Unit 28 work and business word patterns

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absent from  — отсутствовать, apply for — подавать заявление, attached to sth — прикрепленный к, attach to — прикреплять к, begin doing/to do — начинать делать что-л., begin by doing — начинать с, depend on — зависеть от, experienced in/at doing — опытный в чём-л., good at — хорош в, good for sb to do sth — хорошо, полезно для, good to sb — в самый раз для, qualify as/in — квалифицироваться, responsible for — ответственный за, specialise in — специализироваться в чём-л., train to do — учиться, тренироваться, work as/at/in — работать в качестве, work for sb — работать на к-л,

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Topic vocabulary in contrast

See glossary for definitions

commute/ deliver

company/ firm/ business

earn/ win/ gain

employer/ employee/ staff

fire/ sack/ make redundant

job/ work/ career

overtime/ promotion/ pension

raise/ rise

retire/ resign

union/ charity

wage(s)/ salary/ pay

Phrasal verbs

back out decide not to do sth you agreed to do

bring out produce and start to sell a new product

close down stop operating (for companies)

see through (to) continue (or help to continue) to the end of sth unpleasant or


see to deal with

set out start working on sth in order to achieve an aim

set to start doing sth in a determined or enthusiastic way

set up start (a business, organisation, etc)

slow down decrease speed

speed up increase speed

stand in for do sb’s job for them while they are not available

take on start to employ; accept (work or responsibility)

take over take control of (a business, etc)

turn down not accept (an offer, request, etc)

Phrases and collocations

agreement come to/ reach (an) agreement (on/ about sth); in agreement

(on/ about/ with) sth

arrangement make an arrangement (with/ for sb) (to do); have an

arrangement (with sb) (to do)

business do business (with sb); in business; go somewhere on business;

business trip; small business; big business

complaint have/ make a complaint (about sth) (to sb); letter of complaint (to

sb) (about sth)

day have/ take/ get a day off; day job; day trip; day by day; the other/ next


decision make/ take a decision (to do sth); come to/ reach/ make a decision

(about sth)

duty do one’s duty; a sense of duty; on/ off duty; have a duty to sb/ to do

effort make an effort (to do); put effort into sth/ doing

experience have an experience; have/ gain/ get experience in/ of sth/ doing;

experienced in/ at sth/ doing

hold put/ keep sb on hold; hold on (to sth); hold sth

interest have/ take/ express an interest in sth/ doing; in your interest to do;

earn/ get/ pay interest

interview have/ go to/ attend an interview; job interview

job do a job; have a job (to do); apply for a job; take/ get a job; in a job

work do some work; have work to do; go to work; at work; work hard; out of

work; place of work

Word patterns

absent from sth

apply for sth; apply in writing

attach sth to sth; attached to sth

begin doing/ to do/ sth; begin by doing

depend on sth/ sb

experienced in/ at sth/ doing

good for sb (to do sth); good at sth/ doing; good to sb

qualify as/ in sth

responsible for sth/ doing

specialise in sth/ doing

train to do

work as/ at/ in sth; work for sb

Word formation

add added, addition, additional(ly)

apply (in)applicable, applied, applicant, application

commerce commercial(ly)

dedicate dedicated, dedication

effect (in)effective(ly)

employ (un)employed, (un)employable, (un)employment,


help (un)helpful(ly), helpless(ly), helping, helper

industry industrial(ly), industrious(ly)

machine machinery

manage managing, management, manager

meet met, meeting

profession (un)professional(ly)

qualify (un)qualified, qualifying, qualification

responsible irresponsible, (ir)responsibly, (ir)responsibility

supervise supervision, supervisor

work working, (un)workable, worker, works



Topic vocabulary in contrast

A. Circle the correct word.

1. The charity/ union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike

next week.

2. It’s company/ firm/ business policy not to allow the use of phones for

personal calls during working hours.

3. The recent raise/ rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small

businesses round here.

4. In some professions, you have to retire/ resign when you’re 60 or 65

years old.

5. My grandfather gets a pension/ promotion from the company he used

to work for.

6. Not only did we all have to work overtime/ promotion this weekend,

but we didn’t get paid for it!

7. Have you had any news about that work/ job/ career you applied for


8. The starting salary/ wage is €20 000 per year.

9. You’ll get a weekly pay/ wage of about €300 before deductions.

10. She became a full-time member of employees/ staff/ employers last


B. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

commute • deliver • earn • gain • make • sack • win

1. No sooner had Denzil ___ the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2. How long does it take you to ___ to work every day?

3. How much does a state school teacher ___ each year?

4. Over a hundred workers were ___ redundant when the factory closed.

5. Our next-door neighbour was ___ for stealing company property.

6. Does your local supermarket ___?

7. Rarely have I ___ so much valuable experience in such a short space of


Phrasal verbs

C. Write one word in each gap.

It Just takes Hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I

was standing (1) ___ for the actual manager while she was away on maternity

leave) when the company was taken (2) ___ by a large multinational media

organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new

owners promised to see our small company (3) ___ the hard times. Things

got worse, though, and they finally backed (4) ___ of their agreement. Our

company closed (5) ___. We were all made redundant it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I (6) ___ down several offers of

work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and

thought: ‘I’m going to set (7) ___ my own business!’ At first it was tough. I

had to (8) ___ to everything myself – I was the only employee! – but I set (9)

___ it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the

last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken (10) ___ more and more

staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set (11) ___ to be

successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest,

luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I

don’t feel satisfied yet, though. We’re bringing (12) ___ new products all the

time, and I want to continue doing that. I also want to speed (13) ___ our

production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow (14)

___ any time soon!

Phrases and collocations

D. Match to make sentences.

1. I put a lot of effort ___

A. on hold for ages.

B. about who’s going to get

2. They’ve made their decision ___


C. of work for over two months

3. It’s not in your interest to ___


4. The secretary’s kept me ___

D. into writing this report.

5. I don’t know why you didn’t apply ___ E. business long.

6. I think we’re all in agreement ___

F. in your work.

7. Dean’s been out ___

G. for that position.

8. The shop hasn’t been in ___

H. accept a pay cut.

9. I’m glad you’re finally taking an

I.work, doesn’t he?

interest ___

10. Jason lives fairly near his place of ___ J. on this, aren’t we?

E. Write one word in each gap.

1. Maybe you should write a letter ___ complaint to the manager.

2. When was the last time you had a ___ off?

3. Hardly had the police officer come ___ duty when he had to respond to

an emergency.

