Two word countries in europe


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disputed, Islamic


Iberia, spices


saunas, Nokia


matterhorn, yodeling


dictatorship, eastern


Lovcen, Kotor


bikes, windmills


smoking, catalan


cars, beer

Czech Republic

Skype, atheist


vikings, island


pizza, Renaissance


potatoes, Shannon


Rubik, Magyar


mines, WWI

Bosnia and Herzegovina

island, Catholic


poor, wine


Putin, vodka


schnitzel, printing-press


waffles, chocolate


roses, wrestling


Melania, caves






paella, Picasso


Henri, tax haven


Chernobyl, borscht


Latin, small

Vatican City

Tesla, raspberries


Buckingham, tea

United Kingdom

fjords, Elsa


pierogi, Jadwiga


Eiffel, brie


castles, hockey


orthodox, Alexander


richest, teeth


Dalmatia, neck-tie


bunkers, Teresa


vampires, Dacia


Lego, happy


oldest, Marinus

San Marino

basketball, women


Baltic, pagans


cyrillic, Kokino


edelweiss, Mozart


Kelly, millionaires



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The Bahamas

Burkina Faso

Cape Verde

Costa Rica

Côte d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast

Czech Republic

Dominican Republic

East Timor

El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea

The Gambia


North Korea

South Korea

Marshall Islands

New Zealand

Saint Lucia

San Marino

Saudi Arabia

Sierra Leone

Solomon Islands

South Africa

South Sudan

Sri Lanka

United Kingdom

Vatican City

Disputed Countries: Cook Islands, Northern Cyprus, and South

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Названия стран Европы и столиц на английском языке


Государства (страны) Европы и их столицы на английском языке

  • Таблица (список) государств и столиц Европы на английском
  • Примеры употребления лексики по странам и столицам Европы на английском

Завтра мы летим в Европу! Поэтому учим и читаем названия стран Европы и их столиц на английском языке правильно! Как всегда, пытаемся прочитать название страны и столицы по транскрипции, если не получается, то слушаем произношение. Успехов!

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Таблица (список) государств и столиц Европы на английском

Страна / столица Транскрипция Перевод
Country [ˈkʌntrɪ] Страна, государство
Capital [ˈkæpɪtl] Столица
1 Austria [ˈɒstrɪə] Австрия
Vienna [vɪˈenə] Вена
2 Albania [ælˈbeɪnɪə] Албания
Tirana [tɪ’rɑːnə] Тирана
3 Andorra [ænˈdɔːrə] Андорра
Andorra La Vella [ænˌdɔːrə lə’ veljə] Андорра-ла-Велья
4 Belarus [ˌbelə’rus] Беларусь
Minsk [mɪnsk] Минск
5 Belgium [ˈbelʤəm] Бельгия
Brussels [brʌslz] Брюссель
6 Bulgaria [bʌlˈgeərɪə] Болгария
Sofia [ˈsəʊfɪə] София
7 Bosnia and Herzegovina [bɒzˈnɪə ən hɜːtsɪgəˈviːnə] Босния и Герцеговина
Sarajevo [ˌsærə’jeɪvəu] Сараево
8 Vatican [ˈvætɪkən] Ватикан *
9 Britain [brɪtn] Великобритания
London [ˈlʌndən] Лондон
10 Hungary [ˈhʌŋgərɪ] Венгрия
Budapest [ˈbjuːdəpest] Будапешт
11 Germany [ˈʤɜːmənɪ] Германия
Berlin [bɜːˈlɪn] Берлин
12 Holland [ˈhɔlənd] Голландия
Amsterdam [æmstəˈdæm] Амстердам
13 Greece [griːs] Греция
Athens [ˈæθɪnz] Афины
14 Georgia [ˈʤɔːʤə] Грузия
Tbilisi [tə’bliːsɪ] Тбилиси
15 Denmark [ˈdenmɑːk] Дания
Copenhagen [kəʊpənˈheɪgən] Копенгаген
16 Ireland [ˈaɪələnd] Ирландия
Dublin [ˈdʌblɪn] Дублин
17 Spain [speɪn] Испания
Madrid [məˈdrɪd] Мадрид
18 Italy [ˈɪtəlɪ] Италия
Rome [rəʊm] Рим
19 Latvia [ˈlætvɪə] Латвия
Riga [ˈriːgə] Рига
20 Lithuania [lɪθəˈweɪnɪə] Литва
Vilnius [ˈvɪlnɪəs] Вильнюс
21 Liechtenstein [ˈlɪktənstaɪn] Лихтенштейн
Vaduz [vɑː’duːts] Вадуц
22 Luxembourg [ˈlʌksəmbɜːg] Люксембург *
23 Macedonia [ˌmæsɪ’dəunɪə] Македония
Skopje [‘skɔːpjeɪ] Скопье
24 Malta [ˈmɔːltə] Мальта
Valletta [vəˈletə] Валлетта
25 Moldova [mɔl’dəuvə] Молдова
Kishinev [‘kɪʃɪnɔf] Кишинёв
26 Monaco [ˈmɒnəkəʊ] Монако *
27 Norway [ˈnɔːweɪ] Норвегия
Oslo [ˈɒzləʊ] Осло
28 Poland [ˈpəʊlənd] Польша
Warsaw [ˈwɔːsɔː] Варшава
29 Portugal [ˈpɔːʧʊgl] Португалия
Lisbon [ˈlɪzbən] Лиссабон
30 Russia [ˈrʌʃə] Россия
Moscow [ˈmɒskəʊ] Москва
31 Romania [rəˈmeɪnɪə] Румыния
Bucharest [ˌbjuːkə’rest] Бухарест
32 San Marino [sæn məˈriːnəʊ] Сан-Марино *
33 Serbia [ˈsɜːbɪə] Сербия
Belgrade [belˈgreɪd] Белград
34 Slovakia [sləˈvɒkɪə] Словакия
Bratislava [brætɪˈslɑːvə] Братислава
35 Slovenia [sləˈviːnɪə] Словения
Ljubljana [ljuːblɪˈɑːnə] Любляна
36 Turkey [ˈtɜːkɪ] Турция
Ankara [‘æŋk(ə)rə] Анкара
37 Ukraine [juːˈkreɪn] Украина
Kiev [ˈkiːef] Киев
38 Finland [ˈfɪnlənd] Финляндия
Helsinki [ˈhelsɪŋkɪ] Хельсинки
39 France [frɑːns] Франция
Paris [ˈpærɪs] Париж
40 Croatia [krəu’eɪʃɪə] Хорватия
Zagreb [ˈzɑːgreb] Загреб
41 Montenegro [ˌmɔntɪ’niːgrəu] Черногория
Podgorica [‘pɔdgəˌrɪtsə] Подгорица
42 Switzerland [ˈswɪtsələnd] Швейцария
Bern [bɜːn] Берн
43 Sweden [swiːdn] Швеция
Stockholm [ˈstɒkhəʊm] Стокгольм
44 Estonia [es’təunɪə] Эстония
Tallinn [ˈtælɪn] Таллин

