Travel and holidays complete each sentence with a word

1 VOCABULARY TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS 1. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. buffet, coach station, departure lo…

  VOCABULARY  –  TRAVEL  AND  HOLIDAYS       1.   C omplete   each   sentence  with   a   word   from   the   box.     buffet,  coach  station,  departure  lounge,  harbour,  quay,  cabin,  deck,  destination,  platform,   runway   a) Most   of  the  young  people  on  the  boat   slept  on  the  deck.  


their  sleeping  bags.   b) As   the  train  drew  in  to  the  station,   Terry  could  see  her  sister  waiting   on  the   ……………………………………   c) I  was   so  nervous  about  flying  that   I   left  my  bag  in  the   d) By  the  time   I  got  to  the   left.   e) As   soon   as  the  boat  left  the  

,   the  bus   to   Scotland   had   ,   the  storm  began.  

f) We  hadn’t  had  anything  to  eat,   but  luckily  there  was   a   g) I’m   afraid  there  is  only  one  first-­‐class   boat.  

on   the   train. free   on   the  

h) Tim  reached  Paris   safely,   but  his  luggage  didn’t  reach  its   i) There  was  a  queue  of   cars  on   the  

,   waiting  

for  the  car-­‐   ferry   to   the   island.   j) Our  plane  nearly  crashed  into  a  fire-­‐engine  on  the     2.  U nderline   the   most   suitable   word   or  words.     a) David’s  plane  was  cancelled/delayed  by  thick  fog.   b) The  ship’s  owner  agreed  to  give  the  crew/passengers  a  pay-­‐rise.   c) The   plane  from  Geneva   has  just  grounded/landed.   d) We  hope  that  you  will  enjoy   your  flight/flying.   e) Because   of  heavy   snow,  their   plane  was  diverted/deviated  to  Luton.   f) I  w on’t  be   long.  I’m  just  packing  my  last  luggage/suitcase.   g) You   have  to   check  in/check   up   an   hour  before   the   plane   leaves.   h) All  duty  free  goods  must  be  declared/surrendered  at  customs.   i) The  plane  took  off/took  up  and   was  soon  high  over  the  city.   j) I   bought   a  simple/single  ticket,  as  I   was   going  to  return   by  car.   k) A  sign  above  the  seats  in  the  plane  says  ‘Fasten  your  life   belt/seat   belt’.   1) On   the  plane  the  flight  attendant/waitress  brought  me  a  newspaper.    

3. Use   a   word   or  words  from   exercises   1    or  2   to   complete   each   sentence.   The   word   may  be   in   a   different  form.   a) I   had   to  

cancel   couldn’t   travel.  

my   tickets,   because   I   was   ill   and  

b) The   train   for   London   is   now   arriving   at  …  t hree.   c) The  plane  …  on   time   but   arrived   half   an   hour   late.   d) We   finally  reached   our  

after   travelling   all  

day.   e) It   was   hard   to   find   a   seat   on   the   train   as   there   were   so  

many  …..   f) While   we   were   waiting   at   the   station   we   had   a   bite   to   eat   in  

the  …   g) I  felt   seasick   so   I  went   to   my  …  a nd   tried   to   sleep.   h) Do  you  want   a   return   ticket,   or  a  …?   i) The   customs   officer   asked   Bill   if   he   had   anything   to  …   j) There   is   a   small   …   h ere   for   fishing   boats   and   yachts.   k) How  much  …  can   I   take   with   me   on   the   plane?   1) The   8.55   from   Hull   will   be   30   minutes   late.   We   apologise   for  

the  …     4. Match   the   words   in   the   box   with   a   suitable   definition   (a-­‐j).       an  expedition,  a  flight,  a  tour,  a  voyage,  a  package  tour,  an  itinerary,  a  trip,  travel,  a  cruise,  a   crossing     a. A  j ourney  by  s hip  for  p leasure  a  cruise   b. A   journey  by   plane   c. The   plan   of   a   journey   d. An   informal   word   for  journey.   Sometimes   meaning   a   short   journey   e. A   journey   for   a   scientific   or   special   purpose   f. A   holiday   which   includes   organised   travel   and   accommodation   g. Taking  journeys,   as   a   general   idea   h. A   journey  by   sea   i. An   organised   journey   to   see   the   sights   of   a   place   j. A   journey   from   one   side   of   the   sea   to   the   other    

5. Use   a   word   from   4   in   each   sentence.     a. The  travel   agent  will   send  you  the   itinerary…   for  your  trip.   b. My  neighbours  went  on  a  guided  

of  Rome.  

c. Last  time   I  went  from   England   to   France  we  had  a  very  rough   d. The  first  prize  in  the  competition   is   a   luxury  Mediterranean   e. When  you  go  on   a/an  

,   you  pay  one  price  for  everything.  

f. The  college  organized  a/an  

to   search   for  the   ancient   ruins.  

g. Olympic  announces  the  arrival  of   h. The   Titanic  sank  on  its  first   i.

