Two word name animals

What animals have two words in their name?

In the class mammalia, there are many common names with two words in it, examples of which are: Snow leopard, Siberian tiger, Tasmanian devil, Elephant seal, Elephant shrew, Guinea pig, etc.

What are animal human characters called?

Anthropomorphism is a literary device that assigns human characteristics to nonhuman entities like animals or inanimate objects. Examples of anthropomorphism can be found in narratives both old and new. Anthropomorphic characters appear in ancient Greek myths and many of Aesop’s Fables.

What animal has more than one common name?

A number of animal species, however, have the same name for both genus and species, which creates a scientific name known as a tautonym. Moderately well-known examples of tautonyms are those for the wolverine (Gulo gulo), the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and the moose (Alces alces).

What animals have names for each other?

Scientists have found further evidence that dolphins call each other by “name”. Research has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other.

Is anthropomorphism a sin?

Among people who study dogs or any other animal this is considered to be a cardinal sin. The word anthropomorphism comes from comes from the Greek words anthro for human and morph for form and it is meant to refer to the habit of attributing human qualities and emotions to non-human beings.

Which animal is the most popular pet?

Pet dogs
Pet dogs don’t beat out cats, fish, or birds in sheer numbers, but more households have at least one dog in them than any other pet, making dogs the most popular pet in the world. Recent surveys show cats are a close second, followed by fish (12%), birds (6%), and other pet types (6%).

What does it mean when two different animals have the same genus name?

As a consequence, if two species share the same species epithet then it tells you nothing about how closely related they are. If they share the same genus name, then they belong to the same genus (except exceptions probably!). For the above examples, the term glabra comes from “glaber” (latin) which means “Hairless”.

What animals name their children?

Interesting Vocabulary: Special Names: Baby Animals

adult animal baby animal
bear, lion, tiger, wolf, fox cub
cat kitten*
cow, elk, moose, elephant, reindeer, whale calf
deer fawn

Do animals have their own name?

Most animals probably have no concept of names, however some more complex animals do seem to understand the concept. Dolphins for example use something called a “signature whistle” which is unique to each dolphin and may function like a name.

What are the names of the dogs in Animal Farm?

Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher Three dogs. The nine puppies born between Jessie and Bluebell are taken by Napoleon and raised to be his guard dogs.

Which is an animal name with a meaning?

Fox is one animal name backed by a longish tradition, and then popularized via the lead character Fox Mulder on X Files. Fox is simple, sleek, and a little bit wild, and could make an interesting middle name. Arden, the name of the magical forest in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, is a stylish A name with a strong, straightforward image.

Are there any cartoon characters that are humans?

Even when cartoons do portray humans, they are usually skewed in some way to make them seem more whimsical or cartoonish. There are many talented artists out there who turn popular non-human cartoon characters into humans and the results are phenomenal.

Are there animals that are similar to humans?

Doing a school research project about if life in space could be similar to us. One of my cites would be this, but it’s not one of the “credible” sites I could use that my teachers are so fond of.

Are there any animal names that are common?

Here’s a list of animal names which are common human names. 1.) Baby. Baby is a very common name in many places of the world. In the animal kingdom, it is the name of the young of a Shrew and Armadillo. 2.) Billy. Billy is a very popular name. In the animal kingdom, Billy is the name of a male goat.

What do you call a male and female animal?

A male human is called a man while a female human is called a woman. The young of human is called a child – a boy if it’s a male and a girl if its a female. Here’s a list of animal names which are common human names. 1.) Baby Baby is a very common name in many places of the world.

Are there any animal names that are unisex?

Kit, a unisex name, is the young of several animals such as cat, skunk, raccoon, rabbit, mink, fox, beaver and badger. 13.) Molly Molly is a popular girl name. This name in the animal kingdom is the female mule or cat. 14.) Pinky Pinky, which is also spelled Pinkie, is a common human female name.

What are the characters names in Animal Farm?

Character Names Symbol Analysis. Here are some of the animals who symbolize individuals or groups in Soviet society: Mr. Jones (Russian Tsar and the aristocratic order); Old Major (Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin); Napoleon (Stalin); Snowball (Trotsky); Squealer (the press); the pigs (ruling bureaucrats); and Moses the Raven (organized religion).

