Two word musical instruments

A. Strings

Musical Instruments
1. violin  2. viola   3. cello   4. bass
Musical Instruments
5. (acoustic) guitar   6. ukulele   7. electric guitar   8. banjo   9. mandolin
Musical Instruments10. harp


Musical Instruments

1.bow 2.violin 3.viola 4.(double) bass 5.cello 6.piano

B. Woodwinds

Musical Instruments
11. piccolo  12. flute  13. clarinet  14. oboe
15. recorder  16. saxophone  17. bassoon


Musical Instruments

11.flute 12.piccolo 13.oboe 14.recorder 15.clarinet 16.saxophone 17. bassoon



piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, double

C. Brass

Musical Instruments
18. trumpet   19. trombone   20. French horn  21. tuba


Musical Instruments

7.French horn 8.tuba 9.trumpet 10.trombone



trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba

D. Percussion

Musical Instruments
22. drum  23. kettledrum   24. bongos
25. conga (drum)  26. cymbals  27. xylophone


Musical Instruments

18.xylophone 19.drum set 20.cymbal 21.drum



kettledrum , gong, bongos, snare drum, cymbals, tambourine, trialgle, maracas

E. Keyboard Instruments

Musical Instruments
28. piano   29. organ  30. electric piano/ digital piano  31. synthesizer

F. Other Instruments

Musical Instruments
32. accordion   33. harmonica

Other instruments

Musical Instruments

22.accordion 23.harmonica

Rock Music

Musical Instruments

24. mike/microphone 25.(electric) guitar 26. (bass) guitar
27.keybord 28.anplifier

vibraphone, saxophone

vibraphone, saxophone



Woodwind: flute, Percussion, kettledrums Brass: French horn,
violin, harp, piano, Strings, conductor

Symphony orchesta

Symphony orchesta

Woodwind section 1.bass clarinet 2.clarinets 3.contrabassoons 4. bassoons 5. flutes
6. oboes 7.piccolo 8.English horns
Percussion section 9. bubular bells 10.xylophone 11. triangle
12.castanets 13.cymbals 14.snare drum 15.gong 16.bass drum 17.rimpani
Bass section 18.trumpets 19.comet 20.trombones 21.tuba 22.French homs
Sring section 23.first violins 24.second violins 25.violas 26.cellos 27.double basses
28.harps 29.piano 30.conductor’s podium

Orchestra Strings

 harp, conductor, double bass, violin, podium , viola, cello

harp, conductor, double bass, violin, podium , viola, cello

musical instruments for kids

trumpet, tuba, tambourine, saxophone, recorder, violin

musical instruments for kids

harmonica, xylophone, guitar, castanets, cymbals, accordion

musical instruments for kids

picano, flute, triangle, drum


singing, play the violin, playing the saxophone, playing the guitar


Music and Musicians

Music and Musicians

guitarist, acoustic guitar, drummer, drums, amplifier

Rock Band

Rock Band

microphone, singer, bass guitarist, bass guitar, electric guitar,
keyboard, keyboardist

 Jazz Band

 Jazz Band

double bass, clarinet, saxophone, vibraphone, trombone

Traditional musical instruments

Traditional musical instruments accordion

Accordion: bellows strap, treble register, treble keyboard,   key, grille, bellows, button, bass keyboard, bass register

traditional musical instruments - begpipestraditional musical instruments - balalaika

Bagpipes: drope pipe, blow pipe, stock, windbag, chanter
Balalaika: triagular body.

traditional musical instruments Banjo

Banjo – circular body

traditional musical instruments - djembeharmonica
Djembe – batter skin, sound box, tension rope    ;     harmonica

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Banjo, Boombox, Bugle, Castanets, Circle Time, Clarinet, Compact Disc, Cymbals, Dance, Disco Ball, Drum , Drummer

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Drummers , Flute, Flutist , Golden Harp, Guitar, Harmonica, Harp, Headphones, Jig, Ladies Dancing, Maracas, MP3 Player

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Music, Music Note, Music Time, Note, Parade, Pat

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Piano, Pipers Piping , Radio, Record, Sax, Sharp, Singing, Staff, Sticks, Sway, Tambourine, Theater, Trombone, Trumpet

Music Pictures for Classroom and Therapy Use

Trumpet , Tuba, Ukelele, Violin, Wiggle, Xylophone


The words for musicians who play individual instruments:


More words for people involved in music:
alto                          a female singer with a low voice
bass                         a male singer with a low voice
choir or chorus director someone who directs a group of singers
conductor            someone who directs a band or an orchestra
singer                     a person who makes music with his or her voice
soprano                 a female singer with a high voice
tenor                       a male singer with a high voice


blues: a style of slow jazz evolved from African-American songs

  • I love to listen to the blues when I’m lonely.

classical: European musk of the latter half of the eighteenth century; music of acknowledged excellence and serious style

  • Classical music is often performed by the city’s symphony orchestra.

country: a style of popular music from the rural American south and southwest

  • A lot of country musicians live and work in Nashville, Tennessee.

folk/ ethnic: music that originates among the common people of a region

  • Folk music was very popular in the United States in the 1960s.

jazz: a kind of music that originated with African-American bands in the southern United States, characterized by improvisation and strong, flexible rhythm

  • Jazz is popular in many parts of the world.

oldies: popular music from an earlier decade

  • Her favorite oldies are from the 1950s and 1960s.

popular: music that is appreciated by a large number of people during the current period of time

  • That radio station plays only popular music.

rap: a currently popular style of music that originated among African-American performers, characterized by talking, rather than singing, in rhyme and rhythm

  • Rap is for listening, not dancing.

rhythm and blues: a style of music with strong, simple rhythm and lyrics that originated in the late 1940s and early 1950s among African-American groups

  • Rhythm and blues is great for swing dancing.

rock: a popular style of music played by bands with electric guitars, keyboards, and drums, often with emotional singing by a group or one singer

  • Rock concerts are very popular among young people.

rock and roll: a style of music that began in the 1950s and combined elements of rhythm and blues and country

  • There were a lot of TV shows with rock-and-roll dancers.


a formal, artistic dance with graceful movements and elaborate technique

  • She has been dancing ballet since she was a child.

a ballet show

  • We went to the ballet last night.

ballroom: a formal version of popular dance, where style and technique are important, including the foxtrot, waltz, swing, and Latin, among others

  • I’m learning the waltz from my neighbor who teaches ballroom dancing.

movement in time with music

  • Dance is a good way to exercise and relax at the same time.

an event where people go to dance

  • Are you going to the dance on Saturday night?

jazz: a type of ballet performed to jazz music

  • She is a top ballet performer and is also accomplished in jazz.

Latin: any of the dances performed to popular music from Latin America, including merengue, salsa, cumbia, bachata, mambo, samba, cha-cha, and tango, among others

  • He is a good swing dancer, but what he really likes is Latin dancing.

line: a dance performed to country music, where dancers dance individually but all follow the same steps

  • One good thing about line dancing is that you don’t need a partner.

tap: a dance performed with a metal plate attached to the toe or heel of the shoe

  • She is good at both ballet and tap.

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[ ‘pjænəu ]



[ ‘mændəlin ]



[ ‘bændʒəʋ ]



[ hɑ:p ]



[ vaiə’lin ]



[ bau ]



[ vi:’əʋlə ]



[ ‘tʃeləʋ ]



[ striŋ ]



[ gi’tɑ: ]



[ flu:t ]



[ bə’su:n ]



[ ‘əubəu ]



[ ,klæri’net ]



[ ,tæmbə’ri:n ]



[ ‘sɪmbəlz ]



[ drʌm ]



[ trɔm’bəun ]



[ ‘sæksəfəun ]



[ ‘trʌmpit ]



[ ‘tju:bə ]



[ ə’kɔ:djən ]



[ ‘ɔ:gən ]



[ ‘zaɪlə‚fəʋn ]



[ ‘sɪnƟɪ‚saɪzər ]



