Translate word combinations and learn them by heart

make a phone call — a long-way distance call

stressful — in advance

to make notes — to reach the
agreement on the phone

to confirm the main points — to be misunderstood

to sound alert/efficient — to be at stake

disadvantage — a first-time
business call

III. Read and translate the text. Business calls

you don’t have much experience of making phone calls in English,
making a business call can be a worrying experience. If you have to
call someone you already know, you may actually enjoy making the call
but remember that long distance calls are expensive.

you may have to make a first-time business call to a prospective
client: not easy in English! Making a phone call to a stranger can be
quite stressful, especially if they speak English better than you.

business people, unless they feel very confident, prepare for an
important phone call in a foreign language by making notes in
advance. And during the call they make notes while they are talking
to help them to remember what was said.

it is quick and convenient to phone someone to give them information
or to ask questions, the disadvantage is that there is nothing in
writing to help you to remember what was said. It is essential to
make notes and often when an agreement is reached on the phone, one
of the speakers will send a fax to confirm the main points that were

it is so easy to be misunderstood when talking on the phone it is a
good idea to repeat any important (especially numbers and names) back
to the other person to make sure you’ve got it right. Always make
sure you know the name of the person you are talking to. If
necessary, ask them to spell it out to you, so that you can make sure
you’ve got it right – and try to use then name during the call.
And make sure they know you name too.

important to sound interested, helpful and alert when answering the
phone. You may have to make or receive calls to or from regular
customers and prospective customers, so a good telephone manner not
only makes an impression in business, but it also helps to make

you’re talking on the phone, remember that the person you’re
talking to may be having difficulties too.
short don’t forget that the other person:

wants to understand you easily, so try to speak clearly;
2. can’t see your reactions, so always
confirm that you have (or have not) understood each point that’s
been made;

can’t see you and doesn’t know what a nice person you are, so
make sure you sound polite and agreeable;
4. hasn’t
got all day, so make sure your call is brief;
5. is getting an impression of your firm while
talking with you, so make sure that you sound efficient – your
firm’s image may be at stake, even if you’re just taking a

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9.  Translate  words,  word  combinations  and  learn  them 

by heart: 





устройства;  центральный  процессор;  шина  (канал  передачи 


регистр  команд;  арифметико-логическое  устройство;  блок 

управления; основная память; счетчик программы; системные 

часы; мощность и производительность компьютера; системная 

шина,  обеспечивающая  соединение  между  x86/x86-64-

совместимым  центральным  процессором  и  внутренними 





буферная  память  (кэш);  основная  монтажная  плата;  сетевые 

возможности; микросхемы памяти; шина кэш-памяти второго 

уровня в процессорах с двойной независимой шиной; ширина 

шины  —  количество  линий  ввода-вывода;  платы  и  слоты 

расширения; многоядерные процессоры 


15. Complete Text C with the following words:


financial Internet electronic print design microchips 


Text C 

Computers in Everyday Life 

Computers have changed the way we do everyday things, such 

as working, shopping and looking for information. We (1) … 

houses with the help of PCs; we buy books or make flight 

reservations on the (2) … ; we use gadgets that spring to life the 

instant they are switched on, for example the mobile phone, the 

music player, or the car ignition, all of which use (3) … . Many 

people now work at home, and they communicate with their office 

by computer and telephone. This is called ”teleworking”. 

With the appropriate hardware and software, a PC can do 

almost anything you ask. It’s a magical typewriter that allows you 

to type and (4) … any sort of document. It’s a calculating machine 

that makes (5) … calculations. It’s a filing cabinet that manages a 

large collections of data. It’s a personal communicator that lets you 

interact with friends. It’s a small lab that helps you edit photos and 

movies. And if you like (6) … entertainment, you can also use it to 

relax with games. 