OA  269  from  Athens.   in   1912.  

is  one  of  my  main  interests.  

j. Mr  Dean  is  away  on  a  business  

at  the  moment.   Can   I  help  you?  

  6. Replace   the   words     in     italics   in     each     sentence   with     a   word   from   the     b ox.   camp-­‐site,  book,  hostel,  accommodation,  double  room,  hitch-­‐hike,  a  fortnight,  guest-­‐ house,  vacancy,  porter   a. I  stayed  in  France  for  two  weeks  last  year.  

a  fortnight..  

b. It’s  difficult   to  find  anywhere  to   stay   here  in  the  summer   c. We  had  no  money  so  we  had  to  get  lifts  in  other  people’s  cars   d. I’d  like   a  room  for  the   night  please.   A  room  for  two  people   e. The  place  where  we  stayed  wasn’t  a   hotel  but  a  private  house  where  you  pay   to   stay  and  have  meals   f. I’d  like  to  reserve  three  single  rooms  for   next   week,  please   g. It  was  raining,   and  we  couldn’t   find   a  place   to  put  our  tent   h. I’d  like  a  room  for   the  night,  please.   Do  you  have  a   pee  one?   i. The  school   has   its   own  place  for  students  to  stay   j. We  gave  a  tip  to  the  person  who  carried  our  bags  in  the  hotel     7. Use    a    d ictionary   to   find     c ompound   words     b eginning     sea-­‐.     Complete    each   sentence   with   one   of  these   words.   a. Last  year  we   didn’t   go   to   the   m ountains.  We   went  to   the      …seaside…      instead.   b. There’s   a   restaurant   near  the   harbour   that   serves   wonderful   c. The  beach  was  covered   in  piles  of  smelly  green   d. This  town  is  very  high  up.   It’s  a  thousand  metres  above   e. We  drove  along   the  

but  we   couldn’t   find   anywhere   to   park.  

f. Tourists  were  throwing  bread  to  the  

flying   behind   the   ship.  

g. Luckily  I  had  taken  some  travel  pills  so  I  didn’t  feel   h. Children  were  building  sand  castles  on   the  ………………..    

8. Choose    t he     most    s uitable    w ord     or    p hrase   to    c omplete    each     sentence.     a. They   beach.  


all  day  swimming  and   sunbathing  at  the  

A)  did   B)  used   C)  spent   D)   occupied   b. The  hotel  room  

over   a  beautiful   garden.  

A)   viewed   out   B)  faced   up   C)  opened  up   D)  looked  out   c. We  didn’t  

to  the   station   in   time   to   catch   the  train.  

A)  get   B)  reach   C)  arrive   D)  make   d. I  was   in  such  a  hurry  that  I   left  one   of   my   bags   A)  out   B)  aside   C)  on   D)   behind   e. Mr  Hill   had   his  money  stolen  and  couldn’t   bill.   A)  pay   up  

B)  pay   C)  pay  for  

D)   pay  out  

f. Jane  lost  her  case.   It  did  not   have   a/an   name   on.   A)  ticket   B)  poster   C)  label   g. Take  the  bus,   and  

his   hotel  

with   her  

D)  identification   at   Oxford   Circus.  

A)   get  out   B)  get  off   C)   get  down   D)  get  away   h. I   was  too  tired   to  

my  suitcase.  

A)  unpack   B)  empty   C)  put  out   D)  disorder   i. On  the  first  day  of  our  holiday  we   just   pool.  

by  the   hotel  

A)  enjoyed   B)  calmed   C)  comforted   D)  relaxed   j. The  wind   was  blowing   so  much  that  we  couldn’t   tent.  


