Two times a week word

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Patients with lung disease and chronic pulmonary disease experience relief from their symptoms from singing just two times a week.

Пациенты с заболеванием дыхательной системы и хронической болезнью легких испытывают облегчение от своих симптомов в процессе пения, даже если вокал у них проходит только два раза в неделю.

Hildegarde, my wife and I sleep together two times a week.

Maybe she can come two times a week.

When the drought is enough, two times a week.

I’ve had to cut my cleaning lady down to two times a week.

Applied about two times a week.

She washes her hair two times a week.

I’d like to see you two times a week.

Those who suffer from ailments of the joints, helps gold baths, which include two times a week.

Тем, кто страдает недугами суставов, помогут золотые ванны, которые принимают два раза в неделю.

One part of their schedule is we go to the gym two times a week, mandatory.

Одна часть их расписания — мы ходим в спортзал два раза в неделю, обязательно.

First time of transfer two times a week for 2-3 hours were conducted.

The frequency of seizures can vary from one in six months to multiple, up to two times a week.

Частота приступов может варьироваться от одного в полгода до многократного, до двух раз в неделю.

If she an manage it two times a week for twenty minutes per session, that will do just great.

Если вы будете упражняться два раза в неделю по двадцать минут за сеанс, это будет просто здорово.

The hermit comes down to him not more than two times a week to pray.

Отшельник спускается к ним не более двух раз в неделю, чтобы помолиться.

Children attend individual and group sessions at least two times a week.

Дети посещают индивидуальные и групповые занятия не менее двух раз в неделю.

If to repeat the procedure two times a week, the result will be noticeable in 3 months.

Если процедуру повторять два раза в неделю, результат будет заметен через З месяца.

In 2012, the frequency of the train trips was increased from one to two times a week.

В 2012-ом году частота курсирования этого поезда была увеличена с одного до двух раз в неделю.

It is not necessary to wash laundry soap every day, better one — two times a week.

Не стоит мыться хозяйственным мылом каждый день, лучше один — два раза в неделю.

If you must use a humidifier, be sure to clean the fluid reservoir at least two times a week.

Если вам необходимо использовать увлажнитель, обязательно нужно очищать резервуар для жидкости не реже двух раз в неделю.

Only see each other one or two times a week.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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two times a week — перевод на русский

Two times a week her husband goes to Lyon.

Когда муж оставляет жену дважды в неделю, чтобы поехать в Лион?

She went to Munich two times a week.

Дважды в неделю она приезжала в Мюнхен.

You will have monitored visits… two times a week for two hours.

Вы будете приходить на встречи с ней… дважды в неделю, по два часа.

You will see Lucy two times a week for two hours.

Вы будете видеться с Люси дважды в неделю по два часа.

Maybe she can come two times a week.

Может, она будет приходить дважды в неделю.

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If you’re looking for one word to refer to something happening “twice a week,” you’re in the right place.

This article will explore all the best synonyms giving you another way to say “twice a week.”

Check out the best alternatives below:

  • Biweekly
  • Semiweekly
  • Two times per week

Other words for “twice a week” are “biweekly,” “semiweekly,” and “two times per week.” There are no other reasonable alternatives in English. You should only use one of these three (or “twice a week”) to show something occurring two times in one week.

1. Biweekly

“Biweekly” is another word for “twice a week” that comes up most often. It means that something occurs two times in the same week.

However, it’s a little more ambiguous than that. Believe it or not, “biweekly” has two meanings.

According to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “biweekly” means “occurring every two weeks” or “occurring twice a week.”

This difference can make it hard to understand what people mean when they say “biweekly.”

It can mean either twice a week or once every two weeks (which roughly translates to twice a month).

Generally, if you refer to a publication, “biweekly” means once every two weeks. However, if you refer to a meeting or event plan, “biweekly” means twice a week.

Check out these examples to give you a hand with it:

  • I’m going to need the biweekly meeting report on my desk by Friday. Can you get it done for me?
  • What’s going to happen to the biweekly meetings now? Do we have any way to stop them from ending?

2. Semiweekly

“Semiweekly” is a great example of another way to say “twice a week.” You can use it to show that something occurs two times within the same week.

“Semi-” as a prefix works slightly better than “bi-” here. It is not as ambiguous, as it only means “twice a week.” It does not also mean that something can occur once every two weeks.

However, while “semi-” is less ambiguous, it’s also much less common. Most native speakers don’t know what “semiweekly” means because it’s unidiomatic and doesn’t come up a lot in spoken English.