Примечание: * — не указаны столицы городов-государств и государств, столицы которых совпадают с названием государства.

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Примеры употребления лексики по странам и столицам Европы на английском

  1. Говорим о столице государства, как о географическом объекте:

I live in Berlin. It is the capital of Germany. — Я живу в Берлине. Это столица Германии.

  1. Упоминаем большой город, как столицу страны:

Paris is the big city. Paris is a capital of France! Париж — это большой город. Париж является столицей Франции!

European Countries Languages Flags: Europe is a country with plethora of diversity in all its spheres. It bears variety among its citizens, society, languages and culture. It is quite essential for us to know, the different countries that are an integral part of the European Union.

This specific article has been penned down exclusively for the purpose of cultivating in those learners, extra knowledge about Europe and also about the numerous European countries that are a part of this great continent, and also acquire additional and beneficial knowledge about its languages, flags, nationalities and famous facts.

  • Name of European Countries
  • Description and Pictures about European Languages, Nationalities and Flags

Name of European Countries

  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Austria
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • San Marino
  • Serbia and Montenegro
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom

Description and Pictures about European Languages, Nationalities and Flags


  • Capital: Tirana
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Albanian lek
  • Dialling code: +355
  • Language: Albanian language
  • Nationality: Albanian
  • Population: 28.4 lakhs
  • President: Ilir Meta

Famous Fact: The famous personality, Mother Teresa was a citizen of Albania since her birth and has been known to be a single person who won the Nobel Prize from the country of Albania.


  • Capital: Andorra la Vella
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +376
  • Language: Catalan
  • Nationality: Andorran
  • Population: 77.2 lakhs
  • President: Xavier Espot Zamora

Famous Fact: The country of Andorra is world-famous for the cultivation of tobacco and its influence on tourism.


  • Capital: Vienna
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +43
  • Language: German
  • Nationality: Austrian
  • Population: 89.2 lakhs
  • President: Alexander Van der Bellen

Famous Fact: Austria holds the record for establishing the world’s first zoo in the year of 1752, which is still running presently.

European Countries 1


  • Capital: Minsk
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Belarusian ruble
  • Dialling code: +375
  • Language: Belarusian, Russian
  • Nationality: Belarusian
  • Population: 94 lakhs
  • President: Alexander Lukashenko

Famous Fact: Belarus still has centres that practice communal farming and it is also regarded as Europe’s last dictatorship.


  • Capital: Brussels
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +32
  • Language: French, Dutch, German
  • Nationality: Belgian
  • Population: 1.16 crore
  • President: Charles Michel

Famous Fact: Belgium is a famous producer, marketer and consumer of multiple chocolate products and kinds, in the world market, annually.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Capital: Sarajevo
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Bosnia Herzegovina Convertible Marka
  • Dialling code: +387
  • Language: Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
  • Nationality: Bosnian
  • Population: 32.8 lakhs
  • President: Milorad Dodik Sefik Džaferović Zeljko Komšić

Famous Fact: The archaeologists and researchers have found remains of a network of magnificent pyramids which may prove to be more ancient than the pyramids of Egypt.


