Travel booking form word


In your career, you may have noticed different kinds of forms. Of course, in the right profession, you might have to be the one creating an order form, such as travel order forms. In that case, you could likely find a use for order form templates to make the job easier.

travel order forms

While there are other kinds of form documents, such as wholesale order forms, travel order forms are a fairly distinct type of form. After all, they are a form meant for authorizing a bearer to travel. Of course, you can still use blank order form templates as aids for making them, despite the distinct nature of these forms.

Travel Agency Order Form

travel agency


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 73.2KB


Order for Business Travel

order for business


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 35.3KB


Travel & Visa Pro Order Form

travel visa pro order


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 171.8KB


Travel Purchase Order

travel purchase


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 20.6KB


Student Travel Order Request Form

student travel order request


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 117.9KB


How to Create a Travel Order Form

If you were to make your own travel order form out of simple order forms, there are some steps to follow in order to make the form properly:

  • First, place the title for the form at the top of the page, along with any directions users would need to follow.
  • Like with any other consent order form, include space for users’ personal information, for ease of record-keeping.
  • Include space for details of the user’s trip, such as details of departure and arrival, as well as means of transportation.
  • Also be sure to include space for any expenses that may be incurred on the trip, so that the user may be reimbursed later.

How Travel Order Forms Benefit You

That these order forms have order form templates should be a sign that there is a particular need for them. Specifically, the forms benefit you by:

  • Providing a consistent means of securing travel. Using these documents makes it more easy for employees to secure authorization from superiors to travel..
  • Providing a reusable resource for making more documents. These templates enable you to download and modify them however you need them as with different sales order forms.
  • Providing a flexible document that can be used in different professions. Many offices would need forms like these, and these templates should be usable by a great many possible offices so as to authorize the employees.

Travel Order in PDF

travel order in


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 207KB


Travel Order in Word

travel order in


File Format

  • Doc
  • Docx

Size: 62KB


Order Form for Employee Travel

order form for employee


File Format

  • PDF

Size: 214.7KB


Tips When Writing a Travel Order Form

These particular free order forms can be used with certain tips and guidelines that might be able to help you use them to their fullest. After all, if you were to use such tips, you could be guided in how to remember important details and avoid common mistakes.

  • Keep your forms as simple as possible. This would make your forms as simple to understand as possible so as to make it easier for employees to fill them, as well as make it easier for the forms to be processed.
  • Be as specific when adding fields. If there are particular fields you need to add, it would help if the fields were specific so that you could get as precise information from users as possible.
  • Include useful directions. This makes it easier for your employees to be certain of filling up the documents correctly. This is generally helpful in documents like work order forms to ensure that such documents are used properly.
  • Take steps to verify your employees’ activities. You should be sure to add fields to verify that any actions they take are necessary for their primary work on the trip.

If you need any other templates, then you can always try out some of the others which are readily available on the site.

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Tour and Travel Booking Form TemplateTour and Travel booking form is a piece of paper that you may find in tour operators when you are being asked to commit on one of several travel packages that they offered. When you are interested on taking a vacation to overseas countries or to famous destination within your country, usually you will go to nearest tour operator to find more information about those destination.

For example, you are interested to have West Europe tour, probably you already have cities where you intend to visit. And if you don’t want to explore and organize everything, you might go to specific tour operators that have West Europe travel packages. You should be shown several package options you can select. In those packages, you will see options on visiting cities, attraction, departure dates, and its duration. Once you select one of the package, you will be asked for deposits and you should give them all of travel documents for tickets and visa application process. You will notice in each package options that there are minimum people required to guarantee the travel. If that’s the case, you should be book a place in that package and leave your phone/email to be notified when minimum people requirement is met. It is common in travel industries, you will found this kind of system in smallest tourist attraction, like on operating bus tour for specific attraction etc. 

