Упражнения на word formation 8 класс

Тренировочные тесты WORDFORMATION (form: 8 -9).

Test 1.

1. This is the most . …. . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense) 2. Her husband’s not a very……….person. (Patience) 3. Susan is very……….and wants to do well. (Ambition) 4. Show some…….…. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse) 5. Her problem is that she has not enough……..…in herself. (Confide) 6. Dan is really very…………, even rude sometimes. (Polite) 7. I haven’t been to the cinema………… . (Recent) 8. Mary………… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

Test 2.

1.Most people have no real……… in ghosts.(Believe) 2. Mark Twain wrote many……… stories. (Humour) 3. The children’s…..… at the concert was excellent. (Behave) 4. Rita asked for a ……… and cashier gave her one. (Receive) 5. Do you think you have the……… to pass the exam? (Able) 6. You need a lot of ……… to write a good story. (Imagine) 7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise) 8. Their friendship began in their …….. . (Child)

Test 3.

1. I’m telling you the …..…! I swear! (True) 2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …..… it. (Write) 3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …….. when she was younger? (Wait) 4. They need your …..… before they can do it. (Sign) 5. It all happened quite…..… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden) 6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed) 7. Did Paul give an ……… for his actions? (Explain) 8. The ……… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

Test 4.

1. The leaflet gives a brief……… of each place. (Describe) 2. Can you give us a quick ……… of how it works? (Explain) 3. Olga broke the vase during an ……… with her husband. (Argue) 4. Gold is a very ……… metal. (Value) 5. Peter began to feel depressed and …..… . (Help) 6. His book is the result of years of ……… research. (Care) 7. This snake is not ……… at all. (Danger) 8. The bright flowers make the room look…….. . (Cheer)

Test 5.

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……… problems. (Globe) 2. Have you seen the new Levi ..…… on TV? (Advertise) 3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s ……… (Appear) 4. It’s very…..… to drink and drive. (Danger) 5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform) 6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate) 7. The weather today will be cold and…….. . (Wind) 8. Margarita was very ……… with the service. (Satisfy)

Test 6.

1. They put a lot of ..…… on him to agree to their demands. (Press) 2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep) 3. If you have problems with your ………, see a doctor. (Circulate) 4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy) 5. Remember that ..…… are also human. (Examine) 6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain) 7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion) 8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite……… (Attract).

Test 7.

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook .(Taste) 2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day .(Visit ) 3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …….… .(Train) 4. In spite of her …….…,Jane continued her journey .(Hungry ) 5.Hard as he tried , he was unable to find …… .(Solve ) 6.I ..…… speaking , I don’t think Latin is a useful subject .(Person) 7.You need to organize your time more …….… (Efficient )

Test 8.

1. Stories are more ………. than lists of words .(Memory ) 2. His exam results were very …… . (Please ) 3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job .(Good ) 4. You should revise on a regular ……… (Base ) 5. There are books that are specially …..….for foreign learners.(Simple ) 6. A degree is a very useful……….to have .(Qualify )7. I hope you will take into ……… what I have just said to you .(Consider ) 8. This new book had many beautiful …..…in it .(illustrate )

Test 9.

1.My aunt became …..….when she went to America. (Fame) 2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty) 3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight ) 4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish ) 5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury ) 6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair ? (Comfort ) 7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector) 8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person) 9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

Test 10.

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious) 2.I..……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it .(Hard ) 3.Marina has a very …… manner , which I appreciate .(Relax) 4.Her son took part in the world ………last year .(Champion) 5.I was ……….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter) 6. Julia got a ………for best leading actress .(Nominate ) 7.She’s a very ………thinker .(Origin) 8.Her friend is very ……….! You can trust him .(Rely)

