Use a an the or zero article to complete these texts word that names

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use a/an,the or zero article
(1). . word that names (2)… particular person, (3)… place or (4)… thing must begin with (5)… capital letter. When you write, you sometimes use (6)… person’s name or (7).., name of (8)… special place or (9)… special thing. Then, (10)… names of these (11)… people, (12)… places or (13)… things must begin with (14)… capital letters.


Светило науки — 15 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 — A; 5, 10 — The. Все остальное — пропуски

Английский язык для 7-го класса

English Afonaseva 7 grade.jpg

Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 7 класс
Автор учебника: Афанасьева О.В.
Михеева И.В.
Год издания: 2016
Кол-во заданий:
Кол-во упражнений: 541

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Данное упражнение относится к шестому разделу учебника (Unit 6 The Pleasure of Reading) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса (страница 130). В этом задании необходимо использовать определённый или неопределённый артикль. Правки, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание задания[править | править код]

A. Use a or zero article to complete the story.

Last Sunday was mother’s birthday and we decided to eat out. Dad took us to .. . (1) new restaurant, that his friend had recommended to him. The restaurant was … (2) tall building made of … (3) glass and … (4) stone. Inside it was as beautiful as outside. Every table was covered with … (5) red-and-white tablecloth. In front of each of us the waiter put … (6) glass, … (7) plate, … (8) spoon, … (9) knife and . .. (10) fork. On the menu there were … (11) lot of things that we liked: … (12) meat, … (13) fish, . .. (14) chicken, … (15) vegetables and … (16) fruit. My brother and I had … (17) green salad with … (18) egg in it (just the way we like it). Then we had … (19) fish and … (20) chips with … (21) greens. For dessert each of us had (22) fruit salad with . .. (23) ice cream on top of it. We drank (24) coke and … (25) tea, and mum and dad had . . . (26) glass of wine each. It was … (27) lovely meal!

B. Speak about a nice meal that you once had.

Ответ задания[править | править код]

Last Sunday was mother’s birthday and we decided to eat out. Dad took us to a new restaurant that his friend had recommended to him. The restaurant was a tall building made of glass and stone. Inside it was as beautiful as outside. Every table was covered with a red—and-white tablecloth. In front of each of us the waiter put a glass, a plate, a spoon, a knife and a fork. On the menu there were a lot of things that we liked: meat, fish, chicken, vegetables and fruit My brother and I had a green salad with egg in it (just the way we like it). Then we had fish and chips with greens. For dessert each of us had fruit salad with ice cream on top of it. We drank coke and tea, and mum and dad had a glass of wine each. it was a lovely meal!

Перевод задания[править | править код]

В прошлое воскресенье был мамин день рождения и мы решили поужинать где-нибудь. Наш папа взял нас в новый ресторан, который его друг посоветовал ему. Ресторан был в большом здании из стекла и камня. Внутри было красиво как снаружи. Каждый столик был накрыт кросно-белой скатертью. На против нас официант поставил стакан, тарелку, ложку, нож и вилку. В меню было много вещей, которые мы любим: мясо, рыба, курица, овощи и фрукты. Мой брат и я взяли овощной салат с яйцами (именно так как мы любим). Затем мы съели рыбу с картошкой и зеленью. На десерт каждый из нас заказал фруктовый салат с мороженным с верху. Мы пили газировку и чай, а мама и папа выпили по бокалу вина. Это был прекрасный ужин!

Ответ на вопрос задания[править | править код]

B. Speak about a nice meal that you once had.

My mom doesn’t eat beef for personal reasons so I almost never ate it growing up. When I was 13, my mom’s friend took us all out for dinner. She was pretty well off and told us to order whatever we liked off the menu. Note that the menu didn’t include the prices of their food. So I ordered a medium steak as I’ve never tried steak before. When I put that first slice in my mouth and chewed, it was the most mind-blowing experience I’ve had. No other steak I’ve had since that had even come close.


Моя мама не есть говядину по личным причинам, поэтому я почти никогда не ел ее, когда рос. Когда мне было 13, подруга моей мамы собрала нас всех на ужин. Она была очень довольна и сказала нам, чтобы мы заказали все, что нам нравится в меню. Обратите внимание, что в меню не указаны цены на еду. Поэтому я заказал полу прожаренный стейк, поскольку я никогда не пробовал стейк раньше. Когда я положил этот первый кусочек в рот и пережевал, это был самый увлекательный опыт, который у меня был. С тех пор ни один другой стейк у меня не был таким вкусным.

