Use dream in a sentence for each word

Synonym: imagine, muse, vision. Antonym: reality. Similar words: dream up, dream of, dreaming, pipe dream, dreamlike, american dream, dread, creamy. Meaning: [driːm]  n. 1. a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep 2. a cherished desire 3. imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake 4. a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe) 5. a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality 6. someone or something wonderful. v. 1. have a daydream; indulge in a fantasy 2. experience while sleeping. 

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1. Hope is but the dream of those that wake. 

2. Dream are lies.

3. His dream has become a reality.

4. The whole plan went like a dream.

5. A dream nobody cares,a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted.

6. I had a terrible dream last night.

7. Is missing you in the dream.

8. I remembered my grandfather in my dream last night.

9. You are my most adventure youth dream.

10. Real dream is the other shore of reality.

11. She often figured in my dream.

12. Do you dream a lot?

13. They built their own dream house overlooking the river.

14. I heard the sea sob to yesterday is dream.

15. Live beautifully. Dream passionately. Love completely.

16. To spend holidays by the sea was his dream.

17. Don’t let dream just be your dream.

18. I had a vivid dream about my old school.

19. Dream three years,( three years of pain.

20. you are a woman of my dream.

21. He would not dream of becoming a doctor.

22. Just hold to your dream and never give up.

23. Is this really happening or is it a dream?

24. You got a dream.You gotta protect it.

25. Her dream to enter the famous university came true.

26. It was the end of a dream.

27. His dream of being a movie star became true.

28. My dream will come true one day.

29. Her dream has come true.

30. Action is the last resource of those who know not how to dream

More similar words: dream up, dream of, dreaming, pipe dream, dreamlike, american dream, dread, creamy, stream, scream, dreaded, dreadful, streamer, ice cream, ice-cream, preamble, readdress, streaming, jet stream, mainstream, streamline, blood stream, streamlined, ronald reagan, whipped cream, stream of consciousness, drew, team, beam, seam. 

Examples of how to use the word “dream” in a sentence. How to connect “dream” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dream (n, v): a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping; to experience events and images in your mind while you are sleeping

Use “dream” in a sentence

That’s my dream car.
My dream is to travel around the world.
I’ll tell you about a dream I had a few weeks ago.
I never dream of doing such a thing.
I used to dream about becoming a race car driver.
Her dream is to become a nurse.
My dream is to become a pilot.
My dream is to win a Nobel Prize.
Good night and sweet dreams.
My dream is to travel around the world.
My dream is to visit Paris.
His dream was to win a Nobel Prize.

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I wished it didn’t have to face north but this is like a tiny scale model of my dream house

«The one in your silicon electric dream?» Jorma asked

As a lover, he was her dream housemate

It was his dream that he would marry and have children … and Dan is a man to make his dreams reality … I think he had some crackbrained idea that he could have the wife and family along with my friendship as well … I daresay he thought I would come to terms with Joanna … after all, she was a friend of mine … it made some sort of sense

I would dream up the most vivid scenarios of me pulling off his toenails or tying him up in barbed wire or cutting off his penis and shoving it in a knife wound in his side

After shaking off the cobwebs in her head, Dizzie realizes she had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams

“Sadie! I had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams!”

’ I said, feeling just as though I have woken up after a bad dream … all shaky and unsure of what is real and what is not

suddenly remembered the words of the gambling man in his dream, a dream that

‘I wouldn’t dream of asking you to pay rent

I dreamed the odd dream and filed the plans away, never thinking that there would be

for the man who could dream machines

As soon as it became clear that Eva was definitely going, I started to dream at

and meditation, but during the day I could dream neither nut nor bolt

It was not a dream, because I saw

and guards in attendance, but this time the dream shifted slightly

In common with the rest of the dream, he realised that she too had a feline

“This is the dream, this is lap cat, my darling, but

This is the dream, but there is still the nightmare to come

This was another bloody dream

“This is only a dream”, he told himself

Unlike in his first dream, this

‘It was only a dream, Liz

’ He said comfortingly ‘A bad dream which didn’t happen

I watched as the crazy dream rolled on

Almost as an afterthought Smith allocated a small portion of his dream time as

blackness that was a shallow echo of Smith’s loneliness, there was a dream of

microscopic moment in the great dream, stood up and walked out from the crowd

In search of the real dream

Interpretation: The dream shows my inner feeling of not being loved by my parents, especially in comparison with Alice, the star of our family

But, maybe, there is a way out: Conscious dream control and intervention in the astral plains may affect the flow or reality

This was a dream state, a nightmare scenario, where I was falling through space, watching the ground draw closer, and yet I knew that I would never actually splinter on the dead earth

The dream slipstream rushed across my face, sucking the air out of my lungs

Lucid Dream: Between sleep and awake I dream of Billy, an obnoxious, ugly, fat, hairy guy who is a classmate in Janus

Then, the dream becomes lucid and it occurs to me this could be a possible future – but luckily, it is only for one night

Fred, of course, has never admitted anything and merely looks enigmatic, so I am told … not that I’d dream of asking him straight out

And then one day the endless repetitions of sleep, of dream, of game and of memory fused into one long drift of existence

The plot of the film proves to be very similar to the plot of my dream

Prophetic Dream: Dry, barren land stretches before me, somewhere in Somalia

As about the symbolism of the dream: He is hungry for sex, I am dead for sex

Strange coincidence: My ex friend, Aphrodite, saw a similar dream a few years ago: All the disciples in Janus stood in line and walked on a black tape, one by one

once you follow our directions, you can indeed come up with that dream profile

The dream was all hers, none of it his

It has a dry quality to it and it reminds him of the same tone she had in his first dream of her

Why then, was she shut up in the wasted mountains, where winter was the only season and fresh meat such a dream?

