Use a word from the box to complete the conversations


1Write C (count) or U (uncount).

1money U_5banana___

2time___6olive oil___



2Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.

1Are there any coffee? Is there any coffee?

2I want some informations.

3Chocolate taste nice.

4The water are cold.

5She needs moneys.

6We dont have any homeworks tonight.

7Would you like a broccoli?

8The people is very friendly.

3Write how much, how many, much, or many.

1How many hours do you work every day?

2______________ children has Lucy got?

3______________ time have we got left?

4There werent ______________ people at the party.

5There isnt ______________ bread.

4Complete the sentences with some or any.

1She says she cant give us any information.

2 Natalie usually takes __________ sandwiches and a banana to

3No, sorry, I havent got __________ cigarettes. I dont

4Stuart has had __________ great news.

5Did they give you __________ advice?

6Toms got __________ money for you.

5Use a word from the box to complete the conversations.

something anything (x3) someone/somebody anywhere no-one/nobody
anyone/anybody (x2) somewhere (x2)

1AAre you doing anything special for your birthday?

BYes, we might go __________ nice for dinner. Can you recommend

2ALets go __________ nice for a picnic this weekend.

BGreat idea, should I bring __________?

3AWhats the matter?

BOh, Im going to a party on Friday and I cant find __________ to

ADont worry. Ive got __________ you can borrow.

4AI think I can hear __________ talking upstairs!

BHello, is there __________ there?

AI cant see __________.

BOK. Theres obviously __________ there.

6Choose the correct option.

1Lets play a few / a little more songs.

2Theres lots of / a few sugar in the cupboard.

3Rosies got something / anything to tell you.

4I dont know anything / something about it.

5Is nobody / anybody in the swimming pool?

6Just a few / a little milk in my coffee, please.

7There is a few / a lot of traffic in Paris.

8There isnt a lot of / many time, but well get there.

7Choose the correct answer.

1Your mobile phone is in __________ living room.

Athe Ba

2We saw a great film yesterday __________ film was about a

Aa Bthe

3Robs wearing __________ pair of red trousers.

Aa Bthe

4Would you like __________ apple or a banana?

Aa Ban

5Laura is __________ artist.

Aan Bno article

6Hey, look! Ive got __________ email!

Aan Ba

7What __________ wonderful surprise!

Ano article Ba

8We need __________ couple of things from the supermarket.

Athe Ba

8Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or (no article).

1I think youre the best in the class.

2Are you having __________ lunch today?

3Trevor is __________ small, black dog.

4Theres __________ chemists next to the bank.

5The train leaves from __________ Birmingham New Street

6What __________ pity you cant come!

7__________ Government makes the laws.

8__________ British Museum is free.

9I love swimming in __________ Atlantic Ocean.

10What __________ lovely weather!

9Correct these sentences using a, an, the or (no article).

1Berlin is capital city of Germany. Berlin is the capital city
of Germany.

2My brothers architect in big company in London.

3Im going to shops. Would you like anything?

4What beautiful new dress youre wearing!

5Excuse me, is there bank near here?

6I live in small village in mountains in Switzerland.

7I bought pair of sunglasses on Oxford Street.


1Find and correct five sentences that are wrong.

1Are you thinking to go to university?

2You want being a teacher, dont you?

3It started to rain just after seven.

4Bruce wants to buy a sandwich.

5I really dont like to cook.

6Wed both love to travel.

7They enjoy listening to classical music.

8Im looking forward to see you tomorrow.

9I finished to read the book last night.

10Molly likes working as an architect.

2Read the sentences and answer the questions.

1Steve loves going to football matches.

Does Steve go to football matches? Yes / No

2Yes, Id love to spend the weekend with you.

Have you asked me to spend the weekend with you? Yes / No

3Id like to be a doctor.

Am I a doctor now? Yes / No

3Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the -ing form of
the verbs in brackets.

1Were thinking of changing (change) our car.

2She loves __________ (swim).

3Im looking forward to __________ (hear) from you soon.

4They want __________ (go) to a restaurant for dinner.

5Id like __________ (see) you very soon.

4Write sentences to respond to these statements. Use will.

1Im tired and I havent done the washing-up.

Ill do the washing-up for you.

2I need a cup of coffee.


3Do you want chicken or turkey?


5Write the sentences and questions in the correct order.

1his mind / going / isnt / Bob / to / change

Bob isnt going to change his mind.

2How long / are / stay / with / to / Ian / going / you / ?


3You / be / re / to / going / very surprised


4I / m / on business / Moscow / going / to


6Choose the best answer.

1Wendys pregnant. Shes going to have / Shell have a baby.

2The phones ringing! OK, Ill answer / Im answering it.

3Oh dear, I think Ill sneeze / Im going to sneeze.

4Ive decided Im going to get / Ill get a new job.

5I think Arsenal will win / is winning the match tonight.

6Look at the mess! Ill help / Im going to help you clear it

7Tick () the correct option.

1Im going to go to bed early tonight.

decision already made sudden decision

2Anthony is going to ask Nadia to marry him.

decision already made sudden decision

3You look tired. Ill cook dinner. You can relax.

decision already made sudden decision

4The doorbells ringing. Ill go.

decision already made sudden decision


1Match the questions and answers.