4. My dad’s ___ work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

5. I am available to ___ an interview at your convenience.

6. He’s been ___ this job for over thirty years.

7. Our company ___ a lot of business with Altech Industries.

8. Sol’s made an arrangement ___ the wholesalers to deliver more

frequently in future.

9. June’s got several years’ experience ___ dealing with young children.

Word patterns

F. Choose the correct answer.

1. Who is responsible ___ dealing with complaints?

A. with B. for C. in D. at

2. We began ___ looking round for advertising agencies which had

experience of our market.

A. to B. with C. by D. at

3. The covering letter wasn’t attached ___ the CV.

A. to B. with C. from D. by

4. Don’t you think you should apply for the job ___ writing?

A. with B. for C. at D. in

5. I was only absent ___ the office for a few minutes!

A. for B. from C. in D. about

6. Success in this industry depends a lot ___ luck!

A. with B. from C. at D. on

G. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word

on the line.

1. Sadie’s quite good in typing. ___

2. Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. ___

3. You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. ___

4. It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. ___

5. You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you

want to be an editor. ___

6. We specialise for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. ___

7. After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to

Yorkshire. ___

8. I’d love to work as advertising. ___

9. Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! ___

Word formation

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when

this is necessary.

1. All the heavy ___ (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured

on site.

2. Al is a manager at the local water ___ (WORK).

3. An ___ (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the

new car.

4. We work under close ___ (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much

opportunity for initiative.

5. Farm ___ (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6. There’ll be an ___ (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7. Supersonic planes have never been a ___ (COMMERCE) success.

8. We couldn’t have built this new train without the ___ (DEDICATE)

and expertise of the entire workforce.

9. The plan is completely ___ (WORK). Let’s just forget it!

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be (1) ___ (employ)

six months after leaving university, the majority will have found (2) ___

(employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at

university, as a result of visiting a job fair.

Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to

advertise jobs, which are usually in (3) ___ (manage), and the career

structures and benefit packages that go with them Job fairs are an (4) ___

(effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be

interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress (5) ___ (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a

T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look (6) ___ (responsible) when you

have your first (7) ___ (meet) with your potential (8) ___ (employ). If you’re

interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an (9) ___ (apply) form,

so it’s (10) ___ (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll

also need proof of all your (11) ___ (qualify), so don’t forget to take

photocopies of all your certificates with you.

Units 27 and 28. Review 14

A. Write one word in each gap.

Dear Sir,

I would like to (1) ___ a complaint about an article that appeared in your

newspaper last week. In the article, entitled ‘Why they are (2) ___ of work’,

the writer suggested that the unemployed were responsible (3) ___ their own

situation. If the writer had (4) ___ their properly and (5) ___ a little effort to

speak to local unemployed people, they might have realised that this is not

the case.

Let me begin (6) ___ saying that most unemployed people want to work.

They apply (7) ___ jobs and (8) ___ a great deal of effort into changing their


The truth is that local businesses are simply not taking (9) ___ new staff.

The government is to blame for the way in which economic growth has (10)

___ down, making life difficult for many businesses.

I look forward to reading a more balanced article in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Rebecca Winterson

(1 mark per answer)

B. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when

this is necessary.

11. Dave left the office keys in a pub and he was sacked for being so ___


12. ‘Leave it to me. I’ll find a solution,’ the manager said, ___ (HELP).

13. All ___ (APPLY) are asked to send their CV to Mrs Simpson in the

Personnel Department.

14. My job is to ___ (SUPERVISE) the telesales workers.

15. Carol has worked for us for over twenty years with great loyalty and


16. All our ___ (EMPLOY) receive four weeks paid holiday per year.

17. The managing director didn’t think the suggestion would ever be ___

(WORK), so we had to think of another solution.

18. It seems that Mr Jones lied about his ___ (QUALIFY) on his


[ ‘sæləri ]

жалованье, оклад; заработная плата служащего


[ ,emplɔi’i: ]

pабочий; служащий; работающий по найму


[ ’emplɔiə ]

наниматель, работодатель


[ raiz ]

повышение, увеличение


[ kə’mju:t ]

ездить ежедневно на работу из пригорода в город и обратно


[ di’livə ]



[ ri’zain ]

уйти в отставку; отказываться от должности; слагать с себя обязанности


[ gein ]

получать; приобретать; добиться, завоевать


[ ‘biznis ]

коммерческое предприятие, фирма


[ ə:n ]



[ ri’taiə ]

выйти на пенсию


[ ‘faiə ]

увольнять, выгонять с работы


[ sæk ]

увольнять (с работы)


[ ‘əuvətaim ]

сверхурочное время; плата за сверхурочную работу


[ prə’məuʃən ]

продвижение по службе, повышение в должности


[ penʃn ]



[ weiʤ ]

заработная плата (рабочих)


[ pei ]

зарплата, жалованье, заработная плата


[ reiz ]

прибавка (к зарплате)


[ stɑ:f ]

персонал, личный состав, сотрудники


[ ri’dʌndənt ]

сокращённый, уволенный, потерявший работу


[ ʤɔb ]

работа, дело, труд


[ ‘ʧæriti ]

благотворительное общество


[ wə:k ]

работа, труд; дело; деятельность


[ win ]

выиграть; победить, одержать победу


[ ‘kʌmpəni ]

общество, компания, товарищество


[ fə:m ]

фирма; торговый дом


[ kə’riə ]

профессия, занятие


[ ‘ju:njən ]