If you are a tour and travel operator or just starting this business, you can use this Tour and Travel booking form template as a reference to create your own. As you can see in picture above, there are four package options you can put together with payment method option. You can modify this form as needed, put your logo, and print it. You can hand it over to your guests/visitors when they want to commit on one of your tour packages.

  Tour and Travel Booking Form (24.0 KiB, 920 hits)

Traveling is common in businesses and companies and if you really want to organize and streamline the employee travel request form in a better way, we have a solution for you. There are many online travel request form generation tools that are used to generate pre-travel authorization forms but still, people find it easy to have some samples of these travel request applications and use them as per their needs.

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In corporate businesses, it’s common for employees to do trips around the globe or country for meetings and other business-related purposes. And for this, they formally have to make a travel approval request to the company.

Here in this post, we have some online travel request form template samples for you to make this whole process easy and fast.

Download Free Travel Request Forms Templates

Travel request form templates are used to submit requests for traveling to the higher authorities. These templates are useful for students, employees, airline customers, and others who need to submit a request before traveling. You can get traveling request authorization in PDF, DOCX, and other formats that you prefer. It enables the user to include information about the services that travelers want. We share various sample travel request form templates that give you an idea to create your own form perfectly.

The employees use the business or corporate travel request forms to send requests for business travel to the employer that includes data about services and equipment that employees need on this business tour. Travel agencies need to receive a travel booking request form from the clients, containing data about the client’s needs. In this article, you’ll learn all about the travel request forms templates and get free templates from our site in different formats that you find nowhere else.

The travel request form is submitted by someone to the management for traveling approval and to get the things needed for the trip. It is widely used in the corporate sector where an employee sends a request letter to the manager or employer to get permission for a business trip and request to fulfill the traveler’s needs. The travel request form example helps you to understand it to create your own request templates. You can see the employee vacation request form to get an idea to make a perfect request form for travel.

The student travel authorization form is submitted by the student to the management to get approval for education traveling. You need to state the reason for this trip, the place where you are going, the trip duration, and other essential information that management needs to know. It is also useful when a traveler puts a request to airlines for traveling. The travel agencies issue a travel request form to get all the essential information about traveling. You can see air travel requests form templates for your business to effectively gather important flight information. All the free travel request forms are designed professionally and contain all the elements that help you gather and manage your data effectively. 

What to include in the travel request form 

A travel request form is useful if it contains all the essential elements that help you to gather the traveler’s needs. A person going somewhere for education and business purposes needs to get permission from the management and ask to release the funds to fulfill the trip expenses. The employer sends an approval letter to the employee to let the employee know that the requests are accepted. When employees return from the business trip or tour, they need to submit a travel expense report to provide all the details about the tour’s expenses. The essential element that should be included in the travel request form or letter is as follows: 

  1. The name of the person who is sending a travel request.
  2. The date when the requestor sends a request letter or form. 
  3. It should include the date of travel. 
  4. Include travel destination
  5. State the purpose of this trip
  6. Description of the expenses like charges of hotel, traveling, meals, and others.
  7. Total expenses for this trip
  8. Other special requests to make the tour successful.
  9. The signature of the requestor
  10. Space for the signature of authorities to approve it

The above information is essential and must be included in the travel request form for business and education traveling. The requester sends this request to the high authorities, and they make decisions based on the information placed on it. A simple and effective request form helps you to get decisions from authorities in your favor. For that purpose, ready-made templates help you get approval for all your requests. The editable travel request form templates allow the user to make changes as needed.

