Union meaning of word

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    English-Russian SQL Server dictionary > UNION

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    1) объедине́ние, соедине́ние; сою́з;

    the U.

    а) у́ния А́нглии с Шотла́ндией;

    б) у́ния Великобрита́нии с Ирла́ндией; [

    см. тж.

    2) и 6)]

    the U.



    Соединённые Шта́ты;

    б) Соединённое Короле́вство; [

    см. тж.

    1) и 6)]

    3) профессиона́льный сою́з, тред-юнио́н;

    4) бра́чный сою́з;

    5) едине́ние, согла́сие;

    6) (the U.) студе́нческий клуб [

    см. тж.

    1) и 2)]



    объедине́ние не́скольких прихо́дов для по́мощи бе́дным



    ни́ппель; шту́цер; му́фта

    union shop предприя́тие, на кото́ром мо́гут рабо́тать то́лько чле́ны профсою́за


    union label этике́тка, удостоверя́ющая, что това́р изгото́влен чле́нами профсою́за

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > union

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    Union flag государственный флаг Соединенного Королевства Union: Union Jack = Union flag Union Jack = Union flag

    English-Russian short dictionary > Union

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    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > union

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    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > union

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    Структура, аналогичная классу и “обычной” структуре, которая отличается от них тем, что ее члены размещаются в одной и той же памяти.

    См. class layout.

    English-Russian glossary of C + + > union

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    Персональный Сократ > union

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    Politics english-russian dictionary > union

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    1. n геогр. Юнион

    2. n соединение, слияние

    3. n объединение, союз

    4. n уния

    5. n союз

    6. n Соединённое Королевство

    7. n Соединённые Штаты

    8. n профессиональный союз, тред-юнион

    union wages — заработная плата, утверждённая профсоюзом

    union label — этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза

    9. n брачный союз

    10. n эвф. половое сношение

    incestous union — кровосмесительное супружество; кровосмесительные половые сношения

    11. n гармония, согласие

    12. n ист. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным

    union gate — вентиль ИЛИ; схема объединения

    13. n ист. работный дом

    14. n студенческий клуб

    эмблема, символизирующая объединение

    15. n тех. ниппель, штуцер; патрубок; муфта

    male union — муфта с наружной резьбой; ниппель

    16. n ткань из различных видов волокна; смесовая ткань

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. alliance (noun) affiliation; alliance; anschluss; association; brotherhood; club; confederacy; confederation; congress; federation; fellowship; fraternity; guild; league; order; organisation; society; sodality

    2. joint (noun) connection; coupling; joint; junction; juncture; seam; weld

    3. marriage (noun) commitment; joining; marriage; matrimony; nuptials; wedding; wedlock

    5. unification (noun) blend; coadunation; coalition; combination; conjugation; consolidation; fusion; melding; mergence; merger; merging; unification; unity

    Антонимический ряд:

    conflict; difference; disagreement; disconnection; discord; disharmony; disjunction; disparity; disruption; disunion; disunity; divergence; divorce; separation

    English-Russian base dictionary > Union

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    affiliated union филиал профсоюза union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз consensual union консенсуальный союз credit union кредитный союз (Великобритания) credit union общество взаимного кредита economic union экономический союз exchange rate union валютный союз union единение, согласие; in perfect union в полном согласии industrial trade union производственный профсоюз industrial union производственный профсоюз international trade union международная профсоюзная организация union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз labour union профсоюз legislative union законодательный союз local trade union местный профсоюз local union местный союз monetary union валютный союз monetary union денежный союз monetary union монетный союз national union государственное объединение passport union паспортный союз personal union личная уния real union реальная уния tariff union таможенный союз trade union профсоюз; профсоюзный trade union профсоюз trade union тред-юнион, профсоюз trade union тред-юнион; профсоюз trades union = trade union trades union = trade union union брачный союз; union of hearts брак по любви union брачный союз union единение, согласие; in perfect union в полном согласии union тех. ниппель; штуцер; муфта union объединение, соединение; союз union объединение union объединение лиц без права юридического лица; профессиональный союз union уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным union вчт. объединенный union профессиональный союз, тред-юнион; closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов; to join the union вступить в профсоюз union профессиональный союз union союз (государственное объединение) union союз; объединение государств; уния union союз union (the U.) студенческий клуб the Union Соединенное Королевство the Union амер. Соединенные штаты the Union уния Англии с Шотландией the Union уния Великобритании с Ирландией union attr. профсоюзный; union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза union label этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза union брачный союз; union of hearts брак по любви union of inputs вчт. объединение входящих потоков union of streams вчт. объединение потоков union attr. профсоюзный; union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза Western European Union Западноевропейский союз white-collar union профсоюз инженерно-технических работников white-collar union профсоюз служащих

    English-Russian short dictionary > union

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    ˈju:njən сущ.
    1) а) объединение, союз;
    уния to break up a union, to dissolve a union ≈ разрушить союз, расформировать объединение to form a union ≈ заключить союз, образовать союз craft union ≈ масонское братство industrial union ≈ промышленное объединение postal union ≈ почтовый союз student union ≈ студенческий союз the Union б) союз (государственное объединение) Soviet Union ≈ Советский Союз в) профсоюз, тред-юнион union officials ≈ профсоюзные руководители white-collar union ≈ профсоюз «белых воротничков» (профсоюз служащих, учителей, научных работников и т.д.) Syn: trade union г) брачный союз д) (the Union) студенческий клуб е) уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным
    2) а) соединение, слияние In 1918 the Romanian majority in this former tsarist province voted for union with Romania. ≈ В 1918 году большинство румын этой бывшей царской провинции проголосовало за объединение с Румынией. б) единение, согласие
    3) тех. ниппель, штуцер, муфта и другие виды соединений
    соединение, слияние — the * of the three small towns into one big city took place last year в прошлом году произошло слияние трех небольших городов в один крупный город — a gracious * of excellence and strength привлекательное сочетание мастерства и силы объединение, союз — сustoms * таможенный союз уния — the U. Англо-шотландская уния (1707 г.) ;
    Англо-ирландская уния (1801 г.) (математика) объединение — * of sets объединение множеств союз (государственное объединение) — the Soviet U. (историческое) Советский Союз Соединенное Королевство — U. flag государственный флаг Соединенного королевства Соединенные Штаты — State of the U. message доклад о положении США( президента конгрессу) профессиональный союз, тред-юнион — closed * профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов — * worker член профсоюза — * wages заработная плата, утвержденная профсоюзом — * label (американизм) этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза — * сard профсоюзный билет брачный союз — * of hearts союз любящих сердец, брак по любви — a happy * счастливый союз (эвфмеизм) половое сношение — illicit * внебрачное сожительство гармония, согласие — to live in perfect * жить в полном согласии (историческое) объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным (историческое) работный дом — to go into the * жить в работном доме студенческий клуб эмблема, символизирующая объединение ( на государственном флаге) (техническое) ниппель, штуцер;
    муфта ткань из различных видов волокна;
    смесовая ткань
    affiliated ~ филиал профсоюза
    ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз
    consensual ~ консенсуальный союз
    credit ~ кредитный союз (Великобритания) credit ~ общество взаимного кредита
    economic ~ экономический союз
    exchange rate ~ валютный союз
    ~ единение, согласие;
    in perfect union в полном согласии
    industrial trade ~ производственный профсоюз
    industrial ~ производственный профсоюз
    international trade ~ международная профсоюзная организация
    ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз
    labour ~ профсоюз
    legislative ~ законодательный союз
    local trade ~ местный профсоюз
    local ~ местный союз
    monetary ~ валютный союз monetary ~ денежный союз monetary ~ монетный союз
    national ~ государственное объединение
    passport ~ паспортный союз
    personal ~ личная уния
    real ~ реальная уния
    tariff ~ таможенный союз
    trade ~ профсоюз;
    профсоюзный trade ~ профсоюз trade ~ тред-юнион, профсоюз trade ~ тред-юнион;
    профсоюз trades ~ = trade union
    trades ~ = trade union
    union брачный союз;
    union of hearts брак по любви ~ брачный союз ~ единение, согласие;
    in perfect union в полном согласии ~ тех. ниппель;
    муфта ~ объединение, соединение;
    союз ~ объединение ~ объединение лиц без права юридического лица;
    профессиональный союз ~ уст. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным ~ вчт. объединенный ~ профессиональный союз, тред-юнион;
    closed union профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов;
    to join the union вступить в профсоюз ~ профессиональный союз ~ союз (государственное объединение) ~ союз;
    объединение государств;
    уния ~ союз ~ (the U.) студенческий клуб the Union Соединенное Королевство the Union амер. Соединенные штаты the Union уния Англии с Шотландией the Union уния Великобритании с Ирландией
    ~ attr. профсоюзный;
    union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза
    ~ label этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза
    union брачный союз;
    union of hearts брак по любви
    ~ of inputs вчт. объединение входящих потоков
    ~ of streams вчт. объединение потоков
    ~ attr. профсоюзный;
    union shop предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза
    Western European Union Западноевропейский союз
    white-collar ~ профсоюз инженерно-технических работников white-collar ~ профсоюз служащих