In the class mammalia, there are many common names with two words in it, examples of which are: Snow leopard, Siberian tiger, Tasmanian devil, Elephant seal, Elephant shrew, Guinea pig, etc….Few animals with 7 letters:

  • Caribou or reindeer.
  • Sand cat.
  • Caracal.
  • Cheetah.
  • Leopard.
  • Giraffe.
  • Bittern.
  • Opossum.

    What is the human 2 word species name?

    Homo sapiens
    The binomial name Homo sapiens was coined by Carl Linnaeus (1758).

    What is a human mixed with an animal called?

    In fact, such human-animal hybrids are often referred to as “chimeras”. While this scientific advance offers the prospect of growing human organs inside animals for use in transplants, it can also leave some people with a queasy feeling.

    What animal has more than one name?

    Cougars. They have the Guinness World Record for the most names for an Animal. Cougars are also called Pumas, Mountain Lions, Catamounts, Panthers, etc. We raise Corsican sheep.

Table of Contents

  1. What animals have two words in their name?
  2. What are animal human characters called?
  3. What animal has more than one common name?
  4. What animals have names for each other?
  5. Is anthropomorphism a sin?
  6. Which animal is the most popular pet?
  7. What does it mean when two different animals have the same genus name?
  8. What animals name their children?
  9. Do animals have their own name?
  10. What are the names of the dogs in Animal Farm?
  11. Which is an animal name with a meaning?
  12. Are there any cartoon characters that are humans?
  13. Are there animals that are similar to humans?
  14. Are there any animal names that are common?
  15. What do you call a male and female animal?
  16. Are there any animal names that are unisex?
  17. What are the characters names in Animal Farm?
  18. What is the human 2 word species name?
  19. What is a human mixed with an animal called?
  20. What animal has more than one name?

In the class mammalia, there are many common names with two words in it, examples of which are: Snow leopard, Siberian tiger, Tasmanian devil, Elephant seal, Elephant shrew, Guinea pig, etc.

What are animal human characters called?

Anthropomorphism is a literary device that assigns human characteristics to nonhuman entities like animals or inanimate objects. Examples of anthropomorphism can be found in narratives both old and new. Anthropomorphic characters appear in ancient Greek myths and many of Aesop’s Fables.

What animal has more than one common name?

A number of animal species, however, have the same name for both genus and species, which creates a scientific name known as a tautonym. Moderately well-known examples of tautonyms are those for the wolverine (Gulo gulo), the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), and the moose (Alces alces).

What animals have names for each other?

Scientists have found further evidence that dolphins call each other by “name”. Research has revealed that the marine mammals use a unique whistle to identify each other.

Is anthropomorphism a sin?

Among people who study dogs or any other animal this is considered to be a cardinal sin. The word anthropomorphism comes from comes from the Greek words anthro for human and morph for form and it is meant to refer to the habit of attributing human qualities and emotions to non-human beings.

Which animal is the most popular pet?

Pet dogs
Pet dogs don’t beat out cats, fish, or birds in sheer numbers, but more households have at least one dog in them than any other pet, making dogs the most popular pet in the world. Recent surveys show cats are a close second, followed by fish (12%), birds (6%), and other pet types (6%).

What does it mean when two different animals have the same genus name?

As a consequence, if two species share the same species epithet then it tells you nothing about how closely related they are. If they share the same genus name, then they belong to the same genus (except exceptions probably!). For the above examples, the term glabra comes from “glaber” (latin) which means “Hairless”.

What animals name their children?

Interesting Vocabulary: Special Names: Baby Animals

adult animal baby animal
bear, lion, tiger, wolf, fox cub
cat kitten*
cow, elk, moose, elephant, reindeer, whale calf
deer fawn

Do animals have their own name?

Most animals probably have no concept of names, however some more complex animals do seem to understand the concept. Dolphins for example use something called a “signature whistle” which is unique to each dolphin and may function like a name.

What are the names of the dogs in Animal Farm?

Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher Three dogs. The nine puppies born between Jessie and Bluebell are taken by Napoleon and raised to be his guard dogs.

Which is an animal name with a meaning?

Fox is one animal name backed by a longish tradition, and then popularized via the lead character Fox Mulder on X Files. Fox is simple, sleek, and a little bit wild, and could make an interesting middle name. Arden, the name of the magical forest in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, is a stylish A name with a strong, straightforward image.

