Two word states in america

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Quick quiz: How do you say the names of these popular states?

  • Is it CAlifornia, or CaliFORnia?
  • Do you say FloRIda, or FLORida?
  • Should you pronounce it NEW York, or New YORK?

If you’re not 100% sure how to say these states, don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Many of the non-native speakers I work with have trouble identifying which syllable to stress, or emphasize, when they’re saying the 50 United States.

Remember, these are people who live here in the United States, so they definitely want to get it right!

Let’s Review Word Stress

In American English, one syllable of every word will be stressed or emphasized more than the others.

When a syllable is stressed, the vowel sound will be longer, louder, and higher in pitch.

The vowel sound will be extra clear, with your mouth really exaggerating the sound and the shape.

The rest of the syllables in the word are unstressed, de-emphasized, or even reduced.

They’re less obvious: they’re shorter, quieter in lower in pitch.

When a syllable is reduced, the vowel sound will even change. It’ll turn into the schwa sound, which is the /ə/ sound, or into the /i/ sound.

Word stress is absolutely essential for clear pronunciation in American English.

If you’ve ever said the name of a state and someone didn’t understand you, chances are you emphasized the wrong syllable, or none at all.

That’s why we’re going to practice word stress with all 50 states in this video. Let’s get started!

Practice Word Stress with a Rubber Band

To get the most out of this word stress practice, be sure to grab a rubber band.

If you can’t find a rubber band, you can use your hands.

You can mimic the shape of a rubber band, conduct like a musician, or even clap.

The reason we use the rubber band when practicing stress is that we want to emphasize the contrast between stressed and unstressed syllables.

When we stress a syllable, we rise to that higher pitch and hold that syllable a little longer than usual.

Then we close back down afterwards.

The rubber band reminds you of the contrast and helps you remember both visually and physically.

A Note About Regional/Local Pronunciations of States

Another thing I want to mention is that I’m from the New England area and you may hear some regional influences on the way I say these words.

However, I’m going to do my best to pronounce the 50 states the way the locals do.

That said, people with other regional accents, including locals, may say them slightly differently than the way I would.

Here we go!

Let’s start in alphabetical order.


The first state is Alabama, or /ˌæləˈbæmə/.

The stress is on the third syllable: AlaBAma, AlaBAma.

Be sure to hold that stressed syllable as you rise to your highest pitch. AlaBAma, AlaBAma.


Next, Alaska, or /əˈlæskə/.

This state is stressed on the second syllable: ALAska, ALAska, ALAska.


Next up, we have Arizona, which is pronounced /ˌɛrəˈzoʊnə/ or /ˌærəˈzoʊnə/.

The stress is on the third syllable: AriZOna, AriZOna, AriZOna.


Let’s move on to Arkansas, or /ˈɑrkənˌsɔ/.

For this state, we stress the first syllable: ARkansas, ARkansas.

It can be challenging to stress the first syllable if you want to rush through the word.

Be sure to hold that first syllable and make it longer, louder, and higher in pitch: ARkansas, ARkansas.


Next, California, which is pronounced /ˌkæləˈfɔrnjə/.

As you can hear, we’re stressing the third syllable: CaliFORnia, CaliFORnia.

Be sure not to add an extra syllable to the end of California.

The “ia” is pronounced /j/, like the first sound of “yes”: CaliFORnia, CaliFORnia.


Moving on: Colorado, which is pronounced /ˌkɑləˈrɑdoʊ/, or /kɑləˈrædoʊ/ by some locals. 

Once again, the stress is on the third syllable: ColoRAdo, ColoRAdo, ColoRAdo.

(The correct pronunciation of Colorado is regularly debated by residents of the state. This video helps you understand why.)


Here’s a state that a lot of people find tricky: Connecticut, or /kəˈnɛtəkət/.

As you can hear, Connecticut is stressed on the second syllable: ConNEcticut, ConNEcticut, ConNEcticut.

You can also hear the reductions in this word (look for all the /ə/ sounds!).


Next up, Delaware, which is pronounced /ˈdeləˌwɛər/.

This state is stressed on the first syllable: DElaware, DElaware, DElaware.

Remember, you need to hold that stressed syllable, and then close back down afterwards: DElaware, DElaware.


Let’s move on to Florida, which is pronounced /ˈflɔrədə/ or /ˈflɑrədə/.

As you can hear, Florida is also stressed on the first syllable: FLORida, FLORida, FLORida.


Now we have Georgia, or /ˈdʒɔrdʒə/.

As you can hear, this is just two syllables, and it’s stressed on the first syllable: GEORgia, GEORgia, GEORgia.


Let’s move on to Hawaiʻi, or /həˈwɑʻi/.

You may hear people say Hawaii like /həˈwaɪi/ (with the /aɪ/ sound you hear in the word “why.”

You may also hear native Hawaiians say Hawaiʻi with a /v/ sound, /həˈvɑ’i/

You’ll hear a glottal stop before the last syllable of this word, but it is stressed on the second syllable: HaWAIʻi, HaWAIʻi, HaWAIʻi.

As I mentioned, you’ll hear mainland Americans say Hawaii as /həˈwaɪi/ without the glottal stop. The stress will still be on the second syllable: HaWAIi, HaWAIi.

Check out this video for a more detailed explanation of how to say Hawaiʻi like native Hawaiians.


Next up is Idaho, or /ˈaɪdəˌhoʊ/.

This state is stressed on the first syllable: Idaho, Idaho, Idaho.


Let’s move on to Illinois, or /ˌiləˈnɔi/.

This state is stressed on the last syllable and it’s pronounced a little different than it looks: IlliNOIS, IlliNOIS, IlliNOIS.


Moving on, we have Indiana, or /ˌɪndiˈænə/.

As you can hear, this is stressed on the third syllable: IndiAna, IndiAna, IndiAna.


Let’s keep going with Iowa, or /ˈaiəwə/.

We stress Iowa on the first syllable: Iowa, Iowa, Iowa.


Moving on: Kansas, or /ˈkænzəs/.

As you can hear, this is stressed on the first syllable: KANsas, KANsas, KANsas.


The next state is Kentucky, or /kənˈtʌki/.

This state is stressed on the second syllable: KenTUcky, KenTUcky, KenTUcky.


Now we have Louisiana, which is pronounced /luˌiziˈænə/ or /ˌluəziˈænə/ depending on where you’re from.

Like Indiana, it’s stressed on the second to last syllable: LouisiAna, LouisiAna, LouisiAna.


Let’s move on to Maine, or /meɪn/.

As you can hear, Maine is one syllable. However, remember that one syllable content words are still stressed.

You need to make the vowel sound in Maine longer, louder, and higher in pitch: MAINE, MAINE, MAINE.


Next up is Maryland, or /ˈmɛrələnd/.

As you can hear, the first syllable is stressed: MARyland, MARyland, MARyland.


Now let’s talk about Massachusetts, which is pronounced /ˌmæssəˈtʃusɪts/.

Massachusetts is home to Boston, one of my favorite cities.

We’re going to stress the third syllable: MassaCHUsetts, MassaCHUsetts, MassaCHUsetts.


Moving on, we have Michigan, or /ˈmɪʃɪgən/.

As you can hear, we’re stressing the first syllable: MIchigan, MIchigan, MIchigan.


Next up, Minnesota, pronounced /ˌmɪnəˈsoʊtə/.

This state is stressed on the third syllable: MinneSOta, MinneSOta, MinneSOta.


Now let’s talk about Mississippi, or /ˌmɪsəˈsɪpi/.

This is also stressed on the third syllable: MissisSIppi, MissisSIppi, MissisSIppi.


Next, let’s look at Missouri, which is pronounced /mɪˈzuri/, or /mɪˈzurə/ by some locals.

Missouri is stressed on the second syllable: MisSOURi, MisSOURi, MisSOURi.

How to pronounce Missouri is also a topic of hot debate, with politicians choosing the pronunciation depending on the region.

Notice the Contrast Between Stressed and Unstressed Syllables

We’re halfway through the 50 states! How are you feeling about the stress?

Are you remembering to make the stressed syllable longer, louder, and higher in pitch?

You’re probably noticing the reduced syllables as well.

Listen for the ones that don’t sound the way you expect; they’re reduced to the schwa sound or the /i/ sound.

Remember, it’s this contrast between stressed and unstressed syllables that gives English its natural rhythm and melody.

Let’s keep going!


Let’s go on to Montana, or /mɑnˈtænə/.

Montana is stressed on the second syllable: MonTAna, MonTAna, MonTAna.


Moving on: Nebraska, or /nəˈbræskə/.

Nebraska is stressed on the second syllable: NeBRAska, NeBRAska, NeBRAska.


Now we have a state that you may hear people pronounce incorrectly: Nevada, or /nəˈvædə/.

You may hear Americans from other parts of the country say Nevada as /nəˈvɑdə/.

But locals pronounce it Nevada with the /æ/ sound and stress on the second syllable: NeVAda, NeVAda, NeVAda.

Like Colorado and Missouri, there is a lot of debate about how to say Nevada, especially when it comes to politicians using the wrong vowel!

New Hampshire

Now let’s move on to the state where I was born: New Hampshire, or /ˌnu ˈhæmpʃər/.

This is the first two-word state.

When states have two words, the stress will be on the stressed syllable of the second word.

The first word will receive secondary stress.

It will still be easy to understand, but it won’t be emphasized.

Let’s say that again: New Hampshire.

The stress is on the first syllable of the second word: New HAMPshire, New HAMPshire, New HAMPshire.

New Jersey

Here’s another state that begins with “new”: New Jersey, or /ˌnu ˈdʒərzi/.

Once again, the stress will be on the second word. It’s on the first syllable of the second word: New JERsey, New JERsey, New JERsey.

New Mexico

Moving on, New Mexico, pronounced /ˌnu ˈmeksɪkoʊ/.

Once again, we’re stressing the first syllable of the second word: New MEXico, New MEXico, New MEXico.

Here’s another one of my favorite states: New York, or /ˌnu ˈyɔrk/.

As you can hear, we’re stressing the second word, “York”: New YORK, New YORK, New YORK.

North Carolina

Here are a few more two-word states. Next up we have North Carolina, pronounced /ˌnɔrθ kærəˈlaɪnə/.

This state is stressed on the third syllable of the second word: North CaroLIina, North CaroLIna, North CaroLIna.

North Dakota

Here’s another “north” state: North Dakota, or /ˌnɔrθ dəˈkoʊtə/.

Once again, we’re stressing the second word, and in this case it’s on the second syllable: North DaKOta, North DaKOta, North DaKOta.


Let’s talk about Ohio, which is pronounced /oʊˈhaɪoʊ/.

Ohio is stressed on the second syllable: OHIo, OHIo, OHIo.


Next, Oklahoma, or /ˌoʊkləˈhoʊmə/.

This state is stressed on the third syllable: OklaHOma, OklaHOma, OklaHOma.


Moving on, Oregon, which is pronounced /ˈɔrɪgən/ or /ˈɑrɪgən/.

Oregon is stressed on the first syllable: ORegon, ORegon, ORegon.