1Whats Harry like?

2What does Harry like?

3Hows Harry?

aVery well, thanks.

bOh, the usual things good food and nice people.

cHes tall, funny and very good-looking.

2Answer these questions so they are true for you.

1Whats your best friend like?


2What does he/she like?


3What are you like?


4What do you like?


3Write the comparative and superlative of each adjective.

1easy easiereasiest








4Tick the correct sentence in each pair.

1My mobile phone is better than yours.

My mobile phone is more good than yours.

2Dubai is hotter than Amsterdam.

Dubai is hoter than Amsterdam.

3Its the worse place in the world.

Its the worst place in the world.

4Reading is boringer than watching TV.

Reading is more boring than watching TV.

5Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the
adjective in bold.

1Im a very fast runner.

Im the fastest runner in my club.

2It was an amazing experience.

Its ______________________________ Ive ever had.

3Shes a beautiful girl.

Shes ______________________________ Ive ever seen.

4This class is very noisy.

Its ______________________________ in the school.

6Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form
of the adjective in brackets.

1This restaurant is cheaper (cheap) than the other one in this
street. The food is really good. I think its the most delicious
(delicious) food in town.

2Who is the _______________ (popular) actor in your country?

3Simon is a good player, but Mark is a _______________ (good)
player than him. But Michael is the _______________ (talented)
player in the team.

4Could you tell me the _______________ (quick) way to get to
Manchester from here?

5Ellie is generous, but Hannah is even _______________
(generous) than her.

6Ive never been _______________ (happy). This is the
_______________ (happy) day of my life.

7Complete the sentences. Use as as and a word from the box.

long difficult exciting tall much fast hot quiet high spicy

1I dont think a giraffe can run as fast as a lion.

2This summer is warm, but its not _______________ last

3Im a bit early. The journey didnt take _______________ I

4The Eiffel Tower isnt _______________ the Empire State

5The children are asleep, so Ill be _______________ I can.

6I got an A in my exam! It wasnt _______________ I thought it
would be.


  1. 1.       Write the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
    1. The Pope ________ (live) in the Vatican.
    2. Last year we _________ (visit) Paris.
    3. ________you _________ (go) out yesterday?
    4. My sister _________ (speak) three languages.
    5. I like the shirt you _________ (wear).
    6. They _________ (not/see) the film last night.
    7. _______you __________ (know) my brother?
    8. They __________ (arrive) at 11:00 pm tomorrow.
    9. Vicky _________ (enjoy) meeting new people.
    10. I _________ (not/like) working late at night.
    11. 2.      Complete the sentences with a verb form from the box.

don’t       Do       ‘s        doesn’t        didn’t       aren’t (x2)

  1. I _________really enjoying this book.
  2. _______you always walk to work?
  3. Why _________you come to school yesterday?
  4. He _________going to study Greek at next year.
  5. Jo __________eat meat. She’s a vegetarian.
  6. They ________coming by bus, they’ve got a car.
  7. Sorry, I ________understand.
  8. We ________working tonight. We’re going out.
  9. 3.      Choose the correct question word.

which      whose     who     why       where       when       what     how

  1. _______is the bank?                     6. _________do you live with?
  2. _______are you smiling?               7. _________is yours-this one or that one?
  3. _______time is it?                         8. _________did you last see Peter?
  4. _______do I open this?
  5. _______books are these?
  6. 4.      Write questions for answers.
    1. They’re watching the news.           _________________________________
    2. James arrived yesterday.                _________________________________
    3. She lives in Madrid.                       _________________________________
    4. Jomanna comes from Poland.        _________________________________
    5. Yes, I can drive.                            _________________________________
    6. I like blues and rock ’n’ roll.          _________________________________
    7. It costs 25 euros.                           _________________________________
    8. No. he didn’t enjoy the film.         _________________________________
    9. They’re coming at 3 o’clock.         _________________________________


  1. 1.       Complete the sentences with Present Simple form of the verb in the box.

forget        not eat    go    live    play     have     finish      not speak

  1. My cousin ____________in the States.
  2. I ___________French or Spanish.
  3. Bill often ____________people’s names.
  4. The exam __________at 12.30 exactly.
  5. Nadia ___________very healthy food.
  6. I _____________shopping for clothes every weekend.
  7. My dad ____________the guitar.
  8. We ____________a karate lesson on Friday afternoon.
  9. 2.      Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. He ____________ (study) biology at college.
    2. We ____________ (not./go) away this summer.
    3. Sue ____________ (not/enjoy) the meal.
    4. _________you _________ (see) the doctor tomorrow?
    5. Where ________you __________ (go) on holiday?
    6. Everyone _________ (have) a great time.
    7. You ___________ (not/listen) to me.
    8. 3.      Tick the correct sentences.
      1.    Mario is coming from Italy.

   Mario comes from Italy.

  1.    We usually go by bus.

   We’re usually going by bus.

  1.     He speaks Mandarin and Japanese.

    He’s speaking Mandarin and Japanese.

  1.     What a great meal! Everyone enjoys it.

    What a great meal! Everyone’s enjoying it.

