [11]
  • It was knowledge and victory. [11]

Sentences containing knowledge two or more times

  • Skilled in debate when he chooses to enter it, his knowledge of the law only exceeded by his knowledge of how it is to be evaded—to Lartius is assigned the task of following up the rout. [9]
  • She had taught us that faith and knowledge are things apart, and I felt that there could be no more peace for my soul if I suffered knowledge to meddle with faith. [10]
  • As manifested in the plays, this legal knowledge and learning had therefore a special character which places it on a wholly different footing from the rest of the multifarious knowledge which is exhibited in page after page of the plays. [5]
  • So of all the other ancillary and auxiliary kinds of knowledge, I would have them strictly subordinated to that particular kind of knowledge for which the community looks to its medical advisers. [3]
  • In due season, the growth of knowledge, chiefly under the form of that part of knowledge called science, so changes the views of the universe that many of its long-unchallenged legends become no more than nursery tales. [6]
  • Every ramble through the forest enriched our knowledge of plants and animals, and I soon knew the different varieties of stones also; yet we did not suspect that this knowledge was imparted according to a certain system. [10]
  • He wants to read so many books that he over-crams himself with the crude materials of knowledge, which become knowledge only when the mental digestion has time to assimilate them. [6]
  • Hydrogen will leak out, and air will leak in, through India-rubber; and special knowledge will leak out, and general knowledge will leak in, though a profession were covered with twenty thicknesses of sheepskin diplomas. [6]
  • The best part of our knowledge is that which teaches us where knowledge leaves off and ignorance begins. [3]
  • Still, the habit of dealing with things seen generates another kind of knowledge, and another way of thought, from that of dealing with things unseen; which knowledge and way of thought are special means granted by Providence, and to be thankfully accepted. [3]

