Use in a sentence the word ancient

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Thousands of years ago, ancient Egyptian and ancient Greeks also like to use emerald to do jewelry.

Тысячи лет назад древние египетские и древние греки также хотели бы использовать изумрудно делать украшения.

There is clear historical evidence that spinning wheels were used for gambling games in ancient Rome and ancient China.

Есть исторические свидетельства использования колес для азартных игр еще в Древнем Китае.

This ancient musical instrument associated with ancient epics, storytellers.

Этот древний музыкальный инструмент ассоциируется у нас со старинными былинами, сказителями.

This ancient place preserved its aristocratic appearance and ancient structure.

Это старинное местечко удивительным образом сохранило свой аристократический облик и древнюю структуру.

They have an ancient organization, an ancient society, an ancient spiritual bonding that keeps them doing certain work within a certain star system.

Эти существа объединены в древнюю организацию, древнее сообщество, и между ними существует древняя духовная связь, благодаря которой они выполняют определенную работу в определенных звездных системах.

In the expositions you can see treasures raised from the seabed, ancient nautical charts, ancient atlases and ancient weapons.

В экспозициях можно увидеть сокровища, поднятые со дна морей, старинные навигационные карты, древние атласы и старинное оружие.

Divination is much more ancient than sewing or knitting, it is a very ancient magic ritual.

Гадание намного древнее шитья или вязания, это очень древний магический ритуал.

People think that their culture is very ancient and in fact it is only the remains of ancient knowledge.

Люди думают, что их культура очень древняя, а на самом деле это только остатки древних знаний.

Now you do not have these ancient boxes with ancient services open to the whole world.

Теперь у вас нет этих древних коробок с древними сервисами, открытыми всему миру.

But in recent years, there has been interest in ancient music, ancient instruments.

Но в последние годы появился интерес к старинной музыке, старинным инструментам.

In forging an ancient document, for example, they know how to buy ancient materials that will pass carbon dating tests.

Например, при подделке древнего документа, они знают, как купить древние материалы, которые пройдут тесты на датировку углерода.

I have met people who condemn ancient rulers and emperors and ancient religions as the source of all conflict.

Я встречал людей, которые осуждают древних правителей и императоров, а также древние религии как источник всех конфликтов на земле.

This ancient city was and remains a living legend and the capital of the famous ancient dominant militarized state.

Этот античный город был и остается живой легендой и столицей знаменитого древнего военизированного государства.

Diorite was also mined in the ancient world, as is evident by the extensive use of this rock in ancient architecture.

Диорит также добывали в древнем мире, о чем свидетельствует широкое использование этого камня в древней архитектуре.

Actually, the five flavors mentioned by ancient people were a basic concept for ancient nutritional science.

На самом деле, пять вкусов, упомянутых древними, были основой древней науки о питании.

Lovers of ancient architecture can admire three ancient churches here.

Любители древней архитектуры могут полюбоваться тут тремя старинными церквями.

A well-developed ancient agricultural system also existed in the region as evident by the discovery of ancient tanks at the site.

Хорошо развитая древняя сельскохозяйственная система также существовала в регионе, о чем свидетельствует обнаружение древних резервуаров на месте.

But this ancient fear is a recognition of an ancient potential.

A blended family could also be the result of two ancient human species procreating, for example, and creating an ancient human hybrid.

Смешанная семья также может быть результатом двух древних человеческих видов, которые, например, создавали древний человеческий гибрид.

Genetic analysis corresponding with geography and ancient history shows that domestic cats spread through the world following ancient trade routes across land and sea.

Генетический анализ, соответствующий географии и древней истории, показывает, что домашние кошки распространились по всему миру по древним торговым путям через сушу и море.

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  • Use the word Ancient in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Arthashastra. It’s an ancient text from an Indian philosopher,

An ancient temple on the planet Mikd’lty.

This planet is inhabited by alien colonists, keepers of an ancient temple they discovered here thousands of years ago.

Long ago, in the Year of Our Lord 326 A.D., a great prophet is leader of the Nephite people in ancient upstate New York.

