Перевод word с английского на русский
- говорить
- сформулировать
3 формы глагола с транскрипцией
Base Form Инфинитив |
Past Simple 2-ая форма |
Past Participle 3-ая форма (Причастие прошедшего времени) |
Gerund Герундий |
word | worded | worded | wording |
[wɜːrd] | [ˈwɜːdɪd] | [ˈwɜːdɪd] | [ˈwɜːrdɪŋ] |
[wɜːd] | [ˈwɜːdɪd] | [ˈwɜːdɪd] | [ˈwɜːdɪŋ] |
Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм
Спряжение word в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах
Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время
Present Simple
Простое настоящее
- I word
- you word
- he, she words
- we word
- you word
- they word
Past Simple
Простое прошедшее
- I worded
- you worded
- he, she worded
- we worded
- you worded
- they worded
Future Simple
Простое будущее
- I will word
- you will word
- he, she will word
- we will word
- you will word
- they will word
Continuous Tense — Длительное время
Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное
- I am wording
- you are wording
- he, she is wording
- we are wording
- you are wording
- they are wording
Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное
- I was wording
- you were wording
- he, she was wording
- we were wording
- you were wording
- they were wording
Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное
- I will be wording
- you will be wording
- he, she will be wording
- we will be wording
- you will be wording
- they will be wording
Perfect Tense — Совершенное время
Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное
- I have worded
- you have worded
- he, she has worded
- we have worded
- you have worded
- they have worded
Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное
- I had worded
- you had worded
- he, she had worded
- we had worded
- you had worded
- they had worded
Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное
- I will have worded
- you will have worded
- he, she will have worded
- we will have worded
- you will have worded
- they will have worded
Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время
Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное
- I have been wording
- you have been wording
- he, she has been wording
- we have been wording
- you have been wording
- they have been wording
Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное
- I had been wording
- you had been wording
- he, she had been wording
- we had been wording
- you had been wording
- they had been wording
Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное
- I will have been wording
- you will have been wording
- he, she will have been wording
- we will have been wording
- you will have been wording
- they will have been wording
Conditional — Условное наклонение
- I would word
- you would word
- he, she would word
- we would word
- you would word
- they would word
- I would have worded
- you would have worded
- he, she would have worded
- we would have worded
- you would have worded
- they would have worded
Present Continuous
- I would be wording
- you would be wording
- he, she would be wording
- we would be wording
- you would be wording
- they would be wording
Perfect Continuous
- I would have been wording
- you would have been wording
- he, she would have been wording
- we would have been wording
- you would have been wording
- they would have been wording
Imperative — Повелительное наклонение
- you word
- we Let’s word
- you word
Проспрягать другие глаголы
correct, define, support, impose, log, trim, experiment, survive, designate, print, specify, locate, grasp, modernize, press, decline, explore, manipulate, suspect, ignite, originate, inspire, plan, experience, collaborate, counteract
Английский глагол word [wɜːrd], переводится как: выражать словами, формулировать.
Входит в группы:
правильные глаголы.
3 формы глагола word: Infinitive (word), Past Simple — (worded), Past Participle — (worded).
📚 Глагол word имеет значения: выражать словами, формулировать, подбирать слова, вести.
👉 Формы глагола word в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
❓ Как будет word в прошедшем времени past simple.
Три формы глагола word
Base Form | Past Simple | Past Participle | Перевод |
word [wɜːrd]
worded [ˈwɜːdɪd] |
worded [ˈwɜːdɪd] |
выражать словами, формулировать |
Как поставить word во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?
🎓 Как поставить глагол word в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?
👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:
- First form (V1) — word. (Present simple, Future Simple)
- Second form (V2) —
worded.(Past simple)
- Third form (V3) —
worded.(Present perfect, Past perfect)
Как поставить word в past simple?
Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для word нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
word в past simple — worded.
What is the past tense of word?
The past tense of word is worded.
The past participle of word is worded.
Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses
Past simple — word в past simple, будет worded.
Future simple — word в future simple будет word. (will + V1)
Present Perfect — word в present perfect будет
(havehas + V3)
Past Perfect — word в past perfect будет
(had + V3)
Правильный или неправильный глагол word?
👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол word это правильный глагол.
Примеры применения глагола word
Or maybe he just doesn’t have the words to formulate it — Или, может быть, у него просто нет слов, чтобы сформулировать его.
(Present Simple) -
Article №29 was interestingly worded — Статья 29 была сформулирована довольно интересно.
(Past Simple) -
Сontrariwise, the obligations of economically developed countries are worded in the vaguest terms — С другой стороны, обязательства экономически развитых стран сформулированы крайне неопределенно.
(Present Simple) -
Unfortunately, your idea is poorly worded. — К сожалению, ваша идея плохо сформулирована.
(Present Simple) -
The law was worded ambiguously. — Закон был сформулирован неоднозначно.