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > union

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    We support the union of the environmental pressure groups into a federation. — Мы поддерживаем объединение экологических групп давления в федерацию.


    амер. the States of the Union — Соединенные штаты


    customs union, currency union, economic union, exchange rate union, monetary union, tax union, African Union, Arab Maghreb Union, Asian Clearing Union, Central African Customs and Economic Union, Economic and Monetary Union, economic union, European Payments Union, European Union, Mano River Union, West African Economic and Monetary Union, union calendar



    союз, объединение, ассоциация


    white-collar union, Bern Union, Berne Union, International Road Transport Union, International Telecommunication Union, International Telegraph Union, International Union for the Protection of Industrial Property, International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers, Pan American Union, Paris Union, Universal Postal Union

    * * *

    1) торговый, таможенный, экономический, политический союз государств;
    2) профессиональный союз: объединение работников одной профессии, предприятия или отрасли.

    * * *

    государственное объединение на базе определенного соглашения (кредитный, профсоюз и т. д.)

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > union

  • 13

    1) союз (государственное объединение)

    2) союз; соединение, объединение, уния

    3) профсоюз; тред-юнион

    4) брачный союз

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > union

  • 14

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > union

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    а) объединение, слияние

    б) объединение; союз; ассоциация; уния

    to break up / dissolve a union — расторгнуть союз, расформировать объединение

    2) единение, согласие; единство, сплочённость

    They live in perfect union. — Они живут в полном согласии.


    union label — этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза

    union shop — предприятие, на котором могут работать только члены профсоюза

    union job — должность, соискатель которой при принятии на работу становится членом профсоюза в обязательном порядке

    industrial union — амер. отраслевой профсоюз (объединяющий всех работников отрасли независимо от работы, которую они выполняют, уровня квалификации)

    4) брачный союз; брак; бракосочетание

    Their union was blessed with three children. — Бог послал им троих детей.



    а) студенческий союз

    б) студенческий клуб, культурный центр ; штаб-квартира студенческого союза

    б) работный дом такого объединения



    сращение, сращивание



    соединительное устройство; муфта

    а) Союз, США


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]union[/ref]

    Англо-русский современный словарь > union

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    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > Union

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    1) соединение, слияние

    3) патрубок, штуцер

    4) объединение, союз

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > union

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    English-Russian electronics dictionary > union

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    имя существительное:

    имя прилагательное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > union

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    Англо-русский строительный словарь > union


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Union — generally refers to two or more things joined into one, such as an organization of multiple people or organizations, multiple objections combined into one, and so on. The term may mean:In politics* The Union , referring to the federation that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Union — (lat. unio, „Einheit“, „Vereinigung“) bezeichnet: Politik und Geschichte: Europäische Union Afrikanische Union Union Südamerikanischer Nationen Arabische Union Personalunion, unter der Herrschaft eines Fürsten bei Beibehaltung des politischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Unión — o union puede referirse a: Contenido 1 Familiares 2 Económicas 3 Sindicales 4 Políticas 4.1 …   Wikipedia Español

  • union — u‧nion [ˈjuːnjən] noun 1. [countable] an organization formed by workers to protect their rights: • If you decide to join the union you are encouraged to play an active part and to ensure your views are represented. • a union agreement (= an… …   Financial and business terms

  • Union — Union, AL U.S. town in Alabama Population (2000): 227 Housing Units (2000): 103 Land area (2000): 0.820095 sq. miles (2.124036 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.820095 sq. miles (2.124036 sq. km) …   StarDict’s U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Union — Un ion (?; 277), n. [F., from L. unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See {One}, and cf. {Onion}, {Unit}.] 1. The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Union — Un ion (?; 277), n. [F., from L. unio oneness, union, a single large pearl, a kind of onion, fr. unus one. See {One}, and cf. {Onion}, {Unit}.] 1. The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one, or the state of being united or joined;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • union — n 1: an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one; esp: the formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and individual units 2: something that is made one: something formed by a combining or coalition of …   Law dictionary

  • union — Union. s. fem. Jonction de plusieurs choses ensemble. L union de l ame avec le corps. du chef & des membres. l union de cette terre. l union de ces charges. On appelle, Union hypostatique, L union du Verbe avec la nature humaine. On appelle,… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Union 76 — (now 76) is a chain of gas stations located within the United States. The Union 76 brand is owned by ConocoPhillips. Union Oil Company of California, dba Unocal, the original owner and creator of the Union 76 brand merged with Chevron Corporation …   Wikipedia

  • UNION — (magazine) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Union.  Union {{{nomorigine}}} …   Wikipédia en Français

In the face of the defiant position of the Anjouanese in favour of the dismemberment of the Union of the Comores, the OAU had no alternative but to authorise a variety of measures that would compel them back into the union. ❋ Unknown (2002)

The first President Bush used “sound and strong” in 1990, combining Nixon-Carter with Reagan, but the following year departed from tradition to use the word union in a sense that illuminated his “thousand points of light”: “The state of our Union is the union of each of us, one to the other—the sum of our friendships, marriages, families and communities.” ❋ William Safire (2004)

The fact is, the compromise alluded to, instead of effecting a union, rendered it impracticable; unless by the term union we are to understand the absolute reign of the slaveholding power over the whole country, to the prostration of Northern rights. ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