  • Capital: Sofia
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Bulgarian lev
  • Dialling code: +359
  • Language: Bulgarian
  • Nationality: Bulgarian
  • Population: 7.3 lakhs
  • President: Rumen Radev

Famous Fact: Bulgaria is the country in which the yoghurt originated. It is said that it was accidentally discovered and hence the bacteria utilized in the production of yoghurt is names after the country of Bulgaria.


  • Capital: Zagreb
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Croatian kuna
  • Dialling code: +385
  • Language: Croatian, German
  • Nationality: Croatian
  • Population: 40.5 lakhs
  • President: Zoran Milanovic

Famous Fact: Croatia is famous for its discovery of the necktie, back in the seventeenth century Europe, during the reign of King Louis XII.

Czech Republic

  • Capital: Prague
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Czech koruna
  • Dialling code: +420
  • Language: Czech
  • Nationality: Czechs
  • Population: 1.07 crore
  • President: Milos Zeman

Famous Fact: In the city of Prague in the Czech Republic, the ancient astronomical clock, which was built in 1410, is still in operation to the present day.


  • Capital: Copenhagen
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Danish krone
  • Dialling code: +45
  • Language: Danish
  • Nationality: Danish
  • Population: 58.3 lakhs
  • President: Mette Frederiksen

Famous Fact: In Denmark, almost every citizen owns a bicycle, making this form of transport a much more desirable option as compared to other automobiles, which exist in the society.


  • Capital: Tallinn
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +372
  • Language: Estonian
  • Nationality: Estonian
  • Population: 13.3 lakhs
  • President: Alar Karis

Famous Fact: Estonia is well-known for its digitally advanced society and government, among any such other places in the world.


  • Capital: Helsinki
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +358
  • Language: Finnish
  • Nationality: Finnish
  • Population: 55.3 lakhs
  • President: Sauli Niinisto

Famous Fact: Finland has been officially recorded as being the ‘happiest country in the world’ and also the country with the cleanest environment and air.’


  • Capital: Paris
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro, Central European franc
  • Dialling code: +33
  • Language: French
  • Nationality: French
  • Population: 6.74 crore
  • President: Emmanuel Macron

Famous Fact: Paris, consisting one among the seven wonders of the world, has been noted to be the most visited place, in the world, giving France a new record.


  • Capital: Berlin
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +49
  • Language: German
  • Nationality: German
  • Population: 8.32 crore
  • President: Frank Walter Steinmeier

Famous Fact: Germany is the only country in the whole world, that allows students of their own country and outside, to attend university without any tuition fees, or student education expenses.


  • Capital: Athens
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +30
  • Language: Greek
  • Nationality: Greek
  • Population: 1.07 crore
  • President: Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Famous Fact: Greece holds literary significance and is home to innumerable archaeological sites, due to which, wearing heels was banned for visitors to avoid wearing away of ruins.


  • Capital: Budapest
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Hungarian forint
  • Dialling code: +36
  • Language: Hungarian
  • Nationality: Hungarian
  • Population: 97.5 lakhs
  • President: Janos Ader

Famous Fact: Hungarian citizen Erno Rubic created the world-famous brain teaser, the Rubik’s Cube to help in the understanding of dimentional geometry.


  • Capital: Reykjavik
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Icelandic krona
  • Dialling code: +354
  • Language: Icelandic
  • Nationality: Icelandic
  • Population: 3.66 lakhs
  • President: Guoni Th. Johannesson

Famous Fact: Iceland gains its per capita income from none other than the most desirable soft drink brand, Coca Cola.


  • Capital: Dublin
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +353
  • Language: Irish, English, Scots, Shelta, Ulster
  • Nationality: Irish
  • Population: 6.5 lakhs
  • President: Michael D. Higgins

Famous Fact: Ireland is famous for its spectacular views of ice-covered regions and the most desirable beverage known as Guinness.


  • Capital: Rome
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +39
  • Language: Italian
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Population: 5.96 crores
  • President: Sergio Mattarella

Famous Fact: Since the 1500s Italy has regarded tomato as their staple vegetable, and the famous pizza sauce is incomplete without the Italian tomato, which brings a fresh twist to the flavour.


  • Capital: Riga
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +371
  • Language: Latvian
  • Nationality: Latvian
  • Population: 19 lakhs
  • President: Egils Levits

Famous Fact: Out famous Christmas tree, which is a pine tree or a coniferous tree was decorated in Christmas for the first time in the country of Latvia


  • Capital: Vaduz
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Swiss franc
  • Dialling code: +423
  • Language: German
  • Nationality: Liechtensteiner
  • Population: 38 crores
  • President: Albert Frick

Famous Fact: The country of Liechtenstein is known to produce enormous manufactures of artificial teeth for patients each year.