A)   raise   B)  put   up   C)  make  up   D)  build     9.   R ewrite   each   sentence,   beginning   as   given,   so   that   it   contains   an   expression   with   have.     a. I  sunbathed  for  a  while,  and  then  went  swimming.   I  sunbathed  for  a  while,  and  then  I  had  a  swim.   b. I   really  enjoyed  my  holiday  last  year.     I  …   c. David  crashed  his  car  while  he  was  driving  to  Spain.   David  …   d. When  we  left,  Maria  wished  us  a  safe  journey.     ‘Goodbye’,  Maria  said,  ‘and  …   e. Most  of  the  people  on  the  beach  were  wearing  very  little.   Most  of  the  people  on  the  beach  …   f. We  couldn’t  decide  about  our  holiday  but  then  Sue  thought  of  something.   We  couldn’t  decide  about  our  holiday  until  Sue  …   g. There  was  a  party  at  Martin’s  house  last  night.   Martin  …   h. Brenda  couldn’t  go  away  for  the  weekend  because  she  was  busy.   Brenda  couldn’t  go  away  for  the  weekend  because  she  …   i. Ian  didn’t  know  how  to  water-­‐ski,  but  he  gave  it  a  try.   Ian  didn’t  know  how  to  water-­‐ski  but  he  …  


Laura  suspected  that  the  hotel  food  was  going  to  be  bad.   Laura  …  

  9.Decide   which   answer   (A,   B,   C   or   D)   best  fits   each   space.     Holidays   Is   it   better   to   go   on   a   package   (1)   B,   or   to   (2)   …   on   your   own?   I   suppose   the   answer   depends  on  what  kind  of  (3)  …  you  are.  A  complicated  tour  organized  by  a  travel  (4)  …   has  some  advantages.   You  have  a/an  (5)  …,  which  gives  you  definite  (6)  …  and  arrival  dates,  and  a  list  of  all  your   (7)  …  .  The  (8)  …  may  be  cheaper,  as  it  has  been  (9)  …  in  advance,  so  you  spend  less  time   worrying  about  where  you  are  going  to  (10)  …    .  If  you  book  your  own  hotel,  you  might   have  trouble  finding  a/an  (11)  …,  unless  you  are  going  to  stay  for  a  (12)  …,  for  example.   On   the   other   hand,   organizing   your   own   (13)   …   can   be   fun.   Many   students   (14)   …   or   buy   cheap  train  tickets,  and  (15)  …  the  night  in  students  hostels  or  guest-­‐houses.    


1   2   3              4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  

A   travel   A  travel   A  voyager   A   office   A   timetable   A  departure   A   cancellations   A  bedrooms   A  preserved   A   stay   A   empty   A   fortnight   A  voyage   A  auto-­‐stop   A   have  

B   tour   B  trip   B  passenger   B   agent   B   scheme   B   parting   B   expeditions   B   staying   B  booked   B  pass   B   free   B   daytime   B   expedition   B   hitch-­‐hike   B   at    

C   journey   C   voyage   C   tourist   C   tour   C   notice   C   leave   C   organisations   C   flat   C   reservation   C   live   C   vacancy   C   fifteen    d ays   C   trip   C   lift   C   for  

D   cruise   D   tourist   D   mover   D   operation   D   itinerary   D   quitting   D   destinations   D   accommodation   D   hotels   D   cross   D   available   D   passage   D   package   D   journey   D   spend  


1 Complete each sentence with a word from the

a) Most of the young people on the boat slept on the deck.
in their sleeping bags.

b) As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister
waiting on the ….

c) I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the…

d) By the time I got to the… , the bus to Scotland had left.

e) As soon as the boat left the… , the storm began.

f) We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a …on the train.

g) I’m afraid there is only one first-class …free on the boat.

h) Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its …

There was a queue of cars on the … , waiting for the car-ferry to the island.

 j) Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine
on the…

2 Underline the most suitable word (s):

a) David’s plane was cancelled/delayed by thick fog.

b) The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew/passengers a

c) The plane from Geneva has just grounded/landed.

d) We hope that you will enjoy your flight/flying.

e) Because of heavy snow, their plane was diverted/deviated to

f) I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage/suitcase.

g) You have to check in/check up an hour before
the plane leaves.

 h) All duty
free goods must be declared/surrendered at customs.

i) The plane took off/took up and was soon high over the city.

j) I bought a simple/single ticket, as I was going to return by

k) A sign above the seats in the plane says ‘Fasten your life
belt/seat belt’.