  1.     I’m loving coffee ice cream.

    I love coffee ice cream.

    What do you do tonight?

  1.     What are you doing tonight?
  2. 4.      Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. Alex ___________ (go) to the gym three times a week.
    2. I ___________ (think) he’s really fit.
    3. We ___________ (meet) Hanna at 9 o’clock tonight.
    4. What _________you ________ (do) now?
    5. Amanda always __________ (look) beautiful!
    6. _______ you _________ (come)? The film is starting.
    7. 5.      Write two sentences, one with a form of have and one with a form of have got.
      1. I/six cousins.                     _____________________________________


  1. We/ any milk?                   _____________________________________


  1. He/not/a car.                    _____________________________________


  1. My car/a CD player           _____________________________________



  1. 1.       Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
    1. I __________ (stop) working at 8:00 PM. 
    2. Nick __________ (work) in a hotel last summer.
    3. We ___________ (not/see) our friends last week.
    4. __________they _________ (go) to Greece in June.
    5. Alan __________ (leave) school in 2005.
    6. When _______you __________ (arrive)?
    7. Lasa ________ (fix) my computer for me last night.
    8. My grandparents _________ (have) a house by the sea.
    9. When _______ the programme __________ (finish)?
    10. They _________ (organize) a surprise party for us.
    11. 2.      Write the Past Simple sentences in the correct order.
      1. lost/Jack/his job/ago/a month.    ________________________________________________
      2. didn’t/last/We/have/year/a holiday. ______________________________________________
      3. lunchtime/We/to the park/yesterday/a picnic/took. __________________________________
      4. sent/you/I/an email/but/reply/didn’t. _____________________________________________
      5. go/Why/night/did/so late/you/to bed/last? _______________________________________?
      6. 3.      Write the Past Continuous sentences in the correct order.
        1. 1.       left/playing/when/they/I/were/in the garden. ______________________________________
        2. 2.      I/when/just leaving/was/rang/the phone/home. ____________________________________
        3. 3.      laughing/Why/you/me/at/you/were? ___________________________________________?
        4. 4.      wasn’t/my computer/couldn’t/I/so/working/send email.______________________________

      4.   Complete the text. Use the Past Simple and Past Continuous.

            It was such a terrible night! The wind (1) __________ (blow) and the trees (2) ________ (make) a lot of noise. Suddenly, I (3)_________ (hear) a big crash of thunder and it (4) _________ (start) to rain. As I (5) _________ (run) home, I (6)_________ (fall) over and got soaking wet. The rain (7)_________ (come) down so hard that it (8)_________ (be) difficult to see anything. I was very happy when I finally (9)_________ (arrive) back at my house.

  1. 5.     Choose the correct preposition.
    1. They started the course on/at/in April.
    2. Let’s meet on/in/at 8:30.
    3. I went to university in/at/on the 1990s.
    4. What would you like to do at/in/on the morning?
    5. We always go shopping on/in/on the weekend.
    6. Wendy bought a car at/on/in November.
    7. Do you eat special food at/on/in Christmas?
    8. What did he do at/on/in Sunday?
    9. I’ll give you a call at/on/in two weeks’ time.
    10. In/On/At New Year’s Day we often go to the beach.


  1. 1.       Write C (count) or U (uncount)
    1. butter         ___________                          5. banana         ____________
    2. time           ___________                          6. sugar             ____________
    3. advice        ___________                          7. child             ____________
    4. girl             ___________                          8. weather        ____________
    5. 2.      Write how much, how many, much or many
      1. ____________time have we got left?
      2. There isn’t ___________milk.
      3. _________hours do you work every day?
      4. There weren’t ___________people at the party.
      5. ___________children has Sue got?
      6. 3.      Choose the correct option.
        1. Just a few/a little milk in my coffee, please.
        2. There’s lots of/a few sugar in the cupboard.
        3. Let’s play a few/a little more songs.
        4. I don’t know anything/something about it.
        5. There isn’t a lot of/many time, but we’ll get there.
        6. Kuke’s got something/anything to tell you.
        7. There is a few/a lot of traffic in Athens.
        8. Is nobody/anybody in the house?
        9. 4.      Use a word from the box to complete the conversations.

something      anything (x2)   someone/somebody     anywhere (x2)     no-one/nobody

anyone/anybody (x2)      somewhere (x2)

  1. A I think I can hear ______________ walking on the stairs!

B Hello, is there ___________there?

A I can’t see ____________.

B O.K. There’s obviously __________there.

  1. A Let’s go ____________nice this weekend.

B Good. We didn’t go ____________last weekend

  1. A What’s the matter?

B Oh, I’m going to a party on Sunday and I can’t find ____________to wear!

A Don’t worry. I’ve got _______________you can borrow.

  1. A Where did you go on holiday?

B ______________I just stayed at home.

  1. A What did you buy at the shop?

B ______________. ________________was too expensive.

  1. 5.      Correct these sentences using a, an or the.
    1. I’m going to shops. Would you like anything?
    2. My brother’s architect in big company in London.
    3. Tokyo is capital city of Japan.
    4. I bought pair of sunglasses on Oxford Street.
    5. I live in small village in mountains in Switzerland.
    6. What beautiful new coat you’re wearing!
    7. The life is wonderful when the sun is shining.