(Past Simple) -
They worded it for a long time. — Они долго говорили об этом.
(Past Simple) -
She had carefully worded her comments so as not to offend anyone. — Она тщательно сформулировала свои комментарии, чтобы никого не обидеть.
(Past Perfect) -
Can you word your thought more clearly? — Ты можешь четче сформулировать свою мысль?
(Present Simple) -
He could not word a single sentence. — Он не мог выдать ни одного предложения.
(Past Simple) -
They have a strongly worded proscription against smoking indoors — У них есть строгий запрет на курение в помещении.
(Present Simple)
Глаголы на букву:
- word,
мн. words - word,
/ worded
/ wording
/ words - Word,
Склонение существительного word[wə:d]
слово, Word, речь
Possessive case
Спряжение глагола word[wə:d]
Все формы
IndefiniteContinuousPerfectPerfect ContinuousInfinitivesParticiples
Present Indefinite
I word
you word
he/she/it words
we word
you word
they word
Present Perfect
I have worded
you have worded
he/she/it has worded
we have worded
you have worded
they have worded
Present Continuous
I am wording
you are wording
he/she/it is wording
we are wording
you are wording
they are wording
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been wording
you have been wording
he/she/it has been wording
we have been wording
you have been wording
they have been wording
Past Indefinite
I worded
you worded
he/she/it worded
we worded
you worded
they worded
Past Continuous
I was wording
you were wording
he/she/it was wording
we were wording
you were wording
they were wording
Past Perfect
I had worded
you had worded
he/she/it had worded
we had worded
you had worded
they had worded
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been wording
you had been wording
he/she/it had been wording
we had been wording
you had been wording
they had been wording
Future Indefinite
I will word
you will word
he/she/it will word
we will word
you will word
they will word
Future Continuous
I will be wording
you will be wording
he/she/it will be wording
we will be wording
you will be wording
they will be wording
Future Perfect
I will have worded
you will have worded
he/she/it will have worded
we will have worded
you will have worded
they will have worded
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been wording
you will have been wording
he/she/it will have been wording
we will have been wording
you will have been wording
they will have been wording
Conditional Present
I would word
you would word
he/she/it would word
we would word
you would word
they would word
Conditional Present Continuous
I would be wording
you would be wording
he/she/it would be wording
we would be wording
you would be wording
they would be wording
Conditional Perfect
I would have worded
you would have worded
he/she/it would have worded
we would have worded
you would have worded
they would have worded
Conditional Perfect Continuous
I would have been wording
you would have been wording
he/she/it would have been wording
we would have been wording
you would have been wording
they would have been wording
to word
to have worded
to be wording
to have been wording
Склонение существительного Word
Possessive case
Word’s / Word’
- говорить
Синонимы: spit, refer, parley.
- слово (известие, текст, обещание, сообщение, словечко, замечание)
- речь (разговор)
- пароль
- девиз (лозунг)
Множ. число: words.
Синонимы: password, tessera, countersign, parole, watchword, nayword, order-word, alarm-word.
- текстовый (текстовой, словесный)
Формы глагола
Ед. число | Множ. число |
Present Simple (Настоящее время) | |
I word | We word |
You word | You word |
He/She/It words | They word |
Past Simple (Прошедшее время) | |
I worded | We worded |
You worded | You worded |
He/She/It worded | They worded |
Greek word
греческое слово
joyful word
радостное известие
latest word
последнее сообщение
English word
английское словечко
word processor
текстовый процессор
word processing
текстовой процессор
word play
словесная игра
Word of the incident spread quickly.
Молва о происшествии быстро разнеслась.
I would even simply leave the word «strangely».
Я бы даже просто «странно» оставил.
I don’t want to hear a word from you.
Я не хочу от тебя слышать ни слова.
Tom can’t hear a word you’re saying.
Тому тебя совсем не слышно.
Word up, breda. Long time no see. Whatchu been up to?
Хэй, бро. Давно не виделись. Ну как ты там?
This word has three syllables.
В этом слове три слога.
I can’t prove it, you’ll have to take my word for it.
Я не могу доказать этого, тебе придется поверить мне на слово.
I want a word with you.
Мне нужно с тобой переговорить.
The French word «soleil» means «sun».
Французское слово «soleil» значит «солнце».
You won’t find this word in a normal dictionary.
Вы не найдёте это слово в обычном словаре.
No words can express her deep sorrow.
Никакие слова не могут выразить её глубокую скорбь.
How many words does this sentence have?
Сколько слов в этом предложении?
In the English language many words contain letters which are not pronounced.
В английском во многих словах есть буквы, которые не произносятся.
Let me add a few words before you seal the letter.
Дайте мне добавить несколько слов, прежде чем запечатаете письмо.
The words escaped my lips.
Эти слова сорвались у меня с языка.
False friends are pairs of words in two languages that are similar in spelling or pronunciation, but differ in meaning.