Nevertheless, you may use “semiweekly” to refer to schedules or meetings that allow things to happen twice a week.

Here are a few examples that will help you with it:

  • I’m going to need those reports semiweekly from now on. I need to know that everyone can get them sorted.
  • We wanted it to be done semiweekly, but nobody seemed to be able to deliver on that promise.

3. Two Times Per Week

“Two times per week” is perhaps the most obvious example of how to say “twice a week.” You can replace “twice” with “two times” if you want to make things as clear as possible.

Also, “per” works well in place of “a.” For example:

  • Twice a week
  • Two times a week
  • Twice per week
  • Two times per week

As you can see, “a” and “per” work in the same way. You can use either one based on which you feel most comfortable with.

You do not need to use a one-word synonym when trying to find another way to say “twice a week.” You can stick to a phrasal form that is clear and easy for the reader to understand.

Check these examples out to help:

  • I want this sorted out two times per week. Do you think you’ll be able to get on top of that?
  • It has to happen two times per week. Otherwise, we’ll never be able to get this past them.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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Here in England, the big lotteries are held maximum two times a week while I and my wife wanted to play more often.


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Здесь у нас


Англии, крупные лотереи проводятся максимум два раза в неделю, тогда как мы с женой хотим играть чаще.


and Sundays in the period from 3 rd May to 28 th October 2018.


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и воскресенье с 3 мая по 28 октября 2018 года.


I have 8 workouts

a week:

for 2

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У меня 8 тренировок

в неделю



You receive everything that


gold account holder would get but instead of market reviews, two times a week, you receive those daily plus


2% dividend amount.


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Вы получаете все то, что и держатель счета gold, но вместо рыночных обзоров дважды в неделю вы получаете дневные обзоры рынка плюс 2% дивидендов.


Consumption of baked or fried fish more than two times a week conducted to substantial improvement of joints mobility.


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Потребление печеной или жареной рыбы более двух раз в неделю способствовало значительному увеличению подвижности суставов.


Since January 1998, the Airline has been operating its flights en route Seoul- Almaty,

Kazakhstan- Seoul; at present, the flight frequency is two times a week.


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Начиная с января 1998 года, авиакомпания выполняет рейсы Сеул- Алматы- Сеул,


Sessions are held in



class with


subgroup of 6 to 8 children, two times a week in compliance with all conditions assigned by the sanitary rules and norms.


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Занятия проводят



классе для подгруппы из 6- 8 детей дважды в неделю


соответствии со всеми требованиями санитарных правил и норм.


and poor Julia has to walk home with Bradley.

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и бедняжке Джулии приходится идти домой с Брэдли.

The Airlines will perform the first flight on June 21,

and will perform further flights two times a week on Wednesdays and Sundays.


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Первый рейс авиакомпания выполнит 21 июня,

и далее будет выполнять перелеты два раза в неделю по средам и воскресеньям.


In December 2010 national transport company of Ukraine” National

Airlines of Ukraine” commenced the flights Kiev-Colombo two times a week.


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декабре национальный перевозчик Украины авиакомпания« Междунородний Авиалинии Украины»


In the spring/summer air navigation season,

it might be possible to increase the flight frequency up to two times a week: on Mondays and Thursdays.


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летнем сезоне возможно увеличение частоты до двух раз в неделю— по понедельникам и четвергам.


The frequency of flights to

Astana has been increased from one to two times a week on Mondays and Fridays since January 7,


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Частота рейсов


Астану с 7 января выросла с одного до двух раз в неделю по понедельникам и пятницам.


Its coat is fairly easy to care for most


of the year, needing brushing only one or two times a week.

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The carrier Turkish

Airlines will perform direct flights two times a week: on Tuesdays and Saturdays.

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Прямые рейсы


турецкий город Анталью

авиакомпания Turkish Airlines будет совершать два раза в неделю— по вторникам и субботам.

Article 201:»The physician shall visit prisoners


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Статья 201.» Врач навещает заключенных,

отбывающих такое дисциплинарное наказание, не реже двух раз в неделю.


This category is for people who exercise lightly or infrequently for example,


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Эта категория предназначена для людей, которые упражняются мало и редко например,


In the future,

the Airline plans to increase the frequency of flights up to two times a week.


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дальнейшем авиакомпания


Результатов: 47,
Время: 0.0214





  • #1

«I only see him two times a week.»

    • #2

    «(Yo) Sólo lo veo dos veces a la semana».


    • #3

    I guess you need the translation:

    Sólo lo veo dos veces por semana.