  • Capital: Vilnius
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +370
  • Language: Lithuanian
  • Nationality: Lithuanian
  • Population: 27.9 lakhs
  • President: Gitanas Nauseda

Famous Fact: Lithuania has beautiful landscape and welcoming citizens, and was also the largest country in Europe during the fifteenth century.


  • Capital: Luxembourg
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +352
  • Language: German, Luxembourgish, French
  • Nationality: Luxembourgish
  • Population: 6.32 lakhs
  • President: Xavier Bettel

Famous Fact: Luxembourg hosts a cultural dance ceremony, bearing historical significance and paying a tribute to its long-standing traditions.


  • Capital: Valletta
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +356
  • Language: Maltese Sign Language, English, Maltese
  • Nationality: Maltese
  • Population: 5.25 lakhs
  • President: George Vella

Famous Fact: Malta serves as the literally and historically significant country which is mentioned in ‘The Odyssey’ by Homer.


  • Capital: Chisinau
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Moldovan leu
  • Dialling code: +373
  • Language: Romanian
  • Nationality: Moldovan
  • Population: 26.2 lakhs
  • President: Maia Sandu

Famous Fact: Moldova is host to the most extensive and expensive wine cellar in the whole world, with two million bottles in a 75 mile housing system.


  • Capital: Monte-Carlo
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +377
  • Language: French
  • Nationality: Monegasques or Monacan
  • Population: 39.2 lakhs
  • Prince: Prince Albert II

Famous Fact: Monaco is home to the world-famous and high-class casino of Monte Carlo that does not allow locals to go in, unless they are employed as a staff in the casino.


  • Capital: Amsterdam
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +31
  • Language: Dutch
  • Nationality: Netherlandish
  • Population: 1.74 crores
  • President: Mark Rutte

Famous Fact: In history, the citizens of Netherlands were considered as the shortest, but due to morphological alterations, they are now among the tallest people in the world.


  • Capital: Oslo
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Norwegian krone
  • Dialling code: +47
  • Language: Norwegian
  • Nationality: Norwegian
  • Population: 53.8 lakhs
  • President: Jonas Gahr Store

Famous Fact: Norway was the country that exported salmon to Japan during a seafood crisis in the past, which made this a staple food soon after 1995.


  • Capital: Warsaw
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Polish zloty
  • Dialling code: +48
  • Language: Polish
  • Nationality: Polish
  • Population: 3.8 crores
  • President: Andrzej Duda

Famous Fact: In the span of the late 1300s to mid of !600s, the tasty Bagel was invented in the country of Poland.


  • Capital: Lisbon
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +351
  • Language: Portuguese
  • Nationality: Portuguese
  • Population: 1.03 crores
  • President: Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

Famous Fact: The small fishing village of Nazare, located in Portugal is famous for its massive surfable waves, for tourists and locals, all year round.


  • Capital: Bucharest
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Romanian leu
  • Dialling code: +40
  • Language: Romanian
  • Nationality: Romanian
  • Population: 1.93 crore
  • President: Klaus Iohannis

Famous Fact: Francesco Illy, the man who single-handedly invented to Illycaffe brand and also the espresso machine, is a citizen of Romania.


  • Capital: Moscow
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Russian ruble
  • Dialling code: +7
  • Language: Russian
  • Nationality: Russian
  • Population: 14.41 crore
  • President: Vladimir Putin

Famous Fact: The oldest or most ancient plant to be regenerated is the Siberian permafrost, dating back to 30,000 years old. This made Russia become the country to regenerate the most antique plant on Earth.

San Marino

  • Capital: San Marino
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +378
  • Language: Italian
  • Nationality: Sammarinese
  • Population: 33.9 lakhs
  • President: none presently

Famous Fact: The country of San Marino is historically significant due to the famous Abraham Lincoln being the country’s citizen.

Serbia and Montenegro (previously Yugoslavia)

  • Capital: Belgrade
  • Country of: Southern European Region
  • Currency: Serbian dinar
  • Dialling code: +381
  • Language: Slovene, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian
  • Nationality: Serbian
  • Population: 8.1 million
  • President: Serbia- Aleksandar Vucic; Montenegro- Milo Dukannovic

Famous Fact: Serbia was in the past, the centre of the Roman Empire during the reign of Constantine I.

The county of Montenegro holds a record in the world for having the most largest and more than 2000 years old olive tree among any other place in the world.


  • Capital: Bratislava
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +421
  • Language: Slovak
  • Nationality: Slovakian
  • Population: 54.6 lakhs
  • President: Zuzana Caputova

Famous Fact: Slovakia is the only country in the world, that has a capital Blatislava, which borders two other countries as well.


  • Capital: Ljubljana
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +386
  • Language: Slovenian
  • Nationality: Slovenian
  • Population: 21 lakhs
  • President: Borut Pahor

Famous Fact: Slovenia is well-known for the majority of its citizens being bee-keepers, throughout history.


  • Capital: Madrid
  • Country of: Southern Europe
  • Currency: Euro
  • Dialling code: +34
  • Language: Spanish
  • Nationality: Spanish
  • Population: 4.74 crores
  • King: King Felipe VI of Spain

Famous Fact: The first modern novel of Miguel of the Cervantes, known as ‘Don Quixtoe’ was published in the year 1605.