Are there any cartoon characters that are humans?

Even when cartoons do portray humans, they are usually skewed in some way to make them seem more whimsical or cartoonish. There are many talented artists out there who turn popular non-human cartoon characters into humans and the results are phenomenal.

Are there animals that are similar to humans?

Doing a school research project about if life in space could be similar to us. One of my cites would be this, but it’s not one of the “credible” sites I could use that my teachers are so fond of.

Are there any animal names that are common?

Here’s a list of animal names which are common human names. 1.) Baby. Baby is a very common name in many places of the world. In the animal kingdom, it is the name of the young of a Shrew and Armadillo. 2.) Billy. Billy is a very popular name. In the animal kingdom, Billy is the name of a male goat.

What do you call a male and female animal?

A male human is called a man while a female human is called a woman. The young of human is called a child – a boy if it’s a male and a girl if its a female. Here’s a list of animal names which are common human names. 1.) Baby Baby is a very common name in many places of the world.

Are there any animal names that are unisex?

Kit, a unisex name, is the young of several animals such as cat, skunk, raccoon, rabbit, mink, fox, beaver and badger. 13.) Molly Molly is a popular girl name. This name in the animal kingdom is the female mule or cat. 14.) Pinky Pinky, which is also spelled Pinkie, is a common human female name.

What are the characters names in Animal Farm?

Character Names Symbol Analysis. Here are some of the animals who symbolize individuals or groups in Soviet society: Mr. Jones (Russian Tsar and the aristocratic order); Old Major (Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin); Napoleon (Stalin); Snowball (Trotsky); Squealer (the press); the pigs (ruling bureaucrats); and Moses the Raven (organized religion).

In the class mammalia, there are many common names with two words in it, examples of which are: Snow leopard, Siberian tiger, Tasmanian devil, Elephant seal, Elephant shrew, Guinea pig, etc….Few animals with 7 letters:

  • Caribou or reindeer.
  • Sand cat.
  • Caracal.
  • Cheetah.
  • Leopard.
  • Giraffe.
  • Bittern.
  • Opossum.

    What is the human 2 word species name?

    Homo sapiens
    The binomial name Homo sapiens was coined by Carl Linnaeus (1758).

    What is a human mixed with an animal called?

    In fact, such human-animal hybrids are often referred to as “chimeras”. While this scientific advance offers the prospect of growing human organs inside animals for use in transplants, it can also leave some people with a queasy feeling.

    What animal has more than one name?

    Cougars. They have the Guinness World Record for the most names for an Animal. Cougars are also called Pumas, Mountain Lions, Catamounts, Panthers, etc. We raise Corsican sheep.

животные на английском языке

Тема «Животные Animals» — одна из первых, с которой сталкиваются при изучении английского языка. Сегодня мы разберем, как называются по-английски домашние животные, дикие животные, группы животных (такие как стая), а также узнаем, как «говорят» животные на английском языке. Все слова приведены с транскрипцией и переводом.

Читайте также: «Упражнения: животные на английском языке».

Названия домашних животных на английском языке

domestic animals [dəʊˈmɛstɪk ˈænɪməlz] домашние животные
cow [kaʊ] корова
bull [bʊl] бык
horse [hɔːs] лошадь
stallion [ˈstæljən] жеребец
mare [meə] кобыла
goat [gəʊt] коза
he goat [hiː] [gəʊt] козел
sheep [ʃiːp] овца
ram [ræm] баран
donkey [ˈdɒŋki] осел
mule [mjuːl] мул
pig [pɪg] свинья
cat [kæt] кошка
dog [dɒg] собака
calf [kɑːf] теленок
lamb [læm] ягненок
foal [fəʊl] жеребенок
piglet [ˈpɪglət] поросенок
kitten [ˈkɪtn] котенок
puppy [ˈpʌpi] щенок
mouse [maʊs] мышь
rat [ræt] крыса
chinchilla [ʧɪnˈʧɪlə] шиншилла
hamster [ˈhæmstə] хомяк
guinea pig (cavy) [ˈgɪni pɪg] [ˈkeɪvi] морская свинка


  1. Множественное число слова mouse — mice, а не mouses.
  2. Слово sheep во множественном числе тоже sheep (формы совпадают).