On the plane the flight attendant/waitress brought me a newspaper.

3 Use a word or words from
exercises 1 or 2 to complete each sentence. The word may be in a different

a) I had to cancel my tickets, because I was ill and
couldn’t travel.

b) The train for London is now arriving at… three.

c) The plane …on time but arrived half an hour late.

d) We finally reached our… after travelling all day.

e) It was hard to find a seat on the train as there were so many …

f) While we were waiting at the station we had a bite to eat in the …

g) I felt seasick so I went to my …and tried to sleep.

h) Do you want a return ticket, or a …?

i) The customs officer asked Bill if he had anything to …

j) There is a small …here for fishing boats and yachts.

k) How much …can I take with me on the plane?

1) The 8.55 from Hull will be 30 minutes late. We
apologise for the…

4 Match the words in the box with
the suitable definition:

a) A journey by ship for pleasure a cruise

b) A journey by plane

c) The plan of a journey

d) An informal word for journey. Sometimes meaning a short

e) A journey for a scientific or special purpose

f) A holiday which includes organised travel and accommodation

g) Taking journeys, as a general idea

h) A journey by sea

i) An organised journey to see the sights of a place

j) A journey from one side of the sea to the other

5 Use the words from the previous
exercise in these sentences.

a) The travel agent will send you the itineraryfor
your trip.

b) My neighbours went on a guided of Rome.

c) Last time I went from England to France we had a very rough

d) The first prize in the competition is a luxury Mediterranean

e) When you go on a/an , you pay one price for everything.

f) The college organized a/an to search for the ancient ruins.

g) Olympic announces the arrival of OA 269 from Athens.

h) The Titanic sank on its first in 1912.

i) is one of my main interests.

j) Mr Dean is away on a business at the moment. Can
I help you?

6 Replace the words in italics
in each sentence with a word from the box.

camp-site      book                hostel    
                    accommodation                                 double room                                                  hitch-hike
a fortnight                                   

a) I stayed in France for two weeks last year. .a

b) It’s difficult to find anywhere to stay here in the summer

c) We had no money so we had to get lifts in other people’s cars

d) I’d like a room for the night please. A room for two people

e) The place where we stayed wasn’t a hotel but a
private house where you pay to stay and have meals

f) I’d like to reserve three single rooms for next week, please

g) It was raining, and we couldn’t find a place to put our tent

h) I’d like a room for the night, please. Do you have a pee one?

i) The school has its own place for students to stay

j) We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel

Travel And Holidays

Exercise 1. Complete each sentences with a word from the list  

buffet     coach-station     harbour     quay

  departure-lounge     cabin     destination

           deck        platform      runway    

  1. Most of the young people on the boat slept on the __________ in their sleeping bags.
  2. As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the ______.
  3. I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the ___________.
  4. By the time I got to the ________, the express bus to Scotland had left.
  5. As soon as the boat left the ___________, the storm began.
  6. We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a _________ on the train.
  7. I’m afraid there is only one first-class _________ free on the boat.
  8. Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its ____________.
  9. There was a queue of cars on the ________, waiting for the car-ferry to the island.
  10. Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the _________.

Exercise 2. Choose the most suitable word or words underlined.

  1. David’s plane was cancelled /delayed by thick fog.
  2. The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew /passengers a pay-rise.
  3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded /landed.
  4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight / flying.
  5. Because of heavy snow in London, their plane was diverted /deviated to Manchester.
  6. I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage /suitcase.
  7. A sign above the seats in the plane says ‘Fasten your life belt /seat belt’.
  8. You have to check in /check up an hour before the plane leaves.
  9. All duty free goods must be declared /surrendered at the customs.
  10. On the plane a stewardess /waitress brought me a newspaper.
  11. The plane took off /took up and was soon high over the city.
  12. I bought a simple /single ticket, as I was going to return by car.

Exercise 3. Match these words with the definitions given.

   an expedition    a flight        a tour     a voyage        a package tour

        an itinerary         a trip       travel         a cruise       a crossing                    

  1. A journey by ship for pleasure. _______________
  2. A journey by plane. ________________________
  3. The plan of a journey. ______________________
  4. An informal word for journey. Sometimes meaning a short journey. ____________
  5. A journey for a scientific or special purpose. _______________
  6. A holiday which includes organized travel and accommodation. _______________
  7. Taking journey, as a general idea. _________________________
  8. A journey by sea._______________________________________
  9. An organized journey to see sights of a place._________________
  10. A journey from one side of the sea to the other. _______________

Exercise 4. Use a word from Ex. 3 in each sentence.

