Two word sentences list

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Communication is based on the exchange of our thoughts and ideas. While communicating, it is very important to be precise and to formulate our thoughts clearly. If we want to be understood correctly, we should always think about the words we utter. We have all been taught that words are very important due to the fact that they are the key elements of the sentence. However, have you ever thought about the number of words necessary to express your idea or thought?

Sometimes, in order to convey your feelings and thoughts all you have to do is utter the total of two words. The phrases consisted of two words can be so powerful that they can entertain you, make you feel loved, inspired, motivated, or even make you feel sad. In other words, your whole life can be changed by only two words. For instance, if your fiancé says “I do” when you propose to her, that simple phrase instantly turns your life into the life of your dreams.

That being said, sometimes a phrase consisted of the two meaningful words is enough to convey any message. In case you are fascinated with the power of two-word phrases, you should definitely take a look at our list consisted of 130 instances of such phrases.

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  1. Only believe
  2. Case closed
  3. Dream big
  4. Don’t stop
  5. Love you
  6. Patience, child
  7. Hug me
  8. Let go
  9. Thank You
  10. Marry me
  11. Question everything
  12. Call me
  13. Carpe Diem
  14. Watch out
  15. Oh, wait
  16. Of course
  17. I’m pregnant
  18. Explore magic
  19. Be yourself
  20. Laughter heals
  21. You can
  22. Fear not
  23. Hakuna Matata
  24. Baby steps
  25. Cherish today
  26. Accept yourself
  27. Slow down
  28. Try again
  29. I will
  30. Fairy dust
  31. Don’t panic
  32. Be kind
  33. What if?
  34. Love endures
  35. Miracle happens
  36. Friends forever
  37. Amplify hope
  38. Dream big
  39. Look within
  40. Shine today
  41. Alive & well
  42. Come back
  43. Think different
  44. Find balance
  45. Beautiful chaos
  46. Be fearless
  47. Stay tuned
  48. Respect me
  49. Treasure today
  50. Have faith
  51. Act justly
  52. How lovely
  53. Just sayin…
  54. Notice things
  55. Be still
  56. Perfectly fabulous
  57. Dream bird
  58. For real
  59. You sparkle
  60. But why?
  61. Take chances
  62. Hello gorgeous
  63. Everything counts
  64. Forget this
  65. Think first
  66. Stay beautiful
  67. Just imagine
  68. Oh, really?
  69. Don’t stop
  70. Infinite possibilities
  71. Miracle happens
  72. Invite tranquility
  73. I can
  74. Keep going
  75. Watch me
  76. Hello, world
  77. Step back
  78. You win
  79. Miss you
  80. Then when?
  81. Inhale exhale
  82. Enjoy today
  83. Be colorful
  84. Aim high
  85. Think twice
  86. Stay strong
  87. Getting there
  88. Imperfectly perfect
  89. Loosen up
  90. No boundaries
  91. Start living
  92. Feeling groovy
  93. Shine on
  94. Give thanks
  95. Crazy beautiful
  96. Be spontaneous
  97. Sing today
  98. Limited edition
  99. Just because
  100. Call me
  101. I remember…
  102. Oh snap
  103. Breathe deeply
  104. Look up
  105. Hold on
  106. Pretty awesome
  107. Just believe
  108. Perfectly content
  109. You matter
  110. Tickled pink
  111. Try it
  112. I do.
  113. Save yourself.
  114. Move along.
  115. That’s it.
  116. Radiate positivity
  117. Be humble
  118. See good
  119. Start over
  120. No excuses
  121. Why not?
  122. Work hard
  123. Move forward
  124. Not yet
  125. That’s right
  126. Be nice
  127. Be persistent
  128. Start somewhere
  129. Stay hopeful
  130. Smile often

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To conclude, the two-word phrases are often more effective that numerous sentences. They hold the power in many life events and represent a unique construction responsible for the things we may feel when we hear or say them paper writer. Therefore, their important role in communication indeed makes us cherish the simplicity and significance of any uttered word.

Read Tommy Tomlinson’s description of a snowy day. Notice that he writes in the simple past tense and only uses two-word sentences (a subject and a verb).

Snow fell.

Flakes floated. Clumps stuck. Drifts formed. Mounds rose. Grass vanished. Trees sagged. Birds hid. Whiteness ruled.

Shut-ins watched. Slackers slept. Couples smooched. Singles wished. Natives compared. Newcomers scoffed. Babies dozed. Elders remembered.

Computers crackled. Pagers beeped. Newspapers thudded. TVs flickered. Radios blared. Callers chattered. Critics grumbled. Weathermen apologized.

Workers drove. Roads iced. Sidewalks crunched. Tires skidded. Cars crashed. Drivers cussed. Cops muttered. Survivors exhaled.

Snow fell.

Skies darkened. Sleet spattered. Rain froze. Fog swirled. Buildings dissolved. Landmarks retreated. Perspectives narrowed. Cities shrank.