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0 из 25 слов

Instrument Sound File History
Accordion Click to hear an accordion
Acoustic bass guitar    
Acoustic guitar Click to hear a Acoustic Guitar  
Acoustic bass guitar Click to hear a Acoustic Bass Guitar  
Aeolian harp    
Agung a Tamlang) (Philippine slit drum)    
Agung/ agong (Philippine gong)    
Ahoko (Ivory Coast rattle)    
Alboka (Spanish double hornpipe)    
Alphorn Click to hear a Alphorn  
Alpine bell    
Alto clarinet    
Alto flute    
Alto horn    
Alto sarrusophone    
Alto saxophone    
Angklung (tuned bamboo slide rattle) Click to hear an Angklung  
Appalachian dulcimer Click to hear an Appalachian dulcimer  
Archlute   (Spanish archilaúd, Italian arciliuto, German Erzlaute, Russian Архилютня) is a European plucked string instrument developed around 1600)
Arghul (Arabic double pipe) Click to hear an Arghul  
Arpa anottolini (Italian hooked harp)    
Arpeggione (Italian six-string)    
Array Mbira (African thumb piano)    
Aru-ding (Philippine Jew’s harp)    
Aulochrome (double soprano saxophone)    
Babendil (Philippine gong)    
Baglama/ saz (Turkish strings)    
Balafon (xylophone from Ghana)    
Balalaika (Central Asian 2 or 3 stringed guitar) Click to hear an Balalaika  
Bandola (plucked lute from Cuba, Chile and Peru)    
Bandoneón (Argentinian concertina)    
Bandurria (Spanish/ Latin American plucked lute)    
Banhu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Banjo Click to hear a Banjo  
Barbat (Iranian plucked lute)    
Baritone horn    
Baritone sarrusophone    
Baritone saxophone    
Baroque Wooden Flute    
Baryton (German Euphonium)    
Bass Clarinet    
Bass Drum    
Bass flute    
Bass guitar Click to hear a Bass Guitar  
Bass sarrusophone    
Bass saxophone    
Bass/ baritone oboe    
Basse a Pistons (French Euphonium)    
Basse Cor    
Basset clarinet    
Basset horn    
Bassoon Click to hear a Bassoon  
Bawu (Chinese wind instrument)    
Bayan (Russian Accordian)    
Berimbao (Brazilian musical bow)    
Bianqing (Chinese stone chimes)    
Bianzhong (Chinese bells)    
Bifora (Sicillian oboe)    
Biniou (French bagpipe)    
Biwa (Japanese short-necked lute)    
Bock (German bagpipes)    
Bodega (French bagpipe)    
Bodhrán (Irish drum)    
Boha (French bagpipe)    
Bombardino (Spanish Euphonium)    
Bongo drum    
Border pipe/ lowland bagpipe    
Bordonua (Puerto Rican bass guitar)    
Bouzouki (Greek lute)    
Brian Boru bagpipes    
Button accordian    
Cabrette (French bagpipe)    
Calliope (steam organ)    
Carillon (Dutch harmonising bells)    
Carillon (Dutch harmonising bells)    
Cavaco (Spanish guitar)    
Cavaquinho (Portuguese guitar)    
Caxixi (Brazilian idiophone)    
Celesta (idiophone) invented 1886 in Paris by Auguste Mustel. Click to hear a Celesta  
Cello Click to hear a Cello  
Ceng (Turkish harp)    
Chabrette (French bagpipe)    
Chapman stick (fretboard)    
Charango (South American fretted lute)    
Chenda (Indian drum)    
Chi (Chinese Transverse Flute)    
Ching (Cambodian/ Thai finger cymbals)    
Chitaronne (lower-toned lute)    
Chitarra battebte (Italian guitar)    
Chromatic accordian    
Cigar box guitar    
Cimbalom (Eastern European hammered dulcimer)    
Cimpoi (Romanian bagpipe)    
Cittern (Renaissance lute)    
Clapped hands    
Clarinet Click to hear a Bb Clarinet  
Clarinette d’amour    
Classical guitar    
Clavicembelo (Italian pianoforte)    
Clavichord (European stringed keyboard)    
Conga (Caribbean drum)    
Contra-alto clarinet    
Contra-alto flute    
Contrabass á anche    
Contrabass clarinet    
Contrabass flute    
Contrabass oboe    
Contrabass Sarrusophone    
Contrabass saxophone    
Cornet/ Cornett/ Cornetto/ Zink    
Cornish bagpipes    
Croatian bagpipes    
Crotales (Struck cymbals)    
Crwth (Welsh stringed instrument)    
Cuatro (Latin American lute)    
Cuíca (Brazilian drum)    
Cymbals – crash, hi-hat, ride, splash, tom-toms, zil Click to hear a Cymbals  
Cymbalum (Western European hammered dulcimer)    
Da’uli da’uli (Indonesian xylophone)    
Dabakan (Philippine drum)    
Dadihu (contrabass erhu)    
Dahu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Daiko (Japanese drum)    
Dankiyo (Turkish bagpipe)    
Daraboukka (Syrian drum)    
Darabukka (Arabic drum)    
Darbuka (Greek drum)    
Darvyra (Greek Duct Flute)    
Denis d’or (ancient Czech chordophone)    
Dhol (Iranian drum)    
Dholak (North Indian hand drum)    
Didgeridoo (Aboriginal Natural Trumpet)    
Dihu (Chinese large bowed stringed instrument)    
Diyingehu (contrabass gehu)    
Djembe (West African hand drum)    
Doedelzak (Dutch bagpipe)    
Dombak (Iranian drum)    
Domra (Russian mandolin)    
Dotara (bass ektara)    
Double Bass Click to hear a Double Bass  
Double contrabass flute    
Doulophone/ cuprophone    
Drum machine    
Dubreq stylophone    
Duct Flute    
Dudelsack (German bagpipe)    
Dudy (Czech bagpipes)    
Duff (Islamic tambourine)    
Dulcian (pre-1700’s Western European Bassoon)    
Dulcimer (hammered zither)    
Dulzaina (Spanish oboe)    
Dumbelek (Turkish drum)    
Dun dun (West African large talking drum)    
Dutar (Central Asian lute)    
Duxianqin (Chinese one-stringed zither)    
Ektara (Indian one-string)    
Electric guitar Click to hear a Electric Guitar  
Electric organ Click to hear a Electric Organ  
Electric piano    
English Horn/ Cor Anglais (French tenor Oboe)    
Erhu (Chinese violin)    
Erxian (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Euphonium Click to hear a Euphonium  
Fangxiang (Chinese metallophone)    
Finger Cymbals    
Fingerboard synthesizer    
Fiscarmonica (Italian Accordian)    
Flute Click to hear a Flute  
French Horn    
Gaida (Southern Balkan bagpipes)    
Gaita (Portuguese & Spanish bagpipe)    
Gajdy (Eastern European bagpipes)    
Gambang (Indonesian xylophone)    
Gan gan (West African small talking drum)    
Gandingan (Philippine set of 4 hanging gongs)    
Gandingan a kayo (Philippine xylophone)    
Ganza (Brazilian rattle)    
Gaohu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Gayageum (Korean zither)    
Gehu (Chinese cello-like)    
Gender (Indonesian brass xylophone)    
Geomungo/ komungo (Korean zither)    
Ghatam (Indian drum)    
Glass marimba    
Glasschord (crystallophone)    
Glockenspiel Click to hear a Glockenspiel  
Gong Click to hear a Gong  
Gottuvadhyam (Indian 21-stringed guitar)    
Great Highland bagpipe    
Great Irish warpipes    
Guan (Chinese pipe)    
Gugin (Chinese bridgeless zither)    
Guiro (South & Central American notched gourd that is scraped)    
Guitar 12 Strings Click to hear a Guitar 12 Strings  
Guitarrón (Mexican large bass guitar)    
Guqin (Chinese plucked zither)    
Gusle/ gusla (Balkan guitar)    
Gusli (Russian harp)    
Guzheng (Chinese zither)    
Hammered dulcimer    
Hang (steel hand drum)    
Hardanger fiddle    
Harmonica/ Mouth Organ    
Harmonium/ reed organ    
Harp Click to hear a Harp  
Harp guitar    
Harpsichord Click to hear a Harpsichord  
Hegelong (Philippine fretted boat-lute)    
Hichiriki (Japanese Oboe)    
Hocchiku (Japanese flute)    
Hooked harp    
Horagai (Japanese conch)    
Hosho (Zimbabwean rattle)    
Hsaio (Chinese Duct Flute)    
Huemmelchen (German smallpipes)    
Huluhu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Hun (Korean flute)    
Hunting Horn Click to hear a Hunting Horn  
Huqin (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Hurdy Gurdy Click to hear a Hurdy Gurdy  
Igil (Tuvan bowed instrument)    
Inci (Philippine flute)    
Ipu (Hawaiian rattle)    
Irish bouzouki    
Irish Uilleann (Indoor bagpipe)    
Istarski mih (Croatian bagpipe)    
Janggu (Korean drum)    
Japanese Bamboo Flute/ Shakuhachi Click to hear a Japanese Bamboo Flute  
Jew’s harp Click to hear a Jew’s harp  
Jew’s harp (plucked idiophone)    
Jiaohu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Jinghu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Kadlong (Philippine fretted boat-lute)    
Kagul (Philippine slit drum)    
Kangling (Tibetan serunai)    
Kaval (Slovakian Duct Flute)    
Kèn b?u (Vietnamese reed)    
Kettle drum/ Timpani    
Keyed Bugle    
Keyed Trumpet    
Khene (Northeast Thailand mouth organ)    
Khim (Cambodian/ Thai hammered dulcimer)    
Khloy (Cambodian flute)    
Khol (South Indian drum)    
Kissar (West African lyre)    
Knatele (Finnish zither)    
Kokyu (Japanese bowed instrument)    
Komungo (Korean zither)    
Kora (West African 21-string harp-lute)    
Koto (Japanese zither)    
Koudi (Chinese flute)    
Koziol (Polish bagpipe)    
Kubing (Philippine Jew’s harp)    
Kulintang a kayo (Philippine xylophone)    
Kulintang a putao/ kulintang a tiniok (Philippine metallophone)    
Kulintang/ kolintang (Philippine gong group)    
Kutiyapi (Philippine fretted boat-lute)    
Kwa-yen (Chinese hanging drum)    
Kwintangen kayo/ luntang (Philippine xylophone)    
Lambeg (Irish drum)    
Lancashire great-pipe    
Langeleik (Norwegian stringed instrument)    
Laruan (Chinese stringed instrument)    
Lasso d’amore    
Launeddas (Sardinian triple clarinet)    
Leier (German hurdy gurdy)    
Leiqin (Chinese bowed instrument)    
Lithophone (stone barred xylophone)    
Lusheng (Chinese bamboo pipes)    
Lute Click to hear a Lute  
Magyar duda (Hungarian bagpipes)    
Maguhu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Malimba (xylophone from the Congo)    
Mando-bass (bass mandolin)    
Mandocello (large mandolin)    
Mandola (US/ Canadian fretted stringed instrument)    
Mangtong (Chinese bamboo pipes)    
Marimba Click to hear a Marimba  
Marimbao (Brazilian stringed instrument)    
Mbira/ Sanza/ Thumb Piano (African stringed instrument)    
Mellotron (polyphonic keyboard)    
Metallophones (metal barred xylophone)    
Mijwiz (Arabic double pipe)    
Mittlealtersackpfeife (German medieval bagpipe)    
Mizwad (Arabic bagpipe)    
Mohan veena (Indian guitar)    
Moodswinger (zither)    
Māorin khuur/ morin huur (Mongolian fiddle)    
Mridangam (South Indian drum)    
Muchosac (Belgian bagpipe)    
Musette bressane (French bagpipe)    
Musette de cour (French bagpipe)    
Musette du centre (French bagpipe)    
Musical bow    
Musical Saw (wood cutting saw)    
Nadaswaram (Indian wind instrument)    
Naqara (Mongolian war drum)    
Natural Trumpet    
Nay (Syrian wooden flute)    
Ney (Lebanese Flute)    
Northumbrian smallpipes    
Nose flute    
Nyckelharpa (Swedish key harp)    
Oboe Click to hear a Oboe  
Oboe d’amore    
Oboe da caccia    
Ocarina Click to hear a Ocarina  
Octaban (cylinder drum)    
Octapad (electronic drumpad)    
Octave mandolin    
Octocontra-alto clarinet    
Octocontrabass clarinet    
Oliphant/ Cor d’Oliphant    
Ondes martenot (electronic keyboard and slide)    
Organ — electric    
Organ pipe Click to hear a Pipe Organ Organ History
Overtone guitar    
Paixiao (Chinese flute)    
Palendang (Philippine flute)    
Pan pipes    
Pastoral pipes    
Piano Click to hear a piano Piano History
Piccolo clarinet    
Piccolo heckelphone    
Piccolo oboe    
Pipa (Chinese lute)    
Pipe organ    
Piva (Northern Italian bagpipe)    
Psaltery (plucked zither)    
Pulalu (Philippine flute)    
Qanun (Turkish zither)    
Quena (Andean flute)    
Quinticlave (Ophicleide)    
Raita (Moroccan serunai)    
Rajao (Portuguese guitar)    
Ranat ek elk (Thai metallophone)    
Ranat thum lek (Thai metallophone)    
Ratchet Click to hear a Ratchet  
Rebab (Arabic bowed stringed instrument)    
Rebec (15th/ 16th century rebab)    
Recorder (Descant) Click to hear a Recorder (Descant)  
Reed contrabass    
Reed Pipe    
Riq/ riqq/ rik (Arabic tambourine)    
Roman tuba    
Ruan (Chinese plucked stringed instrument)    
Rudra veena (Indian plucked stringed instrument)    
Ryuteki (Japanese flute)    
Sabar (Senegalese drum)    
Sac de gemecs (Catalonian bagpipe)    
Sackbutt (trombone family’s ancestor)    
Säckpipa (Swedish bagpipe)    
Saenghwang (Korean mouth organ)    
Sallaneh (Iranian plucked stringed instrument)    
Sampho (Cambodian barrel drum)    
Sang-auk (Burmese harp)    
Santur (North Indian hammered zither)    
Sanxian (Chinese lute)    
Saraswati veena (South Indian lute)    
Sarunay/ saronay/ sarunai/ saronai (Philippine metallophone)    
Saung (Burmese harp)    
Saw ou (Thai bowed stringed instrument)    
Saw sam sai (Thai bowed stringed instrument)    
Schweizer sackpfeife (Swiss bagpipe)    
Scottish smallpipes    
Se (Chinese zither)    
Serunai (Islamic reed instrument)    
Setar (Iranian lute)    
Shamisen (Japanese 3-stringed instrument)    
Shawm (Renaissance oboe)    
Shekere (African rattle)    
Sheng (Chinese mouth organ)    
Shinobue (Japanese flute)    
Shofar (Jewish horn)    
Sihu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Singing bowl/ rin gong (Himalayan standing bell)    
Sitar (South Asian lute) Click to hear a Sitar  
Sleigh Bells Click to hear a Sleigh Bells  
Slide guitar    
Slide whistle    
Slit drum    
Snare Drum Click to hear a snare drum  
Sopranino clarinet    
Sopranino saxophone    
Soprano clarinet    
Soprano mandolin    
Soprano saxophone    
Sorna (Afghan serunai)    
Sralai (Cambodian reed)    
Steel drum    
Steel guitar    
Subcontrabass flute    
Subcontrabass saxophone    
Suling (Indonsian/Philippine flute)    
Suona (Chinese serunai)    
Tabla (Indian/ Pakistani drum)    
Tagutok (Philippine slit drum)    
Taiko (Japanese drum)    
Talking drum    
Tambour (French drum)    
Tamburitza (Croatian/ Serbian mandolin)    
Tan-tan (Brazilian hand drum)    
Taphon (Thai drum)    
Tar (Persian lute)    
Tárogató (Hungarian shawm)    
Tea chest bass (skiffle bass)    
Tenor horn    
Tenor mandola (European/ UK fretted stringed instrument)    
Tenor sarrusophone    
Tenor saxophone Click to hear a Tenor Sax  
Tenoroon (tenor bassoon)    
Teponaztli (Mexican wooden drum)    
Thavil (Indian drum)    
Theorbo (lower-toned lute)    
Theremin (oscillator)    
Timpani/ kettle drum    
Timple (Canary Islands/ Murcia ukulele)    
Tin whistle    
Tjelempung/ Celempung (Javanese zither)    
Tonette (plastic recorder)    
Torupill (Estonian bagpipe)    
Transverse Flute (Traditional Flute)    
Trekspill (Norwegian Accordian)    
Tres (Cuban chordophone)    
Triangle Click to hear a Triangle  
Tro u (Cambodian bowed stringed instrument)    
Tromba marina (European stringed instrument)    
Trombone Click to hear a Trombone  
Tromboon/ babone    
Trompeta china (Cuban suona)    
Trumpet Bb Click to hear a Bb Trumpet  
Tsampouna (Greek bagpipe)    
Tsuri-daiko (Japanese hanging drum)    
Tuba Click to hear a Tuba  
Tubular Bells    
Tuhu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Tulum (Turkish bagpipe)    
Tumpong (Philippine flute)    
Ud/ oud (Arabic and Islamic lute)    
Udu (African clay drum)    
Ukulele (Hawaiian guitar)    
Valiha (Indonesian and Madagascan zither)    
Vertical flute    
Vertical viola    
Veuze (French bagpipe)    
Vibraphone/ vibraharp Click to hear a Vibraphone/ vibraharp  
Vichitra veena (Indian stringed instrument)    
Vielle (French hurdy gurdy)    
Vihuela (Spanish 2-string guitar)    
Viola Click to hear a Viola  
Viola d’amore    
Viola da gamba    
Viola organista    
Violin Click to hear a Violin  
Vladimirsky Rozhok    
Volinka (Russian bagpipes)    
Wagner Tuba    
Washint (Ethiopian flute)    
Washtub bass    
Welsh pipes    
Whip Click to hear a Whip  
Whistle Click to hear a Whistle  
Willow flute    
Wind Chimes    
Xalam/ khalam (West African Banjo-like instrument)    
Xiao (Chinese flute)    
Xiaodihu (tenor erhu)    
Xun (Chinese flute)    
Xylophone Click to hear a Xylophones  
Xylorimba (extended range xylophone)    
Yang chi’in (Chinese zither)    
Yang Chin (Chinese hammered dulcimer)    
Yayli tanbur (Turkish lute)    
Yazheng (Chinese zither)    
Yehu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Yu (Chinese bamboo pipes)    
Yueh Ch’in (Chinese lute)    
Yun Lo (Chinese gong)    
Zampogna (Italian bagpipe)    
Zaqq (Maltese bagpipe)    
Zhongdihu (bass erhu)    
Zhuihu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Zither Click to hear a Zither  
Zonghu (Chinese bowed stringed instrument)    
Zufalo (Italian flute)    
Zurna (Turkish serunai)    