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:

Подборка по базе: Механика и термодинамика_ Методическое пособие для лабораторного, Теория литературы в таблицах. Комплект из 20 таблиц с методическ, Тема 1.3. «Современное учебное занятие в условиях введения обнов, Тема занятия «Современное учебное занятие в условиях введения об, Учебное пособие по теме _Логарифмы_.doc, Курсовая работа Пособие на погребение условия и порядок назначен, исправленное уч. пособие-111.doc, Урок 53. Учебное исследование. Жесткость воды..docx, Богатин Ю.В., Швандар В.А. Экономическое управление бизнесом. Уч, BRONSUN — Пособие по работе с красителем.pdf

Exercise 12. Replace the words in bold with the synonym from previous texts.

1. As the body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins they must be provided in the diet or in dietary supplements. 2. Lack of dietary minerals can lead to a plethora of diseases affecting many body organs. 3. Historically, people secured nourishment through two methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. 4. To reduce weight in an obese patient is an important problem. 5. Fat yields 9 calories of heat per gram instead of the 4 calories to be yielded by sugar.
Exercise 13. In the sentences below translate the Russian expressions into English.

We all know that eating right can help you maintain a healthy weight and … (избежать проблем со здоровьем), but your diet can also have a profound effect on your mood and sense of wellbeing. Studies have linked eating a typical Western diet – filled with processed meats, packaged meals, takeout food, and sugary snacks – with … (высоким уровнем депрессии, стресса), bipolar disorder, and anxiety. Eating an unhealthy diet may even play a role in the development of … (душевных / психических расстройств) such as ADHD, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia, or in the increased risk of suicide in young people.

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking meals at home, and reducing your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, on the other hand, may help to … (улучшить расположение духа) and lower your risk for mental health problems.

Changing everything at once … (обычно приводит к) cheating or giving up on your new eating plan. To set yourself up for success, think about … (планировании здоровой диеты) as a number of small, manageable steps – like adding a salad to your diet once a day – rather than one big drastic change. As your small changes … (станут привычкой), you can continue to add more healthy choices.

Perhaps the single biggest problem with the modern Western diet is … (количество добавляемого сахара) in our food. As well as … (создание проблем с весом), too much sugar causes energy spikes and has been linked to diabetes, depression, and even an increase in suicidal behaviors in young people. … (Сокращение количества) of candy and desserts you eat is only part of the solution as sugar is also hidden in foods such as bread, cereals, canned soups and vegetables, pasta sauce, margarine, instant mashed potatoes, frozen dinners, low-fat meals, fast and ketchup. Your body … (получает все необходимое) from sugar naturally occurring in food so all this added sugar just means a lot of empty calories.

Exercise 14. Write an essay on one of the given topics.

1. Healthy lifestyle.

2. Healthy eating.

3. My daily diet.
Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Здоровый образ жизни – это способ жизнедеятельности, направленный на полное изменение прежних привычек, касающихся еды, режима физической активности и отдыха. 2. Рациональный режим труда и отдыха предполагает чередование периодов физического и умственного напряжения с периодами полного расслабления. 3. Пища должна быть исключительно натуральной и содержать все необходимые макро- и микроэлементы, витамины. 4. Движение является основным условием обеспечения жизни. 5. Достаточная двигательная активность обеспечивает поддержание на высоком уровне иммунитета, что позволяет человеку успешно противостоять инфекционным заболеваниям. 6. Спорт способствует развитию мускулатуры тела, в том числе и укреплению сердечной мышцы. 7. Рацион должен быть полноценным и разнообразным, тогда организм будет получать все необходимые питательные вещества. 8. Курение, спиртные напитки, вредные пищевые пристрастия (солёная пища, чипсы, сладости, газировка) – всё это факторы, разрушающие здоровье. 9. Волнение, стрессы, напряжение, раздражительность – прямые причины раннего старения. 10. Сон должен быть полноценным (7-8 часовым для взрослого человека) и таким же полноценным должен быть отдых в выходные дни.

In the modern world more and more people pay attention to their health. People are considering healthy diets and lifestyle in general. Make a list of your daily diet. Make your favourite dish and treat your classmates.

Unit 5.

Traditions and customs

Warm up

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.