More example sentences with the word knowledge in them

  • The real world, your world, England, Europe, would have no more use for all your skill and knowledge and power, because there would be a woman in the way. [11]
  • Your relations to your professional brethren may be a source of lifelong happiness and growth in knowledge and character, or they may make you wretched and end by leaving you isolated from those who should be your friends and counsellors. [3]
  • I enclose for your perusal a scrap of paper which came into my hands without the knowledge of the writer. [14]
  • I can assure you, Miss Carvel,» added Stephen, speaking with a force which made her start and thrill, «I can assure you from a personal knowledge of the German troops that they are not a riotous lot, and that they are under perfect control. [9]
  • He will tell you that scientific training has a value independent of all the special knowledge acquired. [3]
  • I have, as you know, some knowledge of machinery and engineering. [11]
  • The man laughed, yet without a sound—the inward, stealthy laugh, as from a knowledge wicked in its very suggestiveness. [11]
  • Through all the years, down beneath everything, there had been the helpless knowledge in her own small, garish mind that she had little sense; now she realized that she was given a chance to atone for all her pettiness by doing one great sensible thing. [11]
  • Abandon knowledge, all ye who enter there! [11]
  • In a letter written when he was only thirty-one, to his uncle, Lord Burleigh, he said, «I have taken all knowledge to be my province. [5]
  • How dull we writers, famous or obscure, are in the acquisition of knowledge as compared with them! [6]
  • When a realistic writer like Zola surprises his reader into a kind of knowledge he never thought of wishing for, he sometimes harms him more than he has any idea of doing. [6]
  • The man who worships in the temple of knowledge must carry his arms with him as our Puritan fathers had to do when they gathered in their first rude meeting-houses. [6]
  • It was the world in a man—personality, knowledge of life, the culture of the thousand things which make up civilization: it was personality got from life and power in contest with the ordered world. [11]
  • I was merely wondering whether any event or series of events had transformed a mere knowledge of these conditions into feeling. [9]
  • The old Italian woman, her duenna, always called her Donna Isabella, but she possessed little more knowledge of her past than I. [10]
  • How could she withstand the charm of his keen knowledge of the world, the fascination of his temperament, the alluring eloquence of his frank wickedness? [11]
  • As of old, without her knowledge, he did many things for her through the same Maitresse Aimable. [11]
  • I am filled with the wonder of her knowledge, acquired because shut out from all distraction. [5]
  • To me, preoccupied with the knowledge that the tug would soon be upon us, there seemed nothing strange in the attitude of these two, but Miss Trevor remarked something out of the common at once. [9]
  • Book-agents visit it with other commercial travelers, but the flood of knowledge, which is said to be the beginning of sorrow, is hardly turned in that direction yet. [4]
  • Clearly, plainly, fully, with more thorough knowledge of many details than even the superintendent of the water works, she explained her design to the assembled professionals. [10]
  • There are minds with large ground floors, that can store an infinite amount of knowledge; some librarians, for instance, who know enough of books to help other people, without being able to make much other use of their knowledge, have intellects of this class. [6]
  • He was born with a most comfortable belief in himself and the knowledge that when he decided to become a domestic man he had simply, as the phrase is, to throw his handkerchief. [4]
  • He does not wish to command in the field, though he has more military knowledge than some who do. [7]
  • There was no wife in the general’s house, as he was a widower; and his daughters, of twelve and fourteen, under a faithful old housekeeper, had no knowledge of the woman’s life. [11]
  • Even Joseph Goodman, who had a fine literary perception and a deep knowledge of men, intimately associated with Mark Twain as he was, received at this time no hint of his greater powers. [5]
  • The government at Whitehall still consulted him, still relied upon his knowledge and his natural tact; but secret as his conferences were with the authorities, they were not so secret that criticism was not viciously at work. [11]
  • The mode in which this knowledge was pressed into service on all occasions to express his meaning and illustrate his thoughts was quite unexampled. [5]
  • The keenness with which he threw himself into the discussion and the knowledge he showed, surprised me. [11]
  • His business, of which Ebn Ezra Bey had due knowledge, had now been with Nahoum. [11]
  • Never a soul, whether master or man, said her nay in the lightest thing, to my knowledge, and this was a plea for the one fault which had hitherto set me against her. [10]
  • Vaguely she realized what had been working in him, but yet the knowledge was dim indeed. [11]
  • You know we were promised a knowledge of good as well as evil. [4]
  • Yet if I were but allowed candles, or a lantern, or a torch, some books, paper, pencil, and tobacco, and the knowledge that I had not killed Juste Duvarney, I could abide the worst with some sort of calmness. [11]
  • The sober-minded, sensible, well-instructed Dr. Butts was not a little exercised in mind by the demands made upon his knowledge by his young friend, and for the time being his pupil, Miss Lurida Vincent. [6]
  • She is not well to-day, and we have kept the knowledge from her. [11]
  • He had stood well in college, during three years in Europe he had picked up two or three languages, dissipated his remaining small fortune, acquired expensive tastes, and knowledge, both esoteric and exoteric, that was valuable to him in his present occupation. [4]
  • If you mean well by monsieur, your knowledge and your riches should help him on his way. [11]
  • She explained as well as she could the social destitution of these opulent people, and she had of course to name Beaton as the source of her knowledge concerning them. [8]
  • They are, indeed, weaving a charmed web, for these are the looms from which comes the knowledge that clothes the nakedness of the intellect. [3]
  • Student as he was, he had met a man whose knowledge of the Napoleonic life was vastly more intricate, searching and vital than his own. [11]
  • His special interest was the fauna of Australasia, and his knowledge of the matter was as exhaustive as it was accurate. [5]
  • His sole knowledge was that he had promised, with his hand on his heart, to do everything in his power to prevent what threatened to cause her pain. [10]
  • This knowledge it was that Chaucer’s Shipman brought home with him from the sea— «In many a tempest had his berd be shake. [3]
  • None, at least, was so fervent a defender of the faith, so punctilious in all observances, so constant at the altar rail; none so versed in rubrics, ritual, and canon law; none had such a knowledge of the Church fathers. [9]
  • In his face was secrecy, knowledge, and some tragic underthing which gave him, apart from his office, a singular loneliness of figure and manner. [11]
  • His son Lopez was rich, very rich in friends, and among them were numbered all to whom knowledge was dear. [10]
  • This physician who was one day to tend the sickbed of the Nation in her agony; whose large hand was to be on her feeble pulse, and whose knowledge almost divine was to perform the miracle of her healing. [9]
  • He saw there was no real knowledge of the relationship of Carnac and himself in Denzil’s eyes; but he held out his hand with imitation courtesy, as though to say good-bye. [11]
  • And then she was never more winning; perhaps her beauty had taken on a more refined quality from her illness abroad; perhaps it was that indefinable knowledge of the world, which is recognized as well in dress as in manner, which increased her attractiveness. [4]
  • He dressed exquisitely, was inclined to the Polignac party, took his ease everywhere, had a knowledge of cards and courts, and little else. [9]
  • The Executive approval was given by me to the resolution mentioned, and it is now by a closer attention and a fuller knowledge of facts that I feel constrained to recommend a reconsideration of the subject. [7]