The fact is, the compromise alluded to, instead of effecting a union, rendered it impracticable; unless by the term union are to understand the absolute reign of the slaveholding power over the whole country, to the prostration of Northern rights. ❋ American Anti-Slavery Society (N/A)

We talk about everything and one of the best parts of our union is our love of working jointly on projects together. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Though the word «union» is used to score ideological points in some circles, the editorial fails to explain why unionized workers, as much as any other workers, don’t deserve their country’s support when their jobs go overseas. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Everything about the nature and the mandated content (presidents may not report much, but the speeches are still full of recommendations) implies the state of the union is a political question. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Baltimore’s Ray Lewis and Arizona’s Darnell Dockett also responded to Cromartie’s Monday rant, in which he called union leaders «a-holes.» ❋ Michael Klopman (2011)

I bet you those members of that union, you know the ones with proper vacation time, insuraqnce benefits, medical day off would dispute your claim that the union is a mob, but Reagan fooled all of you dumb people into believing that trickle down economics is the way to go, not the unions … ❋ Unknown (2008)

Honeywell opted not to let the union employees work without a contract, citing the lack of bargaining progress and what it called the union‘s refusal to agree to provide 24 hours of notice before any strike. ❋ AP (2010)

Early on he made it clear that he felt that what he called the union‘s «three legged stool» of seniority, tenure, and a rigid pay schedule were the major obstacles to serious reform. ❋ John Merrow (2010)

However, the union is asking for a pay increase and job security in an economy that can offer neither. ❋ Unknown (2008)

[Unions] brought us the weekend. And the 8-hour [workday], and safe working conditions requirements, and fair pay for fair work, and protection from management [harrassment] ❋ Harry_Pothead5 (2009)

It was [more like] [slavery] than [employment] ❋ Alec81484 (2005)

Because my [work] [place] doesn’t have a union, I [take it in the ass]! ❋ Ben-wah! (2003)

«FUCK THIS! I’M ON [MY LUNCH] BRAKE YOU [FUCKING ASSHOLE]! *whips out [union card]* ❋ Matt Herman (2003)

By joining together with my [coworkers] to form a union, we [fought] for and won better [benefits] and a voice at work. ❋ Lboogie (2007)

1. Thanks to the union for the 40 hour work week, health [insurance], sick days…
2. This union [extortion] could turn a [democrat] into a republican ❋ Disillusionment (2004)

Stupid Lawyer: You can’t fire that worker, he worked here for ten years. He has family.
[Business Owner]: I understand, but I have to cut costs to stay in business or else I will go under and no one will have a job.
Lawyer: You disgusting [Capitalist pig], how dare you run your business the way you choose.
[Business Owner’s] Lawyer: I’m sorry, but he right, due to the union laws, you can’t just fire him. ❋ Randon (2006)

«Did you see where [the business] [agent] got fired by his own union — I wonder who will file his [grievance]?» ❋ Dick Splash (2003)

[the union] [told] [me i] work to hard.. ❋ Op (2004)

those dumb union workers at the printers [drove] all [the print] shops out of business and then had no [jobs] at all ❋ Andy1 (2004)



From Middle English unyoun, from Old French union, from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /ˈjuːn.jən/, /ˈjuː.ni.ən/
  • Rhymes: -uːnjən


union (countable and uncountable, plural unions)

  1. (countable) The act of uniting or joining two or more things into one.
  2. (countable) The state of being united or joined; a state of unity or harmony.
  3. (countable) That which is united, or made one; something formed by a combination or coalition of parts or members; a confederation; a consolidated body; a league.
  4. (countable) A trade union; a workers’ union.
    • 1918, W[illiam] B[abington] Maxwell, chapter XXII, in The Mirror and the Lamp, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      In the autumn there was a row at some cement works about the unskilled labour men. A union had just been started for them and all but a few joined. One of these blacklegs was laid for by a picket and knocked out of time.

  5. (countable) An association of students at a university for social and/or political purposes; also in some cases a debating body.
  6. (countable) A joint or other connection uniting parts of machinery, such as pipes.
  7. (countable, set theory) The set containing all of the elements of two or more sets.
  8. (countable) The act or state of marriage.
  9. (uncountable, archaic, euphemistic) Sexual intercourse.
  10. (countable, programming) A data structure that can store any of various types of item, but only one at a time.
  11. (countable, now rare, archaic) A large, high-quality pearl.
    • 1624, Democritus Junior [pseudonym; Robert Burton], The Anatomy of Melancholy: [], 2nd edition, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, for Henry Cripps, →OCLC, partition II, section 3, member 3:

      Nonius the senator hath a purple coat as stiff with jewels as his mind is full of vices; rings on his fingers worth 20,000 sesterces, and [] an union in his ear worth an hundred pounds’ weight of gold []

    • c. 1599–1602 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, →OCLC, [Act V, scene ii]:

      And in the cup an union shall he throw, Richer than that which four successive kings In Denmark’s crown have worn.

  12. (historical) An affiliation of several parishes for joint support and management of their poor; also the jointly-owned workhouse.


  • (the act of uniting): junction, coalition, combination


  • non-union, nonunion

Derived terms[edit]

  • banjo union
  • discriminated union
  • enterprise union
  • European Union
  • hypostatic union
  • Mount Union
  • Soviet Union
  • State of the Union
  • trades union, trade union
  • union card
  • Union County
  • Union Jack
  • Union Mills
  • union shop
  • Union Springs
  • union station
  • union suit
  • union territory
  • unionise, unionize