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

ГДЗ Английский язык за 9 класс Афанасьева, Михеева, Баранова — Rainbow English — Рабочая тетрадьUnit 3 – 31

Книга не опубликована

  • Рабочая тетрадь
  • Unit 3
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13a
  • 13b
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16a
  • 16b
  • 7b
  • 8a
  • 8b
  • 9a
  • 9b
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
  • 24
  • 25
  • 26
  • 27
  • 28
  • 29
  • 30
  • 31
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
  • 36

Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences.
Используйте a, the или нулевой артикль для завершения предложений.


All cars have speedometers. What is a speedometer?

У всех машин есть спидометры. Что такое спидометр?


The rose is a beautiful flower. The red rose is the symbol of England.

Роза — прекрасный цветок. Красная роза — символ Англии.


Birches grow in Russia as well as in Canada.

Березы растут не только в России, но и в Канаде.


Man can’t live without air.

Человек не может жить без воздуха.


My mum is a nice caring woman.

Моя мама — милая заботливая женщина.


The lion is believed to be the king of all the animals.

Лев считается королем всех зверей.


Tigers and elephants are in danger nowadays. They can disappear from our planet.

Тигры и слоны сейчас в опасности. Они могут исчезнуть с нашей планеты.


Lily of the valley appears early in spring.

Ландыш появляется ранней весной.

ГДЗ — «Rainbow English — Рабочая тетрадь»

по предмету Английский язык за 9 класс.

Год издания



Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.


Use a, the or zero article to complete the sentences.
Используйте a, the или нулевой артикль для завершения предложений.

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Рабочая программа и КТП 7 класс к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ». 1-5 годы обучения,5-9 классы. (Авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Н.В.Языкова. Издательство «Дрофа» 2010 г.)

Рабочая программа  и КТП 7 класс к УМК О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ». 1-5 годы обучения,5-9 классы. (Авторы О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, Н…

USE a / an, the or zero article to complete the sentences.

1. We went to (1) .

Restuarunt yesterday, and I ordered (2) .

Chicken and (3).

Glass of orange juice.

2. Put some sugar in (4).


It tastes bitter.

3. Name three objects made of (5).


4. I never drink (6).

Instant coffee, only (7) .

Real coffee.

5. The prisoner was given only (8).

Bread and (9).


6. (10).

Water tastes very unusual.

It is not (11).

Mineral water, is it?

7. What (12).

Metal is the ring made of?

Is it (13).

Gold or (14).


8. (15).

Bronze is (16).

Hard metal made os (17).

Copper and (18).

Tin. 9.


Bag is made of (20).


10. Can we have two teas and (21).

Coffee, please?

11. Have you bought (22).

New iron, Linda?

12. I`ve bought (23).

Paper for you, Granny.

There is a TV programme in it / 13.

We need more (24).

Lemon for (25).

Pie. 14.

Is it (26).

Orenge or (27).


15. «Perrier« is (28).

Mineral water.

Вы зашли на страницу вопроса USE a / an, the or zero article to complete the sentences?, который относится к
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программе для учащихся 10 — 11 классов. В этой же категории вы найдете ответ
и на другие, похожие вопросы по теме, найти который можно с помощью
автоматической системы «умный поиск». Интересную информацию можно найти в
комментариях-ответах пользователей, с которыми есть обратная связь для
обсуждения темы. Если предложенные варианты ответов не удовлетворяют,
создайте свой вариант запроса в верхней строке.

1. — Yaroslav the Wise (978—1054) used marriages of his children to strengthen international relations. He married three of his daughters to foreign princes: — Elizabeth to — Harald III of Norway, — Anastasia to the King of Hungary and his youngest daughter, — Anne to — Henry I of France. — Prince Yaroslav was connected to almost all European monarchs of his time. – Ярослав Мудрый (978-1054) использовал браки своих детей для укрепления международных отношений. Он женил трех своих дочерей на иностранных князьях: Элизабет на Гарольде III из Норвегии, Анастасию на короле Венгрии и свою младшую дочь, Энн на французском Генрихе I. Князь Ярослав был связан с почти всеми европейскими монархами своего времени.
2. — Queen Victoria was the Queen of England for 63 years, which is longer than any other British monarch (1837—1901). She married — Prince Albert and they had nine children. Their children married into royal families all over Europe. — Prince Albert Edward, who later became the King of England, married — Princess Alexandra of Denmark. — Prince Alfred married — Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia. — Queen Victoria was often called “the grandmother of Europe”. — Королева Виктория была Королевой Англии в течение 63 лет, что больше, чем любой другой британский монарх (1837-1901). Она вышла замуж за принца Альберта, и у них было девять детей. Их дети поженились на королевских семьях по всей Европе. Принц Альберт Эдвард, который впоследствии стал королем Англии, женился на датской принцессе Александре. Принц Альфред женился на великой русской княгине Марии Александровне. Королеву Викторию часто называли «бабушкой Европы».