  • To Philip, who was getting a good idea of what her education had been, an understanding promoted by his knowledge of the character and attainments of her governess, her mental processes, it may be safely said, opened a new world of thought. [4]
  • You see, I was full of the knowledge and experience of seventy-two years; the deepest subject those young folks could strike was only a-b-c to me. [5]
  • The whole air was full of a vague vast scheme which was to eventuate in filling Laura’s pockets with millions of money; some had one idea of the scheme, and some another, but nobody had any exact knowledge upon the subject. [5]
  • To Louis she was ever the same, affectionate, gentle, and unselfish; but her stronger soul ruled him without his knowledge, commanded his perturbed spirit into the abstracted quiet and bitter silence wherein he lived, and which she sought to cheer by a thousand happy devices. [11]
  • His local knowledge was especially valuable on account of the marshes which intersected the Pelusian plain, and might, unless carefully avoided, have proved fatal to the Persian enterprise. [10]
  • The new-found knowledge was diffused in her character, expressed in her face. [11]
  • To Eglington it was a relief that there was one human being—he thought there was only one—who read him through and through; and that knowledge was in itself as powerful an influence as was the secret between David and Hylda. [11]
  • Of course there was a great variety of comment, its character depending very much on the sense, knowledge, and disposition of the citizens, gossips, and young people who talked over the painful and mysterious occurrence. [6]
  • But philosophy—ah, there was a field where a man could always use knowledge got from books or sorted out of his own experiences! [11]
  • Mr. Redbrook’s speech, vehement and honest, helps a little; people listen to an honest and forceful man, however he may lack technical knowledge, but the majority of the replies are mere incoherent denunciations of the Northeastern Railroads. [9]
  • Whenever knowledge obliges us to doubt, we are always safe in doubting. [6]
  • There was with us a profound sense of loss and sorrow, due partly to the growing knowledge, not pleasing to our vanity, that Margaret could get on very well without us, that we were not necessary to her life. [4]
  • I now determined upon the adoption of the emancipation policy; and without consultation with, or the knowledge of, the Cabinet, I prepared the original draft of the proclamation, and, after much anxious thought, called a Cabinet meeting upon the subject. [7]
  • The population’s only two hundred—» «That’s all right, that’s all right—» «And they hadn’t any right to elect me; we’re not even a territory, there’s no Organic Act, the government hasn’t any official knowledge of us whatever. [5]
  • A show of trust in him was the only thing, for he had enough knowledge of our secret to ruin us, if he chose. [11]
  • That which is true of every subject is especially true of the branch of knowledge which deals with living beings. [3]
  • From that delicate tribute of flattery and knowledge Rudyard had taken this flowering stem and brought it to her pillow. [11]
  • She had through translations a sufficient knowledge of the classics to give her the necessary literary background, and her study of Latin had led her into the more useful acquisition of French. [4]
  • At least the town thought they had that look, but the notion could have arisen from the town’s knowledge of the fact that these ladies had never inhabited such clothes before. [5]
  • Probably the Eiffel Tower would be stricken down as a monumental presumption, like that of Babel, if it had not been raised with the full knowledge and consent of all the world. [4]
  • Yet it had, too, a knowledge and an understanding which gave it humanity. [11]
  • He has been told many a time how the born-and-trained novelist works; won’t he let me round and complete his knowledge by telling him how the jackleg does it? [5]
  • By her references to what this and that and the other person had told her, I perceived that she had been diligently questioning those crowds of visiting strangers, and that out of them she had patiently dug all this mass of invaluable knowledge. [5]
  • Did he dare to turn and open those books which she had inspired,—the new philosophies, the historical criticisms which he had neglected and condemned, which he had flattered himself he could do without,—and read of the fruit of Knowledge? [9]
  • But Philip preferred to trust to his own study of the country, and his knowledge of the geological formation. [5]
  • It only came to the knowledge of the War Department and of myself yesterday, and it gives us some uneasiness. [7]
  • She had never, to the knowledge of her acquaintances, been shocked. [9]
  • Then and there, to the best of my knowledge, I first consciously took Sin by the hand and turned my back on Duty. [6]
  • He is going to the Antarctic to find the futile thing, but the necessary thing so far as the knowledge of the world is concerned. [11]
  • I am disposed to take his denial as being like an answer in chancery, that he neither had any knowledge, information, or belief in the existence of such a conspiracy. [7]
  • Mark Twain decided to spend his vacation in pocket-mining, and soon added that science to his store of knowledge. [5]
  • He who wishes to see what ingenuity and knowledge can effect, may consult Prof. Haeckel’s works. [1]
  • I was glad to see that the young Englishman was improving himself, broadening his knowledge of life, and not wasting the golden hours of youth. [4]
  • Novels that are to run through a year, or maybe many years, and are to set forth the passions and trials of changing age and varying circumstance, require different treatment and wider millinery knowledge. [4]
  • If I were to rise and go forward—and I now felt something like a continued impulse, in spite of relaxations and revolts—I must master this knowledge, it must be my guide, form the basis of my creed. [9]
  • His purpose was to make some arrangement with Heinz Schorlin about the lost estate and obtain definite knowledge concerning his quarrel with him, of which he remembered nothing except that intoxication and jealousy had carried him further than would have happened otherwise. [10]
  • At eventide came to lurid and disordered brains the knowledge that the other branch was here. [9]
  • Stephen had learned to love the Judge, and he had never ceased to be grateful to him for a knowledge of that man who had had the most influence upon his life, —Abraham Lincoln. [9]
  • It is natural to long for happiness, and happiness is self-realization, and self-realization is knowledge and light. [9]
  • All Rosalie had to live on was her salary as postmistress, for it was in every one’s knowledge that the little else she had was being sacrificed to her father’s illness. [11]
  • She had come to know what it was that gave her father position and distinction; and the knowledge had been forced upon her by all the obsequious flattery of society that she was, as a great heiress, something apart from others. [4]
  • It adds nothing to human knowledge, it solves none of the problems of life, it touches none of the questions of social science, it is not a philosophical treatise, and it is not a dozen things that it might have been. [4]
  • Mandeville says that to his knowledge there are a great many people who get up ameliorating enterprises merely to be conspicuously busy in society, or to earn a little something in a good cause. [4]
  • I don’t begin to have your knowledge of the world. [9]
  • I wish rather to have you notice the gulf that exists between what the majority want to know and that fine fruit of knowledge concerning which there is so widespread an infidelity. [4]
  • His son happened to have weighed that stone, without his knowledge, before he started for Egypt, and Othman had here a note of its exact weight. [10]
  • He gaily prepared to go to the Lake of the Mad Apple, where he was fated to eat of the tree of knowledge. [11]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word knowledge in a sentence? How do you use knowledge in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word knowledge?
It contains example sentences with the word knowledge, a sentence example for knowledge, and knowledge in sample sentence.