European Countries 2


  • Capital: Stockholm
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Swedish krona
  • Dialling code: +46
  • Language: Swedish
  • Nationality: Swedish
  • Population: 1.04 crore
  • President: Kjell Stefan Lofven

Famous Fact: Sweden has set a record for being a peaceful country and to have not fought a war in a span of more than 200 years, since the World War II. port


  • Capital: Bern
  • Country of: Western Europe
  • Currency: Swiss franc
  • Dialling code: +41
  • Language: German, French, Italian, Romansh
  • Nationality: Swiss
  • Population: 86.4 lakh
  • President: Guy Parmelin

Famous Fact: Switzerland stands first in the production and manufacture of the world’s best chocolate, and is known to have created chocolate for the first time in the past.


  • Capital: Kyiv
  • Country of: Eastern Europe
  • Currency: Ukrainian hryvnia
  • Dialling code: +380
  • Language: Ukrainian, English
  • Nationality: Ukrainian
  • Population: 4.41 crore
  • President: Volodymyr Zelensky

Famous Fact: Ukraine is a remarkable country in the whole world, for having a full 100 per cent of Literacy rate among its citizens.

United Kingdom

  • Capital: London
  • Country of: Northern Europe
  • Currency: Pound sterling
  • Dialling code: +44
  • Language: English
  • Nationality: British
  • Population: 6.72 crore
  • Queen: Queen Elizabeth II

Famous Fact: The country of the United Kingdom is the birthplace of the greatest historical band ‘The Beatles.’

Countries of Northern Europe

Country Population as per 2021 Density per Km2
Norway 5,421,241
Sweden 10,099,265 447,420
Denmark 5,792,202 161
Finland 5,540,928 390,903
Iceland 341,243 103,022
United Kingdom 9,789,426 242,500
Ireland 1,024,027 70,273
Lithuania 700,275 65,286
Latvia 1,886,198 64,573
Estonia 1,326,535 42,227

Countries of Eastern Europe

Country Population as per 2021 Density per Km2
Belarus 9,466,860 207,600
Bulgaria 6,975,760 110,879
Czech Republic 10,669,710 88,867
Poland 37,970,870 312,685
Hungary 9,769,950 93,038
Moldova 2,657,640 33,851
Romania 19,356,540 238,391
Russia 144,373,540 17,098,242
Ukraine 44,385,150 603,550
Slovakia 5,454,070 49,035

Countries of Western Europe

Country Population as per 2021 Density per Km2
Austria 8,877,070 83,871
Belgium 11,484,060 30,528
Germany 83,132,800 357,022
France 67,059,890 643,801
Liechtenstein 38,020 160
Luxembourg 619,900 2,586
Netherlands 17,332,850 41,543
Monaco 38,960 2
Switzerland 8,574,830 41,277

Countries of Southern Europe

Country Population as per 2021 Density per Km2
Albania 2,854,190 28,748
Andorra 77,140 468
Bosnia & Herzegovina 330,1,000 51,197
Croatia 40,67,500 56,594
Greece 1,07,16,320 1,31,957
Vatican City 825 0.44
Italy 60,297,400 3,01,340
Malta 5,02,650 316
Montenegro 6,22,140 13,812
Portugal 10,269,420 92,090
San Marino 33,860 61
Serbia 69,44,980 77,474
Slovenia 20,87,950 20,273
Spain 4,70,76,780 5,05,370
North Macedonia 20,83,460 25,713

We are going to share the European Countries Alphabetical Order in this blog. This list may be very useful for the students as well as the media persons and other people. People also search it as ” List of European Countries” on Google.

Europe is an amazing continent bordered by Asia, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. Its total area is 10,180,000 km2 while 750 Million people live in Europe. It is the most important continent from a tourism point of view. So, a lot of tourists search for the European countries in alphabetical order.

The most common question asked about the European continent is;

How Many Countries In Europe?

The answer is 44. Yes, there are 44 countries in the European continent that are called European countries.

Moreover, the European countries included in the European Union or Schengen area are known as countries with open borders. We have arranged a list of EU countries in alphabetical order.

Europe Map

Map of Europe

European Countries Alphabetical Order

An alphabetical list of European countries may be very useful for students and tourists, especially those who are interested in visiting Europe on a Schengen visa. We are giving here also a short introduction to all countries in Europe. You can find here the European countries alphabetical order.