It seems that within their society there is often no way to tell what is reality and what is drug dream

Father: If you dream of your father, you will change residence

To a woman, this dream signifies that she will be involved in a scandal

Funeral: If you attend a funeral in your dream, it is an omen of stress and sorrow

If you dream of your funeral, it could mean the end of a phase in your life and the beginning of a new one

Gag: If you dream that there is a gag on your mouth, you will soon fall in love

Ice: If you see ice in your dream, you will face hostility at work

Ironing: If you dream of ironing clothes, it means happiness at home

Maggots: If you dream of anything rotten and covered with maggots, you will hear about the death of a relative or a friend

If you dream of being a midwife, you will have a row over money

If you dream of painting your house, you will soon feel the need to make changes in it

Pawnbroker: If you dream of a pawnbroker, you will have success and promotion at work

Picnic: If you dream of having a picnic in the country, it portends happiness in love or promotion at work

To a woman, this dream is a warning about her morals

Prude: If you dream of being prudish, it means that you are the opposite in real life

Saddle: A number of saddles in your dream signify a number of unwanted visitors you will soon receive

Sigh: If you hear a sigh in your dream, something is wrong with your love life; if you sigh, you will have misfortune

Singing: If a man dreams that he is singing, it means good news and happiness; to a woman, the same dream means tears

Thorns: They signify obstacles which will be finally surmounted only if you cut off the thorns in your dream

Treasure: In general, it is a very good omen; if you dream of a chest full of coins, jewels, ancient objects and that sort of thing, it means that you have a strong will and a good potential, which could be used to help yourself and others around you

Vaccine: If you dream of being vaccinated, it means that you have protection against those who envy and despise you

If you dream of using it on any surface, your relationships with relatives will improve

X-rays: If you dream of having an X-ray, something very strange will happen to you

Apart from that, this dream indicates that your movements are being watched

In his dream

Then Son realized that his dream was actually a memory from his waking

I’m all for whatever it is that you dream of

That doesn’t mean you have to announce your dream of

newfound dream becomes colluded with the weeds of a garden

Almost as an afterthought Smith allocated a small portion of his dream time as the equivalent of a galactic closed circuit television system

This dream is of a statue

A flood of marine shapes colonised the roaring seas, monsters roamed the earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of blackness that was a shallow echo of Smith’s loneliness, there was a dream of companionship

The mammals came and one of them, born of just a single microscopic moment in the great dream, stood up and walked out from the crowd

Woven into his dream of eighty-five, he backed out of the garage

Vyinga now wished she paid close attention to every word Alan ever uttered about his drug dream

She was striving hard to pursue her dream of becoming a

«If Alan is still alive he won’t be wondering if Earth, his parents and his expedition was only a drug dream

If those girls stayed with him, they won’t try to convince him Earth was a drug dream any more

That’s something that would prove his memories were real and not a drug dream

“I just had a bad dream” said Catwhiskers

He had given him a dream so he would know I was safe and also where to find me

The fleeting thought that I wish it were me waiting for my man to come back runs through the back of my mind, closely followed by the memory of my dream at that wayhouse

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: and I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved

that is the nightmare that I dream with each fall of the dark hours,

At four in the morning it was like waking into a dream and no sooner was I through customs and onto the concourse that I tried to let Auntie know I’d arrived safely but in between the crackles on the mobile I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

I fell into a dream

where the crystal beauty of frost is a dream made real

to fade the colours that they dream, wait

in the hope that his dream state

and this endless dream of a perfect storm

As if for confirmation, I climbed out of the van just in case it was a dream

They both wanted someone to come home to but Luray had temporarily given up on that dream since the triangle with Knume and Valla

For a minute as she came out of her dream state Desa even had the fantasy of climaxing with him before he figured it out

Not a big deal on this world, but certainly more than she ever dreamed of as a girl

He’d asked me what I really dreamed about

Machines were what I dreamed about, the sort that Dan Dare might fly, machines that

I dreamed that the wind was

I dreamed the odd dream and filed the plans away, never thinking that there would be

and see all of those things that you take for granted, but which I dreamed

It was something dreamed up by the Devils of this world

since he had dreamed anything that he was quite out of practice

He slept for a short while, during which time he dreamed that he could see a chariot of

The scruffy engineer — no older than thirty but as dirty and smelly as any old street bum — worked seventeen hours a day and dreamed about work during the rest

As Smith dreamed and experimented and

She had dreamed of this too long

I smoked three or four cigarettes in short order, the last of the packet, and dreamed of being able to offer them around to other similarly dishevelled men

Over the next two weeks we shuffled and slept and dreamed as usual

He dreamed the undreamable

He slept for a short while, during which time he dreamed that he could see a chariot of flame bearing Charos towards him

dreamed of creating for yourself

As Smith dreamed and experimented and changed the fabric of time and space, as He formulated infinite varieties of life and death across the vast expanse of the void, small packages of His thought leaked out from beyond the horizon of Smith’s dreaming and drifted through the aeons and along the canals and wires that connect the universal whole

Lack-A-Bed dreamed that an ugly,

Haven’t you ever dreamed about riding a dragon across the desert at night? Feeling the wind blowing across your skin and thru your hair, knowing the dragon you are riding as one knows an old friend