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An assortment of musical instruments in an Istanbul music store.

This is a list of musical instruments, including percussion, wind, stringed, and electronic instruments.

Percussion instruments (idiophones and membranophones)[edit]

Instrument Picture Classification H-S Number Origin Common classification Relation

Abe agbe afoxe.jpg

idiophones 112.122 Edo (Nigeria), Brazil unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.242 Yoruba unpitched percussion bell

Agung 08.jpg

idiophones 111.241.2 Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines unpitched percussion slit drum

Eight-pitch Angklung, Mitchell Park, Milwaukee.jpg

idiophones 111.232 Indonesia pitched percussion

Babendil 01.jpg

idiophones 111.242.1 Philippines unpitched percussion

Bak EthnM.jpg

idiophones 111.12 Korea
Bamileke log drum


idiophones Africa,[1] Asia[2] unpitched percussion slit drum


idiophones 111.212 Africa, Burkina Faso, Chad, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Senegal pitched percussion keyboard
Batá drum

Bata drums.jpg

idiophones 211.242.12 Cuba, Nigeria, Yoruba


idiophones 112.122 Africa percussion


idiophones 111.2 Peru unpitched percussion box drum

Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount-Royal 8126.jpg

idiophones 111.242.2 Low Countries pitched percussion bell


idiophones 111.141 Spain unpitched percussion

Carlinhos Brown com Caxirolas.jpg

idiophones Brazil unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.141 West Africa, Brazil


idiophones Canary Islands unpitched percussion


idiophones Australia unpitched percussion clave sticks


idiophones 111.11 Australia unpitched percussion clave sticks


idiophones 111.242 Switzerland unpitched percussion bell


idiophones 111.22 pitched percussion cymbal

Bellotti Cymbal.JPG

idiophones Romania unpitched percussion

Bino Branco with Ferrinho.jpg

idiophones Cape Verde unpitched percussion

Flexatone 2005.jpg

idiophones 112.12 pitched percussion
Octa-Vibraphone idiophones United States percussion keyboard