A tradition; a long-standing tradition; a traditional feature; a traditional matter; traditional love; traditionally; to keep traditions and customs; a behavior; a nation; values; a generation.
Exercise 2. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

1. to survive a) преодолевать;
2. to be proud of b) гостеприимный;
3. to overcome c) невзгоды, трудности;
4. hardships d) приветствие;
5. to hesitate e) посвящать;
6. to defend f) рукопожатие;
7. hospitable g) выживать;
8. greeting h) защищать;
9. a handshake i) гордиться чем-либо;
10. to devote j) колебаться, сомневаться.


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text on traditions and customs in Russia. Use the dictionary when necessary.


What is a tradition? Traditions are a way of defining who people are, that’s why it is very important that traditions do survive in the country. Russia is a country of great traditions and Russians are very proud of it. There are a lot of wonders in Russia. But it is true to say that Russia is most famous for its people.

To understand Russian people, one must know from where they come. Nature has not been kind to Russia. Winters in Russia are cold, windy and snowy. So in old Russia people could do little during long winter months. But in spring there is a lot to be done, and in a short period of time. Perhaps, this explains why the Russians are often inactive for long periods of time and then show bursts of energy. The harsh climate explains the Russians’ strength and their ability to overcome hardships. Climate has also made them cautious.

At the same time the majority of Russians don’t have what you call in the west “good manners”. Their manners are not bad, they are just Russian. Russia is quite a tough country and Russians usually do not hesitate to say what they think in a way that doesn’t leave room for any misunderstandings. Russians are very straightforward. Yet most of the Russians are open people. They are neither reticent nor reserved as the British. Russian people love to sit down for a nice long chat. They like having parties and receiving guests. The Russians are known to be a hospitable people.

The typical greeting in Russia is a firm, almost bone-crushing handshake while maintaining direct eye contact and giving the appropriate greeting for the time of day. When men shake hands with women, the handshake is less firm. When female friends meet, they kiss on the cheek. When close male friends meet, they may pat each other on the back and hug. One of the main Russian traditions is that they mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring by burning straw scarecrows of winter on bonfires and eating pancakes with honey or sour cream. This long-standing tradition is still alive in many places in Russia. Russians enjoy attending theatres and cinemas. Also attending performances in a company is always much more fun.

Russian people have always loved their country, though life in Russia has never been easy. They have always been devoted to their Motherland, fighting for peace and independence against enemies. We can’t say that Russians are conservative. On the contrary, they encourage research and innovations, despite the fact that there are a lot of customs and traditions in their life. For example, before leaving on a journey, many Russian people sit down quietly together for a few minutes.

Russian people are clever and talented. We can name a lot of outstanding Russians who are well-known all over the world. And one can say that it’s a nation that has done a lot for the world civilization.

When foreign guests leave Russia, they usually say different things about the country. Some of them like it, others don’t, but practically everybody agrees that Russian people are wonderful. They are friendly, kind and very hospitable. Generally, Russians love their country. They can criticize it severely, but if you try to do the same they will defend it furiously. They feel like citizens of the largest county in the world, which has rich history and deep cultural roots, and they are proud of it.
Exercise 4. Consult the text and find English equivalents to the words combination.

1. способность преодолевать невзгоды; 2. прилив энергии; 3. хорошие манеры; 4. устраивать вечеринки; 5. принимать гостей; 6. зрительный контакт; 7. пожимать руки; 8. целовать в щеку; 9. резко критиковать; 10. сражаться за мир и независимость.
Exercise 5. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Russians are very proud of their traditions. 2. Russian people are glad to hear critics about their country. 3. Because of the harsh climate Russians are characterized by inability to overcome hardships. 4. Russian people don’t like to have long conversations. 5. In spite of their straightforwardness Russians are very hospitable.
Exercise 6. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a tradition? 2. What is Russia most famous for? 3. Why are Russians inactive during long periods of time? 4. When do Russian people show bursts of energy? 5. How can you describe Russian character? 6. What is a typical greeting in Russia among close friends? 7. What is a typical greeting in Russia among men? 8. What do Russians do before they leave on a journey? 9. What is the attitude of Russians to their country? 10. What do they do when someone criticizes their country?
Exercise 7. Give a short summary of the text.
Exercise 8. Now read and translate the text on traditions and customs in Britain. Use the dictionary when necessary.