Schools closed. Parents shrieked. Work halted. Employees departed. Interstates clogged. Buses crawled. Teachers high-fived. Kids rejoiced.

Hills beckoned. Slopes summoned. Sleds careened. Toboggans flipped. Snowmen towered. Snowballs soared. Bodies flattened. Angels appeared.

Tongues extended. Snowflakes landed. Hands molded. Feet stomped. Ears reddened. Fingers tingled. Mittens dampened. Noses ran.

Snow fell.

Wind whistled. Chimes tinkled. Limbs groaned. Dogs barked. Ground hardened. Ponds glazed. Snowdrifts crusted. Temperatures dropped.

Closeness mattered. Kinfolk called. Friends connected. Neighbors shared. Volunteers gave. Strangers helped. Clerks assisted. Cashiers smiled.

Wires popped. Transformers exploded. Power blinked. Clocks stopped. Fridges defrosted. Victims shuddered. Linemen mended. Candles burned.

Operators dispatched. Trucks towed. Mechanics tinkered. Engines cranked. EMTs rescued. Firefighters hosed. Officers probed. Doctors healed.

Snow fell.

Heaps collected. Piles enlarged. Masses expanded. Clearings faded. Angles rounded. Edges smoothed. Shapes blended. Colors disappeared.

Shovelers heaved. Runners puffed. Skiers schussed. Skaters searched. Hunters crouched. Fishermen shivered. Flasks opened. Bellies warmed.

Poets scribbled. Artists sketched. Photographers focused. Singers hummed. Inventors dreamed. Grifters schemed. Counselors soothed. Preachers prayed.

Coffee perked. Tea steeped. Cocoa foamed. Bourbon swirled. Soup simmered. Casseroles baked. Marshmallows roasted. Popcorn popped.

Snow fell.

Clouds parted. Precipitation ended. Sunshine emerged. Icicles melted. Water puddled. Eaves dripped. Snowbanks sank. Plenty remained.

Dark came. Slush solidified. Ice blackened. Highways slickened. Students hoped. Travelers worried. Storms poised. Forecasts wavered.

Midnight ticked. Peace settled. Sounds quieted. Movement stilled. Light reflected. Darkness shined. Thoughts overflowed.

Weather changed. Challenges abounded. Humanity won. Kindness prevailed. Hearts lightened. Memories accumulated.

People learned.

Nature taught.

Snow fell.

Describe a situation  with your own two-word sentences.

If «sentence» means a chunk of writing that begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, then the answer is yes. What you’ve written is not «bad» or «wrong.» It’s something people do for rhetorical effect, such as to sound dramatic. In genres like creative writing, fiction, or just informal writing in general, you can do things like that.

If «sentence» means what sentence usually means, the answer is still «yes»—but the two-word things that you’ve written here are not sentences; they’re noun phrases. For that reason, if this was in a paper that was being graded, the instructor MIGHT dislike them. If the instructor dislikes them, he/she will probably call them «fragments». Sentences usually have a subject (something doing the action or that the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject is doing or more information about the subject). Examples of two-word sentences that everyone would agree are «complete sentences» are «Dogs bark» (Subject Verb), «I slept» (Subject Verb), and «We left» (Subject Verb).

If «sentence» means «utterance» or «turn at speaking,» the answer is also «yes». We can even have one-word utterances, like «Yes» or «Goodbye.»

In other words, the sample of your writing that you’ve shared sounds perfectly fine, but not everyone would refer your two-word things as «sentences»—and SOME instructors might circle them with a red pen and call them «fragments».

powerful one word quotesAre you feeling hopeless and bleak? To be honest, feeling discouraging is the worst feeling ever. To heal those wounds, two-word quotes can be a perfect fix. These words can be powerful, inspirational, enigmatic or ruthless. But, words are magical. They can easily convince or persuade someone. Short word quotes can be used in several ways. Sometimes, two word quotes are enough to express yourself and get your message out there. These powerful short two word phrases can be used as printable, daily reminders, quotes, and design tattoos.

Motivational short word quotes are much sought after, but the power of these words is unparalleled. These words are just not meaningful but are also motivating. Think of those unmotivated days when you need someone around you. Imagine yourself in a fantasy where everything looks so surreal. Think of spending a personal quality time with yourself. Surprisingly, short magic words give you all the motivation to dream, act, imagine, fascinate, and live.

Look at the huge collection of two word quotes. Give a minute to read the one-line sentence written next to the word. You can be creative and use these words in different ways. Print out these words and keep a beautiful frame on the side table next to your bed. Write down these words in a cellphone note and set a daily reminder and read them. Send these words to someone close and make them feel rejuvenating. Importantly, bookmark this to motivate yourself every day.

Here is an awesome collection of two word quotes for inspiration seeking individuals.