Having warned you that I have no magic formula dreamed up by the ancient Yogis with regard to recovering a slim, beautiful figure, let me discuss the first step in this ‘battle of the bulge’

But what if they don’t get one? What then? Where would the young people go? And earlier I’d dreamed of something that still lit the very edges of my imagination, something about a school but as usual, the more I tried to bring it back the more it melted away

“Not times, places, and positions, if that’s what you think I’m asking, I never even visit this flesh pit you’ve dreamed up,” he said as his eyes took in the forested sides of the vale

Come to think of it, I dreamed that the phone was ringing and that I could not get to it – it must have been you

I dreamed of my chain of stores the whole night

He couldn’t make it the monetary success he dreamed of with only himself to work it, but he had enough to get by, and his expedition salary allowed him to buy whatever he wanted that this three-d reality trap could provide

“That’s strange, for I’ve had the bear since a few years before the accident and only recently have I ever dreamed of it

wondered briefly whether he had dreamed what he had witnessed in

There were good reasons why she was even more learned on the starships than Tdeshi dreamed of being, but he thought it interesting that they shared that interest

Then he dreamed of

Chrissie drifted back to sleep and dreamed of birds flying through sunny skies

He’d been fascinated by her for decades and had dreamed at times of encountering her socially

hand and melt into his palm, and he dreamed nothing more

“I dreamed that Agent Johnson showed up here with my parents’ bodies

You have been for me a model of integrity, honesty, and fairness, I could not have dreamed for a more ideal benefactor than yourself

He dreamed of sitting at his old school lunch table

He dreamed of baseball

She was actually embarrassed, by his comment «I dreamed once, I saw the second coming, the sky was much like it was this morning, filled with those wispy clouds

I never dreamed that I would ever

I imagine he dreamed

Flavio dreamed of the place 70 years ago

She thought of how far she had come, farther than an outland farm girl ever dreamed or hoped

Even then she never dreamed that what Brice said could possibly be true

Apparently the defensive strategy, dreamed up by Rafe and Brice, involved turning the city streets into a ‘death trap for the dead’, as Rafe put it

Seaboy partnered Mary Dwindle who, small though she was, kicked up her heels and dreamed of the sea, and sailing ships, and dolphins by the score

She never dreamed she would see them again, not while holding life within their gaze

Since she arrived on Ki’minsyllessil, she had dreamed of connecting with him, but there had always been an excuse to bar her way

It spoke to him of true power, something the Elders never dreamed

dreamed, is — of course — utopian

I have dreamed that I had a cosy chat with

It showed nothing of those soft lips that I’d often dreamed of kissing

I dreamed that I was swimming along the

dreamed it was a tornado that lifted her and her house up

She dreamed of reciting this to Homer, watching his haughty lips creep up with reluctant

All afternoon, Nerissa dreamed of Smyrna beneath her bearskin cover

She hadn’t dreamed that part

She always dreamed of living somewhere in Fraenon Hill, the fanciest district in Alataria, reserved mostly for CEOs, celebrities and others of such financial stature, but with Ashcote being her only option, she grew to love its old houses and mold-infested buildings

Most importantly, it was so feminine; an aspect of her life she’d dreamed of developing, but under the conditions of her profession and her culture, that just hadn’t been a likelihood for her

Odysseus dreamed his son would slay him, so he exiled Telemachus to Kefallinia

a smile, and dreamed of igniting the star in

That night I dreamed about Carlsbad, and winter, and Seth

“Mary, I know you»ve always had an outsized imagination, but I never dreamed your fantasy could imagine this

God this was not what I had dreamed war was about there was neither death nor glory here just scared ordinary blokes like me

Hallucination or not, that woman appeared to have dreamed about the discovery of the stone block

” she winced as she said it, “I know it’s silly, but my mum thought she was a bit psychic and sometimes dreamed about things that really happened a few days later

I»ve dreamed of this moment for so long

Or had she dreamed that? Jack wouldn’t be so gormless? She wondered what he had done with it

“This is a beautiful spot – just like I dreamed breakfast in Paris would be!” She smiled as Grant pulled out her

It was more beautiful than she ever dreamed it could

“What the bloody hell do you two want?” This I feared was going to be worse than I dreamed and I had just put my hand on Bert’s arm to guide him out when I heard

As golf can be a tremendously relaxing sport it is also a competitive sport and to achieve your best swing, your accurate puts and the best score you have ever dreamed of having most of us have to endure at least a few lessons

Shakespeare had it exactly right when he had Hamlet tell Horatio: „There are more things under the sun, Horatio, than are dreamed of in your philosophy

Nobody dreamed that the customer would have

He was the man she had always dreamed of, even though she had not met him yet

Would they now be able to have the life he’d dreamed of? Euphoria bubbled inside him, his heart beat wildly and a huge smile spread across his face

But why settle for being a lieutenant when you could be an empress? A seat next to the most powerful man in the empire, whispering in his ear, influencing him, having everything you ever dreamed of

dreamed, or had it really happened? She put on her best petticoat and

He dreamed of curling up in a pouch, hearing a constant but strange sound

Even mention it in my boring book more than 20 years on! Dreamed of beer and water and much else as I described before! I have never been that thirsty in my life and some passed out of heat exhaustion

I dreamed of a poor turnout and that those who did attend found the whole event terribly boring