  • reunion
  • reunification
  • unify
  • unity


the act of uniting or the state of being united

  • Afrikaans: unie (af)
  • Albanian: bashkim (sq) m
  • Arabic: اِتِّحَاد (ar) m (ittiḥād), اِتِّفَاق‎ m (ittifāq)
  • Armenian: (act) միավորում (hy) (miavorum), (state) միություն (hy) (miutʿyun)
  • Asturian: xunión f
  • Azerbaijani: ittifaq, birlik (az)
  • Bashkir: берләшеү (berläşew) (act of uniting), берлек (berlek) (state of being united)
  • Belarusian: саю́з m (sajúz), звяз m (zvjaz), зьвяз m (zʹvjaz) (Taraškievica)
  • Bengali: ইত্তিহাদ (bn) (ittihad), ইত্তেফাক (bn) (ittefaq), মিলন (milon), সঙ্ঘ (śoṅgho)
  • Bulgarian: съю́з (bg) m (sǎjúz)
  • Burmese: သမဂ္ဂ (my) (sa.magga.), ယူနီယန် (my) (yuniyan), ပြည်ထောင်စု (my) (pranyhtaungcu.)
  • Catalan: unió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 聯盟联盟 (zh) (liánméng), 聯合联合 (zh) (liánhé), 同盟 (zh) (tóngméng)
  • Czech: unie (cs) f, svaz (cs) m, sjednocení (cs) n
  • Danish: union c, forening c
  • Dutch: unie (nl) f, verbond (nl) n, vereniging (nl) f, vakbond (nl) m
  • Estonian: liit
  • Finnish: liittäminen (fi), liitos (fi) (act), liitto (fi) (state)
  • French: union (fr) f
  • Galician: unión f
  • Georgian: კავშირი (ḳavširi)
  • German: Vereinigung (de) f, Union (de) f, Verein (de) m, Verband (de) m
  • Greek: ένωση (el) f (énosi), σύνδεσμος (el) m (sýndesmos)
    Ancient: ἕνωσις f (hénōsis)
  • Hawaiian: uniona
  • Hebrew: בְּרִית (he) f (brit)
  • Hindi: संघ (hi) m (saṅgh), यूनियन (hi) (yūniyan)
  • Hungarian: egyesítés (hu) (the act of uniting), egyesülés (hu) (becoming united), unió (hu) (the state of being united)
  • Icelandic: sameining f (the act or process of uniting; more rarely, the state of being united), eining f (state of being united)
  • Indonesian: uni (id)
  • Irish: aontas m
  • Italian: unione (it) f
  • Japanese: 結合 (ja) (けつごう, ketsugō), 連邦 (ja) (れんぽう, renpō), 聯盟 (ja) (れんめい, renmei), 同盟 (ja) (どうめい, dōmei)
  • Kazakh: одақ (kk) (odaq), бірлік (bırlık)
  • Khmer: សហភាព (saʼhaʼphiəp)
  • Korean: 연맹(聯盟) (ko) (yeonmaeng), 련맹(聯盟) (ko) (ryeonmaeng) (North Korea), 동맹(同盟) (ko) (dongmaeng)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: یەکگِرتوویی(yekgirtûyî)
    Northern Kurdish: yekîtî (ku) f
  • Kyrgyz: союз (ky) (soyuz), бирлик (ky) (birlik)
  • Lao: ສະຫະພາບ (sa ha phāp)
  • Latin: adūnātiō f, uniō (la) f
  • Latvian: savienība f
  • Lithuanian: sąjunga (lt) f
  • Macedonian: сојуз m (sojuz), унија f (unija)
  • Malay: kesatuan (ms)
  • Malayalam: ഏകീകരണം (ml) (ēkīkaraṇaṃ)
  • Maltese: unjoni f, għaqda f
  • Mongolian:
    Cyrillic: холбоо (mn) (xolboo)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: forening (no) m or f, forbund (no) n
  • Occitan: union (oc) f
  • Old Church Slavonic:
    Cyrillic: съѭзъ m (sŭjǫzŭ)
  • Papiamentu: union
  • Pashto: اتحاد (ps) m (etehãd)
  • Persian: اتحاد (fa) (ettehâd), اتفاق (fa) (ettefâq)
  • Polish: unia (pl) f, związek (pl) m, sojusz (pl) m
  • Portuguese: união (pt) f, junção (pt) f
  • Rapa Nui: hakapirina
  • Romanian: unire (ro) f, unitate (ro) f, uniune (ro) f
  • Russian: сою́з (ru) m (sojúz), соедине́ние (ru) n (sojedinénije), объедине́ние (ru) n (obʺjedinénije), слия́ние (ru) n (slijánije), у́ния (ru) f (únija)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: са́вез m, у̑нија f
    Roman: sávez (sh) m, ȗnija (sh) f
  • Slovak: únia f, zväz m, sväz m (obsolete)
  • Slovene: unija f
  • Spanish: unión (es) f
  • Swedish: union (sv) c, förening (sv) c, förbund (sv) n
  • Tagalog: unyon
  • Tajik: иттиҳод (ittihod), иттифоқ (ittifoq)
  • Tatar: бердәмлек (tt) (berdämlek), берлек (tt) (berlek)
  • Thai: สหภาพ (th) (sà-hà-pâap)
  • Turkish: birlik (tr)
  • Turkmen: ittifoq, birlik (tk)
  • Ukrainian: сою́з m (sojúz), об’єдна́ння (uk) n (obʺjednánnja) (process of uniting), об’є́днання (uk) n (obʺjédnannja) (state of being united)
  • Urdu: اتحاد (ur) (ittihād)
  • Uyghur: ئىتتىپاق(ittipaq)
  • Uzbek: ittifoq (uz), birlik (uz), ittihod (uz) (dated), soyuz (uz), uyushma (uz), birlashma (uz)
  • Vietnamese: liên minh (vi) (聯盟), liên bang (vi) (聯邦)
  • Yiddish: פֿאַראיין‎ m (fareyn), פֿאַרבאַנד‎ m (farband)

that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members

  • Armenian: միություն (hy) (miutʿyun), միավորում (hy) (miavorum)
  • Bashkir: берлек (berlek), берләшмә (berläşmä), берекмә (berekmä), союз (soyuz)
  • Bulgarian: съю́з (bg) m (sǎjúz)
  • Catalan: unió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Dungan: лянбон (li͡anbon)
    Mandarin: 聯盟联盟 (zh) (liánméng)
  • Czech: svaz (cs) m, svazek (cs) m, unie (cs) f
  • Danish: forening c, union c
  • Dutch: unie (nl) f, bond (nl) m, vereniging (nl) f, verbond (nl) n
  • Egyptian: (dmḏ)
  • Esperanto: unio
  • Estonian: liit
  • Finnish: liitto (fi)
  • French: groupement (fr) m
  • Galician: unión f
  • Georgian: კავშირი (ḳavširi), გაერთიანება (gaertianeba)
  • German: Vereinigung (de) f, Union (de) f
  • Greek: ένωση (el) f (énosi), σύνδεσμος (el) m (sýndesmos)
  • Hungarian: unió (hu), szövetség (hu), egyesület (hu)
  • Icelandic: samband (is) n, bandalag n, samtök n pl
  • Indonesian: serikat (id)
  • Irish: aontas m
  • Italian: please add this translation if you can
  • Japanese: (regions) 連邦 (ja) (れんぽう, renpō), (group) 同盟 (ja) (どうめい, dōmei)
  • Javanese: sarékat
  • Kazakh: одақ (kk) (odaq)
  • Khmer: សហពលកម្ម (saʼhaʼpŭəllĕəʼkam), សង្គតិ (km) (sɑngkĕəʼteʼ)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: یەکیەتی(yekyetî)
  • Latin: societās f, ūniō (la) f
  • Latvian: please add this translation if you can
  • Lithuanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Malayalam: യൂണിയൻ (ml) (yūṇiyaṉ)
  • Maltese: please add this translation if you can
  • Mongolian: холбоо (mn) (xolboo)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: forening (no) m or f, union (no) m
    Nynorsk: union m
  • Persian: اتحادیه (fa) (ettehâdiye)
  • Polish: unia (pl) f, związek (pl) m
  • Portuguese: união (pt) f
  • Romanian: uniune (ro)
  • Russian: сою́з (ru) m (sojúz), соедине́ние (ru) n (sojedinénije), объедине́ние (ru) n (obʺjedinénije)
  • Scottish Gaelic: aonadh m
  • Serbo-Croatian: please add this translation if you can
  • Slovak: please add this translation if you can
  • Slovene: please add this translation if you can
  • Spanish: unión (es) f
  • Swahili: shirikisho (sw)
  • Swedish: förening (sv) c, union (sv) c
  • Tagalog: kaisahan
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Uyghur: ئىتتىپاق(ittipaq)
  • Vietnamese: liên minh (vi) (聯盟), liên bang (vi) (聯邦)
  • Yakut: холбоһук (qolbohuk)
  • Yiddish: פֿאַרבאַנד‎ m (farband), פֿאַראיין‎ m (fareyn)


