Translate the words and word combinations using the words from the text

tour –

be hard on smb.

быть безжалостным к кому-либо (чему-либо)

хорошо провести время

брешь, пробел

take some filling. –
будет заполнить пустоту (в желудке).

one’s own heart –

account for –

go on the stage –

leave nothing to be desired –
оставлять желать ничего лучшего

leave much to be desired –
желать много лучшего

be of service

– быть полезным

Exercises to the text Paraphrase the following sentences. Say in which situations they occur in the text

  1. The actor, Gilbert Caister,
    who had been «out» for six months, emerged from his
    east-coast seaside lodging.

  2. The
    sunlight in this damned town was very strong, very hard on seams and
    buttonholes, on knees and

  3. It reclined backwards on the
    right side, conspicuous in his dark hair, above that shadowy face
    always inter­esting to Gilbert Caister.

  4. Remember what sport we had
    over «Gotta-Grampus»?

  5. And—elegantly threadbare,
    roundabout and dap­per—the two walked side by side.

  6. And what a flow of his own
    tongue suddenly re­leased—on drama, music, art.

  7. «I say, old chap, don’t
    think me a beast, but are you at all—er—er—rocky? I mean—if
    I can be of any ser­vice, don’t hesitate! Old acquaintance,
    don’t you know, and ail that—.»

  8. A drop, black when it left
    his heart, suffused his eye behind the monocle; his smile curled

  9. They had spotted his Dr.

and expand on the following

  1. Together with the actual
    tweeds, in which he could so easily fancy himself refitted, he could
    see a reflection of himself, in the faded brown suit wangled out of
    the production of «Marmaduke Mandeville».

  2. A face rosy, bright, round,
    with an air of cherubic knowledge, as of getter-up of amateur

  3. «Nothing of a part,»
    he drawled, «took it to fill a gap.» And below his
    waistcoat the gap echoed: «Yes, and it’ll take some filling.»

  4. «Nothing particular.
    I’ve been—er—rather slack.» And with their feel around his
    waist his trousers seemed to echo: «Slack!»

  5. «And how do you account
    for it?» «Try starvation,» trembled on Caister’s
    lips. «I don’t,» he said.

  6. Topping!
    The laughter and applause—’Mr Caister’s
    left nothing to be desired; its—are in the true spirit of—!’

  7. ‘I—I should—er—be
    willing to rehearse on approv­al; or—if I could read the

  8. A life of draughty waiting,
    of concealed beggary, of terrible depression, of want of food!

antonyms with the help of negative prefixes.

fit, conscious, conspicuous,
balanced, concerned, to regard, to approve, to understand

IV. Translate into Russian

  1. A salary of four pounds a
    week would not, he was conscious, remake his fortunes, but a certain
    jaunti-ness had returned to the gait and manner of one em­ployed
    again at last.

  2. … he stopped before a
    fishmonger’s and regarded a lobster. Ages since he had eaten a

  3. One could long for a lobster
    without paying, but the pleasure was not solid enough to detain him.

  4. he removed his hat, for under it was his new phe­nomenon, not
    yet quite evaluated, his meche

  5. Have you been playing
    anything great?

  6. I often wish I’d gone on
    the regular stage myself. Must be a topping life.

  7. Silence recalled him from his
    rings of smoke.

  8. Alone with his heart, his
    boot, his life to come…

  9. Was
    it (meche
    asset, or the beginning of the end?

  10. «Luck!» said
    Bryce-Green. «Luck!» replied Caister; and the cocktail
    trickling down him echoed: «Luck!»

  11. Rather distinguished,
    perhaps, but—!

V. Explain the meaning
of the following words and word combinations.

mellow fruit, a mellow autumn, a mellow light, mellow
a mellow voice

crisp hair, crisp air, a crisp voice, a crisp answer, a crisp

slack trade, slack water, slack attendance, slack rope,

d) a fishmonger’s, a
cheesemonger’s, an ironmonger’s, a scandalmonger, a newsmonger, a

the following word combinations in sentences of your own.

a) to be of solid build; to
have a solid meal; to be on solid ground; to have solid ground for;
for a solid hour

  1. ready for any emergency, in
    case of emergency, a state of emergency


твердые тела; твердая пища; веские
доводы; проч­ная основа; реальные
основания; чистое золото; сплоченная
партия; группа

  1. запасной выход;
    экстренный тормоз; вынужден­ная
    посадка; экстренный вывоз; чрезвычайные
    пол­номочия; неприкосновенный запас;
    чрезвычайное положение

prepositions or adverbs wherever required.

was keen … theatrical art and wished he had gone … the stage
himself. He was glad to meet Ciaster, who was … tour in that small
seaside town, and invited him … lunch. Here was somebody he could
times … their wine and food they would
able to talk .’.. things that were dear… him. He had been waiting
long … this chance and was now burst­ing … excitement,
anxious to hear what Caister had to say … the state of the drama.
However, he was sur­prised … Caister’s enthusiasm. He could not
account … his friend’s reserve or his evident disinclination to
talk. He felt conscious … a change … the man. He could no longer
recognize … him the old carefree man … the world. Something must
have gone wrong … him, the world must have been hard … him.