I dreamed that the judges didn’t pitch and then that the contestants didn’t pitch

I dreamed there was a power failure

Then I dreamed the electricity came back on and I tripped over a cable and disabled the power supply

First, she dreamed of little Alice herself, and once again the tiny hands were clasped upon her knee, and the bright eager eyes were looking up into hers—she could hear the very tones of her voice, and see that queer little toss of her head to keep back the wandering hair that would always get into her eyes—and still as she listened, or seemed to listen, the whole place around her became alive the strange creatures of her little sister’s dream

Speaking with inhabitants of every continent, she tried to get a sense of what their lives were like, and dreamed one day of visiting their countries

If anyone asked Brubaker’s opinion, he would have told them that as a young man, he dreamed of re-introducing the big cats into this habitat

“During a cruise that my wife and I took last year, a distinguished, affable and learned traveler suggested that I should entitle my next book Odyssey Dreamed

when was it she had fallen asleep on the porch? Watching the flames of the tall fire her dad had set before they had left on their pilgrimage, she had slept and dreamed the strangest dream of all

OK, the dream was a fact, she had dreamed this man four years ago

The scientist who had dreamed up the whole proposition in the first place

�As I stated earlier, I want this wedding to be the type I always dreamed of�big and fancy

Had she just dreamed all that?

Had I dreamed that he’d come to me?

The cat lay on a corner of the bed, legs a-twitch as she dreamed of mice and birds

He dreamed crazy dreams, dreams of love, and dreams of conquest

He dreamed he was being chased

He dreamed he was a sparrow

Men, women, children, dogs, chickens, goats and pigs roamed freely in a confusing sea of activity: just the sort of scene she had once dreamed of capturing on film

It was as she dreamed, but even the dream couldn’t tell her how she would feel

He awoke the next morning and realized that he had not dreamed of Jalesow

She was sound asleep on that beach, dreaming of being erased by shonggot the way a virtual can be erased by zeroing

A large black dog of undetermined breed lies dreaming in front of the bar, it’s front leg twitching as it sleeps

Dreaming machines had been a controlled,

It took him a moment or two to realise that he was dreaming

from beyond the horizon of Smith’s dreaming and drifted through the aeons and along

! A few days later, Aphrodite will inform me Billy is interested in lucid dreaming a lot, and Alexander has been teaching him in private! What a serious person for the guru to teach personally! Is Bill supposed to be balanced enough for this? ?

As Smith dreamed and experimented and changed the fabric of time and space, as He formulated infinite varieties of life and death across the vast expanse of the void, small packages of His thought leaked out from beyond the horizon of Smith’s dreaming and drifted through the aeons and along the canals and wires that connect the universal whole

In dreaming of a peacock sky on some far distant world, Smith allowed a feather to fall upon the barren rocks of our world

broke the dreaming spire, the cathedral, terraced high and lofty,

was not dreaming this time again

dreaming of meadows and springs

Yes, Sally has been dreaming all of this for months now

from the dreaming days of youth and folly,

Was I dreaming or was someone, somewhere close by, struggling with piano practice and having a hard time

dreaming of his pink lips at her neck,

She clapped her hands together, dreaming of DJ Reckless, the wizard mixer of trance and acid bass at the student union, with whom she was madly in love

dreaming state, forgot about everything in the world, imagining

She clapped her hands together, dreaming of DJ Reckless, the

But as she lay there, drugged and dreaming, she gradually began to perceive the inside of Thom’s experimental chamber

She stroked the Jade Bear and asked, “What are you doing for me? What’s with all this lucid dreaming?”

thought he was dreaming, but as his senses started to return slowly and nerves

go, although Tom knew with the clarity of his dreaming vision that

He had mentioned something about dreaming about his parents to

Dreaming spires come to mind and seem strangely appropriate

What are you dreaming of lying there?

another control to keep the inmates subdued and dreaming about something other

She ran her fingers through Whimly’s hair, no longer thinking, but dreaming

» He must have sounded like a burn-out in a dreaming haze saying that, but what else could he say?

I switched on the radio and the one o’clock news filtered through, now all time pieces and radio agreed, what was more unnerving was I has just lost an hour, I pinched myself but no, I was not dreaming

It was then that he realized that he was dreaming and he grinned to himself

But, as she sat quietly dreaming

“Nonsense Nimblefax, you’re dreaming

He did feel like he was dreaming in a way

Early in life, the child and her mother were dreaming of a future for Céline

The woman who puts most her paycheck into lottery tickets, dreaming of

Pinching or slapping would have proven that I was not dreaming,

Client is dreaming as we speak, and the catcher should

Her memory was still fresh in his mind and when he closed his eyes at night he couldn’t stop dreaming about her

Dreaming that your flight was cancelled indicates that you are feeling helpless or trapped by some situation

As your child reaches certain milestones and grows into an adult, dreaming of their death may be symbolic of their own self-discovery, transition and transformation into a new stage of life

Alternatively, dreaming that you are an elephant may be reflective of your conservative views

To dream that you are hanging out with friends or other people is a way for your dreaming mind to decompress and wind down

Dreaming that you are making a self-sacrifice means that you need to eliminate certain aspects of your life and make time and space for more productive and rewarding experiences

Dreaming that sarcasm is aimed at you means that you are fixated on your own shortcomings

Consider the words to the song that you are dreaming about for additional messages

I was dreaming that someone was trying to strangle me, then I woke up and found I really couldn’t breathe