Gandingan 01.jpg

idiophones Philippines


idiophones 111.24 India unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.212 France/Germany pitched percussion keyboard


idiophones Brunei, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Tibet


idiophones 112.23 Cuba, Panama unpitched percussion

Handpans 2020 by Glenn Francis.jpg

idiophones 111.24 pitched percussion steelpan


idiophones 111.24 pitched percussion

Kayamb dsc01292.jpg

idiophones Africa

COLLECTIE TROPENMUSEUM Bekken van messing TMnr 2711-1a.jpg

idiophones Indonesia unpitched percussion


idiophones Mauritius, Réunion cymbals

5 Leaf Kouxian.jpg

idiophones 121.2 China

Mindanao Bangsamoro Islamic Musical Instruments.jpg

idiophones Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines Xylophone


idiophones 112.1 Venezuela unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.212 Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, & Costa Rica pitched percussion Xylophone

Mbira dzavadzimu 1.jpg

idiophones 122.1 Africa, Equatorial Guinea, Zimbabwe pitched percussion keyboard

Pate Drum.JPG

idiophones 111.24 Polynesia slit drum

Qairaq or kairak (stone castanets) mid-20th century.jpg

idiophones 111.1 Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan percussion castanets


idiophones 112.122 Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal percussion
Slit drum


idiophones 111.24 slit drum

Cuillère instrument.jpg

idiophones 111.14 Greece, Russia, Turkey unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.24 Trinidad & Tobago pitched percussion drum

Pandeiro new 30-09-07.jpg

idiophones 211.311 Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech, Greece, Hungary, Iran, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates unpitched percussion frame drum


idiophones 111.24 El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico slit drum

Triangle 001.jpg

idiophones 111.2 Cajuns unpitched percussion triangle
Trash Tube

Trash Tube in use.jpg

idiophones United States unpitched percussion Güiro

Txalaparta performance.JPG

idiophones 111.222 Basque unpitched percussion


idiophones 111.222 pitched percussion Xylophone


idiophones 112.12 United States


idiophones Cajuns, United States unpitched percussion
Wood block


idiophones 111.24 unpitched percussion drum
Wooden fish


idiophones 111.24 China


idiophones 111.212 Ghana, Uganda, Zambia pitched percussion Xylophone

Finger cymbals.jpg

idiophones 111.142 Asia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey unpitched percussion cymbals
Sanding blocks

Sanding blocks.jpg

Idiophones unpitched percussion


Idiophones Nigeria unpitched percussion silt drum
Agida membranophones 201.212 Suriname percussion bass drum

Music instrument alfaia.jpg

membranophones 211.212.1 Brazil percussion
Apinti membranophones 211.212 Suriname percussion tenor drum
Arobapá membranophones 211.21 Cuba percussion drum


membranophones 211.251.1 Yoruba percussion djembe

Atabaque (confeccionado por Pancho Piñones).JPG

membranophones 211.221.1 Brazil percussion
Baboula membranophones 211.221.1 Grenada percussion barrel drum
Balaban (drum) membranophones 211.311 Montserrat percussion frame drum
Balsié membranophones 2 Dominican Republic percussion drum
Bamboula membranophones 211.211.2 Haiti percussion drum
Bara membranophones 211.11 Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali percussion
Barrel drum membranophones 211.222 Cuba percussion barrel drum


membranophones 211.221.2 Puerto Rico percussion barrel drum
Bass drum

Bass drum.jpg

membranophones 211.212 percussion bass drum

Bedug at Istiqlal Mosque.jpg

membranophones 211.212.1 Indonesia percussion
Bodhrán membranophones 211.321 Ireland, Scotland percussion frame drum
Bongo drums membranophones 211.251.2 Cuba percussion drum
Boobam membranophones 211.211.1 US percussion tom-tom


membranophones 211.221.1 Uruguay percussion conga
Chenda (Chande)

Uruttu chenda
Veekku chenda
Acchan chenda

membranophones 211.212 India percussion drum
Conga (Tumbadora)

ricardo (smallest)
supertumba (largest)

membranophones 211.221.1 Caribbean percussion drum
Cuíca membranophones 231.11 Brazil percussion friction drum
Culoepuya membranophones Venezuela percussion drum
Dabakan membranophones 211.261.2 Philippines percussion goblet drum
Daf (Dap, Def) membranophones 211.311 Iran percussion frame drum
Damaru membranophones 211.3 India, Nepal, Tibet percussion drum
Davul (Dahol, Daul, Daouli, Dhaulli

Tapan, Topan, Tupan
Toba, Towla

membranophones 211.212 Turkey percussion bass drum
Dayereh membranophones 211.311 Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, North Macedonia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan percussion drum
Den-den daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion bell
Dhak membranophones Bangladesh, India percussion
Dhimay (Dhimaya) membranophones 211.212 Nepal percussion drum
Dhol membranophones 211.212 Asia, India, Pakistan percussion bass drum
Dholak (Dholaki) membranophones 211.222 Asia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka percussion barrel drum
Dimdi membranophones 211.311 India percussion frame drum
Djembe membranophones 211.261.1 West Africa, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal percussion goblet drum
Dollu membranophones 211.222.1 India percussion frame drum
Drum membranophones percussion
Drum kit idiophones and membranophones 1/2 North American percussion drum
Dunun (Dundun) membranophones 211.212.1 West Africa, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Guinea, Mali, Senegal percussion drum
Gran Cassa membranophones 211.212 Italy percussion bass drum
Goblet drum membranophones 211.26 Ancient percussion drum
Gong bass drum membranophones percussion
Hira-daiko membranophones 1 Japan percussion drum
Idakka membranophones 211.242.1 Southern India percussion Talking drum
Ilimba drum membranophones 211.11 Zimbabwe percussion gourd drum


membranophones 211.212 Rwanda percussion drum
Janggu (Janggo, changgo) membranophones 211.242 Korea percussion drum
Junjung membranophones 2 Gambia, Senegal percussion
Kakko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Kanjira membranophones 211.311 India percussion frame drum
Kebero membranophones 2 Ethiopia percussion
Kendang (Gendang) membranophones 211.222 Brunei, Malaysia and Philippines percussion drum
Khol (Mrdanga) membranophones 211.232 India percussion drum
Krakebs membranophones 2 Algeria, Berbers, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia percussion
Lambeg drum membranophones 211.212 Ireland percussion bass drum
Madhalam membranophones 211.212 India percussion mridangam
Madal membranophones 211.212 India, Nepal percussion drum
Maddale membranophones 211.212 India percussion mridangam
Maktoum (maktoom, katem) membranophones 2 Afro-Arab percussion drum
Maram membranophones India percussion drum
Mirwas membranophones Bahrain, Brunei, Indonesia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Yemen percussion
Mridangam membranophones 211.212 India percussion drum
Nagara (drum) membranophones 2 Asia, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Iran, Turkey, Turkmenistan percussion drum
Naqareh membranophones 2 Azerbaijan, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan percussion drum
O-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Okedo-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Octaban membranophones 211.211.1 US percussion boobam
Padayani thappu membranophones 211.311 India percussion frame drum
Pakhavaj membranophones 211.212 India percussion mridangam
Pandeiro membranophones 211.311 Brazil, Portugal percussion frame drum
Pandero membranophones 211.3 Dominican percussion frame drum
Parai membranophones 211.311 India percussion frame drum
Qilaut membranophones 2 North American, Nunavut percussion
Rebana membranophones 211.311 Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia percussion frame drum
Sabar membranophones 2 Gambia, Senegal percussion drum
Sambal membranophones 2 India percussion drum
Samphor membranophones 2 Cambodia percussion barrel drum
Shime-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Snare drum membranophones 211.212.11 percussion drum
Surdo membranophones 2 Brazil percussion bass drum
Tabla membranophones 211.12 Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka percussion drum
Taiko membranophones 211.12 Japan percussion drum
Talking drum membranophones 211.241.2 West Africa, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Yoruba percussion drum
Tsukeshime-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Tambor huacana idiophones or membranophones 1/2 Mexico percussion drum
Tambori membranophones 1/2 Andorra, Catalonia, Spain percussion drum
Tamborim membranophones 211.311 Brazil percussion drum
Tamborita calentana (Mexico) membranophones 1/2 Mexico percussion drum
Tambou bas a dé fas membranophones 211.212.2 Guadeloupe percussion bass drum
Tambou bas a yon fas membranophones 211.221-7 Guadeloupe percussion bass drum
Tan-tan membranophones 2 Brazil percussion drum
Taphon membranophones 2 Thailand percussion drum
Tar membranophones 211.311 Saudi Arabia percussion frame drum
Tbilat membranophones 2 Morocco, Saudi Arabia percussion
Thavil membranophones 2 India percussion drum
Timbales membranophones 2 Cuba percussion drum
Timpani (kettledrum) membranophones 211.11-922 percussion drum
Tom-tom drum membranophones 211.212.1 percussion drum
Tombak membranophones 2 Iran percussion drum
Tsuzumi membranophones 1/2 Japan percussion drum
Tsuri-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
unpitched repique membranophones 2 Brazil percussion drum
Uchiwa-daiko membranophones 2 Japan percussion drum
Glass harmonica
Asadullah (Meerut, India)
Shishi odoshi (Japan)
Suikinkutsu (Japanese water zither)
Wobble board (Australia)

Wind instruments (aerophones)[edit]

