Urban dictionary have a word with

to engage in percussive diplomacy; to strike or pummel, especially over hearsay; to initiate a physical debate

There is many a man that never ate solid food after John Wayne went to have words with them.

by Ironhide August 25, 2013


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have a word

The gangster/mafia way of saying the subject is going to beaten severely; often into a bloody pulp.

Her: «My boss felt me up while I was bent over»

Him: «Me and the boys are going to take him into the woods, and have a word»

by KoalaK December 8, 2015


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Have a word with yourself

When one is sent into the corner of a room, to speak quietly and coherently to oneself, with focus on remedial action on previous actions that initiated the demand from friend to go and «Have a word with yourself» (V)do the obvious

Shall we spit roast your bird tonight?

«Think you need to go and have a word with yourself»

by Wilson September 29, 2004


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These Words have meaning!

A phrase that originally started from popular website «WordswithMeaning!» which implies the person believes the thing said is meaningful in some way.

Tinfoil hat man 1: Bro, I reckon the economic crisis is some bullshit that the government made up to put the prices up

Stupid friend: Yeah man, These Words have meaning!

by 8008sarenice November 7, 2011


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i have no words to use so…

<marquee>I AM OUT OF WORDS</marquee>

by bored August 14, 2002


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Do we need to have a word

What Daniel Howell says to Phil Lester when he says something inappropriate in a gaming video

“Phil, do we need to have a word?”

by LePhannie March 9, 2018


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i have no words to use so…

html doesn’t work you fag.

by Bastardized Bottomburp March 19, 2003


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have a word with

Общая лексика: перекинуться словечком, поговорить , поговорить с , переговорить

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «have a word with» в других словарях:

  • have a word with — have a word (with (someone)) to speak with someone privately to tell them something. I don t think she s interested but I ll have a word with her …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a word with — To speak to, usu for some specific purpose • • • Main Entry: ↑word …   Useful english dictionary

  • have a word with — v. phr. 1. To talk, discuss, or speak briefly with. Robert, I need to have a word with you about tomorrow s exam. I ve been meaning to have a word with you as a matter of fact. (Gr. Greene) 2. To engage in a sincere discussion with the purpose of …   Словарь американских идиом

  • have a word with — {v. phr.} 1. To talk, discuss, or speak briefly with. * /Robert, I need to have a word with you about tomorrow s exam./ 2. To engage in a sincere discussion with the purpose of persuading the other person or let him or her know of one s… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have a word with — {v. phr.} 1. To talk, discuss, or speak briefly with. * /Robert, I need to have a word with you about tomorrow s exam./ 2. To engage in a sincere discussion with the purpose of persuading the other person or let him or her know of one s… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • have a word with — converse briefly I will have a word with him before he goes home tonight …   Idioms and examples

  • have a word with someone — have a word (with (someone)) to speak with someone privately to tell them something. I don t think she s interested but I ll have a word with her …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a word with you — talk to you, discuss with you    As I left the room, Mr. Lee said, May I have a word with you? …   English idioms

  • have a word with — talk with briefly, exchange words with …   English contemporary dictionary

  • have a word — (with (someone)) to speak with someone privately to tell them something. I don t think she s interested but I ll have a word with her …   New idioms dictionary

  • have a word — speak briefly to someone I ll just have a word with him …   Useful english dictionary

have a word with (one)

To talk with one, perhaps to issue a warning or reprimand. A: «Aunt Karen let me have ice cream for dinner!» B: «Is that so? Karen, may I have a word with you?» I just had a word with Stu and he said he’ll join us tonight.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

have a word with

Speak with, discuss with, as in Jerry asked to have a word with you, or I must have a word with Bill about the repairs. This expression, from the late 1400s, was at one time used interchangeably with have words with, but it no longer is.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

have a ˈword (with somebody) (about something)

have a short conversation about something, especially in private: Can I have a word, Marie? It’s about Jane.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

have a word with

To have a brief conversation with (someone); speak to.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • have a word
  • have a word with (one)
  • a word with (one)
  • word with
  • I’d like a word with you
  • Can I have a word with you?
  • I’d like to have a word with you
  • I’d like a word with you. and Could I have a word with you?
  • May I have a word with you?
  • be after (someone or something)

have a word with — перевод на русский

I’m going to have a word with Clipton.

Я пойду, поговорю с Клиптоном.

I’ll have a word with Max and Toni tomorrow.

А знаешь, что? Завтра я поговорю с Максом и Тони.

I’m gonna have a word with him.

Я поговорю с ним.

I’m going to have a word with Chinn, not to mention our Axon friends.

Я поговорю с Чинном, не говоря уже о наших друзьях аксонах.

Well, I’d better go and have a word with the Brigadier.

Ну, я лучше пойду и поговорю с Бригадиром.

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— May I have a word with you, sir?

— Можно вас на пару слов, сэр?