  1. The travel agent will send you the _________ for your trip.
  2. My neighbours went on a guided __________ of Rome.
  3. The first time I went from England to France we had a very rough _________.
  4. The first prize in the competition is a luxury Mediterranean _________.
  5. When you go on a /an _________, you pay one price which covers everything.
  6. The college organized a /an _________ to search for the ancient ruins.
  7. Olympic Airways announces the arrival of __________ OA 269 from Athens.
  8. The Titanic sank on its first _________ in 1912.
  9. _________ is one of my interests.
  10. Mr. Dean is away on a business _________ at the moment. Can I help you?

Exercise 5. Replace the words underlined in each sentence with a word from the list.

   camp-site       book         hostel          accommodation            double

       hitch-hike       a fortnight          guest-house        vacancy      porter

  1. I stayed in France for two weeks last year. ____________
  2. It’s difficult to find anywhere to stay in this town in the summer. ____________
  3. We were short of money so we decided to get lifts in other people’s cars. _______
  4. I’d like a room for the night place. A room for two people. ____________
  5. The place where we stayed wasn’t a hotel but a private house where you pay to stay and have meals. ___________
  6.  I’d like to reserve three single rooms for next week, please. ___________
  7. It was raining, and we couldn’t find a place to put our tent. ____________
  8. I’d like a room for the night please. Do you have a free one? ___________
  9. The school has its own place for students to stay. ___________
  10. We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel. __________

Exercise 6. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

1) They … all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach.

     a) did               b) used               c) spend             d) occupied

2) The hotel room … over a beautiful garden.

     a) viewed out        b) faced up        c) opened up           d) looked out

3) We didn’t … to the station in time to catch the train.

    a) get                b) reach              c) arrive            d) make

4) I was in such a hurry that I left one of my bags … .

    a) out                b) aside              c) on                 d) behind

5) Mr. Hill had his money stolen and couldn’t … his hotel bill.

    a) pay up            b) pay               c) pay for              d) pay out

6) Jane lost her case because it didn’t have a /an … with her name on.

    a) ticket              b) poster           c) label                 d) identification

7) Take the bus, and … at Oxford Circus.

    a) get out            b) get off          c) get down          d) get away

8) I was too tired to … my suitcase and hang my clothes in the wardrobe.

    a) unpack           b) empty           c) put out              d) disorder

9) On the first day of our holiday we just … by the hotel pool.

    a) enjoyed          b) calmed          c) comforted        d) relaxed

10) The wind was blowing so much that we couldn’t … our tent.

       a) raise            b) put up            c) make up           d) build

Exercise 7. Complete each part sentence a) to j) with one of the ending 1) to 10) and make a compound word.

  1. I sent my friend a post                                       1) suit with you to the beach.
  2. I fastened my seat                                              2) table turned out to be wrong.
  3. We stayed on a small camp                               3) belt, and waited for takeoff.
  4. I always forget my guide                                   4) port, you must tell the police.
  5. Don’t forget to take your swim                          5) hiking can be dangerous.
  6. If you lose your pass                                          6) side when I was little.
  7. We stayed in a quiet guest                                 7) card of the town where I stayed.
  8. The train time                                                     8) book when I visit old cities.
  9. I used to like going to the sea                             9) house down by the river.
  10. Nowadays I’m afraid that hitch                         10) suite just outside the town.  

(W,G) Reading

Pre-reading. “Hungry Tom” 

Find new words in the text.Pupils write new words on the stickers and put them on “Hungry Tom” on the board.

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.


A learner

reads the text

— writes key words


Read the text

Omar: I want to visit the USA. I have never visited Washington D. C. I have been to Scotland, Ireland. I have lived in a hotel in Wales.

Colin: I want to stay with my friend in Almaty and Astana. I have never been to Kazakhstan. I have been to France, Italy, Japan. I like to travel by air. I have stayed in hotels there, I like homes.

Asel: I want to visit New York. I think New York is the most beautiful and biggest city in the world. I have never been to the USA, I have been to Scotland, Ireland, Germany. I want to stay in a big hotel in New York.