  1. 1.       Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the –ing form of the verbs in brackets.
    1. They want ____________ (go) for a walk.
    2. She loves ____________ (dance).
    3. I’d like ___________ (see) you very soon.
    4. We’re thinking of ___________ (change) our car.
    5. I’m looking forward to ____________ (hear) from you soon.
    6. 2.      Write sentences to respond to these statements. Use Will.
      1. This bag’s heavy.                                       I’ll carry it for you.
      2. I need a cup of coffee.                               _________________________________________
      3. Do you want a cheese sandwich or a ham sandwich. __________________________________
      4. I haven’t got your email address.               __________________________________________
      5. I’m tired and I haven’t done the washing-up.        ____________________________________
      6. 3.      Choose the correct form.
        1. I’ll be/I’m going to be an astronaut when I grow up.
        2. ‘The phone ringing!’ ‘OK, I’ll answer/I’m answering it.’
        3. I’m seeing/I’ll see the dentist tomorrow at 11:00.
        4. I’ve decided I’m going to get/I’ll get a new job.
        5. Helen’s pregnant. She’s going to have/I’ll have a baby.
        6. Look at the mess! I’ll help/I’m going to help you clear it up.
        7. Oh! dear, I  think I’ll sneeze/I’m going to sneeze.
        8.  I’m not sure which one to buy. OK, I’ll take/I’m going to take the blue one.
        9. 4.      Write the sentences and questions in the correct order.
          1. I’m/on/on business/New York/going/to.


  1. How long/are/stay/with/to/Suzy/going/you?


  1. You/be/are/to/going/very/surprised.


  1. holiday/this/going/a/have/isn’t/she/to/year.


  1. I/rain/it’s/to/going/think.


      5.   Complete the sentences using the verb in brackets and a future form.

  1. I ____________ (have) a party on Friday. Would you like to come?
  2. I’ve decided that I need a new car. I ___________ (buy) a Ford Monodeo.
  3. If you have a problem, ask the teacher. She ___________ (help) you.
  4. It ___________ (be) a lovely day. Would you like to go to the park?
  5. We ___________ (go) to Scotland for our holiday this year.


  1. 1.       Match the questions and answers.
  2. What’s Phil like?
  3. What dose Phil like?
  4. How’s Phil?
  5. a.      Very well, thanks.
  6. b.      Oh, the usual things –good food and nice people.
  7. c.      He’s tall, funny and very kind.
  8. 2.      Write the comparative and superlative of each adjective.
    1. easy                       easier                           easiest
    2. expensive               ____________            _____________
    3. far                          ____________            _____________
    4. sad                         ____________            _____________
    5. interesting              ____________            _____________
    6. big                         ____________            _____________
    7. good                      ____________            _____________
    8. funny                     ____________            _____________
    9. 3.      Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in brackets.
      1. This restaurant is ______________ (cheap) than the order one in this street. The food is really good. I think it’s the ____________ (delicious) food in town.
      2. Who is the _____________ (popular) actor in your country?
      3. Michael is a good player, but John is a  _____________ (good) player than him. But Peter is the ____________ (talented) player in the team.
      4. Could you tell me the ___________ (quick) way to get to London from here?
      5. Eva is generous, but Laura is even ___________ (generous) than her.
      6. I’ve never been _______________ (happy). This is the ___________ (happy) day of my life.
      7. 4.      Complete the sentences. Use as…as and a word from the box.
        1. I don’t think a hippopotamus can run _____________ a lion.
        2.  Today is warm, but it’s not _______________yesterday.
        3. I’m early. The journey didn’t take ___________I expected.
        4. The children are asleep, so I’ll be _____________ I can.
        5. I got an A. The exam wasn’t ____________I expected.
        6. The Alps aren’t ______________ the Himalayas.
        7. My curry isn’t ____________yours.
        8. I didn’t expected the film to be _______________it was!

                                                                           EXERCISES 7

  1. 1.       Make sentences in the Present Perfect.
    1. You/do/homework? _________________________________________________________
    2. You/see/Sareth? ____________________________________________________________
    3. You/make/decision/yet? _____________________________________________________
    4. How long/know/Jamie? ______________________________________________________
    5. She/be/Sweden/twice. _______________________________________________________
    6. Their plane/just/land. ________________________________________________________
    7. Where/you/be? _____________________________________________________________
    8. What/do/your/hair? _________________________________________________________
    9. 2.      Write Present Perfect questions for answers.
      1. ________________________________________________?

No, I’ve never been to Brazil. But I’d like to go.

  1. ________________________________________________?

Yes, I saw an elephant when I was on holiday I Thailand.

  1. ________________________________________________?

No, but I’d love to win some money one day!