Excuse me, may I have a word with you?

Простите, можно вас на пару слов?

May we have a word with you, please?

Можно вас на пару слов, пожалуйста?

Mayor Tilton, may we have a word with you?

Мэр Тильтон, можно вас на пару слов?

Can I have a word with you, sir?

Можно вас на пару слов, сэр?

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Can we have a word with you, sir?

Можно с вами поговорить?

Might I have a word with you?

Можно с вами поговорить?

Could I have a word with you, sir?

Можно с вами поговорить, сэр?

— Martha, can I have a word with you?

— Марта, можно с вами поговорить? — Да.

Might I have a word with you, sir?

Можно с вами поговорить, сэр?

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Well, why not? I could have a word with Wally at the pub.

Я переговорю с Ролли в пабе.

Do you mind if I have a word with her?

Ты не возражаешь, если я переговорю с ней?

I will also have a word with the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.

И переговорю с комиссаром городской полиции.

Do you mind if I have a word with your wife?

— Ты не против, если я переговорю с твоей женой?

Now you wait outside while I have a word with chief of staff mahoney.

А теперь выйдите, пока я переговорю с начальником штаба Махони.

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Could you have a word with me?

Да, я знаю. Можно вас на два слова?

Countess! May i have a word with you?

Графиня, можно вас на два слова?

It’s just sour. — Excuse me, can I have a word with you?

— Извините, можно вас на два слова?

Monsieur de Valmont, may I have a word with you, please?

Мсье де Вальмон, можно Вас на два слова?

-May I have a word with you?

-Капитан, можно вас на два слова?

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— I wanted to have a word with you.

Мне нужно поговорить с вами, отче.

Your Majesty, I must have a word with you…

Выше Величество, мне нужно поговорить с Вами!

Kent, I need to have a word with you.

Кент, мне нужно поговорить с вами.

— I need to have a word with you.

— Мне нужно поговорить с вами.

I need to have a word with Anna.

-Мне нужно поговорить с Анной.

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After the session, I’d like to have a word with Mr. Tanigawa.

После того как закончите, я хотела бы перекинуться словечком с г-ом Танигавой.

If you find him, I’d like to have a word with him.

Если вы найдёте его, я бы хотел перекинуться словечком с ним.

Now listen, do you think I could have a word with your client for a second?

Как думаете, можно мне перекинуться словечком с вашим клиентом?

I’m going to have words with Harriet Wingate.

А я хочу перекинуться словечком с Гарриет Вингейт.

I’d love to have a word with Uncle Sam.

Хочу перекинуться словечком с дядей Сэмом.

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Maybe, but I’d like to have a word with him.

Думаю, нам нужно срочно увидится. Хотелось бы перекинуться парой слов с месье.

Actually, in my role as security chief of this joyous German occasion, I’m afraid I must have a word with Mademoiselle Mimieux.

Будучи ответственным за безопасность этого милого немецкого вечера, я должен буду перекинуться парой слов с мадмуазель Мимьё.

I need to have a word with Detective Wysocki please.

Мне нужно перекинуться парой слов с детективом Высоки.

Ralph, it’s time to have a word with your mum.

Ральф, пришло время перекинуться парой слов с твоей мамой.

Ah, Marco, I was just coming to have a word with you.

Марко, я бы хотел просто перекинуться парой слов с вами.

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Could we have a word with you, please?

Мы можем поговорить?

Clark, can I have a word with you?

Кларк, мы можем поговорить?

May I have a word with you?

Мы можем поговорить?

— Why don’t you let me have a look at the accommodation that you have, and take it in for a second then I can have a word with George Swine?

-Почему бы вам не показать мне номер, что вы получили, заглянули бы на секундочку а потом я мог бы поговорить с Джорджем Свайном? Всё просто.

Might I have a word with you, my dear?

Я мог бы поговорить с вами, моим дорогой?

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Now then, I’ve been having words with James in your absence.

В ваше отсутствие я разговаривал с Джеймсом.

Dad, I’ve had a word with Mum, she thinks the insurance thing is a great idea.

Пап, я разговаривал с мамой, она считает идею со страхованием отличной.

I had a word with Sarah Smith last night.

— Прекрасно. Прошлой ночью я разговаривал с Сарой Смит.

Yeah, I had words with Faris.

Ну да, я разговаривал с Фэрисом.

I’ve just had a word with Saito.

Я только что разговаривал с Саито.

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  • поговорю с
  • вас на пару слов
  • можно с вами поговорить
  • переговорю с
  • вас на два слова
  • нужно поговорить с вами
  • перекинуться словечком с
  • перекинуться парой слов с
  • мы можем поговорить
  • разговаривал с


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: to talk with someone briefly

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have a way with

have a word with (someone)

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“Have a word with (someone).” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/have%20a%20word%20with%20%28someone%29. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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