Instrument Classification H-S Number Origin Common classification Relation
Aztec Death Whistle[citation needed] aerophones x Mexico aerophone whistle
Accordina (instrument) aerophones 412.132 France free reed instruments accordion

  • Button accordion
  • Cajun accordion
  • Chromatic button accordion
  • Diatonic button accordion
  • Free bass accordion
  • Piano accordion
  • Schrammel accordion
  • Steirische Harmonika
aerophones 412.132 Europe free reed instruments accordion
Accordola aerophones 412.132 United States of America free reed instruments mouth organ
Air horn aerophones 423 Plosive? Trumpet
Alboka aerophones 422.2 Basque Country reed instruments clarinet
Algaita aerophones Niger reed instruments
Almpfeiferl aerophones 421.221.12 Austria woodwinds flageolet, baroque recorder
Alphorn aerophones 423.121.22 Switzerland woodwinds natural trumpet
Alto horn aerophones 423.232 Belgium brass instruments trumpet
Arghul aerophones 422.2 Egypt, Syria, Turkey reed instruments clarinet
Atenteben aerophones 422.2 Ghana woodwinds flute
Aulochrome aerophones 422.212 Belgium reed instruments saxophone
Aulos aerophones reed instruments
Bagpipe aerophones 422 Europe reed instruments bagpipe
Balaban aerophones 422.111.2 Azerbaijan, Iran reed instruments oboe, duduk
Bandoneón aerophones 412.132 Latin America free reed instruments accordion
Bansuri aerophones 421.121.12 India woodwinds flute
Baritone horn aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet
Baritone voice aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Boomwhacker aerophones 413 USA Percussion

  • Tenoroon
  • Contrabassoon/double bassoon
aerophones 422.112.2–71 Western Europe reed instruments oboe
Bawu aerophones 412.131 China free reed instruments pitch pipe
Bayan aerophones 412.132 Russia free reed instruments accordion
Bazooka aerophones 423.121.11 brass instruments trumpet
Beatboxing aerophones 43 vocal techniques human voice
Bifora aerophones 422.11 Italy (Sicily) reed instruments oboe
Birbynė aerophones 422.112.2 Lithuania reed instruments oboe
Blul aerophones 421.111.12 Greece woodwinds end-blown flute, kaval
Blown bottle aerophones

  • Chromatic bombarde
aerophones 422.112.2 France reed instruments oboe
Buccina aerophones 423.121.21 Italy (Ancient Rome) brass instruments trumpet
Bugle aerophones 423.121.22 Europe brass instruments trumpet
Bullroarer aerophones 41 Ancient civilizations noise makers sirens
Calliope aerophones 421.222.3 Western Europe/North America fipple flutes organ
Castrato aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Chalumeau aerophones 422.2 France reed instruments clarinet
Cimbasso aerophones 423.232 Italy brass instruments trombone

  • Piccolo clarinet in A♭ (or G)
  • Sopranino clarinet in E♭ (or D)
  • Soprano clarinet in B♭ (or A; also C, low G)
  • Basset clarinet in A
  • Clarinette d’amour in G
  • Basset horn in F
  • Alto clarinet in E♭
  • Bass clarinet
  • Contra-alto clarinet
  • Contrabass clarinet
  • Octocontra-alto clarinet
  • Octocontrabass clarinet
aerophones 422.2 Germany reed instruments clarinet
Clarytone aerophones 421.221 South Africa fipple flutes tin whistle

  • Chemnitzer concertina
aerophones 412.132 Europe free reed instruments accordion
Conch aerophones 423.111 trumpets conch
Cornamuse aerophones 422.111.2 Europe reed instruments oboe

  • Soprano cornet
aerophones 423.232 France brass instruments trumpet
Cornett aerophones 423.2 Northern Europe natural trumpets trumpet
Cornu aerophones 423.121.21 Italy (Ancient Rome) brass instruments trumpet
Corrugaphone aerophones 411 noise makers whip
Countertenor aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Cromorne aerophones 422.11 France reed instruments oboe
Crumhorn aerophones 422.111.2 Western Europe reed instruments oboe
Danso aerophones 421.111.12 Korea woodwinds end-blown flute
Death growl aerophones 43 England vocal techniques human voice
Didgeridoo aerophones 423.121.11 Australia natural trumpets trumpet
Diple (or dvojnice) aerophones 422.21/22 Croatia reed instruments bagpipe
Dizi aerophones 421.121.12 China woodwinds flute
Double bell euphonium aerophones 423.232 United States of America brass instruments trumpet
Doulophone/cuprophone aerophones 423.121.22 US brass instruments trumpet
Duduk aerophones 422.111.2 Armenia reed instruments oboe
Dulcian aerophones 422.112.2 Western Europe reed instruments bassoon
Dulzaina aerophones 422.112.2 Spain reed instruments oboe
Dung-Dkar aerophones 423.111 Tibet trumpets conch
Dzhamara aerophones 421.111.12 Greece woodwinds end-blown flute, kaval
English horn aerophones 422.112.-71 Western Europe reed instruments oboe
Euphonium aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet
Fife aerophones 421.121.12 Portugal, Switzerland woodwinds flute
Firebird (trumpet) aerophones 423.21/22 Canada brass instruments trumpet, slide trumpet
Fiscorn aerophones 423.231 Spain brass instruments trumpet
Flabiol aerophones 421.221.12 Aragon, Balearic Islands, Spain fipple flutes recorder
Flageolet aerophones 421.221.12 France fipple flutes recorder
Flatt trumpet aerophones 423.21/22 England brass instruments trumpet, slide trumpet
Flugelhorn aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet
Flumpet aerophones 423.233 US brass instruments trumpet
Flutina aerophones 412.132 Europe free reed instruments accordion
Flute aerophones France woodwinds flute
Folgerphone aerophones 422.2 United States of America reed instruments clarinet
French horn aerophones 423.232 Europe brass instruments trumpet
Fujara aerophones 421.221.12 Slovakia fipple flutes recorder
Gaida aerophones 422 Balkans, Southeast Europe reed instruments bagpipe
Gaita gastoreña aerophones Andalusia hornpipe
Garmon aerophones 412.132 Russia, Tatarstan free reed instruments accordion
Gemshorn aerophones 421.221.42 Germany fipple flutes ocarina
Gralla aerophones 422.112 Spain reed instruments oboe, shawm
Houguan aerophones 422.111.2 China reed instruments oboe
Hano aerophones 421.111.12 Hawaii woodwinds nose flute
Harmoneon aerophones 421.132 Hawaii free reed instruments accordion

  • Chromatic harmonica
  • Diatonic harmonica
  • Tremolo harmonica
  • Orchestral harmonica
  • ChenGong harmonica
aerophones 412.132 Germany free reed instruments harmonica
Harmonium aerophones 412.132 Denmark free reed instruments reed organ

  • Piccolo heckelphone
  • Terz heckelphone
aerophones 422.112.2 Germany reed instruments oboe, English horn
Helicon aerophones 423.232 Europe brass instruments tuba
Horagai aerophones 423.111.2 Japan trumpets conch
Hornucopian dronepipe aerophones 423.111.2 America drone instrument didgeridoo
Hosaphone aerophones 423.1 natural trumpets tube trumpet
Hotchiku aerophones 421.111.12 Japan woodwinds end-blown flute
Hulusi aerophones 412.132 China free reed instruments harmonica
Hun aerophones 421.221.42 Korea fipple flutes ocarina
Inci aerophones 421.221.12 Philippines fipple flutes tumpong
Irish flute aerophones 421.121.12 Ireland woodwinds flute
Jug aerophones 423.111.1 North America trumpets conch
Kagurabue aerophones 421.121.12 Japan woodwinds flute
Kalaleng aerophones 421.111.12 Philippines woodwinds nose flute
Kaval aerophones 421.111.12 Bashkortostan, Turkey woodwinds end-blown flute
Kazoo aerophones US Woodwind Whistle
Kèn bầu aerophones 422.112.2 Vietnam reed instruments oboe, suona
Keyed bugle aerophones 423.21 England brass instruments trumpet
Khene aerophones 412.132 Laos free reed instruments harmonica
Khloy aerophones 421.221.12 Cambodia fipple flutes recorder
Khlui aerophones 421.221.12 Thailand fipple flutes recorder
Komabue aerophones 421.121.12 Japan woodwinds flute
Kombu aerophones India woodwinds
Koncovka aerophones 421.221.12 Slovakia fipple flutes recorder
Kortholt aerophones 421. Europe capped reed crumhorn
Koudi aerophones 421.121.12 China woodwinds flute
Kuhlohorn aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet
Kuzhal aerophones India reed instruments
Launeddas aerophones 422.2 Italy, Sardinia reed instruments clarinet
Livenka aerophones 412.132 Russia free reed instruments accordion
Lur aerophones 423.121.22 Denmark, Norway natural trumpets trumpet
Lusheng aerophones 412.132 China free reed instruments harmonica
Lituus aerophones 423.1 Europe natural trumpets trumpet
Martinshorn aerophones 412.132 Germany free reed instruments harmonica, accordion
Mellophone aerophones 423.232 Europe brass instruments trumpet
Melodica aerophones 412.132 Italy/Germany free reed instruments reed organ
Melodeon aerophones 412.132 US free reed instruments reed organ
Mezzo-soprano aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Mijwiz aerophones 422.2 Saudi Arabia reed instruments clarinet
Mizmar aerophones 422.112.2 Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia reed instruments oboe
Mizwad aerophones Saudi Arabia reed instruments bagpipe
Musette de cour aerophones 422 France reed instruments bagpipe
Nadaswaram aerophones 422.112.2 South India reed instruments oboe, shehnai
Nagak aerophones 423.111 Korea trumpets conch
Natural trumpet aerophones 423.1 Denmark, Norway brass instruments
Ney aerophones 421.111.12 Iran woodwinds end-blown flute
Nguru aerophones 421.111.12 New Zealand woodwinds nose flute
Nohkan aerophones 421.121.12 Iran woodwinds flute
Nose flute aerophones 421.111.12 Polynesia, Africa, East Asia woodwinds nose flute
Nplooj aerophones 421.111.12 Hmong people (China) woodwinds leaf
Nulophone aerophones 421.111.12 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan) woodwinds flute