профессиональный союз, тред-юнион

Word formation

Accept — qabul qilmoq

Acceptance — qabul qilish

Accepting —

Acceptable — qabul qilsa bo’ladigan

Unacceptable — qabul qilib bo’lmaydigan

Acceptably — ma’qul tarzda

Unacceptably — noma’qul tarzda

Assist — yordam bermoq

Assistance — yordam

Assistant — yordamchi

Day — kun Daily — doimiy

Everyday — har kuni

Economy iqtisod

Economic — iqtisodiy

Economical — tejamkor

Uneconomical — befoyda

Economically — iqtisodiy jihatdan

Uneconomical — iqtisodiy jihatdan emas

End — tugatmoq

Endless -tuganmas

Endlessly — cheksiz ravishda

Ending — oxir, yakun

Unending — cheksiz

Expense — chiqim

Expensive – qimmat

Inexpensive — qimmat emas

Expensively — qimmat tarzda

Inexpensively — qimmat tarzda emas

Expenses — xarajatlar

Finance — mablag’

Financial – moliyaviy

Financially — moliyavisjihatdan

Finances — moliya

Invest – sarflamoq

Investment — investitsiya


Luxury — dabdaba

Luxuries — plural form (ko’plik shakli)

Luxurious — dabdabali

Luxuriously — dabdabali tarzda


Paid -to’langan

Payment — to’lov

Payable — to’lasa bo’ladigan

Poor — kambag’al

Poorly — nochor tarzda

Poverty — kambag’allik

Real haqiqiy, real

Unreal haqiqiy emas

Really — rostdan

Realise — anglamoq

Realisation — anglash

Reality — haqiqat, reallik

Realistic — real qarash

Realistically — ochiqchasiga yondashganda

Value — qadr

Valuable – qadrli

Invaluable – qadrsiz

Valuably — qadrli tarzda

Invaluably — qadrsiz tarda

Valueless — qadrsiz

Valuation — qadrlash

Wealth – boylik

Wealthy — boy

Unit 24. Entertainment — ko’ngilxushlik

Enjoy — rohatlanmoq

Entertain — ko’ngilzushlik qilmoq

Play — spektakl

Act sahna ko’rinishi

Star — yulduz (mashhur odam)

Audition — kichik namoyish

Rehearsal — repetitsiya, tayyorgarlik

Rehearse — tayyorlanmoq

Practise — mashq qilmoq

Scene -sahna

Scenery — ko’rinish; 2) sahna bezagi

Stage — sahna

Band — guruh (musiqachilar guruhi)

Orchestra — orkestr (musiqa asarlarini birgalikda ijdo etuvchi guruh)

Group — guruh

Review — kino/teatr/kitob uchun tanqidiy taqriz

Criticism -tanqid

Ticket – chipta

Fee — to’lov

Novel — roman

Fiction — badiiy asar

Comic — komik, qiziqchi

Cartoon – multfilm

Comedian — kulgu ustasi

Watch — tomosha qilmoq

See ko’rmoq

Look — qaramoq

Listen — tinglamoq (tovush, ovoz, musiqalar quloqqa xohlab, diqqat va e’tibor bilan tinglanganda ishlatiladi)

Hear eshitmoq (tovush, ovoz, musiqalar quloqqa xohlab- xohlamasdan, beihtiyor eshitilganda ishlatiladi)

Phrasal verbs

Come (a)round — yana sodir bo’lmoq

Count on — ga ishonmoq

Drop off — uxlab qolmoq

Drown out — biror kishini gapini eshtmaslik uchun yoki boshqalarni eshtishini xohlamaslik uchun undanda baland ovoz chiqarmoq

Fall for — yolg’onga ishonmoq

Get along (with) -yaxshi chiqishmoq

Go down (as) -… sifatida esda qolmoq

Grow on yoqtira boshlamoq

Let down kimnidir xafa qilmoq

Name after — nomini bermoq

Put on ushlab turmoq; (rol) o’ynamoq

Show of — o’zini ko’rsatmoq

Take after — o’xshamoq

Take off-tez mashhur bo’lmoq

Phrases and Collocations

Fun zavq

Have fun — zavqlanmoq

Take part in sth/doing — da ishtirok etmoq

Be fun — zavqli bo’lmoq

Make fun of sb — ustidan kulmoq

Fumy — kulguli

Find sth fumy — biror nimani kulguli deb topmoq

Home — uy

Make yourself at home — o’zingizni uyingizdagidek his qiling

Be/stay at home uyda bo’lmoq/qolmoq

Go/get/leave home uyga bormoq/kelmoq/uydan chiqmoq

Make your way home — tark etmoq

Impression — taassurot

Give sb the impression — kimdadir taassurot uyg’otmoq

Do an impression of sb — kimgadir taqlid qilmoq

Have the impression — taassurotga ega bo’lmoq

Make an impression on sb — kimdadir taassurot uyg’otmoq

Joke — hazil

Joke about (sth/doing) — haqida hazil

Joke with sb — kim bilandir hazillashmoq

Tell/make/hear/get/understand a joke — hazil aytib bermoq/hazii aytmoq(to’qimoq)/hazil eshitmoq/hazilni tushunmoq/hazilni tushunmoq