  1. Just me – At this point, don’t care about anything else. Don’t try to fit in with anybody.
  2. True love – True love is all about knowing the faults of the other person and loving them even more.
  3. Friends Forever – Best friends are the one’s who are always there : whenever, whatever and importantly, forever!
  4. Dream bird – Any heart without dreams is more like a bird without feathers. Be a dream bird and fly high.
  5. No boundaries – Talent knows no boundaries. It overcomes all barriers that hinder the way to success.
  6. no boundries two word quotes

  7. Food passion – Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion, even food.
  8. Be yourself – Stop letting other people describe you. Be yourself and show it to the world.
  9. be-yourself-two-word-quotes

  10. Accept yourself – The day you accept yourself you become confident.
  11. Have faith – No matter how worst your situation is, there’s always a sign of hope if you have faith.
  12. Good job – Pat your shoulder and give yourself a treat. Good Job, Man!
  13. Have patience – Life always take tests, but you need to have patience.
  14. Keep calm – Keep calm and be 100% fabulous.
  15. Move on – Move on! It’s not the ending. Just turn the page.
  16. Inhale Exhale – Inhale love, exhale hate. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity.
  17. Don’t care – There comes a point in life when it’s not that you don’t care anymore. You just can’t!
  18. dont care quote

  19. Stay strong – Every single day is a battle to stay strong.
  20. Stay true – Stay true to you and you’ll be incredibly awesome!
  21. Just believe – Believing in yourself will make you unstoppable.
  22. Shit happens – It’s okay, shit happens!
  23. Stay beautiful – Stay beautiful, you are worth it.
  24. Thank you – Busy to say a thank you? You will get fewer and fewer chances to say it.
  25. Work hard – When you live a life for a strong purpose, hard work isn’t a choice. It’s a necessity.
  26. Think first – Be sure you think about your words before you spit them out.
  27. Start living – Never be scared to start living a life you have always thought of.
  28. start living two word quotes

  29. Try again – Failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it actually means try again with a new experience.
  30. Love you – Loving you has been my favorite adventure so far.
  31. Don’t stop – set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there
  32. Trust me – Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice.

  33. Call me – Take that bone out of your nose and call me back!
  34. Shut up – You need to shut up and let me live my life.
  35. Forget this – The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest.
  36. Come back – They always come back. Especially when you move on.
  37. Respect me – I respect a person who respects me when I am not around.
  38. Baby steps – Even baby steps can take you a long way over time. Don’t stand still.
  39. Be honest – Everybody wants the truth but nobody wants to be honest.
  40. Enjoy life – You only live once, enjoy life.
  41. I can – Only I can change my life story. No one can do it for me.
  42. I can quote

  43. Forever Free – Once you learn to live, you will be forever free.
  44. Hakuna Matata – It means no worries.
  45. Look up – If you fall, fall on your back. If you can look up you can get high.
  46. Be fearless – be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
  47. Be fearless two word quotes

  48. Let go – Maturity is when you learn to let go.
  49. Game on – Play every game as if it’s your last one.
  50. Think twice – Think twice before you say something.
  51. think twice quote two word

  52. Be limitless – Limits only exist in the mind. So, be limitless.
  53. You can – Only you can make it happen.
  54. Watch me – Win with me or watch me win.
  55. Stay focused – Stay focused and extra sparkly
  56. Be Kind – You will never regret being kind.
  57. Get it – You deserve love, and you will get it!

It’s easy to find inspiring words for every situation but you hardly know what else you can do with these power boosters. Words are powerful. They can either break or make the relationship. They can either motivate or demotivate you. They can even hit the bull’s eye, without even making extra efforts. Before you get swarmed with best two word quotes, let me clear few things. Every word in this list can tell a different story and an unfathomable twist to it. You’ve to take these words as per your situation or things that are happening in your favorite’s life. Possibilities are that you’re caught in a situation where only words can heal your wounds. Chances are that you get demotivated when you wake up early in the morning and got nothing to seek motivation. Maybe, you’re broken inside and don’t know what to do next. Your situation can be anything from pleasantly happy to heartbroken or sad.

Surprisingly amazed by the master collection of two word quotes? Now, you don’t have to look for any other pairing words. These short quote words are enough to change someone’s mood. I’m not sure if this list has the two word quote you were looking for. But, this list definitely has some other cool words that you can share or get motivated. In times of self-doubt, these words can be the must-needed quotes that get you back on the track. Whether you’re feeling demotivated, or heartbroken, these words will help you get moving. Life is all that and we need to move on.

The idea is to get motivated and inspired when you feel low. So, if you’ve liked few of these quotes then make them stick to your desktop, fitness machine, bed or work desk. What’s next? Enjoy these quotes too.

  • One Word Quotes
  • Two Word Quotes
  • Three Word Quotes
  • Four Word Quotes
  • Five Word Quotes
  • Six Word Quotes


Complete the sentences. Use two words from the
list. Add a / an where necessary.
animals cars city country language people
✓ Adjectives
beautifrigor arcus difficult tastrich
1 Canada is big country
2 Venice is
3 Lamborghinis are
4 Crocodiles are
5 Beverly Hills is a place for
6 Chinese is

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