  • Bulgarian: муфа (bg) f (mufa), нипел m (nipel)
  • Finnish: liitos (fi)
  • French: connexion (fr) f
  • Greek: αρμός (el) f (armós), άρθρωση (el) f (árthrosi), ένωση (el) f (énosi), σύνδεσμος (el) m (sýndesmos)
  • Icelandic: tengi n
  • Indonesian: kesatuan (id)
  • Japanese: ユニオン継ぎ手 (ユニオンつぎて, yunion tsugite)
  • Russian: му́фта (ru) f (múfta)

in set theory

  • Armenian: միավորում (hy) (miavorum)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 併集并集 (bìngjí)
  • Czech: sjednocení (cs) n
  • Danish: foreningsmængde c
  • Dutch: vereniging (nl)
  • Esperanto: kunaĵo
  • Finnish: yhdiste (fi), unioni (fi)
  • French: réunion (fr) f
  • German: Vereinigung (de) f, Vereinigungsmenge (de) f
  • Greek: ένωση (el) f (énosi)
  • Hebrew: איחוד
  • Hungarian: unió (hu)
  • Icelandic: sammengi n
  • Indonesian: gabungan (id)
  • Irish: aontas m
  • Italian: unione (it) f
  • Japanese: 和集合 (ja) (わしゅうごう, washūgō)
  • Korean: 합집합(合集合) (hapjiphap)
  • Norwegian: union (no) m
  • Polish: suma (zbiorów) f, suma mnogościowa f
  • Portuguese: união (pt) f
  • Romanian: reuniune (ro) f
  • Russian: объедине́ние мно́жеств n (obʺjedinénije mnóžestv)
  • Spanish: unión (es) f
  • Swedish: union (sv)
  • Tagalog: kaisahan


  • Armenian: միություն (hy) (miutʿyun)
  • Bulgarian: брак (bg) m (brak)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 婚姻 (zh) (hūnyīn), 結婚结婚 (zh) (jiéhūn)
  • Finnish: avioliitto (fi), liitto (fi)
  • French: marriage (fr) m
  • Greek: σύζευξη (el) f (sýzefxi), γάμος (el) m (gámos)
  • Hungarian: egybekelés, házasság (hu)
  • Icelandic: gifting (is) f (act), hjónavígsla f (act), vígsla f (act), hjónaband (is) n (state)
  • Japanese: 結婚 (ja) (けっこん, kekkon)
  • Latin: coniugium n
  • Malayalam: വിവാഹം (ml) (vivāhaṃ)
  • Portuguese: matrimónio (pt) m (Portugal), matrimônio (pt) m (Brazil)
  • Russian: сою́з (ru) m (sojúz), бра́чный сою́з m (bráčnyj sojúz), брак (ru) m (brak), бракосочета́ние (ru) n (brakosočetánije)
  • Swedish: förening (sv) c
  • Ukrainian: шлюб (uk) m (šljub)

sexual intercourse

  • Bulgarian: съвокупление n (sǎvokuplenie)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 性交 (zh) (xìngjiāo), 交合 (zh) (jiāohé)
  • Dutch: gemeenschap (nl)
  • Finnish: yhdyntä (fi)
  • French: accouplement (fr) m, copulation (fr) f, fornication (fr) f
  • German: Vereinigung (de) f
  • Greek: ένωση (el) f (énosi), συνουσία (el) f (synousía)
  • Indonesian: penyatuan (id)
  • Japanese: 性交 (ja) (せいこう, seikō)
  • Korean: 성교(性交) (ko) (seonggyo)
  • Malayalam: ബന്ധപ്പെടൽ (bandhappeṭal), ലൈംഗിക ബന്ധം (laiṅgika bandhaṃ)
  • Portuguese: sexo (pt) m
  • Russian: сноше́ние (ru) n (snošénije), совокупле́ние (ru) n (sovokuplénije)
  • Vietnamese: tính giao (vi) (性交)

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: (please verify) اِتِّحَاد (ar) m (ittiḥād)
  • Dutch: (please verify) unie (nl)
  • French: (please verify) union (fr) f
  • German: (please verify) Union (de) f
  • Icelandic: (please verify) samband (is)
  • Italian: (please verify) unione (it) f
  • Korean: (please verify) 연맹 (ko) (yeonmaeng)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: (please verify) یەکێتی(yekêtî)
  • Swedish: (please verify) union (sv)


union (third-person singular simple present unions, present participle unioning, simple past and past participle unioned)

  1. To combine sets using the union operation.

Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary, which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. The imported definitions may be significantly out of date, and any more recent senses may be completely missing.
(See the entry for union in
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913)

See also[edit]

  • intersection
  • Wikipedia article about unions in set theory


union (comparative more union, superlative most union)

  1. Belonging to, represented by, or otherwise pertaining to a labour union.
    Actors have to be union to get work here.


  • iunno



Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /uniˈoˀn/


union c (singular definite unionen, plural indefinite unioner)

  1. union


Derived terms[edit]

  • personalunion
  • realunion

Further reading[edit]

  • “union” in Den Danske Ordbog
  • “union” in Ordbog over det danske Sprog



Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one). Doublet of unie.


This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!
  • Hyphenation: u‧ni‧on


union m (plural unions)

  1. (US, obsolete) A trade union.
    Synonyms: syndicaat, vakbond




  1. accusative singular of unio



From Old French union, borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /y.njɔ̃/


union f (plural unions)

  1. union

Derived terms[edit]

  • l’union fait la force
  • réunion
  • trait d’union
  • Union africaine
  • union civile
  • Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques
  • Union eurasiatique
  • Union européenne
  • Union sacrée
  • union sacrée
  • Union soviétique


  • German: Union

Further reading[edit]

  • “union”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.



union f (plural unions)

  1. union

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]


Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


union m (definite singular unionen, indefinite plural unioner, definite plural unionene)

  1. union (of a political nature)
    Den europeiske unionthe European Union

Derived terms[edit]

  • Sovjetunionen


  • “union” in The Bokmål Dictionary.
  • “union” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB).

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]


Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /ʉnɪˈuːn/


union m (definite singular unionen, indefinite plural unionar, definite plural unionane)

  1. union (a political entity consisting of two or more state that are united)

    Noreg var i union med Sverige fram til 1905.

    Norway was part of a union with Sweden until 1905.
  2. (mathematics) union (the set containing all of the elements of two or more sets.)

Derived terms[edit]

  • Sovjetunionen


  • “union” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.



Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).



union f (plural unions)

  1. union


  • unir


  • «union» in Dicod’òc

Old French[edit]


Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).

Proper noun[edit]

union f (nominative singular union)

  1. Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit)


  • Trinité


  • English: union
  • French: union



From Spanish unión, ultimately from Latin ūnus (one).



  1. union


Alternative forms[edit]

  • üniun


Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /yˈnjuŋ/


union f (plural union)

  1. union



Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).



union c

  1. union (a body with many members)


Declension of union 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative union unionen unioner unionerna
Genitive unions unionens unioners unionernas

Derived terms[edit]

  • unionsupplösning

See also[edit]

  • fackförening
  • federation
  • förbund
  • förening
  • kår
  • studentkår
  • valutaunion

Further reading[edit]

  • union in Svensk ordbok (SO)
  • union in Svenska Akademiens ordlista (SAOL)
  • union in Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB)



Borrowed from Late Latin ūniō, ūniōnem (oneness, unity), from Latin ūnus (one).