Alphabet Countries Capital Area (km2) Population
A Albania Tirana 29,743 3,018,854
Andorra, Andora La Vella 468 84,082
Austria Vienna 83,858 8,217,280
B Belarus Minsk 207,600 9,434,000
Belgium Brussels 30,510 10,431,477
Bosnia Sarajevo 51,129 3,890,000
Bulgaria Sofia 110,910 7,093,635
C Croatia Zagreb 56,542 4,290,612
Czech Republic Prague 78,866 10,190,213
D Denmark Copenhagen 43,094 5,529,888
E Estonia Tallinn 45,226 1,282,963
F Finland Helsinki 336,593 5,259,250
France Paris 547,030 63,248,000
G Germany Berlin 357,021 81,440,000
Greece Athens 131,940 10,760,136
H Hungary Budapest 93,030 9,976,062
I Iceland Reykjavik 103,000 311,058
Ireland Dublin 70,280 4,581,269
Italy Rome 301,230 60,681,514
L Latvia Riga 64,589 2,204,708
Liechtenstein Vaduz 160 35,236
Lithuania Vilnius 65,200 3,207,100
Luxemburg Luxemburg 2,586 503,302
M Malta Valletta 316 408,333
Moldova Chisinau 33,843 3,560,400
Monaco Monaco 1.95 30,539
Montenegro Podgorica 13,812 625,266
N Netherlands Amsterdam 41,526 16,695,000
North Macedonia Skopje 25,333 2,055,004
Norway Oslo 324,220 4,691,849
P Poland Warsaw 312,685 38,038,000
Portugal Lisbon 91,568 10,555,853
R Romania Bucharest 238,391 19,042,936
Russia Moscow 17,075,400 138,739,892
S San Marino San Marino 61 31,817
Serbia Belgrade 77,474 7,310,555
Slovakia Bratislava 48,845 5,435,273
Slovenia Ljubljana 20,273 2,000,092
Spain Madrid 504,851 46,144,000
Sweden Stockholm 449,964 9,088,728
Switzerland Bern 41,290 7,639,961
U Ukraine Kiev 603,628 45,134,707
United Kingdom London 244,820 62,300,000
V Vatican City Vatican City 0.44 800

1)- Albania

Albania is the first country in the alphabetical list of European countries. The capital of the nation is Tirana. The surface zone of its territory and all-out people is assessed to be 28,748 km² and 2.9 Million separately. The people of Albania speak the Albanian language. The money of this nation is known as Albanian Lek.

2)- Andorra

Although Andora is not so popular and important for tourists it exists in the European continent. It has covered an area of 468 km². Andorra La Vella is the capital and its official Catalan is used frequently. Its total population is 76,965 and its currency is of course Euro.

3)- Austria

Austria is an important European as well as a Schengen country. You can consider it in the top ten list of European countries. Austria incorporates nine European states with an all-out zone of 83,879 km². People who inhabited Austria are roughly 8.7m in number. The capital of the nation is Vienna and the national language is Austrian German. Its currency is Euro.

4)- Belarus in the list of European countries

The fourth country in the European countries list is Belarus. The capital of the nation is Minsk. The surface territory of its property and the estimated number of people inhabited is 207,595 km² and 9.5m separately. The national language of Belarus is known as Belarusian. Its currency is the Belarusian ruble.

Best places to visit in Europe

5)- Belgium

Belgium is one of the tiniest and most heavily populated European countries. It is notable for its sustenance explicitly chocolates. Brussels is the central city and Dutch is used for national communication. The masses of its occupants are 11.4 million and the territory secured by its property is 30,688 km².

6)- Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia is also included in the list of European countries. It is located in the south of Europe with a region of 28,748 km². The masses of Russia is around 2.8 million. The capital of the nation is Sarajevo while the national language is Bosnian. The currency of this nation is Bosnia and Herzegovina, Convertible Mark.

7)- Bulgaria

The capital of this European country is Sofia. The surface region of its territory and populace is evaluated to be 110,994 km² and 7.1m individually. The national language of Bulgaria is known as Bulgarian. Its currency is Bulgarian Lev.

8)- Croatia

The eighth position in the European countries list is occupied by Croatia. The capital of this nation is Budapest. Its property total area and the number of masses are 93,030 km² and 9.6 million separately. The people of Croatia speak Croatian. Its cash is Croatian Kuna.

9)- Czech Republic

You can’t ignore the Czech Republic while discussing the European continent. It is one of the important European states which covers a region of 78,865 km². The number of people living in Czech is about 10.6m. The capital of the nation is Prague here people speak Czech locally. People use Czech koruna.

10)- Denmark (list of European countries)

Denmark has value both in the alphabetical list of European countries and Schengen countries. It contains different islands. Copenhagen, its capital, is home to royal palaces and splendid Nyhavn harbor. The all outnumber of its occupants is 5.74 million and its surface zone is 42,933 km².

11)- Estonia

Estonia is a nation covering in excess of 1500 islands. The capital of the nation is Tallin. The total area of the country is 45,227 km² and the population is 1.3 Million. The people in Estonia speak the Estonian language while its money is Euro.

12- Finland

Finland is one of the most beautiful countries on the list of European countries. It has 338,424 km² as a covered area. Helsinki is the state capital and the people here speak Finish. The complete masses of the nation are 5.5m. Its currency is Euro.

If someone asks, what country borders Finland, its answer is countries that border Finland Russia, Sweden, Estonia, and Norway.

13)- France in the list of European countries

France is the country of fragrance, its natural beauty is also at its peak. It is situated in the north of Europe. The absolute population in France is around 65.9 Million while the area is 643,801 km².