  • Bass/Baritone oboe
  • Contrabass oboe
  • Cor anglais/English horn
  • Oboe d’amore
  • Oboe da caccia
  • Piccolo oboe/Oboe musette
aerophones 422.112-71 Western Europe reed instruments oboe

  • Transverse ocarina
  • Pendant ocarina
  • Inline ocarina
  • Multi chambered ocarina
  • Keyed ocarina
  • Slide ocarina
aerophones 421.221.42 Italy fipple flutes ocarina
Octavin aerophones 422.2 Germany reed instruments clarinet
Ophicleide aerophones 423.21 France brass instruments trumpet
Orthotonophonium aerophones 412.132 Germany free reed aerophones harmonium, reed organ
Paixiao aerophones 421.112 China woodwinds pan flute
Palendag aerophones 421.111.12 Philippines woodwinds end-blown flute
Pan flute aerophones 421.112 South America woodwinds pan flute
Pasiyak or water whistle aerophones 4 Philippines fipple flutes recorder
Pavari aerophones 421.121.12 India woodwinds flute
Pibgorn aerophones 422.2 Wales reed instruments clarinet
Picco pipe aerophones 421.221.12 Western Europe fipple flutes recorder
Piccolo aerophones 421.121.12 Western Europe woodwinds flute
Piccolo trumpet aerophones 423.232 Western Europe brass instruments trumpet
Pipe organ (diaphone pipes) aerophones 412.132 free reed instruments reed organ/recorder
Pipe organ (flue pipes) aerophones 421.221.11 fipple flutes recorder
Pipe organ (free reed pipes) aerophones 412.132 free reed instruments reed organ
Pipe organ (reed pipes) aerophones 422.112 reed instruments organ
Pitch pipe aerophones 412.131 free reed instruments pitch pipe
Pocket cornet aerophones 423.232 brass instruments trumpet
Pocket trumpet aerophones 423.232 United States of America brass instruments trumpet
Post horn aerophones 423.121.22 Western Europe brass instruments trumpet
Pu aerophones 423.111 Polynesia trumpets conch
Pulalu aerophones 421.111.12 Philippines woodwinds end-blown flute, palendag
Qeej aerophones 421.111.12 Hmong people (China) woodwinds end-blown flute
Quena aerophones 421.111.12 South America woodwinds end-blown flute
Quinticlave aerophones 423.21 brass instruments trumpet, ophicleide
Raj aerophones 412.132 Hmong people (China) free reed instruments harmonica
Rackett aerophones 422.111.2 Western Europe reed instruments oboe
Ralé-poussé aerophones Réunion free reed instruments accordion
Rauschpfeife aerophones 422.112.2 Europe reed instruments oboe

  • Garklein
  • Sopranino
  • Descant
  • Treble or alto
  • Tenor
  • Bass
  • Great bass
  • Contra bass
  • Subcontra bass
  • Sub-subcontrabass
  • Venova
aerophones 421.221.12 Germany fipple flutes recorder
Reed contrabass aerophones 422.112.2 Belgium reed instruments oboe
Reed organ aerophones 412.132 free reed instruments reed organ
Rhaita aerophones 422.112.2 Northern Africa reed instruments oboe
Robero aerophones 422.2 Spain reed instruments clarinet
Roman tuba aerophones 423.121.11 Etruscan brass instruments trumpet

  • Soprano rothphone
  • Alto rothphone
  • Tenor rothphone
  • Baritone rothphone
  • Bass rothphone
aerophones 422.112.2 Italy reed instruments sarrusophone
Ryuteki aerophones 421.121.12 Japan woodwinds flute
Sac de gemecs aerophones Andorra, Catalonia bagpipe

  • Alto sackbut
  • Tenor sackbut
  • Bass sackbut
  • Contrabass sackbut
aerophones 423.22 France brass instruments trombone
Saenghwang aerophones 412.132 Korea free reed instruments harmonica
Samponia aerophones 421.112 Peru woodwinds pan flute
Saratovskaya garmonika aerophones 412.132 Russia free reed instruments accordion

  • Sopranino sarrusophone
  • Soprano sarrusophone
  • Alto sarrusophone
  • Tenor sarrusophone
  • Baritone sarrusophone
  • Bass sarrusophone
  • Contrabass sarrusophone
aerophones 422.112.2 France reed instruments oboe

  • Piccolo saxophone (Soprillo)
  • Sopranino saxophone
  • C Soprano saxophone
  • Soprano saxophone
  • Mezzo-soprano saxophone (Alto in F)
  • Alto saxophone
  • C melody saxophone (Tenor in C)
  • Tenor saxophone
  • Baritone saxophone
  • Bass saxophone
  • Contrabass saxophone
  • Subcontrabass saxophone
aerophones 422.212 Belgium reed instruments clarinet
Saxhorn aerophones 423.231 Belgium brass instruments trumpet
Saxotromba aerophones 423.231 Belgium brass instruments trumpet
Saxtuba aerophones 423.231 Belgium brass instruments trumpet
Scat singing aerophones 43 vocal techniques human voice
Schwyzerörgeli aerophones 412.132 Switzerland free reed instruments accordion
Serpent aerophones 423.21 France brass instruments trumpet, cornett
Shakuhachi aerophones 421.111.12 Japan woodwinds end-blown flute
Shankha aerophones 423.111 India trumpets conch
Shawm aerophones 422.112.2 Switzerland reed instruments oboe
Shehnai aerophones 422.112.2 North India reed instruments oboe
Sheng aerophones 412.132 China free reed instruments harmonica
Shinobue aerophones 421.121.12 Japan woodwinds flute
Shofar aerophones 423.121.21 Levant natural trumpets trumpet
Shō aerophones 412.132 Japan free reed instruments harmonica
Shvi aerophones 421.221.12 Armenia fipple flutes recorder
Siku aerophones 421.112 Bolivia woodwinds pan flute
Siren aerophones 41 Scotland noise makers siren
Slide trumpet

  • Medieval slide trumpet
  • Renaissance slide trumpet
  • Baroque slide trumpet
aerophones 423.21/22 Europe brass instruments trumpet
Slide whistle

  • Jazz flute
  • Swanee whistle
aerophones 421.121.312 England fipple flutes whistle
Sneng aerophones 422.212 Cambodia reed instruments hornpipe
Sodina aerophones 421.111.12 Madagascar woodwinds end-blown flute
Sopila aerophones 422.112.2 Croatia reed instruments oboe
Soprano aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Sorna aerophones 422.112.2 Iran reed instruments oboe
Sousaphone aerophones 423.232 US brass instruments trumpet, tuba
Sralai aerophones 422.112.2 Cambodia reed instruments oboe
Sudrophone aerophones 423.21 France brass instruments trumpet, ophicleide
Suling aerophones 421.111.12 Indonesia/Philippines woodwinds end-blown flute

  • Laba
  • Haidi
aerophones 422.112.2 China reed instruments oboe
Superbone aerophones 423.22 Canada brass instruments trombone
Swordblade aerophones 411 noise makers whip
Tabor pipe aerophones 421.221.12 Western Europe fipple flutes recorder
Taepyeongso aerophones 422.112.2 Korea reed instruments oboe, suona,
Tárogató aerophones 422.112-71 Central Europe reed instruments oboe, suona
Tenor aerophones 43 vocal registers human voice
Tenora aerophones 422.112 Spain reed instruments oboe, shawm,
Throat singing aerophones 43 vocal techniques human voice
Tible aerophones 422.112 Spain reed instruments oboe, shawm,
Tin whistle aerophones 421.221.12 Celtic fipple flutes recorder
Toasting aerophones 43 vocal technique human voice
Tonette aerophones 421.111.12 North America woodwinds end-blown flute
Trikiti aerophones 412.132 Spain free reed instruments accordion

  • Piccolo trombone
  • Soprano trombone
  • Alto trombone
  • Tenor trombone
  • Bass trombone
  • Contrabass trombone
  • Valve trombone
  • Superbone
aerophones 423.22 Western Europe brass instruments trombone
Tromboon aerophones 422.112.2 US reed instruments bassoon, trombone
Trompeta china aerophones 422.112.2 Cuba reed instruments oboe, suona,

  • Soprano trumpet
  • Bass trumpet
  • Baroque trumpet
  • Bass trumpet
  • Rotary valve trumpet
aerophones 423.232 brass instruments trumpet

  • Bass tuba
  • Contrabass tuba
  • Subcontrabass tuba
aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet

  • Contrabass (in E♭)
  • Subcontrabass (in B♭)
aerophones 422.212 Germany woodwinds saxophone
Tube trumpet aerophones 423.1 natural trumpets trumpet
Tumpong aerophones 421.111.12 Philippines woodwinds end-blown flute
Tungso aerophones 421.111.12 Korea woodwinds end-blown flute
Tutek aerophones 4 Azerbaijan woodwinds flute
Txistu aerophones 421.221.12 Spain fipple flutes recorder
Uilleann pipes aerophones 422 Ireland reed instruments bagpipe
Venova aerophones 422.2 Japan woodwinds saxophone
Venu aerophones 421.121.12 South India woodwinds flute
Vibrandoneon (instrument) aerophones 412.132 Italy free reed instruments clarinets
Vienna horn aerophones 423.232 Austria brass instruments trumpet, French horn
Vocal percussion aerophones 43 vocal techniques human voice
Vuvuzela aerophones 423.121.22 South-Africa natural trumpets trumpet
Wagner tuba aerophones 423.232 Germany brass instruments trumpet
Washint aerophones 421.111.12 Ethiopia woodwinds end-blown flute
Western concert flutes