Ответы к тренировочным тестам. Test 1. 1. Expensive 2. Patient 3.Ambitious 4.Enthusiasm 5. Confidence 6.Impolite 7.Recently 8.Disappeared Test 2. 1. Belief 2. Humorous 3. Behaviour 4. Receipt 5. Ability 6. Success7. Advertisement 8. Childhood Test 3. 1. Truth 2. Rewrite 3. Waitress 4. Signature 5. Suddenly 6. Success 7.Explanation 8. Inhabitants Test 4. 1. Description 2. Explanation 3. Argument 4. Valuable 5. Helpless 6. Careful 7. Dangerous 8. Cheerful Test 5. 1. Global 2. Advertisement 3. Disappeared 4. Dangerous 5. Information 6. Decorations 7. Windy 8. Satisfied Test 6. 1. Pressure 2. Sleepless 3. Circulation 4. Energetic 5. Examiners 6.Painful Test 7. 1.Tasteless 2. Visitors 3.Training 4 . Hunger 5. Solution 6. Personally7. Efficiently Test 8. 1. Memorable 2. Pleasant 3. Better 4. Basis 5. Simplified 6. Qualification 7. Consideration 8. ILLustrations Test 9. 1. Famous 2. Beautifully 3. Delighted 4. Furniture 5. Luxurious 6. Comfortably 7. Inspector 8. Personality 9. Collection 10. Test 10. 1. Ambition 2. Hardly 3. Relaxed 4. Championship 5. Flattered 6. Nomination 7. Original 8. Reliable

Семенова Ольга Валерьевна

Задание по словообразованию по английскому языку для 8-9 классов с ответами


Предварительный просмотр:

Преобразуйте слова на полях так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали предложениям.

  1. Her mother is a famous …


  1. My brother has an interesting …. of coins.


  1. We … visit our granny on Sundays.


  1. His … is a very … thing.  


  1. Helen sent me a wedding ….


  1. He is the …  pupil  in our school.


  1. Tom is a very ….businessman.


  1. Her father is a ….


  1. She …. a letter to her teacher now.


  1. These films are very …..


  1. His uncle is a …. scientist.


  1. My parents wants me to be a ……


  1. My granny has five …


  1. They … to the museum yesterday.


  1. My favourite cat is died. I’m ….


  1. There are four … in my room.


  1. My grandfather has unhappy ….


  1.  This cat is …. Don’t touch it!


  1.  This bird is ….


  1. We need … things for our work.



  1. musician
  2. collection
  3. usually
  4. invention; useful
  5. invitation
  6. best
  7. succesful
  8. farmer
  9. is writing
  10. boring
  11. famous
  12. policeman
  13. children
  14. went
  15. unhappy
  16. windows
  17. childhood
  18.  homeless
  19. beautiful
  20. different

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

  • Мне нравится 


Практические и тренировочные упражнения для 8–9-х классов

Word-formation является в последнее время
неотъемлемой частью любого серьезного теста
(включая ЕГЭ). В связи с этим, предлагаю несколько
упражнений для тренировки на уроках.

1. A. Form nouns with the help of these suffixes (there may be more
than 1 word)

employ, lonely, advertise, announce, determined, popular, instruct,
manage, communicate, spectacular, entertain, responsible, celebrate, dark, invent, govern

-tion -ity -er/-or -ness -ment


act action activity actor

B. Complete the sentences with some nouns from A:

1. After fast and colourful sunset total ______________(dark) fell on the
2. The hotel was only 2 km from the city’s shopping and
_______________________(entertain) areas.
3. There were over 10,000 __________________(spectacular) at the stadium on Sunday.
4. Whatever you do, it’s important to have ambition and __________________(determined).
5. Jane served as a ________________(govern) for Mr. Rochester’s little foster-child.
6. Initiative and social skills are always attractive to ________________(employ).
7. The industry needs better ________________(manage) rather than more money.
8. They invited a few __________________(celebrate) to open the festival.
9. Sometimes we prefer to use symbols and icons for
10. She takes her ___________________(responsible) as a teacher very seriously.