I just wanted to mention that you may hear Americans who are not from the West Coast mispronounce this state as Oregon, or /ˈɔrɪˌgɑn/, with the /ɑ/ sound on the last syllable.

That’s how I pronounced the word until somebody finally corrected me when I was in college!


Moving on, Pennsylvania, or /ˌpɛnsəlˈveɪnjə/.

The stress will be on the third syllable: PennsylVAnia, PennsylVAnia, PennsylVAnia.

If you ever feel a little stressed when you see a long word like Pennsylvania, try to identify the stressed syllable.

That will help you be able to understand how to construct the rest of the word.

When you break a word into syllables, it’s easier to pronounce.

Rhode Island

Moving on, Rhode Island, or /ˌroʊd ˈaɪlənd/.

Once again, the stress will be on the second word. In this case, it’s on the first syllable: Rhode ISland, Rhode ISland, Rhode ISland.

South Carolina

Next up, South Carolina, pronounced /ˌsaʊθ  kærəˈlaɪnə/.

As you can hear, we’re stressing the third syllable of the second word: South CaroLIna, South CaroLIna, South CaroLIna.

The only time you’ll stress “north” or “south” is when you need to clarify because someone didn’t understand you.

Did you say South Carolina? No, NORTH Carolina.

Otherwise, the stress will be on the second word.

South Dakota

Now let’s talk about South Dakota, or /ˌsaʊθ dəˈkoʊtə/.

Once again, we’re going to stress the second syllable of the second word: South DaKOta, South DaKOta, South DaKOta.


Let’s move on to Tennessee, or /ˌtɛnəˈsi/.

As you can hear, the stress is on the final syllable of this word: TennesSEE, TennesSEE, TennesSEE.


Now, let’s talk about Texas, or /ˈtɛksəs/.

This state is stressed on the first syllable: TEXas, TEXas, TEXas.


Here’s another state: Utah, or /ˈjutɔ/.

Once again, this state is stressed on the first syllable: Utah, Utah, Utah.


Now we have Vermont, pronounced /vərˈmɑnt/.

Vermont is stressed on the second syllable: VerMONT, VerMONT, VerMONT.


Moving on, let’s talk about Virginia, or /vərˈdʒɪnjə/.

Virginia is stressed on the second syllable: VirGInia, VirGInia, VirGInia.


Now we have the state of Washington, which is pronounced /ˈwɑʃɪŋtən/.

Washington is stressed on the first syllable: WAshington, WAshington, WAshington.

You can really hear the reduced syllable at the end of the word.

West Virginia

Just a few more: West Virginia, or /ˌwest vərˈdʒɪnjə/.

Remember, we’re going to stress the second word, and in this case it’s the second syllable of this word: West VirGInia, West VirGInia, West VirGInia.


Moving on, Wisconsin, or /wɪsˈkɑnsən/.

We’re going to stress the second syllable: WisCONsin, WisCONsin, WisCONsin.


Last but not least, Wyoming,or /waɪˈoʊmɪŋ/.

Wyoming is stressed on the second syllable: WyOming, WyOming, WyOming.

Practice Stress by Category

As you can hear, getting the stress right makes a big difference in how clearly you pronounce these states.

Just like we did with all of the 50 states, it can be helpful to practice stress by category.

While there are definitely stress patterns that you can practice and learn, sometimes the stress seems a little random.

In this case, it’s helpful to make a list of words you use all the time, such as states, cities, or countries, and practice the stress for all of them.

That way you’ll get more comfortable identifying and saying the stressed syllable.

How to Stress the US Territories and District of Columbia

As a little bonus, let’s talk about the territories of the United States, as well as the District of Columbia.

Washington DC

As you probably know, Washington DC is the capitol of the United States.

However, it is not a state itself.

When we talk about our nation’s capitol, we say Washington DC, or /ˌwɑʃɪŋtən ˌdiˈsi/, with stress on the “C” at the end of that word: Washington DC, Washington DC, Washington DC.

Locals are much more likely to refer to the nation’s capitol as DC or /ˌdiˈsi/ with stress on the letter “C”: DC, DC, DC.

Similarly, when we talk about the US, pronounced /ˌjuˈɛs/, we stress the letter “S”: US, US, US.

Puerto Rico

Another territory of the United States is Puerto Rico, or /ˌpwɛrtə ˈrikoʊ/ (or sometimes /ˌpɔrtə ˈrikoʊ/).

As you probably know, people in Puerto Rico speak Spanish, so they will pronounce their territory differently than the average American.

However, because we’re talking about the pronunciation in English, I’m going to pronounce it as it is in English: Puerto Rico.

As you can hear, the stress is still on the second word. It’s on the first syllable of the second word: Puerto RIco, Puerto RIco, Puerto RIco.


Now let’s talk about Guam, or /gwɑm/.

Guam is one syllable, but it will still be stressed.

You need to make the vowel sound longer, louder, and higher in pitch: GUAM, GUAM, GUAM.

American Samoa

Next, let’s talk about American Samoa, or /əˌmerɪkən səˈmoʊə/.

As we’ve practiced with the states and other territories, the second word will be stressed.

In this case, it will be the second syllable: American SaMOa, American SaMOa, American SaMOa.

US Virgin Islands

Now let’s talk about the US Virgin Islands, pronounced /ˌjuˈɛs ˌvɜrdʒɪn ˈaɪləndz/.

As you can hear, we’re going to stress the “S” in US as well as the first syllable of the last word, “islands”: US Virgin ISlands, US Virgin ISlands, US Virgin ISlands.

Northern Mariana Islands

Last, we have the Northern Mariana Islands, which is pronounced /ˌnɔrðərn mæriˌɑnə ˈaɪləndz/.

Once again, we’re going to stress that last word. We’re going to stress the first syllable of “islands”: Northern Mariana ISlands, Northern Mariana ISlands, Northern Mariana ISlands.

Your Turn

Now that you’ve learned how to stress all of the 50 states as well as the US territories, be sure to practice.

If you’re not used to emphasizing the stressed syllables of words or word pairs, it can take some time.

Remember to make the stressed syllable longer, louder, and higher in pitch, with an extra clear vowel sound.

Be sure to watch this video on contrast if you need more practice distinguishing between stressed and unstressed syllables.

Leave a comment letting me know which states you’ve visited or which states you’d like to visit. Remember to stress them correctly!

From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the article about U.S. states, see U.S. state.

This article lists the 50 states of the United States. It also lists their populations, the date they became a state or agreed to the United States Declaration of Independence, their total area, land area, water area, and the number of representatives in the United States House of Representatives.

Washington D.C., (Washington, District of Columbia) is a federal district and capital of the United States and is not considered a state. The United States also has sovereignty over 14 other territories. These are not included in this list.

Map of the U.S States[change | change source]

Click on any state to learn more about that state.

Map of USA with state names.svg

About this image

List of states[change | change source]

[change | change source]

  • List of U.S. states and territories by area
  • List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union
  • List of U.S. states by elevation
  • List of U.S. states by GDP
  • List of U.S. states’ largest cities
  • List of U.S. states by population
  • List of U.S. states by population density
  • Lists of United States state symbols
  • List of U.S. states and territories by time zone
  • List of U.S. states by traditional abbreviation

Other websites[change | change source]

Media related to States of the United States at Wikimedia Commons

Notes[change | change source]

  1. The original 13 states became sovereign in July 1776 upon agreeing to the United States Declaration of Independence, and each joined the first Union of states between 1777 and 1781, upon ratifying the Articles of Confederation.[2] These states are presented in the order in which each ratified the 1787 Constitution, thus joining the present federal Union of states. Subsequent states are listed in the order of their admission to the Union, and the date given is the official establishment date set by Act of Congress. For further details, see List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Uses the term «commonwealth» rather than «state» in its full official name

References[change | change source]

  1. «Appendix B: Two–Letter State and possession Abbreviations». Postal Addressing Standards. Washington, D.C.: United States Postal Service. May 2015. Archived from the original on March 5, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2018.
  2. Jensen, Merrill (1959). The Articles of Confederation: An Interpretation of the Social-Constitutional History of the American Revolution, 1774–1781. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. xi, 184. ISBN 978-0-299-00204-6.
  3. «RESIDENT POPULATION FOR THE 50 STATES, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND PUERTO RICO: 2020 CENSUS» (PDF). U.S. Census Bureau.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 «State Area Measurements and Internal Point Coordinates». Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from the original on March 16, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2018. … provides land, water and total area measurements for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. The area measurements were derived from the Census Bureau’s Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database. The land and water areas, … reflect base feature updates made in the MAF/TIGER database through August, 2010.
  5. «State and Local Government Finances and Employment» (PDF). United States Census Bureau. 2012. p. 284. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 17, 2011. Retrieved July 8, 2013.

This is a featured list. Click here for more information.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States of America is a federal republic[1] consisting of 50 states, a federal district (Washington, D.C., the capital city of the United States), five major territories, and various minor islands.[2][3] Both the states and the United States as a whole are each sovereign jurisdictions.[4] The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution allows states to exercise all powers of government not delegated to the federal government. Each state has its own constitution and government, and all states and their residents are represented in the federal Congress, a bicameral legislature consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state is represented by two senators, while representatives are distributed among the states in proportion to the most recent constitutionally mandated decennial census.[5] Additionally, each state is entitled to select a number of electors to vote in the Electoral College, the body that elects the president of the United States, equal to the total of representatives and senators in Congress from that state.[6] The federal district does not have representatives in the Senate, but has a non-voting delegate in the House, and it is also entitled to electors in the Electoral College. Congress can admit more states, but it cannot create a new state from territory of an existing state or merge of two or more states into one without the consent of all states involved, and each new state is admitted on an equal footing with the existing states.[7]

The United States has control over fourteen territories. Five of them (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) have a permanent, nonmilitary population, while nine of them (the United States Minor Outlying Islands) do not. With the exception of Navassa Island, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, which are located in the Caribbean, all territories are located in the Pacific Ocean. One territory, Palmyra Atoll, is considered to be incorporated, meaning the full body of the Constitution has been applied to it; the other territories are unincorporated, meaning the Constitution does not fully apply to them. Ten territories (the Minor Outlying Islands and American Samoa) are considered to be unorganized, meaning they have not had an organic act enacted by Congress; the four other territories are organized, meaning an organic act has been enacted by Congress. The five inhabited territories each have limited autonomy in addition to having territorial legislatures and governors, but residents cannot vote in federal elections, although all are represented by non-voting delegates in the House.

The largest state by population is California, with a population of 39,538,223 people, while the smallest is Wyoming, with a population of 576,851 people; the federal district has a larger population (689,545) than both Wyoming and Vermont. The largest state by area is Alaska, encompassing 665,384 square miles (1,723,337 square kilometers), while the smallest is Rhode Island, encompassing 1,545 square miles (4,001 square kilometers). The most recent states to be admitted, Alaska and Hawaii, were admitted in 1959. The largest territory by population is Puerto Rico, with a population of 3,285,874 people (larger than 21 states), while the smallest is the Northern Mariana Islands, with a population of 47,329 people. Puerto Rico is the largest territory by area, encompassing 5,325 square miles (13,791 square kilometers); the smallest territory, Kingman Reef, encompasses only 0.005 square miles (0.01 square kilometers).