  • Flute
  • Alto flute
  • Bass flute
  • Contra-alto flute
  • Contrabass flute
  • Subcontrabass flute
  • Double contrabass flute
  • Hyperbass flute
aerophones 421.121.12 Western Europe woodwinds flute
Whip aerophones 411 noise makers whip

  • Pea whistle
  • Steam whistle
  • Train whistle
aerophones 421.221.11 fipple flutes whistle
Willow flute aerophones 421.221.11 Scandinavia fipple flutes recorder
Xaphoon aerophones 422.2 Hawaii woodwinds clarinet
Xeremia aerophones Balearic Islands bagpipe
Xiao aerophones 421.111.12 China woodwinds end-blown flute
Xun aerophones 421.221.42 China fipple flutes ocarina
Yotar aerophones 4 woodwinds flute
Yu aerophones 412.132 China free reed instruments harmonica
Zhaleika aerophones 422.2 Russia reed instruments clarinet
Zufolo aerophones 421.111.12 Italy fipple flutes recorder
Zugtrompete aerophones 423.21/22 Germany brass instruments trumpet, slide trumpet
Zurna aerophones 422.112.2 Turkey reed instruments oboe

Stringed instruments (chordophones)[edit]

Instrument Classification H-S Number Origin Common classification Relation
Adungu chordophones 3 Uganda stringed instruments
Aeolian harp chordophones 3 Germany stringed instruments
Ajaeng chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Akkordolia chordophones 3 Austria, Germany stringed instruments
Algerian mandole chordophones 321.322 Algeria, Berbers, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia stringed instruments
Angélique chordophones 321.321 stringed instruments
Appalachian dulcimer chordophones 3 Germany, United States stringed instruments
Arbajo chordophones 321.321-6 Nepal stringed instruments
Archlute chordophones 321.321 Western Europe stringed instruments
Arpeggione chordophones 3 Austria stringed instruments
Autoharp chordophones 3 US stringed instruments
Bağlama chordophones 321.321 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Turkey, Turkmenistan stringed instruments
Bajo sexto chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Balalaika chordophones 321.321 Russia stringed instruments
Bandola chordophones 321.322 Colombia, Venezuela stringed instruments
Bandolin chordophones 3 Ecuador stringed instruments
Bandolón chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Bandura chordophones 321.321 Ukraine stringed instruments
Bandora chordophones 321.321 stringed instruments
Bandurria chordophones 321.321 Aragon, Philippines, Spain stringed instruments
Banhu chordophones 321.321 China stringed instruments

  • Banjo cello
  • Bass banjo
  • Five-stringed banjo
    • Bluegrass banjo
  • Four-stringed banjo
    • Plectrum banjo
  • Six-stringed banjo
  • Tenor banjo
  • Zither banjo
chordophones 3 North America stringed instruments
Banjo ukulele chordophones 3 US stringed instruments
Barbat chordophones 321.321 Armenia, Iran stringed instruments
Baryton chordophones 3 England stringed instruments
Berimbau chordophones 3 Brazil stringed instruments
Bipa chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Biwa chordophones 321.321 Japan stringed instruments
Bordonua chordophones 3 Puerto Rico stringed instruments
Bouzouki chordophones 321.321 Greece stringed instruments
Buzuq chordophones 321.321 Saudi Arabia stringed instruments
Carimba chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Cavaquinho chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Cello (violoncello)

  • Cello da spalla
  • Electric cello
chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Chapman stick chordophones 3 US stringed instruments

  • Charango
  • Charangón
  • Hualaycho (Walaycho)
  • Ronroco
  • Hatun charango
  • Chillador
  • Ayacucho
  • Bajo charango
  • Chango
  • Charango mediano
  • KhonKhota
  • Moquegua
  • Pampeno
  • Shreiker
  • Sonko
  • Vallegrandino
chordophones 321.321 Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, stringed instruments
Chitarra battente chordophones 3 Italy stringed instruments
Chitarra Italiana chordophones 321.322 stringed instruments
Choghur chordophones 3 Azerbaijan stringed instruments

  • Electric cymbalum
chordophones 3 Central and Eastern Europe stringed instruments
Cimboa chordophones 321.322 Cape Verde stringed instruments
Citole chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Cittern chordophones 321.322 England, Scotland, Switzerland stringed instruments
Clavichord chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Clavinet chordophones 3 USA stringed instruments

  • mandolinos de concheros or mandolina conchera
  • vihuelas de concheros or vihuela conchera
  • guitarras de concheros or guitarra conchera
chordophones 321.321-6 Mexico stringed instruments charango, mandolin, Mexican vihuela, guitar
Contraguitar chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Crwth (Crowd) chordophones 3 Wales stringed instruments
Cuatro chordophones 3 Latin America stringed instruments
Cümbüş chordophones 3 Turkey stringed instruments
Đàn bầu chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn đáy chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn gáo chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn nguyệt chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn tam thập lục chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn tranh chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn Tre chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Đàn tỳ bà chordophones 3 Vietnam stringed instruments
Diddley bow chordophones 3 US stringed instruments
Dihu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Dombra chordophones 321.321 Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan stringed instruments
Domra chordophones 321.321 Russia stringed instruments
Doshpuluur chordophones 321.322 Tuva stringed instruments
Dotara chordophones 321.321-6 Bangladesh stringed instruments
Double bass

  • Five-string double bass
chordophones 321.322-71 Western Europe stringed instruments
Dreadnought chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Dulcimer chordophones 3 England stringed instruments
Dutar chordophones 321.322 Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan stringed instruments
Duxianqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Ektara chordophones 33-5 India, Pakistan stringed instruments
Erhu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Erxian chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Esraj chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Faglong/Fuglung chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Fegereng chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Fiddle chordophones 321.322-71 Western Europe stringed instruments
Gaohu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Gayageum chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Geomungo chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Gittern chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Gottuvadhyam chordophones 3 India stringed instruments

  • Acoustic guitar
  • Acoustic bass guitar
  • Acoustic-electric guitar
  • Archtop guitar
  • Baritone guitar
  • Baroque guitar
  • Bass guitar
  • Bahian guitar
  • Brahms guitar
  • Chitarra battente
  • Cigar box guitar
  • Classical guitar
  • Console steel guitar
  • Electric guitar
  • English guitar
  • Fretless guitar
  • Lyre-guitar
  • Extended-range guitars
    • Alto guitar
    • Seven-string guitar
    • Eight-string guitar
    • Nine-string guitar
    • Ten-string guitar
    • Eleven-string alto guitar
    • Twelve-string guitar
  • Flamenco guitar
  • Guitarra quinta huapanguera
  • Guitar synthesizer
  • Guitarrón (chileno)
  • Guitarrón (mexicano)
  • Guitarrón (uruguayo)
  • Gut-stringed guitars
  • Lap steel guitars
    • Dobro
    • National Steel
  • Multi-neck guitar
    • Double-neck guitar
    • Triple-neck guitar
    • Quadruple-neck guitar
    • Five-neck guitar
    • Six-neck guitar
    • Seven-neck guitar
    • Eight-neck guitar
      • Rock Ock
    • Twelve-neck guitar
  • Octave guitar
  • Parlor guitar
  • Pedal steel guitar
  • Resophonic guitar
  • Romantic guitar
  • Russian guitar
  • Selmer guitar
  • Semi-acoustic guitar
  • Slide guitar
  • Silent guitar
  • Steel guitar
  • Steel-string acoustic guitar
  • Tenor guitar
  • Terz guitar
  • Yotar
chordophones 3 Spain, et al stringed instruments
Guitarra de golpe chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Guitarra panzona chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Guitarra séptima chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Guitarro chordophones 3 Andalusia, Aragon, Spain stringed instruments
Gusli chordophones 3 Russia stringed instruments
Guqin chordophones 312.22 China stringed instruments
Guzheng chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Haegeum chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Hammered dulcimer chordophones 3 Austria, England, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Saudi Arabia, United States stringed instruments
Hardanger fiddle chordophones 3 Norway stringed instruments
Harmonico chordophones 3 stringed instruments