Dmitry: I have never been to any Disneyland. I want to go to Los Angeles. I have never been to the USA. I want to see Hollywood. I have visited Mexico, Canada.


A learner

  • reads the text attentively


Fill in the chart about four people




Want to go






A learner

  • completes the table according to the text

Differentiation by tasks

(G) Writing

1st group

Complete each sentences with a word from the list

buffet     coach-station     harbour     quay 

  departure-lounge     cabin     destination

           deck        platform      runway    

  1. Most of the young people on the boat slept on the __________ in their sleeping bags.

  2. As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister waiting on the ______.

  3. I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the ___________.

  4. By the time I got to the ________, the express bus to Scotland had left.

  5. As soon as the boat left the ___________, the storm began.

  6. We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a _________ on the train.

  7. I’m afraid there is only one first-class _________ free on the boat.

  8. Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its ____________.

  9. There was a queue of cars on the ________, waiting for the car-ferry to the island.

10. Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine on the _________.

Descriptor A learner

  • Completes the gaps with correct words;

2nd group

Choose the most suitable word or words underlined

  1. David’s plane was cancelled /delayed by thick fog.

  2. The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew /passengers a pay-rise.

  3. The plane from Geneva has just grounded /landed.

  4. We hope that you will enjoy your flight / flying.

  5. Because of heavy snow in London, their plane was diverted /deviated to Manchester.

  6. I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage /suitcase.

  7. A sign above the seats in the plane says ‘Fasten your life belt /seat belt’.

  8. You have to check in /check up an hour before the plane leaves.

  9. All duty free goods must be declared /surrendered at the customs.

  10. On the plane a stewardess /waitress brought me a newspaper.

  11. The plane took off /took up and was soon high over the city.

I bought a simple /single ticket, as I was going to return by car.

Descriptor A learner

  • Chooses the most suitable word;

  • complete sentences correctly;

(G,f) Speaking ( Creative work)

The 1st group The 2nd group

Produce a poster about Holidays Produce a poster about Travelling

And give 3 facts And give 3 facts

Descriptor A learner

  • creates a poster

  • gives 3 facts

  • presents poster to class

Let’s check the answers


If students understand the lesson they go travelling by plane

If the students understand the lesson not fully they travel by bus

If the students do not understand anything they go hitchhiking

7.11 Travel and Transport . . .. …. » Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the list below. Use each item once only. -0 » -0 m ;;0 Ol bumpy flight change trains collided with commute cut-price fares economy class get a lift itinerary luggage rack more economical on board reclining seats serviced skidded speed limit unavoidably delayed 1. Those cars must be breaking the ! Look at how fast they’re going! 2. As the cruise progressed, life soon settled down to a comfortable routine. 3. Put your suitcase up on tre out of the way. 4. We’ve worked out our very carefully to avoid most of the usual holdups. 5. The travel agency are ofTering to destinations all over the USA. 6. There was a line of hitch-hikers all hoping to . 7. You’d better have your car b~fore you go on holiday. 8. Although the coach had and air-conditioning, I still had difficulty getting to sleep. 9. She chose the smaller car because it was on petrol. 10. It was such a that at one point the cabin crew had to stop serving dinner and fasten their seatbelts. 11. As I to work every day, I’ve bought a season ticket. 12. The coach on some oil and overturned. 13. The flight has been due to bad weather. 14. We had to at a tiny station in the middle of nowhere. 15. When you fly , you don’t get so much leg room. 16. One car had another and they needed heavy lifting equipment to pull then1 apart. I 158

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by car, coach, plane, shop and train? . Have you ever had a bad experience when travelling somewhere? If so, what happened? The main (dis)advantage of travelling by…………… is that you can can’t (don’t) have to On the other hand, However, if you travel by …………….•…•……………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. Some friends are coming to stay with you but don’t know how to get to your home. They are travelling by car. Write a letter giving them directions. Go along/up/down …..•……………………………………………………………………………………………………. as far as/until you get to .•………..••………….•………….•………………..•.•……………………………………… Turn Jeft/right at/just before/after •……………………………•…………………………………………………….. You’ll see …………………….•…………………………………………………………………………. on the corner. Take the first/second/third etc on the left/right. My house is on the Jeft/right. It’s the one with . My flat is on the first/second/top floor ) . If you get lost, you’ve got my phone number so you can give me a ring. I’m really looking forward to seeing you again. See you on ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. BRITANNIA CULrURAL L.TOI 159 I