Federal district[edit]


  States and federal district

  Inhabited territories

  Uninhabited territories

Inhabited territories[edit]

Uninhabited territories[edit]

Disputed territories[edit]

See also[edit]

  • Aboriginal title in the United States
  • Historic regions of the United States
  • List of Indian reservations in the United States
  • List of regions of the United States
  • Lists of U.S. state topics
  • Local government in the United States
  • Organized incorporated territories of the United States
  • Proposals for a 51st state
  • Territorial evolution of the United States
  • U.S. territorial sovereignty

Explanatory notes[edit]

  1. ^ The original 13 states became sovereign in July 1776 upon agreeing to the United States Declaration of Independence, and each joined the first Union of states between 1777 and 1781, upon ratifying the Articles of Confederation.[9] These states are presented in the order in which each ratified the 1787 Constitution, thus joining the present federal Union of states. Subsequent states are listed in the order of their admission to the Union, and the date given is the official establishment date set by Act of Congress. For further details, see List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union
  2. ^ a b c d Uses the term commonwealth rather than state in its full official name
  3. ^ a b c d e Represented by a non-voting delegate in the House of Representatives.[14]
  4. ^ Although not organized through a federal organic act or other explicit Congressional directive on governance, the people of American Samoa adopted a constitution in 1967, and then in 1977, elected territorial officials for the first time.[19]
  5. ^ a b Organized as a commonwealth.
  6. ^ Represented by a non-voting resident commissioner in the House of Representatives.[14]
  7. ^ Excluding lagoon
  8. ^ Although there are no indigenous inhabitants, around 40 United States Fish and Wildlife Service staff and service contractors live on the island at any given time.[28]
  9. ^ U.S. sovereignty is disputed by Haiti.[31]
  10. ^ Although there are no indigenous inhabitants, between four and 20 Nature Conservancy, employees, United States Fish and Wildlife Service staff, and researchers live on the island at any given time.[28]
  11. ^ Although there are no indigenous inhabitants, as of 2009, around 150 U.S. 150 U.S. military personnel and civilian contractors were living on the island, staffing the Wake Island Airfield and communications facilities.[33]
  12. ^ U.S. sovereignty is disputed by the Republic of Marshall Islands.[34]
  13. ^ This is the approximate figure for the land area of the bank, and does not include the surrounding territorial waters.
  14. ^ This figure includes the total land area of the Serranilla Bank and the water area of its lagoon, but not the surrounding territorial waters.


  1. ^ Onuf, Peter S. (1983). The Origins of the Federal Republic: Jurisdictional Controversies in the United States, 1775–1787. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-0-8122-1167-2.
  2. ^ «Common Core Document of the United States of America: Submitted With the Fourth Periodic Report of the United States of America to the United Nations Committee on Human Rights concerning the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights». U.S. Department of State, via The Office of Website Management, Bureau of Public Affairs. Retrieved July 9, 2017.
  3. ^ «U.S. Insular Areas: application of the U.S. Constitution» (PDF). Government Accountability Office. November 1997. Archived (PDF) from the original on November 3, 2013. Retrieved July 10, 2013.
  4. ^ Radan, 2007, p. 12
  5. ^ Burnett, Kristin D. «Congressional Apportionment (2010 Census Briefs C2010BR-08)» (PDF). U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 19, 2011.
  6. ^ Elhauge, Einer R. «Essays on Article II: Presidential Electors». The Heritage Foundation. Archived from the original on July 24, 2017. Retrieved December 29, 2015.
  7. ^ «Doctrine of the Equality of States». Justia Law. Archived from the original on October 19, 2012. Retrieved June 16, 2017.
  8. ^ a b c «Appendix B: Two–Letter State and possession Abbreviations». Postal Addressing Standards. Washington, D.C.: United States Postal Service. May 2015. Archived from the original on March 5, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2018.
  9. ^ Jensen, Merrill (1959). The Articles of Confederation: An Interpretation of the Social-Constitutional History of the American Revolution, 1774–1781. University of Wisconsin Press. pp. xi, 184. ISBN 978-0-299-00204-6.
  10. ^ a b c «RESIDENT POPULATION FOR THE 50 STATES, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND PUERTO RICO: 2020 CENSUS» (PDF). U.S. Census Bureau.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i «State Area Measurements and Internal Point Coordinates». Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau. Archived from the original on March 16, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2018. … provides land, water and total area measurements for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas. The area measurements were derived from the Census Bureau’s Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database. The land and water areas, … reflect base feature updates made in the MAF/TIGER database through August, 2010.
  12. ^ «State and Local Government Finances and Employment» (PDF). United States Census Bureau. 2012. p. 284. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 17, 2011. Retrieved July 8, 2013.
  13. ^ «The History of Washington, DC». Destination DC. March 15, 2016. Archived from the original on March 6, 2018. Retrieved March 3, 2018.
  14. ^ a b «Directory of Representatives». Washington, D.C.: U.S. House of Representatives. Archived from the original on March 5, 2018. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  15. ^ a b c d e «Acquisition Process of Insular Areas». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on April 14, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  16. ^ a b «Definitions of Insular Area Political Organizations». Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior. June 12, 2015. Archived from the original on July 13, 2018. Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  17. ^ 2020 Population of U.S. Island Areas Just Under 339,000, U.S. Census Bureau, October 28, 2021.
  18. ^ «American Samoa». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  19. ^ «Islands We Serve: American Samoa». Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior. June 11, 2015. Archived from the original on March 9, 2018. Retrieved March 1, 2018.
  20. ^ «Guam». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  21. ^ «Northern Mariana Islands». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  22. ^ «Puerto Rico». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  23. ^ «Virgin Islands». The World Factbook. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  24. ^ a b «Baker Island». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  25. ^ «Jarvis Island». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on February 7, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  26. ^ «Johnston Island». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on March 14, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  27. ^ «Kingman Reef National Wildlife Refuge». United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Archived from the original on May 16, 2013. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  28. ^ a b «United States Pacific Islands Wildlife Refuges». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved October 10, 2014.
  29. ^ «Midway Atoll». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on February 4, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  30. ^ «Navassa Island». Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of the Interior. June 12, 2015. Archived from the original on August 15, 2016. Retrieved March 3, 2018.
  31. ^ Colon, Yves (September 25, 1998). «U.S., Haiti Squabble Over Control of Tiny Island». Miami Herald. Webster University. Archived from the original on August 30, 2016. Retrieved November 25, 2016.
  32. ^ «Palmyra Atoll». Office of Insular Affairs. Archived from the original on January 11, 2012. Retrieved July 9, 2013.
  33. ^ a b «Wake Island». The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Retrieved October 10, 2014.
  34. ^ Earnshaw, Karen (December 17, 2016). «Enen Kio (a.k.a. Wake Island): Island of the kio flower». Marshall Islands Guide. Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Archived from the original on April 1, 2018. Retrieved March 4, 2018.
  35. ^ a b c Lewis, Martin W. (March 21, 2011). «When Is an Island Not An Island? Caribbean Maritime Disputes». GeoCurrents. Archived from the original on April 22, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2017.
  36. ^ «US Minor Outlying Islands – Bajo Nuevo Bank». Geocaching. June 6, 2017. Archived from the original on July 11, 2015. Retrieved July 10, 2015.
  37. ^ «Cayo Serranilla» (in Spanish). Eco Fiwi. Archived from the original on July 31, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2017.
  • Radan, Peter (2007). Creating New States: Theory and Practice of Secession. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. ISBN 9780754671633.

External links[edit]

  • State Resource Guides, from the Library of Congress
  • State and Territorial Governments on

Have you ever asked how many states are there in the United States? Here’s a comprehensive list of all the 50 US states in alphabetical order.

A state is a political entity made up of people who make up its constituents. In the United States, there are currently 50 states.

Each state is responsible for its own geographic territory, but they also share sovereignty with the federal government.

alphabetical list of us states.

Like the stars on the American flag, on the same flag, but shining separately. The red, white, and blue star flag is a national symbol and is also widely used on any occasion, including churches, schools, picnics, parades, picnics, etc. It can also be made into enamel pins and placed on clothes, hats, and bags as decoration.

In this quick article, we share with you some intriguing facts and history of America’s fifty different states in alphabetical order.

Although not everyone can memorize the 50 states, we presented the states in ABC order, and with each state’s abbreviation.

We’ve recently published an article about the list of all presidents of USA in chronological order. You should check it out.

The United States of America is abbreviated for short U.S. or U.S.A. and is a North American country that consists of several states and capitals.

The Declaration of Independence, which established the United States of America, was signed on July 4, 1776. By land area, America is the world’s fourth-largest country.

With a total area of 9.834 million km², the USA has a population of 328.2 million and a gross domestic product of 21.43 trillion USD according to World Banks’ 2019 report.

So, check out the alphabetical list of US states and their capitals, their abbreviations, and fun quick facts.

US state map

List of U.S States In Alphabetical Order With Abbreviations

Check out our alphabetical list of all 50 US states in alphabetical order a to z below.

USA States Capital
Alabama Montgomery
Alaska Juneau
Arizona Phoenix
Arkansas Little Rock
California Sacramento
Colorado Denver
Connecticut Hartford
Delaware Dover
Florida Tallahassee
Georgia Atlanta
Hawaii Honolulu
Idaho Boise
Illinois Springfield
Indiana Indianapolis
Iowa Des Moines
Kansas Topeka
Kentucky Frankfort
Louisiana Baton Rouge
Maine Augusta
Maryland Annapolis
Massachusetts Boston
Michigan Lansing
Minnesota Saint Paul
Mississippi Jackson
Missouri Jefferson City
Montana Helena
Nebraska Lincoln
Nevada Carson City
New Hampshire Concord
New Jersey Trenton
New Mexico Santa Fe
New York Albany
North Carolina Raleigh
North Dakota Bismarck
Ohio Columbus
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Oregon Salem
Pennsylvania Harrisburg
Rhode Island Providence
South Carolina Columbia
South Dakota Pierre
Tennessee Nashville
Texas Austin
Utah Salt Lake City
Vermont Montpelier
Virginia Richmond
Washington Olympia
West Virginia Charleston
Wisconsin Madison
Wyoming Cheyenne

1. Alabama (Al)

  • Capital: Montgomery
  • Date created: 14th December 1819
  • State Bird: Yellowhammer
  • State Flower: Camellia
  • Population: 5,030,053 (2020 estimate)

So, if you’ve asked What state comes first alphabetically? Alabama is the first on the list of US states in alphabetical order.

The state of Alabama is located in the southeastern United States. It is bordered by Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida.

With a land area of about 52,000 square miles, it is roughly the same size as the United Kingdom (about 125,000 square kilometers). It became a state on December 14, 1819.