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communicate with people (общаться с людьми)
communicate with each other (общаться друг с другом)
means of communication (средства связи) by means of (с помощью) mean (означать что-либо)
What do you mean? (Что ты имеешь в виду?)
The dark clouds mean rain. (Темные тучи к дождю.)
telephone (звонит по телефону)
to ring up smb / place (звонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to phone smb / place (звонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to call up smb / place (позвонить кому-либо / куда-либо)
to talk / speak to smb over / on the telephone (разговаривать / говорить кем-то по / на связи)
phone (телефон, звонить по телефону)
What’s your phone number? (Какой у тебя номер?)
а phone card (телефонная карта)
а phone box (телефонная будка)

1. It is very important to communicate with people (Очень важно общаться с людьми).
2. I did this job by means of my talents (Я сделал эту работу используя весь мой талант).
3. — Look at the sky (Посмотри на небо).
— What do you mean? (Что ты имеешь ввиду?)
— The dark clouds mean rain (Темные облака означают к дождю).
4. Danny, wait a minute, please. I am speaking over the phone (Дени, подожди минутку, пожалуйста. Я разговариваю по телефону).

Найдите в тексте, и переведите на русский язык предложения со следующими словосочетаниями:

 a)   Isn’t it strange that we do nothing personally to recognize the very special role our friends play in our lives? — Очень странно, что мы не делаем лично ничего, чтобы осознать какую очень важную роль играют друзья в наших жизнях?
b)  And they expect nothing for their effort — beyond perhaps a smile and a thank you. — И они не ожидают ничто за их усилия — кроме, пожалуй, улыбки и «спасибо».
c)   We decided to declare July 31 as our Friends Day — a day to take a moment to remember all the kindness our friends have done for us during the year. — Мы решили объявить 31 июля днем Друзей — день чтобы взять и вспомнить всю доброту, которую наши друзья сделали для нас в течение года.

 a)    If you also think the idea of a Friends Day is worth supporting, do it. — Если вы также думаете, что идею относительно дня Друзей стоит поддержать, сделайте это.
b)    Thank all your friends for the wonderful gift they give you by simply saying. — Поблагодарите всех ваших друзей за замечательный подарок, которым они дают вам, просто говоря.
c)    Times change and we do, too, but friendship is for always. — Времена меняются, и мы меняемся, но дружба — навсегда.

Read and translate the words and word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 8 класс Биболетова. SECTION 5. Let’s Save the Earth, Our Home. Номер №74


Перевод задания
Читайте и переведите слова и словосочетания. Используйте их в своих предложениях.

energy − source of energy, natural / solar / wave energy, biomass / geothermal energy

electricity − to create electricity; fossil fuel electricity; power station, electrical power

power − solar power; hydropower; electrical power

technology − renewable technology; eco−friendly / green technology

green − green technology / products / materials

энергия − источник энергии, природная / солнечная / волновая энергия, биомасса / геотермальная энергия
электричество − создавать электричество; электричество на ископаемом топливе; электростанция, электроэнергия
мощность, энергия − солнечная энергия; гидроэнергетика; электроэнергия
технология − возобновляемые технологии; экологически чистые / зеленые технологии
зеленый − зеленые технологии / продукты / материалы
1. Biomass is a renewable energy because it contains energy which comes from the Sun.
2. Solar power is light and heat from the Sun.
3. A truly ‘smart house’ uses only green energy.

Перевод ответа
1. Биомасса − это возобновляемая энергия, поскольку она содержит энергию, исходящую от Солнца.
2. Солнечная энергия − это свет и тепло Солнца.
3. По−настоящему «умный дом» использует только зеленую энергию.

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

The words and word combinations below help us to speak about certain arts. Organise them according to the arts that they describe. (Certain words can belong to more than one category.)

  • Theatre
  • Cinema
  • Music
  • Sculture
  • Painting
  • Literature
  1. Theatre – Drama / Success / Classical / Gallery / Stage / Balcony / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Box / Audience / Opera / Scenery / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / To act / Character / To applaud / Seat / Dress circle / Stalls / Performer
  2. Cinema – Drama / Success / Classical / Screen / Audience / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / Colour film / To act / Horror movie / Cinemagoer / Feature film / Character / Seat / Performer
  3. Music – Flute / Success / Classical / Stage / Violin / Piano / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Audience / Opera / Sound / To compose / To applaud / Performer
  4. Sculpture – Sculpture / Success / Bronze / Work of art / Monuments / Theatre Statue / Museum
  5. Painting – Success / To draw / Gallery / Work of art / Museum / To paint.
  6. Literature – Drama / Success / Classical / Fiction / Tragedy / Comedy / Character

Другие задания учебника[править | править код]

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  • Translate the words and word combinations make up sentences with them
  • Translate the words and find the odd word
  • Translate the word translated in spanish
  • Translate the word this to spanish
  • Translate the word subject into russian