Laugh at/about sth/sb — ustidan kulmoq/haqida kulmoq

Laugh out loud — xandon otib kulmoq

Roar with laughter — ich-ichidan kulmoq

Have a laugh — kulmoq

Part — qism; ro’l

Be a part of sth — …ning qismi bo’lmoq

Part with sth — …ni xohlamasdan birovga bermoq

Have a part (in a play etc.) — (spektaklda va b.) rol ijro etmoq

Party — ziyofat

Have/throw a part for sb — kim uchundir ziyofat uyushtirmoq

Give sb a party — …ga ziyofat bermoq

Go to a party — ziyofatga bormoq

Dimer/birthday party — kechki ovqat/tug’ilgan kun ziyofati

Play — rol ijro etmoq

Play a role/part (in sth) — da rol o’ynamoq

Play with sb/sth — …bilan o’ynamoq

Have a part/role to pay (in sth) — da ijro etadigan roli bo’lmoq

Be/act/ in a play — spektaklda rol ijro etmoq

Star in a play — spektaklda bosh rolni ijro etmoq

Watch/see a play — spektakl tomosha qilmoq

Queue — navbat

Join in a queue — navbatga qo’shilmoq

In a queue — navbatda

Queue up — navbatga turmoq

Show ko’rsatmoq

Put on a show namoyish qilmoq

Show appreciation (for sth/sb) — …ga hurmat ko’rsatmoq

Showsthtosb- nimanidir kimgadir ko’rsatmoq

Show sb sth — kimgadir nimanidir ko’rsatmoq

On show — namoyishda

Steal the show — e’tiborni og’irlamoq

Silence — j’imlik In silence-j’imlikda

Voice — ovoz

In a low/deep/high/etc voice — past/past/baland ovozda

Have a bad/good voice — yomon/yaxshi ovozi bo’lmoq

Voice an opinion (about sth) — (haqidagi) fikrga munosabat bildirmoq

Word patterns

Apologise to sb for sth/doing — kimdirdan biror narsa uchun kechirim so’ramoq

Avoid sth/sb/doing — biror narsa yoki odamdan qochmoq

Bound to do — bo’lishi aniq

Deserve sth/to do — biror narsa xohlamoq

Enjoy yourself — o’zidan rohatlanmoq

Enjoy sth/doing — biror narsadan rohatlanmoq

Happy to do sth — biror narsani qilishdan xursand

Happy for sb (to do sth) — biror kim uchun xursand bo’lmoq

Happy about sth/doing — biror narsadan xursand bo’lmoq

Instead of sth/doing — biror narsaning o’rniga

Like sth/doing – yoqtirmoq

Like to do qilishni yoqtirmoq

Be like sth/doing — nimadirga o’xshash

Be like sb (to do) — kimdirga o’xshash

Promise to do bajarishga va’da bermoq

Promise sb (sth) — biror kimga biror nimani va’da bermoq

Promise that — …ni va’da bermoq

Prove to do — qilishni isbotlamoq

Prove sth to sb — biror narsani biror kimga isbotlamoq

Say sth (to sb) — biror narsani biror kimga aytmoq

Say that — …ni aytmoq

Supposed to do qilishi kerak

Talented at sth/doing — biror narsada talantli


Act harakat qilmoq

Active – faol

Inactive — nofaol

Actively — faol tarzda

Inactively — nofaol tarzda

Acting — harakat qilish

Actor — aktyor

Actress — aktrisa

Action — harakat

Activity — faoliyat

Inactivity — harakatsizlik

Amuse — hayratlanmoq

Amusing — hayratlanarli

Unamusing — hayratlanarli emas

Amusingly — hayrat bilan

Unamusingly- hayrat bilan emas Amusement — hayrat

Bore — zerikmoq

Boring — zerikarli

Boringly — zerikarli tarzda

Bored — zerikkan

Boredom — zerikish

Converse — suhbatlashmoq

Conversation — suhbat

Current — hozir

Currently — hozirgi

Entertain — ko’ngilxushlik qilmoq

Entertaining ‘z ko’ngilxushlik qilish

Entertainment — ko’ngilxushlik

Entertainer — san’atkor, hordiq chiqaruvchi odam

Excite — hayajonlanmoq

Exciting — hayajonli

Unexcited — hayajonsiz

Excited — hayajonlangan

Excitedly — hayajonlangan tarzda

Excitement — hayajon

Fame — shuhrat

Famous — mashhur

Infamous — yomon nom bilan tanilgan

Famously — mashhur bo’lgan

Involve — o’z ichiga olmoq

Involved — aloqador, bog’liq

Uninvolved — aloqasi yo’q

Involvement — aralashuv, aloqadorlik

Perform — namoyish etmoq

Performing — namoyish etish

Prrformance — namoyish

Performer — namoyish etuvchi

Popular – mashhur

Unpopular — mashhur bo’lmagan

Popularly — ko’pchilik tomonidan

Popularity — mashhurlik

Say — aytmoq

Saying — maqol

Suggest — maslahat bermoq

Suggested — maslahat berilgan

Suggestive —1) hisni uyg’otadigan’; 2) eslatadigan

Suggestively — hisni uyg’otadigan

Suggestion — maslahat

Vary — o’zgartirmoq

Variable — o’zgaruvchan

Invariable — o’zgarmas

Variably — o’zgaruvchan tarzda

Invariably — o’zgarmas tarda

Varying — o’zgartirish

Varied — o’zgartirilgan

Various — turli xil

Variously — turli xil tarzda

Variation — o’zgarish

Variety — xilma-xillik

Unit 26. Fashion and design — moda va dizayn

Topic vocabulary

Put on (phr) kiymoq

Wear kiymoq

Costume – kostyum

Suit — kostyum shim

Dye — bo’yamoq (asosan mato va sochni)

Paint bo’yamoq

Fit — loyiq, mos

Suit — munosib

Match — mos juftlik

Cloth – mato

Clothing — kiyim

Blouse — kofta

Top tananing tepa qismiga kiyiladigan kiyim

Design — dizayn

Manufacture — ishlab chiqarish

Current — hozirgi

New yangi

Modern — zamonaviy

Look — tashqi ko’rinish

Appearance — tashqi ko’rinish

Supply -ta’minlamoq

Produce — ishlab chiqarmoq

Glimpse — ko’zi tushib qolmoq

Glance — ko’z tashlamoq, bir qarab qo’ymoq

Average — o’rtacha

Everyday — har kunlik

Wait in a queue — navbatda kutmoq

Phrasal verbs

Catch on — mashhur bo’lmoq

Do away with — dan xalos bo’lmoq

Draw up — yaratmoq, tuzmoq

Dress up — bezanmoq, hashamdor kiyinmoq

Go over takrorlamoq

Grow out of dan chiqqan; o’sgan

Hand down meros qoldirmoq

Line up — qator qilmoq

Pop in (to) — birrovga(tezda) kirib chiqmoq

Show (a) round — atrofni ko’rsatmoq

Take off — yechmoq (kiyimga nisbatan)