2. A. Form adjectives with the help of these suffixes and translate

1. -ful
wonder, beauty, care, harm, help, dread, respect

2. -less
care, harm, help, end, rest, pain, shape

3. -ous
mystery, fury, courage, nerve, danger, fame, envy

4. -y
salt, fog, rain, mud, dirt, sleep, storm

B. Complete the text with the adjectives:

careless, sleepy, mysterious, dreadful, courageous, endless, nervous,
rainy, foggy, shadowy

One cold (1)________ night Sam was driving home. He felt tired and
(2)________. The weather was (3)________. The rain seemed (4)________ and to make it worse
it was getting (5)________. Suddenly Sam saw a lonely figure standing at the side of the
road. He slowed down to offer a lift to the (6)________ pedestrian. But when he approached
the (7)________ figure vanished. Puzzled and a little (8)________ Sam slowly continued his
way and hardly had he covered 50 metres as he almost bumped into a big fallen tree lying
across the road. He saw it just on time. Sam is a (9)________ man and he doesn’t believe
in supernatural, but now he says that he is grateful to the (10)________ ghost that saved
him from the accident.

3. A. Make opposite meanings with the help of these prefixes:

un-, in-, im-, mis-, ill-, dis-.

polite –
reliable –
true –
appear –
legal –
agree –
expensive –
able –
patience –
probable –
understand –
behave –


B. Paraphrase the underlined words.

1. The night clouds vanished and the sky was clear.

2. Not allowed by the law fishing can destroy marine life very badly.

3. He was so exhausted that he couldn’t answer our questions.

4. We are against their plan.

5. I can’t believe it, it’s false!

6. This ticket is quite cheap.

7. It’s very rude to leave without saying good-bye.

8. Children often act badly and cause trouble at school because of lack of
attention at home.

9. I’m afraid you don’t realize the nature of the problem.

10. We could hear eagerness in his voice, he didn’t want to wait.

11. Don’t ask Val for help, he is a person who can let you down.

12. The story sounds not likely to happen!

4. Mind that these words have different spelling. In the sentences
choose the correct word

practise (verb Br) – practice (noun)
advise (verb) – advice (noun)
weigh (verb) — weight (noun)
panic (verbinf., noun) – panicking (present participle) – panicked
(past simple, past participle)

1. My friend _________ me to buy this dictionary. He’s given you really
good ________.
2. To get good results you should _________ more. __________ makes perfect.
3. When swimmers saw a shark they __________. In ____________ they turned to the boat.
4. – Do you know how much this rucksack ___________? – It’s over 20 kilos in


1. A. employer/employment; loneliness; ad/advert/advertisement;
announcer/announcement; determination/determiner; popularity; instruction/instructor;
manager/management; communication/community/communicator; spectator;
entertainer/entertainment; responsibility; celebration/celebrity; darkness;
invention/inventor; governor/governess/government
B. 1. darkness; 2. entertainment; 3. spectators; 4. determination; 5. governess; 6.
employers; 7. management; 8. celebrities; 9. communication; 10. responsibilities

2. B. 1. rainy; 2. sleepy; 3. dreadful; 4. endless; 5. foggy; 6.
careless; 7. shadowy; 8. nervous; 9. courageous; 10. mysterious

3. B. 1. disappeared; 2. illegal; 3. was unable to; 4. disagree
with; 5. untrue; 6. inexpensive; 7. impolite; 8. misbehave; 9. misunderstand; 10.
impatience; 11. unreliable; 12. improbable

4. 1. advised, advice; 2. practise, practice; 3. panicked, panic;
4. weighs, weight

By Galina Matyokina ,
Lyceum No. 1535, Moscow

Тренировочные упражнения

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, reconstruct, coauthor, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведитеих:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, nation — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — development, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — discoverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

Ex. З. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса-ег или -or. Переведитенарусскийязык:

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Ex. 4. Образуйте от данных слов существительные с помощью суффикса -ist, -ism, -ian. Переведитенарусскийязык:

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, mathematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, India.

Ex. 5. Образуйте от данных глаголов существительные с помощью суффикса -ment. Переведитенарусскийязык:

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave.

Ex. 6. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов -ful и -less,переведите их на русский язык:

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к какой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experiment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, fundamental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attractive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Ex. 8. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведите их:

Bad, quick, strong, short, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Ex. 9. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразующие элементы. Определите,ккакойчастиречиотносятсяданныеслова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; industry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; fame, famous.