One of the most characteristic features of Englishmen is their traditions which they respect and which they have kept for centuries. The traditions don’t only accumulate experience and wisdom of many generations, but they bring some stability into the rapidly changing world. Even the legislation of the country is traditional. It includes many laws that haven’t been changed for centuries.

The British nation is very interesting and unusual. The British have sentimental love for all old things, including their traditions. They keep fireplaces in their houses instead of central heating, their letterboxes and telephone boxes are red – all these are traditions. The houses are traditionally not very high; they are usually two-storied.

Other traditional features of Great Britain are numerous clubs that unite people of various interests; and the pubs, the local beer halls where Englishmen like to spend their time talking, discussing traditional matters: politics, sports and weather over a glass of beer.

The British have a reputation of being conservative, for having established values without questioning their validity. They keep up the left side of the road and use double-deckers. They stick to their own measurement system and continue to measure distances in miles and yards (not in kilometres and metres). They buy cheese in pounds and ounces, milk in pints, petrol in gallons.

English people are famous for their habit of politeness. It is considered polite to give up one’s seat to a woman who is standing, to open a door for her, carry things for her, and so on. Most British people expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them. People think you are rude if you don’t do this. English people are very reserved. This means that they don’t talk much to strangers and don’t show much emotion. A reserved person never tells you anything about himself. But the people of the North and West of Britain are much less reserved than those of the South and East. Most British people queue when they are waiting for a bus or waiting to be served in a shop. But during the rush hour, when a bus or train arrives, people often push forward to make sure they get on. This is called jumping the queue.

British people keep their old traditions and are very proud of them. They are famous for their sense of humour. English people show great love for animals. And, of course, English people are fond of sports. Many continentals think life is a game; the English think cricket is a game. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider something unfair, they say “That isn’t cricket”. The traditional love of English people for tea is well-known. They like to drink tea with milk. They have their five o’clock tea not only at home or offices, but also in tea-rooms and tea-shops, which can be found in every town. Another tradition is keeping black ravens in the Tower of London. The legend says that until ravens are in the Tower, Britain will be powerful and London will be the capital of the country.

A nation is born from its land, its history, its art, its traditions and its institutions. But above all, a nation is made up of people, and although there are things they all share, all of those people are different. We can say there is still the British nation, which keeps its traditions and customs.
Exercise 9.Match each definition with the correct word. Translate the words into Russian and learn them by heart.

1. reserved a) honest and not likely to hide one’s opinion;
2. politeness b) impolite;
3. to respect c) not showing feelings;
4. a wisdom d) a line of waiting people;
5. straightforward e) to show consideration or appreciation;
6. behavior f) a place in a room where a fire burns;
7. a queue g) manner of behaving or conducting oneself;
8. rude h) having or showing good manners;
9. habit i) something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it;
10. a fireplace j) the ability to think and act utilizing knowledge experience, understanding.

Exercise 10.Choose the right answer.

1. What reputation do British have?

a) unusual; b) unfair; c) conservative; d) rude.

2. What is considered polite for British?

a) standing in a queue; b) giving up his sit to a standing woman;

c) sharing their possessions with others; d) discussing traditional matters.

3. What does the word reserved mean?

a) not showing emotions; b) standing in a queue;

c) not talking to strangers; d) keeping traditions.

4. The houses in Britain are usually:

a) one-storied; b) two-storied; c) three-storied; d) high.

5. What do traditions mean for British?

a) traditions change their world; b) British respect old generations;

c) British obey the law; d) Traditions bring stability into the world.

6. What is the most popular traditional feature of British?

a) drinking beer; b) love for animals;

c) love for tea; d) having their own measurement system.

7. What British feature sometimes seems weird for Russians?

a) sense of humour; b) politeness;

c) being reserved; d) being conservative.

8. What game is popular among British?

a) football; b) cricket; c) golf; d) baseball.

9. When do British like to discuss traditional matters?

a) in the pubs; b) standing in a queue;

c) during a cricket game; d) during a cup of tea.

10. What is a pub?

a) a kind of a cafe; b) a tea-room;

c) a kind of a restaurant; d) a local beer hall.

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