  1. 3.      Use the Present Perfect and the words in brackets to describe these situations.
    1. He’s carrying a suitcase. (He/be/on/holiday)  _______________________________
    2. His plate is empty. (He/eat/everything)          _______________________________

She can’t find her bag. (She/lose/bag)            ________________________________

Her leg is in plaster. (She/broke/leg)              ________________________________

  1. The final score is 3-1 to our team. (Our/team/win/match)


  1. I haven’t got any more money. (I/spend/all /my/money)


  1. 4.      Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
    1. I am here since last week.
    2. Kevin had his new job for nine months. He loves it.
    3. I lived here for ten years but I’m going to move soon.
    4. Bridgit knows Philip for a year and a half.
    5. We have been to China in 2005.
    6. How long do you have your dog?
    7. She’s had a sore throat for this morning.
    8. They have known each other since three days.
    9. Jane was a vet for thirty years and she still enjoys it.
    10. How long do you live in this city?
    11. 5.      Choose the best answer.
      1. Did you ever hear/Have you ever heard of an actor called Sylvia Halliwell?
      2. I never went/I’ve never been to Zimbabwe.
      3. He never met/He’s never met his father. He died before he was born.
      4. Did you talk/Have you talked to Maggie yesterday?
      5. I’ve never heard/I never heard this music before.
      6. Have you seen/Did you see the news last night?
      7. I never won/I’ve never won a competition in my life.
      8. Did you ever dream/Have you ever dreamt that you could fly?


  1. 1.       Rewrite the sentences. Use a form of have to.
    1. It’s necessary for the children to wear a uniform.

The children ________________a uniform.

  1. I can stay in bed until late tomorrow.

I ____________________get  up early tomorrow.

  1. Why was it necessary for you to go to the office?

Why __________________the office?

  1. Must you leave so soon?

________________ so soon?

  1. I needed to make a phone call.

I _____________________a phone call.

  1. It wasn’t necessary for us to work on Sunday.

We ___________________on Sunday.

  1. 2.      Correct the sentences.
    1.  Do you can drive a car?
    2. I’m afraid we must to go now.
    3. She cans sing very well.
    4. She must go to the dentist this afternoon.
    5. You don’t should drink and drive.
    6. It won’t raining tomorrow.
    7. Could you to help me?
    8. I don’t would like to be a policeman.
    9. 3.      Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb from the box.

can      can’t       could    must      mustn’t       ‘ll      should       shouldn’t

  1. I’d like the salt, please.

___________you pass me the salt, please?

  1. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to stay.

You ______________stay.

  1. It is certain to rain this afternoon.

It _________________rain this afternoon.

  1. Do not leave luggage here. It isn’t allowed.

You _______________ leave luggage here.

  1. Do you know how to drive?

____________you drive?

  1. It’s very important that you stop smoking.

You _________________stop smoking.

  1. Janet doesn’t know how to play an instrument.

Janet _______________play an instrument.

  1. I think it would be a good idea to apologize.

You ______________ apologize.

  1. 4.      Choose the correct option.
    1. You should/have to show your passport at the airport.
    2. I don’t think you should/You mustn’t read that book. It isn’t very good.
    3. If you want to learn English, you must/should get an English pen friend.
    4. I think we should/must take some flowers when we go to Sue’s for dinner.
    5. We mustn’t/don’t have to forget Robert’s birthday tomorrow.
    6. I must/should pay my taxes soon. I don’t want to go to prison.


  1. 1.       Choose the correct sentences in each pair.
    1. A I’ll get a newspaper when I go to the shops.

B I get a newspaper when I will go to the shops.

  1. A She’s going to wait until he’ll come.

B She’s going to wait until he comes.

  1. A As soon as you turn left, you’ll see the church.

B As soon as you’ll turn left, you’ll see the church.

  1. A Pietro’s going to meet us before he sees Janet.

B Pietro’s going to meet us before he ‘ll sees Janet.

  1. 2.      Choose the correct answers. Sometimes two answers are possible.
    1. We were really surprised ___________he arrived unexpectedly.
      1. if                          b. when                     c. as soon as
  2. I’m really hungry! Let’s go for dinner __________the film finishes.
    1. before                  b. as soon as             c. when
  3. Wait ____________you’ve had lunch!
    1. until                     b. after                      c. when
  4. I’m very busy, but I’ll go shopping ___________I have time.
    1. until                     b. when                     c. if
  5. I’ll have a shower __________I go to bed.
    1. after                     b. after                      c. while
  6. Oh no! I forgot to feed the car! I’ll do it ___________we get home.
    1. after                     b. as soon as             c. when
  7. We’ll go skiing this weekend ________it snows enough this week.
    1. when                    b. after                      c. it
  8. We’re staying in a guesthouse _________our new house is built.
    1. until                     b. when                     c. before
    2. 3.      Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
      1. If it’s sunny, we ___________ (go) to the beach.
      2. What __________you ___________ (do) if you fail the exam?
      3. If we __________ (not/leave) soon, we’ll be late.
      4. You ___________ (get) wet if you go out. It’s raining!
      5. If Sonya __________ (lie) to me once more, I’ll be furious!
      6. 4.      Complete the first conditional questions.
        1. Perhaps it’ll rain.

What ______________________if it rains?

  1. It’s possible David will lose his job.

What ______________________if he loses his job?

  1. It’s possible there won’t be any tickets.

What will I do if ____________________any tickets?

  1. Perhaps Alice will miss her flight.

What _____________________if she misses her flight?