Tear up — yirtib tashlamoq

Wear out yaroqsiz holatga kelmoq

Phrases and Collocations

Art — san’at

Work of art — san’at asari

Modern art — san’at asari

Art gallery — san’at galeriyasi

Art exhibition — san’at ko’rgazmasi

Clothes — kiyimlar

Put on/try on/take off clothes — kiyim kiymoq/kiyib ko’rmoq/yechmoq

Clothes line — yuvilgan kiyimlar ilinadigan ip, dor

Clothes peg — kir qistirgich

Best clothes — eng yaxshi ko’rgan kiyimlar

Combination — birlashish, aralashma

In combination with — …bilan birlashmada

Combination of — …ning birlashuvi

Compliment — maqtov

Pay sb a compliment — kimnidir maqtamoq

Compliment sb on sth — kimnidir nimadadir, nima bo’yichadir maqtamoq

Example — namuna

Be/set an example — namuna bo’lmoq

An example of — …ning namunasi

For example — misol uchun

Follow an/sb’s example — kimningdir namunasiga rioya qilmoq

Fashion — moda

In fashion — modada

Be/go out of fashion — modadan qolmoq

Follow fashion — modani ketidan quvmoq

Follow model/show — modelga/ko’rinishga taqlid qilmoq

Cut qirqmoq

Cut/brush sb’s hair — sochini qirqmoq

Have/get a new hairdo/hairstyle — yangi soch turmagi qildirmoq

Have a haircut — soch qirqtirmoq

Let your hair down hordiq chiqar, mazza qil(moq)

Make-up — grim

Put on/apply/wear make-up — grim qilmoq

Take off make-up — grimni artib tashlamoq

Pattern — namuna

Follow a pattern — namunaga ergashmoq

Checked/striped/plain pattern -tortburchak naqsh/yo’l-yo’l chiziq naqsh/benaqsh (mato)