Входной контроль. Test 1/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: listen to the text and write which of these is true, false or not mentioned in the text:

1.The USA is situated in the central part in the North American continent.

2.It is the third largest country in the world.

3.It has 7 islands in the Pacific Ocean.

4.Lake Huron is small.

5.There is another famous lake – the Great Salt Lake.

6. The coldest regions are in the north and north-east.

7. In general the climate in North America is not colder than in Europe.

True: ______________________

False: ______________________

Not mentioned in the text (о чем не говорилось в тексте): ____________________

Task 2: Read the text and choose the right item in the sentences after it.


Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the USA. Its celebration goes back to the 17th century when the first Europeans left England to travel to the New World. They called themselves Pilgrims and most of them left their motherland because they didn’t agree (to agree — соглашаться) with the official religion in their country.

After the long and difficult journey on the Mayflower across the ocean, the Pilgrims found a place with fields and a stream of fresh water to drink and a lot of tall trees to use for house building. They gave the place the name of Plymouth and made their first colony there.

The first winter and spring in the new country were very hard for the Pilgrims. There was little food and the Pilgrims had great problems. Help came from the Indians who lived nearby. They taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn (кукуруза), how to gather food and dry some of it for winter use. With the Indians’ help the Pilgrims planted a lot of Indian corn. They worked hard and in autumn they had food for winter ahead. The Pilgrims decided to celebrate it and to thank God for helping them. The women got the food ready: prepared ducks and geese and fish from the stream, made some salads. Twenty Indian friends came and stayed there three days. That was how the tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day started.

1)The Pilgrims ___________________________________ .

a) left England to go to America

b) left their country to celebrate Thanksgiving Day

c) left Europe to go to America

2)The place they found in the new land was ________________ .

a) very beautiful

b) very good for living

c) very green

3)The first winter was ___________ .

a) warm like spring

b) colder than at home

c) not so easy

4)The Indians helped the Pilgrims when they _____________________ .

a) planted corn for them

b) showed them how to get corn

c) gave them corm

5)The Pilgrims celebrated their new holiday together with their _________________ .

a) new colonists

b) women friends

c) neighbours

Task 3: Use the prepositions where necessary to complete the text.

at, from, to, in (2), into, of (3), on (3)

Russia is the largest country ______ the world but _____ the same time its population is smaller than in some other countries, China for example. Our country stretches _____ the Baltic Sea _____ the Pacific Ocean. There it borders _____ China and Japan. The largest river ___ Russia is the Volga. It flows ____ the Caspian Sea. A lot of old Russians cities lie ___ it. The chain ___ mountains ____ the Pacific Coast are not very high. Russia is one of the greatest countries of the world and we are proud ___ it.

Task 4: Open the brackets and use the verbs in Present Perfect to complete the sentences:

1)I never (see) __________________________ this film.

2)Kate (not, eat) ________________________ her lunch. She is not hungry.

3)Boris (read) ________________________ the book.

4)We never (be) _________________________ to Spain.

5)You (ring up) _____________________ Betty? – Yes, I __________ . She (already, begin) ____________________ doing her homework.

6)They (write) _______________________ the letter yet?

7)She (never, speak) ______________________ to any famous actor.

8)Mrs Johnson (already, become) __________________________ a writer.


Variant 1 Variant 2

Task 1: True: 1, 5,6 Task 1: True: 2, 4

False: 2, 7 False: 1,6, 7

Not mentioned in the text: 3, 4 Not mentioned in the text: 3,5

Task 2: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4b, 5c Task 2: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b

Task 3: Task 3:

In/of,at,from,to,on,in,into,on,of,on,of in/of,at,from,to,of,on,in,into,on,on,of

Test 2/Variant 1/8th form

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the information you will hear:

There are __________ main language families in the world.