Ex. 10. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Airport, armchair, bathroom, bedroom, bookcase, bookshelf, classroom, custom-house, dining-room, drawing-room, fireplace, folksong, gentleman, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, postcard, post-office, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, writing-table.

Ex. 11. Проанализируйтесоставследующихслов.Определите части речи. Дайте начальную форму. Переведитеслова:

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dislike, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teaching, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, cooperation, schoolboy, icebreaker

Ex. 12. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.

Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/499289-urok-anglijskogo-jazyka-v-8-klasse-po-teme-sl

Добрый день, читатели блога grammar-tei.com. Сегодня мы займемся словообразованием и выполним несколько упражнений на словообразование в английском языке. Все упражнения даются с ответами, поэтому Вы сможете проверить себя.

Тема словообразование в английском – очень сложная, поэтому практиковаться нужно много. Всем известно, что задания на словообразования есть в ЕГЭ. Не будем откладывать и выполним упражнения на словообразование в английском.

Задания на словообразование. Word building exercises.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте существительные.

  1. The study calculated that replacing weekly fruit juice … with whole fruits could bring health benefits. (consume)
  2. For my birthday Mother baked a cake with yellow … . (ice)
  3. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are called … because they provide the fuel your body needs. (nutrition)
  4. Many women have to juggle … and a full-time job. (mother)
  5. … are unavoidable when three … live under one roof. (argue, generate)
  6. Her deep … of her sister was evident. (hate)
  7. Older people who live alone often need help with gardening and house … (maintain)
  8. Positive attitude helps employees to get along with … and managers. (worker)
  9. China’s air… has cut life … by an average of 5.5 years in the north of the country and caused higher rates of lung cancer. (pollute, expect)
  10. It is much safer to use stainless steel or glass … instead of plastic ones. (contain)

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте прилагательные.

  1. My favorite … book is “Appetite” by Nigel Slater. (cooker)
  2. Eating can also make you …, and so can waking up in the morning. (thirst)
  3. You shouldn’t rest on your laurels but try to improve your … performance. (academy)
  4. Highly … gas is naturally found in coal mines. (explode)
  5. An … species is a species of organisms facing a very high risk of extinction. (danger)
  6. The most… earthquake struck in Shanxi, China 1556. (disaster)
  7. … exploitation of nature by man has resulted in the effects we have to deal with now. (thought)
  8. Laos is a landlocked … country, widely covered by tropical forest. (mountain)
  9. I decided to take a walk. It would be too … to wait in the queue. (tire)

Упражнение 3. Используйте отрицательные приставки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. The service was slow and the waiter’s familiarity was … , so we left without paying. (accept)
  2. Some children are a challenge, especially when they … in public places. (behaviour)
  3. To my … , the restaurant was overbooked and we had to spend the evening at home. (appoint)
  4. Michael was … about what dessert to order. (decide)
  5. Parents’… of their children’s behaviour and life choices can ruin their lives. (approve)
  6. There is a huge difference between … children and those merely … to listen to their parents’ advice. (obey, will)
  7. Young children mustn’t be left … either at home or at public places. (attention)
  8. She was frequently left alone by her … husband. (faith)
  9. If you describe someone as …, you are criticising them because they are unable to do their job or a task properly or are … to act in this capacity. (competence, qualifications)
  10. Banks are still seen as … and many people keep their savings at home. (security)

Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, образуйте глаголы.

  1. Guar gum also is used in the food industry to … products like ice cream. (thick)
  2. Old Manchester houses are made of red brick… by soot. (black)
  3. David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it would … up the room. (bright)
  4. Do we ever stop to think about the importance of the air we … ? (breath)
  5. I’d like to … this dress for one in a larger size. (change)
  6. They … 100 dollars from a bank account an hour ago. (draw)

Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки. Образуйте подходящие по смыслу слова.