  • Fun Fact: Alabama designed the first rocket that transported a man to the moon.
  • Alabama was the birthplace of the American Civil War.
  • In 1836 Alabama became the first state in the United States to declare Christmas a legal holiday.
  • Famous Celebrities: Louise Fletcher, Octavia Spencer, Channing Tatum, Lionel Richie, and Candi Staton.

2. Alaska (AK)

  • Capital: Juneau
  • Date of statehood: 3rd Jan 1959
  • State Bird: Willow Ptarmigan
  • Population: 736,081 (2020 estimate)

Second on the list of US states in alphabetical order is Alaska state. Juneau is the capital of Alaska.

Alaska is located on the United States West Coast’s northwest corner, directly over the Bering Strait from Asia. On January 3rd, 1959, it became a state.

  • Fun Fact: Alaska is home to North America’s highest peak, Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley), at 20,320 feet.
  • Juneau is also the largest city in the United States, covering 3,108 square miles.
  • Nearly one-third of Alaska lies within the Arctic Circle.
  • Famous Celebrities: Michelle Johnson, Annie Parisse, and Darby Stanchfield.

3. Arizona (AZ)

  • Capital: Phoenix
  • Date of statehood: 14th Feb 1912
  • State Bird: Cactus Wren
  • State Flower: Saguaro Cactus Blossom
  • Population: 7,158,923 (2020 estimate)
alphabetical list of the states

On February 14th, 1912 Arizona was admitted as a state. It was the 48th state and the last of the 48 contiguous states to be admitted.

Manufacturing has risen to the top of Arizona’s economic priorities. Electrical, telecommunication, and aviation components are among the state’s main products.

  • Fun Fact: Arizona is the largest copper-producing state in the Unites States, accounting for 60% of all copper production in the country.
  • Arizona is one of the states that form the Four Corners, the only location in the United States where four states intersect at one point. The other three states are Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.
  • In Arizona, it is illegal for donkeys to sleep in bathtubs.

Famous Celebrities: Stevie Nicks, Linda Ronstadt, Joey Lauren Adams, Wes Bentley

4. Arkansas (AR)

  • Capital: Little Rock
  • Date of statehood: 15th Jun 1836
  • State Bird: Mockingbird
  • State Flower: Apple Blossom
  • Population: 3,013,756 (2020 estimate)

Arkansas is next on our list of US states in alphabetical order. It became a separate territory in 1819 and achieved statehood in 1836.

Its neighbors are Missouri to the north, Tennessee and Mississippi to the east, Louisiana to the south.

  • Fun Fact: Arkansas contains over 600,000 acres of lakes and 9,700 miles of streams and rivers. On July 2, 1962, Sam Walton founded opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas. 47 hot springs flow from the southwestern slope of Hot Springs Mountain. About 1,000,000 gallons of 143°F flow from the springs every day.
  • The largest diamonds ever found in the United States came from this state
  • Pine Bluff is known as the world center of archery bow production.
  • Famous Celebrities: Former president, Bill Clinton, Lynda Carter, Ne-Yo, Johnny Cash, Mary Steenburgen.

Related: Full list of U.S state nicknames

5. California (CA)

  • Capital: Sacramento
  • Date of statehood: 9th Sep 1850
  • State Bird: California Valley Quail
  • State Flower: California Poppy
  • Population: 39,576,757 (2020 estimate)

The State Capital of California is Sacramento. This state leads the United States in agricultural production, with millions of acres of farmland.

California became the 31st state in 1850 and is now the third-largest state in the United States, behind Alaska and Texas. California had the ninth-largest economy in the world in 2012.

Hollywood, Disneyland, Yosemite National Park, and Alcides National Park are just some of the state’s prominent cultural institutions and national parks.

  • Fun Fact: California has more national parks than any other state in USA. Of the 59 national parks in USA, California has 9 national parks.
  • William Todd designed the original California flag. He was the nephew of Mary Todd Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln’s wife.
  • California was the name given to a mythical island in the popular early 16th century Spanish novel Las Sergas de Esplandián. When the Spanish started exploring the Pacific coast, they applied this name to the Baja California Peninsula. That name stuck.
  • Famous Celebrities: Helen Hunt, Dwayne Johnson, Angelina Jolie, Diane Keaton, Brie Larson, Ben Affleck, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Aniston, Jeff Bridges, Nicolas Cage, Jessica Chastain, Snoop Dogg, Ella Fitzgerald, John Fogerty, Josh Groban, Etta James.

6. Colorado (CO)

  • Capital: Denver
  • Date of statehood: 1st Aug 1876
  • State Bird: Lark Bunting
  • State Flower: White and Lavender Columbine
  • Population: 5,782,171 (2020 estimate)

Colorado is next on the list of US states in alphabetical order.

Native Americans were the first people to live in the area that is now Colorado. Colorado was accepted as a state on August 1, 1876, with its territorial boundaries intact.

  • Fun Fact: In 2012, Colorado (along with Washington) became the first to legalize marijuana (weed) for recreational use.
  • The 13th step of the state capital building in Denver is exactly 1 mile high above sea level
  • The world’s first rodeo was held on July 4th, 1869 in Deer Trail.

Famous Celebrities: Tim Allen, Anna Sophia Robb, Kristen Schaal.

7. Connecticut (CT)

  • Capital: Hartford
  • Date of statehood: 9th Jan 1788
  • State Bird: Robin
  • State Flower: Mountain Laurel
  • Population: 3,608,298 (2020 estimate)

With its 250-mile Long Island Sound shoreline and numerous inland lakes, Connecticut is a popular vacation destination. Yale University’s Gallery of Fine Arts and the Peabody Museum are two major attractions.

Fun Fact: The first telephone book was published in New Haven on February 21, 1878. It consisted of a single piece of cardboard and included 50 names.

Mary Dixon Kies of South Killingly was the first woman to receive a U.S. patent. She did so on May 5th, 1809, for a method of weaving straw with silk and thread to make hats.

The Hartford Courant, based in Connecticut, is the oldest U.S. newspaper still being published. It started published as a weekly on October 29, 1764.

  • Famous Celebrities: Ernest Borgnine, Katharine Hepburn, Michael Bolton, Karen Carpenter

8. Delaware (DE)

  • Capital: Dover
  • Date of statehood: 29th Jan 1861
  • State Bird: Blue Hen
  • State Flower: Peach Blossom
  • Population: 990,837 (2020 estimate)
us states and their capitals

Delaware is next on the list of US states in Alphabetical order.

Delaware sits on an east coast peninsula called the Delmarva. It’s bordered by Pennsylvania in the north; the Delaware River, the Delaware Bay, New Jersey, and the Atlantic Ocean in the east; and Maryland in the south and west.

The bay and river were named after Virginia’s governor, Lord De La Warr, by explorer Samuel Argall in 1610—Delaware!

The state of Delaware was the first to ratify, or sign, the United States Constitution. As a result, it is known as the First State.

  • Fun Fact: On December 21, 1776, Delaware became the first state with a State Constitution.
  • Delaware is one of the five states in the United States that do not impose a state sales tax.
  • Delaware has the smallest number of counties of any state in the Unites States, with only three: New Castle, Kent, and Sussex.
  • With an average elevation of only 60 feet, Delaware is the lowest state in the Unites States.
  • Famous People: Aubrey Plaza, Teri Polo, Elisabeth Shue

9. Florida (FL)

  • Capital: Tallahassee
  • Date of statehood: 3rd March 1845
  • State Bird: Mockingbird
  • State Flower: Orange Blossom
  • Population: 21,570,527 (2020 estimate)

Florida is the 27th US state when listed alphabetically.

With the Atlantic on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other, Florida is the southernmost state in the United States.

There are hundreds of kilometers of beach on the island. Miami is noted for its Latin-American cultural influences, as well as its notable arts scene and nightlife, particularly in upmarket South Beach.

  • Fun Fact: The name Florida was given by Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon when he discovered the land in 1513. He originally called it Pascua Florida, which means “Flowery Easter.”
  • Saint Augustine is the oldest European settlement in North America. It was established in 1565.
  • Florida has the longest coastline in the contiguous United States (1,350 miles or 2,170 km), and is the only state in the United States that borders both the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Florida is the only state in the nation whose Constitution is reviewed every 20 years.
  • Gatorade was named for the University of Florida Gators where the drink was first developed
  • Key Largo is known as the Diving Capital of the World.
  • Famous People: William H. Macy, Sidney Poitier, Debbie Harry, Jim Morrison, Tom Petty

10. Georgia (GA)

  • Capital: Atlanta
  • Date of statehood: 02 Jan 1788
  • State Bird: Brown Thrasher
  • State Flower: Cherokee Rose
  • Population: 10,725,274 (2020 estimate)

Georgia is a southeastern United States state with a diverse landscape that includes coastal beaches, agriculture, and mountains.

The Georgia Aquarium and the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, both in Atlanta, are dedicated to the African-American leader’s life and times.

  • Fun Fact: Georgia was named for King George II of England.
  • Georgia was founded in 1732 by British Member of Parliament James Oglethorpe. Oglethorpe’s original intention was to use the colony as a place for debt-ridden people to get a fresh start.
  • Georgia is the largest state east of the Mississippi River.
  • Famous People: Jennifer Paige, Otis Redding, Kanye West, Holly Hunter, Julia Roberts

11. Hawaii (HI)

  • Capital: Honolulu
  • Date of statehood: 21st Aug 1959
  • State Bird: Nene
  • State Flower: Hibiscus
  • Population: 1,460,137 (2020 estimate)

Hawaii is the 11th state on the list of US states in alphabetical order.

The United States received authorization to build a naval facility in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor in 1887.

Later, American sugar interests pushed for the King’s overthrow, and Hawaii became a republic in 1893. Hawaii was admitted to the union as the 50th state on August 21, 1959.

  • Fun Fact: Hawaii is one of the two states in the United States that do not observe Daylight Savings Time (Arizona is the other).
  • In Hawaii you will be fined for riding in the back of a passenger car without a seatbelt, however you can ride in the bed of a pickup truck with no safety equipment
  • By law, no building on Kauai is allowed to be built taller than a palm tree.
  • Famous People: Jason Momoa, Yvonne Elliman, Anuhea Jenkins, Bruno Mars

12. Idaho (ID)

  • Capital: Boise
  • Date of statehood: 03rd July 1890
  • State Bird: Mountain Bluebird
  • State Flower: Syringa
  • Population: 1,841,377 (2020 estimate)

Idaho is next on this list of US states in alphabetical order. Idaho is a mountainous state in the northwest United States with large tracts of protected wilderness and outdoor recreation zones.

Boise, Idaho’s capital, is nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and is divided by the Boise River, which is known for rafting and fishing.

Julia Davis Park, on the city’s riverside, is a downtown green space with a rose garden, museums, and a zoo.