That is what had appeared to have happened before when he’d remained undisturbed in bed, merely going through the normal dreaming routines … or so it had appeared

Adventures, till she too began dreaming after a fashion, and this was her

At first I assumed it was just down to something I’d eaten, or maybe stress, work’s been pretty full on for the last few weeks, but the dreams have an odd consistency to them and somehow leave me with the impression that I am not dreaming

” His voice was distant, almost as though he were dreaming rather than speaking aloud

When he returned, Raiya thought she was dreaming

PS Saw Jeff leaving, he said he was dreaming of Back

I knew I was dreaming, but everything seemed so vivid, so real

when he saw me and almost shat himself with fear when he realised he wasn’t dreaming

‘ He came out of his dreaming

“Did he say sleep or am I dreaming did he say we could go to sleep?” Nobby had a dreamy look on his face as Lt Pearson went on reading from his sheets

I must have been dreaming

You see because REM-sleep had been constantly manipulated to overcome the natural random tendencies of dreaming, and the TIAR computer would stimulate a memory engram, the experience of TIAR can be as real as everything you are experiencing now

” At that, the two Halfling friends leaned over the countertop and started sketching, dreaming, and conspiring as they often did, especially when they were hatching their best schemes

My parents acted onstage together in those final months, dreaming of being a nice family with lil’ me

couldn’t tell anything about it, but we know she hadn’t been dreaming,

He was not dreaming

dreaming, only this time the dreamer is awake and conscious

circumstances, attracting the same relationships, or dreaming up the same financial

unselfish, and in a few moments she was quietly sleeping, dreaming of

Archer was dreaming of a Christmas-time in a great faraway city when he

“I hope it is a girl, although I imagine Eric is dreaming of a son,” she offered with a smile

Here she would spend the rest of her life, living in isolation, dreaming of things that might have been, if only she had been born as other badgers

Kate heard Paul’s voice, but to her for a moment it seemed she was dreaming

He’s been dreaming this the whole time now he is afraid that

She was dreaming, dreaming with her eyes opened, not knowing what was real and what wasn’t

She’d been dreaming about car smashes, and was still a little bleary when she woke

He looked at his watch closed his eyes and fell asleep dreaming of the great plaudits he would achieve from the Prime Minister once he got home

Red, you’re dreaming, mate; that will never happen

He closed his eyes and just slept without dreaming a single thing

“I love you” she said, smiling, dreaming, lovely

sleeping, dreaming of scores

How could this be? Was she dreaming? No, everything was so real

The eyes half open, and the mind still dreaming there were something

I would suspect that I’m dreaming if the pain in my head wasn’t so intense

A year ago I’d made a trial programme as TV presenter for the broadcasting corporation, never dreaming there’d be payment

Could he be dreaming?

She sat a little apart and watched the autumnal flame of dahlias in the garden, and the dreaming, glamorous harbour of the September sunset

And at this juncture, dreaming of another,

You’re dreaming of a life on coasts of the sea

He didn’t need to sit around day dreaming

She sat back in her seat with wide eyes and a lot of giggles, dreaming in reverse

Dreaming of the sunrise

The only significant difference between the process of sleeping, dreaming, and waking and the process of death, intermediate state, and rebirth is that after the clear light of sleep has ceased, the relationship between our mind and our present body remains intact, whereas after the clear light of death this relationship is broken

I remember him mentioning spending the night there in hopes of dreaming a dream

I secretly was hoping, dreaming that the doctors were wrong in their assessment and my baby would be fine

“Manda, you were dreaming

Derek was dreaming of a Sunday

black sand, shoulders slumped and dreaming of food once more

These days, Karen Day is still dreaming

I thought I was dreaming when he was telling me all that stuff over the phone

He was dreaming about the party he was at the night before, where he was trashed

I had shut my eyes, holding him for what appeared to be no more than seconds, knowing the way all do when dreaming of those who have passed that time is of the essence and painfully fleeting

Rose will be a housewife who dreams of being a child again, dancing with her friends in the studio across from the corner market

Sometimes I have the weirdest dreams

It was his dream that he would marry and have children … and Dan is a man to make his dreams reality … I think he had some crackbrained idea that he could have the wife and family along with my friendship as well … I daresay he thought I would come to terms with Joanna … after all, she was a friend of mine … it made some sort of sense

I don’t know if I believe that dreams are God sending us messages like my mom does, but I do think sometimes that I know things that I don’t know when I’m conscious and aware

After shaking off the cobwebs in her head, Dizzie realizes she had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams

“Sadie! I had the most fucked up dream in the history of dreams!”

The stuff of my dreams was all around

were plenty of dreams; flying cars, nuclear power, rockets to the moon, the Mekon

Aunt Billie patted his hand again and said, “They’re just dreams, that’s all

Her stories are structured in a very unusual way: I have written down in a separate notebook memories, fantasies, as well as dreams of mine and I have classified them in certain categories: Start of story – Main events – Secondary events – Cosmic truths – Fights – Dialogues – Space and time – End of story

I counted the days not by marking the passing of the usual solar landmarks, but by reckoning the drift between waking anger and dreams that always twisted in chimerical fear

My dreams of achieving true rapport with The Kid were built on foundations of sand

And what did he mean by the phrase: “not yet”? Did he really harbour dreams of returning? And what did that mean for me?