Style — moda; stil

In style — modada, urfda

Be/go out of style — modadan qolmoq

Do sth/go smw in style —

Have style — stili bo’lmoq

Taste -ta’m

Have/show good/bad taste (in sth) — … ni yaxshi/yomon ko’rmoq

(Be) in good/bad taste — odamlarga ma’qul kelmoq/ma’qul kelmaslik

Tendency — moyillik

Have a tendency to do -.bajarishga moyilligi bo’lmoq

Trend — moda; o’zgarish, rivojlanish

A trend in sth — …dagi o’zgarish, rivojlanish

Follow/set a trend — modani ketidan quvmoq/modaga, urfga kirgizmoq

Word patterns

Advise sb to do — biror kimga bajarishni maslahat bermoq

Advise sb that — biror kimga …ni maslahat bermoq

Advise sb on/about sth — kimgadir nimadir yuzasidan/haqida maslahat bermoq

Advise sb against sth/doing — kimgadir …ga qarshi maslahat bermoq

Anxious about — „.dan tashvishlangan

Anxious to do — …bajarishga tashvishlangan

Criticise sb (for doing sth/doing) — kimnidir …uchun tanqid qilmoq

Insist on sth/doing — …ni talab qilmoq

Insist that — talab qilmoq

Plenty of ko’p

Plenty more sth — ancha ko’p

Plenty to do bajarishga ko’p

Prepare sb (for sth) — kimnidir ..uchun tayyorlamoq

Prepare to do bajarish uchun tayyorlamoq

Proud of sth/sb/doing — ..dan faxrlanmoq

Proud to do — …biror nima qilishdan faxrlanmoq

Refer to sth — ma’no anglatmoq

Refer sb to sth — kimnidir yordam uchun yubormoq

Seem to be bo’lib tuyulmoq

It seems that — shunday tuyuladiki

Stare at sb/sth — …ga qaramoq

Use sth for (sth/doing) — ni ..uchun ishlatmoq

Use sth to do ..ni, …uchun ishlatmoq

Useful for sth/doing — …uchun foydali

Useful to sb — kim uchundir foydali

Word formation

Advertise — reklama qilmoq

Advertisement — reklama

Advert — reklama, e’lon

Advertising — reklama qilish

Advertiser — reklama beruvchi, reklama qiluvchi

Attract — jalb qilmoq

Attractive — maftunkor, jozibador

Unattractive — -ozibasiz

Attractively-j’ozibali ravishda

Unattractively — -ozibasiz ravishda

Atraction — j’oziba

Beauty — chiroy

Beautiful – chiroyli

Beautifully — chiroyli tarzda

Decide — qaror qilmoq

Decision — qaror

Decisive — hal qiluvchi; 2) qat’iyatli

Indecisive — qat’iyatsiz

Decisively — ikkilanmasdan, qat’iylik bilan

Indecisively — qati’yatsizlik bilan

Desire — xohlamoq

Desirable — maqbul

Undesirable — maqsadga xilof

Enthuse — to’lqinlanib gapirmoq

Enthusiastic — ishtiyoqmand

Unenthusiastic — ishtiyoqsiz

Enthusiastically — ishtyoq bilan

Unenthusiastically — ishtiyoqsiz tarda

Enthusiasm — ishtiyoq

Enthusiast — ishqiboz

Expect — kutmoq

Expected — kutilgan

Unexpected — kutilmagan

Expectedly — kutilgan tarzda

Unexpectedly — kutilmagan tarzda

Expectation — kutish, umid

Expectancy — kutish, umid, ishonch

Fashion — moda

Fashionable — zamonaviy

Unfashionable — urf bo’lmagan

Fashionably — urf bo’lgan

Unfashionably — zamonaviy bo’lmagan holda

Like —1) yoqtirmoq; 2) o’xshamoq

Alike — o’xshash

Dislike — yoqtirmaslik

Unlike — o’xshamaslik

Likeness — o’xshashlik

Likeable — yoqimli

Unlikeable – yoqimsiz

Liking — yoqtirish

Produce — ishlab chiqarmoq

Product — mahsulot

Producer — ishlab chiqaruvchi

Production — ishlab chiqarish

Productive — samarali

Unproductive — samarasiz

Productively — samarali tarzda

Unproductive! — samarasiz tarzda

Similar — o’xshash

Dissimilar — o’xshash emas

Dissimilarly — o’xshamagan tarzda

Similarity — o’xshashlik

Style — uslub

Stylish — didli, zamonaviy

Unstylish – didsiz

Stylishly — did bilan

Unstylishly- didsiz ravishda

Stylist — stilist

Stylishness — zamonaviylik

Succeed — muvaffaqiyatga erishmoq

Success — muvaffaqiyat

Successful — muavaffaqiyatli

Unsuccessful – muvaffaqiyatsiz

Successfully — muvaffaqiyat bilan

Unsuccessfully — muvaffaqiyatsiz tarzda

Employee — ishchi

Use – foydalanmoq

Usage — foydalanish

Useful — foydali

Usefully — foydali tarzda

Useless — foydasiz

Uselessly — foydasiz ravishda

User — foydalanuvchi

Usable — foydalansa bo’ladigan, yaroqli

Unusable — ishlatib bo’lmaydigan, yaroqsiz

Unit 28. Work and business — ish va biznes

Topic vocabulary

Employer — ish beruvchi

Employee — ish oluvchi, yollanma ishchi

Staff — ishchi xodim

Job — ish (sanaladigan ot)

Work — ish (sanalmaydigan ot)

Career — ish faoliyati, kariyera

Earn — ishlab topmoq

Win — yutmoq, qo’lga kiritmoq

Gain — olmoq, qo’lga kiritmoq

Raise — oshmoq, ko’tarmoq (raise o’zidan so’ng to’ldiruvchi qabul qiladi)

Rise — oshmoq, ko’tarmoq (rise o’zidan so’ng to’ldiruvchi qabul qilmaydi)

Wage maosh (odatda hafta, soat yoki kunbay to’lanadi)

Salary — maosh (odatda oyda bir yoki ikki marta to’lanadi)

Pay — maosh (umumiy to’lov va maoshga nisbatan)

Commute — uydan ishgacha bormoq

Deliver — yetkazib bermoq

Retire — nafaqaga chiqmoq

Resign — iste’foga chiqmoq, ishdan bo’shamoq

Fire — ishdan bo’shatmoq

Sack — ishdan bo’shatmoq

Make redundant — ishdan bo’shatmoq

Overtime — qo’shimcha ish

Promotion — lavozimi oshish

Pension —1) nafaqaga chiqmoq; 2) nafaqa

Company – kompaniya

Firm — firma

Business — biznes

Union — birlashma

Charity — xayriya

Phrasal verbs

Back out fikridan qaytmoq

Bring out — yangi maxsulot ishlab chiqarishni boshlamoq

Close down ishlashdan to’xtamoq (kompaniya uchun)

See through (to) — biror bir yoqimsiz narsani oxiriga yetkazmoq

See to — bilan ish ko’rmoq

Set to — biror bir ishni zavq bilan boshlamoq

Set out maqsadiga erishish uchun ish boshlamoq

Set up — biznes yok ish boshlamoq

Slow down sekinlashtirmoq

Speed up — tezlashtirmoq

Stand in for — biror kishining o’rniga ishlab turmoq

Take on ish boshlamoq; qabul qilmoq

Take over — biror bir biznesni boshqarmoq

Turn down -taklifni rad etmoq

Phrases and Collocations

Agreement — kelishuv

Cometo/reach (an) agreement (on/about sth)- (…haqida/yuzasidan) kelishib olmoq, kelishmoq

In agreement (on/about/with sth) — (yuzasidan//aqida/bilan) kelishuvda

Arangement — uchrashuv

Make an arrangement (with/for sb) (to do)- (…bilan/…uchun) (…bajarish uchun) uchrashuv belgilamoq

Have an arrangement (with sb) (to do) — (bilan) (…bajarish uchun) uchrashmoq

Business — biznes

Do business (with sb) — (kirn bilandir) biznes qilmoq

Go somewhere on business — biror joyga biznes yuzasidan bormoq

Business trip — biznes sayohati

Small business — kichik biznes

Big business — katta biznes

Complaint — shikoyat; shikoyat qilmoq

Have/make a complaint (about sth) (to sb) — (…haqida) (…kimgadir) shikoyat qilmoq

