Use each word sentence plan

Task 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. Use each word once only.

• accused • evidence • guilty • lawyer • statement

• charged • fine • jury • sentence • suspect


The customs officers arrested Bob and

…………………. him with smuggling.


The police spent all morning searching the

house for………………………. .


Jean left her car in a no-parking area and

had to pay a/an ………………………..


Unfortunately at the end of the trial my

brother was found …………………….


The trial took a long time as the

…………………… couldn’t reach a verdict.


George won his case because he had a very

good defence ……………………….


The police visited Dawn and asked her to

make a/an ………………………………


Because of his past criminal record, Brian

was the main ……………………………


Pauline decided to sue the police because

she had been wrongly ………………………….


The murderer of the children received a

life ……………………………

1.       Underline the most suitable word or phrase.

I like this book, and I’ve read
six capitals/chapters/prefaces

It’s not a proper drawing, only a

The play is very long but there
are three breaks/intervals/rests.

At the cinema I don’t like
sitting too near the film/screen/stage.

We heard a piece by Mozart
performed by a German

Her second book was very popular
and became a best buy/seller/volume.

I like the painting but I can’t
stand its ugly border/frame/square.

Robert’s new book will be broadcast/published/typed.

I liked the acting, and the costumes/dressing/outfits were good

The best act/place/scene in the film is when Jack meets Kate.

2.       Complete each sentence with a
word from the box. Use each word once only.

announcer                         composer           critic      editor   playwright         author                  conductor           director               novelist               sculptor

a)      The orchestra would not be successful with a different …… conductor………..

b)      I want a book on art, but I don’t know the name of the …………………..

c)       We must see the new film by that Italian …………………………..

d)      The ……………………….. said that the sports programme is on after the news.

e)      Harry writes for the theatre, but he is not only a …………………….

f)       We saw some interesting metal objects made by a French ………………………

g)      That’s a nice piece of music. Who is the …………………………..

h)      Peter Smith was the only ………………….. who wrote in praise of the film.

Charles Dickens is probably the
best known British ……………………

The ………………. of the newspaper usually
decides what it contains.

3.       Complete each sentence by putting
in, on, at or out of in each space.

Harry Smith is hard ……at……….. work writing his new screenplay.

The music was terrible and the
singer was …………………… tune.

I can’t tell what that is ………………
the background of the picture.

Jane’s new book is coming out ……………………..
paperback next year.

Is there anything good ……………………..
Channel 4 this evening?

The school put on Hamlet ……………….. modern dress.

The critics found Joe’s kind of
writing rather ………………. date.

In the last scene, all the actors
are ……………….. stage together.


1. a)chapters                    b)
sketch             c) intervals         d) screen             e) orchestra       f)
seller                 g) frame              h) published            i) costumes        j) scene

2.  a) conductor                               b) author            c) director           d) announcer                    e)
playwright                    f) sculptor                g) composer                      h) critic                 i) novelist            j) editor

3. a) at                 b) out of              c) in       d) in                      e)
on                     f) in        g) out of              h) on

#IntermediateEnglish #UpperIntermediateEnglish    #AdvancedEnglish

Cohesion Exercise: Building and Connecting Sentences

Using Transitional Words and Phrases

«… if we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the body count.».
ArtMarie / Getty Images

Updated on April 24, 2019

This exercise will give you a chance to practice condensing and combining sentences using transitional words or phrases. Combine the sentences in each set into two clear sentences. Add a transitional word or phrase to the second sentence to show how it relates to the first. Here’s an example:

  • Retirement should be the reward for a lifetime of work.
  • It is widely viewed as a sort of punishment.
  • It is a punishment for growing old.
  • Sample Combination:
    Retirement should be the reward for a lifetime of work. Instead, it is widely viewed as a sort of punishment for growing old.

When you are done, compare your sentences with the sample combinations below.

Exercise: Building and Connecting Sentences With Transitional Words and Phrases

  1. To be self-centered does not mean to disregard the worth of other people.
    We are all self-centered.
    Most psychologists would probably accept this position.
  2. There are differences in math performance between boys and girls.
    These differences cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability.
    If one were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.
  3. We do not seek solitude.
    If we find ourselves alone for once, we flick a switch.
    We invite the whole world in.
    The world comes in through the TV or Internet.
  4. Little girls, of course, don’t take toy guns out of their hip pockets.
    They do not say «Pow, pow» to all their neighbors and friends.
    The average well-adjusted little boy does this.
    If we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the body count.
  5. We know very little about pain.
    What we don’t know makes it hurt all the more.
    There is ignorance about pain.
    No form of illiteracy in the United States is so widespread.
    No form of illiteracy in the United States is so costly.
  6. We drove the wagon close to a corner post.
    We twisted the end of the wire around it.
    We twisted the wire one foot above the ground.
    We stapled it fast.
    We drove along the line of posts.
    We drove for about 200 yards.
    We unreeled the wire on the ground behind us.
  7. The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past.
    They have made us conscious of the world as a machine.
    The machine generates successive events out of foregoing ones.
    Some scholars tend to look totally backward.
    They look backward in their interpretation of the human future.
  8. Rewriting is something that most writers find they have to do.
    They rewrite to discover what they have to say.
    They rewrite to discover how to say it.
    There are a few writers who do little formal rewriting.
    They have capacity and experience.
    They create and review a large number of invisible drafts.
    They create and review in their minds.
    They do this before they approach the page.