  • Page 1:

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  • Page 4 and 5:

    Language Teaching Publicatiorls 35

  • Page 6 and 7:

    Contents . • • • e.• ‘. •

  • Page 8 and 9:

    Contents ….. 7 Topics and Vocabul

  • Page 10 and 11:

    Word Partnerships INTRODUCTION In t

  • Page 12 and 13:

    1.1 Adiective + Preposition — 1 . .

  • Page 14 and 15:

    1.2 Adiective + Preposition — 2 . .

  • Page 16 and 17:

    ..~ 1.3 Verb + Preposition — 1 ‘…

  • Page 18 and 19:

    1.4 Verb + Preposition — 2 . . . .

  • Page 20 and 21:

    1.5 Verb + NQun + Preposition — 1 .

  • Page 22 and 23:

    1.6 Verb + Noun + Preposition — 2 .

  • Page 24 and 25:

    1.7 Noun + Verb . Match each noun o

  • Page 26 and 27:

    1.8 Verb + Noun . -0 » -0 m ;;0 w

  • Page 28 and 29:

    1.9 Verb + Noun (Antonyms) . In thi

  • Page 30 and 31:

    1.10 Adiective + Noun (Antonyms) .

  • Page 32 and 33:

    1.11 Phrases with In . . . . . . .

  • Page 34 and 35:

    1.12 Phrases with On . . . . . . .

  • Page 36 and 37:

    1.13 Phrases with Out Of. . . . . .

  • Page 38 and 39:

    1.14 Prepositional Phrases . . . .

  • Page 40 and 41:

    1.15 Word Partnerships «. REVISION

  • Page 42 and 43:

    2.1 Phrasal Verbs with Up — 1 . . .

  • Page 44 and 45:

    2.2 Phrasal Verbs with Up — 2 . . .

  • Page 46 and 47:

    2.3 Phrasal Verbs with Up — 3 . . .

  • Page 48 and 49:

    2.4 Phrasal Verbs with Down — 1 . .

  • Page 50 and 51:

    2.6 Phrasal Verbs with Out — 1 .. .

  • Page 52 and 53:

    2.7 Phrasal Verbs with Out — 2 . Co

  • Page 54 and 55:

    Compl~te each of the groups of sent

  • Page 56 and 57:

    Phrasal Verbs witil Off — 1 . .. ..

  • Page 58 and 59:

    2. 10 Phrasal Verbs with OH — 2 . .

  • Page 60 and 61:

    2. 11 Phrasal Verbs with On — 1 Com

  • Page 62 and 63:

    2.12 Phrasal Verbs with On — 2 . .

  • Page 64 and 65:

    2. 13 Phrasal Verbs with In and Int

  • Page 66 and 67:

    2. 14 Phrasal Verbs with In — 2 . .

  • Page 68 and 69:

    2. 15 Verbs with Other Particles —

  • Page 70 and 71:

    ~ •• 2. 16 Verbs with Other Par

  • Page 72 and 73:

    2. 17 Verbs with Other Particles —

  • Page 74 and 75:

    2. 18 Three-Word Verbs — 1 . . . .

  • Page 76 and 77:

    2. 19 Three-Word Verbs — 2 . . . .

  • Page 78 and 79:

    2.20 Three-Word Verbs — 3 . . . . .

  • Page 80 and 81:

    2.21 Phrasal Verbs. . . . . . . . .

  • Page 82 and 83:

    3.1 Word Formation: Adiectives — 1

  • Page 84 and 85:

    3.2 Word Formation: Adiectives -2 ;

  • Page 86 and 87:

    3.3 Word Formation — Adverbs . . .

  • Page 88 and 89:

    3.4 Word Formation — Prefixes . Put

  • Page 90 and 91:

    3.5 Word Families — 1 — . . . . . .

  • Page 92 and 93:

    3.6 Word Families — 2 . . . . . . .

  • Page 94 and 95:

    3.7 Word Families — 3 . .- . . . .

  • Page 96 and 97:

    3.8 Word Families — 4 . . . . . . .

  • Page 98 and 99:

    3.9 Word Formation. . . . . . . . .

  • Page 100 and 101:

    4.1 Confusing Words — 1 . . . . . C

  • Page 102 and 103:

    4.2 Confusing Words — 2 . . . . . .

  • Page 104 and 105:

    4.3 Confusing Words — 3 . . . . . .

  • Page 106 and 107:

    4:4 Confusing Words — 4 .. ~ Comple

  • Page 108 and 109: 4.5 Confusing Words . . . . . . . .
  • Page 110 and 111: 5.1 Comparison . . . . . . . . . .
  • Page 112 and 113: 5.2 So and Such . ~ EXERCISE 1 Put
  • Page 114 and 115: 5.3 The -ing form ~ Use the word gi
  • Page 116 and 117: 5.4 The Infinitive. . . . . . . . .
  • Page 118 and 119: 5.5 The Present Perfect. . . . . .
  • Page 120 and 121: 5 .6 Reported Speech . . . . . . .
  • Page 122 and 123: 5.7 Conditionals . . .. , ~ ~ EXERC
  • Page 124 and 125: 5.8 The Passive.. . . . . . . . . .
  • Page 126 and 127: 5.9 Grammar REVISION ~ This exercis
  • Page 128 and 129: 6. 1 Common Mistakes — 1 . . . . .
  • Page 130 and 131: 6.2 Common Mistakes — 2 . . . . . .
  • Page 132 and 133: 6.3 My Mistakes — 1 . ~ This page i
  • Page 134 and 135: 6.4 My Mistakes — 2 . This page is
  • Page 136 and 137: 6.5 Spelling ….. REVISION ~ ~ SUM
  • Page 138 and 139: 7.1 Food and Cooking . . . . . . Fi
  • Page 140 and 141: 7.2 Describing People . . . . . . .
  • Page 142 and 143: 7.3 Sport and Hobbies . . . . . . .
  • Page 144 and 145: 7.4 Law and Order ., . . . . . . .
  • Page 146 and 147: 7.5 At Home …. . . . . . . Comple
  • Page 148 and 149: 7.6 Holidays . . . . . . . . .. Com
  • Page 150 and 151: 7.7 Entertainment . Complete each s
  • Page 152 and 153: 7.8 Education and Training . . . .
  • Page 154 and 155: 7.9 The Environment. . . . . …
  • Page 156 and 157: 7.10 Town and Country . . . . . ..
  • Page 160 and 161: 7.12 Work … Complete each sentenc
  • Page 162 and 163: 7. 13 Describing a Festival . . . .
  • Page 164 and 165: 7. 14 Shopping and Services . . . .
  • Page 166 and 167: 7.15 Health and Fitness. Complete e
  • Page 168 and 169: 7. 16 Science and Technology . •
  • Page 170 and 171: 0 •••••••••••
  • Page 172 and 173: 7. 18 The Media . . . . .. Complete
  • Page 174 and 175: 7.19 The Weather . • • • •
  • Page 176 and 177: ‘ _ 7.20 Your Own Country . J :t>
  • Page 178 and 179: 8.1 Writing — Capital Letters . . .
  • Page 180 and 181: 8.2 Writing — Linking Words . . . .
  • Page 182 and 183: 8.3 Writing — An Informal Letter. .
  • Page 184 and 185: 8.4 Writing — A More Formal Letter
  • Page 186 and 187: 8.5 Writing — Organising Your Ideas
  • Page 188 and 189: 8.7 Writing — Possible Topics. In t
  • Page 190 and 191: 8.9 Speaking — U$eful Expressions .
  • Page 192 and 193: Are you organised for the Exam? . .
  • Page 194 and 195: Page 19 l.take advantage 2.take car
  • Page 196 and 197: Page 37 at any rate, by all means,
  • Page 198 and 199: Page 57 I.cut 2.drop 3.get 4.go 5.k
  • Page 200 and 201: Page 79 I.out of 2.up with on
  • Page 202 and 203: I>auc 100 b Exei·cise 1 I.apologis
  • Page 204 and 205: Page 116 I.old enough 2.advised Kat
  • Page 206 and 207: I~agc 148 I.fully insured
  • Page 208:

    captain decided to divert the plane

  • Page 211 and 212:

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  • Travel and holidays choose the most suitable word for each space ответы
  • Travel and holidays choose the correct word
  • Translate word combinations and learn them by heart
  • Translate with microsoft word
  • Translate with correct word order