    By the way, I thought «two times» was incorrect in English? ;)


    • #4

    «I only see him twice a week.»
    As Aristos and zipiyzape said, «Solo lo veo dos veces por semana»


    • #5

    I guess you need the translation:

    Sólo lo veo dos veces por semana.

    By the way, I thought «two times» was incorrect in English? ;)



    For me, and perhaps a large number of BEng speakers, it would be more common to say «twice a week». However, I do believe AmEng uses «two times» where we would use «twice».



    • #6

    Yes, that is completely right Taztingo. And having studied British English, «twice» is what sounds right to me.

    I was just trying to be ironical.
    One more time, I’m sorry this kind of feelings can’t be conveyed using a keyboard :D

    Thank you very much ;)



    • #7

    . However, I do believe AmEng uses «two times» where we would use «twice».

    I’m aware of no such rule, however, on the other hand, I don’t think it’s obligatory to use «twice», either.
    En cuanto a la sintaxis, sugiero:


    Lo veo sólo dos veces a la semana




    see him only (twice/two times) a week.»

    Ejemplo: A: ¿Qué opina Menganito de X? B: No lo sé. A: ¿Cómo puedes decir que no lo sabes, si hablas con él dos veces por semana? B: Sólo lo veo dos veces por semana, no hablamos.
    And the same in English: I only see him twice a week (I don’t talk to him twice a week). vs I see him only twice a week.

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009


    • #8

    Yes, that is completely right Taztingo. And having studied British English, «twice» is what sounds right to me.

    I was just trying to be ironical.
    One more time, I’m sorry this kind of feelings can’t be conveyed using a keyboard :D

    Thank you very much ;)


    And your irony came over well. Easy to see you’ve studied British english, congratulations, vecino!

    Saludos, ala


    • #9


    For me, and perhaps a large number of BEng speakers, it would be more common to say «twice a week». However, I do believe AmEng uses «two times» where we would use «twice».


    For a very large number of Americans, «twice a week» is also the norm, «two times a …» is also correct, less common though.

    And for what is worth mentioning, you can even say «thrice a week» (3 times a week), but the use of thrice is rather obsolete, archaic & hardly ever used, correct nonetheless (stick to «3 times a week»). Abrazos, BJ.


    • #10

    And your irony came over well. Easy to see you’ve studied British english, congratulations, vecino!

    Saludos, ala

    Hahaha thank you very much, vecina.
    I’m way too flattered to know what to say :eek:

    Stick your hand out of the window and give me five!

    To change the subject, aztlaniano raised a very interesting point.
    I hadn’t thought of that.
    What do you all think about what he said?




    Senior Member

    • #11

    I’m aware of no such rule myself…. however twice is more natural, being american I can’t say I hear ‘two times’ very often in the States or Canada. Twice is the better choice.

    It does however beg the question, if there was a rule about ‘two times’ versus ‘twice’ it seems the same would have to go for ‘three times’ and ‘thrice’. Who says ‘thrice’ these days outside of joking?


    • #12

    «I only see him two times a week.»

    I only see him twice a week

    I´m studying English Philology and, If I write in an exam two times, I fail.


    • #13

    For a very large number of Americans, «twice a week» is also the norm, «two times a …» is also correct, less common though.

    Interesting point. The only reason I thought this was a BE/AE difference was due to the fact that I’ve only ever heard «two times» being used by AE speakers.

    • #14

    If I mean to say that I see him only at ten o’clock on Tuesdays and at eight o’clock on Thursdays, I would say «two times a week» rather than «twice a week» because ten on Tuesdays is one time and eight on Thursdays is another.

    Otherwise «two times a week» and «twice a week» are the same.

    Besides what Aztlaniano has suggested, «I only see him …» might mean something like «Nomás lo veo …», so if I don’t mean either of those, I prefer to keep «only two times» or «only twice» together.


    • #15

    I only see him twice a week

    I´m studying English Philology and, If I write in an exam two times, I fail.

    Irrefutable proof that twice and two times can be used interchangeably, from Jim Morrison:
    Love me two times, baby
    Love me twice today
    Love me two times, girl
    I’m goin’ away
    -«Love Me Two Times», Strange Parade, The Doors, 1967

    It’s on YouTube of course, you could send the link to your professors, chamyto.

    • #16

    No conozco ningún contexto en que pueda ser incorrecto decir «two times» por «dos veces». Al contrario, hay contextos en los que es incorrecto decir «twice». Por ejemplo, no conviene «twice» en «The new space is two times bigger than the old one.» Se dice «twice as big as», pero no «twice bigger than».

    • #17

    haha sorry about my english. thanks for the help!

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