______________ , ___________ , and Ukrainian belong to Slavonic languages.

_______________ and ________________ are Scandinavian languages.

French, ____________ , _______________ and ____________ belong to Roman languages.

The closest to ____________ is Italian.

Task 2: Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

in the Middle Ages, to learn than, a few languages, a global language, not to the nation

Universal language

Ludovic Zamenof (1859-1917) was a doctor and lived in Poland which at that time was part of Russian Empire. Zamenof’s education was very good and he spoke _____________________. A quiet and good-hearted man, Zamenof thought that people who lived in different countries of the world could not understand each other because they spoke different languages. How wonderful, he thought, if everyone could learn just one language and use it. Zamenof was thinking of the international language. Latin was such a language ______________________: all educated people could speak it. Some people have said, and still say, that people cannot invent a language. A language slowly develops when people use it. Ludovic Zamenof knew this but also knew that there must be a language that will belong ________________________ but to the whole world. So in 1887, he told people about his own artificial language Esperanto.

This language was easier ___________________ any real language. Even now there are people who speak and use Esperanto. But English at the beginning of the 21st century is taking its place becoming ________________________.

Task 3: A. Use a/an or zero article to complete these sentences

1)They were such ______ brave boys.

2)I’ve bought such ______ beautiful hat!

3)Everyone likes such ______ sunny weather.

4)Mrs Smith is such ______ angry old lady.

5)Such ____ people also live near us.

B.Use too or also to complete the sentences

1)Her voice is deep and _______ pleasant.

2)She speaks French _______.

3)David is a scientist, his brother is a scientist ____.

4)Watching TV _____ sounds good.

Task 4: Put the correct prepositions into the sentences where necessary:

1)This book is very popular ________ children.

2)I was sure that someone was following _____ me.

3)This land belongs ______ a big family.

4)There are different kinds _____ vegetables in that supermarket.

5)Oranges grow ____ trees, you know.

6)My mother prefers driving a car ____ riding a bike.

7)My friends and I had a picnic _____ the open air last Sunday.

Task 5: spell these words and write them down.

1.[ ] ___________________ 6. [ ] _________________

2.[ ] ___________________ 7. [ ] _________________

3.[ ] ___________________ 8. [ ] _________________

4.[ ] ___________________ 9. [ ] _________________

5.[ ] ___________________ 10.[ ] _________________

Task 6: Complete the dialogues. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) You look so sad!

Thank you! It’s the first time Mary (not to invite) me to her party.


2) — _______________________ you (do) your homework yet?

— Yes, ___________

— When ________________________________________ ?

— I ________________________________ yesterday.

3) — Granny, you (find) my trainers ____________________________________ ?

— Yes, ________

— Where you (find) them? _________________________________________?

— They (be) under the sofa. ________________________________________

4) It’s (difficult) test we ever (write).


5) — you (begin) your French classes? ______________________________________

— Yes, __________

— When _______________________________________________

— ______________________________________________ three months ago.

Task 7: Use the right verb forms to complete the text.

Mrs White and Mrs Black (be1) friends. They (be2) friends for a long time. Mrs White (live3) in a small house and her friend (rent4) a flat. Every week they (have5) tea together. Last Friday Mrs White (get6) up early in the morning and (make7) a tasty cake. Then she (put8) the cake into her bag and (go9) to the door. Her dog Spot (look10) at her sadly. And Mrs White (take11) the dog with her. When she (come12) to her friend’s flat, the cake (not, be13) in her bag. She (cry14) “What (happen15) to my cake?”

1)_______________ 9)________________

2)_______________ 10)_______________

3)_______________ 11)_______________

4)_______________ 12)_______________

5)_______________ 13)_______________

6)_______________ 14)_______________

7)_______________ 15)_______________


Test 2/Variant 2/8th form

Task 1: Complete the sentences with the information you will hear:

Nearly all the languages of modern _____________ are relatives.

______________ , ___________ , and Bulgarian belong to Slavonic languages.

_____________ and _____________ belong to Germanic languages.

Spanish, ______________ , ________________ and _________ came from Latin.

But the closest to Latin is ____________.