Letter of complaint (to sb) (about sth) — (kimgadir)(…haqida) shikoyat qilmoq

Day — kun

Have/take/get a day off — bir kunlik ta’til olmoq

Day job — kunlik ish

Day trip — bir kunlik sayohat

Day by day — kundan kun

The other/next day — o’tgan/keyingi kun

Decision — qaror

Make/take a decision (to do) — (…bajarishga) qaror qilmoq

Come to/reach/make a decision (about sth) — (…haqida) qaror qilmoq

Duty — vazifa

Do one’s duty — kimningdir vazifasini bajarmoq

A sense of duty — mas’uliyat hissi

On/off duty — navbatchi bo’lmoq/navbatchi emas

Have a duty to sb/to do bajarishga vazifasi bo’lmoq

Effort — harakat

Make an effort (to do) — bajarishga harakat qilmoq

Put effort into sth/doing — …ga, …bajarishga harakat qilmoq

Experience -tajriba

Have an experience — tajribaga ega bo’lmoq

Have/get/gain experience in/of sth/doing — dan tajriba orttirmoq

Experienced in/at sth/doing — da tajribali

Hold — kutmoq; ushlab turmoq

Put/keep sb on hold — kimnidir kuttirmoq

Hold on (to sth)- ushlab turmoq

Hold sth — ushlab turmoq

Interest — qiziqish; qiziqtirmoq

Have/take/express an interest in sth/doing — …ga qiziqmoq

In your interest to do „.bajarishga qiziqishingizda

Earn / get /pay interest — qiziq(tir)moq

Interview — intervyu, suhbat

Have/go to/attend an interview — suhbatga bormoq

Job interview — ishga kirish uchun suhbat

Job — ish

Do a job — ishlamoq

Have a job to do qiladigan ishi bo’lmoq

Apply for a job — ishga murojaat qilmoq

Take/get a job — ishga kirmoq

In a job — ishda

Work — ish

Do some work — biroz ish qilmoq

Have work to do — qilishga ishi bor bo’lmoq

Go to work — ishga bormoq

At work — ishda

Work hard — qattiq ishlamoq

Out of work — ishsiz

Place of work — ish joyi

Word patterns

Absent from sth — -.da yo’q bo’lmoq

Apply for sth — …ga murojaat qilmoq

Apply in writing — ozma murojaat qilmoq

Attach sth to sth -…ni …ga yopishtirmoq

Attached to sth — „.ga yopishtirilgan

Begin doing/to do/sth — …ni boshlamoq

Begin by doing — …orqali boshlamoq

Depend on sth — „.ga bog’liq bo’lmoq

Experienced in/at sth/doing — da tajribali bo’lmoq

Good for sb (to do sth) — kimgadir nimadir qilish yaxshi bo’lmoq

Good at sth/doing da yaxshi, qobilyatli bo’lmoq

Good to sb — …kimgadir yaxshi bo’lmoq

Qualify as/in sth — yetarli malakaga ega bo’lmoq

Responsible for — „.ga mas’ul bo’lmoq

Specialise in sth/doing — -.da ixtisoslashtirilgan

Train to do — bajarish uchun shug’ullanmoq

Work as/at/in sth — …bo’lib/da ishlamoq

Work for sb — „.kimdir uchun ishlamoq

Word formation

Add qo’shmoq

Added qo’shilgan

Addition — qo’shimcha

Additionally — qo’shimcha tarzda

Apply — murojaat qilmoq

Applicable — ishatsa bo’ladigan, yaroqli

Inapplicable -yaroqsiz

Applied — amaliy

Application — ariza

Applicant — da’vogar

Commerce — tijorat

Commercial — -ijoratga oid

Commercially- tijoriy tarzda

Dedicate — bag’ishlamoq

Dedicated — bag’ishlangan

Dedication — bag’ishlov

Affect — ta’sir

Effective — samarali

Ineffective — samarasiz

Effectively — samarali tarzda

Ineffectively — samarasiz tarzda

Employ — ish bermoq

Employed — ish bilan ta’minlangan

Unemployed — ishsiz

Employable — ishga layoqatli

Unemployable — ishga layoqatsiz

Employment — bandlik

Unemployment — ishsizlik

Employer — ish beruvchi

Profession — kasb

Professional(ly) — professional (tarzda)

Unprofessional(ly) — professional emas

Qualify — bilim, malaka bermoq

Qualified — malakali

Unqualified — malakasiz

Qualifying — malaka, bilim berish

Qualification — malaka

Responsible — mas’uliyytli

Irresponsible — masuliyatsiz

Responsibility — mas’uliyat

Irresponsibility — masuliyatsizlik

(Ir)Responsibly- masuliyat(siz)li (tarzda)

Supervise — nazorat qilmoq

Supervision — nazorat

Supervisor — nazoratchi

Work — ish; ishlamoq

Workable — natija, naf beradigan

Unworkable — natija bermaydigan

Worker ishchi

Works asarlar

A. Circle the correct word.

1   The charity / union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike next week.

2   It’s company / firm / business policy not to allow the use of phones for personal calls during working hours.

3   The recent raise / rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small businesses round here.

4   In some professions, you have to retire / resign when you’re 60 or 65 years old.

5   My grandfather gets a pension / promotion from the company he used to work for.

6   Not only did we all have to work overtime / promotion this weekend, but we didn’t get paid for it!

7   Have you had any news about that work / job / career you applied for yet?

8   The starting salary / wage is €20000 per year.

9   You’ll get a weekly pay / wage of about €300 before deductions.

10   She became a full-time member of employees / staff / employers last year.


1 union   2 company   3 rise   4 retire

5 pension   6 overtime   7 job   8 salary

9 wage   10 staff

B. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box.

commute • deliver • earn • gain • make • sack • win

1   No sooner had Denzil …………………… the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2   How long does it take you to …………………… to work every day?

3   How much does a state school teacher …………………… each year?

4   Over a hundred workers were …………………… redundant when the factory closed.

5   Our next-door neighbour was …………………… for stealing company property.

6   Does your local supermarket ……………………?

7   Rarely have I …………………… so much valuable experience in such a short space of time.


1 won   2 commute   3 earn/make   4 made

5 sacked   6 deliver   7 gained

C. Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing (1) ……………… for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was taken (2) ……………… by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company (3) ……………… the hard times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed (4) ……………… of their agreement. Our company closed (5) ……………… . We were all made redundant – it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I (6) ……………… down several offers of work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: ‘I’m going to set (7) ……………… my own business!’ At first it was tough. I had to (8) ……………… to everything myself – I was the only employee! – but I set (9) ……………… it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken (10) ……………… more and more staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set (11) ……………… to be successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest, luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I don’t feel satisfied yet, though. We’re bringing (12) ……………… new products all the time, and I want to continue doing that. I also want to speed (13) ……………… our production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow (14) ……………… any time soon!


1 in   2 over   3 through   4 out   5 down

6 turned   7 up   8 see   9 to   10 on

11 out   12 out   13 up    14 down

D. Match to make sentences.

 I put a lot of effort

 They’ve made their decision

 It’s not in your interest to

 The secretary’s kept me

 I don’t know why you didn’t apply

 I think we’re all in agreement

 Dean’s been out

 The shop hasn’t been in

 I’m glad you’re finally taking an interest

10   Jason lives fairly near his place of

A   on hold for ages.

 about who’s going to get promoted.

 of work for over two months now.

D   into writing this report.

 business long.

 in your work.

G   for that position.

H   accept a pay cut.

I    work, doesn’t he?

J   on this, aren’t we?


1 D   2 B   3 H   4 A   5 G   6 J

7 C   8 E   9 F   10 I

E. Write one word in each gap.

 Maybe you should write a letter ……………… complaint to the manager.

 When was the last time you had a ……………… off?

 Hardly had the police officer come ……………… duty when he had to respond to an emergency.

 My dad’s ……………… work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

 I am available to ……………… an interview at your convenience.

 He’s been ……………… this job for over thirty years.

 Our company ……………… a lot of business with Altech Industries.

 Sol’s made an arrangement ……………… the wholesalers to deliver more frequently in future.

 June’s got several years’ experience ……………… dealing with young children.