  1. It’s possible that you taxi will be late.

What _____________________if the taxi is late?

  1. Perhaps Aana won’t reply to your email.

What will you do if __________________________to your email?


  1. 1.       Rewrite the active sentences in the passive.
    1. Someone sells tickets at the box office. _____________________________________________
    2. People built Stonehenge thousands of years ago. ______________________________________
    3. Someone has serviced my car. ____________________________________________________
    4. They opened three new hospitals last year. __________________________________________
    5. 2.      Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in the box.

discover     make     invent      build     paint       write      give     steal     invite       employ

  1. Around $50,000 _____________from a bank in Oslo last night.
  2. The first train ______________by George Stevenson in the mid-19th century.
  3. In China, red envelopes full of money ____________to children at New Year.
  4. X-rays ____________accidentally ____________by Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in1896.
  5. Hundreds of new homes _____________since March.
  6. Next year 3 million mobile phones _____________in Finland.
  7. Do you think we _______________to Helene’s wedding?
  8. Many people in Scotland ______________in the whisky industry.
  9. Romeo and Juliet _____________by William Shakespeare.
  10. La Giocanda ______________by Picasso.
  11. 3.      Rewrite these sentences using a form of the passive.
    1. People will eat six million hamburgers this year.


  1. They cancelled the football match because of heavy rain.


  1. A man told us not to walk on the grass.


  1. How do people use chopsticks?


  1. Someone cleans the kitchen every morning.


  1. The police arrested the escaped prisoner late last night.


  1. How did scientists discover DNA?


  1. 4.      Find and correct two sentences that are wrong.
    1. The money was stole from the shop.
    2. Dinner is usually served at 6 o’clock.
    3. A new bridge will be built next year.’
    4. Spanish spoken in Latin America.
    5. These cars are made in Germany.


  1. 1.       Choose the correct answer.
    1. If we didn’t/don’t have to work, we’d travel round the world.
    2. If you took/take more exercise, you’d be fitter.
    3. I’d help/I’ll help you if I had more time.
    4. If I am/were you, I’d forget all about it.
    5. If I win/won the lottery, I’d give all the money to charity.
    6. 2.      Match the two halves of each sentence.
      1. He’s move to Spain
      2. If she got the job,
      3. If the weather was nicer,
      4. I’d drive to work
      5. I’d take an aspirin,
        1. she’d be very happy.
        2. if I had a car.
        3. if I were you.
        4. we’d have a barbecue.
        5. if he spoke Spanish.
        6. 3.      Complete the conversations with might/might not or will/won’t.
          1. A Are you going to watch the football tonight?

B Yes, I am. Who do you think ___________win?

A Well, I’m not sure. Barcelona are the better team, but Porto are playing well at the moment, so 

    they ____________win tonight.

B If no one wins, they ____________have to play again next week.

  1. A Are you going to Mark’s party this Saturday?

B I’m not sure. I’m tired, so I __________go. I _________just watch a DVD and relax instead.

A Oh, go on, I __________go if you go. It _________be fun.

B OK then, I __________pick you up at 8:00.

  1. A Hi Nora. I’m sorry, but we ___________be able to get here cinema by 6:45. Our car has broken down.

B. That’s OK. Do you think you _________be able to get here by 9:00? There’s another showing of the film then.

A Well, Max thinks he __________be able of fix it. If not, we _________get the bus. See you there at 9:00.

  1. 4.      Complete the sentences with so, such, so much, or so many.
    1. It was _____________a nice day that we decided to have a picnic.
    2. That book was _________interesting I couldn’t put it down.
    3. I’ve got __________work to do. I won’t finish it by this evening.
    4. You’ve worked _________hard all week. You deserve a break.
    5. It was _________a great party that no one wanted to leave!
    6. There were __________people in town it took ages to do the shopping.
    7. That’s _________a fantastic dress. You look _________smart.
    8. I’m looking forward to my holiday _________.
    9. Some people have __________money they don’t know what to do with it!
    10. That film was _________bad! I’ve never seen _________an awful film.


  1. 1.       Choose the best answer.
    1. At last! I’ve understood/been understanding the question.
    2. The athletes are tired: They’re trained/been training all day.
    3. So, what have you done/been doing recently? Anything fun?
    4. My friend has been buying/bought a new computer.
    5. Have you swum/been swimming? Your hair looks wet.
    6. Great new! Joanna has been having/had a baby boy!
    7. I’ve never believe/been believing in horoscopes.
    8. Oh, there you are! I’ve looked/been looking for you everywhere?
    9. 2.      Make sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous.
      1. A You’re really good singer!

B I/practice/a lot/recently. __________________________________________

  1. A You look really tired.

B We/work/hard/this week. _________________________________________

  1. A Your English is good.

B Thanks. I /learn it/eight years. ______________________________________

  1. A Have I got blue paint in my hair?

B Yes. What/you/paint? ____________________________________________

  1. A You both look really brown!

B We/sunbathe/at/beach. ___________________________________________

  1. 3.      Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb in brackets.
    1. A What (1) ________________ (do) to your arm?

B I (2) _______________ (play) tennis a lot this week, and I (3) ______________ (hurt) my elbow.