The Boss, well, he’s got dreams of holy war

It’s the girl of his dreams

It should be someone you can share your dreams and fears with, someone who

He told me about his dreams of his dead sister

«The Colonel dreams of returning

They had big dreams for their people in their world of exile

If a man dreams of being a father, he will have a twist of fate

Parrot: If you hear this bird chattering, beware of a treacherous person in your circle; if a young woman dreams of a parrot, she should investigate the origins of her lover before marriage, or she will have a nasty surprise too late

Prostitute: If a man dreams of a prostitute, he will have misfortune, poverty and shame

Singing: If a man dreams that he is singing, it means good news and happiness; to a woman, the same dream means tears

Often we believe our dreams are something reflected out to us,

Daniel can interpret dreams that no one else can interpret

When our motives and our ministries and our dreams and aspirations are counter to what the Lord will speak, then we won’t hear from Him

the life of your dreams, you have to stretch yourself, you’ve

You gave us a terrible hope, impossible dreams, just like Rousseau gave the Sans Culottes a hope they could never turn into reality

dreams to study further shatter mercilessly by this

father’s dreams of a free India

You are the Tutor of my Dreams

and idle dreams of villas and thick voiced women

He’s a rugged looking man, she thought, chiseled features, and a very strong will, like in the dreams

She could imagine his hands on her doing what he did in the dreams… damn it! I’ve got to stop doing this… it’s those damn dreams! She could hear a deep chuckle filling her mind, all right Jake, I get the point!

In his dreams, chasing the bones of creation,

And what a set of shoulders! Damn it, she had to stop this kind of thinking; it was those damn dreams! Secretly, she had to admit that she had entertained some pretty lusty thoughts about him

He has a strong moral character; and I believe he is smitten with you! Of course it could be because he has the dreams!

the mortuary moment, staring out of dreams

As I stared at the small egg, one of the dreams broke and suddenly I remembered everything

Most were saying that their dreams had prepared them for this situation

The dreams had supplied him with many of these

But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: and on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: and I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: and it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved

She dreams in a timeless land of cold days,

And when he reached his orgasm your name was revealed to him, just as your dreams predicted

Now do you believe that he is the one for you? Your dreams have been fulfilled

I wake with a start to find sunlight streaming into the room … it takes me a moment to orientate myself … needless to say, after yesterday, my dreams were full of that irritating man … Deris’s father …

“Ashley, follow your dreams and your heart

If these dreams are visions of the future, then someone is going to come and help me soon

I know it — the dreams said they would fly to my rescue on a dragon

The dreams have led me for the past year, and this is where they said to go

It’s the dragons, do it to me every time! My name is Collin and I’ve been seeing you guys in dreams for almost a year now

Sally and I have spoken about her dreams and compared them to mine

“We’ve got something to tell the both of you,” Kate began, “Sally has been having dreams of riding a dragon

stems to the four corners of old empire dreams,

shivering through electric dreams and ‘Hey Presto’ clouds

And of course, they had the dreams, the dreams of the dragons

Over the years the students had analyzed the dreams carefully, had taken each person’s variation and blended it with the others

Something far greater that anything they could imagine; and it involved riding the dragons of their dreams

Each night I filled the dreams of the camp with love and understanding

I was in the land of Greece and soon I would be in the city of my dreams, ancient Athens

Far away in the forests of a Michigan town, the students and teachers in the Osborne School for the Gifted were all given very special dreams

They had all seen it in their dreams

At the Osborne School, new dreams told them that they would be coming for them the next day

So I sent them dreams, and allowed them to decide for themselves if they wanted to do this thing

Their dreams have been vindicated

He fell asleep happy that he had followed his dreams and found this joy

a home of hopes and dreams where now

She could see why the children were so enthralled by their dreams

It has been these recent months that he has been having these dreams on a steady basis

Throughout the night, my thoughts had drifted between dreams and a reality that seemed mapped out on the ceiling of my father’s room

pocket’s limits, there are 101 ways to live up to all your partner’s romantic dreams and give him or her all they have wished for in a dream-date

“Between the dragons burning, and the crazy dreams, I figured out for myself that things would never be the same again

He had many dreams, some of them painful, others hopeful; and the redheaded woman was there, coming his way

country dreams about a cushy job that gives a steady salary and provides

He found that his disappointment in the collapse of his hopes and dreams for Rose carried through into each new liaison

Limbs dangled over one another or lay fastened around kids, twitching and rolling through some wandering dreams

I thanked my little friend and hoped that after she’d slept and woken later, she’d find our silliness in the memories of her dreams

As young Alan blossomed, finding girls and music and the dreams of unchecked possibilities breasting the far hill scapes of his world view, so too Ken determined to be a part of his son’s emerging life

‘Yeah, what is your role as my teacher? Teach me how to reach my dreams or

Two years of scrimping and saving, twenty years of dreams — all wiped away in

Another great application for journaling is exploring the inner blockages to living the life of your dreams

drifted off into the more than welcome land of dreams, a land

did so his head filled with shapes and dreams of absolute horror

Sweet dreams! Love Katie

I have big dreams for my business

I don’t usually remember my dreams so this one is doubly unusual

from (her) his dreams: the old curse abolished, evil without power

disappointment in the collapse of his hopes and dreams for Rose

In an instant Lord Boras saw all his dreams crumble before him

So many times he had seen this in dreams; so many times he had awoken just as he reached

Before him was the golden egg, it was mammoth, much larger than in his dreams

and the dreams of unchecked possibilities breasting the far hill

The invader had dreams of control, of great power

As for ambitions, Ken wants to buy a pub on foreign soil when his boss retires, while Davie dreams of being able to return to his beloved Ibrox in a British Racing Green Jaguar XJ6

For all of his summer singlet bicep flexing, Davie’s dreams are heavily populated with sheepskin coats and pints of Heavy

The dreams are strange but very beautiful, the kind that leave you feeling warm and cozy

She smiles at him from behind a blackleg in Billy’s internalised theatre of dreams, clipboard in hand, but her eyes are closed

Just because Ava had admitted it to him, how could he be sure that Tdeshi hadn’t woken up from the overdose with fabulous dreams of outer space? The science of virtual humans in silicon and transferring personalities via helmet is something he had to either believe or not, but either way, he knew he was drawn to the soul that was in that body now, however she got there

A sentence using the word dream. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use dream in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for dream.