Дикие животные на английском языке

wild animal [waɪld ˈænɪməl] дикое животное
wolf [wʊlf] волк
fox [fɒks] лиса
bear [beə] медведь
tiger [ˈtaɪgə] тигр
lion [ˈlaɪən] лев
elephant [ˈɛlɪfənt] слон
ape (monkey) [eɪp] [ˈmʌŋki] обезьяна
camel [ˈkæməl] верблюд
rabbit [ˈræbɪt] кролик
hare [heə] заяц
antelope [ˈæntɪləʊp] антилопа
badger [ˈbæʤə] барсук
squirrel [ˈskwɪrəl] белка
beaver [ˈbiːvə] бобр
zebra [ˈziːbrə] зебра
kangaroo [ˌkæŋgəˈruː] кенгуру
crocodile [ˈkrɒkədaɪl] крокодил
rhino (rhinoceros) [ˈraɪnəʊ] [raɪˈnɒsərəs] носорог
deer [dɪə] олень
lynx [lɪŋks] рысь
seal [siːl] тюлень
tortoise (turtle) [ˈtɔːtəs] [ˈtɜːtl] черепаха
cheetah [ˈʧiːtə] гепард
hyena [haɪˈiːnə] гиена
raccoon [rəˈkuːn] енот
giraffe [ʤɪˈrɑːf] жираф
hedgehog [ˈhɛʤhɒg] ёж
leopard [ˈlɛpəd] леопард
panther [ˈpænθə] пантера
elk (moose) [ɛlk] ([muːs]) лось
anteater [ˈæntˌiːtə] муравьед
opossum (possum) [əˈpɒsəm] ([ˈpɒsəm]) опоссум
puma (cougar) [ˈpjuːmə] ([ˈkuːgə]) пума
wolverine [ˈwʊlvəriːn] росомаха
dinosaur [ˈdaɪnəʊsɔː] динозавр

Примечание: слово deer во множественном числе тоже deer, формы совпадают.

Группы животных на английском

Помимо названий отдельных животных, существуют называния групп животных. По-русски мы говорим стадо овец, стая волков, но никак не стадо волков и стая овец. Вот, как называются группы животных на английском с приблизительным переводом (приблизительным, потому что точный зависит от контекста):

Название группы Транскрипция Приблизительный перевод
colony (of ants, rabbits) [ˈkɒləni] колония
swarm (of bees, flies, butterflies) [swɔːm] рой
flock (of birds, geese) [flɒk] стая
herd (of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats) [hɜːd] стадо
pack (of dogs, wolves) [pæk] стая, свора
school (of fish) [skuːl] стая, косяк
pride (of lions) [praɪd] прайд, стая
nest (of snakes) [nɛst] гнездо
litter (of puppies, kittens) [ˈlɪtə] выводок, приплод, помет

Как видите, некоторые слова похожи на русские, некоторые сильно отличаются: мы тоже говорим «колония муравьев», но не говорим «колония кроликов». Больше всего меня позабавило, что группа котят, щенят и других детенышей называется litter — буквально, разбросанные вещи, мусор, беспорядок.

Что говорят животные на английском языке? Песня для детей

Еще одна интересная тема, касающаяся животных — это то, как в английском передается их «речь». К примеру, мы говорим, что птичка чирикает «чирик-чирик», а свинья хрюкает «хрю-хрю», но англичанин скажет, что птичка чирикает «твит-твит», а свинья хрюкает «ойнк, ойнк».

Здесь нужно выделить две группы слов:

  • Звукоподражания вроде «кря-кря», «хрю-хрю».
  • Глаголы, называющие сам процесс «речи», например: крякать, хрюкать.

Звукоподражания хорошо продемонстрированы в этой детской песенке:

А вот список некоторых, скажем так, глаголов речи. В скобках — названия животных и птиц, к которым могут относиться эти действия.

growl [graʊl] реветь, рычать
squeak [skwiːk] пищать
scream [skriːm] кричать
roar [rɔː] реветь, рычать
cluck [klʌk] кудахтать
moo [muː] мычать
chirp [ʧɜːp] стрекотать
bleat [bliːt] блеять
bark [bɑːk] лаять
howl [haʊl] выть
quack [kwæk] квакать
hiss [hɪs] шипеть
laugh [lɑːf] смеяться
tweet [twiːt] чирикать
meow [miːˈaʊ] мяукать
purr [pɜː] мурлыкать