14)- Germany

Germany has a lot of attractions for foreigners and has a top place in the European countries list. It is one of the richest countries in Europe. The national capital is berlin. The territory zone covers 357,386 km² while it has a population of 84.15 Million. Germany’s GDP per capita is $53,566. State offices and people here use German to communicate. Germany’s area code is +49. 

A lot of people search these questions about Germany on google.

  • 1)- Where is Germany located?
  • Of course, Germany is located in central and western Europe.
  • 2)- What countries border Germany?
  • Countries bordering Germany and countries near Germany are Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
  • 3)Is Belgium in Germany?
  • Belgium is a neighboring country of Germany situated on its western border. In this way Belgium Germany is neighbors.
  • 4)- what is Germany known for?
  • Germany is known for its famous car brands, Football team, Oktoberfest, and many other things.

15)- Greece

If we talk about all the countries in Europe, Greece has to face the most Asylum seekers who come through Turkey. This European country has more than 2,000 islands. The country’s capital is Athens, which expanded rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century. The absolute number of occupants is 11.12 Million.

16)- Hungary

It has a land area of 93,030 km². The capital of this state is Budapest and its official language is Hungarian. The all-out people of the nation is 9.6m. Its currency is Hungarian Forint

17)- Iceland

Iceland is a famous country due to a comparatively easy visa policy in the list of countries in Europe. It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean and has Reykjavik as its capital. People here speak Icelandic nationally. Its currency is the Icelandic Krona.

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Frequently asked questions about Iceland are;

  • 1)- Where is Iceland?
  • Island is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic.
  • 2)- Is Iceland in the EU?
  • Yes, Island is a part of the EU and known as Iceland EU.
  • 3)- Is Iceland part of Europe?
  • Yes, the Iceland continent is Europe. Due to this, people often write it as Iceland Europe.

18)- Ireland

It has a full-scale land locale of 84,421 km². The capital of this state is Dublin and its official language is Irish. The populace of the nation estimated to be around is 4.7m. As it is a Schengen country, Its currency is Euro

19)- Italy, list of European countries

Italy looks like a land in the shape of a boot. The capital of Italy is Rome, people speak Italian here. The absolute people and Surface region of the nation is 60.59 million and 301,338 km².

20)- Latvia

Latvia is a small country and a part of the European countries list. It has a full-scale land district of 64589 km². The capital of this state is Riga and its official language is Latvian. The complete populace of the nation is 1.9 million.

21)- Liechtenstein

The capital city of Liechtenstein is Vaduz and the national language of the nation is German. The absolute region secured by the place is 160 km² and the number of occupants is around 37,810. Its currency is the Swiss Franc.

22)- Lithuania

Lithuania exists in the 22nd position in the alphabetical list of European countries. It is one of the greatest in the three Baltic states. It has a full-scale land area of 65,300 km². The capital of this state is Vilnius, and its official language is Lithuanian. The estimated populace of the nation is 2.8 Million. As a Schengen country, its currency is Euro.

23)- Luxemburg

The value of Luxembourg can’t be denied among European countries. It is a little interior nation. It has a total area of 2586 km². The capital of this state is Luxembourg City and its official dialects are French and Luxemburgish. The all-out populace of the nation is 590,667.

24)- Malta

Malta is a beautiful Schengen island state with the center city Valletta. Here people speak Maltese nationally. The all-out surface zone of the nation is 316 km² with a populace of 475000.

25)- Moldova

Moldova is also a part of the European countries list. The capital of the nation is Chisinau. The surface territory of its property and the all-out populace is 33,846 Sq. Km and 3.5 million separately. The national language of Moldova is Romanian. Its currency is Moldovan Leu.

26)- Monaco

Monaco is also a part of the List of European Countries. It is situated close to French Riviera. Monaco city is the state’s capital and its national people speak French. The total area of the nation is 2.02 km2. It is entitled to the smallest city in the world with a masses of 38400.

27)- Montenegro

Montenegro is a nation Situated close to the Adriatic Sea. The central city of Montenegro is Podgorica and the nation is known as Montenegrin. The absolute surface territory of the nation is 13812 Sq. Km with a populace of 622,471.

28)- Netherlands

The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The surface area of its land and populace is assessed to be 42,508 Sq. Km and 17.09m respectively. Nationally they speak Dutch in Netherland while its currency is Euro.    

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29)- North Macedonia

Most Asian people have never heard the name of Macedonia but it is present in the list of European countries. The capital of the nation is Skopje. The calculated territory and area of Macedonia are 25,713 Sq. Km and 2.1m respectively. The state language of North Macedonia is Macedonian while cash is Macedonian Denar.

30)- Norway

The capital of this famous European country is Oslo. The total area and population is 385,203 Sq. Km and 5.2 million separately. The national language of Norway is Norwegian. Its cash is Norwegian Krone.

31)- Poland

Poland’s capital is Warsaw. The surface region of its property and populace is evaluated to be 312,679Sq. Km and 38.43m individually. They communicate in Polish. Its cash is Polish złoty.