  1. Sometimes one’s … are the only people one can … in. (parental, confidence)
  2. Many people … that getting a spouse can put them out of their…, which later… wrong, because sometimes marriage makes life more difficult. (belief, miserable, proof)
  3. An … Roman … has been discovered in northwest England, (extend, settle)
  4. The dining-room is elegantly … and … carpeted, (furniture, luxury)
  5. Everyone is … of her having the chance to … abroad, (envy, student)
  6. When employers look at… candidates, beyond skills, experience, and training, they look for those who demonstrate … (prospect, enthuse)
  7. In the city the … and … were insufferable, (hot, humid)
  8. Our planet’s… regions, located just north and south of the equator, are known for their… and … (tropic, warm, humid)
  9. Next to Shakespeare, no … gets more love on Broadway than Tennessee Williams, (play)
  10. During Elizabeth’s reign England significantly … its trade … and in 1580 Sir Francis Drake became the first Englishman to successfully … the earth, (expansion, sea, circumnavigation)

Упражнение 6. Образуйте слова от данных. Вставьте слова в текст.



Located in Wiltshire, an outstanding and beautifully __________ (1), late ________ (2) style manor house was built of limestone. Originally it was a much larger property that was mostly ___________ (3). Solid in appearance and structure, it offers _________ (4) and well presented ___________ (5). As one would ___________ (6) there is a grand drawing room with oak _________ (7) walls and a large open fireplace. The large windows __________ (8) a parkland setting.



Home education is when a child is __________ (1) at home rather than at school. It’s perfectly __________ (2) in the UK and one doesn’t need to be a __________ (3) teacher to do so. Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents, sometimes with the help of outside __________ (4). If you decide to home educate your child you don’t have to follow __________ (5) rules about how you teach or when you teach.



English philosopher, statesman, and jurist who rose to become Lei Chancellor (1618—1621) to James I but is __________ (1) remembered for the status he gave to __________ (2) research in England. Although his name is associated with the method of __________ (3) and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking __________ (4) of miscellaneous facts without any use of error theory which he supported in the Novum Organum has never been __________ (5)  as a practical method of __________ (6). The __________ (7) of the Baconian method was, however, an important object in the __________ (8) of the Royal Society some years later.



We’ve all heard of emotional eating. There’s also such a thing as emotional shopping. In __________ (1), neither of these activities is __________ (2), but in excess both can have serious consequences. The __________ (3) and the affordability of goods make shopping all the more appealing. For many compulsive buyers, a big part of the appeal of shopping is the process of searching out and obtaining that new, better, __________ (4) item. This process is so mesmerising that it often ruins long-term financial plans, leaving shoppers __________ (5) in debt.

Ответы к упражнениям на словообразование. Word building exercises – answers.

Exercise 1.

1 consumption, 2 icing, 3 nutrients, 4 motherhood/maternity, 5 arguments, generations, 6 hatred, 7 maintenance,  8 co-workers, 9 pollution, expectancy

Exercise 2.

1 cookery, 2 thirsty, 3 academic, 4 explosive, 5 endangered, 6 disastrous, 7 thoughtless, 8 mountainous, 9 tiresome

Exercise 3.

1 unacceptable, 2 misbehave, 3 disappointment, 4 indecisive, 5 disapproval, 6 disobedient, unwilling, 7 unattended,  8 unfaithful, 9 incompetent, unqualified, 10 insecure

Exercise 4.

1 thicken, 2 blackened, 3 brighten, 4 breathe, 5 exchange, 6 withdrew

Exercise 5.

1 parents, confide, 2 believe, misery, proves, 3 extensive, settlement, 4 furnished, luxuriously 5 envious, study, 6 prospective, enthusiasm, 7 heat, humidity, 8 tropic (al), warmth, humidity, 9 playwright, 10 expanded, oversea (s), circumnavigate

Exercise 6.


1 restored, 2 gothic, 3 demolished, 4 extensive 5 accommodation, 6 expect, 7 panel (l) ed, 8 overlook


1 educated, 2 legal, 3 qualified, 4 tutors, 5 formal


1 chiefly, 2 scientific, 3 induction,  4 collection, 5 adopted, 6 research, 7 application, 8 foundation


1 moderation, 2 harmful, 3 accessibility, 4 desirable, 5 deeply

Надеюсь, эти упражнения на словообразование помогут Вам в изучении этого непростого раздела английского языка. Word building exercises are very useful!

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