  • Fun Fact: Hell’s Canyon is the deepest gorge in America at 7,993 feet.
  • Idaho is called the “Gem State” because nearly every known type of gemstone has been found in the state of Idaho. More than 72 different precious and semi-precious gemstones are mined from Idaho.
  • Idaho is the only state in the United States with an official State Raptor, peregrine falcon.
  • Famous People: Nobel Prize Winners James Rainwater (Physics, 1975)

13. Illinois (IL)

  • Capital: Springfield
  • Date of statehood: 3rd Dec 1818
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Purple Violet
  • Population: 12,822,739 (2020 estimate)

Illinois was discovered in 1673, established in 1720, and became a part of the United States on December 3, 1818. Springfield is the state capital of Illinois. It is the thirteenth state on the list of US states in alphabetical order.

The state is known as “the Prairie State” because of its farms, woods, rolling hills, and marshes. Chicago, one of the largest cities in the United States, is located on the shores of Lake Michigan in the northeast.

  • Fun Fact: The name “Illinois” comes from a Native American word meaning “tribe of superior men.”
  • The world’s first skyscraper, the ten-story Home Insurance Building, was built in Chicago in 1885.
  • The IATA airport code “ORD” for Chicago’s O’Hare Airport comes from its original name, Orchard Field. O’Hare Airport was named in honor of Lieutenant Commander Edward H. “Butch” O’Hare.
  • Famous People: Ronald Reagan (40th President), Amitabh Bachchan, Harrison Ford, Charlton Heston, eetc.

14. Indiana (IN)

  • Capital: Indianapolis
  • Date of statehood: 11th Dec 1816
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Peony
  • Population: 6,790,280 (2020 estimate)

The state name is derived from the Iowa Native American people who once inhabited the With a name that is generally thought to mean “land of the Indians,” Indiana was admitted on Dec. 11, 1816, as the 19th state of the union. Its capital has been at Indianapolis since 1825.

  • Fun Fact: The first professional baseball game was played in Fort Wayne on May 4, 1871. Fort Wayne Kekiongas beat Cleveland Forest Cities, 2-0.
  • Indiana is the first state to have a chapel inside the state capitol, built in memory of former first lady Beth Bowen.
  • Wabash, Indiana was the first electrically lighted city in the world.
  • Santa Claus, Indiana, receives hundreds of thousands of letters addressed to the Christmas legend every year—each of which is responded to individually.
  • Famous People: Embeth Davidtz, Jenna Fischer, Shelley Long, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson

15. Iowa (IA)

  • Capital: Des Moines
  • Date of statehood: 28th Dec 1846
  • State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch
  • State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose
  • Population: 3,192,406 (2020 estimate)

IOWA is the 15th on the list of US States in alphabetical order.

The name of the state comes from the Iowa Native Americans who originally lived in the area. On December 28, 1846, Iowa became the 29th state to join the union.

  • Fun Fact: Iowa is the only state in the United States that has two vowels as the first two letters of its name and has two vowels as its state abbreviation (IA).
  • Iowa is called “The Hawkeye State” to honor Indian Chief Black Hawk.
  • Iowan Arabella Mansfield the first female lawyer in the United States. She was admitted to the Iowa bar in 1869.
  • Iowa is the largest producer of ethanol among all the states in the United States. Not surprisingly, Iowa is also the largest producer of corn among all U.S. states.
  • Famous People: Cloris Leachman, Michelle Monaghan, John Wayne, Herbert Hoover (31st President)

16. Kansas (KS)

  • Capital: Topeka
  • Date of statehood: 29th Jan1861
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • State Flower: Sunflower
  • Population: 2,940,865 (2020 estimate)

Kansas is next on the list of US states in alphabetical order. Situated on the American Great Plains, became the 34th state on January 29, 1861. Kansas is the leading producer of wheat in the United States.

  • Fun Fact: The state of Kansas was named after Kansa, an Indian tribe that lived in the region about 12,000 years ago. The Kansa people were called Kansas and that became the name of the state.
  • The geographic center of the 48 contiguous United States is located about 2.6 miles northwest of the center of Lebanon, Kansas.
  • Because of its importance in the aircraft industry, Wichita is known as “the Air Capital of the World.”
  • In 1958, the first Pizza Hut restaurant was opened in Wichita, Kansas.
  • Famous People: Kirstie Alley, Dennis Hopper, Kari Wahlgren, Martina McBride, Jerrod Niemann, James Wesley

17. Kentucky (KY)

  • Capital: Frankfort
  • Date of statehood: 1st June 1792
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Goldenrod
  • Population: 4,509,342  (2020 estimate)

Kentucky is the 26th most populous and 37th largest of the 50 states that make up the United States.

us state capitals

It is located in the United States’ east south-central region. Kentucky became the 15th state to join the union when it was granted statehood on June 1, 1792.

It shares a border with seven neighboring countries (Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio.). Frankfort is the state capital.

  • Fun Fact: Kentucky’s officeholders and judges must swear an oath before taking office that they have neither fought a duel with deadly weapons nor aided or assisted any person fighting one.
  • Kentucky is the only U.S. state to have a continuous border of rivers running along three of its sides—the Mississippi River to the west, the Ohio River to the north, and the Big Sandy River and Tug Fork to the east.
  • On January 30, 1900, Kentucky Governor William Goebel was assassinated in downtown Frankfort. Goebel is the only governor of a U.S. state to have been assassinated while in office.
  • Famous People: Abraham Lincoln (16th President), George Clooney, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence

18. Louisiana (LA)

  • Capital: Baton Rouge
  • Date of statehood: 30th April 1812
  • State Bird: Eastern Brown Pelican
  • State Flower: Magnolia
  • Population: 4,661,468 (2020 estimate)

In 1812, Louisiana became a state and joined the union. It is next on this list of US states in alphabetical order.

Louisiana is located at the mouth of the Mississippi River, above the Gulf of Mexico, and is bordered on the north by Arkansas, on the east by Mississippi, and on the west by Texas.

  • Fun Fact: The first opera performed in America was on May 22, 1796, in New Orleans.
  • Louisiana is the only state in the United States that follows the legal system established by Napoleon. The other 49 states follow English common law.
  • In Louisiana, staging a “fake” wrestling or boxing match is prohibited. The penalty is loss of license.
  • In 2007, Louisiana became the last state to ban cockfighting.
  • Famous People: Willard Brown, Bob Pettit, Harry Connick Jr., Lil Wayne, Hank Williams Jr.

19. Maine (ME)

  • Capital: Augusta
  • Date of statehood: 15th March 1820
  • State Bird: Chickadee
  • State Flower: White Pine Cone and Tassel
  • Population: 1,363,582 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of US states alphabetically is Maine.

At one time, Maine was a part of Massachusetts. Although its northern borders were not established until 1842, it became its own state in 1820, becoming the 23rd state admitted to the United States of America.

  • Fun Fact: Maine is the biggest harvester of lobsters in the United States.
  • In 1641, York became America’s first chartered city.
  • The nation’s first sawmill was established near York in 1623.
  • You can be charged a fine in Maine for leaving your Christmas decorations up after January 14.
  • Maine is one of two states with an official State Herb, wintergreen.
  • Famous People: Patrick Dempsey, Anna Kendrick, Rachel Nichols

20. Maryland (MD)

  • Capital: Annapolis
  • Date of statehood: 28th April 1788
  • State Bird: Baltimore Oriole
  • State Flower: Black-Eyed Susan
  • Population: 6,185,278 (2020 estimate)

Maryland, one of the original 13 colonies, is located in the heart of the Eastern Seaboard, between Maine and Virginia, in the midst of a vast trade and population complex. On April 28, 1788, it became a state.

  • Fun Fact: Maryland gave up some of its land to form Washington D.C.
  • Maryland is commonly referred to as “America in Miniature” and sometimes “Little America” because it’s home to just about any type of nature feature, other than a desert.
  • Maryland was the first state to enact Workmen’s Compensation laws in 1902.
  • The national anthem of the United States, The Star-Spangled Banner, was written by Francis Scott Key on September 13, 1814, after he witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British during the Battle of Fort McHenry in the War of 1812.
  • Maryland is the only state in the United States with an official State Exercise: walking.
  • Famous People: Julie Bowen, Anna Faris, David Hasselhoff, Toni Braxton, Julienne Irwin, Scott Weinrich

21. Massachusetts (MA)

  • Capital: Boston
  • Date of statehood: 06 Feb 1788
  • State Bird: Chickadee
  • State Flower: Mayflower
  • Population: 7,033,469 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of US states in alphabetical order is Massachusetts.

Massachusetts is the most populated state in the United States’ New England area. It is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the southwest by Connecticut and Rhode Island, on the southeast by New Hampshire, on the northeast by Vermont, and on the west by New York.

Boston, Massachusetts’ capitol and the most populated city in New England, is the state’s capital.

  • Fun Fact: Boston Latin School, founded in 1635, is the first public school in the United States. It is also the oldest existing school in the United States.
  • In 2003, Massachusetts became the first stage to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • In Massachusetts, it is illegal to give alcoholic beverages to a hospital patient, unless directed by a physician.
  • Famous People: John Adams (2nd President), John Quincy Adams (6th President), John F. Kennedy (35th President), George Bush (41st President), Chris Evans, Jack Lemmon, Amy Poehler, Donna Summer, James Taylor

22. Michigan (MI)

  • Capital: Lansing
  • Date of statehood: 26th Jan 1837
  • State Bird: Robin
  • State Flower: Apple Blossom
  • Population: 10,084,442 (2020 estimate)

Michigan, nestled in the heart of the Great Lakes, became a part of the United States in 1837. It is next on this list of US states in alphabetical order.

The Upper and Lower Peninsulas are the two landmasses that make up Michigan. Detroit, the state’s largest city, is the cradle of Motown Records and the American car industry.

  • Fun Fact: The Detroit-Windsor Tunnel, a highway tunnel that connects Detroit, Michigan with Windsor, Ontario, Canada, is the first tunnel in the world that connects two countries.
  • The Kalamazoo Mall is the first outdoor pedestrian shopping mall in the United States.
  • Michigan has about 150 lighthouses, more than any other state in the United States.
  • Battle Creek is called the Cereal Capital of the World. It is home to Kellogg’s.
  • Famous People: Mike Modano, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, Diana Ross, Jackie Wilson, Ellen Burstyn, Tom Selleck, J.K Simmons, David Spade, Stevie Wonder

23. Minnesota (MN)

  • Capital: Saint Paul
  • Date of Statehood: 11th May 1858
  • State Bird: Common Loon
  • State Flower: Pink and White Lady Slipper
  • Population: 5,709,752 (2020 estimate)

Minnesota was admitted to the union as the 32nd state on May 11, 1858. On the list of US states in alphabetical order comes Minnesota.

The Mall of America, which has over 400 stores and receives about 40 million visitors each year, is located in Minnesota.

  • Fun Fact: Though Minnesota is called “The Land of 10,000 Lakes,” it actually has 11,842 lakes that are at least 10 acres or more in area.
  • Gates Mansion, the first home to have air conditioning in the United States, was built in Minneapolis in 1914. The unit in the Minneapolis mansion of Charles Gates was approximately 7 feet high, 6 feet wide, and 20 feet long.
  • The first Target store opened in Roseville on May 1, 1962.
  • Famous People: Peter Agre, Dave Casper, John Madden, Chief Bender, Paul Molitor, Jessica Biel, Lea Thompson, Judy Garland

24. Mississippi (MS)

  • Capital: Jackson
  • Date of statehood: 10th Dec 1817
  • State Bird: Mockingbird
  • State Flower: Magnolia
  • Population: 2,963,914 (2015 20 estimate)

Mississippi became the 20th state to join the Union in 1817, and it takes its name from the Mississippi River, which runs along its western border.