  • Beastly dream! (8)
  • It was not his dream! (8)
  • It was no dream. (8)
  • I think I dream. (22)
  • This is the Dream. (16)
  • It was only a dream. (8)
  • I dream of the desert. (10)
  • It seems like a dream. (10)
  • Aminta wished to dream. (10)
  • Power to dream had gone. (10)
  • O, I shall dream about it! (9)
  • I dream of some old Judge! (10)
  • And her dream came back to her. (8)
  • To dream of you, to adore you! (10)
  • It was not a dream, now he knew. (10)
  • He walked away in a sort of dream. (8)
  • So had ended a dream, she thought. (10)
  • Camilla tells Camillo of her dream. (10)
  • And who was she to dream of denying them? (10)
  • He went through the day in a sort of dream. (8)
  • The second groom awoke suddenly from his dream. (8)
  • I would thou hadst been but a dream, thou crone! (10)
  • But how could I dream that you would ever meet her? (9)
  • All was over; the dream was past; the charm was broken. (9)
  • For who else would dream of such a reserve in the rear? (10)
  • We did not even dream of subjecting him to this indignity. (8)
  • Daylight prohibits the dream of it to mounted postillions. (10)
  • She felt what was happening only as from the depth of a dream. (12)
  • Once she had a dream of him, rushing past her down into the sea. (8)
  • She will never age, and all her actions are actions in a dream. (12)
  • She came to the avenue, and passed up it still in a sort of dream. (8)
  • Strange that he should have rushed into his dream with eyes open! (10)
  • Our union by the Head Supreme Is blest: our severance was the dream. (10)
  • Do you never make poetry here, and dream dreams, among your mountains? (8)
  • Renee had the scene from her window, like a dream given out of sleep. (10)
  • The whole descent is like a dream to me, so rapidly was it accomplished. (2)
  • So that we two can shut out the world; we live what is the dream of others. (10)
  • Lucy awoke from dreams which seemed reality, to the reality which was a dream. (10)
  • He was crossing, he told them, to count his barrels; a dream had disturbed him. (10)
  • But perpetual motion is as idle a dream in political organization as in mechanics. (14)
  • I could have turned my husband from this black path; I preferred to dream and sing. (10)
  • The dream disturbed him badly, especially that identification of himself with Soames. (8)
  • She would never dream of feeling for any of her nephews as John clearly felt for Olive. (8)
  • But there came a time when the days of the dream grew dark with sorrow in a rain of tears. (1)
  • In a dream somehow she had committed herself to a life-long imprisonment; and, oh terror! (10)
  • Through you The mark I may attain is visible, And I have strength to dream of winning it. (10)
  • Was it part of a dream; or was it, could it have been she, in her moonlight-coloured frock? (8)
  • The dread of being awakened from the happiest dream, was perhaps the most prominent feeling. (4)
  • He sighed, as it were the sound of his very last; he lay like a sleeper twitched by a dream. (10)
  • Well, Frank, your dream certainly shews that Highbury is in your thoughts when you are absent. (4)
  • It pervaded and possessed all the spiritual intervals of the dream, like a musical benediction. (1)
  • Thus when he spoke it was in a sharper voice, as if he had been awakened from a pleasant dream. (8)
  • At the thought, he took the words that had been spoken, and started from the dream he had been in. (10)
  • She will be cured by-and-by of that coveting of everything that I do, feel, think, dream, imagine . (10)
  • I have known and loved him since he was born, and I have been foolish enough to dream, dreams about him. (8)
  • Then, suddenly all that dream creature had vanished; he was on his feet, with a thumping heart, speaking. (8)
  • The whole thing was like a pleasurable dream; time and incident hung up, importance and reality suspended. (8)
  • She clung, however, to the topic of Bevisham, preferring to dream of the many more, rather than run risks. (10)
  • As the poet has said: After too strong a beam, Too bright a glory, We ask, Is this a dream Or magic story? (10)
  • Dream of the blossom of Good, In its waver and current and curve, With the hopes of my offspring enscrolled! (10)
  • It had been of late her wish or a dream, shaping hourly to a design, now positively to go through that furnace. (10)
  • He walked with his dog towards the risen sun, alone in the silvery light of Hampstead, meditating deeply on his dream. (8)
  • Those carved features, those keen, yet veiled eyes, had too often haunted her thoughts; they were like a bad dream come true. (8)
  • And as I moved to the door, I would hear the tip-tap of his bast slippers restoring him, up the stairs, to his dream of boots. (8)
  • She sits up, freeing her face and hands from the blankets, changing the swathings of deep sleep for the filmy coverings of a dream. (8)
  • Veneration, friends, Self-worship, which is often self-distrust, Bar the good way to you, and make a dream A fortress and a prison. (10)
  • All that had happened a few minutes ago in the blueberry patch seemed a far-off dream; the reality had died out of the looks and words. (9)
  • The church bell was tolling; they could see the little congregation pass across the churchyard into that weekly dream they knew too well. (8)
  • Beauchamp of Romfrey had been his dream, not Baskelett: and it increased his disgust of Beauchamp that Baskelett should step forward as the man. (10)
  • A primitive breath is there, and chaos; there the elements thunder and the most terrible dream becomes reality, an epic reality of immemorial ages. (12)

Also see sentences for: fancy, phantasm, phantom, vagary, vision.