  • IPA(key): /uˈnjoŋ/


union f (invariable)

  1. union


  • unir



un (one) +‎ iawn (right, correct)


  • IPA(key): /ˈɪnjɔn/
    Note: Despite being written as u, the vowel here is /ɪ/ in all parts of Wales.


union (feminine singular union, plural union, equative unioned, comparative unionach, superlative unionaf)

  1. exact

Derived terms[edit]

  • unioni (to straighten; to rectify, to redress)


Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal h-prothesis
union unchanged unchanged hunion
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Look up Union or union in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Union commonly refers to:

  • Trade union, an organization of workers
  • Union (set theory), in mathematics, a fundamental operation on sets

Union may also refer to:

Arts and entertainment[edit]


  • Union (band), an American rock group
    • Union (Union album), 1998
  • Union (Chara album), 2007
  • Union (Toni Childs album), 1988
  • Union (Cuff the Duke album), 2012
  • Union (Paradoxical Frog album), 2011
  • Union, a 2001 album by Puya
  • Union, a 2001 album by Rasa
  • Union (The Boxer Rebellion album), 2009
  • Union (Yes album), 1991
  • «Union» (Black Eyed Peas song), 2005

Other uses in arts and entertainment[edit]

  • Union (Star Wars), a Dark Horse comics limited series
  • Union, in the fictional Alliance–Union universe of C. J. Cherryh
  • Union (Horse with Two Discs), a bronze sculpture by Christopher Le Brun, 1999–2000
  • The Union (Marvel Team), a Marvel Comics superhero team and comic series


  • Union Academy (disambiguation), the name of several institutions
  • Union College (disambiguation), the name of several institutions
  • Union Institute & University, in Ohio, U.S.
  • Union Presbyterian Seminary, in Virginia, U.S.
  • Union Public Schools, a school district in Oklahoma, U.S.
  • Union School of Theology, in Wales
  • Union Theological College, in Northern Ireland
  • Union Theological Seminary (disambiguation), the name of several institutions
  • Union University (disambiguation), the name of several institutions

History and politics[edit]

  • Economic union, a type of trade bloc
  • Political union, a type of state which is composed of or created out of smaller states
  • Personal union, the combination of two or more states that have the same monarch
  • Poor law union, a former unit of local government in the United Kingdom
  • Real union, a union of two or more states, which share some state institutions
  • CDU/CSU, or the Union, a German political alliance
  • Union (American Civil War), U.S. states that were loyal to the U.S. federal government
  • Union (Hungarian-German trade union council)
  • Union (Madagascar), a political party



  • Union, Elgin County, Ontario
  • Union, Leeds and Grenville United Counties, Ontario
  • Union, Nova Scotia
  • Union, Prince Edward Island

United States[edit]

  • Union, Alabama
  • Union, Connecticut
  • Union, Illinois
  • Union, Logan County, Illinois
  • Union, Indiana
  • Union, Iowa
  • Union, Kentucky
  • Union, Louisiana
  • Union Parish, Louisiana
  • Union, Maine
  • Union, Mississippi
  • Union, Missouri, in Franklin County
  • Union, Clark County, Missouri
  • Union, Nebraska
  • Union, New Hampshire
  • Union (hamlet), New York, in Madison County
  • Union, New York, in Broome County
  • Union, Ohio, a city in Montgomery and Miami Counties
  • Union, Oregon
  • Union, Pennsylvania (disambiguation)
  • Union, South Carolina
  • Union, Texas
  • Union, Virginia
  • Union, Washington
  • Union, West Virginia
  • Union, Barbour County, West Virginia
  • Union, Wisconsin (disambiguation)
  • Arcata, California, first settled as Union
  • Mount Union (Arizona)


  • Union, Grenada
  • Unión, Paraguay
  • Union, Bohol, Philippines
  • Union, Dapa, Philippines
  • Union Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Science and mathematics[edit]

  • Union (set theory), in mathematics, a fundamental operation on sets
  • Union (SQL), an set operation
  • Union type, in computer science, a type of data structure


  • 1. FC Union Berlin, a German association football club
  • Chicago Unions, a professional, Black baseball team that played in the US in the late 19th century, prior to the formation of the Negro leagues.
  • Chicago Union Giants, a former American baseball team in the Negro leagues
  • Philadelphia Union, a soccer team
  • Royale Union Saint-Gilloise, a Belgian association football club
  • Union Race Course, formerly in San Francisco, U.S.

Other uses[edit]

  • Union (automobile), made by the Union Automobile Company 1902–1905
  • Union (plumbing), a pipe fitting
  • Union (United States coin), a proposed $100 coin
  • List of ships named Union
  • Gabrielle Union (born 1972), an American actress

See also[edit]

  • All pages with titles beginning with Union
  • All pages with titles containing Union
  • Union Bank (disambiguation)
  • The Union (disambiguation)
  • Reunion (disambiguation)
  • European Union
  • Government of India, the union government created by the constitution of India
    • Dominion of India, or Union of India, an independent dominion in the Commonwealth 1947–1950
  • Marriage, a culturally recognised union between people
  • Soyuz (‘Union’), an internal abbreviation for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • Students’ union
  • Union State, of Russia and Belarus
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Civil union

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Union generally means that two or more things are joined into one. That can be an organization of several people or organizations, several objects combined into one, and so on. The term may mean:

  • Trades union: an organization of workers with a common goal.

In politics[change | change source]

  • The Union, referring to the federation that is the United States
    • The Union (American Civil War), the states that did not declare their secession
    • The Union Army, the army of the United States in the Civil War
    • National Union Party (United States), forerunner of the United States Republican Party during the 1864 election
  • Act of Union, one of several acts by the English Parliament
    • United Kingdom, the constitutional result of that legislation
  • African Union, an inter-governmental organization in Africa
  • European Union, a supranational and inter-governmental organization in Europe
  • Government of India, known officially as the Union Government
  • Personal union, a group of separate, independent states that share the same monarch
  • Political union, a type of state composed of smaller states
  • Real union, an intermediate step between personal and political union of states
  • Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
  • State of the Union Address annual speech by the President of the United States
  • The Union (political coalition) (l’Unione), a twenty-first century Italian political coalition
  • Unionist Party (Canada), known when in power as the Union Government
  • Trade union, labor union, employment

In sports and entertainment[change | change source]

  • Unión de Santa Fe, Argentine professional football club
  • R. Union Saint-Gilloise, Belgian professional football club
  • Club Atlético Unión de Sunchales, lower league Argentine football club
  • Unión Magdalena a Colombian professional football club
  • The Union, a group of professional wrestlers in opposition to Vince McMahon in the World Wrestling Federation
  • The supporters’ club of the A-League football side Melbourne Victory
  • Rugby Union
  • Union (album), a 1991 album by the musical group Yes
  • Union (band), an American heavy metal band
  • Union (comic), set in the Star Wars universe
  • Union (comics), a character published by Wildstorm
  • «Union», a song by Avail from their 2000 album One Wrench
  • «Union», a song by the Black Eyed Peas from their album Monkey Business

In education[change | change source]

The term student union can be used in either of two senses:

  • Students’ union, a student organization at many colleges and universities dedicated to student governance (not common in USA, see below)
  • Student activity center, a building that typically hosts a «union» of student services (e.g., food service, health facilities, lounges) at such institutions (also known as a «student center» or «student commons»)

In the United States, the phrase more commonly refers to the building. The phrase «student government» or «student senate» is usually used when referring to the subject of the «Students’ union» article.