Ложные друзья переводчика — это пара слов в двух языках, похожих по написанию или произношению, но разных по значению.
Gentlemen, allow me to say a few words in greeting.
Господа, позвольте мне сказать пару приветственных слов.
Not words but action is needed now.
Сейчас необходимы не слова, а действия.
Words once uttered cannot be recalled.
Слово не воробей: вылетит — не поймаешь.
I can’t think of the right words with which to express my thanks.
Я не могу подобрать слов, чтобы выразить свою признательность.
Таблицы спряжения английского языка
Спрягайте более 20 000 английских глаголов.
- инфинитив глагола.
- спрягаемая форма глагола.
- Спряжение
- Синонимы
simple present также называется present simple
1st p. sg. I word
2nd p. sg. you word
3rd p. sg. he words
she words
it words
1st p. pl. we word
2nd p. pl. you word
3rd p. pl. they word
present progressive также называется present continuous
1st p. sg. I am wording
2nd p. sg. you are wording
3rd p. sg. he is wording
she is wording
it is wording
1st p. pl. we are wording
2nd p. pl. you are wording
3rd p. pl. they are wording
simple past также называется past simple
1st p. sg. I worded
2nd p. sg. you worded
3rd p. sg. he worded
she worded
it worded
1st p. pl. we worded
2nd p. pl. you worded
3rd p. pl. they worded
past progressive также называется past continuous
1st p. sg. I was wording
2nd p. sg. you were wording
3rd p. sg. he was wording
she was wording
it was wording
1st p. pl. we were wording
2nd p. pl. you were wording
3rd p. pl. they were wording
present perfect также называется present perfect simple
1st p. sg. I have worded
2nd p. sg. you have worded
3rd p. sg. he has worded
she has worded
it has worded
1st p. pl. we have worded
2nd p. pl. you have worded
3rd p. pl. they have worded
present perfect progressive также называется present perfect continuous
1st p. sg. I have been wording
2nd p. sg. you have been wording
3rd p. sg. he has been wording
she has been wording
it has been wording
1st p. pl. we have been wording
2nd p. pl. you have been wording
3rd p. pl. they have been wording
past perfect также называется pluperfect
1st p. sg. I had worded
2nd p. sg. you had worded
3rd p. sg. he had worded
she had worded
it had worded
1st p. pl. we had worded
2nd p. pl. you had worded
3rd p. pl. they had worded
past perfect progressive также называется past perfect continuous или pluperfect progressive или pluperfect continuous
1st p. sg. I had been wording
2nd p. sg. you had been wording
3rd p. sg. he had been wording
she had been wording
it had been wording
1st p. pl. we had been wording
2nd p. pl. you had been wording
3rd p. pl. they had been wording
simple future также называется future simple
1st p. sg. I will word
2nd p. sg. you will word
3rd p. sg. he will word
she will word
it will word
1st p. pl. we will word
2nd p. pl. you will word
3rd p. pl. they will word
future progressive также называется future continuous
1st p. sg. I will be wording
2nd p. sg. you will be wording
3rd p. sg. he will be wording
she will be wording
it will be wording
1st p. pl. we will be wording
2nd p. pl. you will be wording
3rd p. pl. they will be wording
future perfect
1st p. sg. I will have worded
2nd p. sg. you will have worded
3rd p. sg. he will have worded
she will have worded
it will have worded
1st p. pl. we will have worded
2nd p. pl. you will have worded
3rd p. pl. they will have worded
future perfect progressive также называется future perfect continuous
1st p. sg. I will have been wording
2nd p. sg. you will have been wording
3rd p. sg. he will have been wording
she will have been wording
it will have been wording
1st p. pl. we will have been wording
2nd p. pl. you will have been wording
3rd p. pl. they will have been wording
simple также называется conditional present
1st p. sg. I would word
2nd p. sg. you would word
3rd p. sg. he would word
she would word
it would word
1st p. pl. we would word
2nd p. pl. you would word
3rd p. pl. they would word
progressive также называется conditional continuous
1st p. sg. I would be wording
2nd p. sg. you would be wording
3rd p. sg. he would be wording
she would be wording
it would be wording
1st p. pl. we would be wording
2nd p. pl. you would be wording
3rd p. pl. they would be wording
1st p. sg. I would have worded
2nd p. sg. you would have worded
3rd p. sg. he would have worded
she would have worded
it would have worded
1st p. pl. we would have worded
2nd p. pl. you would have worded
3rd p. pl. they would have worded
perfect progressive также называется conditional perfect continuous
1st p. sg. I would have been wording
2nd p. sg. you would have been wording
3rd p. sg. he would have been wording
she would have been wording
it would have been wording
1st p. pl. we would have been wording
2nd p. pl. you would have been wording
3rd p. pl. they would have been wording
2nd p. sg. word
1st p. pl. let‘s word
2nd p. pl. word
present participle