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Dreamt sentence example

  1. I dreamt about you. …
  2. He’d dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she’d never talked to him directly. …
  3. She’d dreamt of sleeping with Darkyn.

How do you use dreamt?

Dreamed and dreamt are both acceptable past tense forms of dream. Dreamed follows the pattern of regular verbs, ending with «-ed» while dreamt is irregular. Often the irregular, or «strong,» form of a word gives way and is replaced by the normalized form, but both dreamt and dreamed are still in use.

Is dreamt grammatically correct?

Dreamt and dreamed are both past tense forms of dream. Dreamt is more common in Britain, while dreamed is more common in other English-speaking countries, including the U.S. Dreamed seems to be more popular than dreamt when talking about sleeping, but when dream has a hopeful, literary sense, dreamt might be used.

What does dreamt up mean?

dreamed up or dreamt up. DEFINITIONS1. to think of a new idea or plan, especially one that is silly or unusual. He was continually dreaming up schemes to expand his business.

What is the synonym of dreamt?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dreamt, like: wished, daydreamed, imaged, hoped, fantasized, fancied, visioned, desired, supposed, believed and idealized.

43 related questions found

Are dreams real?

Dreams are basically stories and images that our mind creates while we sleep. They can be vivid. … But you have your most vivid dreams during a phase called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, when your brain is most active. Some experts say we dream at least four to six times a night.

Why do we dream?

Dreams as memory aides

One widely held theory about the purpose of dreams is that they help you store important memories and things you’ve learned, get rid of unimportant memories, and sort through complicated thoughts and feelings. Research shows that sleep helps store memories.

What is another word for dream up?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dream up, like: devise, contrive, concoct, imagine, invent, dream, think up, think of and hatch.

What regimented means?

regimented; regimenting; regiments. Definition of regiment (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1a : to organize rigidly especially for the sake of regulation or control regiment an entire country. b : to subject to order or uniformity.

What does Crikey mean in British?

crikey in American English

(ˈkraɪki ) interjection. British, Slang. used to express surprise, wonder, etc. Word Frequency.

Is it dream or dreamed?

Dreamed and dreamt each form the past tense and past participle of the verb dream. They are both correct, but dreamed is more common in both British and American English. The British tend to use dreamt more often than the Americans, but still not as much as dreamed.

Is it burnt or burned?

‘Burned’ is the usual past tense of ‘burn’, but ‘burnt’ is common in many contexts when the past participle is used as an adjective («burnt toast»). … But if you’re using the past tense of burn as a ho-hum verb, talking perhaps about the toast you’ve just overtoasted, burned is likely to be your choice.

What is the difference of dreamed and dreamed?

‘Dream’ is singular and ‘dreams’ is plural. I had a dream last night. … I had good dreams last night. I had many dreams last night.

What is the sentence of full of dreams?

I am full of dreams and charged with strange excitement. Young and full of dreams of things to come. Her family arrives in America full of dreams. «He leaves behind wonderful memories, a taste of freedom and a head full of dreams.

What is the future tense of dream?

I will/shall dream. … You/We/They will/shall be dreaming. Future Perfect Tense. He/She/It will/shall have dreamed or dreamt or drempt (dated).

Is Learnt a correct word?

Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn. Learned is the generally accepted way of spelling it in the United States and Canada, while the rest of the English-speaking world seems to prefer learnt for now.

What does Stulify mean?

1a : to have a dulling or inhibiting effect on. b : to impair, invalidate, or make ineffective : negate. 2 : to cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical.

What is meant by senescent?

1 : the state of being old : the process of becoming old. 2 : the growth phase in a plant or plant part (such as a leaf) from full maturity to death.

Does atypical mean not?

not typical; not conforming to the type; irregular; abnormal: atypical behavior; a flower atypical of the species.

Is Aim another word for goal?

Some common synonyms of goal are aim, design, end, intention, intent, objective, object, and purpose. While all these words mean «what one intends to accomplish or attain,» goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship.

What is the synonym of devised?

purpose, devise, formulate, contrive. in the sense of concoct.

What is the synonym of imagined?

Some common synonyms of imagine are conceive, envisage, envision, fancy, realize, and think. While all these words mean «to form an idea of,» imagine stresses a visualization.

Why do I dream a lot?

In addition to stress and anxiety, other mental health conditions, such as depression and schizophrenia, are associated with vivid dreams. Physical illnesses, like heart disease and cancer, have also been associated with vivid dreams.

How are dreams made?

How are dreams created? One study suggests that dreams stem more from your imagination (the memories, abstract thoughts and wishes pumped up from deep within your brain) than from perception (the vivid sensory experiences you collect in your forebrain).

Are dreams good for you?

Dreaming is a normal part of healthy sleep. Good sleep has been connected to better cognitive function and emotional health, and studies have also linked dreams to effective thinking, memory, and emotional processing.

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