Mississippi was the main cotton producer in the United States throughout the first part of the nineteenth century, and large plantation owners relied on the work of African slaves.

  • Fun Fact: The state of Mississippi was named for the Mississippi River, whose name comes from the Ojibwa (Chippewa) Indian word “misi-ziibi,” meaning “great river.”
  • On April 25, 1866, women in Columbus decorated the graves of both the Confederate and Union soldiers in Friendship Cemetery. This gesture became known as Decoration Day, the beginning of what we observe today as Memorial Day.
  • The Mississippi city of Greenwood is commonly called the Cotton Capital of the World.
  • The Mississippi city of Vardaman is called the Sweet Potato Capital of the World.
  • Famous People: Walter Payton, Jackie Smith, Brett Favre, Lacey Chabert, Eric Roberts, Britney Spears, Faith Hill, Jimmy Buffett, Sam Cooke.

25. Missouri (MO)

  • Capital: Jefferson City
  • Date of statehood: 10th Aug 1821
  • State Bird: Bluebird
  • State Flower: White Hawthorn Blossom
  • Population: 6,160,281 (2020 estimate)

Missouri is a state in the United States’ Midwestern area. It is the country’s 19th most populous state, with about six million citizens. St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, and Columbia are the major cities, while Jefferson City is the capitol.

The state is the 21st largest in terms of area.

  • Fun Fact: Eight different states border Missouri, making it the state with the highest number of neighboring states. Tennessee also has eight bordering states.
  • Missouri has more than 6000 known caves.
  • In University City, Missouri, it is illegal for a person to have a yard sale on the front yard.
  • Missouri is one of two states with an official State Grape. Missouri’s State Grape is Norton/Cynthiana grape.
  • Richland, Missouri, is the only city in the U.S. with a cave restaurant.
  • Famous People: Jim Finks, Zack Wheat, Yogi Berra, Ed Macauley, Wallace Beery, Geraldine Page, Ginger Roger, Helen Cornelius, Eminem

26. Montana (MT)

  • Capital: Helena
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • Date of statehood: 8th Nov 1889
  • State Flower: Bitterroot
  • Population: 1,085,407 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of US states in alphabetical order is Montana.

Montana was established as a United States territory (Montana Territory) on May 26, 1864, and as the 41st state on November 8, 1889, following the finding of gold in the region.

Montana is a desirable destination for those seeking peace and quiet as well as a variety of outdoor activities.

It has also hosted a number of celebrities, including musicians, award-winning actors, and astronauts.

  • Fun Fact: Montana’s name is derived from the Spanish word “montaña” meaning “mountainous.”
  • Montana is the only state in the United States to share land border with three Canadian provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.
  • Montana is home to the hydrological apex of North America on Triple Divide Peak. From this spot, water flows to three oceans: Hudson Bay (Arctic), Gulf of Mexico (Atlantic), and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Jeannette Rankin of Missoula, Montana, was the first woman elected to the United States Congress. On November 9, 1969, she was elected to the House of Representatives.
  • Famous People: Gary Cooper, Patrick Duffy, David Lynch, Jerry Kramer

27. Nebraska (NE)

  • Capital: Lincoln
  • Date of statehood: 1st March 1867
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • State Flower: Goldenrod
  • Population: 1,963,333 (2020 estimate)

On March 1, 1867, Nebraska became the 37th state to join the union.

Nebraska is bordered on the north by South Dakota, on the south by Kansas and Colorado, on the west by Wyoming, and on the east by Iowa and Missouri.

  • Fun Fact: Nebraska’s name comes from the Otoe Indian words nebrathka, meaning “flat waterť.” The words refer to the Platte River that flows through the state
  • Nebraska is the only state in the United States with a unicameral legislature (meaning a single legislative chamber). All other states have bicameral legislature (house and senate).
  • The Lied Jungle in Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium is the largest indoor rainforest in the United States.
  • The National Museum of Roller Skating is located in Lincoln, Nebraska
  • On Saturdays when the University of Nebraska football team plays at home, the stadium itself becomes the third-largest city in Nebraska. The stadium capacity is 87,000, and the third-largest city, Bellevue, had a population of 50,137 in 2010.
  • Famous People: Gerald R. Ford (38th President), Warren Buffett, William R. Layman, Guy Chamberlin, Henry Fonda, Hilary Swank.

28. Nevada (NV)

  • Capital: Carson City
  • Date of statehood: 31st Oct 1864
  • State Bird: Mountain Bluebird
  • State Flower: Sagebrush
  • Population: 3,108,462 (2020 estimate)

Nevada is one of the 50 US states in alphabetical order.

It is bordered on the northwest by Oregon, on the northeast by Idaho, on the west by California, on the southeast by Arizona, and on the east by Utah.

Nevada is the 7th largest, 32nd most populous, and 9th least densely populated state in the United States. On October 31, 1864, Nevada became the 36th state.

  • Nevada Fun Fact: The name Nevada comes from Sierra Nevada, a Spanish term meaning snow-covered mountain range.
  • Las Vegas, Nevada has more hotel rooms than any other city on earth. As of 2016, 10 out of the top 15 biggest hotels in the world are in Las Vegas.
  • Lake Tahoe, located along the border between California and Nevada, is the largest alpine lake in North America. It is the second deepest lake in the United States.
  • Nevada has more hot springs than any other state in the country, with more than 300 occurring naturally.
  • Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the United States.
  • The longest Morse Code telegram ever sent was the Nevada state constitution. Sent from Carson City to Washington D.C. in 1864, it was sent over two days and cost $4,303.27.
  • Famous People: Thomas Dekker, Matthew Gray, Gubler Jena Malone

29. New Hampshire (NH)

  • Capital: Concord
  • Date of statehood: 21st June 1788
  • State Bird: Purple Finch
  • State Flower: Purple Lilac
  • Population: 1,379,089 (2020 estimate)

New Hampshire, one of the original 13 colonies, was the first state to have its own state constitution. New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. It was admitted state on 21st 1788

  • New Hampshire Fun Fact: New Hampshire was named by Captain John Mason after the southern English county of Hampshire.
  • The first free public library supported by taxation in the United States was founded on April 9, 1833 in Peterborough, New Hampshire.
  • The record for the highest wind speed over land in the United States was recorded on Mount Washington April 12, 1934. The wind gust clocked in at 231 miles per hour. This is also the second highest wind speed over land recorded in the world.
  • New Hampshire was the first state to offer lottery in the twentieth century United States in 1964.
  • New Hampshire has the shortest ocean coastline of any U.S. coastal state, with a length of 13 miles.
  • Famous People: Franklin Pierce (14th President), Wilson Bethel, Mandy Moore, Sarah Silverman, Charlie Clouser, Ronnie James Dio

30. New Jersey (NJ)

  • Capital: Trenton
  • Date of statehood: 18th Dec 1787
  • State Bird: Eastern Goldfinch
  • State Flower: Violet
  • Population: 9,294,493 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of US states in alphabetical order is New Jersey. It is bordered on the north and northeast by New York, on the east and south by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the west by Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Jersey, an English Channel island, inspired the state’s name. On the 18th of December 1787, it was admitted to the state. Trenton is the state capital.

  • Fun Fact: New Jersey was named after the Isle of Jersey, an island in the English Channel. 
  • The first officially recorded, organized baseball game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey, on June 19, 1846.
  • The Union Watersphere, also known as the Union Water Tower, is the tallest water tower in the world. It is located in Union, New Jersey.
  • The world’s largest statue of a tooth (15 feet tall) is located in Trenton, New Jersey.
  • Morristown National Historical Park, established in March, 1933, was the first national historic park in the United States.
  • Famous People: Michael Douglas, Bebe Neuwirth, Paul Rudd, Kevin Spacey, Whitney Houston, Jon Bon, Jovi Paul Simon, Johnson Roosma.

31. New Mexico (NM)

  • Capital: Santa Fe
  • Date of statehood: 06th Jan 1912
  • State Bird: Roadrunner
  • State Flower: Yucca Flower
  • Population: 2,120,220 (2020 estimate)

New Mexico is the 31st state on the list of 50 US states in alphabetical order.

Because it was so distant and thinly inhabited when it was admitted to the United States as the 47th state on January 6, 1912, New Mexico became the hub for the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

  • Fun Fact: New Mexico was named by the Spanish for lands north of the Rio Grande (Nuevo Mexico). The word Mexico is named after Mexitli, an Aztec war god. Mexico means ‘place where Mexitli lives.”
  • The world’s first detonation of a nuclear weapon took place on July 16, 1945, in the Jornada del Muerto desert about 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico. 
  • New Mexico is one of the states that form the Four Corners, the only location in the United States where four states intersect at one point. The other three states are Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.
  • Famous People: Tommy McDonald, Anna Gunn ,Neil Patrick Harris, Demi Moore, John Denver, Al Hurricane, Demi Lovato

32. New York (NY)

  • Capital: Albany
  • Date of statehood: 26th Jul 1788
  • State Bird: Bluebird
  • State Flower: Rose
  • Population: 20,215,751  (2020 estimate)

New York is a state in the northeastern part of the United States. New York was one of the thirteen founding colonies of the United States.

the states in abc order
Statue of Liberty, New York

It was added to the union in 1788 and is the fourth most populated state. The state is sometimes referred to as New York State to distinguish it from New York City, the state’s largest city.

With 122 billionaires claiming residency in New York, the city is home to several of the world’s largest enterprises.

  • Fun Fact: The New York City Subway has 422 stations, making it the subway system with the most number of stations in the world.
  • The borough of Brooklyn would be the fourth largest city in the United States. Queens would also be the fourth largest nationally.
  • Through 2015, 64 Nobel Prize winners were born in the state of New York, the most among all states. New York City alone has produced 45 Nobel Prize winners.
  • The first documented American chess tournament was held in New York in 1843.
  • The New York City Subway has the largest annual ridership of all subway systems in the United States. It is also the longest subway system in the United States.
  • Famous People: Billy Burch, Armand Assante, Anne Bancroft, Humphrey Bogart, Shirley Booth, Adrien Brody, Ben Stiller, Barbra Streisand, Jon Voight, Denzel Washington, Kristen Wiig.

33. North Carolina (NC)

  • Capital: Raleigh
  • Date of statehood: 21st Nov 1789
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Dogwood
  • Population: 10,453,948 (2020 estimate)

It is bordered by Virginia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Georgia and South Carolina to the south, and Tennessee to the west. It was admitted as a state on 21st Nov 1789.