  • Union College, a college for which the principal campus sits in Schenectady, New York
  • Union College (Kentucky), a college in Kentucky
  • Union Institute & University, a non-traditional educational institution
  • Union Public Schools, a public school system in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Union Theological College, a college in Northern Ireland
  • Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, an ecumenical Christian seminary in New York City, New York
  • Union Theological Seminary & Presbyterian School of Christian Education, a Christian seminary in Richmond, Virginia
  • Union University, a Baptist college in Tennessee

In transportation[change | change source]

  • Union Railroad, any of several railroad companies
  • Union (ship), a ship sunk in Fiji in 1804

In tradesmanship[change | change source]

  • Union (electrical), a term sometimes used for a butt connector used to splice wires
  • Union (hardware), a term sometimes used for a standoff that serves as an elongated nut
  • Union (plumbing), a pipe fitting

In numismatics[change | change source]

  • Union (coinage), a US gold coin that was worth $100 face value, it was never made because it would only be circulated among banks.

In mathematics and computer science[change | change source]

  • Union (set theory)
  • Union (SQL), an operator that combines the result of two SQL SELECT queries into a single result table
  • Union (computer science), a data structure that stores several types of data in the same location.
  • Union mount, a way to access separate file system directories as if they were but one.

As a surname[change | change source]

  • Gabrielle Union, an American actress

Meaning Union

What does Union mean? Here you find 49 meanings of the word Union. You can also add a definition of Union yourself




Also called the North or the United States, the Union was the portion of the country that remained loyal to the Federal government during the Civil War. Union states were: Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, [..]





A plumbing fitting that joins pipes end-to-end so that they can be dismantled.





The union of two sets A and B, is the set of elements which are in A or in B or in both





early 15c., «action of joining one thing to another,» also «agreement, accord,» also «state of matrimony,» from Anglo-French unioun, Old French union (12c.), from Late La [..]





/ˈjuːnjən/ noun plural unions union /ˈjuːnjən/ noun plural unions Learner's definition of UNION 1  [count] : an organization of workers formed to protect the rights and interests of it [..]





Usually this is just another name for a Students’ Union.





Workers who organize a united group, usually related to the kind of work they do, to collectively bargain for better work conditions, pay or benefit increases, etc.





group of people or countries that work together for a common goal or set of goals.





having to do with states supporting the United States (north) during the U.S. Civil War.





the flag of the United Kingdom, combining the flags of Ireland, England, and Scotland. Also called the Union flag.





An organization of workers or employees who act jointly to negotiate with their employers over wages, fringe benefits, working conditions, and other facets of employment. The main function of unions i [..]





The point at which a scion and stock are joined in grafting. You can sometimes see the union because it bulges a little. urea:





plumbing fitting used for disconnecting purposes, the fitting couples 2 sections of PVC together and then can be unthreaded to disconnect. Often used on external pond equipment to have the ability to remove without cutting the pipe.





definition – is a plumbing fitting used for connecting and disconnecting purposes. The fitting couples 2 sections of pipe together and then can be unthreaded to disconnect the two pipes. It is often used on plumbed equipment so one can have the ability to remove components without cutting the pipe. Helpful Products: Fittings





 The point at which a scion and stock are joined in grafting. You can sometimes see the union because it bulges a little.





The point at which a scion is combined with a rootstock.





an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; "you have to join the union in order to get a job" being of or having to do with the northern United States [..]





The union of two or more sets is the set of objects contained by at least one of the sets. The union of the events A and B is denoted "A+B", "A or B", and [..]





a joining together. The same word also means a group of workers who have joined together





Also called the North





 a pearl.





A set containing each of the elements of the two sets which were united.





A social organization set up to represent the worker's interests in both the workplace and in the broader society as well.





Definition An organization of workers joined to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions.





an establishment which represents workers in dealings with their employer. The union is accountable for managing and agreeing on contracts with employers which ascertain workers’ compensation and [..]





The northern states that supported the United States federal government during the Civil War










1 : an act or instance of uniting or joining two or more things into one ;esp : the formation of a single political unit from two or more separate and individual units 2 : something that is made …





The joining of sets into a master set. Union will not yield multiples of the same item





  Common name for an employee organisation. Group of employees in similar occupations or industries who join together to bargain with their employers regarding working conditions.





Two or more conditions joined with the logical operator Or. An item is selected only if the item meets at least one of the specified criteria. Compare with intersection (expression).





  the union of two sets, A and B, is the set of all elements that are either in A, or in B, or in both A and B. unit vector:





(n) an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer(n) the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)(n) the act of pairing a male and female for [..]





The official name of the European Communities after the Maastricht Treaty, from 1993 on, became the European Union, shortened to EU. The Lisbon Treaty has deleted the name "European communiti [..]





congregatio, conventus





A plumbing fitting that joins pipes end-to-end so they can be dismantled.





dielectric unions are required in some application by code. In particular on water heaters, in the transition from black pipe to copper. The basis for their use is to prevent galvanic corrosion of the black iron pipe. Whether or not they are technically necessary depends largely on water chemistry. In applications with dissolved electrolytes their [..]





n. sindicato; sindical





A grouping of adjacent parishes jointly administering poor law affairs. The «union» was one of the slang names for the workhouse.





Organizations comprising wage and salary workers in Health-related fields for the purpose of improving their status and conditions. The concept includes labor union activities toward providing Health [..]





The device in the upper canton of an ensign or flag. Short name for the Union Jack, or the stars device of U.S.A. ensign.









another name for the most popular form of rugby featuring 15, 10, or 7 players per side. The local, provincial, or national organizing body for rugby competition is also often called a union.





 — another name for the most popular form of rugby featuring either 15, 10, or 7 players per side. The local, provincial, or national organizing body for rugby competition is also often called a union.





a struct with all members allocated at the same offset within an object. The language does not guarantee type safety for all uses of unions. Primarily used to save space. TC++PL C.8.2.





another name for the most popular form of rugby featuring 15, 10, or 7 players per side. The local, provincial, or national organizing body for rugby competition is also often called a union.





The event containing all simple events for both Event A and Event B. The concept of union can be extended to more than two events.





An organization of workers or employees who act jointly to negotiate with their employers over wages, fringe benefits, working conditions, and other facets of employment. The main function of unions i [..]





Three piece fitting that joins two sections of pipe, but allows them to be disconnected without cutting the pipe. Used primarily with steel pipe; never in a DWV system

Dictionary.university is a dictionary written by people like you and me.
Please help and add a word. All sort of words are welcome!

Add meaning

союз, объединение, соединение, единение, союзный


- соединение, слияние

the union of the three small towns into one big city took place last year — в прошлом году произошло слияние трёх небольших городов в один крупный город
a gracious union of excellence and strength — привлекательное сочетание мастерства и силы

- объединение, союз

customs union — таможенный союз

- уния

the Union — а) Англо-шотландская уния (1707 г.); б) Англо-ирландская уния (1801 г.)