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  1. What were called the» forty-two books of Hermes «, covering all fields of,


    , Many writings were lost when the emperor Diocletian ordered the burning of
  2. By man’s senses. » She rejected all claims of non-perceptual or a priori,


    , including» ‘instinct,’ ‘intuition,’ ‘revelation,’ or any form of ‘just
  3. Merit is possible, however,and many amateurs successfully contribute to the,


    ,base of professional astronomers. Astronomy is sometimes promoted as one of the
  4. During this shift, enduring questions about the nature and production of,


    ,came to occupy a central place in cultural and social anthropology. In contrast
  5. Anthropological conceptions of culture as» that complex whole, which includes,


    , belief, art,morals, law,custom, and any other capabilities and habits
  6. Asked Achilles to heal his wound. Achilles refused, claiming to have no medical,


    , Alternatively, Telephus held Orestes for ransom, the ransom being Achilles ‘
  7. Forms and serve many purposes. Although the application of scientific,


    ,to derive a new scientific theory involves skill and results in the» creation
  8. Provided by the applicant is truthful to the best of the applicant’s,


    , If, after signing such a declaration, the information is found to be
  9. Philosophy of Objectives, Rand advocated reason as the only means of acquiring,


    ,and rejected all forms of faith and religion. She supported rational egoism and
  10. The adult human body. In line with modern teaching methods. A thorough working,


    ,of anatomy is required by physicians, especially surgeons and doctors working
  11. Pondered ethnographic authority, in particular how and why anthropological,


    ,was possible and authoritative. They were reflecting trends in research and
  12. The transmutation of common metals into gold, or claim to possess secret,


    ,that—with a» small» initial investment—would surely lead to that goal.
  13. Do anything by chance «. Metaphysics Aristotle defines metaphysics as» the,


    ,of immaterial being,» or of» being in the highest degree of abstraction. » He
  14. Egypt. The Hellenistic city of Alexandria was a center of Greek alchemical,


    , and retained its preeminence through most of the Greek and Roman periods. Here
  15. Indian abacus First century sources, such as the Abhidharmakosa describe the,


    ,and use of abacus in India. Around the 5th century, Indian clerks were already
  16. As a career … His uniqueness lay in his universalism. He was able to take all,


    ,for his province. Following his education at Billion, Huxley was financially
  17. And studied by Muslim polymaths, philosophers,scientists and scholars, whose,


    , of Aristotle thus stretched far beyond that of early Medieval Christian
  18. Is known through each of them. Kant wrote:» … There are two stems of human,