  • Fun Fact: The Carolina colony was established by British and it was split in 1729 into North and South Carolina as it was deemed too big to govern effectively. Carolina is named after King Charles I of England. Carolus is Latin for Charles.
  • The Wright brothers completed the first successful flight of a mechanically propelled airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903.
  • Pepsi was developed in 1893 by Caleb Bradham and introduced as “Brad’s Drink” in New Bern, North Carolina. It was renamed Pepsi in 1898, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe.
  • The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in Buxton, North Carolina, is the tallest lighthouse in the United States at 193 feet.
  • Famous People: James K. Polk (11th President), Andrew Johnson (17th President), Tori Amos, Alicia Bridges, Nina Simone, Randy Travis, Andy Griffith, Julianne Moore, Mary Elizabeth Winstead.

34. North Dakota (ND)

  • Capital: Bismarck
  • Date of statehood: 2nd Nov1889
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • State Flower: Wild Prairie Rose
  • Population: 779,702 (2020 estimated)

Next on the list of US states in alphabetical order is North Dakota.

North Dakota is a state in the United States that is located in the Midwest and Northern areas.

It is the 19th largest state in terms of land, the fourth smallest in terms of population, and the fourth least densely inhabited among the 50 states.

North Dakota and its adjacent state, South Dakota, were admitted to the Union on November 2, 1889.

  • Fun Fact: Dakota is the Sioux word for “friend” or “ally.” The Dakota Territory was divided into North Dakota and South Dakota on November 2, 1889.
  • The geographical center of North America is in Rugby, North Dakota.
  • North Dakota holds the Guinness World Record for the most snow angels made simultaneously in one place. On February 17, 2007, 8,962 people made snow angels at the state capitol grounds.
  • In North Dakota, it is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered
  • Famous People: Leslie Bibb, Angie Dickinson, Josh Duhamel.

35. Ohio (OH)

  • Capital: Columbus
  • Date of statehood: 1st Jun 1796
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Scarlet Carnation
  • Population: 11,808,848 (2020 estimate)

On the list of all 50 US states in alphabetical order, Ohio sits on the 35th position.

The Ohio River, from which the “Ohio Country” got its name, and which the Iroquois called O-y-o, “big river,” was first visited by French explorers from Canada in the late 17th century.

Ohio became the 17th state to join the union in 1796.

  • Fun Fact: The state of Ohio was named after the river ‘Ohio’. The Ohio river was named for the Iroquois word ohi-yo’, meaning “great river.”
  • Ohio is nicknamed the Buckeye State because of the buckeye trees commonly found throughout the Ohio River Valley.
  • Ohio’s swallowtail flag is the only non-rectangular U.S. state flag.
  • Founded in 1869, Cincinnati Red Stockings was the first professional baseball team. In its tour it went 57-0, and won the first game 45-9.
  • Famous People: Neil Armstrong (Astronaut), Thomas Edison (Inventor), John Glenn (Astronaut), Jim Lovell (Astronaut), Anita Baker, Tracy Chapman, Chrissie Hynde, James Ingram, Warner Baxter, Halle Berry

36. Oklahoma (OK)

  • Capital: Oklahoma City
  • Date of statehood: 16th Nov 1907
  • State Bird: Birdsor-Tailed Flycatcher
  • State Flower: Mistletoe
  • Population: 3,963,516 (2020 estimate)

Oklahoma became the 46th state in 1907, following several acts that incorporated more and more Indian tribal land into U.S. territory.

  • Fun Fact: Oklahoma is the main producer of iodine in the United States.
  • Shopping cart was invented in Oklahoma. Sylvan Goldman, owner of the Hympty Dumpty supermarket chain in Oklahoma City, introduced the “folding basket carriers” on June 4, 1937.
  • The world’s first parking meter, known as Park-O-Meter No. 1, is installed on the southeast corner of what was then First Street and Robinson Avenue in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, on July 16, 1935.
  • Oklahoma is one of only two states whose capital city’s name includes the state name. The other is Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • Famous People: Jennifer Jones, Olivia Munn, Brad Pitt, Garth Brooks, Jeremy Castle, Vince Gill, Toby Keith, Reba McEntire.

37. Oregon (OR)

  • Capital: Salem
  • Date of statehood:14th Feb 1859
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • State Flower: Oregon Grape
  • Population: 4,241,500 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of all fifty US states in alphabetical order is Oregon.

As Oregon continued to grow it eventually broke off from the other regions in the territory and, on February 14, 1859, Oregon was admitted into the Union as the 33rd state.

  • Fun Fact: Oregon’s state flag is the only state flag in the United States to have different designs on each side.
  • The passing of Ballot Measure 60 in 1998 made Oregon the first state in the United States to conduct all elections by mail.
  • In 1994, Oregon became the first state in the United States to legalize physician-assisted suicide.
  • At 7,993 feet deep, Hells Canyon in Oregon is the deepest river gorge in North America.
  • In Oregon, drivers must yield to pedestrians who are standing on the sidewalk.
  • Famous People: Ty Burrell, Kaitlin Olson, Sally Struthers, Lauren Gale.

38. Pennsylvania (PA)

  • Capital: Harrisburg
  • Date of statehood: 12th Dec 1787
  • State Bird: Ruffed Grouse
  • State Flower: Mountain Laurel
  • Population: 13,011,844 (2020 estimate)

The first and second Continental Congresses were held in Philadelphia in 1774 and 1775, with the latter producing the Declaration of Independence, which sparked the American Revolution. In the year 1787, it was admitted as a state.

  • Fun Fact: Of the original Thirteen Colonies, Pennsylvania is the only state that does not border the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Gulf Refining Co. opened America’s first gas station on Baum Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on December 1, 1913.
  • Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, is the Mushroom Capital of the World as mushroom farming in the region produces over a million pounds of mushrooms a week.
  • ENIAC, the world’s first all-purpose computer, was built in the University of Pennsylvania and launched on February 15, 1946.
  • Famous People: Janet Gaynor, Grace Kelly, Will Smith, Jimmy Stewart, Sharon Stone, Daryl Hall, Billie Holiday, Joan Jett, Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, Taylor Swift

39. Rhode Island (RI)

  • Capital: Providence
  • Date of statehood:  29th May 1790
  • State Bird: Rhode Island Red
  • State Flower: Violet
  • Population: 1,098,163 (2020 estimate)

Rhode Island is the 39th on the list of US States in alphabetical order. Rhod Island was the last of the original 13 colonies to ratify the Constitution on May 29, 1790.

Aquidneck Island, a large island in Narragansett Bay that was officially designated Rhode Island in 1644, and Providence, the state’s initial town, inspired the official name. Rhode Island is home to a plethora of talented actors, authors, musicians, and more.

  • Fun Fact: The Tennis Hall of Fame is located in Newport, Rhode Island.  
  • Even though Rhode Island has five counties, there is no county government. Local governance is provided by the eight cities and 31 towns.
  • The start of the Industrial Revolution is often attributed to the development and construction in 1790 of Samuel Slater’s water-powered cotton mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
  • Nine Men’s Misery monument in Cumberland, Rhode Island, is the oldest known monument to veterans in the United States.
  • Famous People: Nicholas Colasanto, Jason Marsden, Mena Suvari

40. South Carolina (SC)

  • Capital: Columbia
  • Date of statehood: 23rd May 1788
  • State Bird: Great Carolina Wren
  • State Flower: Yellow Jessamine
  • Population: 5,124,712(2020 estimate)

In 1788, Carolina became the eighth state to ratify the United States Constitution.

Its early economy was predominantly agricultural, with plantation farmers relying on the slave trade for cheap labor to maximize their profits.

The state of South Carolina is recognized for its beaches, golf courses, and historic areas.

  • Fun Fact: Morgan Island in South Carolina houses the only colony of free-ranging rhesus monkeys in the United States. Morgan Island is also known as Monkey Island. There are about 3,500 monkeys in the colony.
  • The Charleston Museum in Charleston, South Carolina, is the first museum in America. It was founded in 1773 and opened to the public in 1824.
  • Johnston, South Carolina, is known as the Peach Capital of the World.
  • The largest Gingko farm in the world is located in Sumter, South Carolina
  • Famous People: Andrew Jackson (7th President), Thomas Gibson, Chris Rock, Jessica Stroup, Lee Brice, James Brown, Darius Rucker.

More US States and Their Capital

You’ve got 40 of the 50 US states in alphabetical order, now let’s have others.

41. South Dakota (SD)

  • Capital: Pierre
  • Date of statehood: 2nd Nov 1889
  • State Bird: Ring-Necked Pheasant
  • State Flower: Pasque Flower
  • Population: 887,770 (2020 estimated)

South Dakota was a part of the Dakota Territory until 1889.

The territory was divided in two on November 2, 1889, and North and South Dakota were admitted as the 39th and 40th states, respectively. Before 1800, South Dakota was home to millions of American bison.

  • Fun Fact: The largest and best-preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil in the world was discovered by Sue Hendrickson near Faith, South Dakota, in 1990. The fossil was named Sue in Sue Hendrickson’s honor.
  • The geographical center of the United States is approximately 20 miles north of Belle Fourche, South Dakota.
  • Mitchell, South Dakota, is the home of the world’s only Corn Palace.
  • Famous People: January Jones, Nicky Katt, Cheryl Ladd

42. Tennessee

  • Capital: Nashville
  • Date of statehood: June 1st,1796
  • State Bird: Mockingbird
  • State Flower: Iris
  • Population: 6,916,897 (2020 estimate)

On June 1, 1796, Tennessee became the 16th state to join the Union. At the commencement of the American Civil War in 1861, Tennessee was the final state to quit the Union and join the Confederacy.

It was the first state to be readmitted to the Union after the war, having been occupied by Union soldiers since 1862.

  • Fun Fact: The state of Tennessee was named after a Cherokee town named “Tanasi,” which is in present-day Monroe County, Tennessee. The true meaning of Tanasi cannot be ascertained, though it’s been said to mean “meeting place,” “wind river,” or “river of the great bend.”
  • Tennessee borders with eight other states. This makes Tennessee, along with Missouri, the state with the most neighboring states.
  • The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee, is the longest continuously running live radio program in the world. It has been live since November 28, 1925.
  • Vanderbilt University, along with its affiliated hospitals, is the largest employer in Tennessee.
  • Famous People: Oscar Robertson, Kathy Bates, Megan Fox, Morgan Freeman, Miley Cyrus, Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton, Justin Timberlake, Tina Turner.

43. Texas (TX)

  • Capital: Austin
  • Date of statehood:29th Dec 1845
  • State Bird: Mockingbird
  • State Flower: Bluebonnet
  • Population: 29,183,290 (2020 estimate)

Next on the list of US states in alphabetical order, is Texas. Spanish missionaries were the first European settlers in Texas, Texas admitted one of the states on 29th Dec 1845.

  • Fun Fact: The name Texas came from the Caddo Indian word tejas, meaning “friends” or “allies.”
  • Texas has highest highway speed limit in the United States. A stretch of toll road between Austin and San Antonio permits drivers to go 85 miles per hour.
  • Texas produces more crude oil and natural gas than any other state in the United States.
  • Bracken Cave in Comal County, Texas, is the summer home to the largest colony of bats in the world. An estimated 20 million Mexican free-tailed bats roost in the cave from March to October every year.
  • Dr. Pepper was invented in Waco, Texas, by Charles Alderton in 1885.
  • Famous People: Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th President), Lyndon B. Johnson (36th President), Nolan Rya, Andy Cooper, Joan Crawford, Jamie Foxx, Woody Harrelson, Willie Nelson, Roy Orbison, Kenny Rogers, Jessica Simpson.