  1. A Your house looks fantastic! You (1) _____________ (decorate) it beautifully.

B Yes, but it’s hard work. I (2) ______________ (paint) the bedroom all afternoon and I (3) ___________ (only paint) three walls.

A Never mind. It will look great when you (4) ___________ (finish) it.

  1. A Hi Jack. I (1) ____________ (not/see) you for ages. What (2) _____________ (you/do) recently?

B I (3) _____________ (travel).

A That’s fantastic! Where (4) ____________ (you/be)?

B I (5) ___________ (be) to Asia. Have (6) _____________ (you/ever/go) there?

A No, I haven’t, but I (7) _____________ (want) to go for a long time.

  1. A Hi. (1) ___________ (have) a good day?

B Yes, I (2) __________ (stop). But I (3) ____________ (spend) a lot of money!

A Show me what you (4) ____________ (buy).

B Well, I’m afraid I (5) ___________ (not buy) anything for you! I (6) __________ (try) to find you a birthday present for ages, but I (7) ____________ (find) anything yet.

Man: 1) In my opinion, children should be seen and not heard. — На мой взгляд, детей должно быть видно и не слышно.
Woman: 2) You can’t be serious! I want my children to have fun. 3) Don’t you think it’s important for children to be happy and free? – Вы же не серьезно! Я хочу, чтобы мои дети веселились. Не кажется ли вам, что для детей важно быть счастливыми и свободными?
Man: No, I don’t. I totally disagree. When a child is in a public place it should be quiet and polite. – Нет. Я категорически не согласен. Когда ребенок находится в общественном месте, он должен быть тихим и вежливым.
Extra — I’m afraid not. — Боюсь, что нет.
Ben: I haven’t got very good marks. 1) It seems to me I should leave school now. — Я не получил очень хорошие оценки. Мне кажется, я должен покинуть школу.
Mum: 2) I see what you mean, but I don’t think you should leave school. — Я понимаю, что ты имеешь в виду, но я не думаю, что ты должен покинуть школу.
Ben: 3) If you ask me I’m wasting my time. I could get a job. — Если вы спросите меня, я теряю время. Я мог бы получить работу.
Dad: 4) Personally, I think you need to work harder at school. If you get better marks, you’ll enjoy school more. — Лично я считаю, что тебе нужно больше работать в школе. Если ты получишь более высокие оценки, ты будешь больше получать удовольствие в школе.
Ben: 5) That’s true, but it’s really boring. — Это правда, но это действительно скучно.
Dad: It seems to me that you are being lazy! 6) What do you think, dear? — Мне кажется, что ты ленив! Как вы думаешь, дорогая?
Mum: Dad’s right. 7) I agree with him totally. – Папа прав. Я согласна с ним полностью.

Урок …9 | 10 | 11… | Все уроки видеокурса

Choose the woman’s opinions about the picture.

1. The picture doesn’t have a meaning.
2. It has a lot of power.
3. It’s about the past.
4. It’s about progress.

Complete the conversation with a word or phrase from the box.

That’s true but the most interesting thing, Let me put it another way, Could you say it again?, Let me finish, What do you think, William?

Abigail: Right, so what have we here?
Anthony: What do you think?
Abigail: It’s very powerful, isn’t it? Look at the power of this colour across the middle of the painting. To me, that’s a symbol …
Anthony: An extremely powerful symbol. I …
Abigail: Hold on. (…1…) . To me that’s a symbol of progress.
Anthony: I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean …
Abigail: (…2…) . This picture is all about moving from the present to the future. From what we know to what we don’t know…
Anthony: (…3…) about this picture is the strong, green colour. In my opinion, this picture is about hope and optimism. (…4…)
William: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. (…5…)
Anthony: I was saying to me this picture symbolises hope and optimism. Do you see what I mean?
Abigail: Why don’t you tell us your opinion, William?
William: Well, I definitely agree that this picture is trying to tell us something. I think it’s showing us where the exit is.


1. Let me finish
2. Let me put it another way
3. That’s true but the most interesting thing
4. What do you think, William?
5. Could you say it again?

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Use the words from the box to complete the advertisements. There are two extra words. — Используйте слова из рамки, чтобы завершить рекламу. Есть два дополнительных слова.
Extra: company director — директор компании, teacher — преподаватель
1) Are you bored with your job and ready for promotion? Visit — Вам скучно на вашей работе и вы готовы для продвижения по службе? Посетите
2) Appointments. Our busy management team needs a secretary to answer the phone, write letters and make travel arrangements. You must have secretarial qualifications and be able to type 120 words a minute. — Должности. Наша команда управления нуждается в секретаре, чтобы отвечать на телефонные звонки, писать письма и оформлять поездки. Вы должны иметь квалификацию секретаря и быть в состоянии набирать 120 слов в минуту.
3) LONDON’S TOP HOTEL is looking for a part-time receptionist to meet guests and make bookings. You will be working with the public, so you must have good social skills. Please ring 0207 6372 2938 for an application form. — ТОП ОТЕЛЬ ЛОНДОНА ищет регистратора на неполный рабочий день, чтобы встречать гостей и предоставлять помощи при бронировании. Вы будете работать с публикой, поэтому вы должны иметь хорошие навыки общения. Пожалуйста, позвоните 0207 6372 2938 для заполнения формы заявки.
4) Well-being Gym and Dance Studio wants four aerobics teachers to work in our modern gym. We are open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. and offer flexible working hours. — Благополучный тренажерный зал и танцевальная студия ищут четырех учителей аэробики для работы в современном тренажерном зале. Мы открыты с 6 утра до 11 часов вечера и предлагаем гибкие рабочие часы.
5) A Job agency in central Birmingham is looking for a psychologist to help them find exactly the right person for the right job. We are an equal opportunities company and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. – Агентство по трудоустройству в центре Бирмингема ищет психолога, чтобы помочь найти подходящего человека для правильной работы. Мы являемся компанией равных возможностей и приветствуем заявления от всех квалифицированных кандидатов.