  • Electric harp
chordophones 3 Worldwide stringed instruments
Harp guitar chordophones 3 France stringed instruments
Harpsichord chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Hegelong chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Huapanguera chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Huluhu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Huqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Hurdy-gurdy chordophones 3 Austria, Belarus, Czech, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine stringed instruments
Icelandic fiddle (fiðla) chordophones 321.321-6 Iceland stringed instruments
Igil chordophones 321.321 Tuva stringed instruments
Irish bouzouki chordophones 321.322 Greece, Ireland stringed instruments
Janzi chordophones 3 Uganda stringed instruments
Jarana jarocho chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Jarana huasteca chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Jarana mosquito chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Jarana segunda chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Jarana tercera chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Jiaohu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Kabosy chordophones 3 Madagascar stringed instruments
Kadlong chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Kamancha chordophones 3 Persia stringed instruments
Kantele chordophones 314.122-5 Finland stringed instruments
Kemenche chordophones 3 Turkey stringed instruments
Khim chordophones 3 Thailand/Cambodia stringed instruments
Kobza chordophones 3 Ukraine stringed instruments
Kokle chordophones 314.122-5 Latvia stringed instruments
Kokyū chordophones 3 Japan stringed instruments
Komuz chordophones 3 Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Hungary, Khakassia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan stringed instruments
Kora chordophones 3 West Africa stringed instruments
Koto chordophones 3 Japan stringed instruments
Kubing chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Kudyapi chordophones 3 Philippines stringed instruments
Kwitra chordophones 3 Algeria, Saudi Arabia stringed instruments
Langeleik chordophones 3 Norway stringed instruments
Laouto chordophones 321.321-6 Greece stringed instruments
Laruan chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Laúd chordophones 321.321 Cuba, Philippines, Spain stringed instruments
Lavta chordophones 321.321-6 Armenia, Greece, Turkey stringed instruments
Leiqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Leona chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Lirone chordophones 3 Italy stringed instruments
Liuqin chordophones 321.321 China stringed instruments
Lokanga chordophones 3 Madagascar stringed instruments
Lute chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Lute guitar chordophones 3 Germany stringed instruments
Lyra (Cretan) chordophones 3 Greece stringed instruments
Lyra (Byzantine) chordophones 3 Byzantine Empire stringed instruments
Lyre chordophones 321.2 England, Greece stringed instruments
Maguhu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Mandobass chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Mandola chordophones 3 stringed instruments

  • Mandolin-banjo
  • Mandocello
  • Mandola
  • Bluegrass mandolin
  • Electric mandolin
  • Octave mandolin
  • Resonator mandolin
chordophones 321.321-6 or 321.322-6 Bashkortostan, Brazil, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Ukraine, United States, Venezuela stringed instruments
Mandolute chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Mandora chordophones 321.321 Central Europe stringed instruments
Mandore chordophones 321.321 France stringed instruments
Marovany chordophones 3 Madagascar stringed instruments
Mejoranera chordophones 321.322 Panama stringed instruments
Mexican vihuela chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Mohan veena chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Moraharpa chordophones Sweden stringed instruments
Morin khuur chordophones 3 Mongolia, Tuva stringed instruments
Musical bow chordophones 3 South Africa stringed instruments
Nyckelharpa chordophones 321.322-71 Sweden stringed instruments
Octobass chordophones 3 France stringed instruments
Oud chordophones 321.321-6 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Greece, Iran, Kurdistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey stringed instruments
Paqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Piano (pianoforte)

  • Electric piano
  • Fortepiano
  • Pedal piano
chordophones 3 Italy stringed instruments
Pipa chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Piwancha chordophones 3 Nepal stringed instruments
Pochette chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Portuguese guitar chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Psaltery chordophones 3 Greece stringed instruments
Qanun chordophones 3 Armenia, Egypt, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Turkey stringed instruments
Qinqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Rabeca chordophones 3 Brazil stringed instruments
Rajão chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Ravanahatha chordophones 4 Sri Lanka, India stringed instruments
Rebab chordophones 3 Afghanistan stringed instruments
Rebec chordophones 321.21-71 Italy, Switzerland stringed instruments
Requinto jarocho chordophones 3 Mexico stringed instruments
Rubab chordophones 3 Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, India, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan stringed instruments

  • Gaoyinruan
  • Xiaoruan
  • Zhongruan
  • Daruan
  • Diyinruan
chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Rudra vina chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Sallameh chordophones 3 Iran stringed instruments
Sanshin chordophones 3 Okinawa stringed instruments
Santoor chordophones 3 Iran stringed instruments
Sanxian chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Sarangi chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Šargija chordophones 321.321 Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia stringed instruments
Sarod chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Saung chordophones 3 Burma stringed instruments
Saw sam sai chordophones 3 Thailand stringed instruments
Se chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Seul chordophones 3 Korea stringed instruments
Setar (lute) chordophones 321.321 Azerbaijan, Iran stringed instruments
Shamisen chordophones 3 Japan stringed instruments
Sintir chordophones 3 Algeria, Morocco stringed instruments
Sitar chordophones 321.321 India stringed instruments
Sitarla chordophones 3 Japan stringed instruments
Surbahar chordophones 321.321 India stringed instruments
Swarmandal chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Tamburica chordophones 321.321 Croatia/Serbia stringed instruments
Tambur chordophones 3 Iran, Kurdistan, stringed instruments
Tanpura chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Tar (lute) chordophones 3 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kurdistan, stringed instruments
Tea chest bass chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Tembûr chordophones 3 curdo-persiano stringed instruments
Theorbo chordophones 321.321 Europe stringed instruments
Timple chordophones 3 Canary Islands stringed instruments
Tiple chordophones 321.322 Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain stringed instruments
Tovshuur chordophones 321.321 Altai, Khakassia, Mongolia, Tuva stringed instruments

  • Tres Cubano
  • Tres Puerto Rico
chordophones 321.322 Cuba stringed instruments
Tricordia chordophones 321.321 stringed instruments
Tro chordophones 3 Cambodia stringed instruments
Trumpet marine/tromba marina chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Tsymbaly chordophones 3 Ukraine, Belarus stringed instruments
Tuhu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Tzouras chordophones 321.321 Greece stringed instruments

  • Concert ukulele[3]
  • Electric ukulele
  • Harp ukulele
  • Lap steel ukulele
  • Pocket ukulele
  • Resonator ukulele
  • Soprano ukulele
  • Tahitian ukulele
  • Tenor ukulele
    • Eight-string tenor
    • Five-string tenor
    • Lili’u
    • Six-string tenor
  • Baritone ukulele
  • Bass ukulele
  • Contrabass ukulele
    • U-bass
  • Cigar box ukulele
chordophones 321.322 Portugal/Hawaii stringed instruments
Ukelin chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Valiha chordophones 3 Madagascar stringed instruments
Veena chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Vertical viola (and other members of the violin octet family) chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Vichitra veena chordophones 3 India stringed instruments
Vielle chordophones 3 Western Europe stringed instruments
Vihuela chordophones 3 Spain stringed instruments

  • Pardessus de viole
  • Treble viol (dessus)
  • Alto viol
  • Bass viol
  • Division viol
  • Lyra viol
  • Tenor viol (taille)
  • Great bass violone
  • Contrabass violone
chordophones 321.322-71 Spain stringed instruments
Viola da gamba (see Viol) chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Viola amarantina chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Viola bastarda chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Viola beiroa chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Viola caipira chordophones 3 Brazil stringed instruments
Viola d’amore chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Viola da terra chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Viola de arame chordophones 3 Portugal stringed instruments
Viola de cocho chordophones 3 Brazil stringed instruments
Viola organista chordophones 3 Italy (Da Vinci) stringed instruments
Viola profonda chordophones 3 stringed instruments

  • Piccolo violino
  • Baroque violin
  • Bass violin
  • Electric violin
  • Five string violin
  • Stroh violin
  • Tenor violin
chordophones 321.322-71 Italy and Western Europe stringed instruments
Violone chordophones 3 stringed instruments
Violotta chordophones 3 Germany stringed instruments
Walaycho chordophones 321.321-5 stringed instruments
Waldzither chordophones 321.322 Germany stringed instruments
Washtub bass chordophones 3 USA stringed instruments
Whamola chordophones 3 USA stringed instruments
Wheelharp chordophones 3 USA stringed instruments
Xalam/Khalam chordophones 3 West Africa stringed instruments
Yaylı tambur chordophones 3 Turkey stringed instruments
Yangqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Yazheng chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Yehu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Yelatáj chos woley chordophones 3 Argentina stringed instruments Musical bow
Yueqin chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Zhongruan chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Zhonghu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Zhu (string instrument) chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Zhengni chordophones 3 China stringed instruments
Zhuihu chordophones 3 China stringed instruments

  • Alpine zither (harp zither)
  • Concert zither
  • Guitar zither
  • Overtone zither
  • Violinzither
chordophones 314.122 Belarus, Croatia, Czech, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine, stringed instruments

Electronic instruments (electrophones)[edit]

  • AlphaSphere
  • Audiocubes
  • Bass pedals
  • Continuum Fingerboard
  • Croix Sonore
  • Denis d’or
  • Dubreq stylophone
  • Drum machine
  • Electric guitar
  • Electronic keyboard
    • Digital piano
  • Electronic organ
  • EWI
  • Fingerboard synthesizer
  • Hammond organ
  • Keyboard
  • Keytar
  • Kraakdoos (or cracklebox)
  • Laser harp
  • Mellotron
  • MIDI controller
    • Eigenharp
    • MIDI keyboard
    • Seaboard
  • Omnichord
  • Ondes Martenot
  • Otamatone
  • Personal computer (when used in conjunction with a software synthesizer and DAW)
    • Fairlight CMI (Computer Musical Instrument)
  • Sampler
  • Skoog
  • Synclavier
  • Synthesizer
  • Teleharmonium
  • Tembûr
  • Tenori-on
  • Theremin
  • trautonium
  • Turntablism
  • Turntable

See also[edit]

  • List of medieval musical instruments
  • List of fictional musical instruments
  • List of folk music traditions
  • List of musical instruments by Hornbostel–Sachs number


  1. ^ Meki Nzewi (2007). A Contemporary Study of Musical Arts: Informed by African Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Volume 1. African Minds. pp. 107–108. ISBN 1920051627.
  2. ^ Terry Miller; Sean Williams (2011). The Garland Handbook of Southeast Asian Music. Routledge.
  3. ^ Ken (July 15, 2019). «Concert Ukulele Guitar». Retrieved September 17, 2019.

External links[edit]

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