44. Utah (UT)

  • Capital: Salt Lake City
  • Date of statehood: 04 Jan 1896
  • State Bird: California Seagull
  • State Flower: Sego Lily
  • Population: 3,275,252 (2020 estimate)

Utah became the 45th member of the union on Jan. 4, 1896, with Salt Lake City as its capital.

Utah is known for having some of the best skiing in the country, and the mountains near Salt Lake City receive an average of 500 inches of snow per year.

  • Fun Fact: In 1912, policeman Lester Wire invented the first red-green electric traffic lights in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • In Utah, individuals may not supply beer to the public in containers larger than two liters unless they are licensed to do so.
  • Utah is the only state with an official State Cooking Pot: Dutch oven.
  • Famous People: Roseanne Barr, James Woods, Loretta Young, Jewel Kilcher, Donny Osmond, Marie Osmond

45. Vermont (VE)

  • Capital: Montpelier
  • Date of statehood: 4th March  1791
  • State Bird: Hermit Thrush
  • State Flower: Red Clover
  • Population: 643,503 (2020 estimate)

Vermont is next on the list of US states in alphabetical order.

Vermont is in the northeastern part of the United States, and its capital is Montpelier.

Its nickname is the Green Mountain State. It was admitted to the Union on March 4th, 1791.

  • Fun Fact: Vermont’s name is derived from two French words–vert (“green”) and mont (“mountain”). French explorer Samuel de Champlain first gave the name “Verd Mont” to Vermont’s Green Mountains on his 1647 map.
  • Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the United States. 
  • Until 1996, Vermont was the only state without a Walmart. 
  • Montpelier is the only state capital without a McDonald’s. 
  • Vermont does not have any skyscraper. Vermont is the only state that does not have any buildings taller than 124 feet.
  • Famous People: Chester A. Arthur (21st President), Calvin Coolidge (30th President), Orson Bean, Zosia Mamet, Gabriel Mann.

46. Virginia (VI)

  • Capital: Richmond
  • Date of statehood: 25th July 1788
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Dogwood
  • Population: 8,654,542 (2020 estimate)
list of American states in alphabetical order

The English constructed Jamestown on the banks of the James River in 1607, making Virginia the first permanent settlement in the country. On June 25, 1788, it became a state.

  • Fun Fact: Virginia was named for England’s “Virgin Queen,” Elizabeth I.
  • Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the American Continent. It was also the first capital of Virginia.
  • The Pentagon building in Arlington, Virginia is the largest office building in the world.
  • The first theater in America was built at Williamsburg, Virginia in 1716.
  • Famous People: George Washington (1st President), Thomas Jefferson (3rd President), James Madison (4th President), James Monroe (5th President), William Henry Harrison (9th President), John Tyler (10th President), Zachary Taylor (12th President), Woodrow Wilson (28th President), Chris Brown, Missy Elliott, Sandra Bullock, Shirley MacLaine.

47. Washington (WA)

  • Capital: Olympia
  • Date of statehood: 11th Nov 1889
  • State Bird: Willow Goldfinch
  • State Flower: Pink Rhododendron
  • Population: 7,715,946 (2020 estimate)

Washinton is next on our list of US states in alphabetical order.

It became a state in 1889 and was named after George Washington; it is the only state in the United States named after a president.

Aircraft and missiles, shipbuilding and other transportation equipment, food processing, metals and metal products, chemicals, and machinery are among the manufacturing industries of Washington.

  • Fun Fact: The state of Washington was named after the first president of the United States, George Washington. It is the only state to be named after a president.
  • Washington state is the largest producer of apples in the United States.
  • Boeing’s Everett factory is the world’s largest building by volume, covering 4.3 million square feet and encompassing 472 million cubic feet of space.
  • Harbor Island, located in the mouth of Seattle’s Duwamish Waterway, is the largest man-made island in the United States.
  • The world’s largest coffeehouse chain, Starbucks, was founded in Seattle, Washington, in 1971.
  • Famous People: Erika Christensen, Bing Crosby, Rainn Wilson, Kenny G, Jimi Hendrix, Kenny Loggins, Layne Staley.

48. West Virginia (WV)

  • Capital: Charleston
  • Date of statehood: 21st June 1863
  • State Bird: Cardinal
  • State Flower: Rhododendron
  • Population: 1,795,045 (2020 estimate)

It was admitted into the Union as the 35th U.S. state, or the 24th state if the secession of the 11 Southern states were taken into account.

In April 1863, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the admission of West Virginia into the Union effective June 20, 1863.

It is a place filled with a rich and unique history and, since becoming a state, has evolved into an important hub for natural energy resources and a popular outdoor recreation destination.

  • Fun Fact: The first state sales tax established in the United States went into effect on July 1, 1921, in West Virginia.
  • Weirton is the only city in the U.S. that extends from one state border to another. The eastern portion of the city borders Pennsylvania, and the western portion of the city borders on Ohio.
  • The first official Mother’s Day celebration took in 1908 at a Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, and was organized by Anna Jarvis.
  • Famous People: John Corbett, Elizabeth McLaughlin, Ashlie Rhey, Wilma Lee Cooper, Red Sovine, Bill Withers, George Preston Marshall

49. Wisconsin

  • Capital: Madison (WI)
  • Date of statehood: 29th May 1848
  • State Bird: Robin
  • State Flower: Wood Violet
  • Population: 5,897,473 (2020 estimate)

The next state on the list of all US states in alphabetical order is Wisconsin.

Following the American Revolution, Wisconsin became a US territory and began attracting settlers searching for work in the mining, lumber, and dairy industries. In 1848, it became the 30th state to join the union.

  • Fun Fact: The Ringling Brothers (Albert, Otto, Charles and John) gave their first circus show performance in Baraboo, Wisconsin, in 1884.
  • Noah’s Ark Family Park is the largest water park in the United States. It features 51 water slides, among other attractions. The park is located in the city of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
  • The first hydroelectric plant in the United States began operation on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin, on September 30, 1882.
  • Seymour, Wisconsin, is home to the Hamburger Hall of Fame.
  • Famous People: Fredric March, Mark Ruffalo, Tony Shalhoub, Spencer Tracy, Greg Graffin, Skylar Grey, Al Jarreau

50. Wyoming (WY)

  • Capital: Cheyenne
  • Date of statehood: 10th July 1890
  • State Bird: Western Meadowlark
  • State Flower: Indian Paintbrush
  • Population: 577,719 (2020 estimate)

Last on the list of US states in alphabetical order is Wyoming.

Wyoming joined the union as the 44th state in 1890. Wyoming was the first state in the United States to allow women to vote, marking one of the early victories in the American women’s suffrage movement.

  • Fun Fact: The ten largest coal mines in the United States are all located in Wyoming.
  • White Hall, on the University of Wyoming’s campus in Laramie, is the tallest building in the state. The 12-story dormitory is 200 feet high.
  • Established in 1886, the Laramie County Library System is the oldest continually operating county library system in the country.
  • Wyoming is one of two states with an official State Shrub: Wyoming big sagebrush.
  • Famous People: Jim Beaver, Jim J. Bullock, Darren Dalton.

Capitals of US States Alphabetically

  • Albany – New York
  • Annapolis – Maryland
  • Atlanta – Georgia
  • Augusta – Maine
  • Austin – Texas
  • Baton Rouge – Louisiana
  • Bismarck – North Dakota
  • Boise – Idaho
  • Boston – Massachusetts
  • Carson City – Nevada
  • Charleston – West Virginia
  • Cheyenne – Wyoming
  • Columbia – South Carolina
  • Columbus – Ohio
  • Concord – New Hampshire
  • Denver – Colorado
  • Des Moines – Iowa
  • Dover – Delaware
  • Frankfort – Kentucky
  • Harrisburg – Pennsylvania
  • Hartford – Connecticut
  • Helena – Montana
  • Honolulu – Hawaii
  • Indianapolis – Indiana
  • Jackson – Mississippi
  • Jefferson City – Missouri
  • Juneau – Alaska
  • Lansing – Michigan
  • Lincoln – Nebraska
  • Little Rock – Arkansas
  • Madison – Wisconsin
  • Montgomery – Alabama
  • Montpelier – Vermont
  • Nashville – Tennessee
  • Oklahoma City – Oklahoma
  • Olympia – Washington
  • Phoenix – Arizona
  • Pierre – South Dakota
  • Providence – Rhode Island
  • Raleigh – North Carolina
  • Richmond – Virginia
  • Sacramento – California
  • Salem – Oregon
  • Salt Lake City – Utah
  • Santa Fe – New Mexico
  • Springfield – Illinois
  • St. Paul – Minnesota
  • Tallahassee – Florida
  • Topeka – Kansas
  • Trenton – New Jersey

Us States In Order of Statehood

Serial State Date (admitted or ratified)
1. Delaware December 7, 1787
2. Pennsylvania December 12, 1787
3. New Jersey December 18, 1787
4. Georgia January 2, 1788
5. Connecticut January 9, 1788
6. Massachusetts February 6, 1788
7. Maryland April 28, 1788
8. South Carolina May 23, 1788
9. New Hampshire June 21, 1788
10. Virginia June 25, 1788
11. New York July 26, 1788
12. North Carolina November 21, 1789
13. Rhode Island May 29, 1790
14. Vermont March 4, 1791
15. Kentucky June 1, 1792
16. Tennessee June 1, 1796
17. Ohio March 1, 1803
18. Louisiana April 30, 1812
19. Indiana December 11, 1816
20. Mississippi December 10, 1817
21. Illinois December 3, 1818
22. Alabama December 14, 1819
23. Maine March 15, 1820
24. Missouri August 10, 1821
25. Arkansas June 15, 1836
26. Michigan January 26, 1837
27. Florida March 3, 1845
28. Texas December 29, 1845
29. Iowa December 28, 1846
30. Wisconsin May 29, 1848
31. California September 9, 1850
32. Minnesota May 11, 1858
33. Oregon February 14, 1859
34. Kansas January 29, 1861
35. West Virginia June 20, 1863
36. Nevada October 31, 1864
37. Nebraska March 1, 1867
38. Colorado August 1, 1876
39. North Dakota November 2, 1889
40. South Dakota November 2, 1889
41. Montana November 8, 1889
42. Washington November 11, 1889
43. Idaho July 3, 1890
44. Wyoming July 10, 1890
45. Utah January 4, 1896
46. Oklahoma November 16, 1907
47. New Mexico January 6, 1912
48. Arizona February 14, 1912
49. Alaska January 3, 1959
50. Hawaii August 21, 1959

Summary of Us States In Alphabetical Order

You can use this list of united states in alphabetical order to create geography flashcards, board games, or practice spelling skills.

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