- мат. объединение

union of sets — объединение множеств

- союз (государственное объединение)

the Soviet Union — ист. Советский Союз

- (the Union) Соединённое Королевство

Union flag — государственный флаг Соединённого Королевства

- (the Union) Соединённые Штаты

State of the Union message — доклад президента конгрессу о положении страны ; доклад о положении США

- профессиональный союз, тред-юнион

closed union — профсоюз с ограниченным числом членов
union worker /man/ — член профсоюза
union wages — заработная плата, требуемая или утвержденная профсоюзом
union label — амер. этикетка, удостоверяющая, что товар изготовлен членами профсоюза
to join the union — вступить в профсоюз
union card — профсоюзный билет

- брачный союз

union of hearts — союз любящих сердец, брак по любви
a happy union — счастливый союз /брак/

- эвф. половое сношение

illicit union — внебрачное сожительство

- гармония, согласие

to live in perfect union — жить в полном согласии

- ист. объединение нескольких приходов для помощи бедным
- ист. работный дом (тж. union house)

to go into the union — жить в работном доме

- студенческий клуб
- эмблема, символизирующая объединение (на государственном флаге)
- тех. ниппель, штуцер; патрубок; муфта
- ткань из различных видов волокна; смесовая ткань

Мои примеры


His conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son. — Совесть упрекала его в сомнительности союза, к которому он принудил своего сына.  
fought to keep the union intact — боролись за сохранение союза в целости и сохранности  
a union of loosely federated states — объединение свободно интегрированных штатов  
to form a union — заключить союз, образовать союз  
act of union — акт объединения  
union fee — профсоюзный взнос  
union activity — профсоюзная деятельность  
union gate — вентиль [схема] ИЛИ  
union labour — рабочие — члены профсоюза  
union labourer — рабочий — член профсоюза  
join the union — вступать в профсоюз  
union cloth — полушерстяная ткань  
union suit — мужской нательный комбинезон  

Примеры с переводом

Soviet Union

Советский Союз

They live in perfect union.

Они живут в полном согласии.

God bless this union!

Благослови, господи, этот союз!

Universal Postal Union

Международный почтовый союз

Their union was blessed with three children.

Бог послал им троих детей.

Are you planning to join the union?

Вы планируете вступить в профсоюз?

Consumers Union

Союз потребителей (США)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The truck drivers are members of Local 349 of the Teamsters’ Union

…the truck drivers are members of Local 349 of the Teamsters’ Union…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disunion  — разобщение, разъединение, разлад, разделение, разногласие
reunion  — воссоединение, примирение, встреча друзей, вечеринка
unionism  — унионизм, тред-юнионизм
unionist  — член профсоюза, унионист
unionize  — объединять в профсоюзы, объединять

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): union
мн. ч.(plural): unions

  • Defenition of the word union

    • The act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes.
    • Of or pertaining to trade unions.
    • the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes; «the casual couplings of adolescents»; «the mating of some species occurs only in the spring»
    • state of being husband and wife; «a long and happy marriage»; «God bless this union»
    • of trade unions; «the union movement»; «union negotiations»; «a union-shop clause in the contract»
    • a device on a national flag emblematic of the union of two or more sovereignties (typically in the upper inner corner)
    • the occurrence of a uniting of separate parts; «lightning produced an unusual union of the metals»
    • a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations; «the Soviet Union»
    • the state of being united; «there is strength in union»
    • being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the Civil War; «Union soldiers»; «Federal forces»; «a Federal infantryman»
    • an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; «you have to join the union in order to get a job»
    • the United States during the Civil War; «Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union»; «the North’s superior resources turned the scale»
    • a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets; «let C be the union of the sets A and B»
    • making or becoming a single unit; «the union of opposing factions»; «he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays»
    • the act of making or becoming a single unit; «the union of opposing factions»; «he looked forward to the unification of his family for the holidays»
    • the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War); «he has visited every state in the Union»; «Lee hoped to detach Maryland from the Union»; «the North»s superior resources turned the scale»
    • healing process involving the growing together of the edges of a wound or the growing together of broken bones
    • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce); «a long and happy marriage»; «God bless this union»
    • the state of being joined or united or linked; «there is strength in union»
    • the act of making or becoming a single unit
    • the act of pairing a male and female for reproductive purposes
    • the occurrence of a uniting of separate parts
    • a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets
    • an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer
    • a political unit formed from previously independent people or organizations
    • the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)
    • the state of being a married couple voluntarily joined for life (or until divorce)
    • the state of being joined or united or linked
    • being of or having to do with the northern United States and those loyal to the Union during the American Civil War
    • of trade unions

Synonyms for the word union

    • brotherhood
    • conjugation
    • coupling
    • Federal
    • join
    • labor union
    • marriage
    • mating
    • matrimony
    • North
    • pairing
    • sexual union
    • sum
    • trade union
    • trades union
    • unification
    • Union
    • uniting
    • wedlock

Similar words in the union

    • closed
    • closed(a)
    • northern
    • organised
    • organized
    • unionised
    • unionized

Meronymys for the word union

    • free state
    • labor
    • labor movement
    • trade union movement

Hyponyms for the word union

    • amphimixis
    • association
    • assortative mating
    • bigamy
    • coalescence
    • coalescency
    • coalition
    • colligation
    • combine
    • combining
    • common-law marriage
    • company union
    • concretion
    • confederacy
    • confederation
    • conglutination
    • conjugation
    • conjunction
    • connectedness
    • connection
    • craft union
    • cross
    • crossbreeding
    • crossing
    • cuckoldom
    • customs union
    • direct sum
    • disassortative mating
    • endogamy
    • enosis
    • exogamy
    • federation
    • fusion
    • hybridisation
    • hybridization
    • hybridizing
    • I.W.W.
    • inbreeding
    • industrial union
    • Industrial Workers of the World
    • inmarriage
    • interbreeding
    • intermarriage
    • IWW
    • junction
    • league
    • link
    • marriage
    • marriage of convenience
    • merger
    • misalliance
    • monandry
    • monogamousness
    • monogamy
    • open marriage
    • polygamy
    • reunification
    • reunion
    • service
    • servicing
    • sigeh
    • syncretism
    • tribalisation
    • tribalization
    • umbrella
    • unification
    • vertical union

Hypernyms for the word union

    • America
    • combination
    • combining
    • compounding
    • device
    • happening
    • healing
    • marital status
    • natural event
    • occurrence
    • occurrent
    • organisation
    • organization
    • political entity
    • political unit
    • set
    • sex
    • sex activity
    • sexual activity
    • sexual practice
    • state
    • U.S.
    • U.S.A.
    • United States
    • United States of America
    • US
    • USA

Antonyms for the word union

    • disunion
    • nonunion
    • separation

See other words

    • What is airplanes
    • The definition of airs
    • The interpretation of the word airports
    • What is meant by airliners
    • The lexical meaning airman
    • The dictionary meaning of the word listed
    • The grammatical meaning of the word airmails
    • Meaning of the word airmen
    • Literal and figurative meaning of the word airmailed
    • The origin of the word correlation
    • Synonym for the word nominated
    • Antonyms for the word airworthier
    • Homonyms for the word airsick
    • Hyponyms for the word airworthy
    • Holonyms for the word airy
    • Hypernyms for the word airworthiest
    • Proverbs and sayings for the word title-holder
    • Translation of the word in other languages get done

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