Task 2: Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

one language, belong not to, could not understand, than any real, all educated people

Universal language

Ludovic Zamenof (1859-1917) was a doctor and lived in Poland which at that time was part of Russian Empire. Zamenof’s education was very good and he spoke a few languages. A quiet and good-hearted man, Zamenof thought that people who lived in different countries of the world ____________________________ each other because they spoke different languages. How wonderful, he thought, if everyone could learn just _________________ and use it. Zamenof was thinking of the international language. Latin was such a language in the Middle Ages: ______________________ could speak it. Some people have said, and still say, that people cannot invent a language. A language slowly develops when people use it. Ludovic Zamenof knew this but also knew that there must be a language that will _______________ one nation but to the whole world. So in 1887, he told people about his own artificial language Esperanto.

This language was easier to learn __________________ language. Even now there are people who speak and use Esperanto. But English at the beginning of the 21st century is taking its place becoming a global language.

Task 3: A. Use a/an or zero article to complete these sentences

1)It was such ______ perfect day.

2)I’ve never done such _____ difficult work.

3)This is such _____ interesting story.

4)I hate such ____ rainy weather.

5)Only rich people can buy such ____ things.

B.Use too or also to complete the sentences

1)I’ve been to the USA and _______ to France.

2)Mr Brown knows Chinese _______.

3)Great Britain is _______ a beautiful country.

4)Forget-me-nots belong to spring flowers _____.

Task 4: Put the correct prepositions into the sentences where necessary:

1)____ the beginning of the lesson we answer our teacher’s questions.

2)Spanish and Portuguese developed _____ Latin.

3)Lord Spenser could not make a speech ____ Parliament.

4)You will need _____ warm clothes for the winter.

5)Let’s sit down and wait _____ the bus.

6)You’ll learn to do it easily, it comes ______ practice.

7)His granny prefers milk ____ juice .

Task 5: spell these words and write them down, translate into Russian

1.[ ] ___________________ 6. [ ] _________________

2.[ ] ___________________ 7. [ ] _________________

3.[ ] ___________________ 8. [ ] _________________

4.[ ] ___________________ 9. [ ] _________________

5.[ ] ___________________ 10.[ ] _________________

Task 6: Complete the dialogues. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1) — the children (find) their ball? ________________________________________ ?

— Yes, ___________________

— When _____________________________________________

— They ______________________________________ an hour ago.

2) It’s the first time she (teach) English at school.


3) It’s (wonderful) story the ever (hear).


4) — your mother (to choose) a new car? __________________________________________ ?

— Yes, _______________

— When ________________________________________________ ?

— She _________________________________ last weekend.

5) — The pupils (break) the school rules? ________________________________________ ?

— Yes, ______________

— When _______________________________________________ ?

— They _____________________________________________ yesterday.

Task 7: Use the right verb forms to complete the text.

Mr Smith and Mr Jones (be1) good friends. They always (be2) friends. Mr White (live3) in the country and his friend (rent4) a flat in a town. Every week they (go5) fishing together. One day Mr Smith (get6) up early in the morning and (take7) a fishing rod and some food. Then he (put8) some money into his pocket and (go9) to the door. Suddenly he (understand10) that he (not, take11) the keys. When he (meet12) his friend at the lake, he (tell13) him the story about the keys. Then he (cry14) “I (leave15) my fishing rod at home!”

1)_______________ 9)________________

2)_______________ 10)_______________

3)_______________ 11)_______________

4)_______________ 12)_______________

5)_______________ 13)_______________

6)_______________ 14)_______________

7)_______________ 15)_______________



Variant 1 Variant 2

Task 1: 1)10 Task 1: 1)Europe

2)Russian, Bulgarian 2)Russian, Ukrainian

3)Norwegian, Swedish 3)English, German

4)Italian, Spanish, Portuguese 4)Italian, French, Portuguese

5)Latin 5)Italian

Task 2: a few languages Task 2: couldn’t understand

in the Middle Ages one language

not to one nation all educated people

to learn than belong not to

a global language than any real

Task 3: Task 3:

A: 1 — , 2 a, 3 — , 4 an, 5 — A: 1 a, 2 — , 3 an, 4 — , 5 –

B: also, too, too, also B: also, too, also, too

Task 7: Task 7:

1.are 1.are

2.have been 2 have been

3.lives 3 lives

4.rents 4 rents

5.have 5 go 6 got

7.made 7 took

8.put 8 put

9.went 9 went

10.looked 10 understood

11.took 11 didn’t take

12.came 12 met

13.wasn’t 13 told

14.cried 14 cried

15.has happened 15 have left

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  • Usage of word the in english grammar
  • Usage of word could
  • Usage of word been
  • Usage of the word will and would
  • Usage of the word these