Теперь рассмотрим к каким животным относятся эти «глаголы речи»:

  • growl — медведи, тигры, львы
  • squeak — грызуны (мыши, шиншиллы и др.), кролики
  • scream — обезьяны
  • roar — львы, медведи
  • cluck — курицы
  • moo — коровы
  • chirp — сверчки, цикады
  • bleat — козы, овцы
  • bark — собаки
  • howl — собаки, волки
  • quack — утки
  • hiss — змеи
  • tweet — птицы
  • meow, purr — кошки

Приведу примеры с некоторыми глаголами:

Can you hear the dogs barking? Go, check the backyard. — Слышишь, собаки лают? Сходи, проверь задний двор.

Whose cat is meowing ouside for like an hour? — Чья это кошка уже где-то час мяукает на улице?

The mouse sqeaked and hid under the pillow. — Мышь пискнула и спряталась под подушкой.

My neighbor’s dog howls like a wolf every night. — Собака моего соседа воет как волк каждую ночь.


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Animals are the living beings that we share the Earth with. Some animals are domestic which means they are tamed and not wild. Some domestic animals are kept for farming purposes while pets are kept as companions. Wild animals are untamed and they live in their natural environment. There are many kinds of animals, so we put them into some groups. Basic animal groups are mammals, reptiles, birds, invertebrates, fish and amphibians.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ Pictures of animals with pronunciations
  • ⬤ Farm animals picture vocabulary with pronunciations
  • ⬤ Word list of animals in English
  • ⬤ Flashcards exercise about animals vocabulary
  • ⬤ Flip the card game
  • ⬤ Example sentences about animals
  • ⬤ Asking questions about animals
  • ⬤ Reading passage about animals
  • ⬤ Images of animals vocabulary to download and share
  • ⬤ Picture quiz about animals
  • ⬤ Listening test with pictures
  • ⬤ Writing test with animal pictures
  • ⬤ Spelling test about animals
  • ⬤ Worksheets about animals to download and share

Pictures of animals with pronunciations

You can learn names of animals here with pronunciations. Click on a picture to listen to the pronunciation.
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  • Carnivores are the animals that eat meat such as lion, wolf, crocodile, eagle etc.
    Herbivores are the animals that eat plant. For example zebra, kangaroo, elephant, deer etc.
    Omnivores are the animals that eat both plant and meat.
  • A vet is an specialist who takes care of the animal health. They are trained people with medical degree.
  • There are some endangered animals. This means number of the animals of this kind is decreasing. Click here to learn about the endangered animals in the world.
  • Extinct animal means this animal no longer lives on Earth. For example the bird dodo became extinct about 300 years ago.

❯❯ Sea animals vocabulary
❯❯ Pets vocabulary
❯❯ Birds vocabulary
❯❯ Insects vocabulary

Farm animals picture vocabulary with pronunciations

Learn farm animals vocabulary in English with pictures and pronunciation below. To learn how to say farm animals in English click on any image.

Word list of animals in English

  • elephant
  • bear
  • fox
  • wolf
  • zebra
  • rabbit
  • deer
  • giraffe
  • tiger
  • lion
  • gorilla
  • snake
  • crocodile
  • turtle
  • whale
  • kangaroo
  • frog
  • dolphin
  • panda
  • cow
  • cat
  • dog
  • ox
  • horse
  • camel
  • goat
  • donkey
  • bull
  • sheep
  • rat
  • squirrel
  • snake
  • bat
  • hamster
  • chimpanzee
  • lizard
  • gazelle
  • hippo
  • hyena
  • killer whale
  • koala
  • llama
  • polar bear
  • jaguar
  • orangutan
  • leopard
  • cheetah
  • lynx
  • panther
  • puma
  • raccoon
  • reindeer
  • seal
  • beaver
  • bison
  • blue whale
  • bobcat
  • buffalo
  • cobra
  • alligator
  • chameleon

Flashcards exercise about animals vocabulary

Tap on a flashcard to flip it and see the animal name on it. This exercise helps you memorize the names of animals.

Flip the card game

Click on a card to see an animal name. Then say the name of the animal in your own language.

