Unit revision 6 grade excel


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Review for Excel Lesson 1 quiz.

Terms in this set (10)


This allows data to be summarized and charted easily.

Name Box

This is area that displays the active cell reference.

Cancel Box and Enter Box

When you begin typing a cell entry, these display in the formula bar.


This feature works behind the scenes, correcting common mistakes when you complete a text entry in a cell.


This is the location that a numeric data will appear in the cell.


This is a series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells.

Equal Sign

This is put in front of a formula or function so Excel knows it is not text.


This is what the font size is gauged by in the measurement system of Excel.

Insert Mode

Whenever you type, Excel puts the character in and moves all characters to the right of the typed character one position to the right.

Clear All

This command on the Clear Menu is the only command that clears both the cell entry and the cell formatting.

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Verified answer


Which of the following are true about marijuana:
A. It can impair learning and memory
B. It can bring upon panic attacks or anxiety
C. It can become addictive
D. All of the above

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Correction work and Unit Revision

Материал жайлы қысқаша түсінік:

Ағылшын тілінен 6 сыныпқа сабақ беретін мұғалімдердің күнделікті сабақ жоспары.

Төмендегі Сабақ жоспары толық нұсқасы емес, тек сізге танысу үшін көрсетілген, сайтқа жарияланған документтен айырмашылығы болуы мүмкін. Жүктеу үшін осы беттің төменгі жағындағы жүктеу деген жазуды басу керек

Correction work and Unit Revision

Тыныштықова Салтанат Исатайқызы

Атырау қаласы,Еркінқала орта мектебі II санатты ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі




Назар аударыңыз, сертификатты “менің материалдарым” деген бетте жүктеп алуға болады

Өз пікіріңізді қалдырыңыз

Ex-3 p 64. Do the quiz. Mark the sentences as T (True) or F (False).

Song. Read and listen to the song. What sports does the singer like do?

Summative assessment for the unit “Our Health”

Task 1.Listen to the talk twice and circle the correct answer.
1. The patient has these symptoms____

A) temperature and headache

B) sore throat and headache

C) stomach ache and temperature

2. The doctor thinks the patient has got ___________.

A) the flu

B) stomach ache

C) temperature

3. The doctor says the patient should __________.

A) exercise

B) work

C) rest

4. The doctor says the patient shouldn’t _____________.

A) meat friends

B) go to the gym

C) relax

5. The patient should take ________ for headache.

A) painkiller

B) honey

C) vanilla extract

Task 2. The learners are arranged in pairs. It is a two-way conversation. You have 1 minute to prepare and 2 minutes to talk on the topic.
You should: • Give own opinion (agree/disagree) • Ask and answer questions (at least two questions) • Use topical vocabulary • Explain your answers
The following questions will help you organize the speech: • What is your favourite sport? Why? • What types of sport are popular among your friends? • How do you try to keep fit? • What do you think are the best tips for a long and healthy life?
Learner’s possible answer: — My favourite sport is football. I like football since my childhood because it is a team work. Going in for sports helps me to be sporty and keep fit. Also in my opinion, it is important to have healthy food and be active. What about you?

Grade 6

Virginia Evans, Janny Dooley, Bob Obee


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Программы для ПК:

  • Calibre скачать
  • Icecream Ebook Reader скачать
  • Расширение для Google Chrome  «EPUB Reader» Установить
  • Расширение для браузера Mozilla Firefox «EPUB Reader» Установить
  • Программа в Microsoft Store, для Windows 10 «Freda»  Установить

Программы для мобильных платформ:

  • Учебники формата EPUB, на смартфонах под управлением Android открываются приложением Google Play Книги
  • На платформе IOS, используйте приложение iBook

Unit 7.
Reading for pleasure







of the Lesson:

Er Tostik

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to  understand independently
specific information  and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of
general and curricular  topics independently a limited range of
short simple fiction and non-fiction texts

Lesson objectives

To read the legend for detailed information

identify details of a text, including setting

formulate a basic summary of the legend


A learner can read and understand the details of the

learner can summarize the legend

Value links

Respect, Lifelong learning and academic honesty

Cross curricular links

English Literature

Previous learning

Grove of the Dancing Birches


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace
the notes below with your planned activities)






-Good afternoon, students!

-How are you getting on? It’s nice to
see you again!

-Let me see if everyone is here.

-Is everybody ready to get new

Before you start the
lesson, clap those who are in a good mood today?! Well done. Now let’s smile
and give our smiles to each other.

Warm –up

Teacher asks some questions for discussion. Learners listen or
read the questions and discuss them in pairs.

Look at page 84. Who do you see? ( Er Tostik)

— Who is Er-Tostik? ( Er-Tostik is a Kazakh legendary  hero)

— Have you ever read a legend about Er-Tostik?

— Do you believe that Er-Tostik was a real man?

The theme of our lesson for today is “Er-Tostik”.





on reading and listening


The teacher presents
the new words, learners look into the online dictionary (Multitran) to find
out the meaning.

Destroy, lord,
underworld, livestock, brisket, pregnant, handsome, get married, servant,
capture, set off, rescue, reach, challenge, bring to darkness, peace

To interest the learners
more, the teacher shows a video on the topic.


Work in pairs. More-able learners are paired up with less-able ones and
help them comprehend the legend.

 Teacher fixes time
for 10 minutes.


5 W

What happened when Ernazar’s wife ate the brisket?

Where did Bapy Khan’s servant bring Er-Tostic father?

When did Er-Tostik decide to go to  the underworld?

Who did Er-Tostic meet on the way ?

Why did Bapy Khan send a dragon to eat  Samruk’s eggs?


Work in groups. The
teacher divides learners into small groups and gives a theme to each one.

Group1 tells about Ernazar
and his eight sons

Group 2 tells how
Er-Tostik was born

Group 3 presents Bapy
Khan and his actions

Group 4 tells how
Er-Tosik won his enemies.

Assessment criteria:

-tells the details of
the legend

— covers the main
events of the legend



Excel 6 Student’s book

Grade 6

Express Publishing

V.Evans, J.Dooley,
B.Obee (Ex 1 p84)



Reflexion. Tick + or

I can understand the text

I can retell the text

I can use the new words

 Hometask is to do the online test.


DIFFERENTIATION – how do you plan to give more support? How do
you plan to challenge the more able learners?

ASSESSMENT – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and
safety rules

More-able learners can be
paired up with less-able ones and help them comprehend the legend.

Teacher can also provide
less-able learners with dictionaries to support them.

Teacher observes
learners when participating in discussion and during pair work and makes
records to provide constructive feedback

Assessment criteria:

-tells the details of the

— covers the main events
of the legend

Short physical exercises between the activities

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