Use down in a sentence for each word


UNIT 142. Phrasal verbs 6  up/ down


Compare up and down:

put something up
(on a wall etc.)

I put a picture
up on the wall.

pick something up

There was a letter on the floor.

I picked it up
and looked at it.

Alan stood up and
walked out.

turn something up

I can’t hear the TV. Can you
turn it up a bit?

take something down
(from a wall etc.)

I didn’t like the picture, so
I took it down

put something down

I stopped writing and put
my pen.

sit down /bend down /lie

I bent down to
tie my shoelace.

turn something down

The oven is too hot. Turn
it down
to 150 degrees.


Knock down, cut down

knock down a building, blow
something down, cut something down etc.

Some old houses were knocked
to make way for the new shopping centre.

Why did you cut down
the tree in your garden?

be knocked down (by
a car etc.)

A man was knocked down
by a car and taken to hospital.

burn down = be
destroyed by fire

They were able to put out the fi
re before the house burnt down.


Down = getting less

slow down = go more slowly

You’re driving too fast. Slow

calm (somebody) down
=become calmer, make somebody calmer

Calm down. There’s no
point in getting angry.

cut down (on something) =eat,
drink or do something less often

I’m trying to cut down
coffee. I drink too much of it.


Other verbs + down

break down =stop working
(for machines, cars, relationships etc.)

The car broke down and I had to phone for help.

Their marriage broke down after only a few

close down /shut

doing business

There used to be a shop at the
end of the street; it closed down a few years ago.

let somebody down
= disappoint them because you didn’t do what they hoped

You can always rely on Paul.
He’ll never let you down.

turn somebody/something
down = refuse an application, an offer etc.

I applied for several jobs,
but I was turned down for
all of them.

Rachel was offered the job,
but she decided to turn
it down.

write something down
= write something on paper because you may need the information L ater

I can’t remember Tim’s address.
I wrote it down, but I can’t find it.



For each picture, complete the
sentences using a verb + up
or down. In most sentences you
will need other words as well.


There used to be a tree next to
the house, but we ____ cut it down.


There used to be some shelves
on the wall, but I _______________.

The ceiling was so low, he
couldn’t _______________.straight.

She couldn’t hear the radio
very well, so she _______________.




While they were waiting for
the bus, they _______________.on the ground.

A few trees
the storm last week.

We’ve got some new curtains,
but we haven’t _______________yet.

Lisa dropped her keys, so she _______________
and _______________.





Complete the sentences. Use the
following verbs (in the correct form) +down:








I don’t like this picture on
the wall. I’m going to ____ take it


The music is too loud. Can you

David was very angry. I tried
to ____________________.

Sarah gave me her phone
number. I ____________________on a piece of paper.

I promised I would help Anna. I
don’t want to ____________________.

I was offered the job, but I
decided I didn’t want it. So I ____________________.






Complete each sentence using a verb (in
the correct form) +down.


I stopped writing and ______ put down ____ my pen.


I was really angry. It took me
a long time to _______________.

The train _______________as it
approached the station.

Sarah applied to study
medicine at university, but she _______________.

Our car is very reliable. It
has never _______________.





I need to spend less money.
I’m going to _______________on things I don’t really need.

I didn’t play very well. I
felt that I had _______________the other players in the team.

The shop _______________because
it was losing money.

This is a very ugly building.
Many people would like it to _______________.

I can’t understand why you _______________the
chance of working abroad for a year. It would have been a great experience for






A: Did you see the accident?
What happened exactly?

B: A man _______________by a
car as he was crossing the road.


Peter got married when he was
20, but unfortunately the marriage _______________ a few years later.


Synonym: apiece, each, for each one, from each one, to each one. Similar words: reach, teach, beach, teacher, preach, each other, reach out, each time. Meaning: [iːtʃ]  adj. (used of count nouns) every one considered individually. adv. to or from every one of two or more (considered individually). 

Random good picture Not show

1. Each man has his limitations.

2. Each bird likes to hear himself sing. 

3. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other. 

4. Sadness and gladness succeed each other. 

5. Each day brings its own bread. 

6. Each man is the architect of his own fate. 

7. Each bird loves to hear himself sing. 

8. Each moment in history is a fleeting time, precious and unique. 

9. Life is a leaf of paper white(, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

10. All happy families are like one another; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. 

11. Riches and virtue do not often keep each other company. 

12. If each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city (or street). 

13. Each individual item has a number.

14. Their views are at opposite extremes from each other.

15. Dolphins use sound to communicate with each other.

16. We disputed with each other on various issues.

17. We must respect each other’s territorial integrity.

18. Each manager had responsibility for just under 600 properties.

19. Drill a hole in each corner.

20. We will never in contact with each

21. I’ve been setting aside a few pounds each week.

22. We watched two apes grooming each other.

23. I gave each of the boys an apple.

24. Let’s keep in touch with each other.

25. Each of you will make a speech, I presume?

26. Each of the managers suffered the same fate.

27. Each school must evolve its own way of working.

28. Unfortunately, there are but the two love each other.

29. They give each other piggy-back rides.

30. Two persons cannot long be friends if they cannot forgive each other’s little failings. 

More similar words: reach, teach, beach, teacher, preach, each other, reach out, each time, bleaching, take a chance, coach, attach, react, attach to, approach, at peace, react to, reaction, the accused, come across, take action, machiavellian, make peace with. 

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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Write a sentence for each word/phrase.
1. (at the moment)
2. (on Sundays)
3. (in the summer)
4. (always)
5. (right now)
6. (in the winter)
7. (never)

Английский язык 5 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 7 Grammar Practice. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Напишите предложение для каждого слова / фразы.
1. (на данный момент)
2. (по воскресеньям)
3. (летом)
4. (всегда)
5. (прямо сейчас)
6. (зимой)
7. (никогда)

1. (at the moment) I am doing my homework at the moment.
2. (on Sundays) We go swimming in the swimming pool on Sundays.
3. (in the summer) We go camping in the summer.
4. (always) I always help my mother in the kitchen.
5. (right now) My sister is having a picnic right now.
6. (in the winter) My dad goes skiing in the winter.
7. (never) My sister never walks our dog.

Перевод ответа
1. (в данный момент) Я сейчас делаю домашнее задание.
2. (по воскресеньям) По воскресеньям купаемся в бассейне.
3. (летом) Летом ходим в походы.
4. (всегда) Я всегда помогаю маме на кухне.
5. (прямо сейчас) Моя сестра сейчас на пикнике.
6. (зимой) Папа зимой катается на лыжах.
7. (никогда) Моя сестра никогда не выгуливает нашу собаку.

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