32)- Portugal

Portugal is an attractive touristic destination in the European countries list. It is located in southern Europe and its center is in Lisbon. The surface territory of its property and all-out masses is assessed to be 92,212 Sq. Km and 10.2m respectively. The national language of Portugal is known Portuguese. Its currency is Euro.

33)- Romania

Romania has a total land district of 238,397Sq.Km. The capital of this state is Bucharest and the official communication process is Romanian. The estimated populace of the nation is 19.3m. Its currency is the Romanian Leu.

34)- Russia

Russia is a pan-continental nation. Some piece of it goes under Europe while its remainder goes under Asia, making it a Eurasian nation. Masses of Russia are about 144.5 million. The central city is Moscow while people speak Russian here frequently. Russia’s GDP per capita is 10,743.10 USD.

Russia borders 16 independent countries including Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, and North Korea. Norway’s Russian border is 195.7 KM in length.

Usually, people ask these questions about Russia.

  • 1)- Is Russia the largest country in Europe?
  • Yes, by land, Russia is the largest country in Europe with a zone of 17,125,200 square kilometers.
  • 2)- Is Russia part of Asia or Europe?
  • Russia is located on the Europe Asia border, so it is part of both Asia and Europe continents.

35)- San Marino

San Marino also falls on the list of European countries. The state has San Marino City as a center and Italian as the national language. It comprises a region of 61.2 Sq.Km with a populace of 33,400. Its currency is Euro.

36)- Serbia

The capital of the nation is Belgrade. The surface territory of its property and all-out masses is 88361 Sq. Km and 7.02 million individually. The national language of Serbia is Serbian while the currency is Serbian dinar.

37)- Slovakia

Slovakia is a sovereign nation with a territory of 49035 Sq. Km. People of Slovakia is around 5.43m. The capital of the nation is Bratislava and the language is Slovak. Its currency is Euro.          

38)- Slovenia

Slovenia is a nation with a zone of 20,273 sq. Km. the populace of Slovenia is roughly 2.06 million. The capital of the nation is Ljubljana while the national language is Slovenian. It is on the list of European countries and also in Schengen countries, so Its currency is Euro.

39)- Spain, list of European countries

Where is Spain located? This question is asked sometimes due to lake of information. You should know Spain is located in Europe. In Spain, people speak Spanish at a mass level. The capital of Spain is Madrid. Spain covers a complete surface of about 505,990 km². The state holds a population of almost 46.72 million.

40)- Sweden

Sweden is located in the northern European region. It covers an area of 450,259 km². The population of Sweden is roughly 10.3 Million. The Capital of the nation is Stockholm and nationally the people speak Swedish. Its cash is Swedish Krona.

41)- Switzerland

Switzerland is a part of western Europe and has importance in the European country’s list. It has an estimated land area of 41,285 sq. Km. The capital of this state is Bern and its official languages German, Italian, French, and Romanish. The populace of the nation is around 8.5 million.

42)- Ukraine

The capital of the nation is Kyiv. The surface zone of its land and the all-out populace is 603,628 Sq. Km and 43.9m individually. The official Ukrainian citizens use Ukrainian while its currency is Hryvnia.

43)- United Kingdom

London is the capital of the great United Kingdom, one of the most popular urban communities on the planet. The language of the UK is English which has been adopted worldwide. The population in the UK is about 66.7 Million while the all-out surface region is 242495 square kilometers.

44)- Vatican City

Vatican City is the smallest country in Europe. In actuality, it is a part of Italy carrying a 0.44 Square KM area and only 1000 population. It has great religious value for Christianity, as their pop lives here.

European Capitals in Alphabetical Order

Let me provide you with a list of European Capitals in Alphabetical Order here.

Country Capital Country Capital Country Capital Country Capital
Albania Tirana Finland Helsinki Luxemburg Luxemburg Russia Moscow
Andorra Andora La Vella France Paris Malta Valletta San Marino San Marino
Austria Vienna Germany Berlin Moldova Chisinau Serbia Belgrade
Belarus Minsk Greece Athens Monaco Monaco Slovakia Bratislava
Belgium Brussels Hungary Budapest Montenegro Podgorica Slovenia Ljubljana
Bosnia Sarajevo Iceland Reykjavik Netherlands Amsterdam Spain Madrid
Bulgaria Sofia Ireland Dublin North Macedonia Skopje Sweden Stockholm
Croatia Zagreb Italy Rome Norway Oslo Switzerland Bern
Czech Republic Prague Latvia Riga Poland Warsaw Ukraine Kiev
Denmark Copenhagen Liechtenstein Vaduz Portugal Lisbon UK London
Estonia Tallinn Lithuania Vilnius Romania Bucharest Vatican City Vatican City

Final words about European countries alphabetical order

Finally, it is the Alphabetical list of European countries. According to this, the total number of European countries is 44. It may differ from some websites because some countries like Turkey have dual status from the content point of view. We have followed the United Nations data.


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