1 of   2 day   3 on   4 at   5 attend

6 doing/in   7 does   8 with/for   9 of/in

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   Who is responsible ………… dealing with complaints?

      A with             B for

      C in                  D at

2   We began ………… looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

      A to                 B with

      C by                 D at

3   The covering letter wasn’t attached ………… the CV.

      A to                 B with

      C from            D by

4   Don’t you think you should apply for the job ………… writing?

      A with             B for

      C at                 D in

5   I was only absent ………… the office for a few minutes!

      A for               B from

      C in                  D about

6   Success in this industry depends a lot ………… luck!

      A with             B from

      C at                 D on


1 B   2 C   3 A   4 D   5 B   6 D

G. Cross out the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

 Sadie’s quite good in typing. …………….

 Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago. …………….

 You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter. …………….

 It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer. …………….

 You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor. …………….

 We specialise for manufacturing tiles for the building industry. …………….

 After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire. …………….

 I’d love to work as advertising. …………….

 Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment! …………….


1 in/at   2 at/as   3 in/as   4 that/for

5 from/in/with/at   6 for/in   7 as/in

8 as/in   9 for/to

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   All the heavy ………………… (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.

2   Al is a manager at the local water ………………… (WORK).

3   An ………………… (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.

4   We work under close ………………… (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.

5   Farm ………………… (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6   There’ll be an ………………… (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7   Supersonic planes have never been a ………………… (COMMERCE) success.

8   We couldn’t have built this new train without the ………………… (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire workforce.

 The plan is completely ………………… (WORK). Let’s just forget it!


1 machinery   2 works   3 industrial   4 supervision

5 workers   6 additional   7 commercial   8 dedication

9 unworkable

I. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Job fairs

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be (1) ………………… (employ) six months after leaving university, the majority will have found (2) ………………… (employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in (3) ………………… (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an (4) ………………… (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress (5) ………………… (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look (6) ………………… (responsible) when you have your first (7) ………………… (meet) with your potential (8) ………………… (employ). If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an (9) ………………… (apply) form, so it’s (10) ………………… (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your (11) ………………… (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.


1 unemployed   2 employment   3 management

4 effective   5 professionally   6 irresponsible

7 meeting   8 employer(s)   9 application

10 helpful   11 qualifications

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Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008.

    Oxford Word Skills is a series of three books for students to learn, practise and revise new vocabulary.
Each book contains 80 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are between one and three pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to ten units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Oxford Word Skills, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2008

I can talk about vocabulary learning.
Replace the words in italics with a single word that has the same meaning.
I looked at the pictures but didn’t understand the written part.      
1 I understood the general meaning of the text.    
2 We couldn’t recognize and decide what language they were speaking      
3 The way you use words together to make a sentence in German is different.    
4 He is from another country.    
5 You can guess the meaning from the words before and after the new word.   
6 There was a text which I had to change from one language into another.     

Circle the correct answer.
If you explain something, you make it easy to say/understand)
1 If you revise something, you say it again/study it again.
2 If something works, it is successful/difficult.
3 If you experiment with something, you try something/find something.
4 You can do/make a mistake.
5 A method is an opportunity to do something/а way of doing something.
6 A chat is a formal/an informal conversation.

Starter unit.
Abbreviations and symbols.
1 I can talk about vocabulary learning.
2 I can describe my progress and aims.
3 I can understand a learner’s dictionary.
4 I can talk about English punctuation.
5 I can talk about appearance.
6 I can talk about character.
7 I can describe my feelings.
8 I can talk about relationships.
9 I can talk about families.
10 I can talk about weddings and funerals.
The world around us.
11 I can describe the universe.
12 I can talk about rivers and the sea.
13 I can describe the climate.
14 I can describe natural disasters.
15 I can describe animals and insects.
Daily life.
16 I can describe a range of food.
17 I can talk about diets and cooking.
18 I can talk about money.
19 I can talk about sleep.
20 I can talk about injuries.
21 I can talk about cars and driving.
22 I can describe travel problems and accidents.
23 I can talk about clothes and fashion.
Getting things done.
24 I can describe a visit to the dentist.
25 I can describe hospital procedures.
26 I can explain household tasks.
27 I can describe housework.
28 I can talk to a hairdresser.
Describing things.
29 I can describe urban life.
30 I can describe parts of a building.
31 I can describe objects.
32 I can describe the senses.
33 I can describe a painting.
34 I can describe actions.
Social and political issues.
35 I can talk about crime.
36 I can describe the justice system.
37 I can discuss health issues.
38 I can talk about politics.
39 I can talk about war and peace.
40 I can talk about events in history.
Media and entertainment.
41 I can understand newspapers.
42 I can talk about films.
43 I can talk about art and photography.
44 I can talk about music.
45 I can talk about people and places in sport.
46 I can describe sporting events.
47 I can talk about books.
48 I can describe festivals.
Work and study.
49 I can get through exams.
50 I can describe university life.
51 I can apply for a job.
52 I can describe jobs.
53 I can describe a career.
54 I can describe working conditions.
55 I can talk about finance.
56 I can talk about companies.
57 I can describe a successful business.
58 I can discuss marketing.
Social English.
59 I can express probability.
60 I can explain similarities and differences.
61 I can make arrangements to meet.
62 I can discuss my likes and dislikes.
63 I can give my opinion.
64 I can talk about rules.
65 I can discuss hopes and plans.
66 I can express dissatisfaction.
67 I can understand warnings.
68 I can use link words.
69 I can use a range of adjectives.
70 I can express time and place.
71 I can use prepositions in phrases.
72 I can use prefixes.
73 I can use suffixes.
74 I can use verb patterns.
75 I can use phrasal verbs.
76 I can use a range of adverbs.
Styles of English.
77 I can recognize informal English.
78 I can write a formal letter.
79 I can understand abbreviations and short forms.
80 I can understand American English.
Vocabulary building tables.
Answer key.
Answer key to-review units.
List of spotlight boxes.
Word list / Index.

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Дата публикации: 27.02.2022 12:18 UTC


учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Gairns :: Redman

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