Example sentences about animals

  1. Lions eat meat.
  2. Giraffes are the tallest land animals.
  3. A cow is a farm animal.
  4. An elephant is a mammal.
  5. Snakes are reptiles.
  6. Koalas are in danger of extinction.
  7. Some fish lost their habitats because of drought.
  8. Polar bears become endangered because of climate change.
  9. Wild life is important for wild animals.
  10. Lions have got sharp and big teeth.
  11. Tigers are carnivore.
  12. We should save natural habitat.
  13. Wild life is important for wild animals.
  14. We should keep seas clean.
  15. We shouldn’t wear fur.
  16. We shouldn’t hunt seals for their fur.

Asking questions about animals

  1. What do pandas look like? – Pandas are big animals. They have thick white coat with blacks patches.
  2. What do pandas hunt? – They don’t hunt. They mostly eat leaf.
  3. Where do pandas live? – They live in China.
  4. How much do pandas weigh? – They weigh about 100 Kg.
  5. What do pandas eat? – They eat bamboo leaves.
  6. Which wild animals do you want to touch? – I want to touch eagles.
  7. Where can you see Kangaroos? – You can see kangaroos in Australia.
  8. When did dodo become extinct? – Dodo became extinct in the 17th century.
  9. What do tigers eat? – They eat meat.
  10. How tall are the giraffes? – They are about 18 feet tall.
  11. Where do Asian Elephants live? – They live in Asia
  12. What should we do to protect endangered animals? – We should protect their habitat.

Reading passage about animals

Giraffes are mammals. Giraffes are the tallest animals on the land. They are 1.8-meter tall. The legs of a giraffe are about 2 meters long. A giraffe’s heart is about a half a meter long and weighs about 11 kilograms. Its lungs can hold 55 liters of air. Both male and female giraffes have horns. Giraffes are so big. So they don’t need to hide from any other animals. If they are in danger, they can defend themselves with a strong kick. They can also run very fast—around 56 kilometers per hour. They always look elegant and calm.

The jaguar is a wild animal. It is carnivore. Jaguars have strong teeth. They are powerful big-headed animals. Most jaguars have black spots on their bodies. Some jaguars are so dark that they appear to be spotless. They live in watery habitats such as swamplands of central and South America. They are good swimmers. Jaguars can eat larger animals such as deer. They sometimes climb trees to wait their prey. Jaguars are proficient hunters of wildlife.

Picture quiz about animals

Select the correponding animal name from the list. This picture quiz is good to check your animals vocabulary skill.

Listening test with pictures

Listen to the animal name and then select it from the list of random animal pictures. Each correct answer will give you points.

Writing test with animal pictures

Start the test and when you see an animal image, write the name of it into the input box.

Spelling test about animals

Listen and type the animal name into the text box correctly. Get points for every correct answer.

There are some worksheets about animals vocabulary below. These printable ESL worksheets are free to download and share. They have pdf and jpg image formats. You can choose whichever you like.

Animals flashcards worksheet

Flashcards worksheet jpg image

Flashcards worksheet pdf

Animals activity worksheet

Activity worksheet jpg image

Activity worksheet pdf

Animals word scramble game worksheet

Word scramble game worksheet jpg image

Word scramble game worksheet pdf

Animals word search puzzle worksheet – 1

Word search puzzle worksheet jpg image

Word search puzzle worksheet pdf

Animals word search puzzle worksheet – 2

Word search puzzle worksheet jpg image

Word search puzzle worksheet pdf

External resource links:
You can jump to animals category page to find extra activities and games in this website by clicking here. However, there are some external links that may help you. You can click here to watch a video about animals. You can also play games about animals vocabulary here or here. And this and this and this are pdf flashcards about animals.

We use common names for animals in everyday speech, but scientists have a different method of naming creatures, called «binomial nomenclature,» or two-word naming. This scientific naming system avoids confusion when a scientist is speaking to a colleague who speaks another language—or when different animals are given the same name in various regions. For instance, if scientists who speak English, Russian, Spanish, French, or Japanese all are talking about a Balaenoptera musculus, they all know they are speaking about the same animal: It’s the sea mammal the English speaker knows as the blue whale.

Latin Words

Latin words are used, with the first term identifying the genus to which the animal belongs—this is the animal’s generic name or generic epithet. The second term identifies the species—this is the animal’s specific name or specific epithet. While there are 1.2 million known species of animals on earth, there are millions more yet to be discovered. Scientists believe there are a total of 8.7 million species of animals in total.