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8 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. next do strange weird did What A: Something strange_happened yesterday B: Really?? 2 A: Well, I was walking home through the park. B: What happened 3 ? A: I fell over but I don’t know how it happened. And then a boy was standing next to me and he helped me to stand up, B: What you say? A: Well, I said thanks, of course, B: What did you ? A: I picked up my bag and when I stood up, the boy was gone. There was nobody in the park B. That’s​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

am am not

are are

is is

a) James: Hello, Rosie. How are you?

Rosie: Oh,
hello, James. I _____ fine, thanks. How _______ you?

James: I _____
too bad, thank you. (a few moments later).

James: Who
______ that girl over there? Do you know her?

Rosie: Yes, her
name ______ Carla. She _______ Italian.

James: ______
she a student at the college?

Rosie: No, she
________ .

b) Peter: Hello, Sally. Sorry ______ I very

Sally: Yes, you
_______ .

Peter: What
_______ the time?

Sally: It
_______ almost half past seven.

Peter: Really?
Oh, I _______ sorry, Sally. _________ you angry?

Sally: No, I
_______ angry, but I ______ very hungry. Let’s go for something to

c) Officer: Where ________ you from?

Mrs. Ash: We
________ from Canada.

Officer: ________
you here on holiday?

Mrs. Ash: Yes,
we _______ .

Officer: ______
this your first visit to England?

Mrs. Ash: Well,
it ________ my husband’s first visit, but I have been here before.

Officer: I see.
_______ these your suitcases

Mrs. Ash: Yes,
they _________ .

Officer: And
what about this bag? ________ this yours, too?

Mrs. Ash: No, it
_________ .

2. Answer the questions about you.

  1. What’s your surname?

  2. What’s your first name?

  3. Where are you from?

  4. What’s your job?

  5. What’s your address?

  6. What’s your phone number?

  7. How old are you?

  8. Are you married?

3. Correct the sentences.

  1. Brazil is in Europe.

    isn’t in Europe.

    It’s in South America.

  2. The US President is English.

  3. Snow is hot.

  4. Five and six is twelve.

  5. You’re English.

  6. We’re in a Russian class.

  7. Rolls-Royce cars are cheap.

4. Write true answers.

  1. Are you English?

  2. Are you a student?

  3. Is your teacher married?

  4. It is hot today?

  5. Is English difficult?

  6. Are you twenty-one years old?

  7. Are you at school?

  8. Are your parents at home?

5. Read about the Evans
family. The Evans Family at work.

Paul Evans is a teacher. He’s
thirty-nine. He’s at school now. His address is 34 King Street,
Bristol. His wife, Penny, is at work in her office. She’s a bank
manager. Her phone number at work is 830 9771.

They have two children, Mark and
Jane. Mark is ten and Jane is seven. They are at school.

Put questions for these answers

About Paul

  1. What’s his job? He’s a

  2. How ______? He’s

  3. Where _______ now? At school.

  4. What ____________? 34 King
    Street, Bristol.

About Penny

5. Where ___________? In her office.

6. _________________? She’s a bank

7. _________________? 830 9771.

About the children

8. _________________? Ten and seven.

9. _________________? At school.

6. Put the words in the right order and make sentences.

  1. your what’s number please

  2. from Paris he’s French and

  3. you’re from a you’re
    secretary and New York

  4. are you how hello?

  5. thanks very I’m well

  6. you are Thomas?

  7. Italian she’s from Rome she’s

7. Complete the conversation. Use was and were.

Inspector :Were you in London
last night, Cooper?

Cooper: Yes, I _________ .

Inspector: Where ______ you at
10 o’clock last night?

Cooper: At 10 o’clock? I
________ in a pub called the Bell.

Inspector: And what about your friends Jack
Callaghan and Frankie Dobbs? ________ they in the pub with you?

Cooper: No, they ________ n’t, Inspector.

Inspector: When _______ they, then?

Cooper: I don’t know where they ______,
but they _______ n’t with me.

Inspector: _________ you on your own in the

Cooper: No, I _______ n’t. My girlfriend
Diana __________ with me.

Inspector: And ______ she with you all

Cooper: Yes, she _______ .

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  • Use a word from the box in each gap to complete the sentences
  • Use a sentence with the word their
  • Use a sentence with the word since
  • Use a or an before the word one
  • Use a new word every day