Importance of travel request form

When a student/employee needs to travel from one place to another, a travel permission letter is sent to the authorities, who can accept or reject your request. Your trip/travel is dependent on the authority’s decision, and they made decisions based on data placed in the request letter. Below we share some points that show the importance of request forms for traveling are as follows: 

  • A request letter helps you to get traveling permission from the management of the school or company. 
  • It is widely used in the corporate sector to keep a record of business traveling. 
  • With its help, you can state what services, equipment, and other things you required during this trip. 
  • You can ask for funds for travel, meals, and other expenses from school/college or company by attaching relevant documents. 
  • The information about traveling like destination place, travel duration, the purpose of this traveling, and other details are delivered easily to the authorities. 
  • It helps to know the authorities whether this trip and the expenses are valid and reasonable or not. 
  • The employer or school management can easily finger out whether the allocation of funds is beneficial or not. 
  • It is helpful to track the employee’s travel record for business purposes. 
  • When a company’s presence is essential at a conference or somewhere else, an employee sends a request to present himself for this business travel. 

Tips to write a perfect travel request letter

A well-written travel request letter helps you get approval from the management of a company, school, or college. You can also fill out the well-designed travel request form by downloading it free from our collection. To make you work, we share some easy tips that help you to write a perfect request letter for traveling. These tips are as follows: 

  • Include essential details: When you decide to make a request for travel to the higher authorities of your department, then you should include all the essentials about this tour clearly and concisely. A piece of missing information in the request letter or form may cause the rejection of your requests. 
  • Follow the standard format: If you are an employee and sending a request to your employer or manager, then you should follow the business letter format and write the letter in a professional tone. When you submit a request for education travel, follow the letter’s standard format to write it perfectly. 
  • Attach relevant documents: You should attach related documents with this letter to make the words of the letter valid. When you ask to release funds for your expenses, you should attach some documents supporting your words. 
  • State benefits of the travel: You should state all the details clearly and include some words that describe how this travel is beneficial for business or education. 
  • Avoid ambiguous words: Always use words that have only one meaning. Ambiguous language creates misunderstandings between the parties. State the purpose of your travel and other information clearly and precisely.
  • Free from errors: Make sure the letter is free from mistakes, and use words that don’t contain any spelling and grammatical mistakes.

Easy steps to write a travel request letter

The letter’s format may vary according to the situation under which you write and send the letter. In business, the travel request letter is submitted by the employee to the employer to get approval for corporate travel, then the format of the letter should be formal. You can also get the travel request form from the HR department and send it to the employer or manager, but when your company doesn’t issue any travel request form template, then you should write a letter for it. Below we share some easy steps to write a travel authorization letter to the school or business management. 

  • Contact information: According to the standard format of the business letter, write your name, email address, and title at the top left side of the letter. After writing your contact details, write the date when you write this letter to the authorities, then write the recipient’s name and contact information. 
  • Salutation: If you know the name of the receipt, then write the name followed by “Dear,” “Mr” or “Mrs.” 
  • First paragraph: In the first paragraph of the letter body, state the purpose of writing this letter clearly and concisely.
  • Second paragraph: In the second paragraph, give some details about the travel like destination place, travel duration, and expenses, and ask the recipient to allocate some funds to cover the travel expenses. 
  • Third paragraph: Make requests for services, equipment, and other things that you require during this tour. State the reason why you need these services and how this tour is beneficial for the company. 
  • Closing paragraph: Always use some positive and professional words for the recipient in the last paragraph.
  • Signature: At the end of the letter, include your signature to sign off the letter.

Frequently Asked Questions

To whom should the travel request letter be sent?

The letter should be sent to the high authorities who have the right to give permission for the travel like an employer in the office or principal of the school or college.

What is corporate travel?

When an employee travels for business purposes on behalf of the company is called corporate traveling.

Why do we need to submit the travel request form?

We need to submit the travel request form to get approval from the authorities to travel.

What are the travel allowance expenses?

The payment made to cover the expenses of the business trip or tour by the company to the employee is travel allowance expenses.

Where do we need to submit the travel request form?

We need to submit the request letter for traveling to the school or college management for education purposes, employers for corporate traveling, and travel agents to get what you need.

What should include in the corporate travel expenses?

The expenses that are commonly calculated during corporate traveling are meals, transportation, and lodging.

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