When you are done, compare your sentences with the sample combinations below.

Sample Combinations

  1. To be self-centered does not mean to disregard the worth of other people. In fact, most psychologists would probably accept the position that we are all self-centered.
  2. The differences in math performance between boys and girls cannot be attributed simply to differences in innate ability. Still, if one were to ask the children themselves, they would probably disagree.
  3. We do not seek solitude. In fact, if we find ourselves alone for once we flick a switch and invite the whole world in through the TV or Internet.
  4. Little girls, of course, don’t take toy guns out of their hip pockets and say «Pow, pow» to all their neighbors and friends like average well-adjusted little boys. However, if we gave little girls the six-shooters, we would soon have double the body count.
    (Anne Roiphe, «Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow»)
  5. We know very little about pain and what we don’t know makes it hurt all the more. Indeed, no form of illiteracy in the United States is so widespread or costly as ignorance about pain.
    (Norman Cousins, «Pain Is Not the Ultimate Enemy»)
  6. We drove the wagon close to a corner post, twisted the end of the wire around it one foot above the ground, and stapled it fast. Next, we drove along the line of posts for about 200 yards, unreeling wire on the ground behind us.
    (John Fischer, «Barbed Wire»)
  7. The historical sciences have made us very conscious of our past, and of the world as a machine generating successive events out of foregoing ones. For this reason, some scholars tend to look totally backward in their interpretation of the human future.
    (Loren Eiseley, The Unexpected Universe)
  8. Rewriting is something that most writers find they have to do to discover what they have to say and how to say it. There are, however, a few writers who do little formal rewriting because they have the capacity and experience to create and review a large number of invisible drafts in their minds before they approach the page.
    (Donald M. Murray, «The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts»)

accommodation, bread,
cookery, lightning, spelling, advice, cash, information, luggage,

  1. I
    can’t cut this loaf. Do you have a proper bread

  2. I’m
    afraid that «neice» is ….. mistake.

  3. There’s
    usually ….. space opposite the church.

  4. We
    need ….. box to keep the money in.

  5. The
    tourist board have built ….. centre near the castle.

  6. We
    decided to put ….. conductor on the roof.

  7. Marjorie
    used to write ….. column in a magazine.

  8. These
    suitcases are heavy. We must find ….. trolley.

  9. I
    must rush. I’m going to ….. lesson.

  10. Julie
    found her flat through ….. agency.

2.16. Complete these sentences using the noun in brackets in the singular or plural form. Mind the article!

  1. He
    gave me a box of my favourite chocolates
    . (chocolate)

  2. His
    favourite food is ….. .

  3. She
    bought ….. on her way to work.

  4. He
    placed all the important ….. in his briefcase.

  5. I
    need some ….. to write this message on. (paper)

  6. Hurry
    up! We don’t have much ….. . (time)

  7. She
    has visited us several ….

  8. He
    has no ….. but he is keen to learn.

  9. We
    went for a walk in ….. after lunch. (wood)

  10. His
    desk is made of ….. . (wood)

2.17. Choose one word from the words below to complete each sentence. Mind the article if the word is countable or make it plural as appropriate.

chicken, dislike,
improvement, language, life, success, education

  1. Mary
    used to keep chickens
    her garden until they started to get out.

  2. A
    score of 40% may not be very good but it’s certainly ….. on her
    last mark.

  3. After
    so many previous ….. it was inevitable that one of his films
    would be unpopular.

  4. …..
    is too short to worry about keeping your house spotlessly clean.

  5. I’ve
    had ….. of green vegetables ever since I was a child.

  6. Our
    students study both ….. and literature in their English degree.

  7. I
    had to go through very strict and traditional ….. .

2.18. Translate form Russian into English.

  1. Они
    были здесь час назад.

  2. Большое
    количество молодых людей поступают в
    высшие учебные заведения.

  3. Не
    спеши! У нас много времени!

  4. Раз
    в год мы стараемся навестить наших

  5. Врач
    велел ему есть все без соли и пить больше

  6. Никто
    не любит плохую погоду.

  7. Жизнь
    невозможна без воды и воздуха.

  8. Он
    прожил долгую жизнь.

  9. У
    него глубокие знания по истории. Знания
    можно приобрести упорным трудом.

  10. Передайте
    соль, пожалуйста!

  11. Не
    сидите у окна, вы простудитесь.

  12. Он
    указал на маленькое окно на пятом этаже.

  13. Погода
    была прекрасная.

  14. Я
    не могу плавать в такой холодной воде.

Review exercises

2.1. Complete the sentences. Put in a/an, or some

  1. I
    really ought to do some

  2. The
    people who camped in the field have left ….. rubbish.

  3. I’ve
    been working on the business plan. I’ve made ….. progress.

  4. The
    visitors are here for two nights. They are booking for …..

  5. That
    shop has ….. nice sofa.

  6. You’ll
    have to pay extra for the taxi because you’ve got ….. luggage.

  7. The
    flat is quite empty. I need ….. furniture.

  8. I
    can’t possibly fit this guitar into ….. suitcase.

  9. You
    need ….. luck to win at this game.

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