This list is a small sample of the known animals, but some that most people are familiar with:

Achatina to Aves

Achatina — Snail
Acinonyx Jubatus — Cheetah
Actinopterygii — Ray-finned fishes
Aegypius Monachus — Vulture
Aepyceros Melampus — Impala
Agalychnis callidryas — Red-eyed tree frog
Ailuropoda melanoleuca — Giant panda
Alces americanus — American moose
Amblyrhynchus cristatus — Marine iguana
Amphibia — Amphibians
Animalia — Animals
Anser indicus — Bar-headed goose
Anseriformes — Waterfowl
Antilocapra americana — Pronghorn
Anura — Frogs and toads
Aplysia californica — California sea hare
Archilochus colubris — Ruby-throated hummingbird
Arthropoda — Arthropoods
Artiodactyla — Even-toed ungulates
Aves — Birds

Baeolophus Bicolor to Bufo Bufo

Baeolophus bicolor — Tufted titmouse
Balaeniceps rex — Shoebill
Balaenoptera musculus — Blue whale
Batoidea — Skates and rays
Bison bison — American bison
Blattaria — Cockroach
Bombus — Bumble Bee
Bos Taurus — Highland Cattle
Brachyura — Crab
Branta canadensis — Canada goose
Branta sandvicensis — Nene goose
Bufo bufo — European common toad

Caelifera to Cyclura Cornuta

Caelifera — Grasshopper
Campephilus principalis — Ivory-billed woodpecker
Canidae — Canids
Canis lupus arctos — Arctic wolf
Capra Aegagrus Hircus — Goat
Caracal caracal — Caracal
Carcharodon carcharias — Great white shark
Caretta caretta — Loggerhead turtle
Carnivora — Carnivores
Castor canadensis — American beaver
Cavia Porcellus — Guinea pig
Cepphus columba — Pigeon guillemot
Ceratotherium simum — White rhinoceros
Cetacea — Cetaceans
Chelonia — Turtles and tortoises
Chelonia mydas — Green sea turtle
Chiroptera — Bats
Chondrichthyes — Cartilaginous fishes
Chordata — Chordates
Cichlidae — Cichlids
Ciconiiformes — Herons, storks, ibises and spoonbills
Cnidaria — Cnidaria
Conolophus subcristatus — Galapagos land iguana
Crocodilia — Crocodilians
Cyclura cornuta — Rhinoceros iguana

Danaus Plexippus to Dugong Dugong

Danaus plexippus — Monarch butterfly
Dasyatis Centroura — Stingray
Dasypus novemcinctus — Nine-banded armadillo
Daubentonia madagascariensis — Aye-aye
Delphinus delphis — Common dolphin
Dendrobates auratus — Green poison dart frog
Dermochelys coriacea — Leatherback sea turtle
Didelphis Virginiana — Oppossum
Diceros bicornis — Black rhinoceros
Diomedea exulans — Wandering albatross
Dugong dugong — Dugong

Echinodermata to Eudocimus Ruber

Echinodermata — Echinoderms
Elasmobranchii — Sharks, skates and rays
Electrophorus Electricus — Electric eel
Elephas maximus — Asiatic elephant
Equus asinus somalicus — Somali wild ass
Equus burchellii — Burchell’s zebra
Equus caballus przewalskii — Przewalski’s wild horse
Eretmochelys imbricata — Hawksbill sea turtle
Erithacus rubecula — European robin
Erethizon Dorsaum — Porcupine
Eschrichtius robustus — Gray whale
Eudocimus ruber — Scarlet ibis

Falconiformes to Fregatidae

Falconiformes — Birds of prey
Felidae — Cats
Felis Concolor — Puma
Fratercula arctica — Atlantic puffin
Fregatidae — Frigatebirds

Galeocerdo Cuvier to Gymnophiona

Galeocerdo Cuvier — Tiger Shark
Gallus Gallus — Chicken
Gastropoda — Gastropods, slugs and snails
Gavialis gangeticus — Gavial
Geochelone nigra — Galapagos tortoise
Giraffa camelopardalis — Giraffe
Gorilla gorilla — Gorilla
Gymnophiona — Caecilians