    ,… namely, sensibility and understanding, objects being given by the former
  19. Argument. On the question of eugenics, Schopenhauer wrote: With our,


    ,of the complete alterability both of character and of mental faculties, we
  20. Parthia and Sassanian Iranian empires, scholars concentrated on exchanging,


    ,and inventions by the surrounding countries – India, China,and the Roman
  21. Germ of a great invention «. When Bell said that he did not have the necessary,


    , Henry replied,» Get it! » That declaration greatly encouraged Bell to keep
  22. Of Mendes (or Pseudo-Democritus) which aligned these recipes with theoretical,


    ,of astrology and the Classical elements. Between the time of Bolus and Cosmos
  23. The least bad of the government representatives, since he does have some real,


    ,on the running of trains. She notices, however,that he is the least
  24. The greatest gift of our century «, and predicted that the philosophy and,


    ,of the Upanishads would become the cherished faith of the West. Schopenhauer
  25. Archaic period (520-485 BC),in which the Greek sculpture attained a full,


    ,of human anatomy and used to create a harmonious, proportionate whole. Ranking
  26. The AEA’s work progressed to heavier-than-air machines, applying their,


    ,of kites to gliders. Moving to Hammond sport, the group then designed and built
  27. That all of Aristotle’s extant writings are of the esoteric kind. Current,


    ,of what exactly the exoteric writings were like is scant and dubious, though
  28. At the same time, the white and ‘’ mestizo’ ’ population, where some,


    ,of African languages could previously often been found, neglected this aspect
  29. A tool to compute mathematical problems that equals the speed and mathematical,


    ,required by their sighted peers using pencil and paper. Many blind people find
  30. Then reasoning:» Of the three ways in which men think that they acquire,


    ,of things: authority, reasoning,and experience; only the last is effective and
  31. Gaelic and even Sanskrit, accurately reciting written tracts without any prior,


    ,of their pronunciation. His school record was undistinguished, marked by
  32. Interpretations. In the case of Géricault’s Raft of the Medusa, special,


    , concerning the shipwreck that the painting depicts is not a prerequisite to
  33. Introduced the concept of altruism for all living beings, from extending,


    ,and experience to others to donation, giving oneself up for others
  34. Advanced than themselves, whom they easily dominated with their superior,


    ,of metal-working, ceramics and agriculture. The establishment of the Bantu took
  35. That the city was actually far older, which accords with present archaeological,


    , Phrygia rule was succeeded first by Lydian and later by Persian rule, though
  36. Out the transmutations. Most of his work was aimed at gathering alchemical,


    ,that had existed before him, especially as regarded the philosopher’s stone.
  37. To moral systems, cosmology,etc.). Fraser, a Scottish scholar with a broad,


    ,of Classics, also concerned himself with religion, myth,and magic. His
  38. Century, developed into Maltese language. * The Muslim Hui people in China had,


    ,of archaic forms of Arabic. The Hui of Yunnan (Burmese called them Pant hays)
  39. Of an extremely great suffering that leads to loss of the will to live *,


    ,of the essential nature of life in the world through observation of the
  40. Version in 1959 that has since sold over three million copies. Without Rand’s,


    ,or permission, the novel was made into a pair of Italian films, Noi vivid and
  41. Of things that change and that studying such changes can provide useful,


    ,of underlying constants. Physics The five elements Aristotle proposed a fifth
  42. Crisis because the indigenous African population lacked the skills and,


    ,needed to run the country and maintain its well-developed infrastructure. The
  43. And Medieval European alchemists extensively absorbed Islamic alchemical,


    , Herbert of Cadillac, who was later to become Pope Sylvester II, ( d. 1003)
  44. Truth in the face. Let us try to assume our fundamental ambiguity. It is in the,


    ,of the genuine conditions of our life that we must draw our strength to live
  45. School after the middle of the third century, and for the absence of widespread,


    ,of the specialized treatises of Aristotle throughout the Hellenistic period, as
  46. Class of life (humans perform time binding by the transmission of,


    ,and abstractions through time which are accreted in cultures). General
  47. Would become increasingly irrelevant and powerless by the gradual spread of,


    , Godwin advocated individualism, proposing that all cooperation in labor be
  48. Of Greek alchemical texts in the 8th and 9th centuries. Much of the Greco-Roman,


    ,of alchemy is now lost. Alchemy in the Islamic world After the fall of the
  49. Its armed wing and assumed the role of major opposition party, although in the,


    ,that in the present regime a legitimate democratic election is impossible.
  50. Including all forms of religion. In epistemology, she considered all,


    ,to be based on sense perception, the validity of which she considered axiomatic

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She has a lot of knowledge.

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