God spoke to me and gave me this blessed ancient tome

It tells of two Hebrew tribes that walked in ancient America.

In ancient New York three men were about to cut off a Mormon woman’s cli- toris.

And I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America

Because apparently, a tribe of ancient Jews lived in America, created huge civilizations and were visited by Christ, but then, then disappeared, leaving no archaeological trace of themselves except… for golden plates, which were then dug up by a farmer who wrote down,

It was a beautiful day, one of those rare days we happen to be in ? of all places which, if anybody knows, is full of ammonites and ancient fossils.

he thought of a comrade, ancient and true, the sea’s great ebb and its flow.

The ancient Egyptians believed that high mountains surrounded land and water on all sides.

According to the beliefs of other ancient civilizations, the sky was vaulted and the earth shaped into terraces.

The evil spirits of ancient times changed in the medieval folklore to devils, sneaking around and tempting children.

And in the ancient wine cellar, which has almost become a junk room…

Or you, Amenmes├®s, Venerable son of the ancient dynasty

A street in Bagdad, dream city of the ancient East…

The Princess, according to ancient custom of our House hath made her choice.

An Allosaurus — a meat-eater — the most vicious pest of the ancient world.

Part One: The ancient Greeks and the new era

To the ancient Greeks, the body was as important as the soul, and a «gymnasium» was a place where men and boys practised gymnastics.

In ancient Greece, the main activity at a «gymnasium» was gymnastics, but today the word is used only as a term for «high school» so that throughout Europe, grammar is the main pursuit

The ideal of the ancient Greeks was to unite virtue and beauty.

It is not sufficient that these people study and admire the works of the ancient Greeks.

Harmonic body proportions was the ideal of the ancient Greeks.

Just as in ancient Greece, running is still the first and most important step in becoming a good athlete.

ancient legends report that among the Teutons, a warrior becomes king when he was able to jump over six horses.

An archaeologist of the Berlin Museum …led the scientific reconstruction …of the ancient bathing process with the following pictures:

And this is how the ancient ideals of physical fitness can bloom again.

the elusive Tristan de Mauprat who hid among the ruins of his ancient fortress.

This is either a code, or is written in an ancient language that I can’t understand…

A missionary specializing in the ancient Mongolian language.

The ancient pulleys creak under the pressure.

You may know something about ancient history, but I know something about husbands.

The ancient heroes all had beards.

What do you know, sir, of the ancient Order of St. John of Jerusalem,

The letters of scholars, according to ancient traditions, do not allow us to doubt the reality of that dream.

We have unearthed ancient Phoenician and Egyptian cities

Architecture….. …is the most ancient of the arts.

The ancient spells are weaker, but some of them are still potent, and I believe that you have in your hut the Scroll of Thoth itself, which contains the great spell by which Isis raised Osiris from the dead.

May I ask why? We Egyptians are not permitted to dig up our ancient dead.

The language of ancient Egypt, not heard on this earth for 2,000 years.

I had never mentioned the name, yet I heard Miss Grosvenor mutter, in ancient Egyptian, something about Imhotep.

You have studied our ancient arts, and you know that you cannot harm me.

Dreams of ancient Egypt, I think.

The ancient rites must be performed over thy body.

Teach me the ancient summons, the holy spells I’ve forgotten.

Use Ancient in a sentence. How to use the word Ancient in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Ancient. Sentence for Ancient.