Heloderma Suspectum to Hyperoodon Ampullatus

Heloderma Suspectum — Gila monster
Helogale Parvula — Mongoose
Hippopotamus amphibus — Hippopotamus
Homo neanderthalensis — Neandertal
Hyaenidae — Hyenas
Hyperoodon ampullatus — Northern bottlenose whale

Iguana to Isoptera

Iguana Iguana — Iguana
Indri Indri — Inrdi
Insecta — Insects
Isoptera — Termite

Lagenorhynchus Acutus to Lynx Rufus

Lagenorhynchus acutus — Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Lagenorhynchus obscurus — Dusky dolphin
Lagomorpha — Hares, rabbits and pikas
Loxodonta africana — African elephant
Lynx lynx — Eurasian lynx
Lynx rufus — Bobcat

Mammalia to Myrmecophaga Tridactyla

Mammalia — Mammals
Marsupialia — Marsupials
Meles meles — European badger
Mephitidae — Skunks and stink badgers
Metazoa — Animals
Microlophus albemarlensis — Lava lizard
Mollusca — Mollusks
Morus bassanus — Northern gannet
Mustela nigripes — Black-footed ferret
Mustelidae — Mustelids
Myrmecophaga tridactyla — Giant anteater

Orcaella Brevirostris to Ornithorhynchus Anatinus

Orcaella brevirostris — Irrawaddy dolphin
Orcinus orca — Orca
Octopus vugaris — Octopus
Odobenus Rosmarus — Walrus
Odocoileus Virginiana — Deer
Ornithorhynchus Anatinus — Platypus

Panthera Leo to Pygoscelis Adeliae

Panthera leo — Lion
Panthera onca — Panther
Panthera pardus — Leopard
Panthera pardus orientalis — Amur leopard
Panthera tigris — Tiger
Panthera tigris altaica — Siberian tiger
Panthera uncia — Snow leopard
Pelicaniformes — Pelicans and relatives
Perissodactyla — Odd-toed ungulates
Phascolarctos cinereus — Koala
Phoca vitulina — Common seal
Phoenicopterus ruber — Greater flamingo
Platalea ajaja — Roseate spoonbill
Pongo pygmaeus — Bornean orangutan
Porifera — Sponges
Proboscidea — Elephants
Propithecus tattersalli — Golden-crowned sifaka
Pterois volitans — Firefish or lionfish
Pteropus rodricensis — Rodriguez flying fox
Puma concolor — Mountain Lion
Pygoscelis adeliae — Adélie penguin

Ramphastos Sulfuratus to Rodentia

Ramphastos Sulfuratus — Keel-billed toucan
Rana Catesbeiana — Bullfrog
Rangifer tarandus — Caribou
Raphus Cucullatus — Dodo
Reptilia — Reptiles
Rhincodon typus — Whale shark
Rodentia — Rodents

Sarcopterygii to Suricata Suricatta

Sarcopterygii — Lobe-finned fishes
Scyphozoa — Jellyfish
Sphenisciformes — Penguins
Sphenodontida — Tuataras
Sphyrnidae — Hammerhead sharks
Squamata — Amphisbaenians, lizards and snakes
Strigiformes — Owls
Struthio camelus — Ostrich
Suidae — Pigs
Sula nebouxii — Blue-footed booby
Suricata suricatta — Meerkat

Tamandua Tetradactyla to Tytonidae

Tamandua tetradactyla — Southern tamandua
Tamias Striatus — Chipmunk
Tapiridae — Tapirs
Tinamiformes — Tinamous
Tragelaphus oryx — Eland antelope
Tremarctos ornatus — Spectacled bear
Trichechus — Manatees
Trochilidae — Hummingbirds
Tursiops truncatus — Bottlenose dolphin
Tytonidae — Barn owls

Urochordata to Ursus Maritimus

Urochordata — Sea squirt
Uroplatus — Leaf-tailed gecko
Ursus Americanus — American black bear
Ursus Arctos — Brown bear
Ursus Maritimus — Polar bear

Varanus Indicus to Vulpes Vulpes

Varanus Indicus — Monitor lizard
Varanus komodoensis — Komodo dragon
Vespa Mandarinia — Asian giant hornet
Vombatus Ursinus — Wombat
Vulpes vulpes — Red fox

Xenarthra to Xenopus Laevis

Xenarthra — Xenarthrans
Xenopus Laevis — African clawed frog

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