Use Ancient in a Sentence - How to use "Ancient" in a sentence

Examples of Ancient in a sentence

  1. He was an idealizer of ancient Rome, and was enamored of the socialistic state and a community of property.
  2. To him modern students are largely indebted for direct access to ancient Japanese poetry.
  3. He was the first of the three great scholars who dedicated themselves to this work of simplifying the ancient faith of the country.
  4. Descartes proposed the existence of relatively hard but divisible corpuscles that filled all space; Gassendi, drawing upon the ancient atomists Epicurus and Lucretius, theorized about indivisible atoms in motion in an extended void.
  5. Confucius is the greatness of the educator of ancient Chinese times, being the most important person in popular education.
  6. The ancient scriptures reinforce their claims on the earth.
  7. His writings range from ancient to contemporary art, and include a study of Giorgione’s paintings.
  8. The comparisons between the dictators of the twentieth century and the classical tyrants of Ancient Rome are seductive but deceptive.
  9. The almost 600 stone and rock cliff houses that the ancient Anasazi traversed on the steep canyon walls are the most compelling feature of Colorado’s Mesa Verde National Park.
  10. ACHELOUS, is the ancient name of one of the chief rivers in Greece.
  11. EPHOD, a vestment wom by priests in ancient Israel.
  12. In the fourteenth century, Europeans outperformed their ancient predecessors by developing theories about momentum and uniform acceleration.
  13. He directed the mineralogical survey of Ceylon and was among the leaders who revived the ancient Sinhalese culture.
  14. Formerly also called Aspropotamos, the river formed part of the boundary between ancient Acarnania and Aetolia.
  15. ACTA DIURNA, official written accounts of daily events in ancient Rome.
  16. Unsuccessful in their search, they arrive, as old men, at a strange, nameless isle inhabited by descendants of the ancient Greeks.

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Yoga is one of the most ancient health care systems of India.

What do you know of ancient India?

Jala Neti is a very ancient technique which has been passed on for thousands of years by the yogis for physical, mental and spiritual benefits.

I need a book pertaining to the ancient history of India.

Cow is worshipped in India as a goddess from the ancient time.

In the ancient times students lived in hermitages and took education from the saints and hermits.

Do you know how people in ancient times used to keep themselves fit and fine?

Ancient Indians relied more on herbs and leaves to cure themselves.

Ancient Rome was a vast empire that stretched from Britain to Northern Africa and the Middle East.

Pyramids are gigantic tombs built specifically for ancient Egyptian pharaohs and Mayan rulers.

Since ancient times travelers have used the sun to determine direction.

This is an ancient home remedy for cough.

Do you know how people in ancient times used to keep themselves fit and fine?

Ancient Indians relied on herbs and leaves to cure themselves.

Is ancient Astrology a true Science?

The Hindu religion is one of the most ancient religions of India.

Men and women both wore skirts in ancient times.

Ancient grains are gaining a lot of prominence in today’s era.

Astrology is an ancient science that helps predict the future.

Archaeologists discover ancient civilization.

The Ganga has been a symbol of India’s ancient culture.

The Himalayas protected India from the invaders in the ancient times.

The statue appears to be of ancient time.

The Vedas contain the holy sayings of the Indian sages of ancient India.

The fort is an example of ancient architecture.

India’s ancient history was very glorious.

In ancient times teachers were highly respected.

Modern war is more dreadful and destructive than that of ancient times.

We can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of ancient people from this wall painting.

By reading Indian history we can know that our ancient kings and rulers were very great.

It can revive the old culture and ancient art.

It is a very ancient city.

This is an ancient fort.

It is an ancient custom.

Do you like ancient history?

Yoga is one of the ancient exercises that is beneficial for mental and physical peace.

Archaeologists are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.

Superstitions have come down to us from ancient times.

There were no cars in ancient times.

Flaxseed is a grain which has its origin in the ancient times.

The ancient art of meditation can do a lot of good to your mind, body and soul.

Rome is famous for its ancient architecture.

Rome has a lot of ancient buildings.

There are many ancient customs in our country.

Petroleum has been important since ancient times.

The pyramids were built in ancient times.

This is an ancient law.

That castle was built in ancient times.

That ancient ruin was once a shrine.

He is well acquainted with ancient history.

He wrote a novel based on ancient myths.

He is well acquainted with ancient history.

He observes maxim of ancient sage.

That ancient ruin was once a shrine.

I wish I could see the ancient world.

Rome has a lot of ancient buildings.

Cats were sacred animals in ancient Egypt.

Synonyms Of Ancient – Another Words

Age-Old, Antique, Archaic, Hoary, Old-Fashioned, Timeworn, Venerable, Aged, Antediluvian, Bygone, Elderly, Fossil, Oldie, Relic, Remote

Antonyms Of Ancient – Opposite Words

Current, Fresh, Modern, New, Young

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